
=== jalcine- is now known as JackyAlcine
=== jalcine- is now known as JackyAlcine
=== jalcine is now known as Guest54507
=== jalcine- is now known as JackyAlcine
=== JackyAlcine is now known as Jacky
passstabIW isn't working for me right now15:38
passstabbut somebody should probably put http://lifehacker.com/5904069/five-best-distributions15:38
passstabnvm i did it15:49
pleia2thanks passstab16:24
passstabnp :)16:24
passstabhow do you decide what goes in "other articles of intrust" ?16:26
pleia2it tends to be big linux-related news, or generic "best of" articles that we find interesting16:27
pleia2I like to include debian news there too16:27
pleia2need to run off to the airport, but I'll be back in a bit (dropping my fiance off *sniff*)16:28
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
akgranerUbuntu stats are in19:47
* MrChrisDruif checks real quick if all flavor meetings are up to date and if he can make one/two summaries19:52
akgranersecurity and updates anre in as well19:59
akgranerMrChrisDruif, thanks for checking on that20:00
MrChrisDruifI *think* only Lubuntu had a meeting...again20:00
MrChrisDruifpleia2; no Xubuntu meeting?20:00
MrChrisDruifThanks Unit19320:01
MrChrisDruifSaves me searching20:01
Unit193Unless they hid it from me. >_>20:01
pleia2akgraner: thank you!20:02
pleia2MrChrisDruif: right20:02
akgranerpleia2, let me know if you need a reviewer - I'm going to be afk for a couple hours but will check back before turning in for the night - stayed up to late watching ppv UMA fights last night and I am paying for it now20:03
akgranerbut will be happy to review and move stuff over in a few hours for you if you want20:04
pleia2akgraner: thanks :) I'm running out to lunch now but I suspect I'll need to write some summaries, and when I write summaries I need more pairs of eyes reviewing20:04
* pleia2 seeks sushi20:04
akgranerpleia2, ping my on gmail (my phone will yell at me if you do) and I'll help with some summaries20:05
pleia2still need several summaries, I'll start writing some soon23:26
nlsthzn:( after the last of the Sc2 games I will get 6 hours sleep then I will clean up what is left...23:39
pleia2nlsthzn: it needs to be finished in the next couple hours, thanks though23:43
nlsthznk... then I can try and do a few in an hour or so...23:43
Unit193I can be useless and look over it when everyone is done. :P23:44
pleia2Unit193: that's not useless!23:44
Unit193It is if you don't really know what you're doing. :D23:44

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