=== Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away | ||
Cloud1 | hey | 01:43 |
popey | morning | 07:56 |
czajkowski | herrrro | 07:58 |
* popey just discovered a blog post by AlanBell from the past | 08:23 | |
popey | when looking for something unrelated | 08:23 |
popey | http://webbookblog.com/possible-update-on-the-graphics-drivers/ | 08:23 |
=== Lcawte|Away is now known as Lcawte | ||
MartijnVdS | best viewed at 1024×600 | 09:25 |
AlanBell | that was bad hardware | 09:39 |
brobostigon | good morning everyone. | 09:42 |
MartijnVdS | \o | 09:42 |
brobostigon | o/ | 09:43 |
jacobw | morning | 09:49 |
Myrtti | I should listen to more Air, clear sign of that is that I get the chills when Galaxy Note ad is on telly | 09:49 |
jacobw | i have feeling there's important things i should be doing, but i have many episodes of babylon 5 to watch | 09:49 |
Myrtti | I have the same feeling with Yesterday's WDYTYA marathon | 09:50 |
jacobw | wdytya? | 09:50 |
Myrtti | Who Do You Think You Are | 09:50 |
jacobw | haha | 09:50 |
jacobw | that's an obscure marathon | 09:50 |
Myrtti | Finnish television did a Finnish version and I heard about it when there was only one episode left to show :-| | 09:51 |
* Myrtti is a history buff | 09:51 | |
=== gry is now known as gry2 | ||
jacobw | its the london marathon today :) | 09:56 |
=== gry2 is now known as gry | ||
MartijnVdS | jacobw: 8km was enough for me ;) | 10:46 |
* jacobw thinks more about running | 10:52 | |
bigcalm | Good mor^Wafternoon peeps :) | 11:13 |
popey | yo | 11:14 |
MartijnVdS | hi popey | 11:14 |
bigcalm | Yo dig? | 11:14 |
Pissed | hi all dose unity --reset rest the complet intall back to start or dose it just reest the UI | 12:32 |
sagaci | Pissed, resets the UI | 12:32 |
Pissed | thanks sagaci, how do i reset the OS back to the start with out rebuliding | 12:38 |
Pissed | im from widonw and i can not see a roll back or back up tool. im a bit confused. | 12:38 |
brobostigon | in 12.04 there is a built in, backup solution. as for rollback, i dont think it really comparitivly possible. | 12:39 |
brobostigon | Pissed: dejadup is the backup software used. | 12:40 |
sagaci | in 11.10 there's deja dup but from memory (I haven't used it) it only does files and directories, not system-wide backup | 12:40 |
sagaci | Pissed, what's the problem? | 12:40 |
Pissed | wel im new to this, and i keep messing things up, but learning mess up, so id like to be aable to do a system roll back or back up and restore, how do i best achive this, thanks | 12:42 |
Pissed | im switching to linix cos of nodejs and cos im so board with windows | 12:42 |
sagaci | unless you've screwed up royally, you could create a new user and just go from there | 12:42 |
Pissed | ok, so what if i install node, mess it up. i just create a new account, delte old on and im done, is that right. | 12:43 |
sagaci | err, no | 12:43 |
Pissed | he thought not. | 12:43 |
Pissed | is there a system roll back tool then | 12:43 |
sagaci | if it's just nodejs are you having trouble with the configuration files or something? | 12:44 |
SuperEngineer | hurrumph! It's my birthday & I wanted some F1 action. I will not give Murdoch £ for political reasons & now, it appears some hactivists are attacking Formula1.com - grrr | 12:45 |
Pissed | well, i keep setting up node and npm as instructed and express is just not going right for me, im not sure if im getting local and global install right. | 12:46 |
Pissed | i use https://gist.github.com/579814 section two to install node and npm | 12:46 |
Pissed | but when i do https://github.com/visionmedia/express it all gose wrong. | 12:47 |
Pissed | is this cos im messing up the gloabl and local thing | 12:47 |
sagaci | err, right.. you could try purging the packages and reinstalling if you want to start from scratch without clean installing | 12:48 |
jussi | SuperEngineer: aww | 12:48 |
penguin42 | SuperEngineer: Try cake instead, cake's always good for birthdays | 12:49 |
SuperEngineer | ;) | 12:49 |
Pendulum | penguin42: +1 | 12:50 |
penguin42 | hmm I really should use a snapshot on this vm, I keep nuking it as I try stuff and having to reinstall | 12:53 |
jussi | SuperEngineer: I could *cough* suggest other things... but hrm, this channel :P :P | 12:53 |
penguin42 | you're sure it's better than cake? | 12:53 |
Pissed | whats a good snap shoot tool. + do i just snap shoot root and re install root. and forget about home | 12:54 |
penguin42 | Pissed: Well I was going to use an lvm snapshot; not too simple and I'm not always convinced they're happy | 12:56 |
SuperEngineer | jussi, ;) | 12:58 |
Pissed | ok, so if i purdge the sytem will this take me back to origianl install. | 13:00 |
Pissed | sos guy, a rollbacl tool is what im used to , | 13:00 |
directhex | Pissed: there's no gui way to do what you want. there are non-gui ways to do it. | 13:01 |
directhex | (lvm snapshotting, for those at the back) | 13:02 |
Pissed | cool ta ill look at hat | 13:04 |
* SuperEngineer looks at his own hat in sympathy | 13:11 | |
jacobw | etckeeper :) | 13:31 |
jussi | haha... everton and united drew today :D | 13:43 |
bigcalm | One cannot image a self mounted drive, right? | 14:07 |
kvarley | I'm having a weird issue. Flash videos on YouTube, etc have colouration issues but videos in Gnome-MPlayer and VLC don't. Any suggestions? | 14:16 |
kvarley | They seem to be in a negative sort of effect | 14:16 |
jacobw | bigcalm: self mounted? | 14:23 |
bigcalm | Ignore me :) | 14:27 |
* jacobw /ignores bigcalm | 14:30 | |
jacobw | :D | 14:30 |
jacobw | hi thameslink | 14:36 |
thameslink | hi there :) | 14:36 |
jacobw | interesting name | 14:39 |
=== webpigeo1 is now known as webpigeon | ||
webpigeon | 4/join #java | 17:04 |
webpigeon | fail :/ | 17:04 |
cocoa117 | does the ubuntu kernel been pre-configured with its source code? | 17:27 |
cocoa117 | so when i compile it the module is created based on the ubuntu standard | 17:28 |
MartijnVdS | ? | 17:28 |
MartijnVdS | You can install the kernel-headers package for your kernel | 17:28 |
MartijnVdS | and then it will do that, yes | 17:28 |
cocoa117 | i don't have to do menuconfig thing with kernel.org source code | 17:28 |
MartijnVdS | though using something like "dkms" is recommended (it will recompile modules automatically when new kernels are released) | 17:28 |
MartijnVdS | Indeed, you don't have to do menuconfig | 17:28 |
cocoa117 | MartijnVdS, i c | 17:29 |
cocoa117 | MartijnVdS, so if i patched ubuntu kernel source code, i should do dkms to get new modules? | 17:29 |
cocoa117 | MartijnVdS, i only just patched DVB section of the source code | 17:30 |
MartijnVdS | uhrm | 17:31 |
MartijnVdS | why would you do that? | 17:31 |
cocoa117 | MartijnVdS, do you mean why would i patch ubuntu kernel source code? i need a function and version 3.0.0 kernel don't support it | 17:32 |
cocoa117 | have to get new module before the program can work | 17:32 |
cocoa117 | it is a dvb loop device module | 17:32 |
MartijnVdS | separate module packages are easy | 17:34 |
MartijnVdS | but modules like this.. I'd have to study that | 17:34 |
jacobw | modules are usually packaged | 17:56 |
jacobw | and don't require a patch to source and usually don't particular build options either | 17:58 |
jacobw | you probably need a module package, if you do need to compile the module you need headers | 17:58 |
chambo | Hello. I would like some software to produce videos. Ultimately I'd like a video containing coloured blobs which move around (Slightly obscure but I'm writing some software to do video tracking and this would make some nice synthetic test data). Are there applications available which allow me to describe say two ellipses and some transformations and record this as an AVI? | 18:37 |
chambo | Very long shot I know but I thought someone on here might know of something | 18:37 |
chambo | If not I'll put it on the list of things to write | 18:37 |
=== mh0- is now known as mh0 | ||
gordonjcp | chambo: have you looked at Processing? | 19:13 |
gordonjcp | you may be able to write something in that, it's a sort of java-based graphicsy thing | 19:13 |
chambo | gordonjcp, I've heard of processing but never used. Just had a quick look though and video is only supported with OSX and Windows. A good idea though - I might look for similar languages. | 19:22 |
chambo | Just discovered some software called synfig which looks like it may do what I'm after | 19:25 |
gordonjcp | chambo: you could write it out as a series of frames, then use mencoder to combine them into a video | 19:33 |
gordonjcp | athough tbh you could use damn near any language for that | 19:33 |
cocoa117 | if i need to patch existing ubuntu kernel 3.0.0, say dvb-core modules and snd modules. when I do make and make install, does it mean all the kernel module will be recompiled and build? or the make is smart enough just create module for patched module | 19:38 |
chambo | synfig seems to do the job - a bit faffy to use but I should be able to knock something up | 19:48 |
chambo | Cheers for the suggestions gordonjcp | 19:48 |
directhe` | http://i.imgur.com/EPZ70l.jpg | 19:59 |
MartijnVdS | directhe`: Ikex! | 20:00 |
MartijnVdS | Ikea* | 20:00 |
directhe` | MartijnVdS: not *all* of it. the, erm, radiator isn't | 20:00 |
MartijnVdS | directhe`: the Expedits are :) | 20:00 |
directhe` | the new high gloss expedits are expensive | 20:01 |
MartijnVdS | I have two non-gloss black ones | 20:01 |
MartijnVdS | The "holes" are perfect for records (the old vinyl ones) | 20:01 |
directhe` | MartijnVdS: our front room contains the black 5x5 and old discontinued 5x5 TV expedits | 20:02 |
MartijnVdS | 5x5s are HUGE | 20:03 |
directhe` | MartijnVdS: this means we can transfer boxes of baby tat from nursery to front room, and just slot them in | 20:03 |
directhe` | the SKUBB and DRONA fit well | 20:03 |
MartijnVdS | I have one of the "door" inserts | 20:03 |
directhe` | officially SKUBB is part of the PAX accessories range, but they have a 33x33x33cm | 20:04 |
directhe` | MartijnVdS: we have, erm, 2 of those. and 2 set of drawers. need 4 more doors - but MK ikea were sold out | 20:04 |
MartijnVdS | http://www.ikea.com/gb/en/catalog/products/40166569/#/00156949 | 20:04 |
MartijnVdS | directhe`: You know you can fit 19" hardware between the legs of a LACK table, right? :) | 20:05 |
directhe` | MartijnVdS: i'm not putting rackmount hardware at child height. | 20:05 |
MartijnVdS | No "My first oscilloscope"? | 20:05 |
MartijnVdS | "My first BladeCenter" | 20:06 |
daftykins | lmao | 20:06 |
daftykins | directhe`: wee one on the way eh? boy or girl? | 20:06 |
directhe` | boy | 20:07 |
daftykins | ooh | 20:07 |
daftykins | what's the ETA? also your nick's borked | 20:09 |
directhe` | daftykins: end of june | 20:16 |
daftykins | cool | 20:16 |
directhe` | daftykins: i know, but too laxy to type /nick directhex | 20:16 |
* dwatkins wonders why #linux is trending on Google+ (not that it's a bad thing, just curious) | 20:39 | |
sircrashalot | The only reason #linux is trending is people are excited #linux is trending! | 20:41 |
dwatkins | sircrashalot: I suspected as much, how wonderfully recursive :) | 20:41 |
gordonjcp | sircrashalot: feedback(n): see 'feedback' | 20:50 |
=== jussi is now known as android | ||
=== mgdm_ is now known as mgdm | ||
=== Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away | ||
brobostigon | good night everyone, sleep well. | 21:57 |
sircrashalot | I'll be dreaming of HUDs | 21:58 |
daftykins | \o | 22:01 |
bigcalm | Why am I writing vb.net for work at 11pm on a Sunday evening? | 22:09 |
sircrashalot | Can you compile it in Mono? | 22:09 |
Jora | you just love work that much | 22:09 |
bigcalm | sircrashalot: I'd rather not do any work at all at this time of day | 22:10 |
daftykins | that's how relaxing sunday night is | 22:10 |
bigcalm | Jora: looks like it | 22:10 |
hamitron | !12.04 | 22:10 |
lubotu3 | Ubuntu 12.04 LTS (Precise Pangolin) is the 16th release of Ubuntu and is in Beta testing from 2nd March, Discussion and support until final release in #ubuntu+1 | 22:10 |
daftykins | if i wasn't afraid of getting punched by everyone in the channel, i'd say i don't know the precise release date yet ;x | 22:11 |
* daftykins ducks | 22:11 | |
hamitron | why? | 22:11 |
daftykins | precise... | 22:12 |
* hamitron is looking forward to trying unity | 22:12 | |
bigcalm | 26th, this Thursday | 22:12 |
hamitron | hehe :) | 22:12 |
sircrashalot | One day all programs will be written in vb.net | 22:12 |
hamitron | and one day I will die | 22:13 |
hamitron | ;/ | 22:13 |
Jora | lol | 22:13 |
Jora | i think java seems to be more of the popular language these days | 22:13 |
sircrashalot | java and c | 22:13 |
daftykins | having just the JRE installed sure brings some security problems | 22:14 |
daftykins | apparently it's the largest vector for Windows systems | 22:14 |
hamitron | :/ | 22:15 |
hamitron | if only it wasn't for minecraft.... | 22:15 |
hamitron | ;) | 22:15 |
daftykins | hrmm i want to move back up to my upstairs bedroom | 22:15 |
Jora | i am a programming newb, is there a lot of ai work done in java? | 22:15 |
daftykins | the paint is kinda dry now... | 22:15 |
ali1234 | dont pick a language because it is popular | 22:19 |
daftykins | i'd have thought java wouldn't be best suited | 22:19 |
ali1234 | pick it becase it is the right tool for the job | 22:19 |
hamitron | well said ali1234 | 22:20 |
ali1234 | if you don't know what a language is good for you don't know it well enough to use it | 22:20 |
daftykins | pretty sure Jora's just asking what's commonly used given AI's needs | 22:20 |
ali1234 | lisp | 22:20 |
hamitron | I dunno AI, so *shrugs* | 22:20 |
Jora | Yeah, thats IS what I'm asking daftykins | 22:20 |
hamitron | lua maybe? | 22:20 |
ali1234 | lisp is the most commonly used language in AI, or at least it was | 22:20 |
Jora | I don't know how to use java yet, was just asking a general question. | 22:20 |
Jora | Java is the language that we are required to study in depth. | 22:21 |
daftykins | Jora: whenever i think of Java (and bear in mind you've done more of it than me now) i think of how the virtual machine element makes it less efficient on hardware, so i wonder if AI might need that, but then it depends how people messing with it use it i guess | 22:21 |
ali1234 | java is most commonly used in business applications | 22:21 |
ali1234 | java is designed around the idea of production line programming | 22:22 |
sircrashalot | The tool for the job http://www.dangermouse.net/esoteric/whenever.html | 22:22 |
ali1234 | if you wanted to hire a bunch of people to create a software platform for your business and you wanted to ensure none of them could steal your idea by making sure that none of the developers had any idea what the end product was supposed to actually DO, then java is the language you would have them write it in | 22:24 |
daftykins | i'm always amazed at how far away from a simple question one can get in this channel :D | 22:26 |
Jora | lol | 22:28 |
Jora | I intend to become proficient in java then hopefully move on the something else. | 22:28 |
daftykins | cool | 22:29 |
daftykins | you still getting assignments with it? | 22:29 |
daftykins | to do stuff with it, i mean | 22:29 |
directhe` | sircrashalot: you can write vb.net apps for ubuntu. | 22:30 |
ali1234 | directhe`: what was the name of that mono compatibility testing app? | 22:30 |
Jora | daftykins, i just finished my last java assignment for awhile but I found an online resource to go over what we covered more in depth. | 22:30 |
ali1234 | that tells you if a .net app runs in mono or not | 22:30 |
daftykins | Jora: what kinda thing did the last get up to? | 22:31 |
ali1234 | never mind, found it http://www.mono-project.com/MoMA | 22:31 |
Jora | it was just modifying a payroll system .....importing classes, superclass/subclass relationships | 22:31 |
daftykins | hmm | 22:31 |
Jora | Not that advanced. Newb stuff. | 22:32 |
directhe` | ali1234: MOMA | 22:32 |
ali1234 | cheers | 22:32 |
Jora | Now when I look at java at least it makes a bit of sense to me. | 22:32 |
ali1234 | java is actively designed to prevent you from doing anything "clever" or "advanced" | 22:33 |
directhe` | pretty much. | 22:34 |
Jora | You suggest taking up LISP? | 22:34 |
directhe` | lollisp | 22:34 |
ali1234 | for AI? it's the standard | 22:34 |
ali1234 | for anything else? hell no | 22:34 |
directhe` | prolog. | 22:34 |
directhe` | for AI | 22:34 |
ali1234 | prolog for when your code absolutely has to be correct :) | 22:34 |
Jora | well anything, i was asking about AI etc just because thats an area I'd like to study down the road in a few years | 22:35 |
ali1234 | there is no general purpose language you can learn and then use for everything, except maybe C | 22:35 |
Jora | few years meaning like 5 unless i have sufficient background at some point to do one of those free courses online | 22:35 |
sircrashalot | The recent Thrun+Norvig AI course used python | 22:35 |
Jora | Yeah, I never see any jobs for python programmers ever advertised though | 22:37 |
Jora | Its always Perl, Java C, C++ | 22:38 |
Jora | Python seems to be a good learning tool though | 22:38 |
daftykins | i think Python would be more in the domain of a sysadmin's toolset? | 22:38 |
daftykins | so possibly not specific coding jobs, i dunno | 22:38 |
daftykins | of course i could be talking rubbish, since i don't code... | 22:39 |
daftykins | ;D | 22:39 |
hamitron | Jora, who needs AI when you can get people to "waste" their time in on your app, if you include network support? ;) | 22:41 |
Jora | i dunno, it seems an interesting aspect of computing to learn about | 22:43 |
hamitron | I guess | 22:43 |
hamitron | I personally hate it, but I recognise it is very in depth and a subject of its own | 22:43 |
hamitron | :) | 22:43 |
Jora | What do you dislike about it? | 22:44 |
hamitron | I prefer simulations of real world physics | 22:44 |
hamitron | or things that exist | 22:44 |
hamitron | rather than making something appear to think | 22:44 |
Jora | Yeah, I get you. | 22:45 |
Jora | Like a simulation of a brain vs a bot that appears to think | 22:46 |
hamitron | yeh | 22:47 |
hamitron | or simulation of a car and its handling..... than a bot to drive it | 22:48 |
hamitron | I guess it is fun to program hardware to do something too | 22:48 |
Jora | The more I learn, the less I feel I know and the more there seems there is to learn. | 22:48 |
hamitron | same for all of us | 22:48 |
hamitron | :) | 22:48 |
hamitron | someone who thinks they know so much, there is nothing more to learn..... is someone who hasn't looked into something close enough | 22:49 |
daftykins | yeah i always get that | 22:49 |
daftykins | makes those friends of mine that are pushing boundaries by for example, doing research PhD's etc. all the more amazing | 22:50 |
Jora | oh cool daftykins what are they doing work in? | 22:50 |
daftykins | one guy was recently in Japan helping out with neutrino research, his main line of work is in nuclear physics | 22:57 |
daftykins | so if he sticks at it he'll be a doctor eventually :> | 22:58 |
daftykins | right gonna move bedrooms | 22:58 |
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