
Cheri703Question for my independent contractor comrades: is there a preferred way of tracking/billing/invoicing time? Ideally something android based/integrated?16:31
dzhoone sees all sorts of time tracking apps out there17:25
dzholast time I tried to use one was on Palm OS days, though.17:25
dzhopre HP palm17:26
Cheri703yeah, I found a time tracking app that I think will be good, is free and allows export to google docs and others as csv17:36
dzhooh yeah?17:50
dzhowill be interesting to read what it is, how it works out for you . . .17:51
Cheri703it is called "time recording"17:54
dzhowhat a catchy name :-)17:57
Cheri703I know, it is SUPER clever...though better a simple name than one that is cryptic and has nothing to do with the product17:59
dzhovery much so, yes17:59
canthus13Umm.. when you're dealing with a business, what bookkeeping software do you suggest? I can't find *any* satisfactory bookkeeping software for linux that can replace something like ACT or Peachtree or Quickbooks.18:13
Cheri703I have gnucash and it is the awesome :) don't use it for business stuff, but I think it was thafreak who was talking about it (apologies if it wasn't)18:19
canthus13Getting someone to switch to that from an accounting suite they already know is like taking someone out of a caddilac and trying to get them to drive a stick-shift diesel semi. :?18:26
Cheri703but it is actually pretty decent, it is full double entry accounting18:35
* canthus13 nods.18:38
skellatHere's what we've got so far for Burning Circle 68: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~skellat/burningcircle/burningcircle/revision/4#BC-68.txt22:36
paultagach, god22:37
paultagI wanted to say hi22:37
paultagthat was hella quick join/part22:37
canthus13paultag: join > ctrl-v > part22:56
Unit193You could do it faster...22:57
canthus13Unit193: I'm sure an irssi script could be written to do it...22:59
paultagcanthus13: >:(22:59
Unit193Heh, I have some nice ones. :P23:00
jrgiffordArgh. I come back from a weekend. and somehow my hard drive is FULL. and I mean FULL.23:07
canthus13jrgifford: yay logfiles.23:10
jrgiffordwhats really confusing is that it was OFF, completely OFF all weekend.23:11
jrgifford"/dev/sda6            51G   49G     0 100% /"23:11
canthus13awesome. :)23:12
jrgiffordoh... thunderbird is the culprit.23:12
jrgiffordit trying to download all 1.5GB of my email from this weekend.23:12
canthus13that's a ridiculous amount of email. o.O23:14
jrgiffordyeah, it is23:14
paultag2309 MB of your 7703 MB ← my Gmail (alone)23:15
canthus13"I have wireless now, so I cut off all the wires and it stopped working."23:15
* canthus13 facepalms.23:15
=== Cheri703_ is now known as Cheri703
jrgiffordfun, so i gained roughly 5-6GB of logfiles in an hour23:38
jrgiffordbecause I had ufw set to log everything, and forgot to turn it off23:38
jrgifford1D10T error23:38
Unit193Heh, I had a good one when a log grew to about 13-19G, took up all free space.23:39
jrgiffordnice, not bad.23:42
Unit193Yes bad. :P23:42
jrgiffordbiggest log file i've ever had to deal with was 23GB, the apache logs for a web server hadn't been rotated in 8 months.23:42
jrgiffordafter i did that, within a week it was back to 1GB.23:42
Unit193I had a great apache error log, it was HUGE. (Don't know how large, but not saying larger than 23G)23:43
jrgiffordwhats really fun is looking at the user agent strings for those logs23:44
jrgiffordand seeing crazy things like outlook visiting your site23:44
jrgiffordand IE523:44
canthus13jrgifford: If it didn't freak out certain websites, I'd have Apple //e ProDOS 1.8 in my user agent. :)23:55

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