
daker_mhall119: cjohnston https://code.launchpad.net/~daker/summit/track-tooltip/+merge/10299100:10
mhall119daker_: I'm not seeing the arrow00:16
mhall119or much of a difference at all, really00:16
daker_mhall119: what ? what's your browser ?00:21
daker_mhall119: or maybe you need to clear your cache ?00:24
mhall119daker_: both firefox and chromium00:31
mhall119daker_: is there an image or something for the arrow?00:32
daker_mhall119: no just css00:32
daker_do you see the small arrow ?00:32
mhall119daker_: I see, it's only on the track view00:36
mhall119daker_: can you add it to the room and daily view?00:36
daker_ah ok00:36
daker_mhall119: done https://code.launchpad.net/~daker/summit/track-tooltip/+merge/10299100:43
cjohnstondaker_: you should start hacking on lava with me.. hehe00:50
daker_lava ?00:50
cjohnstonLinaro Automated Validation  https://launchpad.net/lava00:51
cjohnstonI think we need to remove the make stuff00:52
cjohnstondef in Summit as it no longer works00:52
daker_cjohnston: what you can achieve with it ?00:54
cjohnstonit is what Linaro uses for their automated testing for ARM boards for both Ubuntu and Android00:55
cjohnstonI'm using it as a different way to display test results than what Jenkins can provide00:55
cjohnstonthe validation farm is down right now due to Linaro moving offices.. if I remember, when it comes back up I'll show it to you00:56
daker_cjohnston: do you use ec2 to host your website ?00:57
cjohnstondaker_: which site?00:57
cjohnstonI have my lava instance on ec200:58
cjohnstoni have my jenkins instance on ec200:58
cjohnstoni have my summit dev site on ec200:58
cjohnstoni have lava setup on hp cloud00:58
cjohnstonmy personal sites are all at RS00:58
daker_ok RS is Rackspace right ?00:58
daker_because i am planing to run a small blog, and i was thinking what i'll use01:00
cjohnstonif you can do the free ec2 thing that would be best01:01
cjohnstoni dont know if its a US only thing01:01
* daker_ doesn't have a credit card01:02
cjohnstonare you wanting to do paypal?01:04
cjohnstonmaybe just do wordpress.com or something?01:05
daker_i was thinking of alwaysdata.com01:06
cjohnstoni see01:07
daker_mutual hosting with ssh access (bzr, git, svn), you can run any app (django, ruby, php)01:09
daker_i have to pay 100euro including the domain registration01:10
cjohnstonthats expensive01:14
cjohnstonim off for the night..01:21
cjohnstonthanks for helpin out daker_01:21
cjohnstonyou too mhall119.. I'll see you in 18 hours01:21
cjohnstonfor a test writing class01:22
mhall119cjohnston: :P01:24
cjohnstonnigelb: could you mark  https://code.launchpad.net/~nigelbabu/summit/irc-channelsas abandoned or something please12:23
cjohnstondaker_:  https://code.launchpad.net/~daker/summit/fix.warnings same with this please?12:24
daker_good morning13:38
cjohnstondaker_: I'm not quite sure what https://code.launchpad.net/~daker/summit/fix.793019 was for13:41
daker_cjohnston: an outdated branch, i am going to delete it13:42
cjohnstonwhy dont prepackaged apps just work13:55
nigelbcjohnston: can't make it too easy :P14:01
cjohnstonyou would think that since other people use it, it would work14:01
cjohnstonim just tryin to make summit easier to use14:01
cjohnstonnigelb: you should fix it for me14:22
nigelbdream on :P14:23
cjohnstonI'll make mhall119 fix it in a few hours when I'm at his house.. I'll do it IRS style14:24
nigelbYour bug fix or your life.14:25
nigelbThat should be a new throat :P14:25
nigelberr, *threat.14:25
nigelbClearly, my throat pain is distracting my typing.14:26
daker_there is some kind of bug cause a 404 request for twidenash14:29
daker_in loader.js14:29
cjohnstonim gonna get rid of it14:29
cjohnstoni just need to do it14:29
daker_ {14:29
daker_    load: '/media/js/twidenash/jquery-twidenash.js'14:29
daker_ },14:29
cjohnstontwidenash hasn't worked right for a while14:29
cjohnstonso it'll be gone14:29
cjohnstonall of you Summit reviewers: https://code.launchpad.net/~chrisjohnston/summit/twidenash-twitter/+merge/10302620:22
cjohnstonmhall119: that means you too20:22

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