
gary_postermay be slightly late, sorry12:07
gary_posteraiming for :1212:07
gary_posternot yet :-( :1512:12
gary_postergmb now sorry12:16
* gmb -> lunch12:33
benjibac: your card now has room12:56
bacbenji: thanks12:56
benjimy pleasure12:57
gary_posterbenji, I think I'm going to restart post update, even though not much changed, just for amusement, & then I'll be ready.  Are you reviewing or ready?13:06
benjigary_poster: reviewing, about ready13:07
benjigary_poster: done reviewing, getting coffee and preparing13:12
gary_postercool benji, I'm in https://talkgadget.google.com/hangouts/_/extras/canonical.com/goldenhorde13:13
benjigary_poster: I don't seeee youuu13:22
bacbenji, gary_poster: if PGBouncerFixture is made to not do anything in start() then the subsequent error is indeed a 50313:56
gary_posterbac, huh13:56
gary_posterok, well, that means there's still a chance our hypothesis is on track, so that's good...maybe :-)13:56
bacyes, perhaps13:56
gmbArgh, I'm as think as two short planks, me.14:51
gmbSee, I can't even insult myself.14:51
bacgary_poster: i've grabbed the python-pgbouncer project and am trying to build it.  bin/buildout complains about not being able to find packages that are clearly available, e.g.14:56
bacError: Couldn't find a distribution for 'z3c.recipe.scripts==1.0.1'.14:56
bacwhat's the fix?14:57
gary_posterbac, not enough info, but at a guess, project's buildbot.cfg is constraining you somehow.  Maybe try linking lp's download-cache to the local dir?14:58
gary_posterbac, if not I'll get a branch and look14:58
bacgary_poster: ok.  i'd just created a local download-cache14:59
bacgary_poster: gah, install-from-cache in buildout.cfg15:00
gary_posterbac, so clear what to do now?15:00
frankbangary_poster: I was taking a look at serge's lxc tests (here: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~serge-hallyn/+junk/lxc-test/view/head:/lxctest.py)15:26
frankbangary_poster: basically it creates, starts and then destroys a container during a test run15:27
gary_posterfrankban, should I look at them in preparation for our discussion?  I'll assume no until it seems otherwise15:27
frankbangary_poster: no :-)15:28
gary_poster:-) k thanks15:28
* gary_poster listens15:29
frankbangary_poster: I am wondering if I can go on the same path, maybe creating a zope test layer that creates and starts an lxc in setUp and destroys it in tearDown: this way you can also be able to run normal (fast) tests excluding that layer... (if I understand correctly zope layers)...15:30
gary_posterfrankban, lifeless will tell you to use testresources.  jml might tell you that testresources are designed much better but used and hardened much less.  Promoting zope layers anywhere in Canonical will probably get you unhappy people; promoting testresources (https://launchpad.net/testresources) will at least get robert and maybe jml on your side15:36
frankbangary_poster: thanks, taking a look at testresources now, I considered zope layers just because zope.testrunner is already used in the project15:43
gary_posterfrankban, zope.testrunner already used by lxc?15:43
frankbangary_poster: no, by lpsetup15:44
gary_posterfrankban, OIC15:44
gary_posterfrankban, +1 to switch to nose fwiw15:44
gary_posterbut frankban that's on the basis of statstics not personal experience :-P15:45
frankbangary_poster: yes I see that nose is very trendy lately ;-)15:46
gary_posterzopr.* is the opposite of trendy :-)15:49
bacfrankban: in setuplxc we have "repository = LP_REPOSITORIES[1] if valid_ssh_keys else LP_REPOSITORIES[0]" to chose between the http url for the lp branch and lp:launchpad.  why not just use http regardless?15:55
gary_posterbac, because it was going to be a developer tool15:55
baci don't grok15:55
gary_posternow lpsetup will need to be both15:55
gary_posterbac, having a writable branch can be convenient for a developer15:56
gary_posterbuildbot does not care15:56
bacgary_poster: you mean a pushable branch?15:56
gary_posterbenji, I updated https://docs.google.com/a/canonical.com/document/d/1msejam1-AliaJ55lVEYayfWlmHTetjGheF3Tzjm9evA/edit with a story for how to get the build working, and an alternate easier but worse long-term story at the end15:56
gary_posterbac y15:56
* gary_poster lunches15:57
* benji wonders if gary_poster is eating lunch now.16:52
gary_posterbenji, no :-)17:05
benjigary_poster: as-in "just finished" or "not even started"?17:05
gary_posterbenji, as in finished a bit ago.  :-) ready to hang out if you are17:07
benjigary_poster: sure, after I finish a review17:07
benjigary_poster: golden horde?17:14
gary_posterbenji, y, I await you there17:14
bachi gary_poster, i've got a buildbot launched and happy.  i'd like for it to test my branch not devel.  i thought i could just change the URL in master.cfg for schedulers to point to my branch on LP but that didn't work.  ideas?18:57
gary_posterbac, yeah that's the right idea.  You have to change it twice in master.cfg IIRC (I might not RC); moreover, you do need to stop and start the master for the changes to take effect.18:59
bacoh, well i did stop it18:59
gary_poster(they have a reconfigure command but it was buggy when we tried it, at least for the version of buildbot we run)18:59
gary_posterah ha, but did you start it?! ;-)18:59
bacgary_poster: so you think i must change CHANGESOURCES and SCHEDULERS19:00
bacand then stop/start master and stop/start slave?19:00
gary_posterbac, all of that except the slave part19:00
gary_posterbenji, exact same failure :-( https://launchpadlibrarian.net/102920431/buildlog.txt.gz19:04
* gary_poster takes a break for a sec19:05
bacbenji: my buildbot test is showing the 'bzr locale' errors again.  your fix from earlier this month should've put those to bed, no?  http://ec2-23-22-21-234.compute-1.amazonaws.com:8010/builders/lucid_lp/builds/4/steps/shell_9/logs/stdio20:02
benjibac: I think it was frankban's fix actually, but I think they only applied to one or two commands.  I'm not sure which ones.20:04
bacbenji: i was referring to https://code.launchpad.net/~benji/launchpad/bug-972456/+merge/10064520:05
* benji looks20:05
gary_posterThe byword for the parallel test runs is "stability."  That, and "reliability."  "Predictability" comes to mind as well.20:15
gary_posterbenji, subunit failed again, yes?20:17
* benji looks.20:17
gary_posterI think I'd like a build expert to help. :-/20:17
gary_posterbenji, yes, it failed; yes, a build expert would be nice; or both? :-)20:18
benjiboth (retroactively)20:18
benjianother thought, where does python3-testtools come from?  do we have it?20:20
benjiin fact, are we sure which of the long list of dependencies wasn't met?20:20
benjigary_poster: are recruiting someone or shall I?  (and look above for non-gary_poster-containing remarks)20:26
gary_posterbenji, I'll try recruiting20:32
gary_posterno idea for rest20:32
gary_posterbenji, unless you will recruit in after-hours?20:33
benjiI can't make heads or tails of it20:33
benjigary_poster: I didn't get that last bit about after-hours20:33
gary_posterbenji, you were able to talk to wgrant after your EoD--on your weekend I think?  My intent would be to try and recruit someone within our normal working hours--maybe wgrant in our morning, or...something20:34
benjiah! gotcha! :)20:34
benjiif we don't have anyone by the start of our morning tomorrow, I'll hit up wgrant and see what he says20:36
benjihmm, we /could/ try to build it locally so we can debug in a more hands-on way20:37
gary_postermaybe so20:38
gary_posterin a container or vm20:38
benjiactually we can build it from the recipe, I'm trying now (on my shared term if you're feeling voyeuristic)20:41
benjigary_poster: it worked locally, so that suggests to me that it is a PPA issue; let me try adding the yellow PPA to my machine and trying again20:42
benjigary_poster: no dice, it failed, but in a way that suggests to me that it should succeed in the PPA (at least my other build succeded in PPA when it failed locally like this one did)20:46
gary_posterbenji, https://code.launchpad.net/~yellow/+recipe/subunit-daily ...have we gotten as far as "Successful build" before?21:03
* benji looks21:03
benjigary_poster: I don't think so.21:03
gary_posterI added the testing-cabal's ppa as a dependency of the yellow ppa, benji21:04
gary_posterthat was an idea jelmer had had awhile ago, but other things we did were supposed to make that unnecessary21:04
benjiI wonder if it was python3-testtools that did it21:04
gary_poster:-/ maybe21:04
benjigary_poster: I'll see you tomorrow, it's off to the farrier for some new van shoes.21:05
gary_poster:-) ok bye benji21:05
gary_posterbenji built21:23
benjigary_poster: cool!  (no van farrier for me tonight, my old blue car has a dead battery in retaliation for not being driven in two weeks)21:29

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