
wgrantidnar: launchpad.net is E2:33:09:25:F1:E1:F0:3D:DF:18:E6:8C:E9:00:0F:D4:7B:01:47:3C, *.launchpad.net is A7:97:F3:0E:EB:C2:23:15:A5:50:28:B1:DD:3B:B5:A2:C1:91:1C:1F00:04
wgrant(using ultra-secure, impossible to MITM IRC)00:05
idnarwgrant: ah, thanks00:05
idnarokay, that matches what I have; I think this is just a glitch then (Nightly reports "This website does not supply ownership information.", and it's doing it for other sites too)00:06
idnaror, actually, maybe I'm losing my marbles here00:08
wgrantThat works too.00:10
idnarokay I think I'm just super tired and Firefox changed something subtle about the SSL UI that confused me, but at least I'm not getting hacked or something00:10
wgrantidnar: I think that's just its way of saying "not an EV cert"00:11
idnarright, and a wildcard cert can't be an EV cert (?) so that's not what changed00:12
wgrantBecause they can't use technical terms, that would just confuse people :P00:12
wgrantNo, they can be, AFAIK. We just don't have EV certs.00:12
idnarhmm, okay00:12
idnarwell, at any rate, I'm guessing you didn't switch from EV to non-EV certs00:13
wgrantI see the same message in Firefox 11, and I think it's been that way for a few releases.00:14
idnarI think they changed the icon / styling on the "lock" bit in the URL bar, and it's a different size or something00:14
cheakodobey: I passed out.  ^^^ Yeah, bugs in sign the code of conduct.02:45
cheakoHello, I'm attempting to sign the CoC.  There is 1 error.\n(7, 9, u'No public key')...02:46
wgrantcheako: What does gpg say if you run it over the signed text?02:48
cheakowgrant: All good.02:49
wgrantcheako: Are you perhaps signing with a new subkey that you haven't pushed to a keyserver?02:49
cheakowgrant: Yes, but how do I push a new subkery?02:49
wgrant"All good" isn't sufficient02:49
wgrantWhat's the key ID?02:49
wgrantcheako: Same as pushing a new key.02:49
cheakowgrant ^^^02:49
cheakowgrant: The key already exists :)02:49
wgrantgpg --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --send-key deadbeef02:50
cheakosubkeys dosn't have there own fingerprints.02:50
wgrantBut the new subkey still has to be on the server.02:50
wgrantRepush the master.02:50
wgrantIt will push the subkeys too.02:50
cheakowgrant: missing documentation on that :)02:50
wgrantIt's normal gpg stuff.02:50
cheakoI'll try it and it will just work.02:51
wgrantFew people manually create additional subkeys.02:51
wgrantMight take a while to sync the new subkey to our internal keyserver, though.02:51
cheakowgrant: You have to use a new subkey for every additional email address.  Using a special address for each package repository is a good thing.02:52
wgrantNeither of those statements is true :)02:52
wgrantYou need a new UID for each email address.02:53
wgrantBut UIDs are separate from subkeys.02:53
wgrantAnd it's very rare for people to use different email addresses for different repositories.02:53
wgrant(except when the persona should be different, eg. a work repository vs a personal one)02:53
cheakoI need to push my key every time I add a new UID, that makes sense.02:55
wgrantI don't think that's the case.02:56
wgrantYou *should*, but it should also work without it.02:56
cheakoStill there should be a UI to push a new key for ppl, it can provide the gpg command to use.02:56
wgrantUIDs are mostly just used to identify the key given an email address.02:56
wgrantWhich signature verification doesn't require.02:56
cheakohmm, then I'm at a loss as to why it dosn't work.  However http://keyserver.ubuntu.com:11371/pks/lookup?search=Mike+Mestnik&op=vindex shows my current key.02:58
wgrantWhat is the output of gpg on the signature?02:58
wgrantI guess it's probably singed with 8EDCAB8A, which wasn't on keyserver.ubuntu.com 5 minutes ago.02:58
wgrantBut you seem to have just pushed.02:59
cheakoThen that's been my issue.02:59
cheakoI had no idea how to push that, well I new about uploading keys but I didn't think that was needed for the web interface in launchpad, till you told me.03:00
wgrantWell, it can hardly verify the signature against a key it doesn't have :)03:01
wgrantNow, Launchpad uses an internal keyserver which syncs from Ubuntu's.03:01
wgrantBut it can sometimes take a while.03:01
wgrantSo I'd try now, but you might have to wait a while before it will accept it.03:01
cheakoYay :) that worked.03:02
cheakonow I have to get all my source packages in a row and push em again.03:03
cheakoHmm, how can I upload wine1.5_1.5.2.orig.tar.bz2?  It's part of another PPA.03:09
cheakoahh, -sa03:24
cheakoOnce it's part of my ppa I don't have to do that again?03:26
wgrantcheako: Right.03:26
wgrantcheako: PPA uploads look for orig.tar.* in the PPA, and in the Ubuntu primary archive.03:26
wgrantSo if it's in either of those you don't have to upload it yourself.03:26
cheakohmm, How can I get my pkg to be built for each release?  It complains about "Version older than that in the archive"03:34
cheakoYay, I got one uploaded.03:35
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psusibug #464743 has a task against grub that shouldn't be there... but the minus icon to delete it isn't there in the lp interface, and I don't see a command to remove tasks via the email interface... how can I remove it?04:35
ubot5Launchpad bug 464743 in grub "error: sparse file not allowed" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/46474304:35
wgrantpsusi: You can't delete tasks on projects that you have no privileges on.04:41
* wgrant removes it.04:41
psusiwgrant, did you fix the workaround I discovered before of changing it to point to ubuntu, then removing it? ;)04:44
psusiwgrant, also, is there still no way to remove tasks via the email interface?04:44
psusior do I just fail at doing so tonight?04:44
wgrantNo and no.04:44
wgrantpsusi: The restriction is mostly there to stop random people from clicking around and destroying everything.04:45
wgrantIf they are sufficiently unuseless that they can retarget to a project that they own, they're probably relatively sensible.04:45
StevenKI wonder if there is a bug to add bugtask deletion to the mail interface.04:46
fidel_dobey: wouldnt it make sense to offer some kind of project-follow-option to users?06:17
fidel_like that it would be easier/faster to locate all "relevant" projects within launchpad pretty quickly06:18
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cheakoHow can I get my pkg to be built for each release?  It complains about "Version older than that in the archive"07:52
cheakoDo I just force an older version using ~ppa2,3,4,5?07:53
wgrantcheako: You need to ensure it's a *newer* version. Note that '~' is less than everything, including the empty string.07:54
wgrantSo 1.2.3 > 1.2.3~ppa107:54
cheako1.2.3~ppa2 > 1.2.3~ppa1?07:54
cheakowgrant: Can I upload a ~ppa2 given ~oneiric1 VS ~precise1 to set another release?07:56
wgrantcheako: The version check is only within a single release.07:56
wgrantSo you can upload ~oneiric1 to oneiric, even if precise already has ~precise107:56
cheakowgrant: Then I'm doing something wrong, because I get  Version older than that in the archive.07:57
wgrantcheako: You need to fix your changelog to point to oneiric instead of precise07:58
cheakoahh, k.07:58
cheakoThanks a lot.08:06
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benjiI'm having PPA problems.  Anyone know why this would happen? https://launchpadlibrarian.net/102896574/buildlog.txt.gz (the error is near the end)10:59
wgrantbenji: Your debian/control probably has a comment at the top11:03
wgrantThe old version of python-debian that the builders use doesn't like that very much.11:03
benjihmm, let me look11:04
benjiwgrant: it does, I'll remove it and try again; thanks!11:05
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benjiwgrant: it worked!  thanks man11:17
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achianghello, how do i change the way that launchpad displays bugs? google is a complete failure on this one13:37
wgrantachiang: What do you want to change?13:40
achiangok, getting closer. "launchpad customize bug views" gets me to the blog where they describe the feature is in beta13:40
till__how do i get a an old package nuked from my ppa? new package fails building because old artifacts are still stuck13:41
* Spads admits that the new bug listings always remind him of fark.com13:41
achiangwgrant: i just want to tweak what is displayed in my customized settings... either that or turn it off and go back to the old stylesheet if possible13:41
wgrantachiang: Click the gear icon at the top of the bug table.13:41
wgrantTop left13:42
achiangwgrant: ah, thank you13:42
wgranttill__: What's the error message?13:42
till__wgrant: trying to pull up the build log13:44
till__but my internet fails me13:44
till__uploadlog it is13:45
till__wgrant: https://launchpadlibrarian.net/98338175/upload_3273781_log.txt13:46
till__i deleted that package a long time ago13:46
wgranttill__: You can't ever upload the same version again.13:46
wgrantYou have to change the version number.13:46
till__i delete it13:46
wgrantIt is remembered.13:46
till__this is an annoyance =(13:46
till__so i can't get this resolved unless i bump up the release and run through half a dozen steps?13:47
wgrantYou just have to increment the version13:47
wgranteg change lucid0 to lucid113:47
till__i just copied it from another repo13:48
czajkowskitill__: it's documented here. https://help.launchpad.net/Packaging/PPA/Deleting13:48
till__to be totally honest13:50
till__i deleted the other one more than 7 days ago13:50
till__i'd say over 2 months ago13:50
till__and it's still sitting there13:51
till__i've seen that page before13:51
wgrantThe files will be deleted after a couple of weeks.13:51
wgrantBut the version number is remembered forever.13:51
wgrantYou can *never* upload the same version ever again.13:51
till__well, it's been months13:51
till__page doesn't say that this is the case13:51
till__guess someone should add that to it :)13:51
wgrant"You should not rely on deletion requests to re-upload the same source version with different contents."13:52
wgrantAnd I believe the deletion form says similar things.13:52
till__you should not rely is not the same as 'it will never work'13:52
till__but ok13:52
wgrantAlso https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad/+faq/99013:52
czajkowskitill__: wgrant has given you the correct information13:52
till__i just wanted to copy this from another repo13:55
till__i don't want to run through the entire process to build it13:55
till__i guess i'll have to now13:55
till__someone could link that faq on the help page13:55
till__it doesn't seem obvious to me13:55
czajkowskitill__: it says it right there. replace a broken source is always to upload a package with a higher version number13:56
chrisccoulsonthis failure looks like local corruption: https://launchpadlibrarian.net/102904364/buildlog_ubuntu-precise-armel.firefox_12.0%2Bbuild1-0ubuntu0.12.04.1_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz14:31
chrisccoulsonnot sure if anyone is interested in that ;)14:31
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cody-somervilleIs there a way to browse list of older revisions on lp so I can see what branches lp thinks were merged in for a commit?20:53
cody-somervilleas I don't think codebrowse does that20:53
dobeycody-somerville: the code browser has a revisions view you can turn on20:54
cody-somervillebut will it link to branch on lp that I merged in?20:54
dobeyah, no20:56
dobeybut it does show "mfrom:" in the revision header block if you view a specific revision, and that includes a branch nick which you can determine the lp URL with20:57
dobeycody-somerville: also, not entirely sure how that works on the short "Recent revisions" list on LP itself, but if you make a copy of that branch, that info gets lost in the copy21:02
wgrantcody-somerville: https://code.launchpad.net/~launchpad-pqm/launchpad/devel/+merges may be of interest22:09
wgrantIt's not exactly what you want, but it's the closest we have for old stuff.22:10
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