
pleia2yay, someone is working on "In the Press" \o/00:19
nlsthzn:/ silly document keeps juming up and down making me loose my spot L:/00:25
pleia2sorry about that, I'm moving stuff over to the wiki00:25
pleia2great summaries, thank you00:26
nlsthznoh ok... I thought I was even more tired than I feel :p00:28
nlsthznwhen akgraner finishes I think that is the lot pleia200:44
* nlsthzn thinks we are all doomed when pleia2 and akgraner take ill or a caribbean cruise at the same time00:46
akgranerhehe no worries - we try not to be gone at the same time exceptions are UDS :-)00:46
pleia2I sleep well at night knowing doom does not actually occur if we miss a week every once in a while :)00:46
nlsthzngood to know :)00:47
* nlsthzn goes to bed... 04:45 am is no time for being awake :p00:47
pleia2good night!00:47
akgranerpleia2, yep the sun always rises :-)00:47
akgranernight and thank you!00:47
akgranerOk if you all can read through it before in the morning that would be great.  I'll review one more time when I get up, so pleia2 has some more eyes on it as well01:30
akgranereverything has been moved to the wiki and the gdoc is set up for issue 263 now01:31
Unit193Brainstorm and new members aren't right, will fix after rest of the review.01:43
pleia2you're not allowed to remove yourself from the new members list01:45
Unit193Fine, another than that the one other has an "x" on his LP link.01:47
Unit193(Not fine, but I'll comply. ;) )01:47
pleia2ahok, thanks :)01:47
Unit193"Lubuntu team are showing"?01:48
pleia2should be "is"01:49
Unit193Sorry, did you want to go through it? I can just let you do it. :P01:49
akgranerfixing brainstorm now - I just posted the link not the title to the idea  oops01:52
pleia2Unit193: oh no, go ahead01:53
akgranerwhat's wrong with new members01:54
akgranerI'm in the wiki now01:54
pleia2https://launchpad.net/~luisalvaradox shouldn't have an x at the end01:54
pleia2just https://launchpad.net/~luisalvarado01:54
akgranersaving now fixed the link and title on brainstorm as well01:56
akgraneris/are fixed as well - however in some cases team is considered plural so it's not always wrong to say team are - even though it does sound funny01:58
Unit193"Ubuntu-Friendly HP Cloud Enters Public Beta" parses oddly, too much time in terminal maybe.01:59
akgraneris that the title01:59
akgranerif so we don't change the titles01:59
akgranerUnit193,  the titles we don't change, the summaries we try not to post our opinion, and only summarize or quote directly the article and not show favoritism or interject emotion which is hard sometimes when we are really jazzed about something02:01
Unit193No, was talking about the section.02:01
akgranerlet me read back through it02:02
Unit193akgraner: Making notes, that's all. (And some I plan to go back and change, the links for example)02:02
Unit193OpenStack in Ubuntu Server 12.04 LTS, newline for url?02:03
akgranercheck no02:06
Unit193https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/Security/20120416 for the security team (I'll fix)02:06
akgranergo for it - the other stuff should be fixed now though02:06
akgranerI'm out of the wiki now02:07
akgranerpleia2, I'll go back through it in the morning and double check the links etc with a fresh eyes  - night :-)02:08
pleia2night :)02:09
Unit193Right, and thanks for the HP one, I've just been too much in the terminal too it seems. :P02:10
Unit193Good to have someone else check as I'm bad at grammers and spellins. ;)02:11
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pleia2JoseeAntonioR: I'd say go ahead with translations, mrudge did a big review late last night16:26
akgranerpleia2, pull the Maverick stats if I included them - End of life was 10 April17:19
pleia2akgraner: oops :) I thought I had pulled that from the template, sorry17:20
akgranerno worries - I wasn't even thinking17:20
akgranerI was just happily typing codenames in17:20
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JoseeAntonioRHi, Silverlion!22:13
Silverlionhey JoseeAntonioR22:14
JoseeAntonioRSilverlion: how are you?22:14
SilverlionJoseeAntonioR: tired. about to leave for the bed22:15
JoseeAntonioRSilverlion: oh, have a good night, then! :)22:15
Silverlionbut need to edit some screenshots for an article i submit for the Full Circle Magazine22:15
MrChrisDruifAloha Silverlion22:17
SilverlionMrChrisDruif: ahola22:18
MrChrisDruifHow goes it Silverlion ?22:18
SilverlionMrChrisDruif: still working22:18
MrChrisDruifOn those screenshots?22:18
pleia2publishing now (ended up with a headache earlier, boo)22:20
SilverlionMrChrisDruif: affirmative22:20
pleia2doh, "Ubuntu nominated in top 5 Linux distros" isn't the article title :\22:36
pleia2fixed on wiki and fridge anyway22:39
pleia2The new edition of the Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter is now available here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/Issue26222:39
JoseeAntonioRpleia2: currently translating to spanish22:42
pleia2JoseeAntonioR: ok, feel free to update https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter to uncomment the line about the spanish translation when you're done22:44
JoseeAntonioRgreat, thanks!22:44
pleia2I didn't include it in the email since the wiki page didn't exist yet (last week I included an "in progress" note, but without a page created that's tricky)22:44
JoseeAntonioRno problem, I know people will still look for it (if they read it!)22:46
Unit193Awesome, made a script that can check the doc for broken links!23:09
pleia2I used http://validator.w3.org/checklink but it hates the ubuntu wiki so would time out on all those links23:10
pleia2so it was terribly annoying to parse the output23:10
Unit193Yes! Works great so now I just link-check https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/Issue25023:14
Unit193It's really bad I'm sure, but if you either want it or want me to check them, I'd be glad too. (It works with wiki.ubuntu.com)23:18
pleia2if you could be our link checker that'd be great23:18
Unit193(I did that anyway for most, just this will hit them all much faster, may have to do a few more tests to make sure it is 100%)23:19
akgranerpleia2, need anything from me at the moment23:19
pleia2akgraner: nope, we're all set :) thanks23:19
akgranergreat - just thought I'd check before I went back to work :-)23:20

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