
rick_hawesome, congrats snap-l00:02
snap-lYeah, laptop is running nit now00:04
jrwrenyay for upgrades00:13
snap-lHeh. :)00:14
snap-lGood morning11:38
snap-lhttp://ur1.ca/92i9l <- New club metal11:45
rick_hwow http://readable.bmark.us/view/http%3A%2F%2Fwww.forbes.com%2Fsites%2Fstevensalzberg%2F2012%2F04%2F22%2Funiversity-of-florida-eliminates-computer-science-department-increases-athletic-budgets-hmm%2F12:56
rick_hno CS at FL, kind of crazy to think of a big state school with no CS program12:56
jrwrenanyone ever use twitter-bootstrap with django? I'm too django nub to figure out an easy way without disecting twitter-bootstrap13:04
jrwrenrick_h: that is INSANE!13:05
rick_hjrwren: guess I'd start checkout out: http://goo.gl/Q3X7I13:05
rick_hhttps://github.com/earle/django-bootstrap seems most watched/etc13:06
jrwrenthat isn't it.13:06
rick_hbug ugh, this is why I hate django...wtf...13:06
jrwrenthat is just django-forms integration13:06
rick_hyou can't just add your own JS/css tooling without framework hacks?13:06
jrwrenactually, i swear there are a couple links in that google result that were not there last night.13:07
jrwrenmaybe I was just too tired to find the right links last night.13:07
rick_hI'd imagine it's got to be a solved problem by now13:08
rick_hI know I've seen several django apps use it, but not sure how and not rembmering the ones I hit recently13:08
jrwrena lot of it is my css/html is so weak, that i relaly need an idiots guide13:08
jrwrenor i'm doing it wrong or somehting.13:09
rick_hwell bootstrap makes it fun with needing the sass/less integration to use it13:09
jrwrenah, i didn't even get taht far. maybe that is part of the problem.13:10
jrwreni should just try out static boostrap and amek sure its looking right first and then try django with it.13:10
jrwrenthanks rick_h13:10
rick_hwtf, they have a 'download with docs' but no docs online on the site?!13:10
rick_hjrwren: yea, so a lot of the css stuff is generated via sass or less (think it includes both sets of files? maybe not)13:11
jrwrenfor bootstrap? i just git clone it13:11
=== jcastro_ is now known as jcastro
rick_hah, looks like only less13:11
rick_hjrwren: http://lesscss.org/13:11
snap-lrick_h: Yeah, I saw that lack of a CS program at FL13:11
rick_hjrwren: yea, notice the git clone has no css directory13:12
snap-lI'm glad the athletic department is still going t strong, though.13:12
rick_hit's generated via the less directory13:12
snap-lI wouldn't want them to have to suffer.13:12
rick_hsnap-l: well I always hate that argument. I mean big athletic depts like that actually more than pay for themselves and are revenue generators13:12
rick_hyou can't compare that vs a CS dept13:12
snap-lrick_h: Yeah, whatever. :)13:14
snap-lI have a problem with colleges having revenue-generating sports teams too, but that argument won't get solved in 10 minutes. :)13:15
rick_hheh yea, that'll get into a whole field of things13:15
snap-lBut that's OK. I'm sure they'll have plenty of jock alumni who will give them gigabucks of cash when they go pro13:16
snap-las opposed to some lowly startup that manages to get funded.13:16
snap-lBut hey, when colleges and universities go completely online, I'm sure the athletic department will have been a great choice to fund.13:19
brouschjrwren: what are you looking for in django integration that you don't get from just twitter-bootstrap?13:21
brouschQuantal Quetzal13:35
jrwrenbrousch: being able to point a view at index in twitter-bootstrap. I think i don't have static things mapped properly13:40
brouschjrwren: that is likely. static is kind of a pita the first few times you do it in django13:41
brouschyou do static differently in dev than in production13:42
brouschand it has improved every release, so many google searches turn up old advice13:42
brouschthat is the official static files howto, but i found it hard to understand13:46
brouschbasically you put your static files in a couple of places in your project during development. the default dev server looks in all these places. when you deploy, you "collect" the static files into one place, and then you can easily send that dir where you need it (separate static server, S3, etc)13:49
rick_hbrousch: <3 the new name. Quetzal is in my son's animal flash cards for Q13:56
brouschi always think of quetzalquotl, the mayan feathered serpent god13:57
rick_hnever haerd of it13:57
brouschread a book once in a while!13:58
rick_hhey, I do...check out my goodreads :P13:58
rick_hoh no, my wikipedia hit for the month has arrived snap-l :)13:59
snap-lrick_h: I hope you get stuck somewhere in the Clone Wars.14:02
snap-lAnyone know of a good link I can peruse for handling two databases in sqlalchemy?14:49
rick_hyea, ask John. I've got an app that does that for staples14:50
rick_hsnap-l: is this for web or just scripts?14:50
snap-lSPecifically one that uses your manager pattern.14:50
rick_hoh, then just dupe the things poiting to a diff engine14:50
rick_hsame models across the two databases?14:51
rick_hor different models in eaach db?14:51
snap-lyes and yes14:51
rick_hok, well same models will be a bit more intersting. Different is easy, you just end up boostrapping the two separately and have a session1 session214:51
snap-lit's essentially something that wasn't designed to use two databases.14:51
snap-lBut because it's the typical "Oh, is just another load", it makes it tricky.14:52
rick_hif you want to share models...you'll have to wrap the models with a method that generates the correct base and returns it14:53
rick_his a little bit plain, but get the idea14:53
snap-lI'm looking at it now14:53
rick_hhttp://stackoverflow.com/questions/8831568/sqlalchemy-declarative-model-with-multiple-database-sharding seems like a close to showing you the multiple base14:57
rick_hnow imagine wrapping that in a function where you give it an engine string and get back a hooked up model14:57
rick_hso you could call it twice and have a ver1 and ver2 hooked to each db separately14:58
snap-lYeah, I think I have a plan of attack15:04
snap-lor at least something to keep me busy. :)15:04
rick_hlet me know if you hit issues, I've done it before15:04
snap-lgoing to make it ugly first, and then clean it up15:04
snap-l(ugly as in copying the models/meta.py file, and changing where it points to)15:05
brouschhm, i'm suppose to espouse how awesome ubuntu 12.04 is at the release party, but i haven't touched unity in 5 months15:12
brouschi think i'll talk about all the good stuff going into the server version15:12
jrwrenthat is all anyone cares about anyway.15:12
jrwrenno one in their right mind uses desktop linux. ;)15:12
brouschi can find maybe 2 people in GR that are running Unity and like it15:14
brouschso anyways, is there a good source of all the new stuff that's been going on?15:21
jrwrenwhat new stuff? just snag all the things from debian and release. done. nothing "new"15:25
brouschjuju and charms come to mind15:30
brouschdefault versions of software people care about (python, php)15:30
rick_hdefault version of pgsql16:03
snap-lecho 43617665617420456d70746f720a | xxd -r -p16:06
rick_hyea, fun one16:06
jrwren737466750a <-- put that in your pipe and smoke it16:14
snap-ljrwren: 6774666f0a16:16
snap-lHey, we're looking like rick_h's two-factor. :)16:17
rick_htoo many #'s :P16:18
jrwrensnap-l: :)16:18
rick_hwaldo323_: ping, you get your python issue solved?16:58
waldo323_more or less.....i likely didn't do things the right way but it works17:01
rick_hhey, that's what counts ;)17:02
waldo323_right, though i may show you the code at chc and see what  should have been done differently17:02
waldo323_its possible that parts of it will be worth using again for future years17:03
rick_hcool, look forward to it17:03
rick_hjust wanted to make sure you got it going ok17:03
waldo323_it saved Matt, who does the program book,  a ton of time17:03
waldo323_it also saved sarah a bunch of time17:05
brouschsnap-l: I was listening to podcast and one started with some cool music. I wondered which podcast it was. Of course it was lococast17:18
rick_hthe last lococast had some interesting music. It ran a whole range17:21
snap-lThank you. :)17:28
snap-lAnd thank Magnatune, as I think most of it came from therem.17:29
rick_hman, anyone else find it just staggering that between FB buying off instagram and not 550M for MS patents...they've basically written 1.5B (as in billion) in checks the last week-ish?18:10
snap-lrick_h: And they haven't hit IPO yet18:11
rick_hsnap-l: yea, tack that on too18:11
brouschif you used it you'd now how awesome FB is18:11
brouschit's worth all that money18:11
snap-lThey're looking to keep Yahoo from spoiling the party18:11
snap-lAnd any other patent trolls18:12
snap-lFrankly, it's disgusting18:12
snap-lbut I can't fault them for it, because they're screwed if they don't.18:12
rick_hyea, but give them credit. "Give me all your lunch money kid!" "umm, no thanks, I've brought myself a nice 45cal and I'll keep my lunch money kthx"18:12
snap-lLike being forced to an orgy because if you don't, someone will take your kids18:13
rick_hthat's ...an interesting way of putting it lol18:13
snap-lThis photo still cracks me up:19:27
snap-lGah, I wish I had that hour back20:44
* waldo323_ gives it back20:44
snap-lhad a record in a table that was named closely enough to trick my mind into thinking it was right20:44
snap-lmp_id instead of (correctly) mpi_id20:44
jrwrendon't you hate that?20:46
jrwreni do.20:47
snap-ljrwren: Yes20:47
snap-lWell, what's worse is I'm working with hacked "new code"20:47
snap-lso I'm thinking it's something more serious20:47
snap-lThis tickles me20:52
snap-l"ratings information for non-subscribing stations will no longer be part of any20:52
snap-lpublicly released ratings reports, making it tough for the general public to20:52
snap-lknow exactly where stations rank in markets where there are non-subscribing20:52
snap-lI eagerly await the day when Arbitron is a footnote in tastemaking.20:54
brouschpresentation time. this should be good21:02

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