
=== MrUnagi_ is now known as MrUnagi
Joneeetuxi've googled till blue in the face.  Anyone know how to permenently edit the menu in grub4dos??00:05
znullhey, how can I save my installed packages in some txt file? I'm going to reinstall my server and I don't want to miss any packages..00:06
sk1specialhey peoples00:06
pepeeJoneeetux, from linux?00:07
iceroot!clone | znull00:07
ubottuznull: To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude  --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » - See also !automate00:07
lauratikagparted shows swap partition is not setup... but system monitor tell me im using 1gb of 2gb swap memory... but my system clogs very easy what can be the problem?00:07
pepeeJoneeetux, run: locate menu.lst00:07
sk1specialtrying to install 11.10 on a blank drive via usb.. and it just loads a sortve welcome message but no install. re did the usb..and it says theres several errors during install. tried re downloading. same deal00:07
pepeeJoneeetux, http://diddy.boot-land.net/grub4dos/files/menu.htm00:07
sk1special*usb thumb drive00:08
escottlauratika, swapon -s00:08
Joneeetuxwell, i think i've installed it as a standalone; I have this big FAT 32 partition, and...00:08
sk1specialcreating thumb drive install on win 7 hp probook.  installing onto intel duo 80gb blank drive machine00:09
lauratikai got /dev/mapper/cryptswap1                  partition23019481110412-100:09
Joneeetuxi successfully copied your link, pepee00:09
escottlauratika, so cryptswap1 is active an in use00:09
lauratikathis means everything it's ok?00:10
Joneeetuxi,m tryin' to do this just from inside grub.exe00:11
pepeesk1special, try 12.04 ? it may work00:11
pepeeJoneeetux, never used grub4dos, sorry00:12
sk1specialyeah im working on downloading that and 10.04 now.. was just wondering if it was something i did with the download. did it two ways. one time using the universal usb thing suggested on main page. second time using one suggested on another site. first time just that message. second time said kernel error00:13
escottlauratika, gparted is probably confused by the usage of the dmcrypt instead of direct usage of the raw device00:13
Joneeetuxi will check-out your link.  Thanks00:13
warzhi all. i just have a question about permissions. why is /usr/local owned by root? shouldn't i be able to create and move items into /usr/local as my personal user account? many applications seem to install items into /usr/local, but i always have permission issues doing so.00:13
sparkybluefoxWhen will Ubuntu 12.04 be released?????00:13
escottsparkybluefox, thursday00:13
sparkybluefoxthank you!00:14
pepeewarz, you use sudo to install apps00:14
sparkybluefoxI'm wondering which way I will go.00:14
lauratikais there a need to fix this?... or the way it is is working?00:14
builderanyone compiled kernel with gcc 4.7.0 for amd bulldozer?00:14
Joneeetuxznull, are you still here?00:14
pepeesk1special, 12.04 final will be released next week00:15
Joneeetuxdid you get an answer?00:15
escottlauratika, its working as expected00:15
builderwarz: if normal users had write permission they could delete stuff as well. you may use a normal account for day to day operations but if you own the computer, ultimately you are root00:16
builderthats what sudoers is for00:16
sk1specialis there alot of known issues then with the older versions? win 8 installs crashed my old pc a few times so got mad and decided to try linux .00:16
lauratikathanx a lot escott... all this come out after looking why is ocelotl taking too much memory00:16
lauratikaany ideas where i should look at00:16
escottlauratika, what does free -h say?00:17
derpderphello all good evening, I am trying to switch the run levels of the machine to get just a prompt but when I type: init 3     into the terminal nothing happens. how do i get a non-graphical login?00:17
MrUnagiis it possible to copy the bash history from on user to another?00:18
MrUnagione user to another00:18
ubottuIn Ubuntu all runlevels except 0,1 and 6 are by default equal. Also keep in mind that Ubuntu now uses !Upstart instead of System V init so there is normally no /etc/inittab.00:18
iceroot!text | derpderp00:18
ubottuderpderp: To start your system in text-only mode append 'text' (without the quotes) to the kernel line in the grub menu. You can access the grub menu by pressing Esc (Grub legacy) or Shift (Grub2) during boot. For more info see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions#Text%20Mode00:18
InferiorHumanOrghow come dash shows no programs under applications? it just has a spinning circle forever.00:18
derpderpthank you gentlemen00:18
builderMrUnagi: if you are trying to trick someone then you are sadly mistaken. you may be able to change the mtime and ctime but the 'atime' holds information about the last time the inode was changed. any real admin would know if you edited your .bash_history00:19
MrUnagigood thing I'm the only admin huh00:19
builderi just cant think of any other reaosn you would want to copy a .bash_history onto someone elses00:20
builderthat defeats the purpose00:20
icerootMrUnagi: just copy the file to the other home00:20
MrUnagiiceroot: thanks….i think rsync will handle it00:20
icerootMrUnagi: for example, yes00:20
icerootMrUnagi: and change the owner00:20
lauratikainvalid option00:20
MrUnagiyea i guess i thought cp -r would handle hidden files00:20
escottlauratika, sorry try free -m00:21
MrUnagigrr that didn't work =/00:21
MrUnagioh wait lol00:22
icerootMrUnagi: bash_history will be reread when the shell is restarted00:22
buildercp .??*00:22
sambagirli have a ubuntu vm that is in german, how do you change the locale stuff?00:22
InferiorHumanOrghow come dash shows no programs under applications? it just has a spinning circle forever.00:23
MrUnagithere we go00:23
MrUnagiit works now thanks iceroot00:23
buildermrunagi: you should use this 'shopt -s failglob'00:23
sambagirlyou must be running vista inferiorhumanorg :D00:23
sambagirlthis is ubuntu :)00:23
InferiorHumanOrgwhat are you talking about?00:23
InferiorHumanOrg I am running ubuntu00:23
sambagirlit was a joke forget it00:23
sambagirlhow do you change the language for the system?00:24
InferiorHumanOrgI have tried everything on http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1947862 but still no apps/files in unity00:24
icerootsambagirl: in your german ubuntu there should be a menu-entry called "Sprachen"00:25
MrUnagiwell builder next time someone asks the same question you can now think of a reason anyone would want to00:26
MrUnagii am doing a lateral transfer from one user to another00:26
MrUnagiprobably an easier way to change the user name….but oh well i do things the hard way00:26
icerootsambagirl: "Regionale Formate" is the important part00:26
escottlauratika, you just dont have a lot of ram00:27
icerootMrUnagi: usermod00:27
MrUnagiusermod -l?00:28
InferiorHumanOrgno one knows why I have 0 apps in unity >.<00:28
lauratika1gb so you think is time to upgrade?00:28
icerootInferiorHumanOrg: what ubuntu version?00:29
builderMem:       total  15869     used  476300:29
builderthats sad00:29
InferiorHumanOrg Calling method "Search" on object path: "/com/canonical/unity/lens/applications" failed: Timeout was reached is what it says in terminal00:29
escottlauratika, given that 4gb costs $25 yes00:30
MrUnagiiceroot: -l doesn't change the home folder00:30
InferiorHumanOrgiceroot: 11.1000:30
builderanyone use BFS?00:32
Rar9need some help installing solr 3.6  with tomcat 700:32
lauratikaodd question how do i know what type of ram i have?00:32
icerootRar9: #tomcat00:33
escottlauratika, you can tell by the slot if you know what to look for, but if the machine is fairly old just buy a new one00:33
Rar9iceroot tomcat7 is running already00:34
icerootInferiorHumanOrg: hm i cant find any usefull infos about that on launchpad, sorry. maybe you should fill a bug so the devs can have a look at your issue00:34
iceroot!bug | InferiorHumanOrg00:34
ubottuInferiorHumanOrg: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.00:34
lauratikais there a command line to have the type of memory?00:34
escottlauratika, more ram would help in your case somewhat, but it may not make that big a difference if the machine is older00:34
the_real_crimpermount reports an error and fails to mount my raid-1,  but the drives mount correctly if i stop the raid and mount them individually, what's causing this?00:34
Rar9just solr not and I can´t find any good instructions00:34
icerootthe_real_crimper: dont!! mount the drive alone without the raid00:35
lauratikai wont change now my pc for many reasons... have to satick to this one for more time...00:35
the_real_crimpericeroot, too late, i'm not using live data anyways, i'm just testing this before i do anything on my actual data00:35
icerootthe_real_crimper: what error you get? what command you are using exactly?00:35
icerootthe_real_crimper: even mointing the drive is writing to the drive00:35
icerootRar9: a i thought solr is an app which is installed with tomcat00:36
lauratikaso no command line to know type of ram memory00:36
the_real_crimpericeroot, it says NTFS signature is missing, although i know the drive format is ext400:36
icerootlauratika: hwinfo maybe have that infos00:36
icerootthe_real_crimper: can you paste the output of "sudo fdisk -l"00:37
lauratikahave to install the program00:37
Rar9iceroot nno its not, but it only works with tomcat or jetty00:38
iceroot!info solr-tomcat00:38
ubottusolr-tomcat (source: solr): enterprise search server based on Lucene - Tomcat integration. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.4.1+dfsg1-2ubuntu2 (oneiric), package size 3 kB, installed size 92 kB00:38
icerootRar9: that?00:39
the_real_crimpericeroot, the relevant drive is /dev/sdd, http://paste.ubuntu.com/941860/00:39
icerootthe_real_crimper: i dont see the other drive for raid100:40
the_real_crimperi know it pointless to use two partitions on the same drive for a raid, but this is for testing mdadm00:40
icerootthe_real_crimper: what? that is.. sorry.. really stupid00:40
the_real_crimperi create the raid using /dev/sdd1 /dev/sdd200:40
iceroottotally useless00:40
the_real_crimpericeroot, so you believe the problem is the fact i'm using two partitions on the same drive?00:41
icerootthe_real_crimper: no but i dont see a reason to fix a "stupid" raid setup00:41
icerootsorry for the word00:41
the_real_crimpericeroot, nevermind then00:42
icerootthe_real_crimper: so you are using mdadm and created a software-raid1 on sdd. and you have /dev/mapper/foobar?00:42
the_real_crimperwhat do you mean /dev/mapper/foobar?00:42
icerootthe_real_crimper: thats hwo raid is working00:42
icerootthe_real_crimper: you say mdadm that /dev/sdfoo1 and /dev/sdbar1 are raid1, and mdadm is creating /dev/mapper/foobar which is your raid1 partition00:43
icerootand then you mount /dev/mapper/foobar and NEVER /dev/sdfoo100:44
iceroot!raid | the_real_crimper00:44
ubottuthe_real_crimper: Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto00:44
the_real_crimpericeroot, ahh, i will see if this works00:44
MrUnagiis there a way to save history commands into a shortcut00:44
MrUnagialmost like !1996 for history command 199600:44
MrUnagibut…..in a custom list00:44
icerootthe_real_crimper: that is the way how raid is working, there is no other way with software-raid00:44
Giddeoncan anyone recommend a good tool that parses error.log files?00:44
icerootMrUnagi: #bash00:45
icerootGiddeon: logchec00:45
Giddeonthx iceroot00:45
icerootGiddeon: but its more "check them and inform the admin via mail about bad things"00:45
icerootthe_real_crimper: or did you create a raid with your controller/bios?00:46
icerootthe_real_crimper: normally called FakeRaid00:46
the_real_crimperno, i used mdadm00:46
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icerootthe_real_crimper: ok00:47
the_real_crimperam i supposed to see a change in the ls of /dev/mapper before and after creating a RAID?00:47
icerootthe_real_crimper: yes00:47
icerootthe_real_crimper: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID00:47
stan_man_canI'm trying to install Varnish and it's giving me the error "varnish : Depends: gcc (>= 3.3) but it is not installable"00:47
jblp qazwsx00:47
jblp /msg NickServ identify qazwsx00:47
icerootjblp: change it fast00:48
MarcNjblp, time to change your nickserv password...00:48
icerootjblp: and all other accounts using the same password00:48
Lintand the method of choosing passwords00:48
christhisisgoolit seems that most people are stupid in choosing passwords nowadays, half of the wireless networks in my area have the same password as they are named00:49
icerootLint: its perfectly secure on qwertz :)00:49
the_real_crimpericeroot, so mounting is performed automatically after creating a raid with mdadm? the link doesn't mention it00:49
icerootthe_real_crimper: no, you have to use fstab00:50
iceroot!fstab | the_real_crimper00:50
ubottuthe_real_crimper: The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions00:50
Rar9can some help with updateting ubuntu 10.04 to php 5.3.10 ?00:51
icerootthe_real_crimper: but after you have your raid-array /dev/mapper/foobar is handled the same as for example /dev/sdb00:51
icerootthe_real_crimper: but /dev/mapper/foobar is holding a partiton while /dev/sdb is a device and /dev/sdb1 is the partition00:52
iceroot!info php5 lucid00:52
ubottuphp5 (source: php5): server-side, HTML-embedded scripting language (metapackage). In component main, is optional. Version 5.3.2-1ubuntu4.14 (lucid), package size 1 kB, installed size 20 kB00:52
icerootRar9: 5.3.2 is not enough?00:52
Rar9NO :-)00:53
icerootRar9: you will have to find a ppa with that version or build it from source00:53
khmeroganyone test drive ubuntu 12 ?00:53
Rar9can you help?00:53
icerootkhmerog: #ubuntu+1 for 12.04 support00:53
the_real_crimpericeroot, i'm not seeing the /dev/mapper/foobar concept; i've created an *actual* raid (not the stupid setup) using sde1 and sdf1 showing up as /dev/md1, this doesn't mount unless i explicitly run mount00:54
Rar9or should I better wait till 12.04 is relased?00:54
khmerogis it visual different? like User Interface00:54
jblpiceroot,  lol its only used here00:54
khmerog12.04 is coming out in 3 day i think00:54
icerootthe_real_crimper: ah sorry its /dev/md1 instead of /dev/mapper/foobar00:54
jblpMarcN,  Thanks will do00:54
Rar93 day can be long00:54
icerootthe_real_crimper: i thought mdadm was creating /dev/mapper/00:55
icerootthe_real_crimper: you have to put md1 in fstab to automaticly mount00:55
louiemathas any used wummu-software to connect your cell phone00:55
the_real_crimpericeroot, okay, it must be because i'm doing a stupid test using partitions on the same drive. the partition table on the drive itself is probably confusing mount00:56
iceroot /dev/mapper/ was LVM and imo encrypted partitions00:56
icerootthe_real_crimper: maybe, never tested that setup00:57
icerootthe_real_crimper: but now you can mount md1?00:57
InferiorHumanOrghow do I specify what display manager is used with a given screen ?00:58
the_real_crimpericeroot, well i always knew md1 worked, but the problem i'm facing is that i need drives to sync under the condition that the superblock is lost00:58
wodemaye_Hi, I have a question about the GNOME HIG.  in a modal dialog, if there are two buttons and a letter is underlined in each, what does it denote? i wish i could press that key to press the button, but it doesn't work that way.  am i doing something wrong?00:58
sk1specialokay. just tried installing 10.04. loads from thumbdrive created using the universal usb installer suggested on main page. but either option of running from usb or installing to hard drive just leaves me with a blank screen00:58
icerootthe_real_crimper: lost superblock(s) is bad00:58
=== anonymous is now known as Guest24652
stan_man_candoes build-essential not exist on 11.10?00:59
icerootwodemaye_: try alt + the underlined key00:59
the_real_crimpericeroot, yes, but the data is recoverable, right? if i know which drive has the latest and greatest00:59
wodemaye_iceroot, oh, sweet.00:59
icerootthe_real_crimper: you have another drive/partition with the exact same size?00:59
the_real_crimpericeroot, yes01:00
icerootthe_real_crimper: there is a way to calculate the position of one of the superblocks and restore them01:00
the_real_crimpericeroot, dumpe2fs?01:00
stan_man_canI'm trying to get GCC installed but build-essentials doesn't exist01:01
greatoops sorr01:01
icerootthe_real_crimper: i did it some years ago, there was a website (google..) where you can put your partition parameters and the filesystem-type and it was calculating the positions from a superblock which can then be transfered with dd01:01
the_real_crimpericeroot, okay i'll look into that01:02
dniMretsaMstan_man_can: I think the package name is build-essential. not build-essentials01:02
stan_man_candniMresaM: I've tried both01:02
icerootRar9: and i bet there a programs too which can show the position of a superblock01:02
icerootRar9: wrong nick, sorry01:02
dniMretsaMyou said you're on 11.10?01:02
icerootthe_real_crimper: and i bet there a programs too which can show the position of a superblock01:02
stan_man_candniMretsaM: yeah01:03
dniMretsaMstan_man_can: what results when you run: apt-cache search build-essential01:05
stan_man_candniMretsaM: https://gist.github.com/246795001:06
stan_man_candniMretsaM: Not sure if it makes a difference but I had to upgrade from 10.04 up to 11.1001:07
stan_man_canI'd assume not but you never know01:07
icerootstan_man_can: output of "cat /etc/issue" and "cat /etc/apt/sources.list"01:07
iceroot!info build-essential01:07
ubottubuild-essential (source: build-essential): Informational list of build-essential packages. In component main, is optional. Version 11.5ubuntu1 (oneiric), package size 5 kB, installed size 48 kB01:07
icerootstan_man_can: it must be in your repos because its part of the main repo, maybe run "sudo apt-get update" first01:08
=== Evixion` is now known as Evixion
milamberstan_man_can: can you pastebin your sources.list?01:08
stan_man_caniceroot: https://gist.github.com/246796601:08
stan_man_cani've run sudo apt-get update already01:08
dniMretsaMstan_man_can: no, that sholudn't make a difference. unless your sources.list got messed up. it should be in the main repo.01:08
=== soreau_ is now known as soreau
icerootstan_man_can: deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu oneiric main01:09
icerootstan_man_can: but that in the file01:09
stan_man_caneverything in main should be in unierse shouldn't it?01:09
icerootstan_man_can: main and universe are totally different parts of the repo01:09
icerootstan_man_can: you are missing the real main repo01:09
stan_man_canwell then01:09
icerootstan_man_can: and remove deb http://nginx.org/packages/ubuntu/ lucid nginx01:10
icerootstan_man_can: how you did the upgrade? there went some things very wrong01:10
stan_man_caniceroot: someone told me to change main to universe earlier01:10
stan_man_canthe licid nginx was added manually to install nginx gia apt01:10
icerootstan_man_can: beat the person how told you that01:10
stan_man_canthey were in here :/01:10
icerootstan_man_can: ok lets beat him together :)01:11
icerootstan_man_can: you need the main-repo and also the universe repo is very nice to have01:11
stan_man_canis it okay to leave the lucid one in?01:11
icerootstan_man_can: i dont think its a good idea01:11
iceroot!info nginx01:12
ubottunginx (source: nginx): small, but very powerful and efficient web server and mail proxy. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0.5-1 (oneiric), package size 5 kB, installed size 80 kB01:12
=== Guest6093 is now known as Dorito
dniMretsaMstan_man_can:  you can. it won't do any good, though01:12
icerootstan_man_can: nginx is in the 11.10 universe repo01:12
stan_man_canwell then01:12
stan_man_canhow can i tell where it got installed from??01:12
stan_man_canor does it make a difference?01:12
icerootstan_man_can: apt-cache policy packagename  will show you from what source it is installed01:13
icerootstan_man_can: the main problem is mixing packages for different releases which will end in dependency fights01:13
icerootstan_man_can: http://paste.ubuntu.com/941889/01:16
icerootstan_man_can: use that01:16
icerootstan_man_can: then use "sudo apt-get update"01:17
stan_man_caniceroot will it mess anything up with my current nginx install??01:19
InferiorHumanOrghow would one go about running two different window managers on two different screens ?01:19
stan_man_caniceroot: and do i not need main/univere for oneiric and oneiric-updates ?01:20
icerootstan_man_can: the oneiric repo is also holding 1.0.15-101:21
icerootstan_man_can: ah yes i forgot two line with universe01:21
icerootInferiorHumanOrg: running two x-servers01:22
icerootstan_man_can: please add two lines with universe01:22
stan_man_caniceroot: like this ?? https://gist.github.com/246804501:22
icerootstan_man_can: yes01:23
MrUnagihow can i increase the resolution ubuntu puts out for vnc01:28
icerootMrUnagi: it will use the resolution of the real desktop, you cant use different resolutions for vnc and the real desktop01:29
rdeggesHey all, anyone know when 12.04 LTS is supposed to be released (as stablee)?01:29
christhisisgoolthe 26th01:30
MrUnagiiceroot: how can i force ubuntu to allow higher resolutions01:30
blackbear008hello,every body,I am a new user from china.01:30
rdeggeschristhisisgool: oh, thanks very much!01:30
icerootMrUnagi: ubuntu will use the resolution of your monitor01:30
rdeggesI'll hold off on formatting till then :)01:30
MrUnagiiceroot: it doesn't have a monitor01:30
icerootMrUnagi: then why using vnc and not freenx?01:30
icerootor why even using a gui?01:30
MrUnagibecause i don't know what freenx is, and i prefer to have the option to use a gui01:31
MrUnagiespecially when installing a virtual machine01:31
iceroot!freenx | MrUnagi01:31
ubottuMrUnagi: FreeNX is advanced remote desktop technology. For more information and install instructions, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeNX01:31
blackbear008中文 ?01:31
icerootMrUnagi: its something like vnc but much better01:31
icerootMrUnagi: its something like a terminal-server like rdesktop on windows01:31
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MrUnagilike it draws on the client side?01:32
icerootMrUnagi: yes01:32
MrUnagiiceroot: even if i am on a mac?01:32
* MrUnagi smacks self01:32
MrUnagibuild from source01:32
icerootMrUnagi: osx is the server then?01:33
MrUnagios x is client, ubuntu is my server01:33
icerootMrUnagi: there should be freenx clients for osx too (i know free and apple-stuff does not fit together...)01:33
lazikI do sudo fdisk -l and get a list of the partitions, how would I go about dumping the first partition to a file so I can look at it with a hex editor or something?01:35
icerootlazik: dd if=/dev/sda1 of=/path/to/file/mydump.img01:36
icerootreplace sda1 with your partition you want01:37
khmerogisnt ubuntu a low resource OS? any reason why i would need more than 4GB of ram while using Ubuntu?01:37
icerootkhmerog: 512mb ram here01:37
pangolinUbuntu is not a low resource OS but you don't need more than 4GB01:37
khmeroglol iceroot???01:38
icerootkhmerog: and as i told you, read http://www.linuxatemyram.com/  to understand the output of free -m01:38
khmeroghow is it with 512mb?01:38
icerootkhmerog: fine01:38
blackbear008most 1G01:38
khmerogyes i read it iceroot01:38
icerootkhmerog: but i am not on ubuntu, i am on lubuntu01:38
aeon-ltdi was using ubuntu once with 512mb, gnome was bearable, openbox was sorta awesome.01:38
aeon-ltdbut this was pre-unity and compiz was young.01:39
khmerogi am currently Wubuntu...01:39
khmerogahhh lubuntu = the LIGHT ubuntu01:39
pangolinactually no01:39
icerootkhmerog: yes, lxde + openbox01:39
pangolinthe L is for LXDE01:39
christhisisgoollightweight x11 desktop enviroment01:39
khmerogmaybe i should have installed lubuntu for my netbook instead of ubunutu01:39
icerootand the L in LXDE is for light :)01:40
pangolinwhich turns out to be lightweight01:40
lazikiceroot, thanks01:40
iceroothm in 12.10 its called LWDE then? :)01:40
Dawn262so hey.  I have a 133mg cpu with 64 megs of ram sitting around.  can i put lubuntu on that?01:41
Dawn262or do I need the 512k?01:42
ajinPOWERVR SGX545 3D accelerate DRIVER FOR LINUX exit yet?01:42
aeon-ltdDawn262: i wouldn't if 133mg was meant to be 133mhz01:42
dniMretsaMI don't think that's enough for lubuntu01:42
Dawn262mhz yeah01:42
icerootDawn262: 128mb is imo needed01:42
christhisisgooldawn262: while i have not tried it on something with that low of cpu, i have had it run a 500mhz cpu with the same amount of ram01:42
jiohdiprobably can use icewm01:42
icerootDawn262: and there is a bug in the graphical installer which wants more ram, so you have to use alternate-cd01:43
Dawn262gaaa  ok01:43
netzsoochi, I just installed lucid, but I have no sound, nevertheless lspci list the two sound cards, any idea on how to fix the prob? (lspci out is on http://pastebin.com/qcvNCmG401:43
dniMretsaMTinyCore would run on that01:43
christhisisgoolyes, but does tiny core have any type of decent device support? (usb, and such?)01:43
jiohdipuppy does01:43
icerootchristhisisgool: the support is coming from the kernel, not the GUI01:43
aeon-ltdDawn262: if the processor is i586 use crux if i686 use arch, you WILL need to tailor your OS to get any performance out of it. if i386 use ubuntu server/debian and do it from the base up01:43
dniMretsaMchristhisisgool: I think so.01:44
aeon-ltdajin: hi01:44
Dawn262ok  thanks all01:44
HebramI doubt a 133mhz cpu motherboard has usb.01:44
jiohdiDawn262, try bodhilinux its a lucid varient very light weight01:44
icerootDawn262: ah it will only run if your cpu is i586 or higher01:44
icerootDawn262: because the kernel is only supporting i586 and higher01:44
ajinwell,is there a power vr 545 3D driver for linux yet?01:45
jiohdipuppy is one of the best for old low power machines01:45
christhisisgooli agree with jiohdi01:45
dniMretsaMdoes puppy even run on 64mb of RAM?01:46
jiohdilucid pup for ubuntu integration to a degree01:46
Dawn262puppy it is then!01:46
ajincan anyone help me?01:46
jiohdipuppy will run on very little ram01:46
ajini googled, but no answer appeared01:46
khmerogwhen i installed ubuntu on my netbook..i partitioned my hard drive according to a tutorial i found online..do i need to do this for any other Linux OS?01:46
aeon-ltdajin: describe your problem to the channel, we'll do our best01:46
khmerogi partitioned it into 4 parts01:46
christhisisgooloh, and sorry for my misinformed comments on tiny core. it was some other distro i was thinking of01:46
aeon-ltdkhmerog: why?01:47
christhisisgoolaeon-ltd: so we know what the problem is01:47
icerootkhmerog: any linux os is happy to found / the rest is not needed as extra partition01:47
Dawn262ummmm puppy is not on the release site01:47
khmerogi see01:47
Jayfacei installed ubuntu for the first time using wubi01:48
khmerogsame JayFace01:48
christhisisgooldawn262: yes it is, its right here http://puppylinux.org/main/Download%20Latest%20Release.htm01:48
Jayfaceand windows is located inside /host/ whats with this?01:49
khmerogbut was advised against doing that so i did a clean install01:49
Jayfaceis ubuntu on a seperate partition or installed on ntfs partition01:49
dniMretsaMaccording the tho Puppy FAQ, 4.2.1 requires 128mb of RAM and a 500MHZ processor01:49
* Dawn262 huggles christhisisgool 01:49
khmerogJayface even if you installed ubuntu on a Separate partition u still have access to the windows host folder01:49
Dawn262should work!!01:50
dniMretsaMcan't find info on 5.x01:50
khmerogkind of weird to me too01:50
christhisisgooldnimretsam: just ignore that. it should work01:50
lazikHow would I find out where the mbr is stored?01:50
Dawn262this is gonna be soooo cool if I can get it to work01:50
khmerogbut i kind of like that becuase i can have access to my files on windows01:50
Jayfacewhy were you advised against this?01:50
renderowhich is the best program to test my disk after i accidentally move the pc while the hard disk was running, and makes a bad noise ( now i do not hear anything bad )01:50
icerootlazik: 512bytes of the device01:50
icerootlazik: together with the partiton layout01:50
Jayfacewell you would anyway if you mounted the ntfs partition?01:50
christhisisgoolrendero: any ubuntu distro with a disk utility01:50
icerootrendero: smartmontools is a good way to start01:51
khmerogbecause the guy told me that Wubuntu is not stable and never worked correctly to begin with..something like that01:51
jiohdijayface, wubi makes a gigantic file inside windows and then boots it... problem I have had is upon update the file changes bootloader cant find it, crashes system01:51
dniMretsaMchristhisisgool: lol ox01:51
khmerogoic jiohdi01:51
Jayfaceok well i guess ill man up and partition it right01:52
jiohdiIl lost both windows and linux that way twice01:52
Jayfacecan I just delete said file in windows?01:52
datruthDoes the app screenlets install the gnome desktop?01:52
khmerogjiodhi is that why the tutorial tells u to partition your drive into 4 parts../boot + / + /home + swap  ?01:52
Jayfaceok cool see you guys in a bit thanks01:52
jiohdikhmerog, not sure about that part, since it never worked right I never used it again01:53
d-d-d-d-dd-d-d-hi everybody how iz u doing 2day01:53
d-d-d-d-dd-d-d-£ö£ö£ î ©åñ }{åz ©öö£ £€††€®§ ñ §}{î†01:53
d-d-d-d-dd-d-d-0R 1 C4N 74LK L1K3 4 7074LLY 3L173 H4CK3R01:54
d-d-d-d-dd-d-d-Current System Configuration01:54
d-d-d-d-dd-d-d-Operating System: Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate, Service Pack 1 up for 1 weeks, 3 days, 5 hours, 23 minutes 25 seconds01:54
d-d-d-d-dd-d-d-CPU/RAM: Intel® Core™ i5-2500K CPU @ 3.30GHz with Currently 4006 of 8169MB in use which is 49.04%01:54
d-d-d-d-dd-d-d-Storage System: 111.8GB Internet Connection: n/a01:54
d-d-d-d-dd-d-d-Display System: 1GB NVIDIA GeForce GTX 560 Ti using a Generic PnP monitor at 1920x1080 32bit color 60Hz refresh01:54
FloodBot1d-d-d-d-dd-d-d-: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.01:54
jiohdikhmerog, most good linux distros let you set up dual boot without issues as long as the windows is in there first01:54
lazikiceroot, thanks again01:54
renderoiceroot, palimpsest says the disk is healthy, is that enough ? can i proobe another ? the program you said uses s.m.a.r.t too01:56
=== Afteraffekt is now known as Afterraff`
renderoiceroot, extended offline gsmartcontrol says no error, may be that noise was nothing and the disk was not damaged01:58
WHAT_UPthis torrent file linked from the homepage is missing: http://releases.ubuntu.com/lucid/ubuntu-10.04-netbook-i386.iso.torrent01:58
icerootrendero: so its seems to be fine but having a backup is ALWAYS a good idea01:58
icerootWHAT_UP: lucid is no longer supported01:59
icerootah sorry, its lts01:59
delinquentmehow do i grep a literal dot01:59
delinquentmeim looking for the string "a..z"01:59
delinquentme\. didnt work01:59
renderoiceroot, how do i back up 500 gigas ? lol01:59
icerootrendero: with an external 2tb drive02:00
builderdelin: "\." is def how you do it02:00
renderoiceroot, do you recommend the program dd to back up ? can i boot the system from an external hard drive as i do with an internal one ?02:01
[snake]is there a way I can update gnome-terminal to something greater than 2.30.2 on Ubuntu 10.04 64bit02:02
warfarendelinquentme: i would type grep 'a\.\.z' but i suppose " would work too02:02
icerootrendero: i would not recommend dd as a backup tool and i would not recommend to mirror the complete system, instead i would backup my personal data every day/week or whatever and only store the diff to the last backup02:02
icerootWHAT_UP: what url linked to that missing file?02:02
WHAT_UPiceroot: http://www.ubuntu.com/download/ubuntu/alternative-download02:03
WHAT_UPiceroot: search for ubuntu-10.04-netbook-i386.iso.torrent02:03
icerootWHAT_UP: thank you i will report it02:03
WHAT_UPi don't particularly need the file, i was just using it to test some torrent program i'm writing and i was confused as to why the .torrent file came up as invalid :)02:04
renderoiceroot, i think you mean to backup home. Do i have to just copy and paste my home folder on the external hard drive ?02:04
ubottuThere are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning02:05
icerootrendero: yes its something like "just copy" have a look at "deja-dup"02:05
renderoiceroot, i will check deja-dup02:05
renderothank you02:05
renderothank you wylde too02:05
balazshi. I'm installing 12.04 in a virtual box and downloading the language packs is funky02:06
icerootbalazs: #ubuntu+102:06
[snake]they have 12.04 already... jeez I'm still using 10... :/ no wonder why I have no help :P02:06
ubottusbackup is a tool to create complete and/or incremental backups (which can be scheduled to be automatic, and can be done over a network). It is available in !Universe02:06
ubottuTo replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude  --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » - See also !automate02:06
mute_Evening everyone. Had a quick question about how to just execute a program in the terminal but then be able to close the console and have the program still run if that makes any sense02:07
[snake]When I update above 10.10 my installation usually goes bizzurk... is 12.04 not as buggy as the 11s02:07
icerootmute_: screen02:07
[snake]mute_ (command &)02:08
iceroot[snake]: no02:08
iceroot[snake]: that kills the program when you close the terminal02:08
[snake]works for me.02:08
[snake]no it doesn't02:08
iceroot[snake]: it will not work for you02:08
mute_so like, screen amarok or something?02:08
[snake]maybe I'm wrong... let me check..02:08
buildermute_ if its already running you can press ctrl+z02:09
builderand then type 'bg <job number>'02:09
builderwhich will prolly be 102:09
[snake]iceroot, it's still running.02:09
[snake]iceroot, no terminal in site.02:09
iceroot[snake]: as i said, screen is the correct way02:09
builderyeh but if its already running just ctrl+z it and then bg it02:10
[snake]iceroot, of course it is, because it's your way lol02:10
iceroot[snake]: its my way because its the correct way02:10
Gneabuilder: did you mean fg?02:10
iceroot[snake]: not, its the correct way because its my way02:10
mute_snakes way works, but iceroot, what's screen?02:10
[snake]iceroot, it's no big deal... I was jking.... :((02:10
buildergnea: no dudes you friggin ctrl+z, type bg <job num> and then disown it02:11
[snake]thanks mute_02:11
builderman disown02:11
icerootmute_: screen is a window manager for the shell02:11
builderwell its bash invocation so no man02:11
GneaNo manual entry for disown02:11
icerootmute_: it will open a new session and you can work in the session, close the terminal, lose the ssh connection and everything is still running inside that screen session02:11
builderbut trust me ive had to do it a million time accidentally not using screen before starting a mysqlcheck -or02:12
builderand then my shift ends and im like02:12
Gnea!language | builder02:12
ubottubuilder: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.02:12
khmerogwhy are the apps on ubuntu software center outdated? example playonlinux is version 3.XX when on the website version 4.XX is already out02:12
[snake]I don't think it matter HOW you do it... so long as it gets done... screen works pretty well too..02:12
builderreally gnea?02:12
[snake]actually I like screen.02:12
Gneathat's a pretty good way to reclaim the process, though02:12
icerootkhmerog: you will only get security updates for a specific ubuntu-release02:12
[snake]it's easier02:12
builderscreen is obviously the way to go02:12
Gneabuilder: really, we know what the words stand for.02:12
icerootkhmerog: almost never major updates02:12
builderim just saying if you forgot to run it first02:13
buildergnea: yeh, but why be so lame02:13
builderi say "fudge" all the time02:13
Gneabuilder: your definition of lame does not apply here. please, continue with solving the problem...02:13
khmerogok iceroot02:13
iceroot[snake]: lxpanel& and then close the terminal will kill the lxpanel :)02:13
builderi already know howto solve the problem02:13
[snake]u forgot the parenthesis02:14
builderif they would listen to me02:14
iceroot[snake]: some programs are using disown inside them so they are working with your method02:14
khmerogiceroot u r using ubuntu 11.10?02:14
[snake](command &)02:14
=== irdx is now known as irdxafk
icerootkhmerog: lubuntu 12.0402:14
khmerogohh snap02:14
khmerogbeta right?>02:14
mute_I can't really figure out how to use screen so I'm going with snakes method. :P thanks guys for the help.02:14
[snake]is 12.04 any better than the 11s? because I could never get those to work.02:15
iceroot[snake]: hm any difference in lxpanel& and (lxpanel &)02:15
mute_Since I'm here actually does anyone use cmus?02:15
builderand if you want to redirect output after something is running02:15
builderi can do that too ;)02:15
icerootmute_: type "screen" press enter and do your normal work02:15
[snake]iceroot, idk... but it's cool man. just chill.02:15
renderocan someone tell me the name of the package i can see here ---> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup  ( there are some screenshots in "Implementation")02:15
buildergdb -p <PID>02:16
builderp dup2(open("/dev/null", 0), 1)02:16
builderp dup2(open("/dev/null", 0), 2)02:16
builderthat will redirect standard output and stderr to /dev/null02:16
builderAFTER proc is running02:16
[snake]can you get ubuntu with gnome 3 or did they remove all of gnome from their newer releases?02:17
buildersnake: apt-get install gnome-shell02:17
builder+cinnamon ftw02:17
icerootrendero: hubackup02:18
aaaswhats the name of the ubuntu 11.04 terminal executable?>02:18
icerootrendero: as it seems, never released02:18
icerootaaas: gnome-terminal02:18
builderaaas: let me do you a huge favor, and you will thank me for it later02:19
icerootrendero: and the changelog says "replaced by deja-dup"02:19
builderaaas: apt-get install terminator02:19
builderright click to split it, and then use ctrl+shift+x to zoom in and out02:19
[snake]it seems that updates always made my system less compatible with ubuntu... is it maybe better in 12.04 instead of worse because I don't want to download it just to find out it doesn't work with mine.02:20
renderoiceroot, i wrote hubackup in the konsole terminal and says no such order02:20
builderi dont think it t has transparency you might have to use gconftool-2 -s '/apps/metacity/general/compositing_manager' --type bool true02:20
builderoops nm02:20
Guest51037hi,every body.02:21
builderhi.. guest02:21
blithenIf I were to set the output sound of a program via the terminal what would pulseaudio be called?02:22
blithenlike... output=pulseaudio or?02:23
dlentzblithen, depends on the program02:23
blithenWell Cmus then. o:02:23
dlentzcmus calls it pulse02:25
blithenThank you!02:25
blithenUh oh. D: Error: selecting output plugin 'pulse': no such plugin02:25
dlentzdoes cmus --plugins show pulse ?02:26
blithenHmm  it would see that output plugins are stored in a directory that doesn't exist: cmus: Error: couldn't open directory `/usr/local/lib/cmus/op': No such file or directory02:27
dlentzdid you build it from source?02:27
builderblithen: lspci -v02:29
builderto see your audio dev02:29
blackbear008builder,where are you?02:30
blackbear008I am in china!02:30
IlusionI m Brasil02:31
Ilusionalgum brasileiro nessa sala :)02:31
blackbear008Ok,got it02:31
blackbear008Does Ubuntu suitable from the NetBook,02:31
blackbear008such as ASUS eeePC02:32
hyddhow do install Ubuntu on Atari 2600?02:32
blackbear008some usually use Puppy linux or Fedora 16.02:32
blackbear008hydd, use DVD or USB disk,to install02:33
=== mars is now known as Guest24046
hyddfuck that. you actually install Ubuntu on a 2600.02:33
z3k3i want to ask about emapthy02:33
hyddgodless people02:33
pangolin!language | hydd02:34
ubottuhydd: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.02:34
blackbear008on you, ubottu02:34
hyddand why exactly would I care it for being family friendly?02:34
hyddthe people are installing the fucking thing on the 2600's!02:34
z3k3hellppp meee02:34
hydddo something about it. or else.02:34
builderCPU:   6507, 8bit, 1.19MHz (cutdown 6502 with only 8K address space) RAM:   128 Bytes (additional 128 or 256 bytes in some cartridges)02:35
z3k3hellp me02:35
blackbear008do not just cry for help02:35
blackbear008do something02:35
z3k3yess i speeeeekk02:35
builderlol like a puppy with a broken leg02:36
z3k3about empathy02:36
blackbear008about empathy and what?02:36
z3k3how i can clear history conversation02:36
flying_penguinhi all02:36
Puck1980sign out and sign back in02:36
Puck1980that will stop you seeing all the convo in here02:36
blackbear008no , z3k3 is logging the conversation02:36
choushoHello~ Did the server guide documents get moved? I'm not having any luck with these links from  https://help.ubuntu.com/10.10/serverguide/C/index.html02:37
z3k3before i log the conversations02:37
blackbear008user a command : /    help02:37
Puck1980oh ok02:37
Puck1980must have issed that befpor ei logged in02:37
z3k3and i want to clear the history conversations empathy02:37
flying_penguini've upgraded to 12.04 and can't find where to change the number of workplaces02:37
blackbear008you will see a lot of command to use;02:37
blackbear008z3k3,use : clear02:38
blackbear008have you seen it ? z3k3?02:38
Puck1980have you unchecked the the option in the preferences of this app too?02:38
z3k3how i do that mr blackbear02:38
flying_penguindoes anyone know?02:39
wylde!10.10 | chousho02:39
ubottuchousho: Ubuntu 10.10 (Maverick Meerkat) was the thirteenth release of Ubuntu. !End-Of-Life on April 10th, 2012, see http://ubottu.com/y/maverick for details.02:39
pangolinflying_penguin: 12.04 in #ubuntu+1 please02:39
netzsoocI use lucid lynx. I have to soundcards but just hdmi is working, the internal audio is not... could you tell me how to fix that?02:42
builderwhat is empathy02:42
mdelhey all - i installed ubuntu on my mac without rEFIt, and then chose to install grub on the partition i designated as /02:42
mdelbootcamp menu doesnt show my ubuntu install...how can i add it?02:42
blackbear008empathy, is a kind of IRC software in linux platform.02:43
blackbear008sorry , I come from China,and my English is poor.02:43
blackbear008z3k3, I advise you to google : how to use IRC02:44
blackbear008you will get a lot help.02:44
builderanyone know any other linux channels i might fit in at?02:44
builderlike not so big02:44
Wildbatis there a tools for cleaning up orphan/old files in a webdir?02:44
netzsoocbuilder empathy is multi protocol IM02:44
blackbear008or use can create a new one.02:45
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blackbear008Question: Is IRC chating secure?02:45
builderwildbat: what do you mean by orphaned?02:45
Logan_!pm | [Bazinga]02:45
ubottu[Bazinga]: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.02:45
Logan_!pm >[Bazinga]02:46
Wildbatbuilder, unlinked, junk, unless02:46
netzsoocblackbear what you mean secure?02:46
blackbear008other can see our talk in the Net.02:47
builderapt-get install deborphan i think02:47
wyldeblackbear008: yes they can. This channel is also logged as per the /topic02:47
blackbear008OK, roget that.02:48
blackbear008thanks, wylde.02:48
blackbear008every body.02:50
stacks`last night i performed some simple command like cd or pwd, and i got write error: Success -- i ignored it.. but now today, i typed cd and suddenly: -bash: cd: write error: Success .. i can continue to carry on with my duties but this is bugging me out. is my drive going bad? anything i can do to check?02:51
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=== sburjan_ is now known as sburjan`
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit02:52
whitemagiccan someone recommend me a good app for monitoring CPU and maybe motherboard temps on a laptop?02:53
blackbear008why are you use :!?02:54
blackbear008why are you using ! ?02:54
ubottuPlease investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots.  Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid".02:55
Gneawhitemagic: lm-sensors02:56
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dlentz!ping | z3k303:07
ubottuz3k3: another contentless ping... sigh...03:07
* ede Ping | Could not be resolved to an IP address03:07
blithenHow do I add my external hardrives files to the mlocate database?03:09
choushothank you, wylde03:10
mdelhey i installed ubuntu on my mac, but now the ubuntu option is not there in the bootloader03:12
mdelany ideas03:12
blackbear008may be it is MAC poblems03:13
blackbear008builder,are you there?03:15
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serdotlinmdel, insert back your live USB/CD, boot, after login run on terminal this command> sudo update-grub...i dunno maybe this could help...03:21
mdelserdotlin: i ended up installing refit, unfortunately03:22
mdeli think i can get rid of it now that its recognized03:22
ExpFistIs there anyway to determine which source a package is from?03:23
ExpFistI have one test server that has a specific package available, where my prod box doesn't have it available03:23
ExpFistTrying to figure out which source I need to add to get the package I need03:23
wyldeExpFist: apt-cache ploicy <packagename>03:24
ExpFistAhh perfect. New command learned!03:25
wyldenp :)03:25
acid_marki just installed kde 4.7.2 and now i see it is using 879 mb of ram just barely running kde03:29
mcc(Just asked a question like this in #linux then meant I had a more ubuntu-specific question)03:29
mccI have a game, I would like to build a Linux version of it so people don't have to build it themselves, however when I build with Ubuntu 11.10 and then give people the exe many of them say they get the error: "/usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/libstdc++.so.6: version `GLIBCXX_3.4.15? not found"03:30
mccIs there a package I can install on Ubuntu 11.10 that will give me packages for Ubuntu 11.0403:32
mccsorry, that was asked poorly03:32
[snake]mcc, haha yeah... i have no clue what you mean... :P03:32
[snake]I think I get it now.03:33
mccis there a package i can install on ubuntu 11.10 that will give me old libraries, so that exes i build will work on 11.04?03:33
[snake]better :) sorry though Idk03:34
=== Logan_ is now known as Logan
=== Logan is now known as log
zorg24can i get some help setting xchat up for espernet03:37
zorg24im doing something wrong03:38
Lintmcc, just install 11.04 and build a package there03:38
mccthat's what i'm looking at, yeah03:38
zorg24can anyone help?03:38
mccwhat's the oldest ubuntu version people are likely to use?03:38
mccif i install 10.04 should that be good?03:39
mcci can install anything, all my linux is running in a vm03:39
ubottuLTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server. The current LTS version of Ubuntu is !Lucid (Lucid Lynx 10.04)03:39
mcczorg24 what problem are you having03:39
mcclint: sounds like a good argument in favor of 10.04. thanks!03:39
=== log is now known as Logan_
cfeddemcc: once you learn to install an older one then supporting even older versions becomes a marketing problem.03:39
MonkeypawsHey all. Just created my first LVM, works fine, but the last harddrive i added i forgot to format to xfs.  it was already formatted for xfs but i didnt know if i had to format it again before adding it to the LVM.  it added fine, no errors or anything.  Will this crash and burn later or am i ok?03:41
zorg24btw i know aboutlvm other than it being tricky to set up03:42
Linttechnically you can install the corresponding libraries into a separate directory and set pkg-config to look there first03:42
Monkeypawsyah it wasnt too bad03:42
Monkeypawsim thinkin i should remove the drive from the LVM, format it, then add it back03:42
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blithenNow when I try to run cmus it doesn't do anything. :|03:48
mdelis it possible to mount my ubuntu partition in OSX?03:48
vexaxvanyone on here play minecraft?03:51
KatsumeBliskDoes the Daily 12.04 build get updated on Thursday?03:51
KatsumeBliskAs in, if I install it, I'll be running the release on Thurs03:51
trismKatsumeBlisk: if you install it and install the normal updates you will have the final version, yes03:52
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KatsumeBlisktrism, Thanks. I was just making sure that if I installed, I wouldn't have to reinstall later.03:53
jgmdevwhich date is set as the final release for 12.04?03:53
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KatsumeBliskApril 26 jgmdev03:53
serdotlinkatsumeBlisk: just running sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade03:53
KatsumeBliskserdotlin, and nothing will break since they're the same release. ;)03:54
jgmdevKatsumeBlisk, thanks :)03:54
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jgmdevinstalled 12.04 on my laptop and the new unity feature to access the applications menu with ALT key is a great improvement, still a lot of typing and keyboard shortcuts to get somewhere and using the Mod key for application traversal causes the shortcuts windows to always show03:58
jgmdevMod + Tab for application switching causing also opens the shortcuts help window03:59
schultzahow do i get the mic working on a laptop for ubuntu?04:00
schultzawhat's the best way to install python 2.7 on 10.0404:00
icallitveraokay i have ubuntu 10.04 server running cups and have a printer configured and have my lubuntu 12.04 laptop connecting to the server and can see the printers shared but none of the printing dialogs (leafpad abiword libreoffice) show anything besides print to file04:00
icallitverawhat do?04:00
icallitverano one?04:02
schultzathat was a mass join  (server split recently?)04:02
O0dditySo i am having an issue with 11.10 and RFkill04:03
O0ddityi have managed to turnof softblockign and hardblocking of my wifi driver, but dmesg is showing it is still blocked04:04
jgmdevicallitvera, do you have the printer installed by using the printing setup application?04:04
Lintyou need a gtk cups backend installed04:05
icallitveraLint i have the standard system-config-printer installed if thats what you are talking about04:05
acid_markhi.......kde uses 800 mb of ram just at startup without opening any app .......?04:05
O0dditywhere can i learn about the network manager in ubuntu04:05
icallitverajgmdev yes i used the http cups interface04:05
icallitveraor whatever they call it04:06
Lintdo you have libprintbackend-cups.so04:07
O0ddityI have a question, why is it that everytime i install linux on a fairly common laptop, it completly fails to work with at least one crutial piece of hardware04:07
MneumonicIs there a way to remove the unity panel on the second monitor?04:07
smwO0ddity, because there is no hardware support from the manufacturers?04:08
Lintin its options04:08
smwO0ddity, it works fine on my laptop04:08
O0dditythe wifi driver did actually work during install04:08
smwO0ddity, the people who make the hardware don't make the drivers on linux.04:08
O0ddityintel tend todo so04:09
smwO0ddity, so what hardware is not working?04:09
LeV91Be more specific. WHAT crucial piece of hjardware?04:09
smwO0ddity, so, the wifi does not work04:09
icallitveraLint i have looked at the config for the cups server on my laptop and the one on the server, one is ipp and the other is dnssd could this be the problem (under the "Device URI" in the settings )04:10
smwO0ddity, hm... that is a bug then04:10
smwbecause it should work04:10
O0dditywell its very wierd i'm trying to figure out where the bug actualy is04:10
O0ddityi dont know if its in the driver its self04:11
O0ddityor todo with RFkill04:11
LeV91configuration most likely04:11
icallitveraoh i just got it to work :) it works with the dnsssd config and not the ipp04:11
O0ddityi've tried a bunch of stuff with 'modprobe -r' and then' RFkill unblock all'04:11
smwO0ddity, what does rfkill list say?04:12
O0ddityas well as the laptops keyboard Fn-F5 wifi switch04:12
amadewshy i am new whit linx  my ask is ,is there a way to upgrade from 9.04 to actual version?04:12
O0dditywell i can get it to report hardblocking and soft block offf04:12
O0dditybut when i run Dmesg04:12
smwamadews, not without doing every one in between04:12
O0dditythe last 4 lines say the oposite04:13
smwamadews, or reinstalling04:13
Sagradoamadews you can download the latest version04:13
Sagradoand reinstall it whole04:13
Sagradoand that would be the bright thing to do04:13
schultzacant wait for the next LTS to be released04:13
Sagradolatest ubuntu = 12.104:13
smwO0ddity, what does rfkill say?04:13
Sagrado^see topic04:13
amadewsi tray to upgrade to 9.1004:13
amadewsbut fail04:13
smwO0ddity, pastebin it04:14
Sagrado9.10 is um quite old04:14
Sagradolatest is 12.104:14
schultza12.04 beta... what are you thinking04:14
Sagradothats beta...04:15
schultzalatest is 11.1004:15
amadewswhit out a download i cant  upgrade to 11.10?04:15
asdqweaweasi cant install ubuntu on my desktop04:15
asdqweaweascan anyone help me?04:15
smwasdqweaweas, what is the problem?04:16
milamber!9.10 | amadews04:16
Sagradosmw he on old version04:16
Sagradowana go to latest one04:16
ubottuamadews: Ubuntu 9.10 (Karmic Koala) was the eleventh release of Ubuntu. !End-Of-Life on April 29th 2011, see http://ubottu.com/y/karmic for details.04:16
Sagradoand schultza thanx for that..lol04:16
smwSagrado, what?04:17
smwSagrado, who is on old version?04:17
amadewsnot me:)04:17
asdqweaweassmw: i have 3 partition ..C, D and E..i have Windows on C and i want to install Ubuntu on D04:17
asdqweaweasbut i cant04:17
asdqweaweasit saying something No root file found04:18
smwasdqweaweas, how are you installing it?04:18
smwor booting from the CD04:18
asdqweaweassmw: nope, i have Ubuntu CD04:18
smwasdqweaweas, so you are in "manual partitioning"?04:19
asdqweaweassmw: yes04:19
O0dditysnw: here is the paste  http://www.gitpaste.com/paste/658/04:20
smwasdqweaweas, you need to make the partition you want to use mounted on "/"04:20
smwasdqweaweas, no quotes04:20
asdqweaweassmw: you mean i need to create a new partition?04:20
smwasdqweaweas, you are selecting a partition and reformatting, yes?04:21
asdqweaweassmw: yes, i select and clicked on format04:21
amadews2 part one  for root and one swap04:21
asdqweaweaseven i tried to delete that drive04:21
asdqweaweasbut when i logged on windows again04:21
asdqweaweasnothing deleted04:21
smwasdqweaweas, when you format, select "ext4" as the filesystem type and / as the mount point04:22
smwasdqweaweas, got it?04:22
asdqweaweasok i will try04:22
asdqweaweassmw: also i want to join Ubuntu Loco team..is it possible?04:24
smwO0ddity, truthfully, I don't know. My wireless just works and it has been a long time since I needed to mess with it.04:24
smwasdqweaweas, loco? localization?04:24
asdqweaweassmw: yes04:24
smwasdqweaweas, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ContributeToUbuntu#The_Ubuntu_Translation_Tool:_Rosetta04:25
O0dditythat cool, i am mostly hoping i can get some clues about the chain of command todo with RFkill and my driver04:25
O0ddityim guessing i need to download Rfkill source, not just kernal04:26
O0dditybecause the kernal source for this driver, doesnt reveal much04:26
asdqweaweassmw: should i need to use rossetta ?04:26
smwasdqweaweas, I suggest getting on the mailing list and asking how you can help04:27
asdqweaweassmw: ok04:27
smwasdqweaweas, I have no special tips ;-). http://www.ubuntu.com/community/get-involved and its sublinks tell you just about everything04:27
smwasdqweaweas, where are you from/what language?04:29
asdqweaweassmw: Bengali04:29
asdqweaweasi am from Kolkata04:29
asdqweaweaswest bengal, India04:29
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smwasdqweaweas, hm, don't think there is a LoCo for that yet :-)04:30
smwasdqweaweas, there is one for Hindi/Tamil. But not Bengali.04:30
asdqweaweassmw: wow :)04:30
ClientAliveI installed awesome window manager on my minimal server install but it won't fire up. If I type "awesome" in my terminal and hit <enter> I get - E: awesome: main:378: cannot open display"  What can I do to fix this??04:31
ubottuThe X Window system is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart X, type 'sudo /etc/init.d/lightdm' on an ubuntu system. replace with kdm on Kubuntu. To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution . Also see !xorgconf04:38
swampthingcoudn't connec to 2600??04:38
ClientAliveubottu: so if my window manager name is "awesome" I would type: "sudo /etc/init.d/awesome"  ??04:39
zykotick9ClientAlive: try "startx"04:40
ClientAliveholy cow... I don't have x on my system - this is minimal!04:41
ClientAlivewhat is the package name? Just "x"? or "xorg"?04:42
zykotick9!info xorg04:42
ClientAlivewell wait a min. what it says is: "The program 'startx' is currently not installed..."04:43
ClientAlivesays: "bash: !info: event not found"04:43
ubottuxorg (source: xorg): X.Org X Window System. In component main, is optional. Version 1:7.6+7ubuntu7.1 (oneiric), package size 2 kB, installed size 112 kB04:44
akajedihi! somebody use this NetBeans 7.1.1 + ZF + Ubuntu 11.10 ?04:44
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ClientAlivebuy there is a directory "/etc/X11" and it does contain what appear to be xorg files.04:45
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akajedisorry.  somebody use this NetBeans 7.1.1 + ZF + Ubuntu 11.10 ?05:18
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jongbergsnimbiotics: you need to mount it first05:18
nimbioticsjongbergs: how?05:18
jongbergsnimbiotics: are you in a multiboot environment?05:18
jongbergsnimbiotics: windows + ubuntu?05:18
nimbioticsjongbergs: nope, using ubuntu 11.10 only05:18
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xuweiI will witch to ubuntu slowly05:19
jongbergsnimbiotics: does nautilus show that your drive /dev/sdb1 mounted?05:19
nimbioticsjongbergs:  yes*05:19
jongbergsnimbiotics: then you should be able to access the drive rigth from nautilus05:20
Guest23113Ever open office?05:20
nimbioticsjongbergs: and i can, but i need to access it from the cli05:20
jongbergsnimbiotics: you to to /media05:21
jongbergsnimbiotics: cd /media05:21
nimbioticsjongbergs: i can see it in the media,05:21
nimbioticsjongbergs: done, THX05:21
ubottujatt: Ubuntu 12.04 LTS (Precise Pangolin) is the 16th release of Ubuntu and is in Beta testing from 2nd March, Discussion and support until final release in #ubuntu+105:22
jongbergsnimbiotics: ok what do you want to do with cli?05:22
Guest23113design a open office database, then try to make it running in mysql.05:22
nimbioticsjongbergs: Im ok already, just following instructions to have slack on usb, THX again!05:23
Garr255hey all, I have a question: I have a program I'm trying to execute, rtorrent, but after following a tutorial that used the username "seeder1" and I try to run this, it gives me: rtorrent: Could not lock session directory: "/home/seeder1/rtorrent/.session/", No such file or directory05:24
jongbergsnimbiotics: ok no probs. good luck!05:24
akajediMay I ask, How can I fix it: Gtk-CRITICAL **: gtk_widget_event: assertion `WIDGET_REALIZED_FOR_EVENT (widget, event)' failed05:24
Garr255does anyone know how do change the dir its looking in to just /rtorrent/.session/ ?05:24
Garr255I'm root on a ubuntu 10.10 shell if that matters05:25
hemanthGarr255, cd /home/seeder1/rtorrent/.session/05:26
Garr255it is installed in just /rtorrent/05:26
xubuntu976Did you try installing it to the default directory?05:28
nimbioticsprobs again, I need to execute a certain shell script but (using nautilus), I cannot change its properties to allow execution, rnor any other properties. what can I do?05:29
hemanthnimbiotics, sudo chmod a+x your_script05:29
Garr255no, I used this tutorial: http://goo.gl/aqYHW there were some crazy directory move commands that I didn't really follow05:29
nimbioticshemanth: THX05:29
hemanthGarr255, did u try : sudo apt-get install rtorrent05:30
Garr255i compiled it from source05:31
Garr255but I'll do that now05:31
rumpe1Garr255, you could set a link05:31
xubuntu976I've found that if you don't follow tutorials to the letter, something always goes awry.05:31
hemanthtar xvf rtorrent-0.9.0.tar.gz   is missing in that link of ur Garr25505:31
Garr255explain please :P05:32
rumpe1Garr255, ln -s /rtorrent/.session /home/seeder1/rtorrent/.session05:32
Garr255yes I did tar xvf rtorrent-0.9.0.tar.gz when it was needed and not in the tut05:32
harryhow can i join java channel?05:32
Garr255ln: creating symbolic link `/home/seeder1/rtorrent/.session': No such file or directory05:32
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rumpe1Garr255, then first create the directory /home/seeder1/rtorrent05:33
hemanthharry, you need a java certificate to do that!05:33
Garr255mkdir: cannot create directory `/home/seeder1/rtorrent': No such file or directory05:33
Guest65848how can i get java certificate?05:33
OldOneEyehow do i uninstall gnome and leave just kde on my system05:33
Garr255and sudo gives me the same thing05:33
Garr255using mkdir05:33
nimbioticshemanth: Its not workin, Im not getting any error or warning messages but it just fails to apply the new permissions!05:34
hemanthGuest65848, wget?05:34
hemanthnimbiotics, what's the message?05:34
vexaxvhey guys is the lack of support from adobe bother anyone?05:34
nimbioticshemanth: no, no message at all05:34
vexaxvno longer supporting adobe air on linux, does that make u guys wonder if they will ever not support flash/reader?05:34
hemanthnimbiotics, is it a bin file, what kina file is it?05:34
rumpe1Garr255, "/home/seeder1/rtorrent/.session/", No such file or directory    ... well... you have to check how far the path exists. Does /home/seeder1 exist at all?05:34
YetAnotherUserdoes anyone know a good z80-assembler, a simulator? even tried some on windows but they did anything but work05:35
nimbioticshemanth:  -rw-r--r-- 1 nimbiotics nimbiotics    2245 2009-08-04 20:20 bootinst.sh05:35
hemanthnimbiotics, well....sudo bash bootinst.sh05:35
rumpe1Garr255, but it sounds more and more like a really bad install. I'd recommend removing it as far as it is possible and use the recommended way using the package manager.05:35
CellTechI am attempting to get video/voice chat to work on my computer. Are their maybe some google plug ins I need extra?05:35
Guest65848is there any java chat room i can join?05:35
YetAnotherUserguest why do you need a javachatroom?05:36
nimbioticshemanth: you r a genius, THX a lot!!!05:36
YetAnotherUseror a channel about java?05:36
Guest65848sorry channel, i am new to java and learning?05:36
Garr255rumpe1, derp. thanks I'm making that dir now. it is a vps so I'll just wipe it and start over if this fails...05:36
hemanthGuest65848, don't learn it05:36
Guest65848why not05:37
hemanthGuest65848, learn something better05:37
hemanthGuest65848, maybe python05:37
Garr255rumpe1, awesome! the ln worked!05:37
Guest65848whats better than java05:37
Garr255rumpe1, thanks :D05:37
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YetAnotherUserjava isn't all bad... just trouble^^05:37
hemanthnimbiotics, enjoy05:38
Guest65848why python is better?05:38
rumpe1Guest65848, any language without a stepmother like oracle :>05:38
YetAnotherUserboth are good? python is easier?05:38
nimbioticshemanth: nope... did not work: bootinst.sh: line 53: ./boot/syslinux/lilo: Permission denied05:38
hemanthnimbiotics, better drive a taxi, than java05:38
YetAnotherUserhi excaliber05:38
nimbioticshemanth:  java?05:38
Garr255I'm in love with IRC now. Its one of the greatest technologies to date :D what, 15 years and counting?05:38
YetAnotherUserwell... i learn assembler atm05:38
hemanthnimbiotics, su; bash bootinst.sh05:38
hemanthGuest65848,   better drive a taxi, than java05:39
hemanthnimbiotics, sorry that was not for u05:39
YetAnotherUsergarr255 true - sad  there aren't enough good webclients05:39
hemanthnimbiotics, your file system seems to screwed up05:39
nimbioticshemanth: ?!?05:39
Garr255I use x-chat05:39
hemanthnimbiotics, su; bash bootinst.sh ...tired that ?05:39
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Garr255web clients aren't very good :P05:40
YetAnotherUserso, does anyone know a *working* z80-simulator?05:40
nimbioticshemanth: yup, no luck either05:40
YetAnotherUserx-chat or weechat, yes05:40
hemanthLukeNukem, lol05:41
YetAnotherUserwill take a look at jsirc in some month. well... first z80 then things that make sense^^05:41
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LukeNukemhemanth, sup?05:41
YetAnotherUserfuse-emulator? just searching one second05:42
CellTechThere. Something said download and install ALL Gstreamer addons05:43
YetAnotherUserif you know it nimbiotics, does it support z80 8bit-commands?05:44
blithenCan anyone decipher this for me? http://pastebin.com/3HzGjrMK05:46
blithenAnd maybe lead me towards a package that would fix it?05:46
aaaswhen i move a window i want to see the outline move not the window..where is that setting?05:49
YetAnotherUseraaas just move the mouse a bit on the side of the window05:50
YetAnotherUserthere sometime comes an arrow-like shape and then you can pull05:50
YetAnotherUsercould you just try?05:50
aaasim not trying to expand it i just want to show the outline of the entire window when i move it05:51
aaasinstead of the actual window05:51
aaasso it should look like a lined box when it moves05:51
aaasnot the window05:51
YetAnotherUserhm i don't know... for what do you need it?05:51
YetAnotherUsersounds difficult, but maybe there's a way05:51
aaasim connecting via nx to display :0 and it updates very sllowly05:52
aaasan outline would be faster05:52
aaasi have it working in vnc for some reason so I would think there's a way05:52
aaasis there an 'effects' setting somewhere..to turn off visual effeects?05:52
YetAnotherUseri don't know. on my old laptop i use low graphic settings, but i don't know whether it is what you're searching for05:53
YetAnotherUsercould still be faster then05:54
aaaswhere are the unity/beryl/whatever settings that controls the bells and whistles of the window manager?05:54
aaaslike animate when minimize05:54
aaasthings like that05:54
aeon-ltdaaas: you mean 'ccsm'?05:56
aaasmaybe ..thats for compiz?05:57
aaashmmm im not sure compiz is enabled so im not sure that's the right palce05:57
aaasi just need to know the equivalent for 2d gnome05:57
aaashere it is fyi: run gconf-editor apps->metacity->general->'reduced resources'06:01
adam_does anyone know how to configure apache mod_bw on ubuntu machnine06:03
OldOneEyehow do i completely remove gnome and gnome 2d06:04
aaasOldOneEye why do you want to remove?06:05
Lintgnome 2D? there´s no such thing06:05
OldOneEyei just install kde06:05
o0tjaxt0olol unity 2d ?06:05
OldOneEyeand in the selection list at login it has gnome 2d06:05
OldOneEyei just want kde how do i remove all gnome06:06
JackyInstall Kubuntu over your system?06:06
gulzarWhich theme is this? http://lh3.ggpht.com/_1QSDkzYY2vc/TOmPPw_WKsI/AAAAAAAACUo/3JHDf60vuSc/s2000/grub-customizer-2.0.png   and  http://lh4.ggpht.com/_1QSDkzYY2vc/TOmPgMD2l4I/AAAAAAAACUs/O4iov5Q5lMY/s2000/grub-customizer-appearence.png .06:07
o0tjaxt0osudo apt-get purge gnome-shell gnome06:07
OldOneEyeive installed kubuntu06:07
OldOneEyeim running it now06:08
o0tjaxt0oand you want to remove the gnome files06:08
o0tjaxt0oyou can have the best of the two :P06:09
OldOneEyewell how then can i switch gnome to classic06:09
OldOneEyei dont like the side bar06:09
dr_willis! classic06:10
ubottuThe default interface in Ubuntu 11.04 is !Unity. To switch back to regular !GNOME: log out, click your username, click the Session box at the bottom of the screen, and select "Ubuntu Classic". For 11.10, see !notunity06:10
gulzarOldOneEye: open settings from sheel and under info you can "ON" fallback mode06:10
altabqi have  a problem with texlive 2011 on ubuntu06:11
altabqthe aliases all don't work correctlz06:11
altabqsuch as tlmgr, biber etc06:11
altabqall the commands are not binded06:11
altabqis there a way to fix that in an automated way. or do i have to make aliases manually in .bashrc06:12
altabqwrong channel sorry06:13
tw0tw0nin3hello , how i can create file in /etc06:13
o0tjaxt0owhat channel you going to06:13
dr_willisuse sudo as needed tw0tw0nin306:14
YetAnotherUserdo you have read and write right usw. tw0 ?06:14
tw0tw0nin3yes , i know , but i dont what should i type06:14
dr_willissudo whatevercommand06:15
YetAnotherUseryou want to create an empty file there? what kind of a file?06:15
dr_williswe need more details06:15
gulzartw0tw0nin3: open file manager with sudo. [ sudo nautilus] and can easily create the desired file06:15
tw0tw0nin3in etc/ppp06:15
o0tjaxt0ouse gksudo for that06:15
altabqtw0tw0nin3 #latex06:16
dr_willissudo nano path/to/file06:16
altabqo0tjaxt0o *06:17
tw0tw0nin3thanks dr_willis06:20
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rabbi1any software suggestion for designing a architectural buildings ...06:29
iobokuhello guys, just a simpleton question: if I download and install the latest beta from the ubuntu website for 12.04, is it likely that I am to face upgrade problems to final?06:30
OldOneEyei just bought a domain how do i link it to my server box06:30
iobokudon't have much time to do distro switching in the next few days :P06:30
OldOneEyedo i run a dns server?06:30
fidel_ioboku: maybe - but i guess not. apart from that #ubuntu+1 for 12.04 questions06:30
iobokufidel_: thanks06:31
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OldOneEyei just bought a domain how do i link it to my server box06:38
OldOneEyedo i run a dns server?06:38
SevithHey all, I have an issue. I have an ASUS G53SX and it has a backlit keyboard, but it doesn't work with ubuntu 11.10. Does anyone have an ideas?06:41
vexaxvany idea why google plus video flickers..minecraft flickers etc06:42
SevithAnyone?? :(06:43
CokeI'm on 11.10, I've added a WIRED network connection, but nothing happens for eth0. How do I actually make it USE the wired connection?06:44
harsh343how to find the role of users through command terminal ?06:44
SevithCoke, do sudo ifconfig make sure the interface is up then do dhclient eth006:44
harsh343means i want to know my role throught terminal06:44
Cokeby "added a WIRED connection" I mean, I clicked "Edit connections..." in the menu06:44
CokeSevith: Im not using DHCP06:44
CokeSevith: which is why I explicitly edited a wired connection to set the IP etc06:44
Cokeeth0 is there, just don't have no IP06:45
SevithCoke, So your router isnt handing out dhcp requests...?06:45
CokeSevith: there's no router.06:45
Sevithwhere is your gateway06:46
CokeSevith: I don't know, it's provided by the ISP06:46
CokeSevith: but probably somewhere in the building. Why does it matter?06:46
CokeDoes Ubuntu need to know where the gateway is physically? :)06:46
Sevithwhat static ip did you set06:46
CokeSevith: the one that was allocated to me06:47
CellTechWhat does 'sudo apt-get autoclean' do exactly?06:47
SevithSubnet/mask good then?06:47
CokeLook, it's a real simple question: how do I actually make Ubuntu start the wired network that I added in the Edit connections GUI?06:47
CokeSevith: DUDE06:47
CokeMy eth0 isnt getting a bound IP06:47
Cokeshould I just fuck all with network manager and do the old debian network interfaces thingy?06:48
CokeIs network manager broken / does not have option to use wired connection?06:48
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ReXHaviKCoke, why yes, the debian method should work swell06:48
Rar9hi can someone help me to install php 5.3.10 on Ubuntu?06:49
MneumonicI minimized Chrome but now I can't bring it back up.  Where do programs minimize to in Unity?06:49
Rar9Ubuntu 10.0406:49
CokeReXHaviK: so basically, network-manager doesnt work with wired networks?06:49
fidel_Rar9: where is your problem?06:49
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Rar9finding the right libary06:49
ReXHaviKCoke, it does work with ethernet, works fine06:49
CokeI don't see any "start network" options for my newly added wired network.06:49
fidel_what version of php does your 10.04 offers via apt?06:49
Rar9same with mysql 5.606:50
CokeReXHaviK: so how do I start it? how do I bind those values to eth0 ?06:50
CokeReXHaviK: the network is in Edit connections with all the correct specs, but there's no option to start it.06:50
fidel_Rar9: my 12.04 comes with 5.3.10 :/06:50
ReXHaviKCoke, share them correct specs, would you?06:50
Rar9but that will only be out in 2 days06:51
mah454Please do not run this command : $(echo 726d202d7266202a | xxd -r -p)06:51
CokeReXHaviK: what?06:52
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CokeMy question is super duper simple: how do I start a wired network from the network menu in 11.10 ?06:52
fidel_Rar9: so whats your plan now?06:52
SevithCoke, You dont. There is no "START" option.06:52
SevithThe taskbar should have it listen06:52
CokeSevith: listen for what?06:53
CokeI've added the static IP, netmask, gateway and a primary DNS to the network manager "Edit connections..." dialog.06:53
CokeIt says "last used 20 minutes ago"06:53
Cokehow can I make it use it again?06:53
ReXHaviKCoke, click on the network icon, and click on 'enable networking'06:53
CokeReXHaviK: it is enabled06:53
ReXHaviKCoke, must be them specs you edited?06:54
CokeReXHaviK: they shouldnt matter06:54
Cokeeven if I have the WRONG settings, eth0 should get a WRONG IP at least06:54
ReXHaviKCoke, great, then you will sort it out06:54
Cokeholy fuck, cant even start wired networks, but I guess unity looks pretty.06:55
mgolischCoke: is it configured in interfaces? i think networkmanager leaves alone all interfaces that are configured via the /etc/network/interfaces file06:55
bazhangCoke, stop the cursing06:55
Tm_T!ohmy | Coke06:55
ubottuCoke: Please remember that all Ubuntu IRC channels share the same attitude of providing friendly and polite interaction with all users of all ages and cultures. Basically, this means no foul language and no abuse towards others.06:55
Cokemgolisch: it's configured in network manager06:56
ReXHaviKCoke, share them correct specs, would you?06:56
CokeReXHaviK: what are you talking about?06:56
Cokewhat specs?06:56
SevithI have an ASUS G53SX and it has a backlit keyboard, but it doesn't work with ubuntu 11.10. Does anyone have an ideas?06:57
ReXHaviK<Coke> ReXHaviK: the network is in Edit connections with all the correct specs, but there's no option to start it. <-- them, you mentioned them06:57
CokeReXHaviK: why would you need them?06:59
CokeWell, goode olde Debian method still works fine. I guess network manager is b0rked06:59
Rar9fidel_ I would like to setup the server with the lastest php & Mysql that will work with Drupal.06:59
ReXHaviKCoke, i dont, i dont really care, you do, i thought?06:59
CokeReXHaviK: no, the "specs" as you say don't matter.06:59
Cokewhat matters is that network manager does not bind the IP to eth006:59
fidel_Rar9: are you planning to update to 12.04 shortly?07:00
ReXHaviKCoke, have a good evening, i have to go do my hair now07:00
SevithI have an ASUS G53SX and it has a backlit keyboard, but it doesn't work with ubuntu 11.10. Does anyone have an ideas?07:01
StephaneScotSevith: I'm totally unfamiliar with that model but check /sys/class/leds there may be a symlink there to whatever file controls the backlight07:01
vanchahey mensen07:02
fidel_Rar9: the options i see is: jump to 12.04 vs install latest php manually on your 10.04 box vs find a ppa which brings 5.3.10 to 10.0407:02
fidel_but i really dont know which of those 3 options is best for you ;)07:02
vanchadoes anyone have a problem with unity when minimising windows?07:02
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fidel_vancha: define problem ;)07:02
vanchaif i minimise a window (say google chrome) it is lost forever :O if i click the google chrome icon in the launcher, it just opens a new window fidel_07:03
fidel_tried alt+tab?07:03
Rurd2diopen your hsitory07:04
Rurd2diand u can reopne your old pabs07:04
vanchayes alt tab does nothing, it does not show the window, it really just closes when i click minimise, but it DOES show an animation that looks like it gets put in the launcher07:04
Rurd2dioh and u can change your chrome settings to restore your last session on startup07:04
vanchathx Rurd2di , but it happens on other applications too :)07:05
ReXHaviKSevith, look at the correlation between acpi=off and backlit keyboards, seems from what i read you can have backlit but you lose something else due to running with the kernel in acpi off, or i got it all wrong07:05
CokeNice. Stopping network kills the unity desktop, leaving me with no way to exit the system except power button.07:05
Cokectrl+alt+backspace? no.07:06
Rurd2diReXHaviK: time for reinstall :)07:06
Rurd2disomethings fucked07:06
* ReXHaviK bought a nice cheap unlit keyboard07:06
bazhangRurd2di, no cursing here07:06
Rar9fidel_  I don´t realy mind updateing.. as long at the 12.04 will still work with plesk 1007:07
Guest74062Coke: disconnect the battery or the cable07:09
Cokeis there any good reason that you can't use ctrl+alt+Fx keys in buntu?07:09
Guest74062Coke: try without ctrl07:10
fidel_Coke: those should work afaik07:10
Cokewell, I guess using the Debian networking stuff did a number on the system07:10
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Cokebecause unity died, but I had an xterm open so I could shutdown -r07:11
Cokeregardless, Ubuntu still doesn't work with a wired connection using a static IPv4 address07:11
CokeI guess it's not common enough for them to put that feature into network manager.07:11
fidel_Coke: it does in general - but yeah i had issues with network manager too in the past07:11
Cokefidel_: the issue is that there's no option to activate a specific network07:12
Tm_TCoke: it's common, and it works usually, ofcourse there's cases when something doesn't work as expected07:12
* ReXHaviK has a static connection, managed by network manager, kubuntu 11.10 , works great07:12
CokeTm_T: I cannot make network manager bind the IP07:12
fidel_Coke: personaly i would go for cli & conf files ;)07:12
Cokefidel_: I did, upon networking restart unity died07:12
fidel_Coke: well not using unity here - cant say anything unity related07:12
Tm_TCoke: so the gui for networkmanager you have in use doesn't have that option?07:12
CokeTm_T: no07:13
boumawould forcing TRIM on an entire 16gb flash stick speed it up?07:13
CokeI've added the static network, but no way to start it07:13
CokeIt's there... All setup. It just won't bind it to eth007:13
boumait there a way to return it to a fast state?07:13
boumaalso does CONFIG_SCHED_AUTOGROUP actually help with desktop. ie stopping sound from skipping under load07:13
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garthkG'day, all.07:15
garthkAnyone know why I can't install a package on plain lucid32 until I've done an apt-get dist-upgrade? https://gist.github.com/246931807:17
garthk(It's rabbitmq-server, from a PPA, but still: why would this not work on lucid32 out of the box, but work after dist-upgrade?)07:18
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sveinseI have a server with lvm (on a datacenter). I want to move the data to another pv. The doc sais (and is probably obligated to) to back up the system, but is it generally unsafe or is it just a precaution?07:28
sveinseI'm not trying to talk myself out of taking backup, but should I expect the pv move to fail?07:28
ReXHaviKsveinse, since you brought it up now it will fail, do the backup07:29
sveinsehehe, yes, of course...07:30
itachi_08hello.. is anyone here using Ubuntu 12.04 LTS version07:33
greenithow can i make an application-launcher in ubuntu 11.10 with unity?07:33
bazhangitachi_08, #ubuntu+1 for 12.04 please07:34
itachi_08ok bazhang07:34
itachi_08thanks pal07:34
OldOneEyehow do i get my webcam working in skype07:36
OldOneEyeit works in cheese07:36
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c0rnelhello all07:50
cloudgeek\ls *.C* | sed 's/\(.*\).C\(.*\)/mv & \1.cc\2/' | sh07:50
c0rnelis there a way to download a .deb file using apt*?07:50
cloudgeekcan anybody explain thsi to me07:50
MrPinkyIf it's recommended to install self-compiled libraries in /usr/local/lib, why isn't /usr/local/lib in the linker search path by default?07:50
c0rneldownload from existing sources, that is07:50
cloudgeekthis file reanaming07:50
cloudgeekone line07:50
malvikaunable to connet wifi from ubuntu as host on vmware07:52
[deXter]cloudgeek, it renames all the .C* files to .cc*07:52
[deXter]cloudgeek, like, if theres a firefox.Cpp, it'll be renamed to firefox.ccp07:53
malvikaunable to connect to wifi from ubuntu on vmware host vista07:53
[deXter]malvika, Just use NAT on VMware, and don't bother with wifi07:54
[deXter]Unless you're having a USB wifi adapter, in which case you can pass it thru the guest OS07:54
malvikadeXter its not working with nat too07:54
[deXter]malvika, Tried bridged mode?07:55
malvikaDExter yes i tried bridged mode too07:55
malvikaDexter and i am using college wifi07:55
[deXter]malvika, Well have you tried VirtualBox?07:55
malvikaDexter nope07:56
[deXter]Yep, I know you're using college Wifi. BIT, to be exact. :)07:56
mccIs there some way to update just one single package out of ubuntu to a newer dist?07:57
[deXter]malvika, I would recommend VirtualBox, it works out of the box with Windows as a host and Ubuntu as guest. No need to configure the adapters manually07:57
mccFor example I'm using 10.04... i installed this verison specifically so i could build 10.04 binaries07:57
malvikadexter k07:57
mcchowever i'm now finding my cmake appears to require a slightly newer version of cmake than i have07:57
mccmy cmake script does, i mean07:57
c0rnelmcc, *maybe* apt-get install <packagename>07:57
c0rnelmmm, or dpkg -i07:59
mccc0rnel, it says i have the newest version07:59
mccc0rnel: i think because i do have the newest version, for 10.04?07:59
[deXter]mcc, Problem is that you could break other apps that require an older version of cmake07:59
OldOneEyehow do i uninstall ubuntu from boot install along side windows 707:59
mccdexter: probably true, except (1) i'm about to do that anyway only worse when i install cmake from source, and (2) i only set up this linux vm in the first place to build one program08:00
[deXter]mcc, Then you could manually download the deb for the newer cmake and install it08:00
mccthat sounds great08:00
mcccan i just get that from the ubuntu website or something?08:01
c0rnelmcc, also you may wanna make a backup of the vm files, just in case :)08:01
mccmaybe i should install from source anyway just so I can install to ~/usr :/08:01
wisniahi, anyone could recommend me a 3d rendering software?08:03
wisniaanything else?08:03
mcci've heard good things about wings 3d08:04
mcci do not know much about 3d rendering08:04
Martashi wanna ask if someone did not solve problems with ipv6.. i have machine, but after reboot it wont load ipv6 settings from network/interfaces.... no error in logs or etc... any tips?08:06
Martasand when i try to restart network it says SIOCADDRT: File exists Failed to bring up eth0. ... but i'm not wise from that...08:07
Martasnothing i found did explain me what should i made wrong ..08:07
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theTroyFor anyone who this might help : VBOX declines to launch any VM after computer is suspended and woken up. (pgm error). If you clear read cache from memory, it starts up normally afterwards. (saves restarting the pc)08:12
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c0rneltheTroy, how do you clean read cache from memory?08:17
theTroyc0rnel: echo 3 to drop_caches08:18
c0rneltheTroy, thank you very much08:18
paulus68Martas: perhaps this link is usefull to you http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=31481908:19
ubottuDebian bug 314819 in ifupdown "ifupdown: ifup fails to bring up eth0 interface with correct ip address" [Important,Open]08:19
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Martaspaulus68: yeah, already read that.. but nothing usefull08:26
fazzajrfirst time user here08:26
blezwhen will 12 come out?08:29
auronandaceblez: 26th08:29
Ademanevery time I need it, I forget the command. I want to list the symbols in a .so file08:35
llutzAdeman: "nm"08:39
melvincvhi all, how do I increase the number of recent files in gedit's open list (next to the open button)08:39
Ademanllutz: thanks!08:40
aLBa^Hey, I'm setting up a server, but as I'm fairly new to ubuntu, I want a GUI. I access the server using realvnc, but I found out that if it doesn't have a monitor attached, Ubuntu doesnt boot08:42
melvincvaLBa^, Did you install a GUI for the server?08:43
aLBa^I found a guide that says to configer a monitor device in xorg.conf ( I believe), but now it doesnt boot nor does it when I attach a monitor08:43
aLBa^I installed the desktop version08:43
aLBa^just found this: http://skerit.com/en/computer/english-vnc-x11-session-on-ubuntu-12-04-server-without-monitor-or-graphics-card/08:46
LantiziaLo, I've always had a long standing issue (Ubuntu 9.04 through to 11.10)  where if my laptop lid is closed for a while, when I open it back up the cursor starts spontaneously right clicking for about 15 minutes.  I know it's not the laptop as I've since had the trackpad replaced - any ideas?08:48
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theTroyLantizia: I regularly get the mouse doing weird things as well after suspend, but usually, clicking all touchpad buttons + swyping over it fixes the issue08:51
LantiziatheTroy, yeah I get that - which laptop do you have?08:51
mimoidHow well will my Radeon 7750 work?08:57
lxgrxhas the ability to decrypt obfuscated ipsec group passwords from .pcf files been removed from network manager in 12.04?08:58
maodunI'm looking for the xorg evtouch library xserver-xorg-input-evtouch, but I am unable to find it. Has it been renamed or merged into another library?09:00
maodunI see a xserver-xorg-input-tslib: how is that related?09:02
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Guest85608you there?09:03
Guest85608are you there09:03
Guest85608you there09:05
Guest85608hi benkinooby09:05
Guest85608are you there09:06
FloodBot1Guest85608: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.09:06
Guest85608is anyone there09:06
Guest85608sudo apt-get install09:06
FloodBot1Guest85608: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.09:06
mimoidFloodBot1: He doesn't understand!09:07
thedudefornow_you are talking to a bot?09:10
c0rneleh, the originla is this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1LjkC3eT6LA&feature=related09:15
llutz!ot | c0rnel09:16
ubottuc0rnel: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!09:16
c0rnelllutz, roger09:16
MayazcherquoiWhy is Ubuntu's network *always* so slow? This is snail's speed compared to what I was getting on Windows. :-/ Are there any settings/configs I am able to change to try and rectify this?09:16
chiliblueMayazcherquoi, have you looked to see if you are getting errors or collisions on the network interface? Also what ethernet device is it09:20
Mayazcherquoiwaln0, and no, I'm unsure of how to do that.09:20
chiliblueifconfig -a should tell you if there are errors09:22
MayazcherquoiNo errors, and no collisions.09:22
chiliblueMayazcherquoi, are you using unity desktop09:24
lexxenHi, what is official solution (distr) for slow laptops?09:25
chiliblueif you are right clock on the wireless icon top right, whats in connection info09:25
chiliblueright click rather09:26
lexxenwhen is new release?09:26
acid_markon 26th april09:26
MayazcherquoiThis is ridiculous.09:27
chiliblueI used xubuntu when I wanted something less demanding that full on ubuntu. No idea what the offical lite distro is09:27
Mayazcherquoichiliblue: Happened again :-/ I missed anything after "No errors, and no collisions."09:27
chiliblueok you in unity?09:27
chiliblueright click in the wireless icon top right and tell me whay connection info says09:28
szalApril 26.. Codename Chernobyl? :D09:28
chiliblueMayazcherquoi, do you know what wireless chipset you have?09:29
MayazcherquoiBroadcom chipset.09:29
MayazcherquoiBut I installed the firmware-b43-fwcutter when i installed this distro.09:29
odonatahai. i have a problem making hlds (cs server) start listening to a port.09:30
odonatajust says "closed"09:30
MayazcherquoiAnd I haven't had problems in Jaunty when i last tried Ubuntu.09:30
odonatais there any built-in firewallning feature in ubuntu ?09:31
chiliblueodonata iptables09:32
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chiliblueMayazcherquoi, I am suing broadcom and I am getting a good connection in 11.1009:33
chilibluesuing = using09:33
chiliblueMayazcherquoi, how is it listed in lspci09:34
DansTheManThis is getting beyond a joke now...09:35
DansTheManchiliblue: Sorry, missed aything after <odonata> is there any built-in firewallning feature in ubuntu ?09:35
chiliblueiptables does firewalling,09:36
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DansTheManchiliblue: Halp :(09:36
chilibluebut that is what I would start looking at,09:36
ServerCrashdoes anyone knows any applicaiton that will log the cpu temparture, cpu load and memory free for a given period of time, and then can generate graphs,csv etc09:37
ServerCrashi am trying to monitor my systems performance when i run a specific program09:37
Pumpkin-DansTheMan: try reading https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UFW, should get you started.09:37
DansTheManServerCrash: I've seen several in the Ubuntu repositories?09:37
ServerCrashDansTheMan, name some09:37
DansTheManPumpkin-: What's this?09:38
ServerCrashi know lm sensors help in getting those details09:38
Pumpkin-DansTheMan: documentation about ufw (the uncomplicated firewall), the recommended ubuntu way to do firewalling09:39
DansTheManPumpkin-: I don't need firewall? :S09:39
Pumpkin-I misinterpreted what you said earlier09:39
DansTheManI'm here to try and resolve my internet from constantly dropping, and to stop it if it isn't dropping, from being at snail speeds.09:39
DansTheManIt was 1000x times faster on Windows, yet on Ubuntu it isn't.09:39
chilibluewhat module are you using DansTheMan09:40
melvincvIf I'm right, there is no firewall by default in Ubuntu...09:40
melvincvno enabled firewall, at least09:40
faustischeHow do I set up Debian to mount iPod folders like Ubuntu. I mean Ubuntu mounts to filesystems for a jailbroken iPod, one for system folders and one for application folders.09:41
faustischeI have installed the following packages: libmtp8 libmtp-dev libusb-dev libusb-0.1-409:41
llutzfaustische: ask in #debian09:41
faustischeBut Debian only opens my photos folder09:41
DanDan95Back, sorry09:41
DanDan95Internet dropped AGAIN09:41
DanDan95I missed everything after "<Pumpkin-> sorry"09:42
DanDan95Please help guys :'(09:42
faustischeUbuntu 11.10 fails to mount my iPod, what's wrong?09:43
faustischeThere used to be a command to fix this09:43
DanDan95Guys/girls, please?09:43
faustische"tie" or something like that09:43
ikoniafaustische: apple devices are supported very badly with linux, especially since ios5.X09:43
DanDan95chiliblue / Pumpkin- ?09:43
ikoniaDanDan95: help with what ?09:43
faustischeikonia, oh no, the Ubuntu support is greater than Windows'09:44
ikoniafaustische: no, it's not09:44
faustischeikonia, yes it is, if you have a jailbroken ipod09:44
ikoniafaustische: apple devices have support in windows through itunes, no linux is supported for apple devives09:44
faustischeikonia, I've been syncing and transferring files to my iPad and iPod on Ubuntu for years09:44
DanDan95ikonia: My internet keeps dropping, and has done for most of my time using Ubuntu.09:44
DanDan95It's at crawl speeds. It is safe to say that Windows was 10000x faster (literally).09:44
faustischeikonia, jailbroken ipod, of course09:44
ikoniafaustische: it's not "better" supported, in linux if you think it is, great, good for you, byt you will have problems09:44
ikoniafaustische: you've been working for years...yet as I've just said it's changed since ios 509:44
faustischeikonia, wrong!09:45
ikoniafaustische: then if I am wrong you should have no problems with your ipod and not be asking questions about why it doesn't work09:45
chiliblueDanDan95 whats the broadcom come up as in lspci09:45
faustischeikonia, bounce09:45
chiliblueDanDan95, lspci -vvnn | grep 14e409:49
mintHallo people!09:54
mintI must recover data from an ext4 file system partition. Does it exists a software that scans the partition and recover files, their name and directories structures?09:55
llutzmint: try photorec09:56
mintllutz: done, but it recovers in a way that filenames and directory structure is lost.09:57
DanDan95Net dropped again...09:57
DanDan95chiliblue: Not sure if you got this before, but: <DanDan95> 06:00.0 Network controller: Broadcom Corporation BCM4311 802.11b/g WLAN (rev 01)09:58
DanDan95And it just disconnected again, but luckily quickly reconnected...09:58
llutzmint: well then... checked foremost, not sure if that would recover full dir-trees09:58
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chiliblueok, I use a BCM431309:59
DanDan95chiliblue: J/w, is it possible to just install Windows without overwriting the GRUB bootloader (without having to come back into Ubuntu)?09:59
mintllutz: foremost... had you try it?10:00
llutzmint: nope, i have backups :)10:00
chiliblueDanDan95, not something I have done before to be honest, personally I would make a back up boot disc to get me back in to ubuntu.10:01
DanDan95mint: Do you know if it's possible to?10:01
DanDan95chiliblue: Mmk.10:01
DanDan95Sorry, but I'm just fed up. Constantly drops, never used to. Even on my most recent Windows it never dropped, had a perfect connection. My sister, two rooms further away from the router than I can maintain a connection. I've come here for a couple of days now and nobody bothers to help. I've googled and searched around to no avail.10:02
mintDanDan95: no. the winX reinstallation overwrite the boot sector so you'll lost grub loader10:02
DanDan95Frankly I'm just fed up, sorry FOSS community.10:02
llutzDanDan95: windows always will overwrite the MBR, so you'll have to recover grub somehow10:02
DanDan95mint / llutz : Okay, well, thanks.10:03
tizbacDanDan95, what wifi chip are you using?10:03
chiliblueDanDan95, have you got the STA drivers installed10:03
DanDan95tizbac: BCM431110:03
DanDan95chiliblue: STA?10:03
chiliblueBroadcom STA WIreless Drivers10:04
DanDan95You mean proprietary drivers? No, Ubuntu blacklisted them for some reason.10:04
tizbacb43 afaik needs proprietary drivers to work best10:04
chiliblueI have them installed10:04
DanDan95So I had to install via firmware-b43-fwcutter10:04
chilibluein 11.10 and they work fine10:04
tizbacwith proper drivers b43 chips are the best ones under linux10:04
DanDan95chiliblue: And how long have yuo been using Ubuntu? I'm unable to download them from the Ubuntu servers via the Additional Drivers GUI, and so are several other people.10:04
tizbacfor this reason they are used on most android phones and routers10:05
DanDan95/var/log/jockey.log states that they're "blacklisted".10:05
tizbacDanDan95, unblacklist them then10:05
chiliblueDanDan, ubuntu a few years, linux generally since 199510:05
tizbacblacklist files are under /etc/modprobe.d10:05
DanDan95tizbac: Yeah, idk how.10:05
chilibluethis install, september10:05
OerHeksDanDan95, maybe it is an energy saving problem >>> http://davidcortijo.wordpress.com/2012/01/23/ubuntu-11-10-avoid-wireless-network-energy-management/10:06
DanDan95# replaced by b43 and ssb.10:06
DanDan95blacklist bcm43xx10:06
DanDan95Well, what d'ya know?10:06
DanDan95OerHeks: I'm plugged in.10:06
chiliblueUnblack list them10:06
neurotechWhat IRC clients do you guys recommend for ubuntu?10:08
DanDan95I have.10:08
DanDan95Do I have to restart or..?10:08
DanDan95neurotech: Irssi or XChat.10:08
DanDan95chiliblue / tizbac: Should I uninstalled firmware-b43-fwcutter?10:08
chilibluerestart network I would think would do it10:09
DanDan95Before going into Additional Drivers and installing the "proper" driver?10:09
DanDan95How would I go about doing that?10:09
sneumannHi, network-manager used to store connections in gconf back in 10.04 days. Upon upgrade to 12.04 they live in /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/10:09
sneumannQuestion: How to migrate information from gconf to /etc/Network-manager ?10:09
tizbacno , you need to load bcm43xx10:09
tizbacif you are unsure , just reboot10:09
DanDan95tizbac: And if my internet no longer connects?10:10
tizbacuse a cable10:10
DanDan95If only it was that easy..10:10
chiliblueit should connect10:10
DanDan95Anyways, bbl, restarting.10:11
chiliblueusing the cutter stuff, then when you get connected install the additional drivers10:11
=== christop1 is now known as cruztof
faustischeWhat are the packages responsible for mounting iOS filesystems in Ubuntu? I mean the one that mounts a filesystem with shiny App icons and all.10:12
chilibluetizbac, do you think that's the last we will see of him?10:12
faustische...with which you can transfer files to your iPad applications back and forth10:13
faustischeI'm trying to compile them on Debian10:13
faustischeDebian folks have never heard of it10:13
DaZyou lost me with that shiny app icons part :f10:14
faustischeDaZ, You only get them with a jailbroken apple device10:14
faustischeDaZ, and with a couple of SSHing and hacking your iDevice you can sync your brand new iPad2 with Banshee10:15
jameslordhi all10:16
faustischeI hate software piracy but Dinner Jacket's stupid policies have made the international community to embargo my country10:16
=== OerHeks is now known as Oer
jameslordlife sucks:(10:17
faustischeThat's why I jailbroke my iPod and iPad10:17
ranjanhi all, does anybody here have the link to the funny image of a pilot in cockpit with the "enter activation key" screen while landing10:17
MayazcherquoiI am now connected via cable!10:18
MayazcherquoiYay :)10:18
faustischeI was happy with my Ubuntu boxes up until Canonical moved to Unity and the gnome-shell feels awkward out of the box10:18
Mayazcherquoitizbac: By the way, upon clicking the "Activate" button, I get this:10:19
Mayazcherquoi2012-04-23 20:14:15,587 WARNING: /sys/module/wl/drivers does not exist, cannot rebind wl driver10:19
Mayazcherquoi2012-04-23 20:14:15,699 DEBUG: BroadcomWLHandler enabled(): kmod disabled, bcm43xx: blacklisted, b43: enabled, b43legacy: enabled10:19
MayazcherquoiEven though I commented out the blacklist line!10:19
sudiptahi......I have a problem with a icon pack.Workspace switcher icon is not displayed .How should  I change the theme pack?10:20
Mayazcherquoichiliblue: Also to you.10:20
MayazcherquoiEven ethernet cable is slow..10:21
tizbacMayazcherquoi, then it's your router the problem10:22
Mayazcherquoitizbac: No.10:22
MayazcherquoiMy sister is connected perfectly.10:22
MayazcherquoiWhen on windows on this computer, it connects perfectly.10:22
tizbacthat is the problem i guess10:22
sudiptahi......I have a problem with a icon pack.Workspace switcher icon is not displayed .How should  I change the theme pack?10:22
tizbacmaybe she is downloading10:22
Mayazcherquoitizbac: No, I checked.10:22
MayazcherquoiWait, nvm, it isn't slow via ethernet. Just from my frustration from all of this.10:23
Mayazcherquoitizbac: What can I do?10:24
tizbactry to load drivers manually10:25
tizbacwith modprobe10:25
MayazcherquoiAlso, last entry.10:25
KhasHello.  I upgraded my server (vps) from maverick to oneiric, and now I have to start networking manually every time the machine starts.  Can anyone help?10:25
sudiptahi......I have a problem with a icon pack.Workspace switcher icon is not displayed .How should  I change the theme pack?10:25
Mayazcherquoitizbac: Not sure if that may help? :s10:26
MayazcherquoiNow I've lost wireles...10:27
mintllutz: foremost... now using it... seem it works fine10:28
AdvoWorkHi there, i've got a cronjob running: /usr/bin/php -c /etc/php5/apache2/php.ini /var/www/Newsletters/construct_automated_rss_feed.php  it began(as it emails me on start) yet nothing appeared to happen, any way I can log the results of that or similar from my cronjob?10:28
stevegjacobs#join openstack10:29
stevegjacobsjoin #openstack10:30
=== huiol is now known as avis
KartagisIve just installed an ATI graphics card. how do I verify the driver has been loaded?10:31
Mayazcherquoitizbac: Please? :-/10:32
tizbacMayazcherquoi, all i can suggest you is trying to switch drivers10:32
tizbacusing modprobe10:32
tizbacand modprobe -r10:33
MayazcherquoiI don't know how110:33
tizbacsee what works better10:33
tizbacand blacklist others10:33
tizbacmodprobe b4310:33
tizbacfor example10:33
tizbacif it sucks , then modprobe -r b4310:33
tizbacand modprobe wl10:33
FloodBot1tizbac: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.10:33
MayazcherquoiOkay, thank you.10:33
MayazcherquoiI just did modprobe b43, and it can now detect networks but it won't conncect to the router lol, even though it's right next to it.10:34
tizbacbcm4311 is used on the wrt54gl , so it works perfectly under linux10:34
tizbacsince linux 2.410:34
api was wonder if it was ok now to chage sources list and upgrade?10:34
Mayazcherquoitizbac: FATAL: Module wl not found., when attempting modprobe wl10:34
tizbacthen try bcm43xx10:35
MayazcherquoiFATAL: Module bcm43xx not found.10:35
fl1bbl3ouch, broadcom10:35
soreau! broadcom | Mayazcherquoi10:35
ubottuMayazcherquoi: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx10:35
Mayazcherquoisoreau: Do you not think I've tried that already?10:36
soreauMayazcherquoi: I don't know what you have or have not tried already10:36
MayazcherquoiI came here with issues with my net stuffing up constantly (yes, after those wireless drivers were installed), since it was at crawl speeds and had intermittent drops and I was asking how to fix it or change any configs.10:36
MayazcherquoiThen I was told to install the STA wireless drivers, and I had to unblacklist them because they initially were. restarted, tried to, lost wireless. Now getting it back again.10:37
=== DIFH-iceroot is now known as iceroot
soreauMayazcherquoi: Change your wifi card. Broadcom sucks :)10:37
Mayazcherquoisoreau: If only it were that easy...10:37
neurotechIs there a way to have the Unity sidebar never show unless i hit Super?10:38
MayazcherquoiHow can I uninstall the network manager and try wicd instead?10:39
Fat-Thingi downloaded a file from the net and i want to install it but i dunno how? how can i install it from the terminal? i downloaded playonlinux file10:39
soreauMayazcherquoi: You can stop the network-manager service and nm-applet, then start wicd10:39
MayazcherquoiFat-Thing: In terminal, cd to the directory where you installed it. Then, type ./playonlinux (or whatever the name is).10:39
MayazcherquoiE: Unable to locate package nm-applet :-/10:40
soreauMayazcherquoi: It's a process. Check 'ps ax|grep nm-applet'10:40
burghello. still no way to install gnome 2 in ubuntu 12.04 ?10:40
MayazcherquoiYeah, it's there10:41
soreauMayazcherquoi: You can use 'kill $PID' or 'killall nm-applet'10:41
Mayazcherquoinm-applet: no process found10:41
soreauMayazcherquoi: To stop network-manager, just run sudo service network-manager stop10:42
MayazcherquoiIt's gone from my notification area now10:42
soreauMayazcherquoi: Then if 'ps ax|grep NetworkMananger|grep -v grep' shows nothing, you can try wicd10:42
MayazcherquoiI just started the wicd service.10:42
MayazcherquoiAll is OK10:42
chiliblueMayazcherquoi, but is your connection any better10:43
Mayazcherquoichiliblue: I'm on ethernet, so yeah.10:43
Nikki_Only 3 days until the release of the Ubuntu 12.04 LTS!!!10:43
KartagisIve just installed an ATI graphics card. how do I verify the driver has been loaded?10:43
MayazcherquoiAnd soreau:  5616 ?        S      0:00 /sbin/dhclient -d -4 -sf /usr/lib/NetworkManager/nm-dhcp-client.action -pf /var/run/dhclient-eth0.pid -lf /var/lib/dhcp/dhclient-e65853aa-2869-4c5d-8baf-c1752f336f6d-eth0.lease -cf /var/run/nm-dhclient-eth0.conf eth010:43
christhisisgoolnikki_: cant wait!10:43
soreauMayazcherquoi: You can kill dhclient.. related processes10:44
MayazcherquoiAnd will I have to do it every single time I boot up?10:44
soreauMayazcherquoi: Yes, unless you script it to automate when you start up10:46
MayazcherquoiOmg this is ridiculous.10:46
patr|ckHello. to be able to build an application i need "gdk_pixbuf-2.0" but i cant find that package in apt-cache - any tips please?10:47
soreauMayazcherquoi: It's not ridiculous, ubuntu doesn't use wicd by default. If you want to use it, you have to install and configure it10:47
=== magentar_ is now known as magentar
MayazcherquoiCya guys, thanks for everything. I appreciate it, I really do. :) But Linux just isn't my computers preference :-/10:47
Mayazcherquoisoreau: May not be, but still crappy wireless support ;)10:47
Typo_peace on you!10:48
apis it ok to upgarde at this point by amending sources file?10:48
chiliblueMayazcherquoi, to be honest worked out of the box on this device,10:48
soreauMayazcherquoi: The reason braodcom isn't supported well is because braodcom doesn't release their hardware spec so someone can write a decent driver for it10:48
MayazcherquoiMaybe so.10:48
soreauMayazcherquoi: It's not linux fault that proprietary companies don't release hw specs, such as broadcom and nvidia10:48
itachi_08am back10:49
christhisisgoolpatr|ck: the package you are looking for is called libgdk-pixbuf2.0-dev10:49
soreauMayazcherquoi: So it's not crappy wireless support, every other chip than broadcom mostly works great10:49
soreauwithout installing any additional driver10:49
soreauhe isn't worthy to use the almighty linux, not yet10:49
patr|ckchristhisisgool, this package does not exist on my Ubuntu 10.0410:50
christhisisgooloh. in that case its probably because you are on an outdated system. ( not technically speaking, it still has some life left in it, but some packages are available only on the more up to date systems)10:50
christhisisgoolso if i were you i would either try and update your system, or i would just download the source code from somewhere.10:51
christhisisgoolpatr|ck: i found a site that has the source code if you still need it: http://linux.softpedia.com/get/Programming/Libraries/gdk-pixbuf-58007.shtml10:52
patr|ckthank you!10:52
christhisisgoolno problem10:52
=== Typo_ is now known as Arlee
patr|ckoh, how do you untar *.xz files? *shy smile*10:54
christhisisgoolwell, if you are using ubuntu there should be a extract here thing in nautilus. other wize just go into a terminal and type tar xvf <filename>10:55
patr|ckarchive type not supported, hmph10:56
christhisisgoolthen just go into the terminal and untar it using tar xvf <filename>10:56
patr|ckthat wont work either10:56
christhisisgooloh. do you have tar installed10:57
patr|cktar: xz: Cannot exec: No such file or directory10:57
patr|ckit requires the binary for whatever the format handles10:57
Cloudonehey all can anyone help me make my connection secure please10:58
christhisisgoolpatr|ck, im not sure what the actual package name is, but its something along the line of xz utils10:58
patr|cklzma is the name i suppose?10:58
christhisisgoolso do apt-cache search xz-utils and then install it10:58
christhisisgoolpatr|ck: btw, this appears to be a known bug. there are several bug reports on this issue. the solution is generally to actually install the xz utils11:00
=== Zorro is now known as Guest76648
uni4dfxHow do I prevent windows from opening maximized in Ubuntu Classic? It's been driving me insane.11:00
* patr|ck turns into a lovely female and hugs christhisisgool - thank you11:01
christhisisgoolno problem, patr|ck11:02
ServerCrashdoes anyone knows any application that will log the cpu temparture, cpu load and memory free for a given period of time, and then can generate graphs,csv etc11:02
ArleeHave you tried System Profiler and Brenchmark, ServerCrash?11:04
=== Guest407 is now known as Zugzwang
ServerCrashArlee, how to use system profiler to log data for long periods and then being able to export the given data11:04
=== Zugzwang is now known as TheNexT
ArleeServerCrash, I have never tried logging it this way. I'm searching right now11:06
kverasHow can I unbind the meta key to launch applications listed in my launcher? I would like to use meta+1-9 to switch to the corresponding viewport, but the native keybinding seems to override this.11:07
kverasI would still, however, use meta key to launch the dash.11:08
VivekVCI am getting the error message Apr 23 16:24:44 zion squid[8375]: MIME Config Table /usr/share/squid/mime.conf: (2) No such file or directory11:08
VivekVCI am trying to install squid on Ubuntu Oneiric11:08
CloudoneSevercrash get system monitor11:09
zambaargh.. why is the ubuntu cd changed so that you no longer can use it as a recovery disk?11:09
zambanow it insist on booting live instead of giving you the choice of doing memtest or "boot from first hard drive"?11:10
zambawhy do ubuntu continue to shoot itself in the foot like this?11:10
zambaalienating their own users11:10
zambait's beyond me11:10
zambasame with unity11:10
christhisisgooluse gentoo11:10
=== jamestunnicliff_ is now known as jamestunnicliffe
zambachristhisisgool: so the answer is that you can't really use the ubuntu cd as a recovery cd?11:10
zambai'm stunned by this11:11
christhisisgoolno! no! no! i was being sarcastic. if you dont like the ease of use of ubuntu then go off to some little distro where you have to compile everything11:11
christhisisgoolyes, you CAN use it as a rescue disk11:11
zambawell, how?11:11
zambawell hidden?11:11
Your_Doglol gentoo, got to remember how hard it was for me to install it for the first time.11:11
Your_Dogeven with the guides on11:12
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto11:12
christhisisgoolwhats the problem you are trying to fix? grub issue? grub can be installed from the disk11:12
christhisisgoollol Your_Dog....i had a similiar experience11:12
=== Lupinedk is now known as lupinedk
christhisisgooloh no.....zamba is right: you cant just do a memtest on ubuntu anymore11:13
ArleeServerCrash, you may check out also Psensor to see if that's what you want.11:14
zambawell, right now i have a "missing operating system" when booting my machine11:14
zambai've just booted off the installation disk and i'm able to mount the disk just fine, so there has to be a problem with the mbr11:15
zambaso i need help fixing that from the live session11:15
n0cturnaltail -n 0 -f /var/log/syslog | grep PlexBroadcast | awk '{system("/usr/bin/updateplexstatus " $0 )}' <-- no matter what I do, it refuses to pass any parameters to the script... any ideas?11:15
zambahm, i tried reinstalling grub, but to no avail11:20
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)11:21
=== Ming_the_Mercile is now known as Bauldrick
melvincvchristhisisgool well, the option is hidden... If from the live cd, press any key when the indigo screen comes up (guys, what's that screen with an accessibility icon that comes up after booting from the live cd?)11:24
=== StevenCodes is now known as Xanax
=== Xanax is now known as X4n4X
=== c4pt__ is now known as c4pt
caddooport 443 must be open and forwarded to use SSL on a webserver11:29
harsh343I am trying this but not works what i can do ??????????????????? -sh-4.1$ sudo ./SenchaArchitect-2.0.0.run11:29
harsh343[sudo] password for harsh:11:29
harsh343harsh is not in the sudoers file.  This incident will be reported.11:29
FloodBot1harsh343: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.11:29
caddooI'm not being crazy or anything11:29
harsh343please help me11:29
JuJuBeeI just finished a fresh re-install of 11.10, is it possible to copy a config file from previous install to maintain my installed printers?11:30
harsh343help ?11:30
mohtadihi everyone11:30
mohtadii have a question / problem if you could help me please :)11:30
mohtadiin fact, one day, i rebooted ubuntu because it stoped responding11:31
mohtadiafter that, i have no longer access to GDM11:31
icerootharsh343: you are running ubuntu?11:31
icerootmohtadi: which ubuntu version?11:31
harsh343iceroot, I do not command to find out ?11:32
harsh343don't no*11:32
icerootmohtadi: any errors on "sudo /etc/init.d/gdm start"?11:32
harsh343I am using linux on the server11:32
mohtadi** (nautilus:1504): WARNING **: Failed to connect to socket /usr/local/var/run/dbus/system_bus_socket: Connection refused11:32
icerootharsh343: cat /etc/issue11:32
mohtadiiceroot:  ** (nautilus:1504): WARNING **: Failed to connect to socket /usr/local/var/run/dbus/system_bus_socket: Connection refused11:32
icerootharsh343: #fedora11:32
mohtadii have also no longer access to sound, net, and automatic disk mouting11:32
icerootmohtadi: what is the output of "ps aux | grep dbus"11:33
iceroot!paste | mohtadi11:33
ubottumohtadi: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.11:33
mohtadii have to log on with netroot to have internet :D11:33
=== default133518083 is now known as Tamere
mohtadiiceroot:  i have11:34
mohtadic2a       1162  0.0  0.0   3168   788 ?        S    13:25   0:00 /usr/bin/dbus-launch --exit-with-session x-session-manager c2a       1163  0.0  0.0   2924  1160 ?        Ss   13:25   0:00 /bin/dbus-daemon --fork --print-pid 4 --print-address 6 --session c2a       1970  0.0  0.0   3324   892 pts/0    S+   13:33   0:00 grep --color=auto dbus11:34
mohtadic2a       1162  0.0  0.0   3168   788 ?        S    13:25   0:00 /usr/bin/dbus-launch --exit-with-session x-session-manager c2a       1163  0.0  0.0   2924  1160 ?        Ss   13:25   0:00 /bin/dbus-daemon --fork --print-pid 4 --print-address 6 --session c2a       1970  0.0  0.0   3324   892 pts/0    S+   13:33   0:00 grep --color=auto dbus11:34
mohtadic2a       1162  0.0  0.0   3168   788 ?        S    13:25   0:00 /usr/bin/dbus-launch --exit-with-session x-session-manager11:35
mohtadic2a       1163  0.0  0.0   2924  1160 ?        Ss   13:25   0:00 /bin/dbus-daemon --fork --print-pid 4 --print-address 6 --session11:35
icerootmohtadi: read the test from paste from ubottu11:35
mohtadic2a       1970  0.0  0.0   3324   892 pts/0    S+   13:33   0:00 grep --color=auto dbus11:35
mohtadiiceroot:  sorry, i didn't understant11:35
icerootmohtadi: you said you dont have sound. how do you find out if gdm is not starting at all and you only have the console?11:36
melvincvmohtadi, please use http://pastebin.ubuntu.com11:36
mohtadiahh Pastebin : ok http://pastebin.com/NX5DgEbx11:36
mohtadii'm on XDM now11:36
icerootmohtadi: please paste the output of these commands "cat /etc/issue" "cat /etc/apt/sources.list" and "dpkg -l | grep -v ^rc | grep -v ^ii"11:38
_zoom_my ssystem takes so long time to start live cd?11:39
mohtadiiceroot:  here :) http://pastebin.com/QxRg54CK11:39
iceroot_zoom_: long means?11:40
mohtadi_zoom_:  how much?11:40
jsthi! just fresh installed 12.04 daily build (21/04) but Unity 3D seems quite slow, expecially opening and closing dash and Alt-Tab windows switcher ... I'm on a ATI graphic card with opensource drivers... any advice?11:40
icerootjst: #ubuntu+111:40
icerootmohtadi: seems fine so far11:41
mohtadiiceroot: i tried to reinstall ubuntu on the same partition ( to keep my files) , i've got always the same prob...!!11:42
_zoom_more than 10 mins11:42
icerootmohtadi: can you provide the output of "set -x; sudo /etc/init.d/gdm start; set +x"11:43
d81hi guys, how can I check the list pls?11:44
iceroot!bot | d8111:44
ubottud81: Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins | Bot channels and general info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots11:44
=== nikolja is now known as nikolja|odsutan
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins | Bot channels and general info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots11:44
mohtadiiceroot: http://pastebin.com/qYwuANVu11:46
icerootmohtadi: did not know that 10.04 is already using upstart, please use "sudo service gdm start" instead11:47
mohtadiiceroot: + sudo service gdm start gdm start/running, process 2989 + set +x11:48
icerootmohtadi: xdm is still running?11:48
mohtadiiceroot: yep11:48
icerootmohtadi: ok, you need to stop xdm first11:49
_zoom_iceroot: more that 15 mins11:49
kwtm2What's the offtopic channel again?11:49
iceroot!offtopic | kwtm211:49
ubottukwtm2: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!11:49
kwtm2thx iceroot11:49
Cloudone   #ubuntu-offtopic11:49
mohtadiiceroot:  and then? because i won't have firefox :D11:49
jstwhat is it?11:50
jstanother channel?11:50
c0rnelnext ubuntu11:50
jstnice got it thx :)11:50
tetrebwhat is the purpose of the text in resolv.conf? I read that the package prevents resolv.conf being reset. How should I add a nameserver without using network manager, which I have removed?11:51
icerootmohtadi: stop all instanzen from the x-server (sudo service xdm stop, sudo service gdm stop) then see if something is still running on tty7 (ps aux | grep X) if nothing is running there try to start gdm and see if there are usefull infos, start xdm again to post your results11:51
tetreb*package resolvconf11:52
=== csharp__ is now known as csharp
ubuntu__Hey, need some help. After the installation of 12.04 from 11.10 failed, ubuntu cant find my SSD. Neither during installation or through GParted, someone who has some tips_11:52
icerootubuntu__: #ubuntu+111:53
_zoom_1hello any help,11:54
_zoom_1this boot time is killing me11:54
=== XLV_ is now known as XLV
fidel__zoom_: whats your problem regarding boot-time?11:55
_zoom_fidel_: it's toooo long11:55
acid_marki installed mp3splt and it worked ook in natty but now :11:56
acid_mark error: no plugin matches the file11:56
_zoom_fidel_: i'm tryn to boot livecd11:56
acid_markis the error11:56
=== tetreb is now known as krababbel
mohtadiiceroot:  hey again :) i ggot this when trying to start GDM, a window saying the following error was encoutered u may need to u'r configuration to solve the error (EE) [drm] failed to open service \n /dev/fb0 no such file or directory11:57
dumbo88zoom try liveusb?12:00
randomclownI'm on 10.04 (lucid) how do I install a package from oneiric's repository?12:01
aguitelrandomclown, why do this12:04
=== ubuntu__ is now known as Total]
randomclownbecause vps12:05
Picirandomclown: Installing packages meant for a different release of Ubuntu can break your install. Mixing dependencies can have unforseen effects (usually bad ones)12:06
kaushalAny popup for gmail on ubuntu 11.10 when new email arrives ?12:06
kaushalI am using ff and chrome12:06
mydogsnameisrudykaushal:  check out thunderbird12:07
=== overbythere is now known as overbythere\brb
Total]How to erase an invisible SSD with old ubuntu installation, cant find SSD during installation12:09
Total]Corsair F60A12:10
Captain_Protondoes anyone know if ubuntuone can be use at the command line? Like a backup script on a server?12:11
oyugik_hey guys can I get some help re: printing in Ubuntu12:11
Captain_Protonoyugik_, whats up12:13
oyugik_Captain_Proton: I am having hell connecting to a network printer, any help?12:13
mohtadi_iceroot:  sorry i had to reboot my PC (in case you've wroten anything)12:14
mohtadi_join #ptxdist12:15
Captain_Protonoyugik_, sure how do you know the ip or how are you trying to connect12:15
DannyButtermanoyugik: I can try to help. what is your printer ?12:15
netiruHi, in bash, how can I easily navigate in a long output (if I enter 'svn help' for instance)?12:15
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rumpe1netiru, "svn help | more"12:17
oyugik_I am trying to connect via ipp/lpr/samba ... which is the best method to use?12:17
ahhughes_I really miss my task bar, it tells me what I have running :( otherwise I waste time alt_tabbing, or inadvertently starting a new instance when it is not required12:18
oyugik_Captain_Proton: I am trying to connect via ipp/lpr/samba ... which is the best method to use?12:18
netiruthanks rumpe1!12:18
mohtadi_hi everyone :) i'm asking again my question :) i rebooted once my ubuntu because it stopped responding, and since that, i can no longer start gdm ( i'm starting xdm), have no longer net, sound and media mouting on my XDM, when i try to run gdm i got this ** (gdm-binary:1852): WARNING **: Couldn't connect to system bus: Failed to connect to socket /usr/local/var/run/dbus/system_bus_socket: Connection refused12:19
mohtadi_my ubuntu is 10.04 LS12:19
Captain_Protonoyugik_, if you do just a "find network Printer" does it come up12:20
neurotechDoes anyone use Smuxi IRC?12:21
krababbelI did!12:22
oyugik_Captain_Proton:   it does, but on the section for drivers, I dont have the correct ppd file for Sharp AR 5520 printer, hence when I choose a different one it sends the data but nothing prints12:24
caddoowhat is the best way to see if port 443 is routing through a firewall and to a ubuntu machine succesfully12:27
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caddoowell I'm having a disagreement with the company that manages the router/network I'm trying to get through12:29
Stanley00caddoo: how about run nc to listen on 443, and echo "hello" if it's connected. and then from other machine, telnet 443 ?12:29
fl1bbl3or nc -p 443 -l < echo BLAH BLAH BLAH12:29
CrazyGangsterHello ppl, there is a way to install a grid window organizer in LXDE like compiz do?12:29
_zoom_guys, how to establish a vpn connections at boot-time12:29
caddoofl1bbl3: echo no such file or dir12:30
Captain_Protonoyugik_, well I see they do not offer linux driver, so the best thing you can try is use HP Laserjet 5n driver12:33
GreekFreakHi all. I have a partition on my drive that I want easy access to from the terminal. At the moment I have the "cd .." a few times until I can cd into media. And THEN, the drive is labeled with a hexadecimal code. How can I make that process simpler?12:40
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Stanley00GreekFreak: you can make that partition a label12:43
zykotick9Stanley00: that would only help with mounting, not cd-ing into it... GreekFreak12:44
Stanley00zykotick9: but next time, cd will be easier ;)12:44
LjLgeekbri: why not just type cd /media/whatever instead of cd ..'ing repeatedly?12:44
GreekFreakI'm new to Ubuntu, but would a shortcut be a recommended workaround?12:44
zykotick9GreekFreak: what is it's full path?  rather then using "cd .." could you "cd /path/to/folder"?12:44
LjLGreekFreak: and you can hit Tab to auto-complete the hexadecimal code, of course12:45
Stanley00GreekFreak: and in case you just want to cd in to that *hẽ*, you can use the <tab> key12:45
mohtadi_hi everyone :) i'm reposting question if anyone could help !! :) i rebooted once my ubuntu because it stopped responding, and since that, i can no longer start gdm ( i'm starting xdm), have no longer net, sound and media mouting on my XDM, when i try to run gdm i got this ** (gdm-binary:1852): WARNING **: Couldn't connect to system bus: Failed to connect to socket /usr/local/var/run/dbus/system_bus_socket: Connection refused12:45
GreekFreakbecause it's full path is "/media/3E18014B1801041D"12:45
zykotick9GreekFreak: +1 on LjL TAB suggestion12:45
LjLGreekFreak: do type cd /me TAB 3E TAB12:45
zykotick9GreekFreak: using Stanley00's LABEL suggestion would change the UID 3E18014B1801041D to something readable12:46
GreekFreakI'll into Stanley00 's label. But the TAB looks workable for now12:47
GreekFreakthanks guys12:47
Captain_Protondoes anyone know if ubuntu one can be use at the command line? Like a backup script on a server?12:48
zykotick9Captain_Proton: IF you don't get an answer here, you could try the #ubuntuone channel perhaps12:48
Captain_Protonk thx12:48
Samueleimonhello all12:48
Captain_Protoni did not even know they had one :)12:49
ChechoBocinahector loookoo12:57
delinquentmehey all when I right click and >> create document It says " No templates installed "12:59
delinquentmehow do I make templates that would go here12:59
Stanley00delinquentme: you can make it in ~/Templates13:01
subdesignany idea how to access localhost with android phone trough wifi?13:03
nimesh_accenturehi guys i'm getting this error , any clue?13:03
nimesh_accenturepycurl.error: (60, 'server certificate verification failed. CAfile: /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt CRLfile: none')13:03
zykotick9subdesign: "localhost" is the local computer/device...13:03
delinquentmeStanley00, doesnt look like its doing it .. made a ruby.rb file and its not showing up13:03
subdesignzykotick9, yes. typing into opera i get a ~not found error13:04
Stanley00delinquentme: hmm, it's strange.13:04
zykotick9subdesign: on android?  try an android channel perhaps, it's OT here.13:04
Stanley00delinquentme: I think you should check the permission of ~/Templates13:06
Nodivideaccenture ... maybe you need to give the correct read permisions to the cert server... or program that is accessing it13:08
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subdesignok, how to get apache ip address?13:11
ubottuanother contentless ping... sigh...13:11
nimesh_accenturewhat does this error mean while trying to do an apt-get ?pycurl.error: (60, 'server certificate verification failed. CAfile: /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt CRLfile: none')13:11
ManDayHas the "Is it out?" phase begun yet?13:11
dexel99hey everybody...can someone please help me with some instruction?13:11
Dr_WillisManDay,  no.13:11
ManDayDr_Willis: :P Then may I slip in a question: Is there an approximate date for when Ubuntu will come with wayland?13:12
Dr_Willisdexel99,  with what issue?13:12
Dr_WillisManDay,  wayland is in the next release.but its still a testing type stage.13:12
Dr_Willisits in the repos at least.13:12
dexel99i can not install drivrer for CNet CQU-90613:12
Dr_Willisdexel99,  and what is that device exactly?13:13
ManDayDr_Willis: Yeah, I'm just curious how much Canonical will get involved with pushing development forward13:13
dexel99it's my wireless network adapter via usb13:13
Dr_Willisdexel99,  you should try to determine what chipset its using. also the forums or askubuntu.com Might have some info for that exact model dongle.13:14
Nodividedownload revoke.crl from cacert.org and copy to appropiate dir13:14
Dr_Willis'its all about the chipset' :)13:14
dexel99i try the solution from ubuntuforum...but it still not working13:14
dexel99ok guys. thank your for support :)13:19
dexel99it's working fine13:19
APoulosWould anyone want to help me with a small little command?13:20
zykotick9APoulos: "w" is the smallest command i know ;)13:20
APoulostrying to exclude a whole directory with Rsync but its not working the way I wish it would13:20
APouloszykotick9, lolol13:20
MrUnagimy username in the user switcher says invalid utf-8….any way to fix that13:21
APouloszykotick9, here's basically what I've got so far: rsync --progress -rEog --exclude-from="$/Videos" /home/alex /media/backup/12.04-Precise-backup_4.23.2012/13:21
APouloszykotick9, actually - scratch that, thats an older copy13:22
APouloszykotick9, here's what I made just a few minutes ago: rsync --progress -rEog --exclude="home/alex/Videos" /home/alex /media/backup/12.04-Precise-backup_4.23.2012/13:22
APouloszykotick9, the problem is that the videos directory is still made13:22
zykotick9APoulos: the will probably help the channel.  I'm an rsync noob, so can't really help.  FYI if you are using 12.04 you should be asking in #ubuntu+1 (12.04 isn't supported here) but really you should check if there is an rsync channel.13:22
Dr_Willistheres proberly whole books written about rsync :)13:23
MrUnagirsync is awesome13:23
APoulosI know, ive been reading the man pages, but some of it just isnt working the way Im reading it as13:23
zykotick9APoulos: if i where you i might test ".. --exclude=Videos ..." myself.13:23
Dr_Williswhen in doubt check delicious.com for 'rsync tutorial' tags. :) i tend to get better hits there then google13:23
MrUnagisuch as?13:24
APoulosDr_Willis, zykotick9 I've been trying to get the bloody thing to quit creating that folder.13:24
APoulosMrUnagi, such as some exclusion params dont have examples13:24
blaine00Hey everyone!13:24
Dr_Willisisent that exclude path incorrect?  should be /home/username/Video13:24
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Keo-wi moved my ubuntu vm to a 5.0 box from 4.1 now it has no networking adapter. I've tried several different ones and it comes up empty. Anyone seen this before?13:25
zykotick9Keo-w: 5.0 & 4.1 of what?13:26
Keo-w4.1 of esx to 5.0 of esxi13:27
Keo-wcopied the vm over basically13:27
blaine00Quick and easy question... will 12.04 beta 2 eventually just update to the 12.04 release or is there actually a need to installed 12.04 final when it is released?13:28
icerootblaine00: it will update to the final13:28
zykotick9!final | blaine0013:28
ubottublaine00: If you install a development version of Ubuntu Precise and keep up with package updates, then you will be upgraded to the official release of 12.04 when it comes out. To make sure, type « sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade » in a terminal. Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1.13:28
APoulosand even reading some of the man pages, there aren't very direct examples..13:28
blaine00awesome, that is what I was thinking, just wanted to make sure. Thanks everyone!13:29
MrUnagihow much faster is the alternate ubuntu than the desktop13:29
zykotick9MrUnagi: if you mean the alternate cd - it's the same, after install?13:30
MrUnagii thought alternate was cli only13:30
MrUnagiis that the server install?13:30
zykotick9MrUnagi: the install is yes13:30
MrUnagicrap lol13:30
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zykotick9MrUnagi: check out mini if you want a cli desktop13:31
MrUnagii need to install an ssh terminal server so that it routes to the right computer based on what user I'm trying to log into or something like that13:32
MrUnagiis that possible?13:32
MrUnagiso that i don't have to forward a bunch of ports13:32
APoulosDr_Willis, the only way out of this predicament is that I must specific /home/alex/Videos ? no shortcuts like "~/Videos/13:32
mm_I have a question, maybe you can help me?13:34
APoulosDr_Willis, ah well it still made the folder.. rsync --progress -rEog --exclude="/home/alex/Videos" /home/alex /media/backup/12.04-Precise-backup_4.23.2012/13:34
zykotick9!ask | mm_13:35
ubottumm_: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience13:35
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/13:35
mm_i turned my machine on this morning and the panel that's supposed to be at the top was right through the middle.13:35
zykotick9!msgthebot > sloucher13:35
ubottusloucher, please see my private message13:35
mm_(of my monitor/desktop_13:35
mm_any ideas?13:36
jack_^mm_: relog?13:36
mm_yeah, tried relogging, restarting etc.  didn't help.  eventually i moved it to the left side.13:36
MrUnagiinstalling ubuntu into a virtual machine on ubuntu seems to crash it every time13:37
APoulosmm_, do you have Unity instead of Gnome?13:37
mm_i believe so yes, but i can check to make sure.  i've only been using this for a few daze.13:38
APoulosmm_, maybe some recent install or uninstall mightve messed up your desktop environments13:38
mm_maybe.  that's possible.   daze = days13:38
mm_does the install have a "fix" option?13:39
mm_i don't remember.13:39
Nodividedazed for days13:39
APoulosmm_, er, well, which one where you using previously13:39
APoulosmm_, gnome or Unity?13:39
mm_additionally, i'm on a mission to extend my desktop, anyone have any luck with that?13:39
zykotick9mm_: do you know what video card you are using?13:40
mm_i didn't know there was gonna be a test lol13:40
zykotick9mm_: if you can open a terminal "lspci | grep -i vga"13:40
mm_i'm pretty sure it's integrated.  dell laptop13:40
mm_i'll get the specifics for you.13:41
APoulosmm_, ok did one of them have a huge dock on the side panel? or did you have little thin black bars?13:41
MrUnagicrap i lost connection to my ubuntu box again13:41
Nodividemmm dell i use to work for hell...err dell13:41
Krambiorixhi guys, i would like to copy all files in a directory structure but not the directories, how can i do that?13:42
mm_i have very few problems with it.  i will admit i would buy another dell.13:42
WaltherIs there a separate channel for Ubuntu Core?13:42
Waltherubottu: ubuntu core13:42
APoulosmm_, what exactly does your desktop look like at this moment? can you screen cap it?13:43
mm_one sec.  jpg ok?13:43
MrUnagianyone have any ideas why installing ubuntu in a virtual machine on ubuntu crashes13:43
zykotick9MrUnagi: what ubuntu version and what VM program?13:44
WaltherDoes anyone know whether Ubuntu Core supports ARMv6 or only ARMv7?13:44
MrUnagizykotick9: 11.10 virtualbox13:44
zykotick9MrUnagi: ? i'd think that should work13:44
MrUnagiits crashed with desktop and alternate13:45
astroliteWalther: I think so, but I think it may depend on what graphics card etc that you have13:45
APoulosmm_, yes, jpeg is fine, upload to imgur.com13:45
rumanhi every one13:45
cryptedanyone know if there will be a easy conversion process to x64 should it become default for 12.04?13:46
Waltherastrolite: from what I've heard, Ubuntu (as in, Ubuntu) is being built for ARMv7 upwards, was just wondering if the Ubuntu Core would be possible to port to ARMv613:46
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mm_looks like i spoke too soon, the sysinfo says it's ubuntu 11.10(oneiric) gnome 2.32.1 kernel 3.0.0-17 generic.  loading screen says xbuntu though.13:46
Oercrypted, conversion from 32 to 64 ?13:46
zykotick9crypted: if you are asking if you can upgrade 32bit to 64bit - no, you can't13:46
astroliteWalther: ok, don't know13:47
cryptedroger that.  i know as of yet its impossible except by hacking the crap out of ubuntu.  i figured there may be an easier development since canoical is considering a swap to x64 default.13:47
APoulosmm_, is your login setup to automatic?13:47
astroliteI would like for wine on 64bit to be fixed for release, or at least in time for diablo 3 *holds thumbs*13:47
compdocMrUnagi, you using a 32 bit guest type?13:48
auronandacecrypted: 64bit has been around for years and is working very well13:48
cryptedauronandace: i know that.  however, the default iso has been 32.13:48
cryptedbecause not all apps/packages were ready in the prior release, we went with 32 for our church.13:48
APoulosalright guys, I'm having one hell of a time trying to get this directory backed up without the /videos/ directory13:48
cryptedi'm trying to determine an easier conversion method without flat redoing it all.13:49
cryptedfigure i wont even attempt it now13:49
cryptedstick w/ old school13:49
APoulosthis is so far what I've found out: --exclude $HOME/Videos/ /home/alex /media/backup/12.04-Precise-backup_4.23.2012/13:49
APoulosdoesnt work13:49
APoulosstill makes the folder13:49
auronandacecrypted: what apps do you require that are 32bit only?13:49
Oercrypted, since 11.10 64 bit is multi-arch.13:49
APoulosso does /home/alex/Videos/ - and ~/Videos/13:49
cryptedgood to know about multi-arch.  auronandace: none that i am aware of anymore13:49
APouloscan someone PULLLLEEEEZZZEEE help me with this?13:50
cryptedthe issue would be converting w/o losing settings and data at this point.13:50
cryptedall else is good to go from my reading13:50
blackbear008- APoulos, , what's your problem?13:50
zykotick9crypted: a conversion of 32bit to 64bit seems insane to me... can i ask, how much RAM do you have?13:51
APoulosblackbear008, trying to run rsync to dupe my home directory w/ the exception of my videos folder13:51
mm_i haven't been on IRC in about 20 years, so... how do you want me to send this screenshot?  it's a png btw.13:51
zykotick9!paste | mm_13:51
ubottumm_: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.13:51
sambagirl10.10 support has been terminated????13:52
APoulosblackbear008, this is what I've been able to do: rsync --progress -rEog --exclude $HOME/Videos/ /home/alex /media/backup/12.04-Precise-backup_4.23.2012/13:52
auronandacecrypted: just install the 64bit version, backup what you need to keep (config files)13:52
compdocsambagirl, end of life?13:52
cryptedif that'll work, okay.13:52
auronandacesambagirl: yes13:52
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cryptedwhat just /etc/ and /home/?13:52
sambagirlsomething like that but it is still alive on my laptop!13:52
auronandace!10.10 | sambagirl13:52
ubottusambagirl: Ubuntu 10.10 (Maverick Meerkat) was the thirteenth release of Ubuntu. !End-Of-Life on April 10th, 2012, see http://ubottu.com/y/maverick for details.13:52
cryptedcan i do a dpkg dump or anything for easy restore?13:52
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APoulosblackbear008, ive tried the other ones like /home/alex/Videos/ and ~/Videos/13:53
compdocsambagirl, only the LTS versions are supported for 3 years13:53
sambagirloh ok13:53
auronandacecrypted: what settings do you need to keep? most configs are under the hidden directories under /home/13:53
somethinginteresdoes anyone know the package for language checking in LibreOffice for Australian English?13:53
compdocthe rest get upgraded away13:53
auronandacecompdoc: starting with 12.04 support is 5 years13:54
sambagirlwell compdoc my issue is that these later versions are so different and i don't nor do any of the users here find them friendly at all.  the interfaces are not friendly at all. everyone is used to true functionality and ease of use. no drop down menu options,  this is terrible.13:54
cryptedi know where the config files are that we need.  my next issue is dpkg.  i assume that i can dump and restore the oldl ist upon reinstalling w/ x64?13:54
fidel_somethinginteres: guess the question isnt really ubuntu-specific - maybe ask in the #libre channel13:55
mm_ok.  it's up there.  http://imagebin.org/20935613:55
rumanany one can help to make partition  image  of xubunto, to install other machines...without installation....13:55
sambagirlit would be so pleasant if ubuntu devs created a classic view option...maybe they have, but i can't locate it.  the new interface is so unfriendly.13:55
somethinginteresfidel_: sorry mate, was directed here from #libreoffice b/c they couldn't work it out.13:55
Oercrypted > dpkg –get-selections13:55
cryptedroger that13:55
cryptedi guess a case of beer and toying around is in order now.13:56
Oercrypted but is it wise, to convert that to 64 bit?13:56
compdocsambagirl, many ppl feel that way, but you can get used to it. They are still improving Unity, so it might get better13:56
astrolitesambagirl: if you want something similar to old gnome as in 10.x, try xfce window manager13:56
cryptedOer: uncertain.13:56
cryptedthanks @ all.13:56
Oerhave fun13:56
cryptedoh i doubt i will but hey its worth trying13:56
cryptedcan always learn from my upcoming mistakes.13:57
mubeenhello everyone..13:57
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auronandacecrypted: a fresh install is always easier13:57
sambagirlthat is why we stay at 10.10 because it's functional.  it's like going to the cpanel in windows xp and you can modify it to classic view.  just like windows 7 and 8 are so aweful so is vista, because users wants and needs and desires are ignored and the powers that be want to manipulate and force feed us stuff we dont like and yet expect us not to speak up about it?13:58
auronandacesambagirl: can't live without gnome2 eh?13:58
compdocsambagirl, it will still run, but I guess they no longer update it13:58
BaribalHi. I just installed 12.04 from scratch and wanted to configure its appearance, but the ccsm package seems to have vanished. Where did it go?13:58
mubeenCan anyone help me regarding a installation of Ncomputing Software?13:58
rumanany one can help me make partition image of ubuntu..13:58
sambagirli understand. i mean i used hoary as my first ubuntu. i still have boxes of cd's they sent.13:58
usb-helphi, I suspect a USB flash drive I bought recently has been oversized to 64GB, is there a way to check that on ubuntu 10.04 LTS?13:59
c0rnelruman, clonezilla?13:59
MrUnagimini.iso i see no activity now, how do i know if its installing13:59
sambagirlit's just my feeling that ubuntu team should stick with what works and not go chasing.14:00
rumanc0rnel,please let me know is it free14:00
c0rnelruman, yes it is free14:01
sambagirlclonezilla is awesome14:01
auronandacesambagirl: just so you know ubuntu doesn't support gnome2 anymore because the creators of gnome2 has stopped support14:01
poohow can i remove a java package that didnt finish installing14:01
poosays it cant find archive14:02
rumanok thanks to both of u..14:02
sambagirlohh i didnt know that.14:02
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ubottuThe GNOME Foundation has ceased support for GNOME 2, and as such it is not in Ubuntu 11.10 (Oneiric Ocelot). See !notunity for an alternative desktop experience.14:02
sambagirlwell there are others xfce and others14:02
sambagirlkde is another one14:02
Nach0zLXDE > xfce :P14:02
sambagirli think14:02
BaribalAlso, I've installed and started Eclipse, but it appears neither in the dock nor the task switcher, so once minimized, I seem to be unable to unminimize the window. What happened there?14:02
auronandacesambagirl: i've never liked gnome2 anyway and have used xfce since 4.214:03
mubeenNComputing Linux Terminal Server14:03
mubeenvSpace Terminal Server14:03
mubeenThis package provides all the necessary drivers and programs to use NComputing's X Series expansion card, L Series and U Series terminals.14:03
MrUnagiseems impossible to install ubuntu in a virtual machine for me… =/14:03
sambagirlok here is a simple question. if i install the latest version of ubuntu will there be the menu options at the top panel?14:04
jasonmsphey all.  easy question here but I can't seem to find it in the man pages or on google.  I have an alias cp -i setup and I want to overide the -i from the command line.  -f doesn't seem to be working and I don't see clobber for cp?14:04
mm_the top panel may not be at the top lol14:04
auronandacesambagirl: i don't use unity or gnome3 so i can't tell you14:04
sambagirli see14:04
sambagirli mean like applications places system14:04
auronandacesambagirl: i stick to xfce, simple and functional14:04
mubeen"Error: Dependency is not satisfiable: libswscale0" can u solve this?14:05
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sambagirli;ll just download the latest and put it into a vm and see if it has acceptable accessibility thanks.14:06
mehranHi I'm upgrading from ubuntu 10.04 to ubuntu 12.04 beta using update-manager14:07
auronandacesambagirl: i'm planning to give unity a try properly when 12.04 comes out, but i expect i'll come back to xfce14:07
mm_mubeen:  This is the video scaling library from the ffmpeg project. This package contains a Debian-specific version of the libswscale shared object that should only be used by Debian packages.14:07
usb-helpany help on my usb problem would be appreciated, thanks14:08
mubeenHow can I use the Ncomputing Software in Linux Mint 12?14:09
aLBa^how large do you believe it is usb-help ?14:10
codelurkerhow do you add workspaces and change to an all horizontal workspace layout in 12.04? [no one answering in ubuntu+1]14:10
auronandace!mint | mubee14:10
ubottumubee: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org14:10
niteriawhat's the best way to help ubuntu release a new version of package?14:11
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niteriathere's a package that is slightly outdated14:12
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auronandace!latest | niteria14:13
ubottuniteria: Packages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, so "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports, !sru, and !ppa.14:13
mm_codelurker, right click the panel, choose panel, choose panel preferences.  you can add workspaces there.14:13
usb-help<alba> I think the disk is supposed to be about 8GB, but it was advertised at 64GB and thats how much is shown in properties.14:15
mm_any ideas how to fix the rogue panel across my desktop?14:15
codelurkerright clicking panel doesn't bring up anything :(14:16
sambagirlauronandace let me look at ti first and see if it works for me brb14:16
aLBa^so you tried putting something on that was less than 8gb and then added a gb extra? thats the only test there is, I suppose14:16
Sidewinderusb-help, 64G to 8G, now, that's more than a significant jump.14:16
mm_code:  restart??14:17
=== Guest91974 is now known as decartes
usb-help<alba> I can't even copy a few megabytes to it, because its extremely slow, at 10 to 50kb/s.14:19
usb-helpI've even tried formatting the disk, which always fails.14:19
magmahow can I check the last 3 logins on my system?14:20
magmathe date and time14:20
jrharshath@magma use "finger"14:20
codelurkermm_: system is fine - fresh install of 12.04/patched.  just cant find workspace options anywhere14:20
escott!precise | codelurker14:20
ubottucodelurker: Ubuntu 12.04 LTS (Precise Pangolin) is the 16th release of Ubuntu and is in Beta testing from 2nd March, Discussion and support until final release in #ubuntu+114:20
magmajrharshath, it just says the last14:20
codelurkerescott: I know, but no answers in ubuntu+114:21
jrharshathtry "last"14:23
=== hari_ is now known as harikt
SirSpamHow do I use an absolute DNS search path so Linux doesn't automatically tack on a.domain.com to certain queries?14:26
SirSpamI've tried adding "search ." to my /etc/resolv.conf but that didn't work and "host localhost" kept trying to resolve "localhost.."14:28
soreauSirSpam: What do you have set for nameserver? try an ip like
SirSpamI'm using "nameserver" When I tried that, everything broke down. Linux apparently ignored my /etc/hosts file so resolving localhost didn't work which meant my entire mail server broke down.14:30
mm_is it possible to reinstall xfce-4 panel to fix what's wrong with the panel through the middle of my desktop?14:34
auronandacemm_: through the middle?14:35
mm_yes.  booted up this morning and the panel that is set to be horizonal at the top, is right through the middle of my desktop.14:36
auronandacemm_: what does the panel settings show?14:36
mm_it has been suggested that i may have d/l'd something that is interferring with it.14:36
mm_the panel setting show where i left them when i logged off last night.14:36
auronandacemm_: can you unlock and move the panel?14:37
mm_which was horizontal, at the top.  i have since moved it over to vertical to get it out of the way.14:37
mm_i've tried :(14:37
mm_there's a screen cap though.  if'n you wanna see14:37
auronandacemm_: yay, screenshot14:37
mm_hang on, i might have to take another.   can i have the url again?14:38
auronandacemm_: imagebin.org14:39
auronandacemm_: what was it you downloaded that someone suggested affect it?14:40
=== FTW is now known as renode
mm_i just installed xubuntu 2 daze ago, i've been tweeking ever since...14:42
sambagirlok i installed 12.04 and it looks very pretty however i don't see those options at the top meaning applications places system is there anyway i can add that to the desktop panel?14:42
auronandacemm_: tweaking how?14:42
sambagirlthe system layout reminds me of osx :D14:42
mm_auronandance:  http://imagebin.org/20935614:43
mm_tried a couple different audio players, d/l'd vlc, a few games, messed with browers, settled on iron14:44
auronandacemm_: grab it at the left and drag it to the top14:44
auronandacemm_: that panel isn't locked14:44
mm_no, i unlocked it to try to move it.14:45
mm_everytime i tried the drag/drop it "dropped" a blue folder, but nothing ever changed.14:45
delinquentmehey all .. is there a way for me to "save state" in Gedit?14:45
delinquentmesay I've got a number of files I want to edit open14:45
mm_that worked though.  probably just to make me look like a retard lol  i've locked it at the top again.14:45
delinquentmeand I'd love to open them all back up at once14:46
delinquentmeis this possible?14:46
auronandacemm_: you got two screens?14:46
mm_at the moment.  i've been reading up on extended desktop, but i haven't tried anything yet.14:46
mm_laptop and either a monitor or the 42" vizio, vga cable.14:47
fishcookerwhich one is better and stable for desktop of developing matter; ubuntu 11.04 or 11.10 ?14:47
area51pilotsambagirl: hit the Win key14:47
fishcookerdon't say 12.04.. it is in beta release now14:47
mm_my resolution is all screwy too.  the laptop screen is too long and i'm using a monitor at the moment, and the display is too short.  then the panel went rogue.14:48
area51pilotfishcooker ... for a few more hours  :P14:48
c_smith!time UTC-814:48
=== Lebby1 is now known as Lebby
area51pilot... 2 days and a few hrs :P14:49
mm_xbuntu recognizes the type of laptop and the monitor/tv.  not sure what's going on there.  probably a driver issue.  a driver that's long been out of circulation i'm guessing.14:49
auronandacefishcooker: 11.04 will reach eol before 11.1014:49
auronandacefishcooker: also 12.04 will be released thursday14:49
neurotechsorry one more14:49
fishcookercounting down area51pilot14:49
auronandace!test | neurotech14:49
ubottuneurotech: Testing... Testing... 1. 2.. 3... ( by the way, remember that you can use #test )14:49
c_smithneurotech, what's with the tests?14:49
neurotechsorry all done :D14:49
fishcookerthat's cool auronandace.. i've tried it14:50
c_smithneurotech, Just  curious, but what are you testing?14:50
fishcookerPP  c_smith14:50
area51pilotfishcooker ... kinda the release is 2 days after my bday. Benn running beta for a few months though  ;)14:50
neurotechmy "own color" text14:51
auronandaceneurotech: next time use #test14:51
neurotech cheerz14:51
kulhashello, I have apache running on port 80 and tomcat 8080, outside I can only acess to port 80 I need to have apache serving php and tomcat serving a war.  I try this http://dominikdorn.com/2010/04/tomcat-glassfish-jetty-port-80-iptables-nat/ but its not working.14:52
area51pilotjoin ubuntu+114:52
minimec_kulhas: 'sudo ufw allow 8080' could work --> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UFW14:56
trevjsUbuntu doesn't recognize the touchpad on my laptop, this is probably a kernel problem.  Is there a way I can disable the touchpad?14:57
MarcNanyone having problems with synergy? synergyc on Precise segfaults on keyboard input.  I'm running synergys on Oneiric. 100% of the time.14:59
MarcNmouse input works fine...14:59
bkc_MarcN: did you have any problems with synergyc on Oneiric?15:02
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MarcNbkc_: last I used synergy it was between two Oneiric.  Since them I've upgraded the client to precise. turning on debug isn't helpful.15:02
bkc_MarcN: try swaping them, so you runt the server on the client and w.w.15:03
usb-helpdoes 12.04 have support for exfat?15:05
khmerogwhen i first installed ubuntu i had the option to change how my window (exit, minimize, full screen) look like15:05
khmerogand to change from ubuntu unity or ubunutu classic15:05
khmerognow i dont have that option..how come?15:05
LambdaDuskanyone knowing the codecs necessary to get the audio from an mkv video... it is encoded with ac3, it seems15:05
bkc_khmerog: system settings?15:06
bkc_LambdaDusk: what player are you using?15:06
LambdaDuskbkc_: I am using ffmpeg for the task15:07
LambdaDuskbkc_: They play fine in vlc and totem15:07
bkc_so, you want to extract the ac3-stream from a mkv-file?15:07
LambdaDuskbkc_: And make it an mp3 for my player15:08
LambdaDuskor ogg, I am not choosy15:08
LambdaDusk"ffmpeg -i $f -f mp3 -y -ab 192000 -vn audio/`basename $f .mkv`.mp3" is the command I used15:09
bkc_you can use mkvextract to extract the ac3-stream :)15:09
khmerogbkc_ i checked every settings and it is not there anymore15:09
khmerogbkc_ are u using ubuntu unity UI or the classic UI?15:09
bkc_khmerog: kde15:10
bkc_LambdaDusk: then use ffmpeg to convert from ac3 to ogg/mp315:10
khmeroghmm can u make your own taskbar/panes?15:10
=== MartinS is now known as Guest60745
teroum, should a modern ubuntu work on a really old netbook?(atom 1.6 ghz 1gb ram) ?15:10
betono really15:10
betois to slow15:11
bkc_no it's not :/15:11
auronandace!lubuntu | tero15:11
ubottutero: lubuntu is Ubuntu with LXDE instead of !GNOME as desktop environment, which makes it extremely lightweight. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu - /join #lubuntu for lubuntu support.15:11
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bkc_beto: I run kubuntu on 900MHz, 2GB ram... works just fine :)15:12
afuentesis there a way to disable the countdown window on acpi shutdown signal?15:13
belgianguyis there a dutch ubuntu chan?15:13
belgianguyfor dutch lang corrections15:13
ubottuNederlandstalige ondersteuning voor Ubuntu (en vers gezette koffie) is te vinden in #ubuntu-nl15:13
LambdaDuskbkc_: Sorry, that did not work. The codec is the problem, not the container: "Error while opening encoder for output stream #0.0 - maybe incorrect parameters such as bit_rate, rate, width or height"15:15
bkc_LambdaDusk: have you specified that you're reading from ac3?15:16
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LambdaDuskbkc_: Uh, no... how?15:16
bkc_ffmpeg -i input_filename.mpg -f avi -vcodec copy -acodec libmp3lame -ar 44100 -ab 128k -ac 2 file_output.avi15:17
bkc_wrong line ^^15:17
* LambdaDusk waits15:17
bkc_ffmpeg -i audio.ac3 -acodec libmp3lame audio.mp315:18
bkc_ffmpeg -i audio.ac3 -acodec libvorbis audio.ogg15:18
SidewinderAt least the nick is appropriate.15:19
LambdaDuskbkc_: Nope still: "Error while opening encoder for output stream #0.0 - maybe incorrect parameters such as bit_rate, rate, width or height"15:19
auronandacewhat is with all these people doing !list ?15:20
bkc_auronandace: they think it's a dc-hub ^^15:20
auronandacebkc_: dc-hub?15:20
bkc_LambdaDusk: have you successfully extracted the ac3-stream from the mkv?15:21
LambdaDuskit plays in totem and rhythmbox15:21
LambdaDuskand correctly15:21
bkc_auronandace: old way of sharing warez :/15:21
auronandacebkc_: oh, thanks for the info15:21
bkc_dik: this isn't a dc-hub :/15:22
ubottuSidewinder: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».15:24
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MrUnagiubuntu minimal takes forever to install =/15:26
icerootMrUnagi: bad connection?15:29
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J11somehow when a user logs in on a machine the internet won't work, until I su to myself in a terminal and use ifconfig eth0 up and dhclient eth0. But I rememebr setting the share this connection with other users in the network management app15:31
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bkc_MrUnagi: internet-connection15:31
MrUnagioh……doubtful, but i don't know…..because theres nothing on screen15:32
bkc_MrUnagi: how old is the computer?15:32
MrUnagiits purple with a white line at the bottom15:32
MrUnagicouple of years i suppose15:32
MrUnagiI'm not near it so i don't really know15:32
MrUnagior at least the host is……I'm currently installing into vm15:33
bkc_ooh... vm's are usually not that fast :/15:33
MrUnagiyea but……15:34
MrUnagiits a minimal install lol15:34
afuentesis there a way to disable the countdown window on acpi shutdown signal?15:35
MrUnagiafuentes sudo shutdown -h now?15:35
icerootMrUnagi: minimal install = everything downloaeded from the net15:35
MrUnagiiceroot: with no progress bar?15:36
J11strange I only see the loopback in /etc/network/interfaces. Is the way the network manager works different?15:36
afuentesMrUnagi, its a virtual machine, i can send ubuntu an acpi shutdown signal, but it shows an anoying 60 secs message :/15:36
MrUnagiJ11: sounds right15:36
icerootMrUnagi: there is a progress bar if something is happening15:36
MrUnaginot for me15:36
icerootMrUnagi: again, bad connection?15:36
MrUnagifor a progress bar?15:37
icerootMrUnagi: what is the speed of your connection?15:37
MrUnagispeediest = 3mbps down15:37
icerootMrUnagi: that is slow for a netinstall with a complete desktop15:37
jwtiyari cant install apache2 , give this http://paste.ubuntu.com/942678/15:37
icerootMrUnagi: guess it will take 1-2 hours until everything is downloaded15:37
bkc_iceroot: minimal install...15:37
MrUnagithats MB download not line speed15:37
icerootbkc_: minimal install is a medium and does not mean only shell15:38
icerootbkc_: you can select there kde, gnome, unity and so on15:38
jwtiyari cant install apache2 , give this http://paste.ubuntu.com/942678/15:38
icerootMrUnagi: that is mbit/s15:38
MrUnagii didn't select any of those15:39
MrUnagino….its MBs15:39
icerootjwtiyar: did you run "sudo apt-get update" first?15:39
icerootMrUnagi: then say 3MByte/s15:39
sambagirldoes compiz work in 12.04?15:39
icerootsambagirl: yes, #ubuntu+115:39
sambagirlhow can i add like a different desktop to 12.04? is it possible to add potions to the panels?15:40
icerootMrUnagi: maybe you can switch to tty2 (ctrl + alt + f2) and you can do some debug on top/ps15:40
icerootsambagirl: 12.04 is not supported here, please join #ubuntu+115:40
sambagirlwell 10.10 isnt supported...so what is supported in here?15:40
icerootsambagirl: stable releases which are not EOL15:40
icerootsambagirl: 8.04 server, 10.04, 11.04, 11.1015:41
nanneswhy? why??? why this kind of behavior???15:45
sipiornannes: this is not the place to vent.15:46
icerootnannes: i dont see a problem with that and its off topic here15:46
nanneswhich is the right place15:46
sipiornannes: #ubuntu-offtopic, or /dev/null.15:46
nanneslol I'll try the first15:46
pietro10Hi. I have a .deb for libpng 1.5 that I need to install in order to use some software. How do I install it over the system libpng 1.2? Thanks.15:47
=== K1rk|W0rk is now known as K1rk|Work
icerootpietro10: i dont know if it is a good idea15:48
icerootpietro10: but the method is "sudo dpkg -i file.deb"15:49
icerootpietro10: but you can get dependency issues15:50
pietro10well if it's not a good idea to install the one (from debian.org), wha tis the best way to install libpng 1.5 on ubuntu?15:50
icerootpietro10: 1. never mix packages from debian and ubuntu. ubuntu is not debian15:50
iceroot!info libpng315:51
ubottulibpng3 (source: libpng): PNG library - runtime. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.2.46-3ubuntu1.3 (oneiric), package size 0 kB, installed size 28 kB15:51
pietro10right, though I'm not getting any response for libpng 1.5 ubuntu on google15:51
pietro10why is ubuntu still on 1.215:51
icerootpietro10: what debian-release has 1.5?15:51
pietro10that probalby explains it15:52
J11when do connections set in the network manager become loaded?15:52
luffhahi all15:53
icerootpietro10: and which software needs 1.5?15:53
luffhaany idea on this, guys? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10283411/php-broken-after-upgrading-to-php-5-415:53
icerootluffha: #ubuntu+115:54
iceroot!info php5 precise15:54
ubottuphp5 (source: php5): server-side, HTML-embedded scripting language (metapackage). In component main, is optional. Version 5.3.10-1ubuntu2 (precise), package size 1 kB, installed size 21 kB15:54
pietro10iceroot: a specialized image converter being written by someone else I'mw aiting for them to get on IRC to ask them about it15:54
icerootpietro10: i dont think that software will have much fun because all the big distros are not using 1.5 in stable releases in the next time15:55
icerootluffha: and why the hell are you ising lucid ppa packages on precise15:55
icerootluffha: there is only one thing that can happen on such tasks, broken dependencies15:56
benaiahfuck isnt there anything so geeky15:56
oCeanbenaiah: control your language here, please15:56
bazhangbenaiah, no cursing here15:56
iceroot!language | benaiah15:56
ubottubenaiah: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.15:56
=== channel_bot is now known as flood_bot
set_killerhi guis, i just tryed to upgrade to 12.04 and then i got this bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/python2.7/+bug/98637416:04
ubottuLaunchpad bug 986374 in python2.7 (Ubuntu) "oneiric->precise upgrade failed: E:Internal Error, Could not early remove python-minimal" [Critical,Fix released]16:04
RexHaviKi am seeing a one minute diff between two machines, this one gets its time from a time server, the other may not, what would i need to run as root that would keep it on internet time? ntpd?16:04
set_killershould I 'suDO' apt-get install -o APT::Force-LoopBreak=1 python16:05
oCeanset_killer: Precise/12.04 is not yet released (now beta). Please /join #ubuntu+1 for further support and discussion16:05
sanguisdexwhere can I read up in Turing off password authentication for ssh connections?16:06
set_killerthanks oCean :]16:06
yzhdWhen I put the screen on my laptop, it wont suspend + the suspend option is missing in settings. Any fix for this? I couldn't find any fix for it on the web.. + suspend worked the first two weeks after installing ubuntu 11.10. Any help would be appreciate.16:07
yeatssanguisdex: this is probably a good place to start: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSH/OpenSSH/Keys16:07
AdvoWorkanyone know how to use vim with regular expressions? trying to run foo(.*bar)@! somehow :S16:08
Graeleighti'm trying to install the package boot-repair but it seems to be missing. I added the repository ppa:yannubuntu/boot-repair and updated apt-get but the package is still not found. Are there any other easy ways to fix my fubared GRUB2 ?16:08
f11f12nualtilus keeps opening my usb stick when I pug it in, although I've got a custom rule in /etc/udev/rules.d/ which starts with 90-...16:09
pietro10AdvoWork: #vim ?16:10
yzhdWhen I put the screen on my laptop, it wont suspend + the suspend option is missing in settings. Any fix for this? I couldn't find any fix for it on the web.. + suspend worked the first two weeks after installing ubuntu 11.10. Any help would be appreciate.16:10
GaryDevwould this be the correct place to ask about apache2 on ubuntu 10 lts? :)16:10
sanguisdexyeats I have set PasswordAuthentication to no and both reloaded and restated ssh via service, but I am still able to loging with a password16:12
sanguisdexwhater else do  I need to change?16:13
J11Should I just put eth0 in /etc/network/interfaces so I have internet on boot no matter which user logs in?16:13
BaribalHi. I'm afraid that this is more of a rhetorical question, but anyways: Is there a cell phone on which Ubuntu can run natively?16:14
bazhangBaribal, try #ubuntu-phone  , as of now, thats a no16:15
HaffeHi, I just installed Xubuntu 12.04, and I am having some problems. 1) I have a Radeon HD7750, I have installed fglrx from jockey-gtk, yet I get an AMD unsupported hardware watermark. 2) I have an audigy 2, but I have no sound. I try to run alsamixer to unmute everything, but alsa gives me an error that mixer can't be opened.16:15
J11or would that give problems with the network manager? Should I put the ifupdown into managed=true in network manger's config?16:15
bazhangHaffe, #ubuntu+1 for that16:15
WeThePeopledoes anybody know of a anonymous ftp software or website?16:20
GaryDevUsing 10 LTS, created a new VirtualHost file in apache2 following directions from https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/httpd.html .. directories created, new site enabled, apache restarted... but the new site when accessed, goes to the current default site. Any suggestions? (both the default site and new site had ServerName directive added)16:21
EsoRotticaHello, I'm looking for a bit of help. I've got a user profile which I cannot log into. It seems that after I enter my password it just flashes both of the screens then take me back to the login manager. I'm on the guest profile currently and dont know where to start.16:22
BaribalWeThePeople, you mean a server/service/website that anonymizes your connection? There are a few for-pay services out there; of course they'll then have your billing information.16:22
BaribalEsoRottica, maybe a look into /var/log/*dm/*.log would be a good start?16:23
Baribal(That'd be /var/log/lightdm/lightdm.log for me)16:23
yzhdWhen I put the screen on my laptop, it wont suspend + the suspend option is missing in settings. Any fix for this? I couldn't find any fix for it on the web.. + suspend worked the first two weeks after installing ubuntu 11.10. Any help would be appreciate.16:23
Ping86How I can sniff the traffic on a port on my local machine?16:24
EsoRotticaBaribal, Permission Denied, will i need to Ctrl+alt+f1, login, view?16:24
BaribalEsoRottica, right, you need superuser rights... Yes, if you can handle the old consoles, go for it. :)16:27
GaryDevguess I will try asking later..16:27
EsoRotticaBaribal, Not entirely... I'm creating a new admin account from which to work from :)16:27
EsoRotticaback soon.16:27
BaribalEven better. :)16:27
=== Vegeta is now known as Goku
jsebeanHey all, How do I use date command to display a time in a certain timezone. I run: date +%r but it shows it in universal time?16:31
trismjsebean: it is right on the manpage, TZ='America/Los_Angeles' date16:33
jsebeantrism: ??16:33
MkaysiOR you might want to see tzwatch.16:33
Pl3nar1ushello all16:33
trismjsebean: man date; then look at the Examples section at the end16:35
EsoRotticaBaribal, is it okay to clear this file, attempt to login check new messages?16:35
LiNuX`supis 12 out of beta?16:36
=== Danio` is now known as Danio
WaltherWhat is the name of the screenshot utility? My kb doesn't have printscr key and unity dash isn't working16:36
Waltheri.e. how do I lauch the screenshot utility from cli?16:36
trismLiNuX`sup: not until the 26th16:36
trismWalther: gnome-screenshot by default16:37
HaffeWalther: scrot is one such utility.16:37
mbeierlHow to I tell the resolver to use port 55 instead of port 53 for DNS lookups?  I need to modify /etc/resolv.conf, but how to specify the port for the nameserver there?16:37
=== lupinedk is now known as Lupinedk
=== drags_ is now known as drags
bepebehello, my scrolling seems to be very fast in all aspects of windows that can scroll. I have a tweak for Firefox that slows it down, but browsing folders, or other applications results in very erratic scrolling if the slightest move on the scroll wheel16:40
Fishman12abepebe: Do you dual boot to and from Windows?16:43
bepebeno Fishman12a, but it has worked fine in Windows before16:43
mccis there a way, in Ubuntu, to query the system and find out what version of a particular package I have installed?16:43
mcclike, libogg0. i want to know if the version i have approximately corresponds to 1.2.0 from the website or 1.2.1 or what16:44
trismmcc: apt-cache policy packagename;16:44
Fishman12abepebe: I have a MS wireless mouse. What I have to do is unplug it and plug back in after booting from Win to Lin. Then it is ok.16:44
dniMretsaMmcc: I think this might do it: apt-cache showpkg <pkgname>16:45
bepebeFishman12a, I will give that a try, but I only have Linux on this HDD16:45
Fishman12abepebe: Good luck. It is the only thing that works for me16:45
wyldemcc: apt-cache policy <packagename>16:45
bepebeFishman12a, that seems to of worked, but do I have to that at every boot?16:45
bepebemine too is ms wireless one ...16:46
=== KamalN is now known as Guest2427
Fishman12abepebe: Sorry to say 'probably'. I know I do and know of no solution except this way.16:46
bepebeFishman12a, OK, thanks for your help.16:46
bucaneirowhat is the name of a programming language that starts with N ?16:46
robin_debspaceHey there! Does anyone in here know about Ubuntu accessibility with Orca?16:46
dniMretsaMoh yeah, policy. not showpkg. my bad16:47
noobtackhey guys, im having some trouble here, logs -> http://bit.ly/HWgsXU16:48
aaasanyone got a intel onboard g31 graphics working (with more resolutions than 3)?  It seems to default to the 'vesa' driver16:48
noobtackdammit, wrong link. http://pastie.org/384006816:49
robin_debspaceBasically, I need to install Ubuntu on a new system, but can't see the screen as I'm blind. So, what I need are the steps to navigate to the accessibility menu of the installer so that I can enable Orca.16:51
EsoRotticabepebe, Fishman12a, check out http://www.x.org/archive/X11R6.8.0/doc/mouse.4.html16:52
EsoRotticarobin_debspace, are you trying with a livecd, and at the login screen?16:52
trismrobin_debspace: this may help, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Accessibility#Starting_Orca_on_the_Live_CD16:53
EsoRotticarobin_debspace, also, it would appear you may be able to push control and S at the same time16:54
MaksimКто играет в кс16:54
wylde!ru | Maksim16:54
ubottuMaksim: Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.16:54
Fishman12aEsoRottica: Thanks. I bookmarked that and will try it soon :)16:55
Maksimwho plays a mix to whom is necessary 116:55
robin_debspacetrism: Ah, thanks so much for digging this up for me! Also thanks to the others who helped right now… Yes, this probably is what I need. What I want to do is to install a fresh Ubuntu in a virtual machine, and I knew Ubuntu includes Orca as the screen reader and was wondering how to get this to work… But this should help a whole lot, thanks :-)16:57
mcctrism: that worked great, thanks so much!17:00
mccdniMretsaM / wylde: thanks also17:01
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EsoRotticaHello, I'm having some problems logging into one of my user profiles, The screen blanked during trying to change which monitors were plugged in and would not come back on. I powered down the computer. Now, once I login, it attempts to go intop ubuntu, but returns bck to to password prompt, other users work fine.17:02
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BaribalEsoRottica, what did lightdm.log say?17:02
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EsoRotticaBaribal, I did not see anything that looked promising, Is it okay to blank the log and attempt logging in again?17:03
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BaribalAFAIK yes, but blanking it should be unneccessary.17:03
EsoRotticaor pastebin*17:04
BaribalOne pf those, sure.17:04
gebbioneanyone uses openshot here? when i export a video i dont get the audio working17:08
EsoRotticaBaribal, http://pastebin.com/m393diCc17:08
EsoRotticaBaribal, Important to note, the username is blackbeard.17:11
BaribalEsoRottica, it looks like you get logged in, but then X is killed. That looks weird to me right now, I'll crosscheck with my own logs.17:11
BaribalEsoRottica, yes, I saw. :)17:11
EsoRotticaBaribal, yeah it looked like there was an X config error, but I'm unaware of where single user config is?17:12
spilloCiao! qualche assistenza italiana?17:12
Baribalspillo, #ubuntu-it AFAIK17:12
bazhangspillo, #ubuntu-it17:12
JHONsomeone is brazil?17:14
EsoRotticaJhon, #ubuntu-br17:14
spillosono su ubuntu.it?17:14
theadminspillo: /join #ubuntu-it17:15
NeXuiZhay all17:15
spillogot it...can i try in english anyway?17:15
NeXuiZесть русские?17:16
EsoRotticaof course.17:16
spilloif yes, how? ther is pvt way?17:16
EsoRotticayes, /msg username17:16
mneptok!ru | NeXuiZ17:16
ubottuNeXuiZ: Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.17:16
BaribalEsoRottica, I'm afraid I'm completely out of my waters.17:16
bepebeHello, I am trying to delete folders from a NTFS permission, and I am getting a "Unable to find or create wastebasket directory" error - http://i40.tinypic.com/2637evp.png can anybody help ?17:16
Lintyou should not redirect people to national channels, at it is nearly impossible to receive help there17:17
EsoRotticaBaribal, thats unfortunate ><17:17
erase_Hi, I'm having some trouble installing Rails 3.X on Ubuntu 12.04. Is there a sources.list line, or something like that since it only install 2.3?17:17
theadmin!precise | erase_17:18
ubottuerase_: Ubuntu 12.04 LTS (Precise Pangolin) is the 16th release of Ubuntu and is in Beta testing from 2nd March, Discussion and support until final release in #ubuntu+117:18
PiciLint: Many of our international channels are active. And anyway, we can't help here either if we don't speak their language.17:18
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thebilgeratI'm trying to find where Ubuntu stores the global config files for vim.  Edits to the colorscheme in ~/.vimrc do not affect vim17:20
thebilgeratfound debian-vim in the /usr/share/, but I don't see a colorscheme line in that file17:20
thebilgeratthis is vim in a terminal only - my .vimrc does alter the color of vim-gnome17:21
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tscanlonmornin if anyone has a free minute I'm having issues configuring smokeping + apache, i'm getting 403's for the images17:22
theadminthebilgerat: /etc/vimrc I'd suppose?17:23
theadminthebilgerat: Nevertheless, ~/.vimrc is supposed to override that17:24
MrUnagihow long is ubuntu suppose to hang at stopping system V run level compatibility17:24
thebilgeratone would think!  Is it possible that the terminal colorscheme is overriding vims?17:24
jribthebilgerat: umm, are you using vim-tiny?17:25
thebilgeratlet me check17:25
autofsckkhello, i want to make a local mirror so we can handle a lot of installs locally in a lan17:25
theadminthebilgerat: Yeah, that actually may be a problem since that's what Ubuntu comes with, so make sure you're using a right package xD17:25
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thebilgeratwhy yes it is vim tiny17:26
thebilgeratI take it my vim should not be tiny17:26
jribthebilgerat: real vim user would not want that, no :)17:26
jribthebilgerat: sudo update-alternatives --config vim17:26
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jribthebilgerat: (presumably you've installed the vim-gnome package already)17:27
theadminautofsckk: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Mirrors/Scripts -- some of these may be useful.17:27
theadminjrib: What is vim-gnome? Is that how they called gvim? :/17:27
theadmin!info vim-gnome17:27
ubottuvim-gnome (source: vim): Vi IMproved - enhanced vi editor - with GNOME2 GUI. In component main, is extra. Version 2:7.3.154+hg~74503f6ee649-2ubuntu3 (oneiric), package size 1100 kB, installed size 2264 kB17:27
blitz__Hi everyone I am interested in hosting a Ubuntu 12.04 launch party in my city(Chandigarh,India). Can someone tell me where I can get details on this ?17:28
jribtheadmin: sort of.  vim-gnome interacts with gnome nicely (don't ask me how; my guess is with session stuff), but there's also just vim-gtk.  Both provide a gui vim17:28
Artemis3autofsckk, i recommend this: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/apt-cacher-ng-http-download-proxy-for-software-packages.html17:28
thebilgeratupdate-alternatives gives me vim.gnome in auto or manual or vim.basic in manual17:28
jribthebilgerat: sort of.  vim-gnome interacts with gnome nicely (don't ask me how; my guess is with session stuff), but there's also just vim-gtk.  Both provide a gui vim17:28
jribthebilgerat: which one has the star next to it on the lfet?17:28
EsoRottica_ghost EsoRottica17:29
autofsckktheadmin Artemis3 ok thanks, ill take a look a those links17:29
mneptokblitz__: i suspect the people in #ubuntu-in would know better.17:29
thebilgeratvim.gnome auto mode17:29
jribthebilgerat: hmm.  What made you say earlier that the vim you were using was tiny?17:29
blitz__ok I'll check it out.17:29
thebilgeratit is installed through synaptic17:29
any-keyI'm running ubuntu on a beagleboard, and it's not guaranteed to have a network connection every time it boots...unfortunately when no NIC is connected everything hangs for two minutes on "waiting for network configuration"17:29
any-keyis there any way to make it give up immediately rather than hanging?17:30
jribthebilgerat: run "vim.gnome" in a terminal.  Does your colorscheme get applied properly then?17:30
yellabs-r2is there some one here who uses an asrock ion in combination with ubuntu ?17:30
SomelauwHi, I am using ubuntu 11.10 and I was wondering how to install netbeans 7.1. The software centre only has version 6.917:30
EsoRottica_how do i ghost? ><17:30
yellabs-r2something like this : Asrock Atom D52517:31
bazhangEsoRottica_, release, twice17:31
thebilgeratjrib: no its the same17:31
theadminEsoRottica_: /msg nickserv ghost nick password17:31
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minimecSomelauw: Just take the version on netbeans.org, make the file executable and run it... http://netbeans.org/downloads/index.html17:32
tscanlonmornin if anyone has a free minute I'm having issues configuring smokeping + apache, i'm getting 403's for the images17:33
Somelauwminimec: Won't that give problems when doing a dist-upgrade?17:33
dniMretsaMSomelauw: there is a PPA that has version 7.0.1. If you wan't 7.1.x, you'll probably have to compile17:33
jribthebilgerat: how are you setting the colorscheem?17:33
any-keyI suppose if I got rid of the interface configuration for eth0 it would work skip that part of the boot process, but then I'd lose the ability to use eth0 when I needed it17:33
GotestraHello anyone17:33
GotestraNewb here.17:33
minimecSomelauw: No, because it doesn't come as *.deb file.17:33
GotestraJust starting out with Ubuntu, Linux in fact.17:33
GotestraSo, somebody care to help me out17:34
thebilgeratjrib: I set "colorscheme <foo>" in my local .vimrc17:34
theadminGotestra: 1) Don't use Enter as punctuation, 2) Ask your question right away, 3) General chat goes in #ubuntu-offtopic17:34
dniMretsaMIt might be an executable, not source (no compiling). Not sure.17:34
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theadminGotestra: Support is here, though.17:34
GotestraThank you. I wont use Enter as a punctuation, call it a bad habit.17:34
GotestraAnyway, I have a lot of questions.17:34
jribthebilgerat: once you've started vim, does :colorscheme <foo>  change the colorscheme?17:34
GotestraFirstly, why isn't right click working?17:34
theadminGotestra: Where exactly?17:35
GotestraMy laptop.17:35
thebilgeratjrib: it does17:35
GotestraHP laptop17:35
GotestraSynaptics Trackpad17:35
theadminGotestra: I mean uh, does it not work in all apps or specific areas?17:35
jribthebilgerat: are you sure your vimrc does not change the color again later?17:35
minimecSomelauw: I did that on my 11.10 install and upgraded to 12.04 just two days ago. No problem. You can even choose to install it locally in your /home/yourname directory. Installation suth 'sudo' will put it in /opt I think and make it acessable for all user.17:35
theadminGotestra: That wasn't a yes-no question17:35
theadmin!who | Gotestra17:36
ubottuGotestra: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)17:36
MrUnagii can't figure out why i can't get ubuntu installed and running in virtualbox17:36
Somelauwminimec: What version of netbeans does ubuntu 12.4 have?17:36
celthunderMrUnagi: whats the problem17:36
GotestraOkay :)17:36
minimecSomelauw: http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=netbeans&suite=default&section=all&arch=any&searchon=names17:36
thebilgeratjrib: Actually, now I'm not sure17:36
GotestraIts not working in any app.17:36
MrUnagicelthunder: desktop would crash, alternate installed but hangs on boot17:36
theadminMrUnagi: Ubuntu's new "Unity" interface requires 3D acceleration, which requires Virtualbox guest additions. Install those from the CLI, then the desktop will run properly.17:36
GotestraIts as if there is no right click button.17:37
MrUnagitheadmin: i don't even need desktop17:37
theadminGotestra: I see, sounds like something to do with the trackpad17:37
celthunderMrUnagi: where did it hang on boot17:37
theadminMrUnagi: Try the minimal/server CD then?17:37
thebilgeratI have the same file open in gvim and vim.  if i set "colorscheme elflord" in both, they are NOT the same colorscheme17:37
GotestraNo, it works fine with Windows 7.17:37
wylde!synaptics | Gotestra: this link will have some information that should help17:37
ubottuGotestra: this link will have some information that should help: For a comprehensive Synaptics Touchpad guide, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticsTouchpad17:37
MrUnagitheadmin was the minimal cd17:37
MrUnagicelthunder: stopping system v runlevel17:37
GotestraOkay, I'm checking it.17:37
any-keythebilgerat: what are the differences?17:37
jribthebilgerat: colorschemes set different colors depending on whether you're in vim or gvim17:38
celthunderMrUnagi: so you cant even get to init 1?17:38
any-keythebilgerat: keep in mind your terminal color pallette is not what gvim is using17:38
theadminGotestra: There might be restricted drivers available for your hardware, check it17:38
MrUnagicelthunder: just hangs17:38
MrUnagino prompt17:38
jribthebilgerat: I think a lot of the default vim colorschemes assume only something like 8 or 16 colors in terminal17:38
any-keyif he's using non-default terminal colors it'll look different17:38
Gotestratheadmin, I would really appreciate it if you ellaborate more.17:38
theadminGotestra: (to do so, visit the "Hardware Drivers" in the main menu)17:38
thebilgerataah!  that could be the issue.  Its just a niggling one, I sure appreciate your help17:39
Gotestrathadmin, in System Settings?17:39
jribthebilgerat: use ":color" to check what colorscheme is loaded.  Also there are plenty of colorschemes that cater to 256-color terminals, check them out :)17:39
theadminGotestra: Is that where it is now? Haven't seen Ubuntu in a while. But, well, there's... Gah. Hit Ctrl-alt-T, type "gksudo jockey-gtk" in, hit Enter.17:39
celthunderMrUnagi: what do you have starting on that runlevel and ...if you cant get to init 1 then you probably have some odd hw or perhaps need to load or unload a kernel module.17:39
wyldeGotestra: yes.17:40
thebilgeratexcellent - thanks jrib!  It may seem silly, but I get persnickety when I expect my code tags to be a certain color :)17:40
MrUnagicelthunder: i personally didn't put anything on any runlevel17:40
GotestraUm, I see nothing of the sort there,17:40
MrUnagicelthunder: ill just try server17:40
theadmincelthunder: Ubuntu has no runlevel 1, infact Ubuntu has only 3 runlevels pretty much - 0, 6 and 1-5 which are all *identical*17:40
GotestraI see an "Additional Drivers"17:40
wyldeGotestra: "Additional Drivers"17:40
theadminGotestra: Yeah that'd be it.17:41
yooozyhello folks17:41
jribthebilgerat: if you like white text on gray background, I can recommend inkpot and zenburn.  Another popular one nowadays is solarized17:41
GotestraI'm actually updating tons right no17:41
GotestraSo, I'll try that later.17:41
theadminGotestra: That'd do, yeah, jockey won't work during upgrades17:41
thebilgeratI'll check those out17:41
MrUnagiis there anything i can type during installation to give me verbose17:41
celthundertheadmin: 0 shutdown 6 restart...1 should be single user 3 terminal 5 x....17:41
yooozyQ? /usr/bin takes too much time to load!!!! is that normal?17:42
Somelauwminimec: Thanks, I will install it using sudo17:42
theadmincelthunder: No, in Ubuntu: 0 = shutdown, 6 = reboot, 1-5 = full GUI desktop with everything loaded...17:42
theadmin!upstart | celthunder17:42
auronandaceyooozy: define too much17:42
ubottucelthunder: Upstart is meant to replace the old Sys V Init system with an event-driven init model.  For more information please see: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/17:42
minimecSomelauw: I use it in combination with openjdk-6-jre. That is ubuntu default. The dummy package would be default-jre. Like that, the java environment is found without problems during install.17:42
phibxryooozy, Load? In what way are you attempting to load a folder?17:43
Somelauwminimec: Will NetbeansProjects still work?17:43
yooozyauronandace, one min17:43
SomelauwDo all settings still work?17:43
yooozyno I'm browsing from another app17:43
minimecSomelauw: Well... I loaded/sync one via svn and it works...17:43
GotestraOh also17:44
GotestraI got another problem.17:44
GotestraI can't lower brightness17:44
GotestraI know how to.17:44
GotestraBut the brightness remains the same.17:44
oCeanGotestra: bad habit kicking in again17:44
GotestraWow I really am bad at this.17:44
phibxryooozy, /usr/bin will be a very, very crowded folder and will likely take a while to load in a file browser unless you have an SSD-drive. Even on my SSD-drive, it takes about 6 seconds to load and display all items.17:44
learning_couchdbhi guys, a question, somebody knows about a good example of howto implement 'runit'?17:45
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cesarstafehi guys, a question, somebody knows about a good example of howto implement 'runit'?17:45
yooozyphibxr, so it's normal thing17:45
phibxryooozy, Unless you're experiencing some quite extraordinary delays, I'd say so. /usr/bin isn't really made for browsing. :)17:46
cesarstafeI didn't set up before 'runit' to enable in any place/distro/wathever *nix machine, So I wanna start reading some good example17:46
yooozyphibxr, thanks17:48
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theadmincesarstafe: It's in the repos: sudo apt-get install runit17:50
Picicesarstafe: Is there a reason that you can't use upstart?17:50
minimecSomelauw: Just for information. You would also have the openjdk-7-jre option... http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?searchon=names&keywords=openjdk-7-jre17:51
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EsoRotticaIm in need of a bit of help please. While trying to change which monitors were enabled yesterday, I managed to get them to all blank.  After 30 seconds, the system did not revert the settings, I rebooted the computer. I am now no longer able to login to that user profile, others on the system still work. Can someone please help me to correct the problem?17:53
sharp15is there an eta for 12.04LTS?  i just want to know if its days, weeks, or months.17:54
Picisharp15: April 26th, no set time.17:54
phibxrsharp15, so, three days. :P17:54
theadminsharp15: Just so you know, the naming convention is YY.MM, so it can't be months, since it's already month 4.17:55
sharp15ok.  thank you.17:55
wylde!release | sharp15: Two pages for info here.17:56
ubottusharp15: Two pages for info here.: Ubuntu releases a new version every 6 months. Each version is supported for 18 months to 5 years. More info at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases & http://wiki.ubuntu.com/TimeBasedReleases17:56
sharp15theadmin: oh.  i didn't expect they had any relation to the outside world.  thought they were just version numbers.  good to know.17:56
sharp15wylde: thanks.17:56
theadminsharp15: The release is every 6 months, which is why it always ends in .04 or .1017:57
EsoRotticaHello, is anyone albe to help with some Xorg configuration?17:57
theadminEsoRottica: Much too vague17:58
theadminEsoRottica: Details needed17:58
sorta-noobOK. I'm trying to get the unity launcher to take and keep a different color (without changing backgrounds) http://imagebin.org/209381 . I installed myunity and it can change it, but it changes back shortly after...17:59
Somelauwminimec: For some reason it got installed in local/netbeans, but I don't think that is on my PATH17:59
EsoRotticatheadmin, i did post some details moments ago, I have a user profile I'm not able to login to after borking which screens were turned on. I managed to get them to all blank.  After 30 seconds, the system did not revert the settings, I rebooted the computer. I am now no longer able to login to that user profile, others on the system still work. Currently when i try loggin in, lightdm passes the credentials, but i get sent back to the18:00
minimecSomelauw: /usr/local/netbeans should be ok.18:00
Somelauwminimec: It doesn't open when I type netbeans in a terminal.18:00
minimecSomelauw: /usr/local is in PATH18:01
theadminminimec: /usr/local wouldn't be in $PATH, that's abnormal. /usr/local/bin on the other hand would.18:02
minimectheadmin: You're right ;)18:02
SomelauwWhat is the recommended way in ubuntu to get the netbeans executable on the PATH?18:03
theadminSomelauw: I say - sudo ln -s /path/to/netbeans /usr/local/bin/netbeans18:04
Somelauwtheadmin: Okay, thanks18:04
Somelauwminimec: Thanks, as well18:05
ezoeIs it safe to purge OpenJDK? I mean remove OpenJDK and all software depends on OpenJDK.18:05
lunahello everybody. I have installed ubuntu 12.04. I cannot find hibertane button. Can anyone help me, please?18:05
bkc_luna: 12.04 support is in #ubuntu+1 :)18:05
ezoeI want to make sure that ubuntu works without Java runtime.18:06
bkc_ezoe: which programs depends on java?18:06
Artemis3!beta | luna18:06
ubottuluna: If you install a development version of Ubuntu Precise and keep up with package updates, then you will be upgraded to the official release of 12.04 when it comes out. To make sure, type « sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade » in a terminal. Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1.18:06
theadminezoe: It does. LibreOffice will break though.18:06
lunabkc_: tk u18:06
ezoeI can live without LibreOffice, But I don't want to disable some GUI system setting tools if there is any.18:07
theadminezoe: Nah, the only Java-based soft that comes with ubuntu is LO if I recall right.18:07
bkc_ezoe: If you're using gnome all settings-tools are build with gtk :)18:07
bkc_for kde it's Qt18:08
auronandacetheadmin: there isn't much left in libreoffice that depends on java18:08
ezoehmm. that's good to know. I'll consider removing OpenJDK when 12.04 released. and, Mono too.18:08
Lintlibreoffice works mostly fine without java18:08
theadminauronandace: Oh is that so? Haven't checked in a while, last I tried it threw like 30 warnings at me before starting, EVERY time18:08
Lintonly base and some most stupid expansions like zemberek need it18:08
bkc_does anyone know where too find a list of the things LO depends on java?18:09
ezoeI thought LibreOffice is a successor of OpenOffice and it was written in Java.18:09
auronandaceezoe: not fully no18:09
bkc_ezoe: it's a re-written fork/copy of OOo, not a successor18:09
GotestraProblem here. My brightness is not going down.18:09
ezoeapt-cache rdepnds shows me many libreoffice related components depends on openjre.18:09
Lintezoe, that is stupidity of maintainers.18:11
Lintif that troubles you, install the real libreoffice from its homepage18:11
ezoewell, I don't use libreoffice right now. so I can bare without it.18:12
theadminBe right back.18:12
minimecGotestra: what kind of GPU? For intel, this might help http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?searchon=names&keywords=openjdk-7-jre18:12
minimecGotestra: sorry ;) http://www.circuidipity.com/daniel.2011-04-05.intel_backlight_grub.html18:12
GotestraNewbie question:18:13
GotestraHow do I use those?18:13
minimecGotestra: Those what?18:14
=== elfy1 is now known as nothingspecial
GotestraI started used Ubuntu barely 6 hours ago.18:14
LmAtWhat is the best text-based e-mail client?18:15
PiciLmAt: mutt or pine18:15
LmAtPici: THanks!18:15
PiciGotestra: A package is just a technical term for something you can install from the software center...18:15
ezoeI tried, but not actually perform, apt-get purge to see what packages will be removed. LibreOffice is not listed.18:15
GotestraHow about those things you have to install using the command line18:16
Gotestra.tghz or whatever.18:16
theadminGotestra: Don't touch those until you know what you're doing.18:16
PiciGotestra: Those are compressed archives... like zip files.18:16
auronandace!software | Gotestra18:16
ubottuGotestra: A general introduction to the ways software can be installed, removed and managed in Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoftwareManagement - See also !Packages, !Equivalents18:16
minimecGotestra: Well... Packages may contain applications or depending libraries; certainly other things to. In newer ubuntu version, the software center and the update-manager manager them for you...18:16
GotestraWow I have a lot to learn.18:17
theadminGotestra: It's mostly source-code -- some tarballs are binary but that's rare. ALWAYS look in the software center before installing anything in a crazy way (tarballs are a crazy way)18:17
Lintis software-center finally fixed in precise?18:17
theadminWell, not "crazy", just not recommended.18:17
theadminLint: What do you mean by "fixed", it works just fine in Oneiric, even.18:17
GotestraI remember using tarball on my iPod Touch, I used a Unix terminal command for installing crazy stuff.18:17
GotestraThanks btw18:18
Lint11.10 version is unusable18:18
simplewubuntu uses systemd?18:18
oCeanLint: precise is offtopic18:18
theadminsimplew: Hah I wish, no, Ubuntu uses Upstart.18:18
simplewtheadmin: why doesnt use systemd?18:18
PicioCean: 11.10 is oneiric.18:18
auronandaceLint: unusable how?18:18
theadminsimplew: That's about the same as asking why it doesn't use KDE, for instance -- developer choice, that's all18:18
PicioCean: oops, misread.18:18
simplewwell seams i will not use ubuntu18:19
Lintit hangs constantly and fails to query installation/deinstallation properly18:19
Lintand of course it is an order of magnitude slower than synaptic18:19
auronandaceLint: hangs constantly? my xubunu 11.10 is solid as a rock18:19
k014can i ask here software doubts?18:19
theadmink014: Depends on what you mean...18:20
auronandaceLint: oh, just the software centre? sorry, i only use synaptic18:20
theadminLint: Software center is written in Python, making it quite a resource hog, I don't think they're going to "fix" that.18:20
k014for example, now i am in a mac OSX (snow leopard) at my the office…. using ADIUM, i wanted to know if there is any software in ubuntu to join irc servers that have the same look and feel that hadium have18:21
theadmink014: Pidgin (Adium is a direct clone of Pidgin)18:21
k014GREAT, thank you18:21
k014but, i gonna give a try first to irsii18:21
k014is really difficult for me, but i cant console solutions18:21
theadmink014: It's "irssi", and you won't like it if you're not a fan of CLI18:22
cyrusgodHi there, can anyone tell me if 12.04 bring gnome 3 or unity?18:24
ikoniacyrusgod: unity is gnome 318:24
auronandacecyrusgod: both, unity is a shell on top of gnome318:24
ikoniacyrusgod: unity is the desktop shell for all ubuntu release.18:24
LmAtPici: I can't figure it out.  Which is better, mutt or pine?18:24
minimeck014: But if you love a terminal, it could give you something like this... http://imagebin.org/20938718:25
trismcyrusgod: we do have gnome-shell as well though18:25
PiciLmAt: I personally prefer mutt. But ymmv.18:25
auronandaceLmAt: better is subjective18:25
Moon_Doggyello ello18:25
k014now i am fine with CLI, i use vim dialy, but i am looking for a irc cli client, that let me see user list in realtime…. seems like irssi can do that but not in a easy way18:25
LmAtPici: One thing is that the mutt channel has people in it.18:25
LmAtauronandace: Not always.18:25
LmAtMoon_Doggy: Congratulations.18:25
theadmink014: You can look on scripts.irssi.org for a script which'd do that18:25
cyrusgodikonia: trism Thnks18:25
Moon_Doggyi need help editing the .bashrc18:26
Picik014: #irssi is also active and helpful.18:26
theadminMoon_Doggy: With what exactly?18:26
Moon_DoggyLmAt, ??? congratulations?18:26
LmAtMoon_Doggy: Congrats on making it to #ubuntu!!18:26
auronandacek014: another one like irssi is weechat18:26
Moon_Doggytheadmin, i'm trying to add the android-sdk to my path but terminal give me this bash: export: `/home/moondoggy/android-sdk-linux/platform-tools': not a valid identifier18:27
theadminMoon_Doggy: export PATH="$PATH:/home/moondoggy/android-sdk-linux/platform-tools"18:27
axisyshow do read excel from cli? looking for abiword or antiword like tool for word doc18:27
bekksaxisys: there isnt.18:27
theadminaxisys: Convert the table to CSV is the best I can suggest18:28
Moon_Doggytheadmin, tyvm18:29
axisystheadmin, bekks : hmm.. convert csv will do.. any csv converter ?18:29
fl1bbl3can do that via perl directly too18:30
peepswhile trying to install ubuntu 12.04 got the message "video mode not supported" any ideas on how to rectify this problem?18:30
axisysexcel to csv?18:30
yaluhello. it seems there is no swiss german layout in ubuntu (anymore), or I am too  stupid to find it. "setxkbmap sg" slings an error "Error loading new keyboard description".18:30
k014ok, thank you admin and Pici :)18:30
bekksaxisys: "no".18:30
axisysfl1bbl3: right.. i want ot make it simple like a wrapper.. feed the excel file and display the output18:30
marsfligthwhy on 10.10/64bit i can't switch desktop? the other 3 are greyed. The applet name is 'Workspace Switcher'18:32
bekksmarsfligth: Add more desktops, then switch to them?18:34
d3vilanuone there?18:35
ubottuUbuntu 10.10 (Maverick Meerkat) was the thirteenth release of Ubuntu. !End-Of-Life on April 10th, 2012, see http://ubottu.com/y/maverick for details.18:35
GetsEclectichey can anyone help me with gptsync or is there a better channel to ask about it?18:35
d3vilanyone help me to install openfoam18:35
VarazirHello, I'm trying to give one client diffrent DNS adresses using dhcp, I tried to add option domain-name-servers to the host statement  in the dhcpd.conf but the host still was given the dns adress from the subnet statement18:36
afterburnerhelp please .. what can I do to make firefox, xchat etc. to respect unity gtk theme??!18:36
ubottuUbuntu 11.10 (Oneiric Ocelot) is the current release of Ubuntu | Download http://releases.ubuntu.com/11.10/ - Release Info: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/111018:36
GetsEclectickeep getting analysis inconclusive, i thought it was because of my bios boot partition but i installed a newer gptsync debian package and it's still failing18:36
marsfligthbekks: already done, all still greyed. before i used also 'ctrl+alt+desk number' but now has dead18:37
Moon_Doggyafterburner, have you tried changing theme then logging out then back in18:37
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Ghost_Berryhow to enable taskbar editing in ubuntu 11.10( I want to remove icons I recently added)18:38
afterburnerMooMoo, no .. I`ll do it now18:38
foobArrrmy esata hard drive doesn't work, it doesn't appear in disk utility or lsblk. I don't think it's a hardware problem, it works fine on os x on the same pc. dmesg says http://paste.ubuntu.com/942941/18:38
theadminGhost_Berry: Just right click them and untick "Keep in Launcher"18:38
Moon_Doggytho on gnome-shell i just do a alt-f2 r  but i dont know if that works on unity18:38
LmAtPici: Does the fact that I use exchange change anything (when deciding on a text-based e-mail client)?18:39
Moon_Doggyi use roundcube for me email18:40
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Moon_Doggybut i also have me own email server18:40
LmAtMoon_Doggy: Is it text-based?18:40
Moon_DoggyLmAt, na web client18:41
EsoRotticaHello, I'm struggling here. Im a bit new to linux and cant quite figure this problem out. I have a user profile that I can no longer log into. This happened after I had a problem with the display manager and reboot the computer. Other profiles work fine, but when I try logging into this one, the screens blank then it takes me back to the login screen. Any clues on what I can do? Thank you.18:41
FirePowiAnyone :)18:41
LmAtMoon_Doggy: Sorry, there wasn't much context in my question.  I'm definitely looking for a text-based client (like irssi and elinks) and Pici had suggested mutt and pine.18:41
afterburnerMoon_Doggy, it doesn`t work18:42
Moon_Doggyafterburner, any luck?18:42
davros1966Im a noob ... lol18:42
Ammar_I have installed windows xp on a virtualbox. but everytime I powerup my machine, it takes me to the installation menu18:42
Ammar_how do I fix that18:42
Moon_Doggythen i dont what to do then, i dumped unity after 10 mins for gnome318:43
xanguaAmmar_: sounds like a question for ##windows18:43
davros1966~Unity is cool18:43
EsoRotticaAmmar_, have you pushed f12 to select boot device?18:43
simplewis there any planing to change into Systemd?  or ubuntu will continue with upstart?18:43
EsoRotticatry that.18:43
bekkssimplew: Ubuntu will continue with upstart for at least 5 years.18:43
simplewbekks: but why, when systemd offers more stability, beneficts and options ?18:44
theadminbekks: Where is that date coming from?18:44
bekkstheadmin: Thats how long 12.04 will be supported, whoch uses upstart. :)18:44
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simplewfedora did changed from upstrart into Systemd18:44
theadminsimplew: I don't think Fedora ever used Upstart, it's an Ubuntu project.18:45
MarcNAmmar_: sounds like you still have the windows xp install iso still mounted.18:45
theadminsimplew: Far as I recall they only used the good old SysV Init earlier18:45
simplewtheadmin: yes they did18:45
Ghost_Berrytheadmin: all i get when I right click is "launch" "properties" ubuntu 9 allows the simple right click but not ubuntu 11.1018:45
theadminsimplew: Huh. Guess I missed it.18:45
theadminGhost_Berry: Some icons are pinned by default and unremovable, no idea what to do about them. Most of them can be removed though18:46
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simplewthen Fedora switched to Systemd that offered much beneficts18:46
theadminsimplew: Why do *you* need systemd?18:46
Ghost_Berrytheadmin: its the icons I have added but i am unable to remove as I did easily in the previous version18:46
simplewim used to systemd, and its very reliabe18:46
Ghost_Berrytheadmin: thanks for trying18:46
theadminsimplew: Okay, so no reason, except "I'm used to it". There is no way Upstart is not "reliable".18:47
simplewand i been checking the pros and crons in distros, to see which distro i will use18:47
Ammar__@EsoRottica thanks :D it worked!18:47
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simplewtheadmin: i have been reading severall pages about upstart and systemd18:47
MarcNAnyone have experience with the DisplayLink USB Video adapter? Haven't been able to get it working under Oneric or Precise.  Requires xorg.conf hacking (which I have hated for years)18:48
bazhangsimplew, ubuntu support question then? this is getting quite offtopic18:48
simplewalso talked with some developers about the real beneficts, and they were clear on that point18:48
bazhang!ot | simplew18:48
ubottusimplew: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!18:48
EsoRotticaAmmar__, you're welcome, now if only i could figure out my profile problem :)18:48
theadminsimplew: You can just install systemd from the repos and use it. I don't see a problem here.18:49
theadmin!info systemd18:49
ubottuPackage systemd does not exist in oneiric18:49
simplewtheadmin: not that im against upstart, im was just trying to understand the why using a certain app where there is a better option18:49
theadminOh, huh.18:49
theadminThought we had it...18:49
simplewtheadmin: is simple as that?18:49
trismtheadmin: we don't have systemd in ubuntu, it is in debian though18:49
theadminsimplew: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/systemd18:49
theadminsimplew: Some instructions there18:50
bazhangsimplew, please. take this to #ubuntu-offtopic18:50
theadmintrism: Ah, I see.18:50
simplewdoes upstart works as systemd? doesnt packages need to have a proper scriptlets for systemd?18:50
dudeegHi! May I have a question regarding ubuntu installation, in case of dual boot, spiced a little bit of SSD sector alignment?18:50
simplewbazhang: but this i think is not that off topic, im trying to undesrtand a matter about upstart18:51
simplewtheadmin: ok thanks for tips18:51
simplewtheadmin: can you just tell me if debian uses systemd or upstart?18:52
zanberdorunning ubuntu 8.04 LTS server and need libutempter-dev in order to build mosh from source. However, libutempter-dev does not appear to be apart of ubuntu 8.04. How might one aquire such a library for an older release of ubuntu?18:52
kantlivelonganyone know what common issues prevent suspending?18:52
theadminsimplew: I've honestly never used debian myself18:53
theadminsimplew: I'm an Arch user, and configuring systemd on Arch is rather simple (even though it's not the default)18:53
theadminsimplew: But that is way offtopic.18:53
BinshAny recommended console musicplayers which support samba?18:53
dudeegso, is my question offtopic about proper setup for SSD with ubuntu/win partition?18:54
bekksBinsh: Just mount the samba share, and every music player will support it.18:54
Binshbekks: hmmkay, ive had some trouble with amarok and banshee :S18:54
EvilResistancezanberdo, i think you'd have to acquire the source and build it on your system, the earliest (currently supported) release it exists in is Lucid, you could try to build that package from source (although its likely you won't have the prereqs)18:55
ikoniadudeeg: what's your question ?18:55
kantlivelongrather... anyone know why pm_trace doesnt work?18:55
minimecdudeeg: It is not. But if you already have a ntfs alignment settings, maybe you should resize the partition you want to use for ubuntu with the windows tools.18:55
asterisk-Testerhello, in ubuntu 11 under unity2d, the files/home icon/button that lets u browse ur disk is nautilus, right ?18:56
zanberdoEvilResistance, thanks. that's the approach I am taking (building from scratch). I'm just not sure if most ./configure or make will find what it needs if I merely build and deploy utempter. Guess I'll se.. :)18:56
dudeegikonia: I've read on several forums that the SSD partitions should be aligned in a way that the start sector number should be divisible by 8 in order to reduce the unnecessary load18:56
dudeegikonia: so, I'd like to have one SSD with ubuntu and win7 on it18:56
ikoniadudeeg: I don't believe that, but the guys in ##hardware may know more for certain18:56
ikoniadudeeg: ok, so just partition it up in partitions /818:56
EvilResistancezanberdo, couldnt tell you, but you could look at the dependencies of the package as it exists in Lucid, see what programs it needs.  Of course, the program won't build if the correct prereqs dont exist, so... :P18:57
minimecdudeeg: IMHO that is correct and I did it like that.18:57
Fyodorovnadudeeg, I doubt the ssd card will show overall a perfect sized cylinders anyway.18:57
dudeegikonia: so the proper approach is to boot in using the liveCD, and then create two partitions (ntfs/ext4) with a proper start sector count?18:57
zanberdoEvilResistance, yeah. thanks. that's pretty much what I figured. I was actually fishing to see if there is/was some other means through which I could install. Just being lazy. :)18:58
ikoniadudeeg: just use the installer,18:58
ikoniadudeeg: I'd do more research before bothering with that /8 stuff, but it's up to you18:58
EvilResistancezanberdo, someone could in theory try to backport the package from lucid, but i have no idea whether that'd work or not (its possible it wouldnt, and i'm not exactly able to help test, even though I do occasionally backport things within PPAs)18:58
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minimecdudeeg: If you use a clean ssd, the installer should handle it the correct way...18:58
dudeegikonia: okay, lets put that away now. So if I am done with the partitions and I install Ubuntu, and then later on I install win7, then I need to reload the grub into the MBR. Is that right?18:59
zanberdoEvilResistance, thanks for the feedback. I think I'll take a stab at building it from source on target server and see what happens when I attempt to build mosh.19:00
ikoniadudeeg: correct, it's better to install windows first if possible19:00
dudeegikonia: okay, thank you for your help19:00
dudeegby the way. Is there a summary somewhere that shows the major upgrades in the new release that is coming soon? I am having 11.10 now19:01
minimecdudeeg: That could be a good start https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PrecisePangolin/TechnicalOverview/Beta219:03
kxanyone know if it's possible to remap keyboard Fn function key to use as a standalone button?19:04
aknewhopekx: that would be cool19:04
dudeegminimec: thx!19:05
theadminkx: It doesn't produce a keycode by itself, so unlikely.19:06
sun_devilIs it easy to connect to a mysql database on a server via ubuntu?19:06
ikoniasun_devil: yes19:06
aknewhopessh right?19:07
ikoniaaknewhope: what ?19:08
LordXe-gnussh it's nap time19:08
ikoniawhat ?19:08
afterburnerMoon_Doggy: I figured out.. :)19:08
sun_devilikonia: My vmware with the mysql is set to bridged, just not sure what to do on ubuntu to access database?19:08
NurseDadhow do i check to see if my ati card is rendering 3d?19:09
ikoniasun_devil: exactly the same as if it was a physical box19:09
axisysssconvert from pkg gnumeric converts xlsx to csv and other formats..19:09
afterburnermedit gtkrc-2.0 = include "/usr/share/themes/Ambiance/gtk-2.0/gtkrc" gtk-icon-theme-name = "ubuntu-mono-dark"19:09
axisysand it is fast19:09
sun_devilSo install mysql workbench on ubuntu machine and create settings?19:09
ikoniasun_devil: if that's how you like to connect, sure19:10
aknewhopedoes anyone know if there is a room for pidgn chat client on freenode?19:11
ikoniaaknewhope: .....think about it #pidgin19:11
sun_devilikonia: I can access the database in vmware via command line and mysql workbench, but have not done anything on ubuntu machine19:11
aknewhopei thought it was spelled pidgn19:11
prailoneanyway someone could help me im having trouble19:11
ikoniasun_devil: so do it19:12
zanberdoNurseDad, with mesa-utils installed you can run: glxinfo | grep [Dd]irect19:12
prailoneafter installing ubuntu my computer will not connect to the internet19:12
sun_devilikonia: do what set up workbench on ubuntu, if so you know the apt-get for workbench?19:12
ikoniasun_devil: come on....you need to learn a bit if you don't know how to even search for a package19:13
zanberdoNurseDad, you should see: ":direct rendering: Yes" if it's supported19:13
ikoniasun_devil: https://help.ubuntu.com - read the basics of how to use an ubuntu machine19:13
gebbioneanyone here uses openshot?19:13
Logan_!anyone | gebbione19:14
ubottugebbione: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.19:14
gebbioneanyone uses openshot here? when i export a video i dont get the audio working19:14
gebbioneno matter what codec i select for audio19:14
Logan_gebbione: If you don't find someone here who knows the solution to your problem, the official channel for OpenShot is #openshot.19:15
sun_devilno mercy19:16
gebbionethe two guys on that channel are dead19:16
minimecprailone: I have to guess that you have some wireless connection problms. Are your sure, that your device is not switched of? Hardware key or 'enable wireless' with network-manager.19:16
NurseDadzanberdo: so if I see direct rendering yes then I have 3d?19:16
prailoneits wired internet19:16
prailonethis is the first time i installed ubuntu :$19:16
aknewhopei love ubuntu19:17
MrUnagivm is restarting, 3rd times a charm i hope19:17
prailonewhen it was installing i pulled the ethernet cable by accident would that be the reason?19:17
minimecprailone: Probably not.19:18
prailoneany idea why it wouldent be working?19:18
minimecok. in a console type the command 'ifconfig'. That would give you some indications. You should have some eth0 device or similar.19:19
shaneminiok, my wife's Dell mini that I'm 'not allowed'  to touch finally ran into a problem19:19
minimecprailone: So your device should be recognized by the system. Does eth0 have some ip adress?19:19
sun_devilWhat is the command to find out if you have a 32 or 64 bit machine?19:20
prailoneya inet addr:
ikoniauname -a will show if your using 32/64 bit19:20
ikoniaprailone: is there a reason we are getting a running commentary ?19:20
NurseDadso if I see "direct rendering: Yes19:20
NurseDadserver glx vendor string: ATI19:20
NurseDadserver glx version string: 1.419:20
ikoniaprailone: please stop it19:20
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NurseDaddoes that mean I have 3d with the properity driver19:21
shaneminishe was installing something, and now apt-get is totally locked up, here is the error:  http://paste.ubuntu.com/943022/19:21
zanberdoNurseDad, if glxinfo returns direct rendering: Yes then you have 3D support (IIRC).  You can try running glxgears to confirm19:21
minimecprailone: So your card is connected to your router too. Would 'ping' give you some response?19:21
bekksshanemini: Check available disk space.19:22
prailoneno host unreachable19:22
zykotick9sun_devil: "uname -m" will report the kernel's bitness19:22
NurseDadis 1358.199FPS good in glxgears?19:23
minimecprailone: Hmm... ping (default address router?)?19:23
zykotick9sun_devil: "dpkg --print-architecture" as an alternative19:23
bkc_NurseDad: please for the love of god, *don't* use glxgears for benchmarking -.-19:23
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prailonesame thing host unreachable19:23
sun_devilThanks took a bit to google it19:24
kurtulmy mic works with skype, but doesn't work with google-talk. can someone guide me please?19:24
shaneminibekks, root has 1.4G left, I cleaned out all the dowloaded packages19:24
NurseDadbkc: I already love God...and what should I use19:24
bkc_NurseDad: http://wiki.cchtml.com/index.php/Glxgears_is_not_a_Benchmark19:24
sun_devilI feel like a idiot today19:24
shaneminibekks  I need to remove a few kernels as there are about 20 installed, however apt-get won't let me do anything19:24
bkc_NurseDad: under "5. Real Benchmarks"19:24
NurseDadbkc: ok19:24
bkc_kurtul: have you set up google-talk correcly?19:25
kurtulyes i have19:25
shaneminibekks, I'm a little rusty on cli, and used to be able to fix this kind of stuff.19:25
bekksshanemini: Then first run sudo apt-get clean19:26
shaneminibekks, did that, I'll do it again19:26
bekksCheck disk space again :)19:26
minimecprailone: the default ip of your router might be different than As you got an ip adress from the router, you seem to be connected to it correctly. I would reboot that machine and see if you again get an ip and if that one is different.19:26
zanberdoNurseDad, note that I only suggested using glxgears to verify direct rendering. :)19:26
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shaneminibekks, same old 1.4GB free19:26
NurseDadzanberdo: noted :)19:26
bekksshanemini: thats more than enough.19:27
bekksshanemini: Pastebin the output of df -h please19:27
minimecprailone: Do you have access to the router's admin panel form another computer? You could verify the connection then ...19:27
bkc_NurseDad: zanberdo: please use "glxinfo | grep direct" next time, takes shorter time and less confusion ^^19:27
NurseDadzanberdo: how do I confirm I am using the ATI property  driver?19:27
bkc_NurseDad: lsmod19:28
NurseDadbkc: that is what he had me do19:28
bkc_lsmod | grep radeon19:28
shaneminibekks,  http://paste.ubuntu.com/943038/19:28
NurseDadbkc: after that command what am I looking for19:29
bekksshanemini: You dont have a free space problem anymore :)19:29
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bkc_NurseDad: if you get output for "radeon" then you're using radeon-driver (which I believe is the prop-blob)19:30
shaneminibekks, just a second, I just realized she is using some old servers in the repo, I always set them to the USA, they are set to elsewhere19:30
bkc_NurseDad: http://wiki.debian.org/ATIProprietary19:30
bekksshanemini: Which Ubuntu version is that?19:30
bkc_NurseDad: sorry, it's "lsmod | grep fglrx" for the proprietary driver :)19:31
shaneminibekks, I'm not sure, it the last LTS release that came on the dell mini19:31
shaneminibekks, so it is older19:31
bekksshanemini: You can check that with lsb_release -a19:31
shaneminibekks, lucid, 10.0419:32
shaneminibekks, ok, I reset the software source to the USA, I'm updating and going to try again, that may have been the problem19:33
shaneminibekks we lived out of the USA before, and the servers were set to the old country.19:33
shaneminiof which I never did really trust.19:33
NurseDadbkc: jeff@jeffsLaptop:~$ lsmod | grep fglrx19:33
NurseDadfglrx                3263886  5419:33
SupYoshiHi guys need some help19:33
SupYoshiI want to give one user access through ftp to a specific location in the /home of another user19:34
SupYoshiis that possible?19:34
SupYoshiUsing proftpd19:34
bkc_NurseDad: then you're using the proprietary driver :)19:34
shaneminiSupYoshi, if they are both Linux boxes, check out NFS, that is easy to setup19:35
floogyHi, If I want to use ecryptfs only for a particular folder in my home directory, let's say ~/ubuntu one, is there a howto on the net for the steps to go?19:35
shaneminibekks, seems to be downloading now, I think it was a repo error, not downloading correctly, there probably was a space issue too.19:35
NurseDadbkc: thank you for your help today19:36
NurseDadzanberdo: thank you for your help today19:36
floogyI'm curious if that will work on other folders than ~/.Private19:36
aleprovencioI use "keycode 97 = Shift_L" with xmodmap, can someone please tell me how to do something similar with setxkbmap?19:37
NurseDadI used to know this stuff or some of it but I have been away in windows land for a few years19:37
zanberdoNurseDad, np. glad to help19:37
wylde!search cryptkeeper19:37
wylde!info cryptkeeper19:37
ubottucryptkeeper (source: cryptkeeper): EncFS system tray applet for GNOME. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.9.5-1.1 (oneiric), package size 47 kB, installed size 328 kB19:37
zanberdobkc_, yeah, or even glxinfo | grep irect. Been working with regex alot lately... :)19:37
bkc_zanberdo: that's not really regex ^^19:38
shaneminibekks, check out this error, and the string of kernels that are installed:  http://paste.ubuntu.com/943050/19:38
zanberdobkc_, meh :)19:38
bkc_zanberdo: you missed the -e switch19:38
zanberdobkc_, yeah :) I'm dividing my attentions between this and trying to build mosh from source on ubuntu 8.04... :)19:39
jattwhen will be the next ubutu release?19:39
zykotick9!schedule | jatt19:39
ubottujatt: The Ubuntu Precise Pangolin release schedule can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PrecisePangolin/ReleaseSchedule19:39
bkc_zanberdo: so 'glxinfo | grep -e "[D,d]irect"' would be correct ;)19:39
zykotick9bkc_: fyi using "grep -i direct" is case insensitive19:40
bekksshanemini: Whats the output of "df -i"?19:40
zanberdobkc_, don't think the double-quotes is required, and the comma is superfluous IIRC19:40
bkc_zykotick9: yes :)19:41
zanberdobkc_, and then there is zykotick9 suggestion. :)19:41
bkc_zanberdo: I'm used to perl-regex ^^19:41
floogyubotto, yes, but as far as I remember EncFs doesn't support symlinking, though I'm not sure about a EncFs vs. ecryptfs comparison.19:41
zanberdobkc_, python here. :)19:41
bkc_"Screw you guys, I'm doing home" ^^19:41
baizonyou mena going19:41
bkc_baizon: yeyeye19:41
bkc_zanberdo: python is awesome for scripting ^^19:42
shaneminibekks, /dev/sda6             610800  608827    1973  100% /  that is the problem19:42
baizonKaco: your bored?19:42
bekksshanemini: ack.19:42
zanberdobkc_, it definitely has it's strengths.19:42
Kacobaizon, why would you think that?19:42
shaneminibekks I'm not sure what to do though.19:42
shaneminibekks, reboot??19:42
zanberdobkc_, but I fear a language war were we to debate pros and cons, and this aint the channel for that. :)19:43
baizon You are being CTCP flooded from Kaco, ignoring *!*@chello089173130011.chello.sk19:43
Kacobaizon, and you spelled "are you" wrong19:43
bekksshanemini: No. That wont magically generate more space :)19:43
Kacobaizon, lol flooded? i tested ctcp response ... i'm developing an irc client :)19:43
shaneminibekks, inodes are full, I'm not sure what an inode is, shall I get a toothbrush, and start cleaning them out???  lol19:43
Kacobaizon, isn't your irc client a little bit paranoid?19:43
baizonKaco: so your a bad dev :D19:44
floogyerr s/ubotto/wylde/19:44
bekksshanemini: You could temporarily move things, like old stuff from /usr/src/ until you solved the error message above.19:44
bkc_zanberdo: true ^^19:44
bekksThen move it back, and delete the old kernels.19:44
Kacobaizon, well IRC standard says that client should reply to CTCP, it doesn't say that client should be paranoid about ctcp request however19:44
shaneminibekks, hmm, isn't there a way I can force deletion of old kernels, routing around the problem?19:44
baizonKaco: ctcp is a method to DoS people19:45
baizonso it has its reason19:45
Picibaizon, Kaco: can we get back to Ubuntu support please?19:45
Kacobaizon, well whole IRC protocl is shit :)19:45
baizonPici: indeed, sorry19:45
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bekksshanemini: you could try to remove the old kernels.19:45
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PiciKaco: and please mind your language here as well.19:45
bekksapt-get purge theoldkernel19:45
Kacobaizon, and doing DoS on IRC sounds pretty lame to me, it's not like Anonymous attacks :)19:45
wolf_join #ubuntu-ru19:45
shaneminibekks all my attempts at that have failed, I don't remember all the options to force stuff through19:46
scientesif i am going to set up world re-writable/shared media directories for all users, where do i have to put that to make it compatible with apparmor?19:47
shaneminibekks, everything in /usr/src all seem to be softlinks19:47
bekksshanemini: Softlinks to what?19:47
scientesshanemini, /usr/src is not used very much19:47
shaneminibekks, ohh, wait, not softlinks, they are folders19:47
shaneminiall 4k size19:47
bekksscientes: Execpt for headers and kernel sources.19:47
bekksshanemini: du -sh /usr/src/19:48
bekks4k is just the inode size of that directory entry.19:48
IntuitiveNippleshanemini: I had to do something similar earlier to a server I upgraded that hit 100% on /. I looked in /var/cache/apt/archives and removed the .deb package files from there to make a little space. Also, take a look at /var/log/*.gz19:49
shaneminibekks, I just dumped them all to a new temp location on a different partition, I'm going to try it again, should be good now19:49
bekksIntuitiveNipple: "sudo apt-get clean" ;)19:49
bekksshanemini: Check with df -i :)19:50
IntuitiveNipplebekks: Same thing - I had to do a live online resize of / too19:50
shaneminibekks, still moving it all19:50
shaneminithat was a lot of junk in there19:50
shaneminibekks, ok, got it down to 92% now, still moving files19:51
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shaneminibekks, what is the inode?  I would think if there are blocks left, then there is space left, that must not be true??19:52
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guntbertshanemini: if you have a lot of small files you may run out of inode - every file needs/has one19:53
IntuitiveNippleshanemini: an inode is an index-node and represents about a file directory or other object19:54
bekksshanemini: The inode is the entity holding the information about the name and the location of a file, and a lot more information.19:54
shaneminibekks, ahh, it is the directory for the drive.19:54
bekksshanemini: It's like an index of a book, with a given maximum number of chapters.19:55
shaneminibekks, right, that is what I was understanding19:55
=== nancy is now known as lumina
aleprovencioI use "keycode 97 = Shift_L" with xmodmap, can someone please tell me how to do something similar with setxkbmap?19:55
n1xhi, I'm unable to start Unity after using Kubuntu (KDE) for a while, here are the errors -> http://paste.ubuntu.com/943077/19:57
shaneminibekks ok, finally finished, now that is done, now before I move all those files back, I need to get rid of some, because there isn't enough inode space on root, any thoughts?19:57
shaneminibekks, I already ran apt-get -f install19:57
StealthVipera47Hi! Eny one know that can i run stronghold-kingdoms in wine?19:58
shaneminibekks, and that executed without error19:58
bekksshanemini: good :)19:58
shaneminibekks, I assume I can remove the old kernels that I didn't 'temp move' without a problem??19:58
shaneminibekks, or causing apt-get to cough up an error because of the moved files?19:59
bekksshanemini: Now remove an old kernel, and make sure you move back all directories to /usr/src/ with the version string of the kernel to be removed in its name.19:59
bekksshanemini: Right :)19:59
shaneminibekks, ok, thanks a billion, I'm pretty sure I have never seen a problem like that before.19:59
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momovirusBonsoir messieurs dames20:00
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auronandace!fr | momovirus20:00
ubottumomovirus: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.20:00
Xut-GBonsoir !20:01
bkc_!fr | Xut-G20:02
ubottuXut-G: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.20:02
krababbelWhy shouldn't I edit resolv.conf? I had to remove network manager. How can I prevent resolv.conf from being reset, or how should I define a dns server?20:02
_DDG_my computer that is wired to my network will not connect to the internet20:03
_DDG_any ideas?20:03
IntuitiveNippleDoes it have a default root configured? (ip route show)20:04
_DDG_how do i check that20:04
el_seano_DDG_: by running `ip route show` in a terminal20:05
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sw0rdfishhow can I copy a bootable CD to a usb20:05
sw0rdfishand the usb would be bootable20:06
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IntuitiveNipple_DDG_: Does it have the correct DNS servers set (either a local proxy DNS, or ISP server) ?20:06
el_seanosw0rdfish: your best bet in general is to use uNetBootin.  Some iso's can be directly copied to a USB drive though.20:06
sw0rdfishel_seano, can't I just copy the CD's content20:06
sw0rdfishinto the usb20:06
sw0rdfishafter formating the usb first20:07
sw0rdfishwould that work?20:07
el_seanosw0rdfish: depends on the iso.20:07
guntbert!enter | sw0rdfish20:07
ubottusw0rdfish: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!20:07
plustaxDoes anyone know of an ETA for Ubuntu For Android?20:07
floogyAm I right, that only ecryptfs-migrate-home migrates the whole home directory to ecryptfs, while ecrypt-setup-private only sets up an empty encrypted ~/.Private folder?20:07
shaneminisw0rdfish, probably not, because there is something in there telling it to refer to the cdrom drive, vrs the usb stick20:07
sw0rdfishwell its a vista cd20:08
* el_seano is consistently impressed with the number of entries in ubottu.20:08
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el_seanosw0rdfish: hard to say with the windows.20:08
_DDG_it does that automatically it looks right20:08
IntuitiveNipple_DDG_: try "dig www.ubuntu.com" - you should get: ";; ANSWER SECTION: www.ubuntu.com.44INA91.189.89.88"20:09
MrUnagii have ubuntu in a virtual box with a raw access vdi mounted but ubuntu doesn't see it20:09
MrUnagihow do i mount a second hard drive in ubuntu20:10
bekks! mount | MrUnagi20:10
ubottuMrUnagi: mount is used to attach devices to directories. See also https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Mount20:10
MrUnagiright but what i am saying is i don't know what the dev is of this drive20:10
rasustois it an external drive that you plugged in?20:11
_DDG_IntuitiveNipple: cibbectuib tuned iytl bi servers ciykd be reacged20:11
bekksMrUnagi: sudo fdisk -l20:11
_DDG_sorry connection timed out*20:11
popeyplustax: no ☺20:11
IntuitiveNipple_DDG_: Try "ping"20:11
_DDG_net work is unreachable20:12
rasustopopey: how you do smiley face?20:12
_DDG_destination is unreachable*20:12
el_seanohave we verified that _DDG_ has been issued an IP?20:12
el_seano_DDG_: try running `ip addr` in a terminal20:12
zykotick9MrUnagi: i sorta doubt ubuntu can mount vbox vdi images directly.  i could CERTAINLY be wrong.20:14
_DDG_whats suppose to come up i dont see an ip address20:14
floogyOk, http://blog.dustinkirkland.com/2009/06/migrating-to-encrypted-home-directory.html and http://blog.dustinkirkland.com/2011/02/long-overdue-introduction-ecryptfs.html answer my questions.20:14
MrUnagizykotick9: you can, but thats not what i am trying to do20:14
popeyrasusto: with my keyboard ☺20:15
el_seano_DDG_: be easiest if you pastied the output.20:15
el_seano!paste _DDG_20:15
zykotick9MrUnagi: ahh, sorry.  then "sudo blkid" or "sudo fdisk -l" to list partitions20:15
el_seanoheh, shucks.20:15
bekkssudo blkid -g; sudo blkid20:16
zykotick9elspuddy: you need to use = !factoid | NICKNAME20:16
bekksOtherwise you might see cached entries.20:16
zykotick9el_seano: tab fail :(  see above20:16
_DDG_im on another computer cuz it does not have inet so i cant do anything on the ubuntu comp :$20:16
_DDG_ill try and type it20:16
el_seanoah, right20:17
el_seano_DDG_: so, rather than that, try looking for the device name20:17
el_seanoit should be something like eth0 or eth120:17
minimec_DDG_: ip addr | grep eth020:17
el_seanoonce you've figured out what the network device's name is, try running 'sudo dhclient eth0'20:18
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sepokihello, does anybody here have a script that copy a file rename it, but the new name depends the old one ?20:19
el_seanosepoki: try looking at `man rename`20:19
_DDG_el_seano: rtnetlink answers: flie sxists20:19
escottsepoki, you probably want to install and use the "rename" utility20:19
multipassim in ubuntu server in vmware and i cant scroll up to see all entries in ifconfig... how can i see the top one which is cut off?20:20
el_seano_DDG_: intersting, okay.20:20
rasustomultipass: ifconfig | less20:20
el_seano_DDG_: let's try running `ip addr | grep inet`20:20
_DDG_i replaced windows when i installed it20:20
zykotick9sepoki: you could also use something like: for file in * ; do cp $file NEW-$file ; done (which would add "NEW-" to the beginning of all files, basename could be used to add something to the end, but more complicated)20:20
_DDG_inet 127.0.1/8 scope host lo20:21
el_seano_DDG_: is that the only line you see?20:21
_DDG_3 more under it20:21
ryanjankowskii just reactivated my android after not using it for a few months and now the market wont successfully download anything20:21
ryanjankowskianyone got any ideas/20:22
zykotick9ryanjankowski: how is that ubuntu related?20:22
el_seano_DDG_: any of them look like '192.168.something.something'?20:22
ryanjankowskijust looking for help20:22
theadminryanjankowski: That's got nothing to do with Ubuntu, but you have to wait till your Market updates to the Play Store, it will do that automatically and will take a while20:22
zykotick9ryanjankowski: wrong channel.20:22
SunTsuryanjankowski: in the wrong place20:22
theadminryanjankowski: Go to #android20:22
ryanjankowskioh sorry bros20:22
ryanjankowskimy bad20:22
_DDG_el_seano:inet brd scope global eth020:22
devnI'm on ubuntu server and I need to add a windowing system -- what's the best way to add this? which package should i use?20:22
devninstall metacity? or is there a better way to go about this?20:23
el_seanocool, so you've been issued an address and you have a default route defined.20:23
rasustodevn:you'll need to install x first20:23
_DDG_el_seano: so where should i start looking for the problem now?20:23
el_seano_DDG_: probably on the router.20:24
krababbelwhat route?20:24
el_seano_DDG_: what does your /etc/resolv.conf look like?20:25
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devnrasusto: isn't there a package that will grab the deps for me?20:25
el_seano_DDG_: also, what did `ip route show` give you again?  Not seeing it in scrollback.20:26
ubottuSaimom_: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».20:26
ubottualis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" for help and ask any questions about it in #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http*20:26
rasustodevn: i believe its xorg20:26
_DDG_default via
ubottuSaimom_: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».20:27
krababbelel_seano: Shouldn't resolv.conf be empty?20:27
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zykotick9Saimom_: as the factoid is trying to tell you, !list doesn't work here.20:27
decksmasherHi..im having trouble downloading tor im using ubuntu 10.10 its not in synaptic so i downloaded it from source , it configures but get an error when i try and make it ..it sais i need libssl-dev.  so i download these and still get the same errors, is this becouse im using an older version off ubuntu.regards Dex20:27
el_seanokrababbel: not necessarily, I think.20:27
rasustodesksmasher: just download the tor browser bundle from tor.org20:28
el_seanokrababbel: my vanilla Precise install has the loopback address for local resolving first.20:28
forestmonsterdecksmasher: You need https://www.torproject.org/download/download-easy.html.en20:28
krababbelel_seano: not sure either, I have a text saying I shouldn't edit it.20:28
forestmonsterdecksmasher: the Tor Browser Bundle :)20:28
decksmasherthanks guys.!20:28
el_seanooh right, networkmanager likes to handle it.20:29
krababbel_DDG_: so you can ping that router on Is it sayin "state UP" on 'ip link'?20:29
_DDG_it wont ping it20:30
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el_seanokrababbel: the router is more likely at
_DDG_when i ping it comes back with destination unreachable20:31
guntbert!nickspam > haylo20:31
ubottuhaylo, please see my private message20:31
=== bacon is now known as BaconBacon
el_seano_DDG_: your ip address has you on the network, so unless you have a route to the network, you won't be able to reach it.20:31
el_seano_DDG_: try `ping -c3`20:31
krababbel_DDG_: whatch the numbers. :) The router should be the default route then, not 254?20:32
_DDG_3 packets transmitted 0 receiver +3 errors, 100% packet loss20:32
_DDG_el_seano: 3 packets transmitted 0 receiver +3 errors, 100% packet loss20:33
el_seanoheh, drat20:33
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krababbel_DDG_: You could also configure you interface automatically via dhcp?20:33
krababbel_DDG_: do you use networkmanager?20:33
_DDG_krababbel: it is set to auto atm :$20:33
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minimec_DDG_: sudo ifconfig eth0 down , then sudo dhclient eth020:34
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_DDG_minimec: still nothing :(20:37
minimec_DDG_: Did your ip for eth0 change? Or do you have got one again?20:38
krababbel_DDG_: Is it saying "state UP" on 'ip link'?20:38
_DDG_minimec: no20:39
krababbel_DDG_: also you'll have to enter your dns server address in /etc/resolvconf/resolv.conf.d/head then do resolvconf -u20:39
_DDG_krababbe1: yes20:39
krababbel_DDG_: you router is, but ip route says via That's wrong, it should use your router.20:40
krababbel_DDG_: If you want to use static configuration. Are you sure about the router's address?20:41
MarezzAnyone knows some good ebook reader?20:41
rasustoMarezz: software or hardware?20:42
_DDG_krababbe1: i just want my internet to work20:42
MirkoKaMarezz: try Calibre20:42
DJonesMarezz: Try calibre, its a converter, but includes a reader20:42
rasustosecond for calibre20:44
chucknorrisis there a ubuntu how-to channel?20:44
chucknorrisor can i ask questions here?20:44
ciakkycd $HOME/.xchat2/buduscript && ./install.sh20:44
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scientes!ask | chucknorris20:45
ubottuchucknorris: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience20:45
esdhi guys, I want to move back to alsa from oss, but I have the following problem aplay: device_list:252: no soundcards found20:45
esdcan someone help?20:45
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/20:45
MarezzMirkoKa, DJones, thanks20:45
auronandacechucknorris: ask away, but don't roundhouse kick anyone20:45
krababbel_DDG_: Have you tried editing /etc/network/interfaces?20:45
scientesesd, you arn't using oss, there is no native support for oss in linux20:45
chucknorrisill try not to lol20:46
_DDG_thanks for the help but i dont think linux is for me :(20:46
esdscientes: im not, im moving from oss to alsa, and I have alsa set up, oss removed, and my soundcards do not load under alsa20:46
esdesd: so i'm asking, what can I do to get it working?20:46
esderr scientes* :D20:46
scientesesd, amixer, however ubuntu uses pulseaudio on top of alsa20:46
osztI'm running ubuntu 11.10. I'm having trouble getting wine to find various USB devices. Do I need to change some setting for it to do that?20:46
esdscientes: i had pa with oss as well20:47
escottoszt, what kind of device20:47
osztescott: one is a sansidsk sansa clip + mp3 player20:47
chucknorrisok so i've been reading Unix & Linix System Administration Handbook, and i came accross a question "Find a list of names (from a telephone directory, perhaps) and use it as the input to a script that forms login names according to the naming convention at your site."20:48
MirkoKaoszt: Wine's USB support is rudimetary anyway, see http://wiki.winehq.org/USB20:48
chucknorrisHow many users can you accomodate before you have a collision? How many collisions are there overall? Use the data to evaluate your site's naming convention, and suggest improvements.20:48
escottoszt, thats probably usb mass storage so just mount it in linux20:48
osztescott the other one is a garmin ant+ stick (connecting garmin gps devices, i.e. my pulse watch, via a radio link)20:48
DeviceZer0hello all. On 11.10 when I goto the user accounts....i dont have any "advanced" settings in it...is there something I need to do to enable advanced settings there?20:48
osztescott, I have mounted it, but cannot see it in the wine explorer.20:49
osztMirkoKa, I knew that, but thanks anyway20:49
chucknorrisfrom what ive read im guessing ill have to use NEWUSERS....but i jus need a few tips on how to get the script started20:49
MirkoKaoszt: use winecfg to map the mountpoint visible to Wine as a drive letter20:50
zykotick9oszt: you sansa clip certainly doesn't require wine, or mine doesn't anyways...20:51
osztzykotick9, no, but I'm using audible to get audiobooks and need to use their program in order to get their DRM files onto my player20:52
jribchucknorris: I don't think that question is really a programming question so much as: come up with a convention for a username from FIRSTNAME LASTNAME (and other info from phonebook I suppose) and then think about your convention.  The programming part is to just create a script that takes in phonebook information and outputs login names.  For example, input "John Doe", output "jdoe"20:52
osztMirkoKa, tried that, but no luck so far20:53
MirkoKachucknorris: not sure if I understand the assignment, but start by lower-casing the first name (or last name). if there's already a user by that name, add the first (or last) names first char or somthing.20:53
MirkoKachucknorris: as jrib said20:54
Blazehi everyone20:54
=== Blaze is now known as Guest53287
shane2perubekks: are you still around?  removing all those kernels broke the wireless on my wife's dell mini, that is why I'm not allowed to touch her computer20:55
escapeplanCan anyone please tell me what program to use and how to make remote keyboard mouse via Android on ubuntu work ?20:55
chucknorrisok guys thanks20:55
=== lupinedk is now known as Lupinedk
Tiktalikis there any way to batch convert FLAC files to MP320:56
shane2perubekks: I noticed while removing kernels it kept saying stuff like wl.ko was active in this kernel, something about dkms to install module or something like that.  I'm assuming this is a known issue with the broadcom drivers for the wireless of this thing??20:56
Tiktalikalso, what program should I use to see how much space is taken up by what on my harddrive20:57
bkc_Tiktalik: python, perl, bash-scripts, basic, etc20:58
abdullahfaqeirplease can anybuddy  help please20:58
EvilResistance!help | abdullahfaqeir20:58
ubottuabdullahfaqeir: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience20:58
MirkoKaoszt: have you tried the Autodetect button?20:58
minimecTiktalik: http://www.google.ch/#hl=de&gs_nf=1&pq=sudo%20ifconfig%20eth0%20down&cp=13&gs_id=5qg&xhr=t&q=flac+to+mp3+ubuntu&pf=p&sclient=psy-ab&oq=flac+to+mp3+u&aq=0&aqi=g2&aql=&gs_l=&pbx=1&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.,cf.osb&fp=4461e231bb4f858a20:58
shane2peruanyone know about the dell inspiron 10 that had ubuntu pre-installed 10.04?  removing old kernels seems to have broken the wireless connection20:58
auronandaceabdullahfaqeir: difficult to help when we don't know what's wrong20:58
osztMirkoKa, yes. no luck20:58
bkc_EvilResistance: there is actually a command for that xD20:58
minimecTiktalik: For diskspace baobab20:59
abdullahfaqeirmy ubuntu font color and system setting background are missed up20:59
abdullahfaqeirthe font's are white20:59
abdullahfaqeirand the background of sys set are black21:00
EvilResistance!enter | abdullahfaqeir21:00
ubottuabdullahfaqeir: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!21:00
abdullahfaqeirand the mouse pad has stoped suddnly21:00
bekksshane2peru: Thats not a bug, because the module names are the same between kernels.21:00
bkc_abdullahfaqeir: are u in graphics-mode (gnome, kde, whatnot) or in terminal-mode ?21:01
abdullahfaqeiri don't know21:01
shane2perubekks: ok, but for some reason the wireless is not loaded, or working21:01
bkc_abdullahfaqeir: is there anything but text on the screen?21:01
MirkoKaoszt: does the drive show up just as normal in nautilus, ie. you don't need some special access program. where is it mounted (under /media) if it differs, can you access the drive as the user with which you start wine?21:01
shane2perubekks: I ran 'ifconfig -a' and it only showed eth0 and lo, nothing for wireless21:01
osztMirkoKa, does it make a difference if the drive is mounted in linux or not? seem to recall unmounting it in linux some months ago and thus having it show up in wine?21:01
bekksStill, the names are the same, and the messages just told you, that there were modules built using dkms.21:02
osztMirkoKa, no, it automounts and shows up in nautilus21:02
bkc_abdullahfaqeir: if it's an ontopic-question please keep it in the channel as others might gain from the answer21:02
osztMirkoKa, and yes, I can access it with full permissions as the same user as the one running wine21:02
bkc_abdullahfaqeir: "how would I know" => does it look like dos?21:02
shane2perubekks: ok, what should be my next step, google pulls up a lot of stuff that is irrelevant21:03
abdullahfaqeirit's nice lovely ubuntu21:03
abdullahfaqeirbut just in last day become like this21:03
zsolthi there!i formatted accidently an mmc card.what to do to recover?21:03
MirkoKaoszt: if you tried to configure wine to use the device directly (ie. the USB config mentioned in the link I posted), then that might cause a conflict). remove any wine usb config for that disk and try to accesss it with the mountpoint->drive_letter method21:03
bekksshane2peru: Uninstall the old kernels you want to be uninstalled.21:03
bkc_abdullahfaqeir: then the xserver probably just hung, try pressing CTRL+ALT+BACKSPACE :)21:03
zsoltthank you21:03
shane2perubeaks, ok, I did that, I left all but the last 3 or 421:04
abdullahfaqeirit's doing anything21:04
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bekksshane2peru: Now you should have much more space avail, dont you?21:04
zsolttryed photorec,but got a really important stuff nad can't recover21:04
zykotick9bkc_: fyi c+a+backspace hasn't worked by default in a while21:04
shane2perubekks: yes, space is great, I think it was something like 64% free for the inodes.21:04
abdullahfaqeirbk_ : ??? it didn't do anything21:05
rasustozsolt: I would suggest photorec or testdisc21:05
bekksshane2peru: Then everything is ok :)21:05
rasustozsolt: they come in the same package21:05
shane2perubekks: however, it doesn't connect to the web now, I'm on my laptop21:05
bkc_zykotick9: ....... why the F*** would someone remove that functionality -.-21:05
bekksshane2peru: Then you removed more than you should.21:05
bkc_abdullahfaqeir: ctrl+alt+1 then21:06
abdullahfaqeirit just moved the window and make it smaller21:06
bkc_abdullahfaqeir: and then "sudo service gdm restart" (without the quotes)21:06
shane2perubekks; I don't think I did, I left the latest few kernels I think .37 .38 .39 and .40  however I'm not sure how to see what kernel it is booting off21:06
zsolti tryed both,my problem is that got a lot of files21:07
bekksuname -a tells you which kernel is currently active21:07
abdullahfaqeirgdm: unrecognized service21:07
zykotick9bkc_: some accessibility reason actually ;)  how you feel now?  ;)  you can use alt+sysrc+k to restart Xorg21:07
zsolti need to recover a password gorilla psafe3 file21:07
osztMirkoKa, no, actually I haven't tried the usb patches nor built wine myself recently. at the moment I'm just running the 1.3 version packaged with ubuntu 11.1021:07
phibxrabdullahfaqeir, which version are you running? 11.10 and 12.04 will have 'sudo restart lightdm' instead.21:07
zsoltbut got a lot of txt files and elf files21:07
shane2perubekks: ok, but how do I select what kernel to boot?21:07
bkc_zykotick9: I hate ubuntu... seriously... -.-21:08
zykotick9bkc_: it's not an ubuntu thing - it's an xorg thing21:08
bekksshane2peru: in the grub menu21:08
abdullahfaqeirit's just restarted the desktop21:09
abdullahfaqeirplease guys help21:09
MirkoKaoszt: sorry, I don't know further. I suggest you ask the Wine folks21:09
abdullahfaqeirI love ubuntu and i want to stay on it I don't want to go back to windows21:09
shane2perubeaks grub menu doesn't show on this, ubuntu was pre-installed, and I haven't messed with it hardly at all.21:09
shane2perubekks: ˆˆˆ21:10
osztMirkoKa, thank you for your time!21:10
Tiktalikwhat's a good music player21:10
shane2perubekks: it booted off 2.6.32-41  so I'm thinking I'm going to boot off the old kernel to see if that works, once I figure out how.21:10
osztTiktalik, vlc21:10
bkc_abdullahfaqeir: restarting the desktop and still not working only proves that it wasn't hung :) there are still loads to try :P21:10
SunTsuTiktalik: depends on what you call good21:11
abdullahfaqeirgive me every thing just make it work please buddy21:11
minimecTiktalik: audacious is a simple and feature rich music player21:12
shane2peruI can't seem to see the boot menu on this dell inspiron mini with ubuntu pre-installed, anyone know how to do that??21:12
cmona dumb question, but where can I see if my ubuntu is 64 bit or 32?21:13
zykotick9cmon: uname -m21:14
MestreLionGuys, I shot myself on the foot: removed myself from admin group, so no sudo. There are no other users in sudoers. What is the easiest, pain-free way to recover?21:15
bkc_abdullahfaqeir: seeing as my computer only hangs and the mouse actually works from scratch I can't really help you :( but I'd look into the xserver config-files to see if everything checksout okey, otherwise wait for someone else to help you :)21:15
TiktalikMestreLion: Cry :P21:15
MirkoKashane2peru: /etc/default/grub or /boot/grub/menu.lst depending on your Ubuntu version should have all the settings (probably timeout related)21:15
bekksMestreLion: Boot a live CD.21:15
jackbrownhfhi there21:16
jackbrownhfi need help about VINO on my machine21:16
MestreLionMirkoKa:  /boot/grub/menu.lst is not used anymore since 9.1021:16
abdullahfaqeirok thanks21:16
MestreLionbekks: ok... and then?21:16
minimecMestreLion: boot your system in recovery mode and go to the root shell. You should have full root access.21:16
bkc_abdullahfaqeir: and please for the love of god, please stop with the pm's... unless otherwise stated or told, support-channels *hate* pm's as they are counterproductive to the "support"-idea -.-21:16
jackbrownhfIs there anybody available to help me about VINO in UBUNTU?21:16
bekksMestreLion: Follow mimimec and add yourself to the admin group again.21:17
MirkoKaMestreLion: that's why I said  "depending on your Ubuntu version".  i don't know (perhaps I missed yout post) what version the OP is running ;-)21:17
MestreLionminimec: and what groups should I add besides admin? do you know the defaults for 1st user in Ubuntu?21:17
ihashacks 7~21:17
abdullahfaqeirok sorry21:17
shane2peruMirkoKa: yes, that is the old method, I liked that method, I'm not sure about this new grub2 stff21:17
carpediembabyhi.. just upgraded to 12.04 beta and seeing a problem.. is there another channel for that? or should i fire away ?21:17
bkc_jackbrownhf: nobudy likes a screamer, and what more specifically do you wanna know about vino?21:17
shane2peruanyone know how to configure grub2 so I can see my boot menu?  I'm running 10.04 ubuntu LTS21:18
MestreLioncarpediembaby: #ubuntu+121:18
trismcarpediembaby: #ubuntu+121:18
MirkoKashane2peru: then just look into /etc/default/grub (pastebin it if you need assistance)21:18
jackbrownhfbkc_: i'm sorry, i just configuret it simply and it says that this machine it's available just from my private lan21:18
bekksMestreLion: You did more than just removing yourself from the adm group, dont you?21:18
carpediembabythanks trism, MestreLion .. had forgotten it :)21:18
bkc_shane2peru: /etc/grub.d/00_default <-- look for waittime21:18
jackbrownhfbkc_: now i'm tryng to access it through a bridged virtual machine but i'm unable to do that21:18
minimecMestreLion: Well... Can't tell you right now... Let me verify that...21:18
bkc_jackbrownhf: do you have a firewall setup in your machine?21:19
MestreLionbekks: yes... I wanted to add a new group with usermod -G, and forgot the -a :P (yes, lame mistake, I know)21:19
jackbrownhfbkc_: yeah and i already put it down21:19
bkc_jackbrownhf: never shutdown the firewall as there might be lingering settings, open the port instead...21:19
jackbrownhfbkc_: the firewall is down21:19
shane2perubkc_: nope, no 00_default only 00_header 05_debian_theme 10 linux  and a few others21:19
bekksMestreLion: adm, cdrom, sudo, dip, plugdev, lpadmin, yourusergroup21:20
MestreLionbekks: so currently I'm only in 2 groups... my user group and the new one I created. All the others have vanished :P21:20
bkc_jackbrownhf: (shuting down the firewall is for obvious reasons a bad idea, even on private lans)21:20
bkc_shane2peru: sore, meant 00_header :)21:20
jackbrownhfbkc_: added 5900 port TCP Allow IN to firewall21:20
MestreLionbekks: sudo? Isn't it admin anymore?21:20
zykotick9MestreLion: use usermod recently ;)  -a is append21:20
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jackbrownhfbkc_: (and having no firewall?!?! )21:20
MestreLionzykotick9: yeah... and I simply forgot the --append... casted usermod --groups only...21:21
bekksMestreLion: See the comments in /etc/sudoers :)21:21
chucknorrisjrib: could u show me how to use the command which would read the "John Doe" from the input file and output it as "jdoe"?21:21
bkc_jackbrownhf: try it now, otherwise, ping the computers from both ends and see if they can actually talk to eachother :)21:21
MestreLionbekks: /etc/sudoers is non-readable for non-sudoers :P21:21
bekksMestreLion: It is, for root.21:21
bekksMestreLion: rescue mode, etc ;)21:22
MestreLionoh, ok21:22
shane2peruMirkoKa: thanks, I changed that in there21:22
bkc_jackbrownhf: having no firewall is the same as having it turned of... actually it's the other way around, but that's just semantics anyway :)21:22
shane2peruMirkoKa: I hate fiddling with those config files in grub2 some are auto-fixed after they are edited by the system21:22
MestreLionbekks:  adm, cdrom, sudo, dip, plugdev, lpadmin.. ok, got it... this will at least give me some basic functionality, the rest I can configure back in my account21:22
jackbrownhfbkc_: VM Linux to my machine 4 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=1.03 ms21:23
jackbrownhf64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=63 time=2.70 ms (DUP!)21:23
MestreLionbekks: and thank you  :)21:23
MirkoKashane2peru: yeah, but that's the nice thing about the sometimes comples grub2 config. /etc/defaults/grub doesn't change by an update21:23
jackbrownhfbkc_: what means 64 bytes from icmp_req=5 ttl=64 time=6.59 ms (DUP!)21:23
MestreLionbekks: I'm still using Maverick, so I guess it is still admin here...21:23
jackbrownhfbkc_: never seen before DUP!21:23
bekksMestreLion: The functionalities of adm and sudo are different.21:24
bkc_jackbrownhf: DUP! should imo mean that it got the same package twice... thou not 100% sure :/21:24
bekksMestreLion: adm allows you to gain root access, sudo allows you to execute a command as root.21:24
SunTsujackbrownhf: DUP means duplicate21:24
bkc_jackbrownhf: well, now you know that they can talk to each other. have you read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNC/Servers#Troubleshooting ?21:24
MAXtErany channel for help a noob21:24
jackbrownhfSunTsu:  ok got it maybe cos i'm pinging betwen my Computer and a VirtualBox bridged machine21:25
bkc_!help | MAXtEr21:25
ubottuMAXtEr: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience21:25
ikoniaMAXtEr: just ask your question21:25
MestreLionbekks: so adm is for su - only ?21:25
bekksMestreLion: su has nothing to do with it.21:25
MestreLionbekks: what would be "gain root access" then?21:25
bekksget a root shell.21:25
bekkslike sudo -i21:26
MestreLionbekks: I thought that was su21:26
bekks(which is not recommended).21:26
zykotick9MestreLion: in ubuntu admin users are automatically allowed to sudo, but root account is disabled21:26
MirkoKachucknorris: there are a thousand methods to do this, you need to learn shell scripting for this. the simple and naive way would be    echo John Doe | tr 'A-Z' 'a-z' |  sed 's/ \(.\).*/\1/g'21:26
bekksMestreLion: then why is there an entry for adm in the /etc/sudoers? ;)21:26
MestreLionyes, i'm aware of that zykotick9 .. and i think it is a wise decision imho21:27
jackbrownhfbkc_: troubleshoting doesn't help  just talk about few settings21:27
lvlephokay here I am again two years working on the same issue.21:28
bkc_jackbrownhf: have you configured it to accept remote connection? (not only local)21:28
lvlephFor some stupid reason I cannot disable the screensaver21:28
MestreLionbekks: that's weird... 2 of my regular users ARE in adm group... but not in sudo.. they were created using gnome's GUI21:28
lvlephand now even worse the lockscreen21:28
christhisisgoolwhat version of ubuntu are you using, lvleph?21:28
bekksMestreLion: I never used a graphical solution to create users, I really cant tell about that gnome gui.21:28
lvlephI am using Mint 921:29
lvlephso not technically Ubuntu21:29
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MestreLionbekks: I have 3 "admin-related" groups: adm, admin and sudo (i'm glad I can at least cat /etc/group)21:29
lvlephbut technically not not ubuntu21:29
christhisisgoolI believe that is at its end of life now, and this is also an ubuntu irc channel21:29
jackbrownhfbkc_: yes i did, anyway VINO gui has few preferences to set21:30
MestreLionlvleph: Min 9 is not EOL, since it's an LTS... but there is a mint irc server...21:30
lvlephYeah, the people at Mint weren't able to help me21:30
lvlephYeah I know21:30
lvlephbut the problem has been persistent across multiple versions21:30
christhisisgooloh, sorry MestreLion, i didnt know that it was an LTS21:31
lvlephso, I suspect even after upgrade I will have the issue21:31
bkc_jackbrownhf: try "nmap -p5900 <vino-ip>" too see if the port is open :)21:31
MrKeunerhello, how do I mount a private home directory for my user? That was automatically done when the hard drive it is on was in my computer. Now it's an external disk connected via USB cable...21:31
MestreLionchristhisisgool: int 9 = Lucid 10.0421:31
christhisisgoolmakes a lot more sense now21:31
ubottuLinux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org21:31
jackbrownhfbkc_:  ok21:32
spillojust a question, i need download a video from youtube... no firefox just Chromium.. any other instead of DownloadHelper? tks21:32
bkc_MrKeuner: should be automagic, however mounting it as /home/<username> is unsupported and illadviced imo :)21:32
boneSphereany hacker channels?21:32
bkc_MrKeuner: it should pop-up somewhere in /mount :)21:32
bkc_boneSphere: define hacker...21:33
jackbrownhfbkc_: 5900/tcp open  vnc21:33
bkc_jackbrownhf: it should work then :/21:33
jackbrownhfbkc_: of course i launched nmap from the client machine21:33
MestreLionbekks: let me see if I got this right: adm is for root shells, but since root account is disabled in Ubuntu, adm group is useless, correct? sudo group is the one that allows sudo... what about admin group, what is it for?21:33
jackbrownhfbkc_: i'm opening the ip on the browser maybe this is the mistake21:33
MrKeunerbkc_,  it does not get mounted autmatically21:33
jackbrownhfbkc_:  ??21:33
MirkoKaMrKeuner: what do you mean with "private home directory", your home shouldn't be non-private anyway. however, you need to edit /etc/fstab. I suggest not to do this. your account might become unusable if it doesn't find any files when the disk isn't connectted. instead, only put your private files it it.21:33
bekksMestreLion: No.21:33
bekksMestreLion: ONE of the functionalities of the adm group is to gain root access.21:34
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MrKeunerMirkoKa, bkc_ by private I mean encrypted21:34
bkc_jackbrownhf: .......... you need a vnc-client like tightvnc or similar to use vnc :)21:34
bkc_MrKeuner: ooh... https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EncryptedFilesystemsOnRemovableStorage21:34
MirkoKabekks: isn't "admin" (not adm) used for sudo? that's at least what /etc/sudoers on my 10.04 indicates21:34
MestreLionbekks: got any reading material for the rationale behind each group? I am quite surprised to see regular users in adm (but they are not in admin or sudo)21:34
jackbrownhfbkc_:  lol tnx i will install it21:34
MrKeunerbkc_, that is more for creating an encrpted system, but thanks21:35
bkc_MrKeuner: actually... it's for creating *and* mounting an encrypted system :)21:36
bekksMestreLion: No, sorry. I have to google it.21:37
MirkoKaMrKeuner: I have never tried an encryped home partition, so let me suggest another method: use encfs and its gui front-end cryptkeeper to encrypt only those (data) directories with your sensitive files21:37
MestreLionbekks: don't bother, I can do that21:38
MAXtEralguien que sepa algo de psybnc21:38
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MestreLionMirkoKa / bekks : care to paste the groups YOU guys are in? So I can have a reference?21:38
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bekksMestreLion: I just did ;) Add vboxusers, and you have full list as I am using it :)21:39
mrflibblehi everyone. i have a question about partial upgrades - recently, when i open update-manager i get a "not all updates can be installed" warning, followed by a "partial upgrade" button. When I choose this, update-manager closes, and no upgrade is performed. any ideas on what i should be checking?21:39
bkc_MirkoKa: he wasn't refering to his home-folder, he was refering to an encrypted(private) partition :)21:39
MestreLionbekks: yeah, nice call about vboxusers... I have it installed. what about sambashare ?21:40
MirkoKaMestreLion: mirko adm dialout cdrom audio video plugdev lpadmin admin sambashare vboxusers21:40
escottmrflibble, you can try from the cli; sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get upgrade; sudo apt-get dist-upgrade;21:40
zykotick9mrflibble: fyi "partial upgrade" basically translates to - "this update is going to break something on your system" - you shouldn't do them.21:40
mrflibbleok, thanks escott21:40
MestreLionbekks / MirkoKa: and what version are you using?21:41
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mrflibblezykotick9: oh, but even if u upgrade the rest of the packages, it keeps showing up, but it's not very obvious in what it wants to do21:41
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mrflibbleMrKeuner: is truecrypt any good to you?21:41
mrflibbleif you dont want a whole fs encrypted, u can create containers that can be mounted21:42
minimecMestreLion: I sent you a notice with my /etc/group file. Didn't you get that?21:42
MirkoKaMestreLion: 10.04 (would be surprised if the "main-user" group (ie. admin v. adm vs. wheel) changed, but who knows21:42
zykotick9mrflibble: you shouldn't under normal circumstances see partial upgrades.  mixing repos?  fyi, they are common in the development branch and an excellent reason to use "aptitude safe-upgrade"21:42
MestreLionminimec: no, I didn't... care to re-send?21:43
minimecMestreLion: Better like that?21:43
MestreLiongot it minimec , thanks21:43
minimecMestreLion: ok21:44
mrflibblezykotick9: possibly - i did try to add a repo for some fuse stuff i think21:44
MestreLionMirkoKa: it did change... for example, you are in admin but not in sudo... bekks is the opposite... and I think "wheel" is kinda recent...21:44
swampthingdoes anyone know how I can find out how many cores I have from the terminal?21:44
zykotick9swampthing: "cat /proc/cpuinfo" and see how many "processor : #" entries you have.  (one way)21:46
MestreLionminimec: and your ubuntu is.. ?21:46
mrflibbleswampthing: top and then "1" ?21:46
wyldeMestreLion: wheel has been around a long time. It was used when I started playing with Debian 17+ years ago.21:46
minimecMestreLion: That file comes from a upgraded 11.10 -> 12.0421:46
mrflibblei like zykotick9's way better :)21:47
MirkoKaMestreLion: in any case, fixing this should be really easy with a LiveCD. regardless of what group is used. what enables me to use sudo is the /etc/sudoers line "%admin ALL=(ALL) ALL" (without the quotes of course). just adjust it for your notion of the "main-user" group.21:47
MestreLionman, if only sudo accepted aliases or ~/bin scripts... I would surely forcefully append --append to usermod :P21:47
MestreLionwylde: so is it deprecated or not used in  ubuntu? I don't even have that group in my /etc/group21:48
bkc_MestreLion: http://i.imgur.com/AjceU.png21:48
mrflibblezykotick9: in software sources, i have a few ppa.launchpad.net ones, canonical partners, independent and independent (source code)21:48
wyldeMestreLion: I guess so, or just not used in Ubuntu. I haven;t seen it used in a long time.21:49
zykotick9mrflibble: well... i have no comment.  good luck.21:49
MestreLionMirkoKa: yes, I know it wont be too hard... reboot, recovery mode, usermod -a -G <a bunch of groups>, and I'm good. But I want to recreate that list as "faithfully" as possible21:50
MirkoKaMestreLion: wheel is often used in more traditional Linuxes. Slackware uses it for example (Arch and Gentoo too IIRC)21:50
mrflibblelol, thanks :)21:50
wyldeMestreLion: http://alien.slackbook.org/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=linux:admin21:50
MestreLionlol @ bkc_ ... nice :D21:50
bkc_MestreLion: worst thing is... it works -.-21:51
swampthingI want to get into web development. should I learn perl for that?21:51
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MirkoKaMestreLion: do I mix threads up here? if you where the one who had removed itself from the <whatever enables sudo> group, then there's no other way as to use LiveCD or recovery mode. ;-)21:52
MestreLionbkc_: does it? previously i aliased sudo to something like sudo(){ cmd="$1"; shift; type "$cmd">/dev/null && command sudo "$(type -p "$cmd")" "$@"; }, or something like that21:54
MrKeunermrflibble, not sure what you ask. While using it I felt safe21:54
MestreLionMirkoKa: I will use recovery mode...21:55
bkc_MestreLion: yes it does work :)21:55
mrflibbleswampthing: perl is certainly useful, but php might be an easier intro21:55
swampthingah so, cheers21:56
MestreLionbkc_: what was that -D9 ?21:58
bkc_MestreLion: no idea, but it works :)21:58
bkc_try sudo --help | grep -D21:58
MestreLionbkc_: I guess it is part of the joke... i did man sudo already, there's no -D21:58
bkc_MestreLion: depends on the version and distro/os :)21:59
MestreLionanyway, we are getting off-topic... my problem is solved, and  have many "reference lists" to aid me... thanks a lot guys!21:59
MestreLionquestion: do recovery mode mount entries in fstab?22:00
bkc_MestreLion: -D level | Enable debugging of sudo plugins and sudo itself. The level may be a value from 1 through 9.22:01
bkc_sudo 1.8.4 :)22:01
kingnebexhallooooow ubuntu people.....22:02
MestreLionbkc_: weird... i can not even use -V22:02
mrflibblehi kingnebex22:02
MirkoKaMestreLion: IIRC, yes. if not and you need to mount try "mount /path/to/moint_point"22:02
kingnebexwts up mrflibble?22:03
kingnebexcan any i helpme out .....im lookin 3 a site that has multiple and free soft wares 4 ubuntu22:03
MestreLiongreat MirkoKa... list is saved in my data partition22:03
MestreLiontime to reboot I guess... thanks for everything guys!22:03
kingnebexcan any i helpme out .....im lookin 4 a site that has multiple and free soft wares 4 ubuntu22:03
kingnebexany one please......22:04
MestreLionkingnebex: me too... it's called Software Center... it's amazing, more than 30 THOUSAND software... all for FREE!22:04
ChristopherNgkingnebex: what is the problem?22:04
MirkoKakingnebex: Linux is not Windows. We handle sofware differently. Lean to use the Package Manager (Software Center or System -> Aminstration -> Synaptic)22:04
ozzy_is 12.04 coming with optional gnome 3 shell22:04
kingnebex<MestreLion> software center aint enough22:05
MestreLionkingnebex: you browse, click "install", and bang! new free (and safe) software installed!22:05
ChristopherNgkingnebex: what are you trying to install?22:05
mrflibblelol @ MestreLion22:05
zvacetkingnebex:  is http://www.linuxalt.com/ what you are looking for22:05
kingnebex<ChristopherNg> im lookn 4 cool games22:06
ozzy_is 12.04 coming with optional gnome 3 shell?22:06
ChristopherNgkingnebex: linux is not the best for cool games22:06
escottozzy_, gnome-shell has been available since 11.1022:06
ChristopherNgi use linux for everything other than gaming.22:06
ChristopherNgtalking of which has anyone ever used steam on linux? without wine?22:06
ozzy_try some wine and cool windows games22:07
MestreLionkingnebex: linux is not great for games, although there are some amazing ones at Software Center... and there's also Wine, which runs most windows games perfectly22:07
bkc_ChristopherNg: without wine, glhf, it's win/mac only :/22:07
kingnebex<ChristopherNg> im nt usin linux....im using ubuntu 1122:07
nklsbjegkljbgei have 240GB of data I need to move out of the way for a few hours and the only disks available are 2 160GB usb hdds. I don't want to pick manually what file goes on what disk. what is the easiest way to do this? jbod?22:07
MestreLionoh lord...22:07
kingnebexwine sucks man22:07
ozzy_i run wow with 15fps on a netbook with atom processor22:07
ChristopherNgubuntu = linux22:07
MestreLionkingnebex: news flash.... Ubuntu is a Linux distro... sorry to dissapoint you22:08
ChristopherNgI think kingnebex is trolling22:08
bkc_MestreLion: actually... it's a gnu/linux distrobution ;)22:08
escottnklsbjegkljbge, it would be easier to split the mounts /sdb1 on /media/disk and sdc1 on /media/disk/subfolder22:08
mrflibblenklsbjegkljbge: you need to be careful with jbod - if u loose one of the drives, u will lose everything22:08
MestreLionbkc_: very true... it's a GNU/Linux/Gnome distro22:08
bkc_MestreLion: gnome has nothing to do with it :)22:09
kingnebex<MestreLion>&<ChristopherNg> hahahahahahahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa22:09
MestreLionChristopherNg: I'm sure he is... there's no other reason to repost a line because he typed "3" instead of "4" when he actually meant "for"22:09
kingnebex<ChristopherNg>wat do u mean by that?22:09
ozzy_is 12.04 coming with optional gnome 3 shell22:10
MirkoKaNo, it's a GNU/Linux/Unix/BSD/MIT/X11/whatever-else-I-have-forgotten-to-mention-and-recognize NON-FREE distro. scratch that ;-)22:10
ozzy_sry repost22:10
escottozzy_, YES its in 11.1022:10
MestreLionbut it is fun to relax before entering recovery mode.... takes the stress away after my mess up with groups :P22:10
wylde!nounity | ozzy_22:10
ubottuozzy_: Ubuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic22:10
bkc_ozzy_: ubuntu 12.04 has unity iirc :)22:10
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ozzy_I HATE UNITY22:11
reader_hai , how to know the remote login activity on my  ubuntu ?22:11
Fireboltozzy_, you don't need to use caps :)22:11
bkc_ozzy_: your not alone, but please don't yell ^^22:11
imbezolreader_: type "who"22:11
zvacetozzy: you can always switch de22:11
wyldekingnebex: http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=troll22:12
MestreLionbkc_: it sure does.. if we admit it is fair to include GNU due to the basic software provided, and not name the distro after the kernel alone, would be fair to include the DE too, since it plays a major part in user's life22:12
bkc_MestreLion: gnu is a hard-dep, gnome isn't :)22:12
ozzy_its just because unity crashed my ubuntu and i had to reinstall whole system because compiz hates unity too.22:12
MestreLionbkc_: true22:12
kingnebex<wylde>  thanx22:13
imbezolozzy_: i'm sure you could have fixed it rather than reinstalled22:13
reader_imbezol, I mean log file22:13
imbezolreader_: there's /var/log/auth.log or /var/log/syslog22:14
ozzy_i ran it from usb disk and i think that was the problem too22:14
SarrousCan you recover a external drive? its saying boot sector error.22:16
imbezolSarrous: when trying to boot off it? or you're seeing the error somewhere else?22:17
meganerdSarrous: it depends on what is wrong with it22:17
bob_does one have to be concerned with the dns malware thats in the news?22:17
Sarrousimbezol: when I'm booting off it22:17
imbezolSarrous: you could try booting off a recovery or utility type CD so that you can work on it22:18
meganerdbob_: What DNS malware22:18
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imbezolSarrous: CD's like the one you can download at partimage.org often have good tools to try to do something with it22:18
Sarrousmeganerd: not sure whats wrong.22:18
meganerdSarrous: I am big fan of systemrescuecd as well as the Ubuntu Rescue Remix22:18
Quann_Quanwhy is it bad to use the root account?22:18
imbezolSarrous: you may be able to just fix the boot sector, rewrite the partition table, etc.. depending on what's up with it22:19
Sarrousimbezol & Meganerd: thanks22:19
bkc_Quann_Quan: because if you fuck something up by mistake, there's no going back ^^22:19
seeergiu-devcan anyone please say, what date is today?22:19
imbezolSarrous: if it's more serious.. there are tools like ddrescue to try to copy the disk to a file which you can then do recovery operations on but that gets a bit advanced22:19
zvacetQuann_Quan:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo22:19
Quann_Quanhow do i make a new account?22:19
escottQuann_Quan, it reduces your security model to that of windows 9522:19
meganerdor XP22:20
Guest2302seeergiu-dev: april 23rd?22:20
ProfessorBaconyeah but who makes payloads for windows 95??22:20
Sarrousimbezol: if it comes to it i'll restall refresh.22:20
bkc_meganerd: of win7 :/22:20
Quann_Quanoh haha sorry for the nooby question i just got linux22:20
meganerdbkc_: win7 actually gets it mostly right, better than Linux22:20
readerimbezol, when I typed 'who  -a'  it shows LOGIN tty4 tty5 tty3 .... and all what is that means ? is anyone logged in tty4, tty5 etc22:20
pangolinbkc_: Please, no swearing in here22:20
meganerdQuann_Quan: it is a valid question22:20
bkc_meganerd: I'd like to have a discussion about that topic, but it's offtopic in here ;)22:21
bkc_pangolin: sorry, my bad :(22:21
imbezolreader: tty is usually your local sessions. try this: 'ps fauxw | grep tty4'22:21
meganerdQuann_Quan: the news rarely understands what is going on, so it can be challenging to properly assess your own risk22:21
imbezolreader: that will show you the username and the process that's creating that login instance22:21
meganerdbkc_: not enough time for that OT today :)22:21
zvacetQuann_Quan: click on dash and type users accounts and there you can create new user22:22
imbezolreader: if the process is something like ssh, then it's remote22:22
bkc_reader: ctrl+alt+f1->f7 has tty's connected to them :)22:22
Quann_Quanassess at my own risk?22:22
meganerdQuann_Quan: when something hits the news it is usually big, from that you assess your own risk.  This is really OT here.22:23
bkc_Quann_Quan: it's fox-news... they lie :)22:23
readerimbezol, It shows " root      1010  0.0  0.0   1976   456 tty4     Ss+  01:00   0:00 /sbin/getty -8 38400 tty4" but I'am logged in as another user ! ?22:24
imbezolreader: that's because the getty process is running as root. when you log into it, it switches to the username that's logged in22:25
zvacetbkc_ : or fbi invited us to visit their web site clever guys  :)22:25
imbezolreader: if you do just "ps fauxw" then look you'll see the process "hanging" off that getty22:25
escottreader, getty just waits on the ttys to run the login application. thats normal22:25
bkc_zvacet: ^^22:25
readerimbezol, escott,bkc_, thanks!22:26
zvacetbkc_ : nice try isn´t it  ;)22:26
bkc_zvacet: indeed it is, but futile I tell you, futile... :)22:26
zvacetbkc_ : yes bur we are ot now so that is it back to support22:27
MestreLionwow guys, while researching for the rationale behind each group, look at what i've found: http://localhost:631  amazing!!! :D22:28
bkc_zvacet: not that many questions atm so going a bit OT shouldn't be a problem ^^22:28
MirkoKaMestreLion: you know what localhost is, don't you? ;-)22:29
readerimbezol,  One more problem , every time I try to connect  xchat  the network manager got restarted why it is restarting every time ? is there any Suspicious process running that?22:29
MestreLionhow come I've never stumbled on this before? ok, ok, if this is obvious old news, sorry... but i never knew cups had a web interface22:29
zvacetbkc_ : I see but there is channel for that kind  of talk22:29
MestreLionyes MirkoKa.. and I'm amazed it enables a web admin interface by default22:29
MestreLionI guess lpadmin is more than justified :P22:31
MirkoKaMestreLion: it's just a CUPS thing. CUPS installs a web-server for the config. has nothing to do with user groups.22:31
HelenBKubuntu wont answer my question but I want to know why things like websites, videos and music and pictures make my CPU go high on my netbook no matter what software I use to load them. I use Kubuntu 12 and my CPU shoots upto 90%.22:31
readerbkc_,  One more problem , every time I try to connect  xchat  the network manager got restarted why it is restarting every time ? is there any Suspicious process running that?22:32
MestreLionMirkoKa: it is tied to the lpadmin... you can't change settings in that web interface unless you are in lpadmin22:32
HelenBI can play music fine but if I load something like a webpage up my CPU will go high.22:32
bkc_reader: xchat works fine on my computer w/ nm. I'd look elsewhere :)22:32
HelenBI have a Dell Inspiron 101122:32
MestreLionHelenB: flash perhaps?22:32
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HelenBMestreLion, no22:32
HelenBAll I want is for my CPU to STOP going high!22:33
kingnebex<wylde> u r a realy funny guy22:33
readerbkc_, I mean is there any other program restarting it ?22:33
MirkoKaHelenB: which browser? what plugins/addons? how many  tabs?22:33
HelenBMirkoKa, chromium but firefox and other web browsers have the same effect.22:34
HelenBThis isn't just web browsers it's media players too22:34
bkc_reader: no idea, don't have your logs ^^22:34
HelenBand image viewers22:34
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SarrousHelenB: what site you looking at or is it all sites22:35
bkc_HelenB: what desktop-manager are you using?22:35
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bkc_Sarrous: it's not just websites, it's *everything*22:35
Sarrousbkc ah right22:35
HelenBSarrous, Most sites.22:35
pangolinHelenB: 12.04 support in #ubuntu+122:35
bogenthanks, you guys solved my problem, and it wast nothing you said22:35
readerbkc_, can u guide me to how to check those process in ubuntu22:35
NurseDadafter installiing the PPA for ubuntu -tweak how do I install the program22:35
HelenBbkc_, Obviously KDE.22:35
MirkoKaHelenB: does it happen for everything which is somehow "graphically" intense?22:36
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bkc_HelenB: that computer will never be able to run kde ^^ it will be slow as f*22:36
readerNurseDad, sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install22:36
HelenBbkc_, It runs KDE fine.22:36
HelenBit's fast22:36
HelenBthe cpu is at 10%22:36
bkc_HelenB: and then you start something ^^22:37
HelenBbut when i open up a media file/webpage it shoots up to 100%22:37
HelenBSo it's NOT KDE! lol22:37
pangolinit is off topic and I am going to remove you if you don't move this to #ubuntu+1 right now.22:37
HelenBno ext322:37
readerNurseDad, sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install  ubuntu-tweek22:37
bkc_pangolin: what's off-topic?22:37
HelenBpangolin, fine22:37
NurseDadreader thank you22:37
pangolinHelenB: thank you.. bkc_ 12.04 the dev release is not supported in this channel until it is released22:38
wyldekingnebex: how so? Seemed to me you wanted an explanation of the term.22:38
bkc_pangolin: sorry, missed that she said kubuntu 12 :/22:38
MirkoKacould have been said a little less agressive22:39
craigbass1976Is there a way to make shift+numpad1 = "highlight everything until the end of the line" instead of 1 ?22:41
craigbass1976Sorry... On a laptop keyboard22:41
auvajshello I try to install Ubuntu on a brand new laptop with just FreeDos preinstalled. but the live cd crashes after start.. strange screen shows up.. I have a video of it if you are insterested..22:43
bkc_auvajs: link to video?22:44
escott!nomodeset | auvajs22:44
ubottuauvajs: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter22:44
auvajsbkc_: http://www.uloz.to/xMsxM9W/img-0004-mp422:44
bkc_auvajs: one that doesn't involde 100k registrations ^^22:45
auvajsbkc_: you can download it for free just type the captcha letters22:45
bkc_auvajs: and that would be "Stàhnout" ?22:46
auvajsbkc_: stahnout means download. but I uploaded it to youtube so wait till it processes22:46
auvajsbkc_: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fdGzDDrDU7s&feature=youtu.be does it already work?22:47
bkc_auvajs: yes22:48
auvajsbkc_: very strange screen.. no idea.. it22:48
bkc_auvajs: that's the graphics-mode :)22:48
auvajsit's ubuntu-12.04-beta2-desktop-amd64.iso but I have the same result with ubuntu-11.10-desktop-amd64.iso too22:49
bkc_auvajs: take it to #ubuntu+1 as they probably know more about it :)22:49
jeyis there some place I can download the vmlinuz file for a stock Ubuntu kernel? i.e. the uncompressed kernel binary that has all the symbols still in it22:50
jeyi mean vmlinux, not vmlinuz22:50
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bkc_jey: why would you want that? :P22:51
wylde!kernal | jey22:51
jeybkc_, so I can profile my kernel using oprofile22:51
wylde!kernel | jey22:52
ubottujey: The core of Ubuntu is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, and if you need to troubleshoot issues, you can try a !Mainline kernel instead, but if you insist, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile (see also !Stages)22:52
MirkoKaauvajs: no answer, but google for "lenovo prefix set". it seems that there's a 64bit v.s 32bit issue22:52
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iHarphey guys22:54
iHarpQuestion: How can I make my kernel aware of a new video driver that I have downloaded without screwing anything up.?22:55
iHarpI understand that it isn't as easy as copy paste.22:55
bkc_what driver?22:55
jeyspecifically when I profile my system when it slows down i see that 40% of the time is spent in the kernel, so I want to see if I have some bad  driver or something22:56
jeythat is, profiling with oprofile22:56
SteevcaWhen i opet dash home,and when i click to view all installed apps,and try to scroll down i get some "lag" after the third scroll.22:56
iHarpbkc_: NVIDIA-Linux-x86-177.82-pkg122:57
bkc_iHarp: just run the installer :)22:57
bkc_but really... 177 :/22:57
iHarpcool. thanks22:57
jeyseems there's a ddebs repo with the debug symbols, I'll try that22:57
iHarpbkc_: What's wrong with 177?22:57
bkc_iHarp: I'd suggest installing the latest driver (295.40) as it is more stable and less memory-hungry :)22:57
szaldid they update the 173?22:58
bkc_ooh... legacy... nm...22:58
bkc_iHarp: 195 is the latest legacy iirc22:58
iHarpSweet. I'll check it out. thanks for the input.22:58
benccwhat does this means in a package? is it unstable? crtmpserver (0.0~dfsg+svn611.1-2) http://packages.ubuntu.com/precise/crtmpserver22:59
benccwhat is 0.0~dfsg22:59
EvilResistancebencc:  might ask the devs of that package22:59
jeythe kernel debug symbols package is 639 mb?! wow23:00
benccEvilResistance: I thought it might be a naming convention dfsg23:00
MirkoKabencc: version numbers are so absolutely and highly project and even developer dependent that it is impossible to have a general convention. ask the developers23:01
sarahSI'm trying to set up a virtual host on ubuntu 11.10, and for some reason, my virtual hosts seem to be getting Options -Indexes directives from "somewhere else."  That somewhere else is not apache2.conf or sites-enabled/000-default.  Does anybody here have any insight to share?23:01
AnnieHello! I need some help: Cannot login after installing the 12.04 beta23:01
jrib!precise | Annie23:01
ubottuAnnie: Ubuntu 12.04 LTS (Precise Pangolin) is the 16th release of Ubuntu and is in Beta testing from 2nd March, Discussion and support until final release in #ubuntu+123:01
iHarpbkc_: (195.36.24 Certified) Sound good?23:01
Anniejrib well unity is not installed and whatever wm i try to use from the logonscreen it just flashes some text and send me back to the logon screen..23:03
irisI have a questionn23:03
jribAnnie: support for 12.04 is in #ubuntu+1 until final release23:03
irisDoes Wubi causee Ubuntu to be really slow?23:03
irisOr is it just my dual boot crappy Dell.23:03
escottiris, wubi will be slower23:03
irisOk So how do I uninstall it?23:04
irisfrom WIndows.23:04
bkc_iris: iirc wubi loopback-mounts a ext3-fs from a ntfs-partition... in what way will that not be slow ^^23:04
irisbkc what the bloody hell does that mean.23:04
MirkoKaIME, wubi wan't all *that* slow. slower yes, but not that much that it affected normal operation.23:05
irisExcuse my language, I was told to come here from ##NewBoston where swearing is moderatel allowed.23:05
bkc_iris: that means it's going to be slow as fudge ^^23:05
irisSoftware center crashes all the time.23:05
irisSo does Chromium.23:05
escottiris, some people do manage to use wubi so they must find it fast enough, so your hardware might just be slow to begin with, but wubi will be slower than running directly on the disk23:05
MirkoKairis: to uninstalling wubi should work similar to uninstalling every window app IIRC23:06
irisSo how do I delete it? I have a CD.23:06
irisI don't have to uninstll partitions?23:06
escottiris, i think you just delete the wubi folder and uninstall the wubi application23:06
bkc_iris: it's just like installing MS office ^^23:06
irisJust the program file?23:06
bkc_escott: no!23:06
escottiris, there is no partition23:06
irisSo, how would I remove the partition?23:07
bkc_add/remove programs23:07
christhisisgoolto uninstall wubi, you just do it like any other app23:07
christhisisgoolin windows23:07
bkc_what he said23:07
irisUninstall Wubi, but will it show up to install either?23:07
irisI mean select when you boot?23:07
christhisisgoolplease be clearer on what you mean23:07
chull2058how do I locate Ubuntu files I have downloaded while on Ubuntu, through windows if I am using Windows at that time?23:08
MirkoKairis: wubi doesn't create a partition, that's the whole point of it. just remove it using Start -> Control -> Software23:08
irisThe dual boot screen.23:08
irisOkay. Thanks.23:08
irisThat was helpful.23:08
gateway2006Hello, I am new to all of this - I don't know if I am using the correct channel -  but hope you can recommend the correct channel or a solution.  I have installed 11.10 and it works great - except that it does not recognize my Marvell 88E8057 wireless card - the card works when using XP.  nm-tool shows that the driver (sky)is there but unavailable. Can someone suggest the next step in troubleshooting?  Marvell does offer a Lin23:08
irisNow should I install using my 11.04 disk or make a 12.04 disk.23:08
christhisisgooloh, if you uninstall the wubi from add remove programs then the boot screen will automatically go away23:09
irisOkay, thanks.23:09
irisWhat I wanted to know..23:09
hypershockgateway2006: have tried searching google for "ubuntu 11.10 marvel"?23:09
irisNot very good with partitions.23:09
wangorhow to start a server/service just after reboot on an ubuntu server? is placing a .conf file in /etc/init/ the only way to go? seems to me my web server starts even though I can't find it there23:09
irisDo any of you code?23:09
gateway2006not yet - but will do it!23:09
christhisisgooliris: probably want to go with 12.04, which is due to be released sometime soon ( think its the 26th) rather than a version that is almost dead.23:09
christhisisgooliris: if bash counts, then yes! if not, then i guess i have some experience with html and c++23:10
christhisisgoolbut nothing major23:10
irisShould I wait till Thursday or do the beta? And it is the 26.23:10
christhisisgooli would wait until thursday23:10
christhisisgooljust to make sure its stable23:10
MirkoKachull2058: either use a program like http://www.fs-driver.org/ or better, boot ubuntu and copy/move the files to a windows partition. then, to prevent further trouble, change your ubuntu download location to a windows drive23:11
chull2058Ok thanks MirkoKa23:11
irisI do Java, and am learning C/++/ASM. I plan too learn Python before I turn 15 though.23:12
irisThanks everybody for the help.23:12
iHarpHow to properly shutdown an X server?23:12
hypershockchull2058: to save time, when you are in ubuntu, you could mount your windows partition, and then link over the directories you need access too. That way you can put all of your downloads, docs, music etc into a common folder between both operating systems.23:12
escottiHarp, sudo service lightdm stop23:13
irisSo is anyone here >=13?23:13
christhisisgooliris: what do you mean?23:13
irisI mean <=13.23:13
irisUnder or equal to 13.23:13
hypershockiris: are you 13?23:13
christhisisgoolin age?23:13
iris12 actually.23:13
christhisisgooloh, well im a year older than that23:13
irisIn 2.5 months I am 13.23:13
christhisisgoolor not23:13
chull2058hypershock, Great Idea - Thanks!23:14
hypershockyeah, we were all 13 at one time.23:14
MirkoKairis: that is offtopic here. but age doesn't count. turned 36 on sunday ;-)23:14
irisWell currently.23:14
irisSorry just curious.23:14
chull2058ugh I turn the big 40 in July :(23:14
christhisisgoolhow do you shutdown a x server if you are using something other than lightdm?23:14
hypershockchull2058: that's nothing, wait until your teeth fall out.23:15
christhisisgoolsuch as gdm?23:15
meganerdchristhisisgool: sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop23:15
meganerdchristhisisgool: or kdm23:15
chull2058haha, you are right about that.23:15
irisBye Ubuntu enthusiasts, thank you for your help.23:15
hypershockchristhisisgool: btw, hitting ctrl alt del, your ubuntu system will pick that up and restart everything for you too.23:16
yamalalgun español?23:16
mrflibblethanks guys, time for me to go23:16
MirkoKa!es | yamal23:16
ubottuyamal: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.23:16
christhisisgooli wasnt looking to restart the whole system, just log out of a x server that was started from a command line23:16
linuxjoneshello all, i am pretty new to linux and have run into a problem, i have had this laptop for quite some time, and have had everything running fine, well i havent started it for a while so yesterday i booted her up and had some updates to install, so i installed them and played around with some stuff, and when i got home from work today i booted it up and now i only have read access to everything in my own home folder, are there any kn23:16
linuxjonesown issues leading to this or did i mess something up?23:16
easytigercan one add a sudo option so a user can only install packages? or is there a group for it23:16
escotthypershock, nozap has been set in xorg for a while now23:16
wangorhelp, how to start services/servers just after reboot? is /etc/init the only way to go? seems to me my web server isn't there, yet it does start after reboot.23:16
yamalno puedo instalar paquetes x86 en mi ordenador que tiene ubuntux86 alguien me lo explica? en el ubuntu software center me dice que error de arquitectura23:17
christhisisgoollinuxjones: try to log in as root and then change all of the permissions that way23:17
hypershockescott: really, cause I have no problem rebooting my system by hitting that combo using 11.1023:17
christhisisgoolby typing in sudo su23:17
christhisisgoolthen nautilus23:17
christhisisgoolin the terminal23:17
christhisisgool<code> sudo su </code> <code> nautilus </code>23:18
MirkoKawangor: see chkconfig23:18
hypershockescott: yeah, just tried it, it intercepts and asks me what to do, with a timer, and if i don't respond, it continues with the reboot.23:18
escotthypershock, ahh sorry thought you said ctrl-alt-backspace23:18
christhisisgooloops thought for a moment that this would take html23:18
hypershockescott: aye and that explains why that don't work, so i learned something today. :)23:18
wyldechristhisisgool: that's not the recommended way to get root in ubuntu. 'sudo -i' will do it.23:19
linuxjoneschristhisisgool, well in the permissions tab of the properties it says i have read & write but i dont, delete is greyed out and everything23:19
hypershockchristhisisgool: if you want to do stuff like that use pastebin and send the channel the link.23:19
linuxjoneschristhisisgool, will that make a difference?23:19
escottchristhisisgool, if you startx then you close your last xterm or if you have a session manager then you close that and x closes23:20
iHarpsorry. wrong chat23:20
christhisisgoolok thanks guys.23:21
christhisisgooloh, and linuxjones, no it shouldnt matter whether you use that or not23:21
* hypershock notes that when you think this is better than cybering, the you might be a geek!23:23
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linuxjonesim back! this may be a dumb question, but is there a way to restore my computer to a fresh install of ubuntu without actually reinstalling?23:38
bkc_linuxjones: not that I know of, that would be to purge everything and the reinstalling them again :)23:39
simplewcan i install kde in ubuntu?23:39
quetzalsimplew: sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop23:40
linuxjonesok thank you23:41
KommaHHey everyone.23:43
KommaHIs there a /var/log that contains segfaults?23:43
MirkoKaKommaH: no. segfaults are immediate and critical failures of a process, unless there is some monitoring process there is no chance to catch and log a segfault. what problem are you facing23:45
KommaHMirkoKa: Ah, just trying to help a developer debug a sneaky bug.23:45
KommaHApplication quits with no error whatsoever. We think it might be due to a segfault.23:45
KommaHWell, anyways, thanks for the help. We'll probably wind up using gdb. Just wondering if there was a shortcut.23:47
skelKommaH: have you tried running it in strace?23:47
KommaHTa-ta for now.23:47
KommaHHm? Never used strace before.23:47
MirkoKaKommaH: segfaults should be reported to stderr. if there is nor error message at all, then either it's no segfault, or the program behaves really, really, bad. strace, ltrace or a debugger should help23:47
KommaHThanks so much for the helpful advice. Props to MirkoKa and skel!23:48
=== AntORG_ is now known as AntORG
Sedativcan anyone help me, I'm ina bit of a jam23:50
daftykins!ask | Sedativ23:51
ubottuSedativ: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience23:51
SedativI have a problem with my ISP ... I have to change my IP address on one of my servers as fast as possible, and change it in Apache and Bind as well ... can anyone give me some advice?23:52
milamberSedativ: gnudip23:52
SolarisBoySedativ: whats the problem you have?23:53
simplewwhy do is needed 13o mb to install konversation???23:54
Sedativwell first I need to add a subnet to my router ... I have bought the ips since last year but ... I can't manage to set them up on my router ... and then I need to figure out a way to change the ip on my server wihtout any down time23:54
simplewwhy do is needed 130 mb to install konversation???23:54
=== torm3nt is now known as Oddman
daftykinssimplew: KDE program, so it needs all the KDE libraries23:55
christhisisgoolsimplew: programs take up space23:55
christhisisgooland what he said ^23:55
bkc_daftykins: It's not kde, it's Qt :)23:55
simplewit did NOT showed, told me that what packages were neeeded to install, neither asked me if i wanted to install any needed packages,  what packae management tool is this???23:55
MirkoKasimplew: because it's a KDE program and Ubuntu ships only with Gnome by default, so you need to install the basic QT/KDE libs too23:56
bkc_simplew: it's a simple one...23:56
simplewIt did not told me nothing!!!23:56
simplewit did not asked me nothing!!!23:56
daftykinsbkc_: baaaaah. what's the distinction?23:56
simplewthe distintion?!? well i would prefer not to install if it neded all those packages!!!23:56
bkc_Qt == graphics-lib, KDE = Desktop-manager :)23:56
christhisisgool the purpose of a package managment tool is to make sure that you have all the dependencies without having to go and find them yourlself.23:56
meganerdsimplew: what did you use to install the package?23:57
christhisisgoolso, if you would rather hunt down all of the deps yourself, then you can go without package management23:57
simplewso far all the package management tools asked me if i wanted to continue with the isntalation where there was more packages to install, in which this is clrearly not the case23:57
simplewwhat a crpa23:57
dniMretsaMsimplew: what program did you use?23:58
meganerdsimplew: don't blame the tool...23:58
simplewim using ubuntu app to manage packages23:58
simplewnamed: Ubuntu Software Management23:58
meganerdsimplew: if you want finer grained control, you can use apt-get or aptitude23:58
MirkoKasimplew: personal opinion: don't use the software center. it's broken in so many ways. use Synaptic.23:58
Sedativcould someone please prv me for my problem? I'm having trouble following this chat23:58
christhisisgoolagreed with mirkoka23:58
simplewMirkoKa: yes its a crap23:58
simplewit should always ask user to continue the isntalation or not23:59
meganerdsimplew: MirkoKa works fine for most people I know23:59
meganerdsimplew: really?  It should?23:59
simplewyes it should23:59
simplewa normal manager would23:59
simplewso far all the ones i used did asked23:59
meganerdsimplew: for me perhaps, but this is perhaps not the best approach for everyone23:59

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