=== _thumper_ is now known as thumper [06:47] morning [06:47] so, silly, error, I didn't take headset with me, so I lack a mic [06:50] lol ;) [06:50] hey mgz, lifeless [06:52] can listen on headphones and type, but you'll all miss out on the gurgles from niece [07:11] jelmer: are you around? mgz is available for our standup on mumble === jam1 is now known as jam [07:14] jam: I'm on my way [08:50] mgz: for some reason I still had you listed as a 1:1 today, did you have anything else you wanted to mention? [08:51] I think I just moved the meeting from the wrong day, and meant to do it next week [09:08] jam: nothing important I think [09:09] I figured everything was already covered. Have a great week === yofel_ is now known as yofel === jcsackett_ is now known as jcsackett [14:44] trunk is the equivalent of "master" in git? :-) [14:59] "trunk" is just a naming convention [15:00] bzr doesn't consider any branch any more or less canonical than any other. They're just branches [15:08] LeoNerd: okie [15:08] :-) [15:08] it converted my git master branch to trunk [15:08] thougbh [15:08] it seems [15:08] with fast-import [15:09] Yeah that's likely just a naming convention [15:12] ok [15:14] so I just transferred my git repo to bzr [15:14] and now I have a directory [15:15] and it contains trunk.remote somebranch.remote [15:15] I want to remove everything except trunk [15:15] shall I just rm -rf them [15:15] or is there a bzr way to do it? :-) [15:15] can't find in the docs [15:17] bzr remove-branch ah [20:04] lduros: bzr-git maps master to trunk, because trunk is the more common convention outside of the world of git - but it's still just convention [20:04] maxb: sure ok :-) [20:05] trunk is fine with me [20:05] :-) [20:06] maxb: s/bzr-git/bzr-fastimport/ ? [20:07] er, possibly, :-)