
StevenKwgrant: Are you for reviewing https://code.launchpad.net/~stevenk/launchpad/bugs-information_type-ui-portlet/+merge/103193 ?00:02
wgrantStevenK: Probably not right now, (see -ops)00:03
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StevenKwallyworld_: Since wgrant is distracted by *redacted*, can you review my branch?01:32
wallyworld_StevenK: ok, just give me a few minutes before i look. i've found a flaw in our person vocab i'm in the middle of fixing01:33
StevenKwallyworld_: Still distracted?01:51
wallyworld_StevenK: just writing up a mp, almost done'01:51
StevenKShould I prod lifeless so I can have three people who are too busy to review my branch? :-P01:51
wallyworld_it's complicated so i wan tto do it before i forget what i need to say01:51
bigjoolswallyworld_: at your age, it's easy to forget I suppose02:03
wallyworld_bigjools: fuck off02:04
bigjoolsexactly my predicted response :)02:04
wallyworld_StevenK: looking now02:04
wallyworld_StevenK: test_proprietary_hidden - i don't think the test is sufficient. proprietary should only be visible if the bug is targetted to a commercial project right? and the test doesn't do that so i think it will succeed even without the feature flag02:09
StevenKwallyworld_: We don't currently limit it like that.02:10
wallyworld_we are supposed to i think. it's limited like that on the +sharing page02:11
StevenKwallyworld_: For the moment, we hide it in the UI everywhere via the feature flag02:12
StevenKI'm just making sure it isn't leaking into the JS02:12
wallyworld_ok. so long as we don't accidentally toggle the flag and have proprietary exposed when it shouldn't be02:13
StevenKwallyworld_: I know PROPRIETARY needs more work.02:14
wallyworld_yeah. hopefully between the 5 of us we won't do something dumb by mistake02:14
wallyworld_it wouldn't be much work though to add the extra check02:15
StevenKwallyworld_: So it also dealt with correctly on Bug:+secrecy and a few other places02:16
StevenKIt needs careful thought and planning02:16
StevenKSo I don't want to go off and just do this, I'd like the five of us to discuss how we handle that and do it properly02:17
StevenK(In a new branch02:17
wallyworld_so we must enable disclosure.proprietary_information_type.disabled on prod before landing this then02:17
StevenKIt doesn't matter, it won't get hit because show_information_type_in_ui is off02:19
wallyworld_it would be good to turn it on though as a safety measure02:20
wallyworld_just to ensure it's there when we do toggle the show in ui flag02:21
StevenKI wasn't planning on setting anything on prod yet02:21
StevenKAnd have all 3 flags set on qas on Thursdasy02:21
wallyworld_StevenK:  if (privacy_link && LP.cache.show_information_type_in_ui) {..... do you think a nested if() would be better?02:22
wallyworld_if( privacy_link) { if(show_in_ui) ... else ....  }02:22
StevenKI can, I didn't think it was worth it02:24
lifeless-> dentist02:24
wallyworld_StevenK:  i think it's cleaner. i'll leave it up to you02:25
StevenKwallyworld_: I was trying to avoid indenting the inner block another level so the diff isn't massive02:25
StevenKSince the current JS code there is about 150 lines02:25
wallyworld_figured as much :-) i don't mind an extra few lines in the diff if the code is cleaner02:25
StevenKwallyworld_: I'd personally prefer a smaller diff :-)02:26
wallyworld_surely final code clarity is most important?02:27
wallyworld_i couldn't really care less about the diff size02:27
StevenKwallyworld_: TBH, I'd rather not touch that 150 line massive block at all -- it's untested, and I can hopefully delete it in two weeks or so.02:28
wallyworld_StevenK: 120+ title: "Change Information Type"    should be "Change information type"? not sure02:28
StevenKwallyworld_: Which do you prefer?02:30
wallyworld_whatever the coding standards say02:30
StevenKI just fixed Bug:+secrecy to say Change information type02:31
wallyworld_i think it's "Change info type"02:31
StevenKSo let me fix this too02:31
wallyworld_StevenK: also, information_type_edit.on("save", function(e) {...}) -- the guts of the function should be broken out into a separate method which can be unit tested02:32
StevenKEr, what guts? I set up a bunch of variables and then call named_post?02:33
wallyworld_so you want to separate out the concerns. hooking into a choice selection and doing the xhr call are separate things. in the sharing stuff where i've used a mvc approach, the onsave published an event which the controller subscribes to and these aspects are separately tested. here,  a separate method would be sufficient02:35
wallyworld_out code has too much of this stuff in it - it's an anti pattern which would be good to eliminate02:36
wallyworld_another argument - it's very much like visual basic eeewwww02:37
StevenKwallyworld_: Sure, but I don't see what value that gets us. The guts are in ChoiceSource and the save() function is quite small.02:37
wallyworld_how do you test the save action then without invoking the popup? you can't02:38
wallyworld_your unit tests are compromised02:38
StevenKBut how can I, it needs the data from the popup02:38
wallyworld_you test the separate method by passing in data you provide and such data is as per what the popup would provide02:39
StevenKSo you want more tests?02:39
wallyworld_one more would be needed if the logic were separated out02:40
StevenKAnd I here I was thinking that two days writing JS tests was enough.02:40
wallyworld_depends what you want. spagetti ish code of properly constructed mvc style code02:41
wallyworld_it would be good if we could start avoiding some of the mistakes of the past for new work02:41
wallyworld_if i were writing this, i wouldn't even be using a namespace, i'd use proper yui widgets02:42
StevenKThat last comment makes me feel SO much better02:43
* StevenK goes to grab lunch02:43
wallyworld_sorry, i was just trying to say that it's ok to compromise on some things, but if we do let's get the structure right02:44
wallyworld_i only just recently started using yui widgets as they were intended myself02:44
lifelesshttps://launchpad.net/~lifeless/+participation is buggy04:29
lifelessshows owner as member04:29
lifelessnow, is the bug filed04:29
lifelessflacoste: we might want to consider removing https://launchpad.net/~rosetta-alpha, the distinction vs beta is perhaps unneeded?04:38
wgrantlifeless: There's also ~launchpad-recipe-beta04:47
StevenKSigh, now the tests say no JS05:50
* StevenK stabs setup_privacy_notification for being so crap06:03
StevenKwallyworld_: Hai06:06
StevenKThree days on JS tests. /wrists06:07
StevenKwallyworld_: MP updated.06:21
wallyworld_StevenK: thanks, looking06:23
wallyworld_StevenK: looking good. test_information_type_save_success has stuff commented out. plus06:28
wallyworld_test_save_information_type - you need to provide a success response and check that save_success is called06:28
wallyworld_i can point you at some examples06:28
wallyworld_test_perform_update_information_type still has the mockio calls which aren't needed there - you just need to ensure that the save is called06:29
wallyworld_same technique as checking save_success called in test_save_information_type06:30
wallyworld_see _test_delete_confirmation in test_bugtask_delete for an example of monkey patching a method to ensure it's called06:32
StevenKDamn it, I thought I had finished with the tests06:38
StevenKAnd then you point out I still had stuff commented out :-(06:38
StevenKAnd I'm back to null isn't an object.06:39
* StevenK slams his head through his desk a few times06:39
wallyworld_sorry :-(06:39
StevenKI'm sick of this branch06:40
wallyworld_i don't blame you06:41
StevenKvar node = this._node; and node is null? :-(06:43
wallyworld_which code is that from?06:43
wallyworld_that means that one of the nodes or selectors passed to choiceedit is not defined and so the resulting node is null06:44
StevenKIt's calling display_privacy_notification() and dying06:44
wallyworld_let me find that method06:45
wallyworld_initial thought - one way to solve this is to add some dummy nodes to the html harness06:47
wallyworld_the ones which display_privacy_notification tries to find and flash06:47
wallyworld_or stub out the call to that method and just check that it has been called06:48
StevenKI thought I'd done enough, but I can't figure out what node the privacy notification is trying to grab and failing06:48
wallyworld_one thing it looks for is a node with class "global-notification"06:48
wallyworld_that is probably a div or something06:48
StevenKwallyworld_: Would you prefer I stub it out, or fix it to work?06:49
wallyworld_easiest to just add the fake nodes to the html harness06:49
wallyworld_less work06:49
StevenKI think it's easier to stub the fucker out, given I've been fighting with this for hours.06:49
wallyworld_to stub it out, you need to monkey patch it and then add it back at the end of the test, so about 6 or 7 lines of js06:50
wallyworld_vs one line of html per node06:50
wallyworld_of which there are perhaps 2 or 306:50
wallyworld_StevenK: want me to finish off the branch for you?06:51
StevenKI've done the stubbing out for save_information_type06:51
StevenKAnd I've added the div to HTML06:51
StevenKNode is still null after adding div class="global-notification"06:52
StevenKI'm tempted to stub it out. We don't want to test it here.06:52
StevenKIf it's called and the body has a private class, we're good.06:53
wallyworld_ok, whatever is easiest at this stage :-) i'm handwaving a bit06:53
StevenKAnd working.06:57
StevenKwallyworld_: Diff updated.07:02
StevenKwallyworld_: Pushed another change to completly drop mockio from test_perform_update_information_type.07:05
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* wallyworld_ looks07:18
StevenKwallyworld_: Still looking?07:28
wallyworld_StevenK: yeah, bigjools distracted me07:29
StevenKwallyworld_: Oh, did you want me to add back the library_exists test? I removed it because I thought it was a stub test just to show how to write one.07:29
wallyworld_StevenK: theoretically it should be there07:30
StevenKwallyworld_: I'll resurrect it07:30
wallyworld_it ensures the module is correctly declared/defined07:30
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wallyworld_StevenK: test_perform_update_information_type - the function stub should assert that the passed in value is as expected07:32
wallyworld_Y.Assert.areEqual(xxx, value)07:32
StevenKwallyworld_: Okay, anything else?07:34
wallyworld_don't think so. i'm about to approve :-) sorry to be picky about it earlier. i think the tests are great now07:35
wallyworld_i would ask for a save success test where the privacy banner were hidden but you'l lkill me :-)07:36
wallyworld_to compliment the one where it is shown07:36
wallyworld_it should just be a cut'n'paste where s/show/hide :-)07:38
StevenKAnd hasClass('public')07:38
wallyworld_r=me anyway. fix if you want :-) if you do fix, the tests then provide good coverage07:39
wallyworld_and the extra test ensures that we have covered private being turned on and off and the page is updated as expected07:40
StevenKYes, I've just finished adding it07:40
wallyworld_thanks. i bet you can't wait to do another javascript branch!!!07:41
* StevenK wraps his mouse cord around his neck and pulls very very tightly.07:43
StevenKOh, damn it!! My mouse is cordless!07:44
* bigjools hands StevenK some rope07:44
* nigelb hands StevenK some noodles.07:44
StevenKNoodles? How do they help?07:45
StevenKAnd gee, two people helping me commit suicide.07:45
StevenKI'm not sure if I should be touched or disgusted.07:45
nigelbYou probably don't need help. You work on LP :P07:45
* nigelb runs away07:45
* StevenK points nigelb to https://dev.launchpad.net/Contributions07:46
nigelbWat. I'm still 4th. Needs fixing.07:46
StevenK3 more landing07:47
nigelb3 more landings which delete code. That's a bigger challenge.07:47
StevenKNot really07:48
* StevenK finally throws portlet at ec207:49
bigjoolsI am currently working with Django.  It might be worse than LP.07:49
wgrantIn parts.07:50
nigelbbigjools: You don't work on LP anymore?07:50
bigjoolsnigelb: haven;t  been since January, I was doing MAAS.  Start part of LP team though.07:50
bigjoolsStart?  Still*07:50
nigelbbigjools: Oh. Interesting. Did not know.07:51
czajkowskiStevenK: have you seen this weeks desktop image the chunkey has been removed07:51
StevenKczajkowski: I have fear.07:51
adeuringgood moorning08:02
czajkowskiStevenK: less scary08:02
czajkowskiadeuring: ello08:02
czajkowskibest tool ever evented - listadmin08:03
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StevenKczajkowski: How so? (Re: G+)10:24
czajkowskiStevenK: https://plus.google.com/photos/102921374554385564572/albums/5730819334465556225/5734582582300875890  is niec and innocent looking without the scary chunkey10:27
StevenKczajkowski: I meant your PPA comment10:27
czajkowskiStevenK: how ws I gonna work that out now really :)10:28
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czajkowskiStevenK: each time I get to figure out an answer for one, a new one comes up and wgrant points out its the user not the ppa10:29
czajkowskibut until that happens I go around in cirlces wondering wtf is up with the ppa10:29
wgrantThe trouble with letting people run code as part of a feature is that they come up with infinitely many different failures to blame on us :)10:30
czajkowskiwgrant: like the one last night whouc pointed out WRONG ANSWER10:30
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deryckMorning, all.13:01
rick_hmorning deryck13:03
deryckI've had all I can take of these doc tests.13:03
deryckThey will die today.13:04
czajkowskideryck: and good morning to you13:13
stubImportError: No module named convoy.meta13:50
StevenKYour deps are out of date.13:50
rick_hStevenK: are you avail next monday night for our convoy call? I need to reset that back up after the utter failure last time13:56
StevenKrick_h: I don't see an issue with that13:58
rick_hStevenK: ok, will send out a new email shortly then and see if I get any replies.13:58
StevenKrick_h: Perhaps you should chat to the others first. I'm happy to fit in with them.13:59
StevenKAnd if that doesn't work, get deryck to poke their managers until they squeal.13:59
rick_hhah will do14:00
StevenKrick_h: However, convoy 0.2.4 is in our PPA14:00
rick_hStevenK: is it? last I knew I still broke the build14:00
rick_hwith my makefile that does make test first14:00
StevenKI fixed that.14:00
rick_hah, I'll look then, ty much14:00
StevenKYour Makefile is sort of pointless, but meh14:00
rick_hStevenK: yea, but I've got vim shortcuts and such to auto make test and things14:00
rick_hso standard + place + handy14:01
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sinzuimrevell, ping14:37
sinzuijcsackett, ping14:38
jcsackettsinzui: pong.14:38
sinzuijcsackett,  how goes the day?14:39
jcsackettsinzui: alright. looking into cleaning up code mess i noticed on last week's branches. you?14:39
mrevellhey sinzui. Thanks for the email and the LEP updates. I won't be able to look at them in detail until tomorrow afternoon.14:40
sinzuimrevell, I think https://dev.launchpad.net/LEP/PrivateProjects need a total rewrite. It talks mostly of what other leps do...my team cannot read that and know what to build?14:42
* sinzui hopes he is not the only one who really knows what private projects are14:42
mrevellsinzui, I believe I have a good grasp of what we're looking to achieve with private projects, so I can do that rewrite.14:43
sinzuijcsackett, I am torn to write again, which depresses me, work on an entitlement queue mechanism, which depresses me, or return to ie8 which depresses me14:43
jcsackettsinzui: ugh.14:44
jcsackettsinzui: if it's just a case of not wanting to step on toes, there's the "Share None" card -- i don't think any of us are working on that.14:45
sinzuimrevell, I can delete the non-relevant parts of page, but i would limit myself to two hours to put what should be in the page.14:45
sinzuijcsackett, I think we can undertake it know that bogtaskflat is in place14:46
jcsackettsinzui: yeah, i think it's ready. i was just presenting it as something else you could do if you need a break from the three things you've been doing for weeks.14:46
sinzuiI try not to make myself a part of the critical path because I need to be available/distractable at all times14:47
jcsackettsinzui: fair.14:47
sinzuijcsackett,  put a card on the board to describe the clean up.14:53
jcsackettsinzui: sure thing, thought i had.14:58
gary_posterjml, hey.  Hopefuly helpful heads up that does not bother us right now: when you install the current subunit trunk as built in a PPA, it builds subunit-filter to run with python3, which is broken.  subunit is not importable by python 3.  Do you want me to file this trunk packaging bug as a subunit software bug, or just leave this with you here on IRC, or...?15:14
jmlgary_poster: trunk bug pleaose15:25
gary_posterack jml will do15:25
kirklandis it possible to apt-mirror a private-ppa?16:13
kirklandI'm trying to use my private url with the name:pw embedded in it16:13
kirklandbut that's not working16:13
kirklandnevermind, I think I found a hack16:16
abentleyderyck: There's no OCR.  At your leisure, could you please review https://code.launchpad.net/~abentley/launchpad/archivejob/+merge/103331 ?17:29
deryckabentley, sure.17:29
abentleyderyck: thanks.17:30
gary_posterderyck, I'm seeing errors trying to import convoy (and thus breaking make) in a fresh build of r15141.  Do you know anything about this? I seem to recall you and maybe rick_h involved with convoy?  Probably completely wrong :-P but if you have any info I'd appreciate it17:31
rick_hgary_poster: it should be in the deps17:31
deryckgary_poster, rick_h and I are totally to blame :)17:31
rick_hno new issues with it in some time, last change was > month ago17:32
rick_hgary_poster: any more details on error?17:32
gary_posterrick_h, deryck :-)17:32
gary_posterthis is in parallel testing, which has similarly been running fine for some time17:32
gary_posterfor some definition of fine ;-)... *this* has been fine17:32
rick_hgary_poster: gotcha, I know SteveK did update the PPA build last night to fix the build17:32
rick_hso guess there is a change recently, I lied17:33
deryckgary_poster, yeah, maybe update packages?17:33
gary_posterderyck, this is as of a completely fresh ec2 instance created and initialized from scratch about 4 hours ago.  rick_h this doesn't tell me much new :-) http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/944439/17:33
gary_posterso is this supposed to be installed via debs?17:34
rick_hgary_poster: yea, it's pulled from lp's ppa17:34
gary_posterok, lemme run with that for a second...17:34
rick_hgary_poster: so yea, just looks like it's not installed atm.17:34
dhillon-v10hi all, I have a quick question about launchpad PPA's: so i just finished compiling a custom kernel and the whole process resulted in 2 debian packages, the kernel contains a debian folder with all the make files and stuff, now if I upload the patched source to launchpad will it build the kernel for me and let me download the debs?17:35
gary_posterrick_h, appears to be! http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/944443/17:35
abentleyderyck: Could you please run "select count(*) from archivejob" against the staging DB?17:36
gary_posterthis is in on lucid (that is, in a lucid lxc container) fwiw17:36
rick_hgary_poster: hmm, yea so that's the right version and eveyrthing17:36
deryckabentley, sure.  give me two seconds.... new connect command IIRC and haven't run it yet.  consulting mail....17:37
rick_hgary_poster: can just a normal python shell can you import convoy.meta? Guessing path issue?17:37
gary_posterrick_h, no, you can't17:37
gary_posterheh http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/944449/17:37
rick_hgary_poster: ok, give me a sec to update my local install and see if it's something I can get due to recent package update17:38
deryckabentley, 0 results.17:39
abentleyderyck: Thanks.  So the odds are that there are no rows on production either...17:39
rick_hdoh, not getting issue getting an updated python-memcache? Anyone else seen this via rocketfuel-get?17:39
rick_h  Getting distribution for 'python-memcached==1.49DEV-r57'.17:40
rick_hsorry Error: Couldn't find a distribution for 'python-memcached==1.49DEV-r57'.17:40
deryckabentley, yeah, good odds.17:40
deryckrick_h, update download cache?17:40
gary_posterrick_h, suspicious? http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/944455/17:43
rick_hderyck: got it, yea don't know what that didn't update17:43
rick_hgary_poster: yea, seems to be missing the python bits :/17:44
rick_hguessing the StevenK update package lost some files17:44
deryckrick_h, cool17:44
gary_posterseems like it17:45
* rick_h goes to see if it's possible to see what changed17:45
rick_hgary_poster: so I'll work with stevek on that. Is it possible for you guys to cheat and pull the python package just to unblock you?17:46
gary_posterrick_h, may I leave this with you for now?  Please ping me if you'd like me to help, and also please ping me if you find a resolution.  Also, if you verify the problem we probably should send a note to launchpad-dev so others know what is going on.  pulling the Python package: not easy because we're testing LP trunk, and rebuilding every time :-P If it starts to be really painful we can make our own branch of trunk17:47
gary_posterI guess17:47
gary_posterbut it is kind of a big deal to us17:47
gary_posternot gigantic17:47
gary_posterbut not small :-)17:47
rick_hgary_poster: yea, I'm just not 100% sure how this is setup since SteveK has been doing it from the start.17:48
gary_postergotcha rick_h17:48
rick_hI've handled all the python and he all the packaging17:48
rick_hgary_poster: definitely, I'll send an email to -dev17:48
gary_postercool thanks rick_h.17:48
rick_hthanks for the heads up, sorry for the borkage17:49
gary_posternp, welcome17:49
abentleyderyck: Could you also please review https://code.launchpad.net/~abentley/launchpad/celery-everywhere-6/+merge/103346 ?18:51
deryckabentley, sure.18:52
deryckabentley, I'll get them before I EOD.18:52
abentleyderyck: okay.18:53
derycksinzui, ping19:06
derycksinzui, unping, I just found it.19:09
deryckweird how to happens. :)19:09
flacostelifeless: time for a chat?19:11
lifelessflacoste: still doing just-got-up-thing, will ping you in a couple of minutee19:13
flacostelifeless: ack19:14
deryckabentley, r=me on both MPs.20:51
abentleyderyck: Thanks!20:52
deryckabentley, np!20:53
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