
* gmb -> Lunch after a thoroughly frustrating morning.11:00
gary_posterbac benji frankban gmb call in 1 or 2 (asap essentially)12:10
benjigary_poster: sorry about missing the last bit of the call; mechanics are such attention seekers12:38
gmbgary_poster, Oh, after all that: bug 92437812:38
_mup_Bug #924378: buildbot spurious failure UncleanReactorError for TestPullerMasterIntegration <Launchpad itself:Triaged> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/924378 >12:38
gary_posterbenji, np :-)12:38
gary_postergmb, oh! interesting, that's the exact same test?12:39
gmbBy Deryck, funnily enough.12:39
gmbI'll add a comment.12:39
* gmb forces a build12:40
gary_posterit must be a different sort of race condition12:40
gary_posterwell, I guess what we had before was not a race condition12:40
gary_posterit was a repeatable problem that only came to light when tests were run out of order, or when you explicitly checked for a problem after each test12:41
gary_poster*this* may be more classically intermittent12:41
* gary_poster stops muttering to himself12:41
gary_posterbenji, will be ready for more @ 9 or so12:45
benjigary_poster: sounds good12:46
benjiI'm filling my cup and I'll be ready.13:02
gary_posterbenji, sorry.  I'm in gokdenhorde13:29
gary_postergoldenhorde even13:29
gary_posterbenji, also I've started an ec2, feeling optimistic :-)13:30
bacgary_poster: my run is still up if you're interested in looking around: http://ec2-23-22-21-234.compute-1.amazonaws.com:8010/13:38
baci'll tear it down soon13:38
gary_posterbac, can't get to it.  If you put up the records, I'm ok with you tearing it down13:39
bacgary_poster: i pasted the wrong URL -- it should've been http://ec2-23-20-38-16.compute-1.amazonaws.com:8010/waterfall13:57
bacwhat's interesting is it is reporting the last run had no errors13:57
gary_posterbac, it's a banner day!  that's awesome!13:58
bachave we seen a green run before?13:58
gary_posterI saw that just as you were saying it13:58
bacquick, screenshot time!13:58
gary_posterlet's ship it!  we're done!  we're outta here!13:58
gary_postersome of those look like new failures to me bac, yeah?13:59
gary_posterbugzilla * 2 ...14:01
gary_posterthose all look new to me bac.  if you find them in LP please make sure we have cards for them and we have the "paralleltest" tag on the bug14:02
bacgary_poster: ok14:03
gary_posterbac, I'm "happy" (i.e., I find it annoying but I think it is my responsibility :-) ) to file those14:03
gary_posters/i.e./that is/14:03
bacgary_poster: i'll file them.14:03
gary_posterthank you bac14:03
gary_posterbac, we'll want subunit streams of those too, I'm afraid.  I used ubuntu one just cause we have so much free space there14:05
gary_posterbac, I'm also happy to do half if that helps14:06
bacgary_poster: how do you share with U1?  i created the file and then selected 'publish' but i see no way to get the URL14:18
gary_posterbac, in web interface?14:19
gary_posterit is shown beneath the file when I do it14:19
bacno, in desktop14:19
* bac looks at web14:19
bachow novel14:19
gmbgary_poster, So, random fun... if you rename that test (which is called test()) to test_anything_that_isnt_called_test(), the spurious zope:layer appears to vanish.14:29
gary_postergmb, ugh14:30
gmb(Only just noticed this, since I was too busy trying to track down where the zope:layer actually came from and I got frustrated.14:30
gmbgary_poster, So, I can fix the bug, but not the root cause, right now.14:30
gmbWhich seems a bit like `bzr ci -m "Handwave"`14:31
gary_postergmb, I don't like it because it leaves a landmine for the future.14:31
gmbgary_poster, I feel the same, if I'm honest.14:31
gary_postergmb, +1 on dragging someone along to watch. :-) Hopefully that observation can give you an idea of what to do.  Also...14:32
gmbSo, I'd like to grab someone to pair with. My morning's been very interrupt-y, so I suspect that something obvious will leap out when two of us look together.14:32
gary_posterdo you have the yellow ppa installed?14:32
gmbLemme check.14:32
gary_posterI'd suggest installing it and getting the newest versions of these things that we are using14:32
gmbOh, ahh.14:32
gmbOn the lucid container, no.14:33
gmbgary_poster, Okay, will do, then I'll start pinging people.14:33
gary_posterbecause it is sounding more and more like a potential problem in the bits and bobs that we have there14:33
gary_postergmb, mm :-( some of that stuff is not built for lucid14:33
gary_posterI *think* because it didn't build14:33
gmbOh. Bottom.14:33
gary_posterI mean, had errors14:34
gary_postergmb, try installing the testing-cabal's ppa on lucid14:34
gary_posterthey should be pretty close14:34
gmbgary_poster, Okay, I'll give it a shot.14:34
gary_postergmb, although, sorry...14:35
gary_posterdoes the zope.testing package have any subunit imports?14:35
gary_posterI think it does14:35
gary_posterif it does14:35
gmbYes, I think so.14:35
gary_posterthen that's what you need14:35
gary_posterif it doesn't14:35
gary_posterthen that whole PPA question is probably irrelevant14:36
gary_poster(and it *may* be anyway now since you can dupe already)14:36
gary_postersorry for just being confusing gmb14:36
gmbI'll check :)14:36
gmbgary_poster, That's okay; it's about par for my day today.14:36
gary_posterfrankban, are you available anytime soon for pairing with gmb?14:37
frankbangary_poster: I am doing slack, so, sure!14:37
gmbfrankban, Okay, cool. Let me see where I get to with this testing-cabal PPA and then I'll ping you when I'm ready.14:37
gmbMay need to fill up on tea...14:38
gary_posterfrankban, :-) it would be nice if you were able to get to a stopping place that didn't waste, but yeah, if that takes more than a few minutes you can just "pause" it14:38
frankbangmb: me too, no problem14:38
gmbgtsnkbsn, I'm trsfy.15:04
gmbfrankban, I'm off by one. And ready.15:04
gmbI've shared a terminal per https://dev.launchpad.net/yellow/RemoteTerminalBroadcasting15:04
gmbStarting a hangout now.15:05
gmbfrankban, I'm in https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/extras/canonical.com/funwithsubunittags when you're ready15:07
bacgary_poster: how do you want me to triage these new bug reports?  high?15:48
gmbgary_poster: frankban and I are in a bit of a zope.testing/subunit maze. Do you have any knowledge of how tagging should work in zope.testing/subunit? If so, can you join our hangout?15:55
bacgary_poster: https://dev.launchpad.net/ParallelTests/ResultsLog updated, bugs filed, cards created16:12
frankbangmb: crash?16:42
gary_posterbac, high, paralleltest16:48
gary_postersorry was lunching16:48
gary_postergmb, yes I do.  frankban would you like me to join still?16:48
gmbgary_poster, Hurrah, timing!16:48
gmbYes, let's hang out...16:48
frankbangary_poster: sure16:49
gmbgary_poster, frankban, goldenhorde16:49
gary_postergmb, oh ok was going to funwithsubunittags.  Now going to goldenhorde16:49
gary_posterTo Whom It May Concern:17:50
gary_posterFresh LP checkouts are borked17:50
gary_posterBecause convoy deb packinging is borked17:51
gary_poster(Python bits are not installed)17:51
gary_posterand we need it for doing a make17:51
gary_postereither we test a branch that has the change added to its buildout steps17:52
gary_posteror we wait for the packaging fix17:52
benjiI'm still trying to figure out how to properly format test failures, but that has devolved into figuring out why the testr tests don't pass using packages from our PPA18:04
bacbenji: are you ocr?18:11
bacor was that yesterday?18:11
benjibac: yesterday, but if you have an MP I won't mind looking at it18:12
bacbenji: cool, thx: https://code.launchpad.net/~bac/launchpad/bug-974617-2/+merge/10333918:12
gary_posterbenji, I see you there. :-)  when will you be ready to reconvene?18:15
benjigary_poster: after I'm done with this review, it'll just be a couple of minutes18:15
benjibac: looks good, I did spot one docstring bug18:18
bacbenji: cool, thanks for the good eyes18:19
benjigary_poster: the horde awaits18:19
benjimy pleasure18:19
bacgary_poster: this appears to fix the /etc/mailname problem in the robert-approved way: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/944504/18:19
bacmake mp for it now18:20
bacgary_poster: when you have a chance could you look at https://code.launchpad.net/~bac/launchpad/bug-981114-2/+merge/10334218:22
gary_posterbac, approved with only mildly interesting and not strongly held comment18:32
benjigary_poster: hold on, firefox decided to crash18:39
* gary_poster holds on to his treadmill desk18:39
* bac afk. bbiab19:14

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