
UIMcna i run a web browser with 101MB of RAM?00:26
MrChrisDruifUIM; yup, try xxxterm00:35
MrChrisDruifs/yup/yes I think you can00:35
pcroque_MrChrisDruif: Is installing xxxterm a simple sudo apt-get in Lubuntu 12.04, because in 11.10 it's a little harder?00:42
MrChrisDruifpcroque_; yes, it's in the default repositories of precise, not oneiric<00:44
Unit193!info xxxterm precise00:44
ubottuxxxterm (source: xxxterm): Minimalist's web browser. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:1.10.0-1 (precise), package size 136 kB, installed size 326 kB00:44
MrChrisDruif!info xxxterm oneiric00:44
ubottuPackage xxxterm does not exist in oneiric00:44
* MrChrisDruif didn't know that00:44
pcroque_Great! Thanks...I'll wait until I install 12.04 to try it out. It looks good.00:45
Unit193Yeah, they sure like it there.00:46
pcroque_Nothing against firefox...but it's a little heavy and cumbersome.00:47
UIMoh so really i have firefox and i can't get unity player for it, isn't it available?00:48
pcroque_It doesn't look like it works on Linux: "The Unity Web Player is not currently compatible with the operating system that you appear to be using." --from unity3d.com00:51
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JoeCoder_I have an ubuntu server 12.04 (beta) without X.  will apt-get install lubuntu-desktop install lubuntu 12.04 ?03:52
JoeCoder_is that the correct package to use?03:52
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JoeCoder_it seems so03:56
Unit193Generally, yes, but I haven't seen it done on a server.03:57
JoeCoder_we'll find out.  it's a vm, and I backed up the image before trying.03:57
JoeCoder_1.1GB.  is there a lightweight version?  I mostly need the ability to paste into the command window.03:58
JoeCoder_(but thought having a desktop would be nice too)03:58
JoeCoder_i guess X and a few other things are in there too03:58
Unit193Not sure how lubuntu-core works in 12, but there is also --no-install-recommends03:58
JoeCoder_it's installed now.  I run "startlubuntu" and I get "Gtk-WARNING **: cannot open display:"04:20
JoeCoder_startx shows a gui and then I get an error Failed to load session "gnome"04:21
LubuntuPoweredSo I never turn off my computer and occasionally my monitor will turn black/blank after leaving it on for a while. I'll turn the monitor back on (I turn it off if I'm not going to use it for a period of time, while leaving the system on) and the screen will be black/blank. I've noticed this happened more frequently with 11.10 than with 12.04 ... any idea why this happens and how to prevent it? (The only fix would be to r06:56
LubuntuPoweredalso, anyone use Pidgin for irc? how do i exclude join/leaves from showing?07:21
* JohnDoe_71Rus use kvirc. pidgin for icq, jabber07:22
micahgLubuntuPowered: pidgin plugin pack?07:33
KM0201LubuntuPowered: how could anyone use pidgin for IRC?07:40
KM0201pidgin=great IM client, but a horrible irc client07:41
LubuntuPoweredi just want to keep everything together ;p07:46
KM0201LubuntuPowered: yeah, but.. pidgin for IRC?07:47
KM0201no way..07:47
micahgpidgin's a fine IRC client save for the fact that I kept getting floods on freenode08:08
KM0201ugh, i disagree.. i think its awful08:08
micahgit's not like there aren't enough IRC/IM client choices in teh archive08:09
Unit193Yes, but in the long run, what works for them, works for them.08:09
Unit193micahg: That's not on first connect, just reconnect, right?08:13
micahgUnit193: first connect with >20+ channels for me08:14
micahgalthough I haven't tried in ~1 yr08:14
KM0201Unit193: i was just joshing him, i don't care what he uses for IRC... ;)08:14
Unit193As long as you don't get disconnected to the network, you can set in your autojoins #channel1,#channel3,channel6  in the same input box to avoid some of that.08:15
Unit193KM0201: Yes, and I agree that it really isn't the best, and is rather bad at it. :P08:15
Unit193http://developer.pidgin.im/ticket/11089#comment:4 (I suppose I should link there...)08:20
LubuntuPoweredwas that for me? if so, i meant exclude seeing joins & parts from users in the channels...08:24
LubuntuPoweredsorry for the confusion08:24
LubuntuPoweredauto join and everything works fine08:24
LubuntuPoweredthanks though :)08:24
Unit193Na, that wasn't for you. There's a way to ignore those, may be in plugin pack though.08:34
Unit193LubuntuPowered: http://developer.pidgin.im/wiki/Using%20Pidgin#hide-joins-parts Boom.08:37
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LubuntuPoweredjust noticed i have disconnected earlier for a minute, so missed some parts of the convo, seems i was the one who got confused ;p09:14
LubuntuPoweredthanks for the link Unit19309:14
LubuntuPoweredAlright, I'll go ahead and copy/paste this riddle again before I head off... Just to entertain you guys:10:50
LubuntuPoweredso i'm still having the problem where my system with Lubuntu on it, only receives a fraction of the download speed (4mbps out of 17+mbps from my ISP, but my upload speed is normal (1.4+mbps) only on my Lubuntu powered =P comuter... all my other computers (desktops/laptops/wired/wireless) are all receiving the speeds i'm supposed to be getting. Just a few weeks ago, i decided to play around with the usb connection option 10:50
LubuntuPoweredUPDATE: I've learned that the USB ports on this ancient computer is version 1.1, answering the limit of about 8mbps down part...10:52
LubuntuPoweredAlso, I have a brand new still-in-plastic-wrap box of the same exact NIC card currently in use, that I've purchased well over a decade ago... I will replace the NIC when I get around to it just to make sure, but lets just assume that I've already done that and the same problem arises for now.10:55
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drlabanWhere do I go about reporting bugs about Lubuntu and lxinput?13:04
ubottuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.13:05
drlabanKM0201: Thank you13:05
cousteauhttp://lubuntu.net/screenshot  is it just me or there aren't any screenshots there in any of the categories?13:12
cousteauanyway, this is the screenshot I was looking for:  http://blog.lxde.org/wp-content/uploads/2011/05/pcmanfm-dir-tree.png13:13
cousteau(i.e. to confirm if pcmanfm already has tree view)13:14
freedomrun_hi .. is there expected bug for graphical installer to break or this is something specific?14:51
xtop7Hello! lubuntu on the netbook keeps the battery? Better than ubuntu?15:26
Unit19312.04 will be better with laptops all around, but Lubuntu could take less if it brings up the CPU less.15:27
sagaciI get 4-6 hrs on my dell mini 1015:29
xtop7Thank you. 12.04 lubuntu LTS? She's in one day with ubuntu released?15:29
Unit193It's not an LTS in the same sense, but it'll have all the Core updates that Ubuntu has.15:30
xtop7I have ubuntu on a netbook running 6:00 on the battery 5200 mah15:31
UIMcan i use my camera with cheese?18:27
valdur55UIM, use for what?18:29
valdur55for cam to cam chat?18:29
pchapmanHello.  I am having trouble with a 2TB hard drive.  Every 24 hours or so I get an error that causes the kernel to remount ro18:29
pchapmanEXT4-fs error (device sdb1): ext4_ext_check_inode:398: inode #79298567: comm updatedb.mlocat: bad header/extent: too large eh_max - magic f30a, entries 1, max 20(4), depth 0(0)18:30
pchapmani've run fsck a few times on it18:30
UIMvaldur55: no just to take photos and videos18:30
valdur55UIM, Yes, you can do it with cheese.18:31
UIMValdur55: how do i set it up? it's saying that no device detected18:33
valdur55UIM, Do you use USB cam ?18:42
UIMValdur55: yes18:42
valdur55UIM, Install pastebinit and pastebin lsusb output: sudo apt-get install pastebinit && lsusb | pastebinit18:42
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w__hello need help22:48
w__i have lenovo s10-3c webcam problems - skype doesnot see it22:49

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