
=== jbicha is now known as Guest27716
DaekdroomMy Thunderbird is showing under my email account a folder that does not really exist in my GMail and therefore I cannot delete it.00:37
Daekdroom(because the gmail server returns an error)00:38
bkc_Daekdroom: that is a statement, not a question ^^00:38
DaekdroomFortunately I managed to delete it.00:39
DaekdroomWill try to reproduce so I can file a bug report.00:39
bkc_good going, have another cookie ^^00:39
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v0lksmandoes anyone know if the linux-virtual kernel has a different uname than -server?01:43
fishcookerwhat ssh to ubuntu take so long/ more long time than another let say debian01:45
spaceneedleBug:When I install the user theme extension gnome-tweak-tool won't open up.01:47
fishcookerit happens when i ssh to ubuntu box always01:47
fishcookeris there any mechanism that slow / make user wait to login?01:47
Arv3ni purchased some songs from itunes on my iphone 4. how can i import them to rhythmbox?01:50
Arv3nit recognizes the device in rhythmbox, just doesn't see the songs.01:51
fabiolucianoAnybody knows how to take touchpad in a hp notebook to work in precise? The same problem continues to exists since oneiric02:57
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AaronDCampbellAlt+tab only goes through items on the current workspace.  Is there another option for going through all open programs?03:32
trismAaronDCampbell: if this is unity-3d, ccsm/Unity Plugin/Switcher/uncheck Bias alt tab to the current workspace03:34
AaronDCampbelltrism: ccsm?03:35
trismAaronDCampbell: compizconfig-settings-manager03:36
AaronDCampbelltrism: Thanks.  Once I installed that I found the settings just where you said03:38
jbichaAaronDCampbell: Ctrl+Alt+Tab04:03
AaronDCampbelljbicha: I tried that and it didn't work after the upgrade to 12.0404:04
Wilthow can i set static dns entries on 12.04 server?04:22
Wilti know your supposed to edit resolv.conf on older systems, but this file says not to edit it, that it will overwrite my settings04:26
HebramSince installing 12.04, my memory comsumption has doubled.  Is this typical?04:28
Flywatercan i update software which installed by software center?or the version of software in software center won't change?04:30
ANubFlywater: you need to update repositories and software center will be updated04:31
Flywaterwell,how long it update after new version of software published04:34
WiltSo i've setup a static ip, but i can't resolve any names.   i can ping to ip, but not www.google.com. I want to set static dns entries, but the resolv.conf file that i read about says its dynamic, not to edit.   any suggestions?04:34
FlywaterANub: well,how long it update after new version of software published04:37
ANubWilt: its ok if u edit the resolv.conf file04:38
ANubno need to worry04:38
ANubput in DNS servers and u r good to go04:38
FlywaterANub: ok thank you04:39
Dan-The-Mananyone notice graphical performance issues with the fglrx driver installed with jockey?04:39
FlywaterDan-The-Man: i'm not sure ,i don't play game on linux04:41
Dan-The-ManFlywater, well its not just with games, compiz seems very jumpy as well04:42
Dan-The-ManFlywater, are you aware of what version is installed by jockey? is it 12.3?04:43
Flywateryes,maybe,i notice the compiz04:43
* KM0201 doesn't do compiz or 3D crap... everything works great. :)04:43
Flywateri download the driver from AMD04:43
Dan-The-ManKM0201, haha i like my 3d crap :p04:44
Flywaterand installed it in termminal04:44
Flywaterthe version of the driver is 12.304:45
Dan-The-ManFlywater, yea tried that initially but there where many dependency errors.  I was told by the forums just to use jockey.04:45
Dan-The-ManFlywater, oh that is good to know04:45
Dan-The-Manwell ill download a 3d benchmark and see if its not just compiz04:45
WiltANub - where do i add the DNS entries?04:46
ANubin resolv.conf04:47
ANublike "nameserver x.x.x.x"04:47
ANubwithout quotes04:47
Flywaterthe name of driver file which i downloaded is XXX.run,then i run:sudo sh XXX.run install it,and very smooth04:47
ANubu can add many entries one on each line04:47
Wiltmy resolv.conf file says this04:48
Wilt# Dynamic resolv.conf(5) file for glibc resolver(3) generated by resolvconf(8)04:48
Wiltbut, apropos resolv lists host.conf(5).   bet i add it there04:50
ANubWilt: it simply means if u have any DNS settings through network-manager.....they will get overwritten04:50
ANuband as i said no need to worry04:50
Wiltok, i'll give it a shot04:51
Wiltdidn't survive a reboot04:55
Wiltgot it.   add it to /etc/network/intefaces as dns-servers xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx05:14
Wilttoo funny.   i added it to INTERFACES and it show up in RESOLV.CONF05:16
WiltTY and I'll be around05:17
syddrafI've recently installed Xubuntu 12.04 on an hp laptop and the touchpad is not working. I've checked the settings and it is enabled, but the trackpad and button presses do not register. Can someone help with this?05:30
cc11rocksCan you try an attached mouse and confirm that that works?05:33
syddrafattached mouse works great05:34
cc11rocksAlso, please run this command : xinput list05:34
cc11rocksI'm getting mostly the same results...05:36
cc11rocksHave you restarted and attempted to let itself work it out?05:36
syddrafYeah. I'm installing updates to see if that fixes it.05:37
cc11rocksOkay - just to note, I'm not an expert or anything. I don't know a whole lot when it comes to fixing problems in Linux, but I will try my best05:38
syddrafI appreciate it.05:39
Stanley00syddraf: can you run synclient and paste the output?05:39
cc11rocksNo problem...05:39
cc11rocksPossible duplicate for 11.10 : http://askubuntu.com/questions/118522/touchpad-trackpoint-thinkpad-l520-suddenly-unresponsive05:39
Stanley00syddraf: hmm, it looks normal :(05:42
cc11rocksDid you finish with the updates?05:42
syddraf13 minutes =/05:43
cc11rocksOkay cool...I would recommend just trying those, then restarting of course (you are already doing this)05:44
fishcookerhow to remove *.deb package on /var/cache/apt/archives06:10
cc11rocksWhat's the issue?06:11
syddrafUnfortunately, the updates did nothing to fix it.06:12
cc11rockssyddraf :( ...Did you also restart?06:13
syddrafcc11rocks yep06:13
cc11rockssyddraf Sorry mate :(06:14
CalicoJackhey folks, I was wondering if anyone has experience doing an upgrade from 11.10 to 12.04; just general stuff, problems they had or whatever06:23
cc11rocksIf you can do it, a fresh install is always recommended by me. I haven't heard anything bad about the upgrade process from x.x to 12.04 though06:24
Jordan_UCalicoJack: Read the release/upgrade notes.06:27
ubottuTo use more than ~3.2GB RAM on a 32bit system you can install the PAE-enabled kernel. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EnablingPAE for more info06:33
ubottuThe "man" command brings up the Linux manual pages for the command you're interested in. Try "man intro" at the  command line, or see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal | Manpages online: http://manpages.ubuntu.com/06:34
bazhangcc11rocks, /msg ubottu please06:34
cc11rocksbazhang : Okay, thanks for the tip06:34
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shapeWhat is the exact time when Ubuntu 12 will be available for download on the 26th?07:57
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Jordan_Ushape: I'm not sure anyone really knows. Why does it matter?08:03
shapeJordan_U: So i can set my alarm clock!!! XD The suspense is killing me :)08:04
KM0201shape: lol08:04
KM0201only time i think we really "knew" the time.. on a release, was 10.10   iirc, it was released at 10:10:1008:05
shapeInteresting. I didn't know that :)08:07
topyliit's better to upgrade a day or two in advance anyway, before the servers die :)08:09
bazhanglike today!08:09
shapetopyli: What do you mean? How can you upgrade before it's released?08:10
bazhang!final | shape08:10
ubottushape: If you install a development version of Ubuntu Precise and keep up with package updates, then you will be upgraded to the official release of 12.04 when it comes out. To make sure, type « sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade » in a terminal. Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1.08:10
bazhangshape, stay up to date, et voila , you are there08:10
topylialternatively, wait a few days after the release08:11
shapebazhang: I see. Thanks! But I don't understand the part that you'd have to upgrade to the final version on the same day as everyone else. So the servers would be clogged anyway by the above user's prophecy08:11
shapeI guess you'd just be downloading less, correct?08:12
bazhangshape, you dont have to. the servers will be in dire straits on or near the release date though08:12
topylishape: there's a difference between upgrading 6 packages vs. the entire system08:12
shapetopyli: right. Like I mentioned above. But don't they have servers good enough to keep up with the flow?08:12
bazhangshape, so its better to update/upgrade earlier than later08:13
topylishape: history says no08:13
bazhangshape, experience says maybe not08:13
shapeAlso. Once it's released, the iso file won't change even if there is a flaw found correct? It will just be corrected through the depository?08:13
topyli12.04 will be an lts, so there will be point releases08:13
bazhangshape, if there's a flaw, it will be corrected08:14
shapewhat I meant. Do they change the original iso?08:14
bazhangshape, but if you mean bugs, they exist08:14
shapeor once it's final it's closed and all the rest of the problems are updates08:14
topyliwell yes if there's a problem in the actual iso, then of course they'll have to fix it08:14
shapein the actual system, like a security hole. Hypothetically speaking.08:14
shapewould they change the final version and update the iso or would they correct it through updates only.08:15
topylibut if there are bugs in the system, and there always are, then no the iso won't be updated08:15
shapeThat's what I was asking. Thanks!08:15
shapeSo, basically, if you install 10.10 at the moment. It will will be the same version like you would've gotten it when it was released correct?08:16
topyliyes, until you run the update manager and get all the bug fixes08:17
topyliand the update manager will nag at you until you do :)08:18
shapeI see. The reason I was asking all this stuff was to inquire if it was similar how microsoft does it for example. i.e. XP released, then xp+sp2, etc. So I'd know whether it's usefull to burn the iso on a CD once it comes out or wait for a better version. Thank you for your clarification!08:21
topyliit is similar, but our updates aren't quite as big as microsoft's. they release updates at huge dispatches, whereas ours trickle in incrementally in little bits and pieces08:23
shapeand after a while, release a better version. i.e. 12.10, right?08:24
topyliyes. although a lot of people only use lts versions so they'll skip it08:26
topylilts versions do get point releases for which new a new iso is created. like 12.04.1 and so on08:27
shapeThanks for the info, you just made me even more impatient :(08:28
Hoythi , is it safe to use daily build now ?08:52
Artemis3i'd say wait 2 more days for release08:55
ArnoldSince release day is so close, then only a fewer selection of packages gets updated than in the earlier stages of 12.04.08:57
ArnoldIt seems that there are still some minor inconsistencies with Unity.09:00
Hoythi , is there alternative cd for xubuntu daily builds ?09:01
ArnoldFrom what I saw, it only happened with Pidgin, that you can't click on the titlebar and its buttons at all.09:01
ArnoldHoyt, http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/xubuntu/daily/current/09:02
HoytArnold: thanks09:03
ArnoldYou're welcome Hoyt09:04
Pedrolitowhat is the best way to make the unity launcher appear with the mouse in precise?09:52
PedrolitoI mean, is the only possible way to "force" the mouse in the screen left border?09:53
VolkodavI do not have the borders on windows in compiz in xfce - what should I have for window decoration? I have ?usr/bin/gtk-decorator09:58
eagles0513875_hi hi10:28
msucani have a problem with ubuntu 12.0410:29
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience10:29
msucansounds work really well once i booted, except all event sounds do not play10:29
msucanin lightdm login i also have no sounds10:29
msucanbeeps, window alerts after login do not play as well10:30
msucanbuuut if i play music or videos or if i go to volume control all looks fine10:30
msucani can test the speakers in sound settings10:30
msucaneverything is fine10:30
msucanin .xsession-errors i see  pa_context_connect() : Connection refused10:31
msucanas the first message10:31
msucanso i think that happens when xorg starts10:31
msucansomehow pulseaudio doesn't work very well10:31
eagles0513875_msucan: kde everything is fine here10:32
msucanuh oh10:34
msucanhow can i debug this further?10:34
eagles0513875_msucan: i am not sure10:35
Arnoldmsucan, see if do you have an alert sound chosen and if the alert volume is raised at System Settings -> Sounds10:35
msucanArnold: i checked that, all looks well10:36
msucanif i click on the available alert theme sounds10:36
msucanthey play correctly10:36
msucanbut they don't play when they should actually happen!10:36
msucan(which is weird)10:37
ArnoldHmmm. Let me see what I can find here.10:37
msucani googled this stuff myself10:38
msucani found other people having the same problems10:39
msucaneven with older releases of ubuntu10:39
msucanbut all their solutions do not work for me10:39
Arnoldmsucan, one suggestion is to see if it works with a non-Compiz environment (like Unity 2D or GNOME Fallback)10:39
msucanprobably on ubuntu 12.04 things changed a bit10:39
msucanArnold: how do i switch to unity 2d for testing purposes?10:40
Flywateryes,only a bit10:40
Arnoldmsucan, you log out, then from LightDM, you can click on a small settings icon next to your account name, and select Unity 2D from it.10:41
msucanah, ok10:41
msucanbrb, let me try that10:41
ArnoldAlrighty msucan10:41
Flywateri don't like unity 2D,but i also don't like compiz10:42
ArnoldGNOME Classic is another option, if you're for it.10:43
ArnoldOr GNOME Shell if you want a non-classic interface powered by Mutter (and not Compiz) :P10:43
krababbeldoes gnome shell support the window dragging to maximize windowsQ10:44
ArnoldHonestly, I'm not even sure.10:44
ArnoldWelcome back msucan10:44
ArnoldAny luck?10:44
ArnoldIt should, but.. maybe if I give it a test.10:45
krababbelcompiz is not suggested by me, I'll look at it :)10:45
Arnoldkrababbel, "Window maximizing and tiling: You can maximize a window by dragging it to the top edge of the screen. Alternatively, you can double-click the window title. To unmaximize, pull it down again. By dragging windows to the left and right edges of the screen you can tile them side by side. "10:46
msucanArnold: no luck. i did not hear any login sound10:46
krababbelArnold: thanks, cool10:46
Arnoldmsucan, so it's not a Compiz related issue then.10:46
msucanit doesn't seem to be10:47
Arnoldkrababbel, entire "cheat sheet" here: http://live.gnome.org/GnomeShell/CheatSheet10:47
krababbelArnold: thanks!10:47
Arnoldmsucan, if I'm thinking about alert sounds then I'm thinking about libcanberra10:47
msucanyes, found something about libcanberra10:47
msucanmaybe it can't connect to PA?10:47
msucanwhen the system starts10:48
Arnoldlibcanberra is an API handling sound events. Currently it is used in GNOME.10:48
msucanin lightdm i hear sound "cracks"10:48
ArnoldCould be something with libcanberra-pulse instead.10:48
ArnoldIf you say that it has some issues with PulseAudio and all.10:48
msucani believe that's when it tries to initialize the sound system or whatever10:48
msucanhere's why:10:48
msucanwhen i tested one of the possible work arounds10:49
ArnoldCan you pastie the log to me?10:49
msucani played with ~/.pulse/default.pa and i broke it10:49
msucanwhen it was broken... even after login ALL sounds stopped working10:49
msucanand i heard the same "sound cracks"10:49
msucanand i had the same errors all over the place: connection refused10:49
msucani did rm ~/.pulse/default.pa done10:50
msucanfixed, back to normal10:50
msucan*however* i don't know what's broken in the default pulseaudio config, when it tries to connect in lightdm10:50
msucan(i didn't touch the pulseaudio defaults in /etc)10:50
ArnoldWell, I am not really sure if it is reading your PulseAudio settings if you're not logged into your account just yet.10:51
v1Ns_hi,   when i close xchat with the leftcorner X button   it says:   would you like to minimize to tray or quit, i chose minimize , xchat disapeared but it  still runnning in background10:51
msucanArnold: exactly. i don't think it reads my user settings from ~/.pulse anyway10:51
krababbelpulseaudio might support running audio from multiple users maybe?10:52
msucan(and now i have no user settings, because i don't need any, really)10:52
Arnoldmsucan, can you give me a pastie about the log?10:52
msucansure, please wait a bit10:52
ArnoldI might be able to deduce something out of it.10:52
msucanit's disappointingly small10:53
msucanno clues10:53
ArnoldOfftopic: It seems that they are already prepping up the 2.0 release of PulseAudio10:53
msucanit just says connection failed, connection refused10:53
ArnoldHmm, nothing else that seems like a clue?10:53
msucanthis is the same exact error i got when i broke my user config for PA10:54
msucani've been trying to fix this issue for days already10:55
ArnoldSo you're definitely sure that /etc/default/pulseaudio was not modified, right?10:57
msucannot by me knowingly10:59
msucanand i haven't yet installed any packages from random ppas10:59
msucanif that would be the case i'd probably know what package to blame10:59
ArnoldYou -could- get the latest daily ISO image dd'd into your USB device and test it out within there, just to see if it's bugged for sure, or the settings are just messed up in your installation11:02
consfearacywhen is new ubuntu?11:02
Arnoldconsfearacy, 26th of April, more or less in two days.11:03
msucanArnold: i'm going to try something now. brb11:05
ArnoldAlrighty msucan11:05
ArnoldYou're welcome consfearacy11:05
krababbelArnold: gnome shell uses compiz too. :) Seems better than Unity though.11:25
Arnoldkrababbel, huh... I never knew you can use Compiz in GNOME Shell, because I always thought it's tied to Mutter, its own composite manager11:25
krababbelArnold: no idea, but I have the compizconfig settings manager here.11:27
topyliit is. gnome shell doesn't use compiz, and gnome never did11:27
Arnold"For window management and compositing, the shell builds off of a Metacity branch called Mutter, which adds Clutter-based compositing to Metacity."11:27
topyliyour choices are: gnome shell, OR a window manager (such as compiz if you like) and a panel11:28
krababbelSo the compizconfig manager does nothing?11:28
topylinot if you're using gnome shell11:29
ArnoldIt is true that you can use Compiz for GNOME Classic within Ubuntu 12.04. Or still use the default Metacity window manager if you're going without "effects".11:29
topyliwell it does configure compiz for you, in case you want to run compiz one day :)11:30
krababbelI see, was afraid to change settings to see. It was unstable for me.11:31
topyli"configuring compiz" means pretty much the same thing as "breaking unity" afaik11:33
Flywatertopyli : yes,i agree11:36
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msucantested a few things11:49
msucanno luck11:49
msucantried without lightdm11:49
msucanjust did startx11:49
msucanand found the problem with connection refused to pulseaudio11:50
msucanit was caused by a workaround i did for having beeps when i use sticky keys11:50
msucan(workaround again based on solutions found with google)11:51
msucanremoved the workaround and i no longer get the error11:51
msucanbut i found something interesting:11:51
msucanpulseaudio[2429]: [pulseaudio] module-x11-xsmp.c: X11 session manager not running.11:52
msucan pulseaudio[2429]: [pulseaudio] module.c: Failed to load module "module-x11-xsmp" (argument: ""): initialization failed.11:52
msucanand pulseaudio fails to start its daemon11:52
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Flywaterare there some other window managers better than compiz?12:03
ironhalikoh my, quantal quetzal...12:04
ironhalikFlywater: yeah, mutter, probably12:04
Flywaterso,why don't ubuntu give up the compiz12:05
gnu-dioBecause nobody does eye-candy like conpiz12:05
PiciBecause unity requires compiz.12:05
Flywater... ...12:06
ironhalikthe official story is that they invested lots of time in compiz and unity12:06
ironhalikand getting the same resaults with mutter would take more time then working out compiz shortcomings12:06
PiciIs there a good reason to switch?12:06
dustinspringmancompiz = the reason I started using linux as my desktop.... I love to segment work tasks on the cube.. helps my brain operate more efficiently...12:06
DaekdroomUnity conflicts with the cube.12:07
ironhalikGenerally, I think compiz will be on par with mutter in 12.1012:07
DaekdroomEnjoy the irony.12:07
ironhalikcurrently mutter has quite a bit better and more predictable performance12:07
ironhalikDaekdroom: expo and wall is better :P12:08
Flywaterironhalik : yes,maybe12:08
ironhalikbtw mutter is the engine used by gnome shell, if anybody is wondering :)12:11
Flywateryes,though i don't like gnome12:12
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chmacDo we need to do anything special on Thursday when Precise goes final, or will `apt-get dist-upgrade` provide the same end result as having installed precise?12:18
Picichmac: thats all thats required.12:19
chmacPici: Awesome, thanks.12:20
chmacI noticed that firefox has the "test pilot" plugin installed, is that because precise is a testing release, or is it installed for all ubuntu versions?12:20
natmanHi, on using the live version of 12.04, i clicked the "ubuntu symbol" and then apps and under "apps availiable for Download" there was  a program called "PornView" - while i understandt it just fetches a random list from the net, it does look pretty bad for a person thinking of switching to Ubuntu perhaps in an office enviroment12:26
Daekdroomnatman, I recall seeing a huge discussion on the mailing list over that application's name.12:27
Daekdroomand it didn't lead anywhere.12:28
natmanDaekdroom: looks pretty bad imo for a product i assumed we would like to have more real world use, eg i am installing this for my mom, would hate her to see that and think Linux = porn12:28
DaekdroomI thought the12:29
DaekdroomI thought the 'apps available for download' thing was now disabled by default.12:29
DaekdroomIf it isn't, it is possible to disable it.12:29
natmanDaekdroom:  i had allowed my live to connect to net12:29
natmananyway, was just very surprised to see that on my live session!12:30
topyliwe might as well remove pornview from the repositories altogether. it used to be one of the best image viewers, but now there are other, better ones12:32
natmanI do actually have a question, i am using Ubuntu 12.04 live from usb stick, my pointer dissapears when ever i do a click ( right or left ) and then reappears once the mouse is moved, not a huge deal but kinda annoying. IF i go ahead and install will this issue still be present? I am not using the restricted nvidia drivers since i was not given any option to install them12:32
Daekdroombug #739469 and bug #74553412:33
ubottuLaunchpad bug 739469 in unity-lens-applications "Dash search unavoidably returns offensive results" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/73946912:33
ubottuLaunchpad bug 745534 in unity-place-applications (Ubuntu) "Safe search ranking" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/74553412:33
DaekdroomWhat upsets me about PornView is that its name translation in portuguese is set as literally 'Watch porno' in 12.0412:33
DaekdroomTHAT is a problem.12:33
the-erm... there's a "pornview" program ... what did I walk into?12:34
Daekdroombug #708045 too12:36
ubottuLaunchpad bug 708045 in software-center (Ubuntu) "[software-center] `unattended` == PornView" [Wishlist,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/70804512:36
natmanI do actually have a question, i am using Ubuntu 12.04 live from usb stick, my pointer dissapears when ever i do a click ( right or left ) and then reappears once the mouse is moved, not a huge deal but kinda annoying. IF i go ahead and install will this issue still be present? I am not using the restricted nvidia drivers since i was not given any option to install them12:39
BluesKajhey all12:39
SidewinderMornin' BluesKaj12:41
BluesKajany reports on the kmail crash fix ...don't see anything in launchpad12:41
BluesKaj'morning Sidewinder12:41
the-ermThis is a bit of a newbie question, but if I click "Pre-release update (oneiric-proposed)" would that download 12.04 beta?12:45
the-ermbtw I'm in synaptic.12:45
PiciIn 11.10?12:45
Picithe-erm: proposed updates are those that need testing before being deployed onto the main -updates and -security repositories.12:46
timeimpin 12.04, how can I reinstall the X-Window server? I accidentally did something to the config and now Ubuntu's X Window crashes after login and returns me to the login screen.12:47
patdk-wkyour pointing the issue in the wrong place12:51
the-ermI'm not sure if dpkg-reconfigure will do it or not.12:51
patdk-wkif you see the login screen, x-org is working12:51
timeimppatdk-wk: thought so. was a rogue .Xauthority file12:54
timeimpthanks for that!12:54
KM0201is it just me, or are the 12.04 servers very slow right now?13:04
barfI have problems with the package system13:07
barfno file for openssl-1.0.013:07
BluesKajPici, any idea about the kmail crashes ..I can't find anything on launchpad about it13:09
PiciBluesKaj: Sorry, I haven't even had a chance to upgrade to Precise here :/13:10
BluesKajPici, ok13:11
barfPici: Why are you in #+1 then?13:11
Dan-The-ManKM0201, checking for an update is taking foooorrrr evvvvveeeeerrrrrrr13:11
KM0201Dan-The-Man: yeah... :)13:11
the-ermI'm getting bursts of 2k13:12
the-ermIn fact I think irc is taking up more bandwidth than my fetch.13:13
Dan-The-ManKM0201, decided to do the update in terminal, lots of errors and ignores13:14
Dan-The-Manmaybe they are having server issues today13:14
KM0201Dan-The-Man: maybe.. my guess is, they are just updating the repositories at the moment13:17
KM0201listings, etc.13:17
KM0201cuz it was the ubuntu servers that were pinging slow as all get out13:17
PiciI saw a comment about the slow archive speeds in the motu channel earlier, so they're aware.13:17
Dan-The-ManPici, motu channel? whats that?13:18
PiciDan-The-Man: Masters of the Universe, the Ubuntu developers that manage the Universe (and other) repositories.13:18
Dan-The-ManPici, ah i see thanks13:19
mneptokhas anyone used today's daily for an install or upgrade? i'd love a report of any known issues.14:45
BluesKajnothing new in the repos yest for my setup14:48
DeithrianHello, what is the best option if you can't wait for the 26 for the final release? Daily snapshots?14:59
DeithrianOr beta2 and update it?15:00
DaekdroomDaily snapshots.15:00
bazhang!final | Deithrian15:00
ubottuDeithrian: If you install a development version of Ubuntu Precise and keep up with package updates, then you will be upgraded to the official release of 12.04 when it comes out. To make sure, type « sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade » in a terminal. Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1.15:00
bazhangtoday would be the day for that15:01
Deithrianthank you bazhang, where do you get a hold of a dev version? Is it nigh builds or something like that?15:02
bazhangDeithrian, sure15:02
Deithrianbazhang, ok thanks a lot!15:03
bazhangDeithrian, should be in the topic, a link to that15:03
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skyjumperis alt-tab still laggy for anyone else?15:17
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ryehello, i am wondering whether rhythmbox stops playing for somebody else suddenly too15:33
ryeskyjumper: i suppose alt-tab may be laggy if nouveau driver is in use, at least that was my experience15:33
skyjumperi'm using nvidia on a NVIDIA Corporation G84M [Quadro FX 570M]15:36
skyjumperthere's a noticeable lag, seems like it happens when the window titles are being drawn15:37
timeimpprotip: make sure that virtualization is turned ON in your computer's BIOS/EFI settings :D15:46
timeimpi just spent 3 days trying to solve lag, that was reason why15:46
skyjumperthe 0.8.x compiz with gnome2 was super fast, everything is much slower now15:51
derek12I have just installed 12.04 fresh on my university machine, I added the HTTP proxy and I'm now using it to browse the web (on and get on this chat), however apt-get update tells me it's failing to fetch, does anyone know the problem?15:54
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Wolfsherzderek12, servers seem to be kinda slow today. it is known already16:04
derek12Wolfsherz: so I should expect http://paste.ubuntu.com/944285/16:07
derek12I can't seem to do anything with apt-get16:07
bekksderek12: Where did you enter the proxy?16:08
bekksDid you create an entry in the apt.conf file?16:08
derek12no I used the ubuntu interface16:09
derek12All settings > Network [Network proxy]16:09
bekksThats not enough.16:09
bekksapt is ignoring those settings, unless you configure a proxy in the apt.conf -- or configure it in synpatic and use synaptic to install/update software.16:10
derek12how do I modify apt.conf?16:10
bekkshttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGet/Howto#APT_configuration_file_method it is described there.16:11
derek12it's empty, is that expected?16:11
cantataHello friends!16:12
derek12hello friend16:12
bekksderek12: As stated in that article, yes.16:12
cantataI think I bring with me a bug...16:12
bekkscantata: You are using Linux Mint, right?16:13
cantataYes I am using Linux Mint but my bug is with Ubuntu 12.04...16:13
cantataWell in my home there are 2 pcs and 2 laptops... I have been trying install Ubuntu 12.04 in my notebook...16:14
derek12bekks: you fixed it!16:14
derek12bekks: is there any reason it used to work before but now in 12.04? change in how the configurations are handled?16:15
bekksIt havent worked before ;)16:15
bekksYou either have to configure it, or temporarily use a proxy, like described in that article.16:16
cantataI've install it Windows 7, FreeBSD in my Notebook... but well, the point is, when I was to install ubuntu 12.04 my screen turn in black... that happened after of Logo Screen...16:18
=== ethan is now known as splashy
cantataAlso I tried to use the Live Cd... and happened the same thing... after of Logo Screen my taptop screen turn in black... but my system is not freeze...16:19
=== splashy is now known as splashii
splashiiCan someone tell me if using the nvidia drivers on 12.04 is a bad idea?16:19
bekksFor me it isnt.16:20
BluesKajsplashii, I am16:20
bekksIt works perfectly.16:20
cantatabekks: How would I report the bug or problem?16:21
ubuntu64bitlernid keeps getting a connection interupted?16:21
bekkscantata: You could do that on launchpad.16:21
splashiiok, I'll try it out.  I just don't feel like dealing with all the nvidia kernel issues on my work laptop. (I need to get work done today).16:22
cantataWhere is the launchpad?16:22
[1]jimmyHaving difficulty with getting ubuntu to dual boot with Windows 7 with EFI (non mac)16:22
cantataOh thank you!16:22
ubuntu64bitlernid keeps getting a connection interupted? nothing is wrong with my connection im using 12.04 beta16:25
jeshwanthHello anyone please help me, yesterday I have downloaded the linux kernel 3.0.29 from kernel.org and built it and installed to my system , but when I select that kernel while booting it giving some error can't mount and all, so Now I want to remove that kernel what I need to do ? I am using ubuntu 11.10 , thanks16:26
splashiiIs it advised to install nvidia drivers that nvidia provide? Or is there a better source?16:26
BluesKajsplashii, open kmenu>apps>system>additonal drivers , install the recommended driver16:27
BluesKajif yo're on kubuntu16:27
BluesKajnot sure where they are on ubuntu16:28
bekksjeshwanth: Do you use 12.04?16:28
jeshwanthno 11.1016:28
splashiiBlueKaj: no, I'm using standard ubuntu (unity?).  12.04.16:28
bekksjeshwanth: Then this isnt the right place to ask :)16:28
bekksjeshwanth: And I already answered your question in #ubuntu16:28
BluesKajsplashii, they're still inadditional drivers , wherever that's located on unity16:29
splashiiBlueKaj: I have an "Aditional Drivers", but no graphics drivers listed in there (only Broadcom)16:29
Travis-42Does the 12.04 beta seem to be running smoothly? I've been struggling with performance issues since upgrading to 11.10, and hoping this may help improve things.16:29
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splashiiTravis-42: it feels slower to me than 11.04, but maybe I'm having graphics driver issues.16:29
BluesKajsplashii, apt-cache policy nvidia-current  , maybe your nvidia driver is already installed16:32
Travis-42splashii, yea, guess I'll just give it a try. the performance for me on two separate 11.10 machines has been horrible.16:33
BluesKajTravis-42, the only problem i have in 12.04 is that kmail crashes a lot...no graphics issues at all16:34
splashiiBlueKaj: cool, I tried that, but not sure how to read these results.16:34
BluesKajsplashii, pastebin16:35
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.16:35
splashiiBlueKaj: http://pastebin.com/7yCYDpdj16:36
BluesKajok splashii , here's a method copied from a tutorial , which I edited to make simpler , http://paste.ubuntu.com/944362/16:39
BluesKajthis will install the required nvidia driver16:40
splashiiBluesKaj: you're awesome.  Thank you, I'll try it out now!16:40
elijahHow can I disable the pause that happens when I have a secondary monitor connected and am trying to move back to the primary. It hangs and tries to open the menu.16:42
=== rocky_ is now known as rocky
derek12dropbox working fine under 12.04 anyone?16:57
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derek12i followed this http://www.liberiangeek.net/2012/04/install-dropbox-in-ubuntu-12-04-precise-pangolin/ and now I think my dropbox install efforts are forever broken17:01
krababbelI just installed from software center17:04
phibxrSame here, installed Dropbox in 12.04 straight from software center without adding any PPAs. Working like a charm.17:04
derek12it kept asking me for super user and then wouldn't do anything17:04
derek12any idea how I can remove all traces of dropbox to start fresh?17:05
krababbeltried software center?17:05
wyldederek12: sudo apt-get purge <packagename>17:05
derek12it crashes when I try remove then when I relaunch it's gone, but the icon is still there17:05
derek12wylde: unable to locate package dropbox17:06
topylisudo apt-get purge nautilus-dropbox; rm -rf ~/.dropbox-dist17:06
pestilencederek12: isn't the package nautilus-dropbox17:06
topylior whatever the directory was, i forget17:06
derek12pestilence: im not the guy to ask...17:06
pestilencederek12: ok, i'm telling you it is ;)17:06
wyldederek12: was just going to say you have to use the whole package name.17:06
derek12ok I ran what you said and it removed 1 thing17:07
derek12icon is still in my unity bar if that matters17:07
pestilencederek12: so remove it...17:07
wyldederek12: did you add a ppa to your sources in that tutorial?17:07
derek12I ran all those comands17:07
pestilencederek12: right click the icon...17:08
krababbelderek12: icons regularily stay in my launcher as well, remove it :)17:08
derek12wylde: I then went to software sources and other software, removed it17:08
derek12yeah I'm not afraid of the icon or anything just wondering if it remaining there was a sign of uninstallationfailure :(17:08
derek12so ill try a fresh dropbox isntall from software centre17:08
wyldederek12: moment, I'm looking at it. Ok if you removed the ppa then sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install nautilus-dropbox17:09
topyliif the shell doesn't return an error, there is no error :)17:09
topyliderek12: if you were able to run dropbox, you might still have the proprietary daemon in your home directory17:10
derek12ok so it says Start Dropbox to finish installation17:10
derek12click start and it asks for super user pass17:11
derek12I enter it and nothing happens17:11
derek12should I restart to complete updates..?17:11
topyliyou shouldn't need to be superuser, it simply installs the daemon from dropbox.com to your home directory17:11
krababbelI had to enter su pass once.17:12
pestilenceif one were to theoretically upgrade to 12.04 today, how badly would things go compared to on thursday?17:12
topyli(so yes, things do seem to be broken)17:12
derek12Error: Trouble connecting to Dropbox servers. Maybe your internet connection is down, or you need to set your http_proxy environment variable17:12
derek12The installation of Dropbox failed.17:12
pestilenceis it relatively safe at this point, given the freeze on development?17:12
krababbelderek12: that's another matter then17:12
jussiis the nvidia driver broken currently?17:12
Picipestilence: probably roughly the same, except if you stumble upon some issue that no one else has seen, and in that case you'd only have this place for support.17:12
topyliderek12: you should never have to enter any password except your dropbox credentials17:12
derek12i've put my proxy in apt.conf and also in the standard network config via interface17:12
krababbeljussi: not for me17:12
jussimeh, dropbox. spideroak <317:13
derek12do I need it somewhere for dropbox too?17:13
pestilencePici: ok.  but on thursday when you do an apt-get dist-upgrade it shouldn't pull in 700 MB more of updates should it?17:13
krababbeltopyli: I had to, I'm pretty sure17:13
topylijussi +117:13
wyldepestilence: I'd wait until the actual release date if you're thinking about using the dist-upgrade method. Just my opinion.17:13
BluesKajpestilence, who knows . who can predict the future , but so far 12.04 is very stable for my setup , except for kmail17:13
Picipestilence: The archive is frozen, but if there are issues there are ways of the devs getting updated pacakges in.17:13
topyliwhen was kmail ever stable? :)17:13
pestilencewylde: ok, thanks.  i guess i'll probably do that (and maybe even wait a couple of weeks to update to give the servers a break)17:13
topylimaybe in kde 1.217:13
Picipestilence: As well as any fixes that need to go in for CD respins.17:14
BluesKajtopyli, it was fine til the last update upgrade17:14
Lars_is the daily Precise image frozen for 12.04 release?17:14
pestilencewylde: i was actually thinking of using update-manager17:14
topyliBluesKaj: nice!17:14
wyldepestilence: yeah, just the safest route in my opinion. I'll probably update this machine right away but my server will wait unitl 10.04 is almsot EOL. :)17:14
derek12any ideas chaps?17:15
wyldepestilence: yeah thats basicall the same as dist-upgrade or do-release-upgrade17:15
teroum I a new to this "can't wait for a new ubuntu" at what time exactly(gmt) can we expect that the new iso could be downloaded on thursday?17:15
BluesKajtopyli, i used webmail for yrs , after they changed kmail in kde4  , just decided to come back a few weeks ago17:15
Piciwylde, pestilence: a dist-upgrade is not the same thing as using update-manager or do-release-upgrade.17:16
pestilencePici: that's what i thought.  it has been my experience from past upgrades that they are definitely different.17:16
Lars_tero: You might be able to do it already - just asking the guys if anyone knows is the daily image considered final already17:16
topyliLars_: it's final when they create the final image on release day :)17:17
wyldePici: alrighty, my bad.17:17
Lars_topyli: Well, in the past it has been frozen a day or two before and checksums matched17:17
topyliLars_: that's great, we don't want things to break on the last day. but they still can17:18
BluesKajLars_, gawd i hope not ...I went thru a lot of trouble to setup kmail , and now it's constantly crashing by just clicking on a header ...there better be a fix in the works before thursday17:18
terothe point is that I actually need the server version :) tommorow I am getting some new hw and boss wants the server to be updated tommorow17:18
teroi can't wait another day :\17:18
teroi know is annoying17:18
Lars_BluesKaj: Well, I have a ton on issues with 11.10 and it's 6 months old so...17:18
BluesKajLars_, 12.04 is definitely more stable than 11.10 overall , that's a fact17:19
Lars_tero: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/current/   <-- download, install, update and be happy17:19
Lars_BluesKaj: Yep, that is why I am sniffing around if CD image is frozen already17:19
BluesKajLars_, I think it is17:20
Lars_would have 2 hours just now to do the install17:20
Lars_B2 runs great on laptop17:20
pestilenceBluesKaj: i wouldn't hold your breath on that.17:20
BluesKajpestilence, not to worry :)17:20
bcuraboyhi.is there any other application in ubuntu that would let me run winshit applications beside wine/winetricks?17:27
pestilencebcuraboy: virtualbox17:28
bcuraboybut then i would have to install a win SO,no?17:29
pestilencebcuraboy: yup.17:29
pestilence(in a virtual machine)17:29
bcuraboywhat's the smaller distro of win?17:30
bcuraboyxp perhaps?17:30
pestilencewhat software are you trying to run17:31
bcuraboysome software my daughter adquired in a usb pen at school17:31
bcuraboyeducational material17:31
pestilencexp is probably your best bet.17:33
pestilencefor size/compatibility anyways17:33
pestilencei mean, you could install windows for workgroups, it'd be really small.  but i doubt that it would run the application you want it to.17:33
bcuraboyi'll download the winshit17:34
bcuraboyand the virtual box17:34
Picibcuraboy: Please mind your language here.17:34
* bcuraboy is gone17:35
jribatjepatatje: pastebin /etc/init.d/clamav-daemon please17:39
atjepatatjejrib  http://paste.ubuntu.com/944452/17:40
jribatjepatatje: I think we can also use set -x here and get more information if you would like to try17:41
atjepatatjejrib no problem where should i add id/17:42
atjepatatjejrib it?17:42
jribatjepatatje: you understand why apt hangs, correct?17:42
jribatjepatatje: below #!/bin/sh17:42
atjepatatjeit tries to add clamav to the init.d ?17:42
jribatjepatatje: but at the top17:42
jribatjepatatje: the last thing the .postinst tries to do is "invoke-rc.d clamav-daemon start" but this commands hangs17:43
jribatjepatatje: so now we'll try to figure out why invoke-rc.d clamav-daemon start is hanging17:43
atjepatatjejrib I understand ;)17:44
atjepatatjejrib http://paste.ubuntu.com/944459/17:44
jribatjepatatje: interesting17:45
atjepatatjejrib has it anything to do with a software raid?17:46
jribatjepatatje: I doubt it17:46
jribatjepatatje: and now ps shows no clam, correct?17:48
atjepatatjejrib 12986 pts/5    00:00:00 clamav-daemon17:48
jribatjepatatje: ok...17:48
atjepatatjejrib thats already a step forward isn't it ;)17:49
jribatjepatatje: but we didn't do anything :P17:49
atjepatatjekill earlier installs :)17:49
jribatjepatatje: alright, stop the daemon and try running an apt-get command again17:50
ScottyKI'm trying to install 12.04 (daily build 23 Apr), and I get out of sync errors on the monitor after the initial purple screen. The video card is a Geforce 6200, with an 21" LCD monitor17:50
atjepatatjejrib I ran the ps, when "invoke-rc.d clamav-daemon start" was still running17:51
atjepatatjei ctrl-c'ed it and the ps output is gone too17:51
jribatjepatatje: huh17:51
jribatjepatatje: and it never got past plymouth --ping?17:52
atjepatatjejrib you don't understand me? or do you not undrestand the program17:52
jribatjepatatje: the latter :)17:52
atjepatatjejrib yes, it didnt get pas Plymouth17:52
jribatjepatatje: what does plymouth --ping do for you?17:53
atjepatatjejrib if i run it directly from the command line/17:53
jribatjepatatje: yeah17:53
atjepatatjejrib not a thing17:53
jribatjepatatje: and « echo $? » immediately after? (plymouth --ping exits and frees your terminal, right?)17:54
atjepatatjejrib plymouth hangs, without giving back the prompt17:54
jribatjepatatje: hmm17:55
jribatjepatatje: ps -ef | grep plymouth   return anything?17:55
jribI have no idea how plymouth --ping actually checkis if "the boot daemon is running"17:55
atjepatatjejrib there is a big list too17:56
atjepatatjejrib from the ps command17:56
jribatjepatatje: pastebin?17:56
cuppsyI've been trying to set up XMonad & Unity on 12.04, but it throws an error that it can't find unity-2d-launcher (which is installed). Anyone know what's going on?17:58
atjepatatjejrib http://paste.ubuntu.com/944477/ (pastebin is being fludd ;) )17:58
atjepatatjejrib flooded17:58
jribatjepatatje: you can kill all the --ping commands.  However, I don't know if behavior of plymouth has changed from 11.10.  Here on 11.10, I have no plymouth process running once the I login17:59
atjepatatjejrib i cant kill them all => http://paste.ubuntu.com/944484/18:02
atjepatatjejrib some are comming back18:02
jribatjepatatje: heh18:02
jribatjepatatje: what login manager do you use?18:02
atjepatatjejrib what does plymouth do?18:03
jribatjepatatje: shows the pretty pictures during boot18:03
atjepatatjejrib haha.... that rings a bell18:03
jribatjepatatje: oh?18:03
atjepatatjejrib when booting, my screen does not show anything directtly at the server18:03
atjepatatjejrib i can SSH though18:04
sb1980hi ! i'm trying to run kubuntu-devel-release-upgrade and get: "UnicodeEncodeError: 'ascii' codec can't encode character u'\xfc' in position 27: ordinal not in range(128)"  . anyonw knows what to do?18:04
jribatjepatatje: so plymouth probably never exits18:04
atjepatatjejrib could be18:04
jribatjepatatje: I don't know if you can disable plymouth altogether, but maybe you can look into that18:05
atjepatatjejrib I never installed a kde like environment, I only had cli support18:05
hareldvdHow do I add applications to the launch bar?18:06
atjepatatjejrib and one other thing... when I'm trying to reboot via putty, putty gets disconnected, but the server never reboots18:06
phibxrhareldvd, either start the application and right click it and select to lock it to the launcher, or drag and drop it from the dash.18:06
jribatjepatatje: probably related to plymouth too18:06
hareldvdphibxr, Thanks.18:07
phibxrhareldvd, You're most welcome. :)18:08
hareldvdright click does nothing. Drag from dash is OK.18:08
atjepatatjejrib I rebooted my server, the errors are gone now (from the boot screen) but nothing appears18:08
phibxrhareldvd, strange. It should give you the option "Lock to launcher".18:08
jribatjepatatje: is plymouth still running?18:08
phibxrhareldvd, just tested with a few apps I haven't locked to the launcher yet. :P18:09
hareldvdphibxr, lock the launcher?? maybe unintentionally?18:09
atjepatatjejrib http://paste.ubuntu.com/944495/18:09
jribatjepatatje: try « sudo plymouth quit » just for kicks18:10
atjepatatjejrib it hangs and doesnt return to the command prompt18:10
jribatjepatatje: try manually killing plymouthd18:11
atjepatatjejrib cant we reinstall the x screen or something like that18:11
jribatjepatatje: honestly if it's a server, my suggestion would be to just disable plymouth18:11
jrib(and file a bug with details if you want)18:12
atjepatatjejrib that sounds good to me too :)18:12
atjepatatjejrib i cant kill the demone18:12
atjepatatjejrib demon18:12
hareldvdphibxr, I restored to default behaviours on the appearance settings. Still nothing on right click on the launcher.18:12
jribatjepatatje: try adding "nosplash" instead of "splash" to your kernel line.  I'm not sure that actually disables plymouth from running altogether, but worth a try18:13
phibxrhareldvd, That sounds strange indeed. You're missing out on quite a lot of right-click functionality then.18:13
atjepatatjejrib where can i find the kernel line ?18:13
hareldvdMaybe I missed a package on installation?18:13
atjepatatjejrib is that during reboot?18:13
jribatjepatatje: you can change it one-time during boot if you wish (if you want to make a permanent change, /msg ubottu !grub).  During boot, at the grub screen, you can press 'e' to edit the kernel line18:14
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)18:15
phibxrhareldvd, this is what it should look like: http://img594.imageshack.us/img594/9682/launcherpe.png18:19
hareldvdphibxr, I noticed those before and I dont have them anymore. Couldn't make it start again.18:22
hareldvdI just restored /usr/share/doc dir (due to disk space problems at install time). Will relogin and see if it got better.18:23
atjepatatje2jrib did you want me to set the graphics mode?18:24
jribatjepatatje2: I would try "noslpash" (and remove "splash"), yes18:25
atjepatatje2jrib there is no splash option when pressing e :)18:26
jribatjepatatje2: hmm, what's there?18:26
hareldvdNo go.18:27
jribcuppsy: yay xmonad!  But I have no idea how to make it work with unity, never saw the need.  How exactly have you been setting it up?18:27
Almindorwho's bright idea was it to "whitelist" 4 specific apps for systray icon access in unity?18:28
atjepatatje2jrib something like this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/944522/18:30
jribatjepatatje2: where is this?18:30
atjepatatje2jrib just after booting and pressing "e"18:31
jribatjepatatje2: ok, change "quiet" to "nosplash"18:31
atjepatatje2jrib ok18:31
atjepatatje2jrib cant see anything during startup18:33
atjepatatje2jrib no command line18:33
jribatjepatatje2: check just to see but plymouth is probably still running then18:33
atjepatatje2jrib yes it is18:34
jribatjepatatje2: I don't know the proper way to disable plymouth in 12.0418:34
jribatjepatatje2: I also don't know how to troubleshoot it18:34
atjepatatje2jrib i was afraid for this answer ;)18:35
atjepatatje2jrib how ever thank you very mutch for helping me out so far18:35
jribatjepatatje2: no problem.  I guess your next step is plymouth documentation and asking various support channels about plymouth18:41
jribatjepatatje2: there's a #plymouth18:42
Artemis3atjepatatje, do you have nvidia?18:43
atjepatatje2jrib haha thank you :)18:43
atjepatatje2jrib i think i got it to work :)18:44
jribatjepatatje2: oh?18:44
atjepatatje2jrib i booted into recovery and did a dpkg fix thing18:44
atjepatatje2jrib that installed the update for my clamav i think18:44
jribatjepatatje2: in recovery, plymouth won't run I suppose.  Did plymouth then start working?18:44
atjepatatje2jrib clamav is running18:45
atjepatatje2jrib don't know18:45
jribatjepatatje2: have you booted into "not recovery mode"?18:45
atjepatatje2jrib i rebooted after recovery and now everything is text based like it was earlier18:45
jribatjepatatje2: is plymouth still running (ps?)18:46
atjepatatje2jrib i will reboot with normal settings for a try18:46
atjepatatje2it is not running18:46
jribatjepatatje2: interesting18:46
jribatjepatatje2: what else got run in recovery mode?18:46
atjepatatje2jrib ohh I am already rebooting18:46
atjepatatje2jrib hmm after reboot my screen turns black again....18:47
atjepatatje2jrib at least my apt-get works properly again18:49
jribatjepatatje2: don't forget to remove those "set -x"18:49
atjepatatje2jrib where were those files located again?18:50
atjepatatje2jrib found 118:52
jribatjepatatje2: /var/lib/dpkg/info/clamav-daemon.postinst and /etc/init.d/clamav-daemon18:54
atjepatatje2jrib thank you18:55
glosolisometimes Paste option in context menu is being showed and unactive even I have some file in clipboard, although it works by pressing that option in context menu, meanwhile being grayed it kills all the aesthetics18:59
glosolianyone get the same ?18:59
Travis-42I just upgraded to the 12.04 latest beta from 11.10. I have two monitors side by side. In 12.04, my mouse gets "stuck" when traveling between the two monitors because it wants to open the unity launcher on the left edge of the right monitor in addition to the left edge of the left monitor. Any ideas how to change this?19:28
bcuraboyhi.need some help to install win xp on virtual box with usb ports enabled19:29
phibxrTravis-42, did you perform all updates after install? Make sure that your left-to-right order hasn't been messed up. Can you move your move out from the right hand side of the screen onto the left-hand screen?19:30
Travis-42phibxr, all updates installed. monitors are still on the correct side. mouse stops on the left side of the left monitor and right side of the right monitor. When I mean stuck I don't mean permanently stuck, just temporarily stuck in the middle of the two monitors as the launcher displays19:31
Travis-42I guess if I move the mouse fast enough it doesn't come up, but it has to be pretty fast :P19:31
phibxrTravis-42, have you got your launcher bar hidden?19:31
Travis-42phibxr, yea, hidden is how I've been using it19:32
phibxrTravis-42, that's what's causing it then. If you right-click your desktop, select Change Desktop Background (for some reason), and Behavior, you can pick the edge resistance for showing the launcher.19:32
Travis-42phibxr, actually just tested: if I don't auto-hide the launcher it displays them on both monitors and it still gets stuck at the border of the monitors. Checked CompizConfig SM and I think it's the "Launcher Edge Stop Overcome Pressure". Tooltip says "Amount of mouse pressure required to push into the next monitor"19:35
Travis-42setting Launcher Edge Stop Overcome pressure to 1, or edge stop velocity to 1 make the experience much better19:35
phibxrTravis-42, sounds highly annoying. You should most likely report it somewhere. Can't replicate it here for some reason using the default settings.19:36
Travis-42phibxr, what should I report it under do you think, unity?19:36
phibxrTravis-42, I've only commented on existing bugs, but perhaps someone in here could help you. :P19:37
Travis-42on the plus side, upgrading to 12.04 seems to have solved my general performance issues on 11.10, yay :-)19:38
caravelHello there, I failed to find documentation about LiveUSB upgrades and dist-upgrades in persistent mode. I attempted an apt-get upgrade, a kernel went throu, seems to have updated /initrd but not /vmlinuz. As per casper-rw. image contain only an initrd in /boot. Anything I could do ?19:42
caravelRestored initrd from a livecd, that botts again as expected19:43
guntberthas there been some sort of freeze? two days without any upgrades...19:43
phibxrguntbert, a slowdown will be expected less that 48 hours before release. :)19:43
phibxrguntbert, *than19:43
guntbertphibxr: :-)  but what we experience now seems to be rather a beta2 freeze - answering my own question19:46
phibxrguntbert, I guess you could call it that. :P19:46
phibxrguntbert, I'd be surprised it someone managed to squeeze in any more updates, unless something's deemed broken beyond all repair.19:47
guntbertphibxr: true19:48
phibxrguntbert, and if they manage to repair something that's broken beyond all repair less than 48 hours before release, I'll just revert to being both surprised and humble. o.O19:48
cwillu_at_work48 hours to replace unity! :p19:49
guntbertphibxr: 48 hours? aren't you a little ahead of your time?19:49
phibxrguntbert, plus minus whatever. It's almost 25th here. :P19:49
guntbertphibxr: and release is scheduled for 28th :-)19:50
* guntbert switches nitpicking mode off again :-)19:51
ubottuUbuntu releases a new version every 6 months. Each version is supported for 18 months to 5 years. More info at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases & http://wiki.ubuntu.com/TimeBasedReleases19:51
wylde--> "Precise Pangolin" is the code name for Ubuntu 12.04, scheduled for release on 26 April 2012. <--19:52
guntbertwylde: right you are (and phibxr of course too)  - I wasn't able to parse a simple table row on the web site and mistook the line number for the date : 28:April 26th:Quality:UnseededUniverseFinalFreeze (Tue), FinalRelease: Ubuntu 12.04 LTS19:56
phibxrguntbert, xD19:56
wyldeguntbert: all good :)19:57
barfI have a problem with the package system: no file for openssl-1.0.0 when doing apt-get upgrade19:59
barfThis started to happen this week or during the weekend.19:59
trismbarf: sudo apt-get update; first19:59
cuppsyjrib: Sorry, left for lunch, haha. I've been following a tutorial from Google where you just manually make the session file for it and point to unity-2d-panel (works) and unity-2d-launcher (does not work yet).20:05
jribcuppsy: tried specifying the complete path to the -launcher?  Checked for typos?20:06
* cwillu_at_work notes the archive mirrors mostly disappearing one by one20:06
telecomandoanyone have any docs or tips know of any bugs joining 12.04 + samba to Active DIrectory, having no luck keeping it working20:06
cuppsyjrib It's this line -> 'DefaultProvider-launcher=unity-2d-launcher'... but in terminal, it doesn't see "unity-2d-launcher" as a command. And I've triple-checked that I installed it.20:07
jribcuppsy: can you actually find the unity-2d-launcher program?20:08
jribcuppsy: in the filesystem?20:08
cuppsyjrib There's cautious-launcher under usr/bin... but no unity-2d-launcher... wth?20:14
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jribcuppsy: I think I've run unity once and it was by mistake os can't help much there20:15
vnhi, just noticed things changed with precise for resolv.conf, where do I change my DNS in CLI?20:15
vnI thought edition /etc/network/interface and restart networking service was good...20:15
cuppsyjrib lol Np, thanks for trying. Honestly, it's not helping that I'm new to Xmonad. I'm used to awesome or dwm, but I'm trying it since it looks like it (should) work well with unity.20:17
blujhi.. anyone seen a bug in ubuntu 12.04 where ctrl+alt+l doesn't work to lock screen? it worked when i first installed, 3+ days later it doesnt20:17
jribcuppsy: does awesome work with unity?20:17
Logan_bluj: Works for me. Do you have everything updated?20:17
blujLogan_: yes, maybe not today/yesterday.. but whenever the bug started happening i updated that day, again the next, and still busted.20:18
blujLogan_: the lock screen option at top right does work though, the function is ok just somehow the shortcut is busted20:18
Logan_bluj: Have you checked your Keyboard settings?20:18
blujwhat would i be looking for?20:18
Logan_Go to Keyboard in System Settings, then hit the Shortcuts tab, and then hit System on the left.20:19
Logan_You can see the shortcut for Lock Screen there.20:19
blujLogan_: yes it is still Ctrl+Alt+L20:19
cuppsyjrib: No idea. May look into that next. I just think unity's keyboard-heavy operation + a solid tiling WM is a bang-bang combo.20:20
Travis-42Since rhythmbox is now the preferred music player in 12.04, is there any way to import my banshee ratings into rhythmbox?20:20
caravelIs there any doc about kernel upgrades on LiveUSB in persistent mode (made from the beta2 LiveCD creation tool) ? Is it achievable without post-editing casper-rw ?20:20
jribcuppsy: hmm, idk.  Personally I just xmonad works well for me.  Have you considered doing that?20:21
caravel[...] I attempted an apt-get upgrade, a kernel went throu, seems to have updated /initrd but not /vmlinuz. As per casper-rw. image contain only an initrd in /boot. Anything I could do ? (Restored /initrd from a livecd, that boots again as expected)20:21
Logan_Travis-42: Looks like http://code.google.com/p/rhythmbox-banshee-import/ might be able to do it.20:21
cuppsyjrib: I may just go solo tiling window manager. I only opted for xmonad since I saw/read it worked well with unity. Sans unity, I'll probably stick with awesome, dwm or ratpoison that I've used before.20:26
Dan-The-Manit seems there is no iphone support until you install ifuse and libimobiledevice-utils.  Is this intentional or a bug?20:31
trismDan-The-Man: mounts fine in nautilus without either installed here, so I would guess bug20:36
Dan-The-Mantrism, which iphone and ios are you on?20:37
trismDan-The-Man: 5.1 ipad120:38
mykrobinsonanyone else experiencing stutter videos on Youtube today?20:56
mykrobinsonMy computer running 11.10 is fine, but my laptop running 12.04, all updates, is acting silly. Havne;t rebooted yet, wanted to see if this was a known issue.,20:56
sk1specialokay. got a nvidia geforce basic graphics card with one hdmi/ one vga output. when my pc starts it sits for about 30 seconds on a screen with horizontal lines..then loads. when i use the suggested update to the actual driver instead of default..only my hdmi screen shows up as connected..and i cant use and 3d graphics etc without the update.21:20
Travis-42I'm getting random lockups in 12.04. Where do I need to look to help diagnose the cause?21:23
sk1specialany help ?21:56
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spaceneedleaside from the user theme extension  causing gnome tweak tool not to open up and the words up at the top get all jumbled up when I open a window, ubuntu is working excellent on my laptop. Very fast boot up too.22:13
barftrism: sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get upgrade22:15
barftrism: apt-get -f install22:16
barfbut still it tells me the same error: no file for openssl 1.0.022:16
trismbarf: if it is still not working, pastebin the output22:16
trismbarf: we are at openssl 1.0.1 so it isn't there22:16
trismbarf: also: apt-cache policy openssl;22:18
inashdeenhi there, i manage to disable global menu. now, my bar for file, edit, etc is already in its ownbar, but my close button still persist in the main bar. how do i bring it down too?22:49
caravelIs there any doc about kernel upgrades on LiveUSB in persistent mode (made from the beta2 LiveCD creation tool) ? Is it achievable without post-editing casper-rw ?22:58
caravel[...] I attempted an apt-get upgrade, a kernel went throu, seems to have updated /initrd but not /vmlinuz. As per casper-rw. image contain only an initrd in /boot. Anything I could do ? (Restored /initrd from a livecd, that boots again as expected)22:59
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dustinspringmanw00t.. +1 more Ubuntu desktop user in my office as of today.. that brings us up to 10 out of 14 all using 12.04 #win!23:41
FernandoMiguelhey guys23:41
justdaveso, the description on the xserver-xorg-video-ivtv package says "This driver requires the IVTV kernel module provided by the23:41
FernandoMiguelI would like to say bye till +1 reopens23:41
justdaveivtv-source package."23:41
FernandoMiguelit's that time again :D23:42
justdavebut ivtv-source isn't in the repo23:42
FernandoMigueljustdave: ask in #ubuntu-x23:42
andygraynice dustinspringman23:42
justdaveof course, it's not in the dependency list either23:42
justdaveI suspect it's included with the kernel now and someone forgot to update the description or something23:42
FernandoMigueldustinspringman: :) I have over 100 latops at the office running 12.04 :b23:43
dustinspringmanFernandoMiguel: nice23:43
dustinspringmanbtw, did you guys know...23:44
FernandoMiguelI think we have more OSX than Win7 :S23:44
dustinspringmanOpenDNS is using Ubuntu for their Virtual Appliances for their Active Directory integrated system.. I noticed it the other day when setting up a beta with their fresh team.. awesome to see Ubuntu in that space.23:44
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