
infinityjanimo: Do you still have your Quickstart handy, and can I beg you to be my community tester?08:00
janimoinfinity, my quickstart is still around, albeit unused. I can test stuff on it sure08:24
infinityjanimo: That would be awesome.  We just need solid smoketesting on the mx5 images, so I can release them.08:43
janimoinfinity, where they at?08:44
janimoand images? do we not only have one?08:44
janimoregular cdimage as usual right?08:44
infinityjanimo: Just the one desktop image, yeah.08:44
infinityjanimo: cdimage/daily-preinstalled/current08:44
* janimo looks for mx5 power cords08:44
janimoI like the lack of any trace of *armel* on that page08:45
infinityjanimo: That's by design. ;)08:47
janimoindeed, glad we dropped them08:47
=== mckoan|away is now known as mckoan
janimoinfinity, I no longer remember if desktop images had less output on video than on serial. The mx5 image stopped outputting to VGA after mounting root - so I stopped it after a minute , whereas booting with serial attached it prints out resize info09:50
janimoI think desktop images should have some sort of progress indication or it looks not much different from bad SD or other boot problems09:50
janimoespecially since the last lines are the infamous 'couldnt' mount because of unsupported optional features (240)'09:51
janimowhich may in fact mean I have some issue with this card, but I have seen the error before and it seemed harmless09:51
infinityjanimo: It's meant to output via plymouth.  It does on omap*...09:52
infinityNot progress, mind you, but it does say "resizing, please wait".09:52
janimoit says so on serial, with VGA on it just stays in text mode (after it switches the fonts to the thinner looking ones)09:53
janimono plymouth/splash in sight09:53
infinityFun.  I haven't booted an mx5 image in eons. :/09:54
janimome neither09:54
infinityNot that I care if the splash works.09:54
infinityJust that it boots/installs.09:54
janimoI think our resize tricks buy much less than they are worth09:54
janimomake testing harder and more confusing09:54
infinitySo, I'm still cool with blaming your card.09:54
janimodevelopers can use a straight to sd, bootbale image09:54
janimoas the linaro ones are09:55
infinityRelease is in two days, not changing that. :P09:55
janimoI know :)09:55
janimojust saying09:55
janimowe spend too much time (or well, spent) for a corner case which has few advantages imo09:55
janimoespecialy since these images are clearly not for human beings, to warrant the extra handholding09:56
=== mckoan is now known as mckoan|away
janimoinfinity, it  kind of boots up but it is very slow. The install does not seem to finish (ubi disappears and I restarted manually after ~10 min)10:51
janimoif it were a movie I'd give ubuntu on mx53 '1 star'10:51
janimoit has way less users than the omaps and is less mature, that may explain its status10:52
ogra_still better than only having b-class celebrities in it10:52
LetoThe2ndogra_: don't you like b-movies?10:57
ogra_i love b movies10:57
ogra_but having one star in them makes them commercially more popular :)10:57
LetoThe2ndFTW http://goo.gl/sAVTO (might be NSFW depending on your office)10:59
ogra_lol, i recently noticed that in my EPG10:59
janimosince everyting is so slow on this mx53 it should at least be funny. I wish it said Das home as a tooltip instead of Dash home11:00
LetoThe2ndogra_: i certainly recommand to watch it.11:01
ogra_heh, will do if my GF doesnt run away then :)11:01
ogra_janimo, haha11:01
LetoThe2ndogra_: good luck with that11:02
LetoThe2ndjanimo: locoboard i guess?11:02
janimothe OOM killer should also print a short random joke in dmesg to make the best of the situation11:02
ogra_file a bug, thats a great suggestion :)11:03
janimothen people without internet but who need the instant gratyfication of every distraction would just run fork-bombs and tail dmesg11:03
janimothis is what testing mx53 does to me :)11:04
LetoThe2ndidea: make a module to provide /sys/distractions/eliza11:04
LetoThe2nda.k.a. kernel space psychoanalysis11:05
janimo'Are you echoing 1 to me?'11:05
* ogra_ now has a robert de-niro voice in his head ...11:07
LetoThe2ndi am not insane. 9 voices in my head are telling me all the time, and the tenth one is constantly humming the tune of tetris.11:08
janimoogra_, is there any new unity/compiz gles fix in the queue?11:21
ogra_it should work from -proposed11:21
janimobesides what is in -proposed11:21
infinityjanimo: Erk.  I wish I had my board here.  I can't see how/why it would be any more broken than omap. :/11:49
janimoinfinity, I know it was very slow when releasing 11.10 too11:50
janimoalthough for unknown reasons, it could be hw/board specific11:50
janimoI just know it used to boot for 10 minutes or so back then11:50
infinityIf you can actually get it to install, that's good enough for me. :/11:50
infinityIf not, maybe we'll just drop the image from the release.11:50
janimoinfinity, yes, it installed and I could log in, just not very usable11:51
janimobut that would probably be true for other similarly specced computers11:51
janimoI know the beagle was not very snappy either11:51
janimowith the mx53 factory image though everything was very smooth11:51
infinityAlright.  Well, if it boots and installs, that's enough for me.11:54
infinityMaybe I'll find some time to see why it sucks next cycle. :/11:54
infinityjanimo: Can you mark it tested in the tracker?11:54
infinityjanimo: And if we have to respin, can I beg you to retest? ;)11:54
janimoinfinity, I can retest, it is not too much work just boring :)11:55
infinityMy hero.11:55
janimoI need to see how I log into the tracker, I know I only used it when I made the account months ago11:55
infinityI couldn't really disconnect my board without blowing up my whole network.11:55
janimoah yes, you're using it as archive mirror11:56
infinityAmong other things. :)11:56
sveinseHave any of you any experience with failing sd cards on an omap system? I'm seeing some strange things when upgrading several of our devices. apt-get dist-upgrade runs through, device is rebooted, but no file is changed in the fs! It's like the update never happened. dmesg reports nothing. No indication by kernel that the fs has become ro11:56
sveinseHow does the kernel respond if writes to the sd fails?11:57
janimoogra_, does unity3d on omap/PVR behave usably? I see lots of artifacts on x86/pvr11:57
infinitysveinse: If writes fail, that'll bubble up to userspace.11:58
sveinseyes, though so11:58
sveinseThe weird thing is that I can edit a file successfully. cat it. reboot and the file is back to its previous contents.12:00
sveinseDoes a ext4 journal recovery only recover file meta data or does it recover older versions of files as well?12:00
ogra_janimo, according to rsalveti and alf_ it should be fine12:09
ogra_did you rebuild it with the gles patch applied on x86 ?12:10
janimoogra_, ok thanks. It flickers a lot and has screen corruption here though12:10
janimoogra_, yes, in my ppa:jani/xd12:10
ogra_by default it will only be applied at build time on arm12:10
rsalvetijanimo: there are some glitches, but it's usable12:10
rsalvetiand they are pvr related12:10
rsalvetibut ti forwarded the issues to img already12:11
rsalvetibut guess that on x86 it'd go with intel12:11
janimorsalveti, ok good to know. Indeed, IMG need sto send Intel new binaries as well :)12:11
rsalvetiogra_: what still needs to happen to get the compiz packages from proposed to updates or main?13:18
ogra_rsalveti, well, seems the fglrx patch is supposed to be updated, i still wait for the commit :(13:18
rsalvetioh, ok :-(13:18
rsalvetiogra_: do we have a bug tracking that?13:18
ogra_beyond that, this patch needs to be tested on all non fglrx x86 HW13:19
ogra_i think that bug was already autoclosed13:19
rsalvetioh, ok13:19
ogra_they found a better fix they want to commit13:19
rsalvetigot it13:20
=== Guest70849 is now known as zumbi
=== zumbi is now known as Guest86751
ogra_smplman, did you get around to test the omap images on the XM ?14:44
smplmanyes but the checkbox test was running crazy slow14:45
ogra_but the install worked ?14:45
smplmanaudio doesn't seem to work but everything else was good14:45
smplmani didn't have time to file a bug14:45
smplmanis it building the kernel on install?14:45
ogra_audio is a long standing issue, needs UCM profiles and has a bug open already14:45
smplmanalso there was no partition option14:45
GrueMastersmplman: The audio bug is 92509414:45
smplmani wanted to use my ssd for the root fs14:46
ogra_will you log the result on the tracker ? (else i can)14:46
ogra_ah, you cant with the preinstalled images14:46
smplmani believe i did in the test cases14:46
smplmani submitted but I'm not sure they went through14:46
smplmanethernet worked right off the bat14:47
smplmanthe desktop image runs pretty slow, but i think once i get the ssd going it should be much better14:47
ogra_well, i'll submit a success report then and add 925094 to the result14:48
smplmanogra_: thanks14:49
ogra_thanks for testing !!!!14:49
smplmantanks for the support ;-)14:49
ogra_GrueMaster, didnt you test ac100 ? would you mind logging it on the tracker ?14:53
GrueMasterI could, but it wasn't really a test.  Didn't see any issues though.14:54
ogra_well, i can too if you dont want to, no prob :)14:54
ogra_(i'm not testing more than the install either here, given i actually use it daily anyway userspace is tested enough imho :) )14:55
* ogra_ submits 14:56
* ppisati -> brb16:01
=== Guest86751 is now known as zumbi
cehhGrueMaster: I followed your advice to use netboot image and preseeding, however the installer does not fetch the preseeding config file18:37
GrueMastercehh: I see a problem with your kernel bootargs.  Try bootargs=vram=12M fixrtc quiet debian-installer/framebuffer=false console=ttyO2,115200n8 url= -- debconf/priority=critical locale=en_US console-setup/ask_detect=false console-setup/layoutcode=us live-installer/enable=false18:41
GrueMasterIt will automatically choose dhcp if your preseed has that set.18:41
GrueMasterHere is my preseed:  http://paste.ubuntu.com/944541/18:42
cehhGrueMaster: thx, i'm going to give it a try18:43
smplmanwhere can i get said net boot image?18:46
GrueMastersmplman: The netboot images for arm are at http://ports.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-ports/dists/precise/main/installer-armel/current/images/18:48
GrueMastersmplman: The netboot images for armhf are at http://ports.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-ports/dists/precise/main/installer-armhf/current/images/18:48
smplmanahh, love me some hf18:48
GrueMasterFirst link is for armel.18:48
smplmanGrueMaster: thanks18:49
GrueMasterUse the netboot images.  The cdimages are just the raw kernel & initrd w/o uboot crc headers.18:50
smplmanthats what i tested last night on my beagle xm18:50
smplmanI've been wanting to try the net boot images18:50
GrueMasterAlso, the *-fat-* images are essentially fat partitions.  The *.gz images are compressed raw SD images.18:51
GrueMasterfb - Frame Buffer (Monitor required).  serial - Serial Console (no monitor needed).18:52
smplmangotcha, was about to ask18:52
GrueMasterThey really need to have a readme file defining these.18:52
smplmani would have fumbled my way through it18:53
smplmananyone tried the net install on an omap yet?18:53
cehhGrueMaster: those bootargs worked much better. The problem now is that network autoconfig failed18:53
smplmani know I've tried rcn-ees net boot precise image and it worked nicely18:54
GrueMastercehh: Do you have link lights on your XM?18:54
GrueMasterI had a problem with intermittent network connectivity issues.18:55
GrueMasterHmm.  If you have a link, it should be able to resolve via dhcp.18:55
cehhafter doing usb start at uboot prompt, there is nw connectivity18:55
GrueMasterI had to physically remove the network cable and wait a few seconds before plugging in for it to detect.18:56
cehhI'm wondering if the problem is that bxm does not use regular eth iface but instead usb eth18:56
GrueMasterNo, I had it working.  Just had issues with the link detection.18:57
GrueMasterSee bug 838200.18:57
ubot2Launchpad bug 838200 in u-boot-linaro "No network support on Beagle XM" [High,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83820018:57
smplmancehh: try sudo modprobe smsc95xx18:59
smplmancehh: nevermind19:00
cehhsmplman: my problem is with the ubuntu installer (ie. running uInitrd)19:03
cehhbtw, I'm using bxm rev.C19:03
smplmanthats what i have19:03
smplmandrop to a shell and try the modprobe19:03
smplmanthen run the install19:03
smplmani had to this this once or twice19:04
cehhok, let me try that19:04
smplmanthe lights on the ethernet will come on if it worked19:04
GrueMasterCool.  I added "usb start" to my boot.scr, and my netboot is working without any intervention.19:06
GrueMasterI have a bxm Rev b.19:06
cehhsmplman: no love after doing 'modprobe smsc95xx'19:07
smplmanGrueMaster: it has only happened to me twice. every other time ethernet just works19:07
smplmancehh: you try to unplug and plug back in?19:07
cehhI do have eth lights19:08
smplmancehh: solid or blinking lights?19:08
GrueMasterOn my board, I always have had link issues.  Even with the preinstalled images.19:08
GrueMasterOrange LED should be solid (link).  Green should blink (traffic).19:09
cehhsolid orange, blinking green19:09
smplmanif you have lights go back into the install and dhcp should take over19:09
cehhsame error, can't dhcp.19:10
GrueMastercehh: Sounds like an issue on the dhcp server side.19:11
cehhyes, the problem is that the other equip on the network can dhcp just fine.19:12
GrueMasterOne issue I had was that I had to increase the # of dhcp assigned ip addresses and reduce the lease time.  Doing constant reboots on the beaglexm would eventually cause me to run out of addresses.19:12
GrueMasterRemember, the bxm doesn't have a static mac address.19:13
GrueMasterAnd I don't think the kernel will use the same mac as assigned by u-boot.19:14
cehhwill try on a different network19:15
GrueMastercehh: I have it installing here (almost done actually).19:18
smplmanyea i ran out of addresses also19:28
smplmanit also jacks with ssl certs19:28
cehhI tried on a different network but faced same dhcp problem. I will use manual nw config for now19:58
jeinorcehh, did you have problem with dhcp? I had the same problem with ubuntu core, but I'm not totally sure it's not a configuration fault on my side20:11
cehhjeinor: yes, I had problems w/ dhcp. I'm using manual nw config for now20:28
cehhGrueMaster: I'm getting close...Now I'm getting an error about mirror not supporting precise release20:29
cehhmy preseed.cfg is at http://pastebin.com/SYArrsp820:31
smplmancehh: i have heard the servers are getting slammed today for some reason20:31
azerti got an arm device21:25
azerti can't able to run youtube21:26
azertis that nomal ?21:26
smp4488GrueMaster: you still around?22:11
GrueMasterI'm back now.22:12
GrueMastercehh: That mirror looks like a debian mirror, not an Ubuntu mirror.22:12
GrueMasterNothing in it to indicate an Ubuntu mirror.22:13
GrueMasterAnd afaik, there are no public mirrors of ports.ubuntu.com.  I have my own private internal mirror, but that is it.22:14
smp4488GrueMaster: i needed some help with the netboot image but i got it22:19
smp4488like i said, i fumbled through it ;0)22:19
GrueMasterAh, ok.22:20
smp4488running now22:20
smp4488GrueMaster: network configured automatically22:20
smp4488cehh: it also looks like you used the debian squeeze variant instead of the precise22:34
smp4488i did that once22:34
vanhoofbeen having some random issues with my panda-es over the past few weeks and was curious if any of you guys have seen something similar23:27
vanhoof12.04 server, using the preinstalled image, fully updated23:27
vanhoofover the course of a day in running, it just vanishes from the network, a quick reset and i'm up and running23:28
vanhoofhave a serial console connected now to see if I can gather any other information, but anyone seen any random failures like this?23:28
vanhoofinitially thought it might have been a power lackage from my PoE adapter, but have since reproduced with that out of the equasion23:29
mythosvanhoof, where is the rootfs stored? nfs, usb-hdd?23:41

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