
asterismohi people03:38
asterismoneed help03:39
asterismoubuntu precise wont boot after partial upgrade03:39
asterismoi think is network manager because when trying to boot from recovery mode with network enabled... it freezes at a network manager line03:40
asterismoand pressing Ctrl+C it continues until the user prompt03:40
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asterismoany ideas?03:40
philipballewasterismo, hey!03:43
philipballewdoes dropping to a non networked rootshell work?03:43
asterismo<philipballew> 12.04 is driving me crazy man03:43
philipballewasterismo, whys that?03:43
asterismoevery time i update my system, it wont boot03:44
asterismoit's fuc...ing crazy03:44
asterismoi had installed ubuntu precise alpha 503:44
asterismoand it worked pretty fine and i did not update it since last month03:44
philipballewdid it update the kernel as well?03:45
asterismo now i thought it would be fine... many kernel updates03:45
asterismoand overall packages03:45
asterismoi had kernel 3.2.0'1703:45
asterismonow it's ...-2303:45
asterismothe latest03:45
asterismobut i think it's not the kernel03:45
philipballewits nm?03:46
asterismoi can boot in recovery mode03:46
asterismoand choose network03:46
asterismoi can install packages and stuff03:46
philipballewgui's are overrated anyway03:46
asterismoi have a wireless card Trendnet i think03:46
asterismoand it connects fine03:46
philipballewlscpi shows that usually03:46
asterismoi will reboot to show you the line in which it stucks03:47
asterismolspci fine03:47
philipballewokay, ill be on for another two hours here. typing a paper for school03:47
asterismobooting in kernel 3.2.0-23 recovery mode03:48
asterismochoosing network03:48
asterismoremounting filesystem03:48
asterismoit shows many lines03:49
asterismoi type the latest 303:49
asterismomodem-manager [1095]:  <info> Loaded plugin Ericsson MBM03:50
asterismomodem-manager [1095]:  <info> Loaded plugin Gobi03:51
philipballewcheck for broken packages03:51
asterismomodem-manager [1095]:  <info> Loaded plugin Option High-Speed03:51
asterismodone that03:51
asterismoand did also sudo apt-get install network-manager --reinstall03:51
asterismoand nothing03:51
asterismoit stucks at there but if i press Ctrl+C it continues03:51
philipballewtry again?03:52
asterismopressing Ctrl+C it follows booting and i can see a line there03:52
asterismoinitctl: event failed03:52
philipballewdid you google that error?03:52
asterismoand then prompts login03:52
asterismois there anyway to disable network manager at startup?03:54
asterismoso i can check if is this causing my system not booting?03:54
philipballewid check your logs to see whats goin on03:56
asterismowhat log should i check?03:57
asterismoi got it03:59
asterismoit was the ATI propietary drivers03:59
asterismoi uninstalled from terminal and it booted flawlessly03:59
philipballewasterismo, ati drivers. now you have a fun project to play with04:01
asterismothanks <philipballew>04:01
philipballewno problem.04:01
asterismonvidia is better or worse?04:01
asterismoi thought ATI was far  better04:01
philipballewnot sure. I use intel04:01
asterismomaybe is an update of ATI that i didn't notice04:02
asterismowill check04:02
philipballewyou can even install your own ati drivers if you want.04:02
philipballewhave fun with ubuntu04:02
asterismoyeah the thing is that i need hardware acceleration 3D that open drivers do not support04:03
asterismofor use direct 3D in virtualbox for example04:03
asterismomy kig wants to play in windows with 3D games (old ones)04:03
philipballewyou can try to play with the drivers.04:03
asterismoand they need that optino04:03
asterismoi will04:03
philipballewsee if installing updated ones works. you need to update them anytime you do a kernel update04:04
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garionHello, I just recently installed Ubuntu via wubu and am dual-booting windows 7 and ubuntu 11.10, I'm having trouble with my wireless, though. I have an intelwifi 1000 card and every time I try to turn the wireless on it switches back off. So I updated to see if that would help but even after I'm still having the same issues. Would anyone know how I could fix this?20:06
Fyodorovnagarion, run in the terminal lspci identify exactly the card and look on the web with it and ubuntu or post it as well.20:25
holsteingarion: i would just search around by model # for a bug.. i would also try the 12.04 version live and see if anything "magically" became more compatible..20:44
garionthat's what I just did, I saw a fix for a dell laptop, but it's not my laptop or my issue, I'm still looking though20:45
garionjust thought i'd come and check to see if it's a common issue or not, the specific model of the card is the intel corporation centrino wireless-n 100020:46
holsteingarion: you need to look by chipset.. run in a terminal lspci20:46
holsteingarion: its more about the chipset than the model or machine20:47
holsteinyou can have 2 similar models with different chipsets20:47
holsteinits quite common for vendors to not support linux20:47
holsteinbut, intel is usually easier than others20:47
garion0 down vote20:49
garionUnfortunately, the N-1000 series doesn't work correctly on the 2.6 kernel. The current best work-around is to disable the card's wireless-N connectivity and operate on b/g only. It's not ideal, but it works.20:49
garionouch... -__-20:49
gariondoes 12.04 work on a different kernel?20:49
philipballewgarion, upgrade to 12.0420:50
philipballewits 3.220:50
philipballewor try with a live cd20:50
philipballewor compat wireless20:50
garionokay, can I upgrade through the terminal or will I need a live cd?20:50
philipballewyou can use the upgrade manager20:51
ubot2Ubuntu 12.04 LTS (Precise Pangolin) is the 16th release of Ubuntu and is in Beta testing from 2nd March, Discussion and support until final release in #ubuntu+120:51
philipballewhold on20:51
philipballewill find the update instructions20:51
philipballewignore the +120:51
garionI just found it20:51
garionas soon as I asked I felt like an idiot for not looking first. >.M20:51
philipballewgarion, its all good20:53
garionyeah, it's not letting me update through the update manager so I'm just gonna re-install. That's what I did in the first place anyways, lol... Eventually I'm gonna run Ubuntu stand-alone but I'm still kind of scared to make the switch permanent so for now I'm gonna stay dual-booting20:57
philipballewgarion, well you need to run it as a pre release21:01
philipballewupdate manager -d I think21:01
Fyodorovnaupgrade a wubi?21:08
Fyodorovnaholstein, hey man new nic I have graduated from my bachelor studies, yipee21:09
philipballewid not install a wubi personally21:12
Fyodorovnatried it just for fun and a bootscript to have when needed for helping wubi users a while back, did not keep it though.21:13
bodhi_zazenthe -d option for update manager is the most misunderstood feature21:22
bodhi_zazen-d == update to development release21:22
bodhi_zazenAfter the release, you do NOT want to use that21:23
bodhi_zazenphilipballew: ^^21:23
bodhi_zazensudo do-release-upgrade21:24
philipballewbodhi_zazen, yeah, but 12.04 is still in dev stage for another say 48 hours?21:24
bodhi_zazenyea, the only reason I am objecting , if people run that command AFTER 48 hours ...21:25
bodhi_zazenupdate-manager -d is *everywhere*21:25
bodhi_zazenneed to remind people what to be advising in 48 hours or so21:25
bioterrorall the ubuntu servers are hammered when the release hits21:26
bodhi_zazenYou can also upgrade from the alternate cd21:26
bioterrorit's like legal ddosing ;)21:26
bodhi_zazensudo mkdir -p /media/cdrom21:26
bodhi_zazensudo mount -o loop ~/Desktop/ubuntu-11.10-alternate-i386.iso /media/cdrom21:26
bodhi_zazengksu "sh /media/cdrom/cdromupgrade"21:26
Fyodorovnayou can upgrade from the live cd as well21:26
bodhi_zazenFyodorovna: I think the live CD is a fresh install, it just preserves /home21:27
bodhi_zazennot 100% sure on that21:27
philipballewor update in march!21:27
Fyodorovnabodhi_zazen, ah was not sure how it ran.21:27
* bodhi_zazen updates to ubuntu-libre21:31
philipballewIm running ubuntu 13.04. Much better then 12.1021:33
Fyodorovnaphilipballew, lol21:35
bodhi_zazenFyodorovna: I was told you can not upgrade from the desktop CD21:36
bodhi_zazenthat would be a fresh install + the option to preserve /home21:36
Fyodorovnabodhi_zazen, I wondered about that I saw the option with a single partiton.21:36
bodhi_zazenI've not tried it21:37
bodhi_zazensuggesting information added to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PreciseUpgrades21:37
Fyodorovnabodhi_zazen, I had precise installed and just for kicks ran the upgrade on a oneiric as well, I image all my installs though.21:38
bodhi_zazenI upgraded , with each release, 8.04 -> 8.10 -> ... 12.0421:44
bodhi_zazenoops , 11.0421:44
bodhi_zazenthe upgrade 11.04 -> 12.04 killed it21:44
bodhi_zazenafter all that experience, I am going to side with the "just fresh install" camp21:44
bodhi_zazenI keep a separate /data partition, so nothing of consequence in /home anyways21:45
Fyodorovnabodhi_zazen, I always fresh install I only get about 650mb with a download cap so a fresh install is much faster, I save the installed in a bash to reinstall.21:47
FyodorovnaI keep all the extras on external HD's the computer is basically just a OS, usually several.21:49
bodhi_zazenSounds great Fyodorovna22:18
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