
=== jbicha is now known as Guest27716
mhall119RAOF: try ctrl+super+right00:21
RAOFMoves me around workspaces ;)00:21
mhall119I thought ctrl+alt+right moves workspaces00:22
RAOFOh, no, quite true.00:22
Ursinhaman, you are fast today triaging bugs :)02:24
jcastroTrevinho: heya03:26
jcastroTrevinho: that bamf fix works /awesome/ for me03:26
jcastroit even does it right on the multiple monitors03:26
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pittiGood morning04:30
RAOFHey pitti!04:33
didrocksgood morning05:15
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ronocTheMuso, ping06:37
TheMusoronoc: Hi.06:38
ronocTheMuso, did you see my message on that orca bug with i-sound ?06:39
ronocTheMuso, https://bugs.launchpad.net/indicator-sound/+bug/90271506:39
ubot2Launchpad bug 902715 in indicator-sound "[Precise] Sound indicator have a silent menu item with are not accessible for screen reader" [Medium,In progress]06:39
TheMusoronoc: I did, no idea atm, and I am not sure things would be any different if we tried manipulating the atk object ourselves...06:39
TheMusoI'll need to dig a bit deeper to see if I can work something out.06:40
ronocTheMuso, should I SRU that fix in the branch now as it stands, it's better than what was there before.06:40
ronocat least on focus orca broadcasts the volume06:41
TheMusoronoc: Yeah I think so, and I'll see how it can be improved in time.06:41
TheMusos/in/whenever I have/06:41
ronocTheMuso, sounds good.06:41
TheMusoCool, thanks.06:42
Sweetsharkfor anyone volunteering to review libreoffice packaging update: http://paste.ubuntu.com/943645/06:49
pittiback in ~ 2 hours07:17
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didrockssalut seb128, ça va?07:52
seb128lu didrocks, ca va bien! et toi ?07:52
didrocksseb128: ça va bien :)07:52
mptseb128, yes, something with 1500 reviews averaging 4.5 stars will get ranked higher than something with 5 reviews averaging 5 stars. https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SoftwareCenter#top-rated08:10
seb128mpt, hey, thanks08:10
Sweetsharkseb128: hi there!08:51
Sweetsharkseb128: http://paste.ubuntu.com/943645/ <- conveniently prepared for you08:51
seb128Sweetshark, hey, ok, will have a look in a bit and let you know if I understand it enough to have an useful comment and if I find anything weird looking ;-)08:52
chrisccoulsongood morning everyone08:57
seb128chrisccoulson, hey, how are you?08:59
chrisccoulsonseb128, yeah, good thanks. how are you?09:00
seb128chrisccoulson, I'm good thanks09:01
RAOFMorning chrisccoulson!09:01
chrisccoulsonhi RAOF09:02
seb128hey RAOF09:02
RAOFHey seb128!09:02
seb128RAOF, how is life?09:02
RAOFPretty good.09:02
RAOFOnce someone accepts it into proposed, two finger scrolling should now reliably work in GTK3 apps on synaptics.09:03
RAOFWhich has been annoying me for some time now :)09:03
RAOFAlso, I'm back home, so my espresso machine is available again.  Mmmmm, freshly ground coffeeeeeeeeeeeee.09:04
seb128RAOF, have you been travelling?09:07
RAOFYeah, I was in Perth the last two weeks.09:07
RAOFWhich is why I was up ~2hrs later than normal :)09:07
seb128RAOF, don't get used to your coffee machine too much, soon you go to the U.S, you will get "nice" filter coffee :p09:07
RAOFAlso, when did it become 7pm?!  Time to bail!09:07
* RAOF shudders\09:07
Sweetsharkseb128: thanks! (if you prefer a *.dsc, there is one on chinstrap too)09:09
pittihey seb12809:12
pittigood morning chrisccoulson09:13
seb128pitti, hey, wie geht's?09:17
seb128RAOF, 'night09:17
pittiseb128: gut, danke! und dir?09:17
seb128pitti, zehr gut, danke ;-)09:17
didrocksit's not a german channel here! It's like if we would try speaking french ;)09:20
ogra_you would only try ? do you need practice ?09:20
didrocksogra_: heh, sometimes yeah, when I realize that I'm fixing too much english in the french talks I give ;)09:21
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seb128Sweetshark, that debdiff looks fine to me09:56
mvoseb128: looks like #986186 iz gtk bug afterall, I attached a testcase10:03
seb128bug #98618610:03
ubot2Launchpad bug 986186 in software-center "software center stop working when I select system software for a long time" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/98618610:03
seb128mvo, thanks10:03
mvoseb128: set_model(): 0.1s in oneiric, 2s in precise to be precise ;)10:04
seb128mvo, did we break your fixed-height mode? or is that something else?10:05
mvoseb128: I think its something else10:05
mvoseb128: the testcase is without our hack10:05
seb128mvo, we need to start running such benchmarks or test on every gtk update next cycle10:06
mvoseb128: *cough*10:06
seb128so we know when stuff start being less good10:06
mvoseb128: what are the chances for this to get fixed upstream/looked at at all? should I start digging into the code myself after lunch?10:06
seb128mvo, quite low, upstream has tons to do and not enough people and everybody hates the treeview stuff10:07
seb128mvo, you can probably get Company to "help" by asking question #gtk+, he might be able to give you hints10:07
seb128mvo, it's probably him who "broke" it with the changes he did this cycle for a11y10:08
mvoseb128: ok, I will spend ~1h or so after lunch with looking into it and see what I can do10:08
seb128mvo, like I said yesterday, I noticed that for example they started to emit selection changed signals on row deletion, i.e rather than having the selection dropped as it was doing before when you delete the selected row now it does select another one10:09
Streamstormerjoin #gtk+10:09
Streamstormersorry fc10:09
seb128Streamstormer, wrong IRC, irc.gnome.org10:09
Streamstormerah ok thy10:09
pittiseb128: odd retracer crash since yesterday (wrong number of args), I'll have a look10:24
chrisccoulsonhmmm, i can't believe i've had my new phone for nearly a day now, and i still haven't switched it on!10:25
chrisccoulsonoh. my. http://www.shortlist.com/home/pizza-hut-add-cheeseburgers-to-the-crust10:28
chrisccoulsonwhere can i buy one of those????10:28
pittichrisccoulson: oh erk, what the heck happened?10:29
pittiwhen I got my new phone I lost some two hours on it right after I got it :)10:29
chrisccoulsonpitti - unfortunately, my phone was delivered on the same day as preparing the firefox 12 release stuff10:30
chrisccoulsonso i was busy with that, and then the excitement wears off ;)10:30
* pitti shakes head10:31
pittiok, retracer should be happy again10:31
seb128pitti, danke10:31
pittiseb128: ^ FTR, apport/packaging_impl.py was grossly outdated10:31
pittiseb128: I replaced it with a symlink now10:31
pittigood morning chrisccoulson ln -s ../backends/packaging-apt-dpkg.py apport/packaging_impl.py10:31
ogra_pitti, did you call your provider to giv you the hours back at least ?10:31
pittiso that it always is up to date10:31
pittiogra_: well, in those two hours I did not do a single actual phone call :)10:32
pittiI mean, these things are certainly not for ... *gosh* PHONING?10:32
ogra_well, mumble works well on them though :)10:34
Sweetsharkseb128: thanks alot!10:42
Sweetsharkseb128, pitti: one of you volunteering to upload it to proposed then?10:59
chrisccoulsonseriously, t-mobile, why did you send me a new phone whilst forgetting to send me a new microSIM to fit in it? :(10:59
pittiSweetshark: I can do the usual sponsor dance, seb128 already reviewed the patch?11:00
seb128pitti, I did review the patch, seems fine to me, assuming the extra recommends on -gnome | -kde is not a size issue for any media image?11:01
pittilibreoffice-gnome is shipped on ubuntu and edubuntu already11:02
pittiso that will mostly pull in -gnome into lubuntu and friends after upgrade, is that desired?11:03
pittiseb128: ^11:03
pittierr, Sweetshark ^11:03
ogra_lubuntu doesnt have any libO bits in the seed, does it ?11:04
ogra_(i did only get goffice in my last lubuntu test install)11:04
Sweetsharkpitti: I think ogra_ is right ...11:33
Sweetsharkpitti: confirmed11:35
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seb128jbicha_, hey12:17
jbicha_seb128: good morning12:18
seb128chrisccoulson, pitti: do we have an official position or opinion on esteid-browser-plugin? Seems like cjwatson wants somebody from desktop to take the decision for it12:18
seb128jbicha_, how are you?12:18
chrisccoulsonseb128, yeah, please just accept that one ;)12:18
seb128jbicha_, you showed me the translated desktop guide website yesterday, the french guys asked if there is the equivalent for server and installation?12:19
jbicha_seb128: not yet but it sounds possible12:19
seb128jbicha_, ok, thanks12:20
seb128jbicha_, that was mostly curiosity12:20
jbicha_it's on my list of things to look at :) also http://www.debian.org/releases/stable/installmanual12:21
seb128jbicha_, ok ;-)12:22
pittiSweetshark: libo uploaded12:30
* Sweetshark hugs pitti 12:32
seb128pitti, opinion on esteid? if you are fine with chrisccoulson's ack can you NEW it?12:32
pittiseb128: if chrisccoulson is fine with it, no objection from me12:33
pittican look in a bit, when I land the defaults-zh-cn fix12:33
seb128pitti, thanks12:33
pittichrisccoulson: err, you already reviewed esteid-browser-plugin?12:46
chrisccoulsonpitti - yeah, i've had a look at it12:46
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pittichrisccoulson: this has copies fo boost, log4cplus, and other libraries, a wrong copyright file, unattributed licenses, etc.12:46
pittiis that something which is supportable?12:47
mvoseb128: hi, davmor2 told me you had some s-c issue with french?12:47
chrisccoulsonpitti - by "looked at it", i mean that i looked at the actual extension code. i've not looked at the packaging at all12:47
pittiand huge, too12:47
seb128mvo, hey, no, I had some random s-c issues12:47
seb128mvo, I though it was maybe due to me using french but they vanished after a restart12:47
mvoseb128: what was the issue (or the issues)?12:48
mvoseb128: might be gtk releated12:48
seb128mvo, installed thing wouldn't show with searches under "all softwares"12:48
mvoseb128: ha!12:48
seb128mvo, like deja-dup or gedit would have no match12:48
seb128mvo, well deja-dup had only one technical match for the -dbgsym rather12:48
mvoseb128: you clicked on top-rated or whats-new before I think, this is a know bug :/12:48
seb128mvo, they were showing under "installed" though12:48
seb128mvo, right, we were discussing "top rated"12:48
seb128mvo, then I looked for deja-dup and didn't find it12:49
mvoseb128: but it should be fixed in lp:~mvo/software-center/whatsnew-leak-lp98538912:49
seb128mvo, thanks for checking ;-)12:49
mvoseb128: yeah, if you first click on "whats-new" or "top-rated" and then do a search it "swallows" all installed apps, the described branch should fix that12:49
seb128mvo, ok, as usually you are one step ahead ;-)12:50
* mvo hugs seb12812:51
* seb128 hugs mvo back12:51
* desrt joins the hugfest12:58
seb128desrt, ;-)12:58
smspillazmdeslaur: in case you care https://code.launchpad.net/~smspillaz/compiz-core/compiz-core.fix_939228/+merge/10324512:58
mdeslaursmspillaz: sweet! thanks12:58
mdeslaursmspillaz: hey, don't slack off uni to fix my bugs! :)12:59
smspillazI'm not really12:59
smspillazgot stuff mostly under control ish12:59
mdeslaurok :)12:59
smspillazplus part of the conditions of me being paid is um12:59
smspillazworking ?12:59
mdeslaurah, yes, that would make sense :P13:00
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desrtyay.  government did something good yesterday!13:07
seb128desrt, ?13:11
desrtseb128: we have a minority government at the provincial level (ie: they don't have enough votes in the parliament to pass legislation on their own)13:11
desrtmajor issues (like passing a budget) are called a 'vote of confidence' -- if they lose it, then the government automatically fails13:12
desrtthe main opposition party said right from the start "we'll vote against" because they're lazy idiots who didn't want to play ball13:12
desrtso the progressive party said "we'll vote, if...." and started dealing13:12
desrtthe result is that today we will have a vote on a budget that imposes a tax on the rich and uses it to decrease the deficit13:13
desrtand it will pass because of the two parties cooperating13:13
BigWhaleseb128, I'll remove Kazam from this, since it's obvious that it has nothing to do with it. https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/compiz/+bug/95791913:14
ubot2Launchpad bug 957919 in compiz "inconsistent behaviour when switching virtual Desktops" [Undecided,New]13:14
seb128desrt, nice! ;-)13:15
smspillazdesrt: hahahah careeeeeeeeful with that13:15
seb128BigWhale, sure13:15
smspillazdesrt: we have that in australia. it worked for a little while13:15
desrtsmspillaz: and then?13:15
seb128pitti, is that you who rejected esteid?13:15
smspillazand then the big mining companies got sick of all the policy being made by the green party so they are now basically electioneering the tories to win the next election13:15
desrtsmspillaz: right.  governments who advocate fairness do tend to have difficulty finding election-time funding... :)13:16
smspillazdesrt: we get ads like this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TXpBfRlLnv813:16
smspillazwell, not quite ;-)13:17
desrtour provincial tories are quite widely despised13:17
mvoseb128: unfortunately no luck for me for the gtk+ treeview, I filed the bug upstream now13:17
desrtmvo: which bug is that?13:17
seb128mvo, ok, maybe try pinging Company on #gtk+ asking if he has an hint on what could have created the issue?13:18
smspillazdesrt: the case here is that everyone basically dislikes both the tories and the small-l liberals (incidentally, the "Liberal" party is the same as your conservative party here)13:18
smspillazdesrt: soooooooooooooo because we have AV all the votes flood to the greens13:18
smspillazwhich is not necessarily a bad thing but13:18
smspillazcertain stakeholders don't like it13:18
mvodesrt: bug https://launchpad.net/bugs/986186 - it appears there is a regression in the amount of cell_data calls between 3.2 and 3.413:18
ubot2Launchpad bug 986186 in software-center "software center stop working when I select system software for a long time" [Medium,Confirmed]13:18
desrtregression = "more"?13:19
mvodesrt: in oneiric it called it for the visible area, so ~50 times. and in precise for the entire model (~40k times in my test)13:19
desrtmvo: sounds like a fixed-height oddity?13:19
mvofixed-height mode is on13:19
desrtya....  but maybe it's not being effective :)13:19
mvoseb128: thanks, I will do that, just reading over the diff once more (harhar, its *huge*)13:20
desrtsmspillaz: our tories had the last election on a silver plate (that's why we have a minority) on the principle of "anyone but the current guy".13:20
smspillazdesrt: that's pretty much what Australia is going to look like in a year or so13:21
desrtturns out that "anyone but the current guy" started looking really bad as soon as people started paying attention to what came out when the tory leader opened his mouth13:21
desrtanyway... we'll see13:23
desrtwhat you say is true... the uber-rich like to sway elections13:23
desrtand they also have the means to pack up and leave if they don't like it here13:23
smspillazdesrt: sooo if I have canadian citizenship it should be pretty easy to get residency there right ?13:24
desrtwelcome to the race to the bottom13:24
smspillazguess I'll be moving over soon :)13:24
desrtsmspillaz: citizenship -> automatic right to residency13:24
desrtisn't that true for every country?13:24
smspillazdesrt: its not the same in all countries ... just checking13:24
smspillazif you're out of the country for like13:24
smspillaz19 years like I have been ?13:24
desrtdo you know of any country that would deny a citizen the right to return?13:25
smspillaznot off the top of my head, but it certainly doesn't seem implausible that there'd be some limitation period as to your automatic residency13:25
pittiseb128: yes, see u-archive@13:28
pittiseb128: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-archive/2012-April/045082.html13:29
Laneyhe can get it into Precise via backports once it's all sorted out13:30
seb128pitti, thanks13:30
ogra_sil2100, !13:34
sil2100ogra_: ?13:34
ogra_sil2100, so where is your change for compiz, linaro and me are waiting since you announced it yesterday13:34
sil2100ogra_: I'm waiting for it to get merged since yesterday ;)13:35
sil2100https://code.launchpad.net/~sil2100/compiz/fix_770283/+merge/102831 <-13:35
ogra_i thought you had commit rights :)13:35
ogra_alf_, ^^^13:35
sil2100ogra_: sadly :(13:35
sil2100(or I'm not aware of it!)13:36
sil2100ogra_: ugh, and it seems I forgot that you also have commit rights!13:36
sil2100ogra_: so instead of waiting, I could have just poked you about it13:36
mvoseb128: I just compiled a gtk git trunk and that appears to have fixed it, what is the easiest way to see the commits from what we have as 3.4.1 compared to trunk?14:06
seb128mvo, it's maybe your fixed-height patch which breaks it :p14:09
seb128mvo, did you try trunk or trunk gnome-3-4?14:10
mvoseb128: no, I applied all patches from us and rebuild trunk14:10
seb128mvo, I usually use http://git.gnome.org/browse/gtk+/log to look through commits14:10
mvoseb128: hm, but it might be another one of ours, let me look14:10
seb128mvo, but trunk basically has only lot of css work14:10
seb128mvo, which makes a difference on rendering but should do on set_model14:10
mvolet me retry with all of ours that apply14:11
mvoseb128: I need a faster box :)14:11
didrocksmdeslaur: hey14:18
mdeslaurdidrocks: hi!14:18
didrocksmdeslaur: how are you? :)14:18
mdeslaurdidrocks: great, you?14:18
didrocksI'm fine thanks, the weather is going crazy between sunny and rainy every 5 minutes though :)14:19
didrocksmdeslaur: I requested some security team expertise for https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/cherrypy3/+bug/986254 FYI14:19
ubot2Launchpad bug 986254 in cherrypy3 "[MIR] python-cherrypy3" [Undecided,New]14:19
jdstrandI will get to it later today14:19
mdeslaurdidrocks: yes, jdstrand is aware of it and will be looking at it14:19
mdeslaurjdstrand: YOU SPY! :)14:19
jdstranddid I mention I also hilight on mdeslaur?14:19
didrocksjdstrand: all that for spying him, isn't it?14:20
didrocksthanks jdstrand, mdeslaur, you are one step ahead then! ;)14:20
pittioh crud, today's Tuesday, and noone reminded me of the meeting reminder!14:22
didrockszomg, we are screwed ;)14:23
didrockspitti: "btw, in case you didn't notice, it's meeting reminder day!"14:23
* pitti hugs didrocks14:24
* didrocks whistles14:24
* didrocks hugs pitti back14:24
kenvandinedidrocks, thanks for the reminder :)14:24
pittimy gtimelog from last week really looks boring14:24
pittisponsoring, gnome 3.4.1, tonsof bug triage14:24
didrockskenvandine: yeah, was really needed ;)14:24
didrockspitti: the question is: were you bored? ;)14:24
pittiabsolutely not :) just what I did is not particularly interesting to read14:24
didrockssame here, mostly unity discussion about if things need to be uploaded or not, what qualifies for the SRU…14:24
* didrocks will keep only a *small* update for once on his section14:25
didrocksoh, a meeting reminder in my mailbox, at last! ;)14:27
mterryFirst world problems: trying to edit a wiki at the same time as didrocks14:28
didrocksmterry: lock freed!14:28
seb128pitti, didrocks: seems we all forgot about the meeting reminder this morning ;-)14:32
didrocksseb128: no no, I was waiting for it the whole day! (*hem*) ;)14:32
seb128mterry, hey14:32
mterryseb128, hello!14:32
pittimterry: good morning14:33
seb128jdstrand, sorry about reassigning that evince issue to apparmor, I though the "list of official softwares" was in abstractions there to not be copied pasted between i.e different viewers14:33
seb128seems like I will never get those apparmor profiles stuff right14:33
* mterry waves at pitti14:33
jdstrandseb128: it just depends on the best place to put it. now I think we need a task for both14:33
jdstrandseb128: it isn't a problem at all :)14:33
mvoseb128: hrm, hrm, so my self-build version is fast, but does not do theming, why could it be unthemed?15:13
mvoseb128: ohh, found the reason for this15:14
seb128mvo, no idea, wrong ./configure prefix= or something?15:14
mvoseb128: missing PRELOAD on libgdk :)15:14
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kenvandinenessita, ping15:55
nessitakenvandine: pong15:55
kenvandinehey, question about the u1-control-panel-qt15:56
kenvandineUniqueApplication is only implemented for windows?15:56
nessitakenvandine: hum, let me ask the mind behind it :-)15:56
kenvandinenessita, thx :)15:56
kenvandine"""A dummy UniqueApplication class."""15:57
kenvandinein linux.py15:57
kenvandineand it doesn't look like it really does anything15:57
nessitaralsina: hi there! thanks for coming15:58
Chipaca<kenvandine> hey, question about the u1-control-panel-qt15:58
Chipaca<kenvandine> UniqueApplication is only implemented for windows?15:58
Chipacaralsina: ^15:58
nessitaralsina: kenvandine was asking me about the UniqueApplication in the Qt controlpanel15:58
ralsinakenvandine: yes15:58
nessitaralsina: if I recall correctly, you are the master mind behind it, right?15:58
ralsinasince in order to start it twice on unity you have to do something like meta-click the launcher15:58
ralsinanessita: well, that's one way to put it ;-)15:58
kenvandineralsina, control-center and the messaging menu15:59
kenvandineare easy ways to duplicate it15:59
ralsinakenvandine: ok, we can add it for ubuntu, no problem15:59
ralsinakenvandine: we just never got around to it15:59
kenvandineand if in the control-center you click the icon more than once, you get multiple windows15:59
Chipacakenvandine: is duplication a problem?15:59
kenvandineChipaca, pretty ugly...16:00
kenvandineChipaca, it was something jasoncwarner_ pointed out last night and asked if we could SRU that16:00
nessitaChipaca: also, the QT controlpanel will not act 100% consistently between the 2 instances16:00
ralsinakenvandine: usually people don't have u1cp open, so it should be rare16:00
nessitaChipaca: for example, if you add a folder in one, you will not get it in the other instance16:00
Chipacanessita: ah, i wasn't aware the backend was broken that way :)16:00
kenvandineif it isn't risky to add that, i would be in favor of an SRU for that16:01
nessitaChipaca: well, at the time was designed assuming one UI will be running16:01
ralsinakenvandine: not risky at all16:01
kenvandinethe behavior is "broken" compared to the rest of the desktop16:01
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nessitaChipaca: since we ensure it (for the GTK one)16:01
ralsinakenvandine: we had that code in the gtk version, so it should not be too hard16:01
Chipacakenvandine: you should ask how risk-averse ralsina is16:01
kenvandinei am not sure if jasoncwarner_ filed a bug or not, i'll look for one and file it if it if he didn't16:01
kenvandineChipaca, don't scare me :)16:02
* ralsina is like a grownup Kick Butowski but this is really not risky16:02
Chipacakenvandine: if there were a way to do squirrel suit jumps with internet connectivity, ralsina would be there16:02
ralsinaplus, worst case, you still get duplication16:02
ralsinaplease ping me with the bug number so I track this16:04
kenvandineralsina, bug 98790916:08
ubot2Launchpad bug 987909 in ubuntuone-control-panel "Can launch duplicate windows" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/98790916:08
ralsinakenvandine: great thanks16:08
kenvandineralsina, thx!16:08
jcastrojbicha: around?17:00
jcastrook, I need a sweet desktop session!17:01
jcastrokenvandine: They tell me you're not doing anything ^^17:01
kenvandinejcastro, i never have anything to do :)17:01
kenvandinejcastro, suggestions for topics?17:02
jcastrowell, it can be more end-userish17:02
jcastroI would even settle for a "Tour of new unity features" or somesuch17:02
jcastrokenvandine: mhall and I are going to UDS early so we won't be available, otherwise I'd do a unity session17:02
kenvandinejcastro, i did some juju pimping with a guy whose shop does SaaS stuff :)17:03
kenvandinejcastro, me too...17:03
kenvandinejcastro, probably won't work for me... i'll be travelling on the 2nd and at the sprint after that17:03
kenvandinethe 1st i'll probably be scrambling getting ready for the trip17:04
jcastrokenvandine: ok I'll idle and just ambush anyone who talks until I get a volunteer. :)17:07
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kirklandunity is taking my thinkpad browser back button and launching the 'type your command' thing17:45
kirklandhow do I disable that?17:45
mterrykirkland, interesting...  alt pops it up.  so your key must be doing an alt+left behind the scenes?17:48
mterrykirkland, you can change that in the Keyboard system settings panel17:49
dupondjeSomebody here for an offtopic question. Trying to get Clipboard working in Remmina. But somethings odd :)17:49
dupondjeg_signal_connect(G_OBJECT(gtk_clipboard_get(GDK_SELECTION_PRIMARY)), "owner-change", G_CALLBACK(remmina_plugin_rdp_on_cuttext), gp); => I added this to the code. this should be triggered when clipboard content changes. But remmina_plugin_rdp_on_cuttext is never called.17:50
* didrocks waves good evening18:01
=== ralsina_lunch is now known as ralsina
cyphermoxseb128: poke18:25
cyphermoxseb128: if you're still around, what do you think of adding --replace for ibus? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ibus/+bug/875435  -- seems to me like much of a hack, still. I'm going to look into the ibus indicator shortly, see if I can make sense of something broken in it18:26
ubot2Launchpad bug 875435 in ibus "iBus indicator does not show on the panel" [Undecided,Confirmed]18:26
kirklandmterry: hmm18:33
kirklandmterry: let me check18:33
kirklandmterry: can I disable the alt?18:34
kirklandmterry: that's killing me, with alt-tab18:34
kirklandmterry: if i get the timing wrong, i get that damn popup18:34
mterrykirkland, should be able to in the Keyboard panel18:34
kirklandmterry: perfect, thanks18:36
kirklandmterry: now to do that across the board.... :-)18:36
mterrykirkland, btw, the 'type your command' thing is called the HUD18:36
mterryshould have mentioned that, would have made finding it easier in Keyboard18:37
kirklandmterry: welfare housing?18:37
kirklandmterry: cheers, thanks18:37
mterryHousing Urban Developmont?18:37
kirklandmterry: yeah :-)  that's the US gov's program for building houses for welfare individuals18:37
kirklandmterry: I presume it's "heads up display" here?18:37
mterrykirkland, huh, not familiar with it.  Yeah18:38
dobeymterry: hehe. also referred to as "Section 8" for Dept of Housing & Urban Development "projects" ;)19:13
seb128kirkland, do you use unity-2d?19:15
kirklandseb128: sometimes19:15
kirklandseb128: I think I'm in 3d at the moment19:15
kirklandseb128: is there an easy way to tell?19:15
seb128kirkland, lots, mouseover on the launcher and look if the tooltip has a transparent background19:16
seb128or try to dnd a launcher icon on the right and see if it goes out of the launcher and goes back with a nice effect19:16
seb128unity-2d has an ugly grey background in its launcher tooltips19:17
kirklandseb128: mine's kind of a fuzzy purple19:17
seb128kirkland, oh, try to alt-tab19:18
seb128is that an ugly xfce win95 looking ui19:18
seb128or a modern looking nice ui?19:18
kirklandseb128: not sure;  compiz is taking 13% of my CPU, so I figured I'm in 3d19:19
seb128if compiz is running it's 3d, it would have been easier to ask you to look at running processes :p19:19
seb128kirkland, ok, I though alt hijacking issues were fixed under 3d, it stop misbehaving for me at least, so what mterry said, change the hud shortcut in the keybindings panel19:20
kirklandseb128: cool, thanks19:20
kirklandseb128: I'll disable them there19:20
seb128kirkland, you don't like using your menus from the keyboard?19:21
seb128(just curious at this pointà19:21
kirklandseb128: no19:21
seb128ok, fair enough ;-)19:21
kirklandseb128: if I need it, i press the Super button19:21
seb128kirkland, dash != hud are different19:21
seb128kirkland, the alt ui search into your *menus*19:22
kirklandseb128: hmm, okay;  i have no idea what those are then19:22
seb128kirkland, like focus something, tap alt, type "pre" and enter you get the preferences item19:22
seb128kirkland, or open gimp, type "fil" and get the filters items wherever they are in menus19:22
kirklandseb128: ah, yeah, I wouldn't use that19:22
seb128kirkland, it spares you using the mouse or learning where stuff are in menus, just type to tap a key and type the thing you want ;-)19:23
kirklandseb128: gotcha19:23
kirklandseb128: thinkpad trackpoint mouse is more convenient for me19:23
seb128kirkland, btw while you are around do you know if those kern.log messages are "normal"19:24
seb128Valid eCryptfs headers not found in file header region or xattr region, inode 131158519:24
seb128Either the lower file is not in a valid eCryptfs format, or the key could not be retrieved. Plaintext passthrough mode is not enabled; returning -EIO19:24
kirklandseb128: as I don't use a separate mouse, it's already built into the keyboard19:24
kirklandseb128: 0-byte file?19:24
kirklandseb128: find /home/.ecryptfs -size 019:24
seb128kirkland, dunno, I'm using a ecryptfs user dir19:24
seb128kirkland, that's listing a lot19:24
kirklandseb128: okay, hang on, let's find that inode19:24
seb128in my user dir .Private19:24
kirklandseb128: find $HOME/.Private -inode 131158519:25
kirklandseb128: find $HOME/.Private -inum 131158519:25
seb128$ find $HOME/.Private -inum 131158519:25
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kirklandseb128: hmm, find $HOME -inum 131158519:26
=== Jacky is now known as Guest82202
seb128it's an ssd shouldn't take hours ;-)19:26
mlankhorst3.4-rc4-rt5 is scaring me, consistently getting 10us latency upper bound..19:26
seb128kirkland, it's 0 byte indeed19:26
seb128kirkland, should I just rm it?19:27
dupondjeg_signal_connect(G_OBJECT(gtk_clipboard_get(GDK_SELECTION_PRIMARY)), "owner-change", G_CALLBACK(remmina_plugin_rdp_on_cuttext), gp); => I added this to the code. this should be triggered when clipboard content changes. But remmina_plugin_rdp_on_cuttext is never called. Somebody has any idea on this?19:27
kirklandseb128: okay, so that's what's throwing the log messages, you can safely rm it19:27
kirklandseb128: note that tyhicks is actively working on this problem19:27
seb128kirkland, thanks!19:27
kirklandseb128: he noted that yesterday in #ubuntu-meeting19:27
kirklandseb128: you should ping him with that path, as he was looking for examples of the files causing this19:27
seb128kirkland, will do, thanks again19:27
kirklandseb128: no problem, thanks for your help too19:28
=== Guest82202 is now known as Jacky
ralsinakenvandine: just as a headsup, I have proposed and half-approved a branch to avoid duplication of ubuntu one control panel, so there should be no problem at all getting it in the SRU19:57
kenvandineralsina, cool19:58
cm-tHi,I am using a tablet PC (HPtouchsmart tm2)20:07
cm-tIn software like evince, empathy for example ( so it looks a gtk issue as cnd suggest), I can use multi touch from touchpad and touchscreen. when I installed 12.04 beta2 i could use a new feature : use only one finger to scroll and it looks to detect I use the only one finger from the touchscreen (in setting/mouse I have 2 finger scrolling)20:07
cm-tafter an update I can not anymore use this one finer scrolling20:08
cm-tIs it done on purpose or should I report a bug ?20:08
seb128cyphermox, hey21:00
cyphermoxhey seb12821:01
seb128cyphermox, I don't know about this bug to comment but the workaround seems like better than the bug21:01
seb128it would still be better to fix the real issue21:01
cyphermoxhuh, what? ;)21:01
cyphermoxwell, right, the workaround looks better now21:01
seb128cyphermox, sorry, the ibus --replace thing21:01
seb128I don't know enough about ibus to have a strong opinion21:02
cyphermoxwant to maybe just release with that workaround, if it solves the problem for them?21:02
cyphermox(I'll take care of it)21:02
seb128but I think it's reasonable to go with the workaround until we figure the issue21:02
cyphermoxjust seems like it's potentially bad since there's more than one ibus daemon available21:02
seb128summary: go for it ;è)21:02
seb128cyphermox, thanks21:03
bschaeferhey, whats going on with ibus?21:03
cyphermoxso I'll get back to it later ;)21:03
cyphermoxbschaefer: sometimes the indicator doesn't show21:03
bschaefersomewhat curious...21:03
bschaefero yeah21:03
kenvandinethe updated icons in the gwibber lens really makes a huge difference!21:03
cyphermoxbut I haven't been able to reproduce it just now, quickly installing Vietnamese on my system21:03
bschaeferthat has always been a problem...and has always been fickle21:03
bschaeferbut nux should be able to handle ibus --replace with out anything bad happening21:04
bschaeferalready fixed those crashes...21:04
cyphermoxbschaefer: yeah, not worried about crashes, just trampling other ibus daemons by mistake :)21:05
cyphermoxanyway, bbl21:05
jasoncwarner_hey bryceh RAOF TheMuso (no Robert, on holiday) don't forget about https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam/Meeting/2012-04-24 and adding your items + agenda items22:54
lifelessjasoncwarner_: pub hol for half of them :)22:55
brycehjasoncwarner_, hey22:55
jasoncwarner_lifeless: you know what, I forgot and I live in AU as well :) that's what you get for not leaving the house ever!22:55
jasoncwarner_hey bryceh, as lifeless just said, most NZ and AU folk have public holiday today22:56
jasoncwarner_so...gonna be quiet in here for a bit :)22:56
brycehlucky boys :-)22:56
brycehjasoncwarner_, no agenda items from me; been preoccupied with bugs (esp. Intel gpu lockup bugs once again).  I also drafted up our LTS point release rename scripts, now that we finally have a codename.  :-)22:59

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