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jonohey kklimonda00:03
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pittiGood morning04:30
ajmitchmorning pitti04:32
pittiRAOF, SpamapS, slangasek, cjwatson, ScottK: FYI, I switched queuediff's default release to precise05:02
fossiletWhat is the procedure to propose a certain package update after precise release?05:44
fossiletIs it just file a bug in Launchpad?05:45
micahg!sponsorship | fossilet05:45
ubottufossilet: You can find out about the package sponsorship process here http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SponsorshipProcess - For !UDS sponsorship see http://uds.ubuntu.com/participate/sponsorship/05:45
fossiletIt is updated recently in debian sid,  may later into testing.05:47
fossiletI suppose this update will not be synced to precise automatically, right?05:47
fossiletI have to upload it and find someone to sponsor it to the master archive?05:48
micahgfossilet: if it's unchanged in Ubuntu, it'll be autosync'd for quantal05:48
micahgfossilet: which package?05:48
fossiletBecause the version in precise has a severe bug.05:49
micahgfossilet: you could run requestsync -e now if you want, unseeded universe is open for another 6 hours05:49
fossiletI still have time?05:52
fossiletwiki says 1.5 days before05:53
fossiletfinal release05:53
fossiletunseeded means not on cd/dvd?05:53
micahgfossilet: yes, that's 12:00 UTC today :), right now it's 06:0005:53
* micahg still has at least one more upload05:53
fossiletso precise timing05:54
fossiletmicahg,  Can you help me run that command? I have no ubuntu now. And after home, I may be later?05:55
micahgfossilet: do you have a launchpad account?05:55
micahgfossilet: can you log in and edit the description for the reason for the new version?05:56
fossiletedit where?05:56
micahgin the bug I'm about to file ;)05:56
micahgfossilet: actually looks like it's all bug fix, I"m syncing it now05:57
fossiletThis process does need some previlige?05:58
RAOFHey, are we expecting to VT switch on suspend?05:58
micahgfossilet: requestsync doesn't (just ubuntu-dev-tools installed), syncing the package requires upload rights (which I just did)05:58
fossiletmicahg, Thank you=)05:59
micahgfossilet: you're welcome05:59
fossiletmicahg, one more question. Is precise still autosynced with debian testing even after release?06:01
micahgfossilet: no, new package versions will only go into quantal, these can be backported to precise if new features are needed (with the appropriate testing, see requestbackport script for more info), or fixes can be cherry picked and SRUd  (Stable Release Update) to precise06:02
fossiletwhat is quantal?06:03
fossiletOh, you even know that06:03
fossilettop secret06:04
micahgfossilet: http://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/112106:04
fossiletnot a animal!06:04
StevenKQantal is the codename06:06
micahgQuetzal is certainly an animal of sorts06:06
slangasek"Quantal" - it's not named after your national airline ;P06:09
slangasekRAOF: "vt switch on suspend" - no, but I think we still put the VT into text mode?06:10
StevenKslangasek: Bleh :-(06:10
micahgslangasek: well, if the blog title "Quality had a new name" was satirical ;)06:10
dholbachgood morning06:44
RAOFslangasek: Reading the pm-utils scripts, it seems that we do still chvt to 63?06:53
RAOFslangasek: I ask because if we *do* VT switch on suspend then bug #968845 is a whole lot easier to solve.06:55
ubottuLaunchpad bug 968845 in xserver-xorg-input-synaptics (Ubuntu) "bcm5974 touchpad doesn't work after S3 on MacBookAir" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/96884506:55
speakmanHi folks. I'm about to fix #968845 but I'm not sure how to handle patches in <srcdir>/debian/patches/. Are there any documents how to do it?07:09
pittispeakman: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide/PatchSystems documents the most common patch systems we have07:09
speakmanpitti: thanks alot!07:10
speakmanhmm... trying to build precies packages on oneric wasn't that very smart... How can I revert "sudo apt-get build-dep xxx"?07:14
RAOFspeakman: Have your root filesystem on btrfs, be using apt-btrfs-snapshot, and do a rollback? :)07:15
speakmanRAOF: I wish! ;)07:15
micahgspeakman: run sudo mk-build-deps -i -r and uninstall?07:15
RAOFspeakman: Presumably you've added precise sources to your sources.list in order to grab the needed versions of the build-deps?07:16
micahgyou have to run that in the source dir07:16
speakmanRAOF: I bzr branch'ed the package I was gonna fix and it (of course) lacked build dependencies. Just did "sudo apt-get build-dep xserver-xorg-input-synaptics" totally forgetting I was on Oneric (It's my home computer running Precise). :)07:17
RAOFOh, then that's easy; micahg's command will work.07:18
speakmanmicahg: thanks, it created a xserver-xorg-input-synaptics-build-deps package, installed it and then removed it. Free'd 36,9 kB.07:18
micahgwell, the only issue is if the initial install marked the packages as manual07:18
RAOFI was thinking that you'd installed precise packages on oneiric to satisfy some build-deps; that's a different kettle of fish.07:19
speakmanI could go into apt log and remove manually of course.07:19
micahgspeakman: means there's a build dep conflict (not surprising on oneiric), you can run lesspipe on the deb (get rid of the -i and sudo even) and see what you need to remove07:20
micahgspeakman: be careful and what the removal output that it doesn't try to remove half your system or X or something07:20
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hyperairany ubuntu-sru and ubuntu-release around? bug #981856 needs a sponsor08:25
ubottuLaunchpad bug 981856 in glib-networking (Ubuntu) "glib-pacrunner does not support file:// pac files" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/98185608:25
hyperairer i meant ubuntu-sru and ubuntu-sponsors (main)08:25
micahghyperair: you just need a core-dev or desktopper to upload08:30
speakmansorry, but what's a "sponsor"?08:30
hyperairthat's right.08:30
hyperairspeakman: someone with upload privileges and willing to review packages for upload08:30
hyperairspeakman: while anyone can contribute to ubuntu, not everyone can directly upload into the archive. so people who don't have upload access to ubuntu require sponsors to review their contributions and upload them into ubuntu08:31
speakmanThanks I see08:31
dholbachand once you've worked with sponsors for a while and you gained their trust and some experience, you can apply for upload rights yourself :)08:33
* speakman having a hard time just making a package install a script into /etc/pm/sleep.d/ :p08:34
speakmanShould I make a patch which modifies Makefile.am to install the file, or should the debian/rules install it? It's a workaround for touchpads to be rmmod'ed and instantly insmod'ed after sleep: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-input-synaptics/+bug/96884508:35
ubottuLaunchpad bug 968845 in xserver-xorg-input-synaptics (Ubuntu) "bcm5974 touchpad doesn't work after S3 on MacBookAir" [Undecided,Confirmed]08:35
speakmanUbuntu on MacBook Air is really unusable in the current state :(08:36
hyperairspeakman: that depends on whether this should go upstream08:36
hyperairif the script is ubuntu-specific, then just drop something in debian/package-name.install08:37
dholbach@pilot in08:37
=== udevbot changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Precise: Final Freeze | Dev' of Ubuntu (not support or app devel) | build failures -> http://bit.ly/HaWdtw | #ubuntu for support and general discussion for hardy -> oneiric | #ubuntu-app-devel for app development on Ubuntu http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://bit.ly/lv8soi | Patch Pilots: dholbach
hyperair(and include the script in debian/08:37
hyperairspeakman: if other distributions can benefit from the patch, you should amend Makefile.am to install the script, and send the patch upstream08:38
dholbachhyperair, regarding the glib-networking fix - I just had a look at the SRU procedure - do you think you could add a test-case to the bug description?08:39
hyperairdholbach: hmm okay.08:39
speakmanhyperair: I think it's a quick workaround for now. It seems like no one really knows where the bug is. Re-inserting the bcm driver at least makes it work. It's a pure workaround but I don't the Precise should release without it (unless the real bug is fixed).08:40
Laneyspeakman: I've been interested in that bug too, and was going to do the patch (but since I didn't I'm glad you are). Just put it in debian/ and then reference it in debian/package-name.install as hyperair said.08:43
RAOFspeakman: You should be aware that I've *probably* got a better fix for that bug.08:45
RAOFAllow me to reboot, and check precise-proposed.08:45
speakmanLaney: I was about to do it, but forgot I was on Oneric here at work. My MBA running Precise is at home. :)08:46
speakmanRAOF: that would be awesome!08:46
dholbachcan somebody please reject https://code.launchpad.net/~kroq-gar78/ubuntu/precise/scala/fix-987561/+merge/103191 based on my comment?08:48
stgraberdholbach: looking08:49
dholbachthanks stgraber08:49
stgraberdholbach: done08:50
dholbachmerci beaucoup08:50
RAOFLaney, speakman: You can snaffle the source from the Unapproved queue; feel free to test it :) https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/precise/+queue?queue_state=1&queue_text=08:51
LaneyIf I'd have known then I would have taken my laptop to work :P08:51
Laneystill, nice. thanks!08:52
dholbachslangasek, is https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libxml2/+bug/987502 sru material or something we should just fix through a merge from Debian in quantal?08:52
ubottuLaunchpad bug 987502 in libxml2 (Ubuntu) "libxml2-dev: /usr/bin/xml2-config isn't identical across all arch" [Medium,Triaged]08:52
dholbachor a sync rather - nice08:55
hyperairdholbach: okay, i've put a test case into bug #98185609:01
ubottuLaunchpad bug 981856 in glib-networking (Ubuntu) "glib-pacrunner does not support file:// pac files" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/98185609:01
dholbachthanks a lot hyperair - I'll take a look09:01
speakmanRAOF: Looks great! How to inform the bug report subscribers it's about to be solved?09:08
dholbachhyperair, good work on the patch - it works :)09:08
RAOFspeakman: That works correctly for you, then?  Next time someone who isn't me goes through the SRU queue it'll get a request-to-test on the bug.09:09
speakmanRAOF: Sorry, I've got my MBA at home and can't test right now. I just went through the code changes and the original bug report at redhat and so on. I could go fetch my MBA in a few hours though. How do I get your proposed update? Just enable "Precise Proposed Updates" in the Software Souce settings?09:11
RAOFspeakman: Yes, but only once it's actually *in* proposed; it needs to be accepted by an SRU team member.09:12
speakmanOk, I see! I'm not very familiar with the Ubuntu release path, but I'm learning  :)09:13
speakmanAny idea where to get in touch with the utouch developers? (that's the folks working on multi touch gestures and stuff on Ubuntu right?)09:24
speakmanRAOF: pitti just accepted your update and commented in bug report. Great! Will test as soon as it's available. :)09:48
hyperairdholbach: great, thanks =)09:50
dholbachanytime :)09:50
pittianyone here familiar with Chinese Ubuntu? ArneGoetje, freeflying?09:52
pittithe Chinese image is oversized by 9 MB09:52
pittibased on this, our options are to remove one of: ttf-wqy-zenhei (we already ship microhei), ibus-table-wubi (we already ship sunpinyin), or libreoffice-help-zh-cn09:53
pittiwhat would hurt least?09:53
pittinote that a network install will pull these in, but not if you install offline, and it's also an issue for the live session09:53
dholbachdpm, ^ who could help out with pitti's question?09:56
dpmdholbach, pitti, I cannot help with this. I can ask on #ubuntu-cn-translators, but I'm not sure there is someone knowledgeable on fonts10:00
pittiI was hoping that freeflying is still online10:00
pittihappyaron isn't unfortunately10:00
freeflyingpitti: anything I can help?10:02
pittifreeflying: I had a question 10 minutes ago here; I can re-post if you need10:03
pittifreeflying: hey, how are you?10:03
freeflyingpitti: good, thanks10:03
* freeflying scrolling back10:03
freeflyingpitti: ttf-wqy-zenhei and sunpin can be dropped10:04
pittifreeflying: oh, so the android pinyin db is "good enough"?10:05
pittifreeflying: it's actually enough to drop just one of these, i. e. zenhei or wubi or sunpinyin10:05
pittisunpinyin is biiig (20 MB), so dropping that would leave lots of room even10:05
freeflyingpitti: the best pinyin is ibus-googlepinyin10:07
freeflyingpitti: its footprint is much smaller than sunpinyin10:07
pittifreeflying: ah, that's in universe, so a little late for precise10:08
pittifreeflying: but we should get that into main in quantal then, and drop sunpinyin back to universe?10:08
pittiand use it on the Chinese images10:08
pittifreeflying: so dropping ttf-wqy-zenhei would be bearable?10:09
freeflyingpitti: sure, since microhei is already there10:09
pittifreeflying: ok, many thanks!10:09
freeflyingpitti: drop both sunpinyin and microhei will be fine10:09
pittifreeflying: does sunpinyin actually get in the way? we don't need to drop it10:10
* pitti would rather make minimal changes now, we just need to fix the oversizedness10:10
freeflyingpitti: I doubt how many people use it in real world, since googlepinyin has been in place for a while10:11
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dholbachslangasek, there's a number of other multiarch requests in the sponsoring queue - what's your take? are they SRU material?11:27
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tsdgeosahasenack: ping13:04
ahasenacktsdgeos: hey13:04
tsdgeosahasenack: did you get the unity-2d crash again? and if not did you get the debug line of the code we added?13:04
ahasenacktsdgeos: neither, but I could have missed the debug line13:05
tsdgeosi see13:05
ahasenacktsdgeos: as the crash is by itself quite noticeable13:05
ahasenacktsdgeos: still running in gdb in a terminal, and with the patch in place13:05
tsdgeoswould you say that without the line would have crashed before in this time you've been using it?13:05
tsdgeosi.e. what was the average crashing time?13:05
tsdgeoshours? days? weeks?13:05
ahasenacktsdgeos: 2 days I would say13:05
ahasenacktsdgeos: meaning, I wouldn't go past 2 days without a crash13:06
ahasenacktsdgeos: can that log line be made a WARNING or ERROR?13:06
tsdgeosand you've been running it for 2, 3 days, right?13:06
ahasenacktsdgeos: yes13:06
tsdgeosahasenack: well, you can change the contents of between the quotes freely13:07
ahasenacktsdgeos: sure, I was thinking about the colors :)13:07
tsdgeosfeel free to put something long and with lots of caps there to make it easier to notice13:07
tsdgeosnah, don't think can do that13:07
dholbach@pilot out13:31
=== udevbot changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Precise: Final Freeze | Dev' of Ubuntu (not support or app devel) | build failures -> http://bit.ly/HaWdtw | #ubuntu for support and general discussion for hardy -> oneiric | #ubuntu-app-devel for app development on Ubuntu http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://bit.ly/lv8soi | Patch Pilots:
* ogra_ hugs dholbach 13:31
* dholbach hugs ogra_ back :)13:31
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speakman How often is Ubuntu mirrors syncing?13:38
cjwatsonit'll vary; #ubuntu-mirrors should have detail13:39
cjwatsonthe master updates every half an hour, I vaguely recall hearing at some point that most were four hours, but I could be out of date13:40
cyphermox@pilot in13:51
=== udevbot changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Precise: Final Freeze | Dev' of Ubuntu (not support or app devel) | build failures -> http://bit.ly/HaWdtw | #ubuntu for support and general discussion for hardy -> oneiric | #ubuntu-app-devel for app development on Ubuntu http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://bit.ly/lv8soi | Patch Pilots: cyphermox
speakmanRAOF: Bad news, the mousepad now works after S3 but it's also scrolling the page while moving the cursor. I've enabled two-finger scroll fyi.14:22
pittispeakman: can you please report this at the bug, so that it becomes verification-failed? thanks for testing!14:33
speakmanpitti: already did, and just replaced verification-needed with verification-failed14:35
speakmanthanks for working with the bug :)14:36
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speakmanIf there's anything else I can do, please tell me.14:44
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mneptokis there a doily build Yoda in the house?15:23
mneptokerr ...15:23
mneptok"daily." my wife does crochet. she can help with doilies.15:23
slangasekRAOF: hmm, ok, it looks like we do still chvt switch, yes15:32
slangasekdholbach: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libxml2/+bug/987502 isn't SRU material, no15:32
ubottuLaunchpad bug 987502 in libxml2 (Ubuntu) "libxml2-dev: /usr/bin/xml2-config isn't identical across all arch" [Medium,Triaged]15:32
dholbachslangasek, and the other multiarch bugs in the sponsoring queue?15:32
slangasekI haven't seen what's there15:33
slangasekwhat's the best link for looking at the sponsoring queue?  firefox recently dumped my awesomebar cache :P15:33
dholbach978228, 890928, 977940, 977952, 98750215:33
dholbachslangasek, if you could comment on them that'd be very nice :)15:48
slangasekdholbach: several of those are candidates for SRU into precise, but I don't have time to comment on them currently; they're likely to be non-trivial15:50
dholbachhum - my pilot shift is over, but I wasn't sure which of these constitute SRU material and which don't15:51
dholbachI guess I'll just leave them for somebody else then15:51
slangasekthe only one that's probably not SRU-worthy is libpaper15:52
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bdmurraypitti: could you look at an sru for bug 987383?16:33
ubottuLaunchpad bug 987383 in sessioninstaller (Ubuntu Precise) "rhythmbox triggered request for additional codecs which erroneously included multi-arch libraries" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/98738316:33
bdmurraymvo: could you look at bug 966474?16:35
ubottuLaunchpad bug 966474 in update-manager (Ubuntu) "should not propose to remove appmenu when migrating from Lucid to precise" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/96647416:36
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BenCAnyone familiar enough with debian-installer to know how to add a source for udeb's in addition to the normal sources.list (for custom kernel udeb's)17:03
BenCI've already built with a custom kernel, but it doesn't know to look for the udeb's at my custom apt archive17:04
cjwatsonbuild/sources.list.udeb.local is the easy way17:04
cjwatsonif you start a build and then copy build/sources.list.udeb to that, you can customise from there17:04
cjwatson(or 'make -C build sources.list.udeb')17:05
BenCcjwatson: ah, thanks17:06
BenCcjwatson: so that will become part of the installer itself?17:07
BenCcjwatson: I want the resulting installer to know to use add my entry to sources.list for when it tries to install the kernel udeb during the install17:10
cjwatsonthat's handled separately I'm afraid17:10
cjwatsonyou can preseed it in apt-setup/local0/repository et al (see the installation guide, there's a little more and I forget the precise details)17:10
cjwatsonbuild/sources.list.udeb* just controls the installer build system itself17:11
BenCAh, ok, I'll check that then17:12
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robbiewcjohnston: ping19:24
cjohnstonrobbiew: sir?19:24
robbiewcjohnston: quick question, if summit grabs a blueprint and schedules it19:25
robbiewthen we rename the blueprint19:25
robbiewdoes the older entry go away?19:25
robbiewcan you delete this?>19:25
cjohnstondoes that answer yourquestion?19:25
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* robbiew keeps that in mind for the future19:25
cjohnstonit is supposed to19:25
robbiewyeah...I thought it used to19:26
cjohnstonbut hey.. we got summit stable, but we can't do everything all at one19:26
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robbiewno worries19:26
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cjohnstonits on our radar.. I tried getting Daviey to do it..heh19:28
jeinorprobably a stupid question, but: can I get hold of the probably-will-soon-be release images for precise today? or will they be released exactly on the date?19:47
astraljavajeinor: Release Candidates are being tested right now, of course you can get a hold of them.20:23
astraljavahttp://cdimage.ubuntu.com will help you there.20:24
jeinorwill the RC differ in any way to the final release (if we pretend there will be no critical issues blocking the rc to be the release)?20:31
jeinorwhat I am asking is: will I have to make another upgrade/reinstall when the final version is released?20:31
ScottKjeinor: The images we have now may be the final images.  We don't know.  Even if we have to redo them though, you won't have to reinstall.  It'd just be a few package updates, the same as you get from time to time post release.20:32
jeinorScottK, good news! I'm way to impatient to wait until thursday :)20:39
jeinorIs it the images called beta2? Can't find any named rc20:42
ScottKThey aren't named RC.20:45
ScottKLook on cdimage.ubuntu.com20:45
sladenjeinor: eg. http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/current/20:45
cyphermox@pilot out20:57
=== udevbot changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Precise: Final Freeze | Dev' of Ubuntu (not support or app devel) | build failures -> http://bit.ly/HaWdtw | #ubuntu for support and general discussion for hardy -> oneiric | #ubuntu-app-devel for app development on Ubuntu http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://bit.ly/lv8soi | Patch Pilots:
=== salem_ is now known as _salem
azerthello there21:06
azertany ubuntu version for armel ?21:07
ScottKlamont: Looking at http://news.gmane.org/gmane.mail.postfix.user/cutoff=229255 I'm thinking we'll want a microversion update of postfix sooner rather than later.21:08
lamontsome days, I hate ssl21:09
dupondjesuperm1: thanks for the rfkill patch :)21:09
azertanyone there ?21:09
superm1dupondje: sure :)21:09
dupondjeSeems to work on a XPS L502X also21:10
ScottKlamont: Are there days you don't?21:10
ScottKThe only days I don't are the ones where it's been abstracted away from me having to care about it.21:11
lamontScottK: days when I'm sending email, and not working on postfix21:11
ScottKRight.  Email is hard.21:11
lamontlets go shopping21:11
ScottKWell, on spfbis (IETF working group ML) today one of the RFC 821/822 co-authors was having trouble sending mail.21:12
lamontwell, I have this opinion about spf...21:13
ScottKI know.21:13
ScottKThe point wasn't where, but who.21:14
lamontazert: the first ubuntu armel version I had was 9.04... I wouldn't recommend going that far back though... the current 11.10 bits are good, 12.04 are even better, albeit not quite out yet21:14
lamontScottK: and the sympathy nonexistant. :D21:14
lamontoh.  this is an 821/822 author, not an spf author?21:14
azertwhere i can down load it ? lamont21:14
lamontazert: I'd prolly start at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ARM21:15
lamontazert: but it's more of a #ubuntu question than a #ubuntu-devel question21:16

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