
=== jbicha is now known as Guest27716
GunnarHjmdke: Hi Matt, made an MP where I suggest that a couple of previous links that somehow 'slipped away' are reinserted: https://code.launchpad.net/~gunnarhj/ubuntu/precise/ubuntu-docs/missing-links/+merge/10312109:19
GunnarHjDo you agree that an early Precise SRU is a reasonable target?09:19
PaddyLandauHello everyone.11:58
PaddyLandauI believe I should discuss documentation on this channel. I'm not at all accustomed to using Chats, so please forgive me if I step out of line.11:58
PaddyLandauKeith Burnett, over on Ubuntu Forums, has created a superb poster for Unity. Its target audience is those migrating from 10.04 to 12.04 (Unity), but in my opinion it would also be superb for people coming from Windows.11:58
PaddyLandauYou can find the latest version (both PDF and ODP) here:11:58
PaddyLandauIn the true spirit of things, Keith has created this with an open license.11:58
PaddyLandauI believe that this should be part of the official 12.04 documentation, on the download page, to help newcomers to Unity.11:58
PaddyLandauWhat is your opinion?11:58
dpmhi PaddyLandau, I would recommend Keith or yourself to discuss it on the mailing list, as not all of the docs team members are currently online. You can reach them here:12:04
PaddyLandauThank you, dpm.12:04
dpmno worries :)12:05
dpmalthough I can anticipate some of the answers, I believe12:05
dpmfirst of all, this is awesome work :)12:05
dpmsecondly, I believe it is too late in the cycle to include the poster in ubuntu-docs12:06
dpmand finally, Ubuntu is used by a very diverse community of users, who might or might not speak English, so I'd recommend setting up the poster for translations and work with the Ubuntu translations community to provide the translations to users12:07
=== jbicha is now known as Guest17744
PaddyLandauSorry for the delay in replying, dpm. I was busy subscribing to the list you recommended. Keith doesn't have time to address translations, so is that something we "put out there" for people to do? Or should I discuss this on the mailing list?12:14
Guest17744dpm: Greek & Turkish work fine without overrides at help.ubuntu.com/12.04/ubuntu-help12:17
=== Guest17744 is now known as jbicha_
jbicha_oops, that was me ^12:18
jbicha_and I think Apache gets confused with .pl files being Perl scripts (similar for .ms and .gl)12:19
dpmhi jbicha_, sorry for the delay, I'm back13:03
dpmjbicha_, yes, I'm aware of apache getting confused, that's why I starting adding the overrides in the apache config. The questions were rather why it was necessary to do file renames if the overrided in the config were already in place?13:05
dpmoops, *started, not starting13:05
jbicha_dpm: what about Galician / gl? that works with my renaming but not on your site13:10
jbicha_you could trying adding that language code but in my testing that wasn't enough13:10
dpmI haven't tried all languages, I only added those people told me weren't working, I can try to add Galician too13:11
jbicha_Polish isn't a good choice because it's not really translated, I think some of the complaints you've had have been from languages that aren't translated13:11
dpmI remembered Polish and Turkish because they had the problems when setting up the translations for the browser default page back in the day13:14
dpmbbl, lunching now for real :)13:15
jbicha_the next step is seeing if we can do the same with translations for the serverguide13:16
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=== bulldog98_ is now known as bulldog98
mhall119bkerensa: do you know how much evaluation was done before we lost the sumo instance on canonistack?15:53
* cprofitt waves15:55
mhall119welcome cprofitt15:55
bkerensamhall119: not at all I think what needs to happen is for possibly see about getting a new instance up in Q and setting up some analytics and pushing for better feedback from doc team so we can get this moving a little faster15:55
cprofittsorry did not realize your meeting was still going on15:55
bkerensamhall119: part of the issue is limited active contributors on the team15:55
mhall119bkerensa: analytics?15:55
bkerensacprofitt: I didnt even know it was a meeting :P15:56
mhall119cprofitt: no problem15:56
bkerensajbicha: so in Q I guess we want to have another look at Sumo and potentially get it implemented to replace help.u.c15:57
cprofittbodhi_zazen: ping -- sorry... moved discussion here16:05
bkerensaIRC should have a function like that /move topic #originalchan #newchan16:06
bodhi_zazenmhall119: I've an off topic question for you later16:06
bkerensamhall119: disregard its still to early for my brain :) caffeine is in progress16:07
bodhi_zazenforestpixie has been helping from forums, I just invited him here16:07
bkerensabodhi_zazen: Does the FC have a wiki with a todo list of all the stuff they are looking to transition?16:08
bodhi_zazenwe are trying to keep it brief, let me look16:08
cprofittbkerensa: if the wiki moves from moin moin there may be a need to change a script that I know was developed.16:10
bodhi_zazenforestpixie has done much work, looking for his pages16:11
bkerensacprofitt: has that been under discussion? All I knew was mhall119 wanted help going to Sumo? I personally would love to see wiki running something other than moin moin its being the bain of my existence due to its limited markup16:11
cprofittperhaps I did not understand... what is Sumo?16:12
mhall119bodhi_zazen: we're still evaluating alternatives right now, so don't let us block you guys16:12
mhall119cprofitt: SUMO is a django app that runs support.mozilla.org16:12
cprofittmhall119: cool.16:12
mhall119it's a knowledgebase app, translatable, reviewable, lots of nice to have features16:12
bodhi_zazenmhall119: thanks16:12
cprofittI don't think either should block mhall11916:12
cprofittI think we just need to make sure if we do transition that the Forums guys get some notice so they can tweak their process16:13
cprofittand I have full faith you would keep them in the loop... you are awesome like that, bro!!16:13
mhall119definitely, we'll likely have something to convert moin to mediawiki (used by sumo) anyway, so if their stuff is already moved it'll get brought in with everything else16:14
bkerensamhall119: it would be really amazing to not use moin for wiki though and to fix the ever present timeout issues that SSO presents :P16:14
mhall119bkerensa: SSO timeouts?16:14
bkerensamhall119: Uhh yeah :) have you never logged into wiki.ubuntu.com?16:15
mhall119I try to avoid it ;)16:15
mhall119seriously though, I didn't think the wiki problems were from SSO16:15
bkerensayeah well if you use it weekly it can zap a good three or four minutes a week just in SSO timing out or other errors16:15
bkerensamhall119: hmm well something is happening16:15
bkerensahalf of my logins fail16:15
mhall119bkerensa: have you tried using the right password? :)16:16
bkerensamhall119: I have Premium Lastpass and a YubiKey :P16:16
mhall119I have a yubikey, I should dig that out and activate it with SSO16:18
* forestpiskie catches up16:19
cprofittwhat is a yubikey?16:20
bkerensamhall119: Yubikey gave our LoCo a bunch and LastPass matched Yubikey by giving us a 2 Year Premium Sub for each key16:20
forestpiskiebodhi_zazen: that wiki page - the forum import one was recently cleansed - it had 2006 stuff on it16:20
forestpiskiealso someone recently joined is getting together a list of forum threads we should be looking at16:21
mhall119bkerensa: cool, SSO supports yubikey for 2-factor auth now, I got one in Budapest last year when we were adding that feature16:21
bkerensamhall119: but that has not rolled out to everyone has it? I thought the 2-auth is only internal for Canonical peeps16:22
mhall119bkerensa: it might be, I haven't been keeping up16:23
mhall119it's in django-openid-auth already though16:23
forestpiskiemhall119: if we are looking at automating the conversion of threads to moin at the moment is there any point if the wiki is going to change? given that the tool would need to be re-done - or is the move to Sumo - one of those it might happen things?16:26
mhall119forestpiskie: 1) we're still in the early-evaluation stage, we don't know if or when a change may happen and 2) if we do change we're going to need to import everything from moin anyway, so we'll get whatever you put there16:27
mhall119so, don't block on us, because it may not happen, and even if it does it shouldn't mean any more work for you16:27
mhall119and if it does cause more work for you, I'll be happy to help out with that16:27
forestpiskie1 - ok understand that, 2 - if the guy is working on the tool atm then if it changes the tool will need to - but all offers of help gratefully accepted lol - unfortunately I'm one of those people in the world that thinks code is voodoo16:28
forestpiskiewe won't block on anyone given the effort we've put in to get this far - a long road - one step at a time16:29
mhall119forestpiskie: I'll be sure to keep the forums team in the loop with whatever we're doing, and work to minimize the impact it has on you16:29
forestpiskiecool - thanks - if you can't get anyone else you can get me easy enough on the forum, often in #ubuntu-wiki as well16:30
bodhi_zazenthanks forestpiskie16:39
bodhi_zazenmhall119: do you have time for a quick PM ?16:40
forestpiskiemhall119: to be honest if anyone wants a contact for the forum's wiki team - then I'm good with that16:47
forestpiskiemaybe a mail to the doc team m/list would be the best way to do it16:49
bkerensamhall119: what project do we register a blueprint for uds-q?16:50
bkerensamhall119: I put together a blueprint and proposed a meeting to put plans together for transitioning help.ubuntu.com to the Sumo platform and migrating the content17:00
mhall119bodhi_zazen: PM anytime17:19
jbichabkerensa: I just used Other for the ubuntu-docs session last UDS, community might work too17:25

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