
Joukeehm hmm, does anyone have experience installing vmware?12:25
popeyJouke: probably a question for #ubuntu12:26
popey(assuming vmware on ubuntu of course)12:27
JoukeWell, vmware on a ubuntu dist sort of12:28
Myrttisort of?12:30
JoukeWent to channel vmware, thanks for the directions ;)12:31
Picijussi, tsimpson: can we get a ubott* in #ubuntu-release-party?13:37
tsimpsonPici: it's there, but you can control ubottu (and most of its clones) yourself ;)13:39
Picitsimpson: I always feel bad about getting ubottu herself into a new channel, I thought that was why we had all the clones.13:40
tsimpsonwell -r-p is only temporary, and because of the clones ubottu has less "stress" then before13:40
jussiI think currently ubot5 is the least loaded atm, no?13:41
tsimpsonprobably, but that's because it's (supposed to be) the one that goes in non-ubuntu channels13:42
PiciLjL: people are already looking for the releasebot :/13:50
AlanBellpartybot isn't it?13:56
* Sidewinder Passes some valium to all the bots; I've a feeling that they're gonna' be busy in the next couple of days. :)13:59
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LjLPici: will set it up in a bit, just came home15:32
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