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EvilResistanceanyone here able to help me diagnose why this doesn't build in a lucid chroot?  i'm not exactly certain *where* its exploding... this is the logs from the pbuilder session (building a source package): http://paste.ubuntu.com/943360/00:09
EvilResistanceactually, i know generally why, something's broken somewhere, i just cant narrow down where00:10
SpamapSI know its late, but I think we should try to ship drizzle 7.1 rather than the now deprecated drizzle 2011.03.13...00:19
SpamapSI filed a FFE merge bug 98757500:21
ubottuLaunchpad bug 987575 in drizzle (Ubuntu Precise) "[FFe] Please merge drizzle 1:7.1.33-stable-1 from Debian unstable" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/98757500:21
arandEvilResistance: It looks like simply the dpkg version requirement is not satisfiable in lucid?00:40
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EvilResistancearand:  what's the dpkg version that ships with Lucid?01:40
EvilResistance(sorry, lost internet for a bit there)01:40
EvilResistancenevermind, ubottu's !info function is useful :P01:42
sleepycatin my ppa I see an option to filter by series. How do I upload a package targeting ubuntu+1 or some other series?02:32
EvilResistancearand:  thanks much, that small insight into dpkg-dev being the wrong version was the cause, so decreasing the minimum requirement in debian/control fixed the thing.  :)02:33
EvilResistance(this is why I rely on this channel for packaging help pretty much exclusively, i get answers here quicker than in #ubuntu-packaging))02:34
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EvilResistancehiya?  :P05:10
Rhondacjwatson: I'm fine :)05:25
Rhondacjwatson, micahg: People are not forced to de-install the old wesnoth-1.8 packages during the upgrade (no conflict, one of the major reason for having them in seperate source packages), so that's proper.05:27
micahgRhonda: sounds good05:37
dholbachgood morning06:44
ajmitchmorning dholbach06:47
micahgDaviey: are you doing asterisk?07:17
tumbleweedmicahg: you could ask a french person to look at the spip changelog, but the diff seems short enough that related problems should be tractable07:20
micahgtumbleweed: I tried google translate and failed, if you think it's worthwhile, we can poke a french reading person07:21
tumbleweedno, I gaveyou an ffe07:21
tumbleweedit's php, it won't fail to build :)07:21
tumbleweedand urgency=high implies some confident by the debian maintainers07:21
micahgthey have 2 days to sort things out ;)07:22
* micahg still needs to upload seamonkey07:22
* micahg also needs to find someone interested in Seamonkey longterm so I don't have to upload it right before final freeze every release07:23
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LaneySpamapS: you didn't subscribe the RT: do you want that FFe looked at?08:34
micahglaney: I'd say on his behalf yes (freeze in 3.5 hours)08:35
ajmitchmicahg: darn, that's a bit soon :)08:56
* micahg scurries to finish the seamonkey upload in time08:57
* ajmitch was hoping the freeze time would be sometime tomorrow for me (public holiday)08:57
Laneyi don't think we actually decided what exact time it would be08:57
ajmitchstill, it's unlikely it'll be more than 12 hours08:58
* micahg decides to pull the plug on seamonkey09:08
ajmitchnot worth it?09:09
micahgtoo much work that I don't need09:09
Laneyis it broken?09:10
micahgif someone wants to do it, I'm happy to mentor and backport09:10
micahglaney: it requires updates every 6 weeks like Firefox/Thunderbird and we haven't done any yet09:10
Laneyoh, pain.09:10
Laneyare there any contributors in the mozilla team?09:10
micahgso, if someone steps up to do the work, we can backport to 12.04 (less testing required to backport than SRU through -security)09:11
micahglaney: active?  chrisccoulson and me :)09:11
micahgand it's mostly him right now09:11
ajmitchI suppose precise-backports should be open & ready for business now? :)09:11
Laneywho's this Joe Lesko?09:12
Laneysomeone could create that project indeed09:12
ajmitchsomeone in the backports team, preferably09:12
micahglaney: he was handling the updates for a while, but decided to work on other things09:12
Laneyah, that's sad09:12
ajmitchI can't imagine updating it is a fun task09:13
micahgyeah, I'll see if someone at UDS is interested09:13
micahgajmitch: chrisccoulson does most of the work, it's just a matter of rebasing the changes from the thunderbird branch on the seamonkey branch and fixing odds and ends09:13
* Laney eyes popcon.u.c09:14
* ajmitch is going to refrain from volunteering :)09:14
Laneywhat has happened to it?09:14
Laneyuniverse popcon stats are 404 :(09:14
micahgit's mildly popular for a universe package09:14
* ajmitch looks at what he can do before freeze time09:19
micahgajmitch: can you do asterisk? then we can remove gmime2.409:37
ajmitchupdating to the new upstream version?09:38
micahgmerge from Debian09:38
micahgunless Daviey is about to push the upload button09:39
ajmitchright, they've got, was an FFe requested?09:39
Laneythere is a branch from jtaylor that you should look at09:40
micahgno, of course not... :(09:40
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LaneyScottK and I pretty much decided that if someone tells us it's OK then we'll go for it09:40
ajmitchLaney: alright09:40
Laneybut nobody knows how to test asterisk09:40
micahgajmitch: thanks, that means I can go to sleep :)09:40
ajmitchmicahg: heh09:40
Laneyis it light yet?09:41
Laneywhat TZ are you in?09:41
ajmitchLaney: I don't think asterisk is really testable, but afaik the version in precise has a few security problems09:41
ajmitchgive me a few min & I'll look at it09:43
ajmitchassuming my laptop doesn't just suddenly hang09:46
ajmitchsigh, looks like it has, yay for fglrx09:48
ajmitchLaney: where was that branch for me to look at?09:50
ajmitchnevermind, found it09:51
* ajmitch would like faster internets please09:52
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ajmitchdealing with bzr & patches in package branches can be a little trying10:30
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ajmitchLaney: ok, building asterisk now, still got to touch up the changelog for bug numbers10:41
ajmitchLaney: hoping it builds first!10:52
ajmitchgood news, it built. Do you want to see the debdiff against debian?10:58
ajmitchLaney: http://paste.ubuntu.com/943914/ if you want it - I haven't got any way to test this11:00
Laneyajmitch: cool, please upload11:10
Laneyffe bug would be appreciated for paperwork11:10
ajmitchOK, it's not a small change though11:11
ajmitch& there'll *still* be a security bug open that was just opened in the last day11:11
ajmitch 1238 files changed, 212085 insertions(+), 141587 deletions(-)11:14
ajmitchLaney: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/asterisk/+bug/98777211:20
ubottuLaunchpad bug 987772 in asterisk (Ubuntu) "[FFe] Update to asterisk for security fixes" [Undecided,New]11:20
ajmitchI'll add the bug # to the changelog before I upload11:20
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ajmitchLaney: I'm off to sleep now, do with asterisk what you will - it's been uploaded & a FFe bug filed12:00
tumbleweedI guess we're at UUFE12:01
=== tumbleweed changed the topic of #ubuntu-motu to: Precise: Archive in final freeze | Want to get involved with the MOTU? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Contributing | Sponsor queue: http://bit.ly/fz6AyQ | http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/ftbfs | http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/NBS | http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/bugs/rcbugs/ | Fix-It Friday: http://pad.ubuntu-uk.org/KljH7rwo1X
tumbleweedUUFF even12:02
ajmitchSRU time for all12:02
* ajmitch heads to bed12:03
wookeyanyone else seeing issues with http stalling on archive.ubuntu.com? It seems bust from both work and my server12:09
wookeye.g. stalled at: 0% [Connecting to archive.ubuntu.com (]12:09
=== Laney changed the topic of #ubuntu-motu to: Precise: Done. All updates to SRUs now. | Want to get involved with the MOTU? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Contributing | Sponsor queue: http://bit.ly/fz6AyQ | http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/ftbfs | http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/NBS | http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/bugs/rcbugs/ | Fix-It Friday: http://pad.ubuntu-uk.org/KljH7rwo1X
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geserwookey: I see it too, apt got a connect after a few seconds but only with a lower download rate than usual12:14
geserhmm, looks like only apt-get update got lucky with a connection, the apt-get upgrade still tries12:16
wookeyoh, signs of life...12:16
ogra_pre-release fun :)12:16
wookeyyeah it is just incredibly busy?12:17
Laneythat wouldn't be unheard of, although I would have thought it's still a bit early12:17
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dupondjeBleh, trying to implement Clipboard support in Remmina, but GTK/GDK skills :(12:21
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ScottKtumbleweed: If you have a moment, I'd appreciate it if you'd review the dkimpy upload in the queue for me.14:28
dholbachwookey, geser: is it better now?14:30
dholbachanyone from the DMB: shouldn't ~diwic now be in ~ubuntu-dev? :)14:41
Laneythe rights haven't been executed yet14:42
Laneyperhaps stgraber could do that14:42
dholbachStéphane to the rescue!14:42
ScottKLaney: You have time for a package review in the queue?14:42
Laneyhrm, I thought the queue was empty at freeze time14:43
ScottKI thought we were still taking changes on a review the diff basis until tomorrow.14:44
Laneywell I didn't, but there appears to be confusion on what this freeze does14:44
Laneynever mind14:44
stgraberLaney: so that's just pulseaudio right?14:44
Laneystgraber: yeah14:44
stgraberstgraber@castiana:~/data/code/ubuntu-archive-tools$ python edit_acl.py add -p diwic -s pulseaudio14:45
stgraberArchive Upload Rights for diwic: archive 'primary', source package 'pulseaudio'14:45
Laneyadded to ubuntu-dev14:45
Laneythanks for the ping dholbach14:45
dholbachand c.falco's application will be done via email?14:46
Laneywe asked him back to the next meeting to carry it on14:46
dholbachok - I'm just asking because he said something about bad time because of work previously14:47
Laneyhe agreed when we asked14:47
Laneyit'll be the next + 1 meeting anyway, so at the same time14:48
dholbachok that's great then14:48
tumbleweedScottK: looking14:48
LaneyScottK: looks OK to me14:48
tumbleweedeven better :)14:48
Laneywhat I can discern from the diff anyway14:48
ScottKLaney: Thanks.  The only non-trivial change has test suite coverage (which I ran), so I'm reasonably confident of it.14:48
ScottKIn.  Thanks again.14:50
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SpamapSLaney: I was waiting until the build completed successfully and my smoke tests were done.15:59
SpamapSLaney: which they are almost done (build is fine)15:59
wookeydholbach: yep - things seem to be fine now16:17
SpamapSI thought universe wouldn't freeze till 2100 UTC.. :-/16:24
SpamapSwell my drizzle packages work :-P16:24
Laneydo it16:24
Laneyif ScottK will press go16:25
SpamapSits got binary new's16:25
ScottKIs it a sync or a direct upload?16:25
ScottKHow long a build is drizzle?16:25
ScottK(we're currently backlogged on armel and powerpc right now, so it's a concern)16:26
SpamapSScottK: merge, but the only delta is adding an upstart job (and a patch to fix FTBFS because of gcc warnings)16:26
SpamapSScottK: 45min on my core2duo 1.8Ghz16:26
ScottKHow long on armel?16:26
SpamapSScottK: I'd guess 4x16:27
ScottKThat's the big question.16:27
Laneythat is the last one16:27
SpamapSugh more like 10x16:27
SpamapSmaybe it really is too late16:27
SpamapSI'm pretty sure we should drop drizzle rather than carry 2011.03.13 for 5 years16:28
ScottKhttps://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/drizzle/2011.03.13-0ubuntu5/+build/3210915 <-- almost 11 hours.16:28
ScottKYes.  Too late.16:28
ScottKThat or talk pitti into a massive SRU.16:28
SpamapSScottK: meh, I think backports will suffice16:30
ScottKPlease file the removal bug then.16:30
SpamapSyeah, I'll ask my fellow drizzle devs what they think first.. they might be ok w/ supporting it but I doubt it16:31
ScottKMove quickly as we'll want removals done today too.16:31
Laneywhen did this release emerge?16:32
SpamapSLaney: less than a month ago16:32
SpamapSLaney: but it was in pre-release for 3 months before that16:33
SpamapSI just got too busy to get it merged in16:33
SpamapSScottK: I suspect that we'll end up removing it anyway, since any security problems will not be patched upstream. I'll know soon.16:33
SpamapSok, so drizzle is going to keep the current and previous GA maintained..16:45
SpamapSand another GA isn't expected for at least 18 months..16:45
SpamapSso 2011.03.13 will get upstream fixes for at least 18 more months. We can address anything after that later.16:45
* SpamapS decides to do nothing16:45
SpamapSstill a total bummer not to ship 7.1 .. so many amazing features. :-P16:46
* SpamapS will chalk it up to the unfortunate but necessary roadkill that release cadence requires :)16:47
Laneybackports is there for you16:47
ScottK"Cadence Kills"16:58
micahgSpamapS: as laney points out, drizzle is a good backport candidate with no rdeps17:08
c_kornhello, I have an upstream tarball which is not compressed (file extension .tar). can I also use this as an orig tarball?17:09
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iulianHey ajmitch.19:53
ScottKThe asterisk hero returns.19:53
ajmitchiulian: hi19:54
ajmitchScottK: thanks for accepting it19:54
* micahg has to remember to file the gmime-2.4 removal now19:54
micahggmime2.4 even19:54
* ajmitch is glad he didn't have more than 1 drink at the pub last night before coming home :)19:54
ScottKmicahg: Quickly as we're getting into the time window for mirror sync pre-release.19:54
ajmitcharchive.u.c is usable now?19:55
ScottKIt was very slow earlier today.19:55
ajmitchseems to be working now, but yeah, it was failing to connect earlier19:56
ajmitchthe asterisk test build took 10 minutes to run apt-get update when I was doing it19:56
ajmitchNafallo: yes, was a bit annoying19:56
NafalloI only know gb.archive was busted in the morning19:57
jtayloris it to late to get the dropbear dsa?20:29
ScottKjtaylor: It's too late for -release.  I asked in #ubuntu-security about syncing it to precise-security.20:33
pabelangerFWIW: I would rather have seen bug 987772 rejected.20:41
ubottuLaunchpad bug 987772 in asterisk (Ubuntu) "[FFe] Update to asterisk for security fixes" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/98777220:41
pabelangertoo late in the release process of precise for such a jump in asterisk versions20:41
LaneyI didn't see anybody volunteering to fix the grave bugs separately.20:42
ScottKIf there are feature regressions they can be addressed in post-release SRUs when fixes are available.20:43
pabelangerI submitted debdiffs a few weeks ago no traction on them20:43
pabelangerScottK: well, we basically invalidated anybody testing by bumping asterisk at the last second20:44
ScottKOK.  I'm not the developer that made the call, but I'm glad we aren't releasing with security issues unfixed.20:44
ScottKI don't insist we got there the best way we could have.20:45
jtaylorlast I looked the patches had issues which where not adressed20:45
jtaylorbut I too was suprised at this last second update oO20:46
pabelangerIndeed, jumping from 1: to 1: at the last second is not a wise move, IMO.20:47
LaneyAgain, nobody was stepping up to fix the CVEs. The best option we had was to take a version which does have (some of) them fixed.20:48
LaneyIt's all well and good complaning after the fact.20:49
jtaylorI agree with that, better a broken package that is fixable with upstream support than an insecure one20:49
jtaylorthough was the lts issue clarified?20:49
jtaylorI guess as when the old one was upstream supported there would have been better patches20:50
LaneyI didn't personally look into it very much. It is very likely that the package will need further attention post-release.20:51
dupondjecyphermox: there ?20:51
LaneyQuestion is whether there is someone interested enough to take the care.20:51
cyphermoxdupondje: yep20:52
dupondjeI tested the Remmina fix, and it works smooth here. But there is another thing. Clipboard is also broken. Would like to fix that, but but stuck atm. Dunno if you could give me some help ? :)20:52
pabelangerLaney: how fast of a turn around are we expecting?  AST-2012-004, AST-2012-005 and AST-2012-006 were just released yesterday. I've had patches in launchpad for AST-2011-012, AST-2012-002 and AST-2012-003 for 6 weeks, and they were security issues.20:53
cyphermoxdupondje: sure, are you going to still be around later? I should get going but I'll be back in a few hours.20:54
cyphermoxdupondje: it would also be good if you told me how far you got with the clipboard stuff ;)20:55
dupondjewell going to sleep in 1-1,5h :)20:55
cyphermoxthat's not long enough ;)20:55
dupondjeCET :)20:55
Laneypabelanger: I don't see anything on the sponsorship queue http://reports.qa.ubuntu.com/reports/sponsoring/index.html (or the security one https://bugs.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-security-sponsors/+subscribedbugs)20:55
dupondjeg_signal_connect(G_OBJECT(gtk_clipboard_get(GDK_SELECTION_PRIMARY)), "owner-change", G_CALLBACK(remmina_plugin_rdp_on_cuttext), gp); => I added this to the code. this should be triggered when clipboard content changes. But remmina_plugin_rdp_on_cuttext is never called.20:55
Laneywhere were they? Perhaps I can help them get back on track.20:55
cyphermoxdupondje: so what I suggest is can you tell me how far you got with the clipboard support? I think we should be uploading this separately anyway. clipboard sounds more like a new feature than scrolling with the mouse wheel when normal scrolling works ;)20:56
dupondjetrue :) Scrolling is small patch also, Clipboad will be some more work20:57
cyphermoxok, so I'll watch for pings, sorry I have to run about now to catch a bug ;)20:58
dupondjewith the clipboard i'm just stuck that the signal never gets called it seems :s20:58
dupondjeok :) thx20:58
pabelangerDon't worry about it, it is just frustrating doing months of testing on a specific version of software, throughout the release cycle, to have it all erased in the last week21:01
* ScottK can certainly understand that.21:03
LaneyI'm sorry your patches fell through the cracks. If you have anything in future then please don't hesistate to make some noise in here.21:05
Laneyand as you can see from this incident, asterisk clearly needs someone who is responsible for it. It'd be great if that could be you. (then we can bug you in future) :-)21:06
pabelangernp, that's not my issue, rolling the latest and greatest version asterisk for an LTS at the last second; with zero testing is.21:07
pabelangerYa, I've tried a few times for membership and help maintain it however apparently I was doing the wrong path.  I kept talking to the wrong people21:08

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