
Piciikonia: I don't even see anything in that article about security.12:43
ikoniaI skimmed it and it just looked dry12:43
jribheads up, user name krypton was in #debian on oftc earlier stirring up trouble12:44
ikoniashock horror12:44
Picijrib: thanks12:44
jribhe stormed off towards the end saying he would never use debian and go with mint or "opensure"; guess he changed his mind12:48
ikoniamint "or" opensource12:49
ikoniais mint now closed ?12:49
ikoniais mint no longer based on debian ?12:49
popeytypo of opensuse12:49
Picidoes #debian on oftc get a lot of Ubuntu questions?12:49
ikonianot really12:50
ikoniait's actually quite a good channel12:50
ubottuNope! Ubuntu 12.04 is scheduled for release sometime on April 26th. You can party in #ubuntu-release-party while you're waiting!13:23
bioterrorI'm going to get soooo wasted!13:25
bazhangthats odd. I can see people replying to c__ in #ubuntu , but not his questions14:38
bazhang(crossposting in #kubuntu)14:39
tsimpsonthey asked around 16 mins ago in #u14:40
bazhangok, sorry14:40
tsimpsonit's not a nick that sticks out in the scrollback14:41
Picistill have DaemonFC in pm...14:51
ikoniayeah, I bet that's fun14:51
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (ZetNo appears to be abusive and has been muted, will need to be UNMUTED MANUALLY)16:22
PiciPricey: I actually was just going to poke a staffer because I thought that was you in #freenode.18:09
PriceyPici: Using irssi?18:09
PiciPricey: er, I mean I thought that PriceKid was trying to impersonate you.18:10
PriceyPici: Right, but are you using irssi? :P18:10
PiciPricey: yes.18:10
PriceyPici: format_identify.pl ftw!18:10
daxPriceKid is a lolcat, which is significantly more stupid than a Pricey.18:10
Fuchs(or znc, if you are pointing at CAP identify-msg)18:10
PiciPricey: hence why I said '18:10
* dax looks for more staffers to invade #ubuntu-ops18:11
PiciPricey: meh,forget that last sentence.  I do use format_identify and I do know its not you.18:11
PiciBut it looks like you.18:11
* Pici shrugs18:12
PriceyHalf the time I'm online I spend preaching to people that they don't need to worry about registering every little variation of hteir nick.18:12
* dax registers Prizey18:13
PiciPricey: I don't think I explained myself well, but it doesn't matter, as long as you're okay with it.18:13
PriceyPici: I understand sorry and I'm definitely ok wit hit :)18:13
* Fuchs hits Pricey18:14
=== mneptok is now known as Prici
PriciHI! lol.18:14
=== Prici is now known as mneptok
* Pricey tacklehugs Fuchs 18:14
Priceymneptok: that didn't last long18:14
PriceyI miss jdong.18:14
Jordan_Umneptok: Stop trying to impersonate Pici.18:15
mneptokJordan_U: the nick is easy. the full-head latex mask was not.18:16
mneptokmaybe my drag persona should be RuBen.18:17
PiciWell, I guess I'm lucky thats now how my last name is actually spelt.18:18
mneptokand you'd look great in heels.18:19
ubottullutz called the ops in #ubuntu (BlueLobzter)19:10
ubottuBlueLobzter called the ops in #ubuntu (llutz)19:10

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