
cjwatsonRegression from bug 984736.00:00
ubot2Launchpad bug 984736 in ubiquity "oem-config not installed after initial installation in OEM mode" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/98473600:00
ScottKI did.00:00
ScottKLet me look for it.00:01
cjwatsonWell, ish, not entirely sure that description matches that fix00:01
ScottKBug 98705000:01
ubot2Launchpad bug 987050 in debian-installer "No "Prepare for shipping ..." option after OEM install from D-I" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/98705000:01
ScottKcjwatson: ^^^ and with that I'm off for a bit to have dinner with the kids.00:01
cjwatsonScottK: Would you want a respin for this, if it's done in the seeds for minimal impact?00:02
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ScottKcjwatson: Yes.00:09
ScottKThere's minimal testing on the current Kubuntu images.00:10
cjwatsonYou have enough space.00:20
cjwatsonLondon's asleep (ironic given I'm on the same timezone).  I'm going to JFDI.00:24
cjwatsonAnd bed.00:24
ScottKcjwatson: Thanks.01:24
ScottKCan someone mark the current Kubuntu images obsolete in the tracker?01:25
slangasekScottK: all? desktop? alternate?01:37
slangasek(disabling all, can always re-enable some if that's wrong)01:38
ScottKslangasek: Whatever cjwatson respun before he went to bed.  I assume it was just the alternates, but I don't know.01:40
* slangasek looks at the process list and makes an educated guess01:44
slangasekmm, I don't see anything respinning01:44
slangasekScottK: ^^ so I don't know where that got stalled, unfortunately02:07
* lamont finishes testing his postfix change, wonders about how to toss that at -proposed in a proper manner so as not to be larted by slangasek 02:11
slangaseklamont: in an SRU-compliant manneR?02:14
lamontyeah that's it02:14
lamontScottK had me all prepped, but well.... larting hurts02:15
lamontrather, being larted does02:15
lamontslangasek: so if I throw it into precise-proposed and there's no paperwork, does it just languish?02:21
slangasekit'll almost certainly get wedged at one stage or another02:21
lamontslangasek: bug 980682, fwiw02:24
ubot2Launchpad bug 980682 in postfix "postconf can't open main.cf with the result that /etc/resolvconf/update-libc.d/postfix fails trying to copy /etc/resolv.conf onto itself" [Medium,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/98068202:24
lamontwtf it just shows up now, I do not know.02:24
lamontit's been there since 2.1.502:24
lamontand you get turkish debconf translation updates at no additional charge02:25
lamontno.  boring.  it's all very booooooring.02:25
lamontnothing to see here, it can move along.02:25
slangasekTurkısh translatıons are never borıng02:26
* slangasek sweeps up the fallen dots02:27
lamontyou know those are like nearly-pure sugar, right?02:27
lamont~lamont/+archive/ppa if you are curious at all02:28
lamonthrm... no can do step 1 of procedure.02:28
slangasekexceptions will be made02:28
slangasekalso, "fixed in Debian" is an answer ;)02:28
lamontyeah.  I need to actually build the binaries for debian so I can upload it02:29
lamontBug description: Dont know what happened, it just crasched02:30
lamontnow that's specific02:31
slangasekthat's why we're creating a crash database ;)02:31
slangaseksince providing good crash data is orthogonal to writing good bug reports02:32
lamonttoo true02:33
lamontanyway, it'll be uploaded to debian uh... tomorrow I predict.  and someone will add the SRU stuff to the bug02:35
lamonts/someone/someone on the postfix team/02:35
pittiGood morning04:30
* slangasek waves04:34
* RAOF shores04:34
cjwatsonScottK: just alternates.  well, they supposedly posted, but I don't know why queuebot didn't notice ... oh, because it isn't here05:34
cjwatsonScottK: so my posting raced with slangasek disabling them05:34
cjwatsonI've re-enabled Kubuntu/* now05:36
slangasekahh, ok05:45
slangaseksorry, would've looked more closely if I'd noticed queuebot wasn't around05:45
pittimicahg: there is no open bug for 4digits, and it's a new upstream version etc.; why was this synced?:06:47
micahgpitti: looks like all bug fix: http://fourdigits.sourceforge.net/ChangeLog06:48
pittimicahg: ah, thanks06:49
pitti<fake queuebot> accepted 4digits06:49
* micahg was going to flag, but missed that queuebot was AWOL06:49
micahgpitti: someone in ubuntu-devel was saying how one of the bugs was bad as well06:50
pittiback in ~ 2 hours07:16
micahg<fake queuebot> Unapproved: spip (2.1.12-1 -> 2.1.13-1, no packageset, unseeded)07:25
* skaet --> office, biab07:34
stgrabermicahg: oops, fixed07:41
Laneyskaet: morning, all ok?08:59
Laneyskaet: What time are we having UUFF?08:59
skaetgood morning Laney :)08:59
Laney"1.5 days before release date" - when is that?08:59
skaet1200 UTC is the plan (if I'm remembering correctly..  ;) )09:00
cjwatsonwhat are the semantics of UUFF?09:00
cjwatsonwe still have a fair bit ofo outdate to clear09:00
Laneypretty much "Universe Done"09:01
cjwatsonis there a process for exceptions?09:01
Laneynope, but maybe we could extend it to EOD09:03
stgraberwas 12:00 UTC announced somewhere? a quick scan of PreciseReleaseSchedule shows it's today but doesn't say a time, so some will likely assume it's 21:00 UTC like all the other freezes09:05
Laneyno, but it says "normally" and the page itself talks about 1.5 days before the day of release09:05
Laneywhich is not as clear as it could be but probably does imply 1200UTC09:06
infinitycjwatson: http://permalink.gmane.org/gmane.comp.compilers.clang.scm/4404709:10
skaetstgraber,  Laney:  http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2012/04/20/%23ubuntu-meeting.html#t15:0109:11
pittioh, lucid-universe upgrade test failed again09:16
pittijibel: "bind(ipv4,,5901): Address already in use" -> ah, seems to be a problem with the test env only?09:17
jibelpitti, I re-run the job and upgrade is in progress.09:18
jibelpitti, but this error shouldn't happen there is a lock that prevent 2 jobs from using the same ports.09:19
jibelI'll have a look after the release09:19
pittiskaet: http://qa.ubuntuwire.org/ftbfs/09:21
micahgcan someone look at spip in unapproved?09:22
micahgLaney: why would UUFF not be like regular final freeze for seeded an just require a release ACK or 2 to upload *anything*?09:23
Laneywe decided the semantics differently, and it's unfortunate that we called it "final freeze"09:23
LaneyI already said that I wanted to revisit it09:24
cjwatsonskaet,pitti: FWIW I'm less worried about FTBFS in general, and more about cases where there are outdated binaries without source09:24
cjwatsonwe can't fix all the FTBFS09:24
cjwatsonand there are some that are actually bogus/not-a-real-problem for one reason or anotheer09:24
pittiI was just saying that probably most of the depwaits are not a concern, if the package never built09:25
pitti(on that arch)09:25
cjwatsonyes, ignore them09:25
pittiretried libfixposix on amd64, let's see how far it gets a second time09:26
micahgmoc looked easy enough to fix, but I don't have time to do it now09:26
micahgI'll SRU it if no one beats me to fixing it09:26
cjwatsonjamespage: do you think you could have a look at the wagon FTBFS?  I'm stumped09:26
cjwatsonit's something arcane in maven09:26
cjwatsonhttps://launchpad.net/~cjwatson/+archive/ppa/+build/3421480 has my latest attempt at extracting debug information09:27
cjwatsonit builds cleanly in a local sbuild09:27
pittilibfixposix built09:27
pittiruby-hdfeos5 running09:27
pittisomeone kicked wagon already09:27
cjwatsonI removed openvswitch/powerpc09:28
stgraberskaet: http://localized-iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/milestones/215/builds09:28
cjwatsonlooking at quantum in binary NEW09:28
pittiso that leaves sipwitch and slang-slirp as remaining FTBFS on x8609:28
pittifor most of the other arches we'll probably resort to binary removal09:29
cjwatsonsipwitch has no outdates09:29
pittiah, never built09:30
cjwatsonlibdispatch/armhf and forked-daapd/armhf are waiting on infinity figuring out what's wrong with clang09:31
* micahg is thinking to file a removal request for slang-slirp09:32
pitticjwatson, skaet: want me to run through all the arm*/ppc FTBFS and check which of those have outdates?09:32
cjwatsonpitti: no need09:33
cjwatsonI'm already fairly well on top of that, being selective about removal depending on whether they have rdepends09:33
pittiok, thanks09:33
pittiso I'll look at why the Chinese images are oversized09:33
Laneymicahg: oh, hah, that does look easy09:35
skaetthanks pitti09:35
micahgLaney: debian 62363709:35
ubot2Debian bug 623637 in src:slang-slirp "slang-slirp: FTBFS: Test error in examples/vec" [Serious,Open] http://bugs.debian.org/62363709:35
Laneymoc I meant09:35
micahgLaney: ah, yes :)09:35
Laneyso easy I'm scared of getting it wrong09:35
dokoinfinity, gnat-4.6 uploaded09:36
* cjwatson removes cuyo/armhf09:43
pittiso http://paste.ubuntu.com/943833/ are the five significant packages on the Chinese images09:46
* cjwatson aborts his moc test build :-)09:46
pittiwe need to chop off a good 8 MB09:46
LaneyI didn't test it on the affected arches09:46
pittimy gut feeling is that we should either drop ttf-wqy-zenhei (as we already ship ttf-wqy-microhei), or ibus-table-wubi (as we already ship sunpinyin)09:47
* pitti digs into history why wubi was added09:47
cjwatsonleast confusing ibus module name evah09:47
cjwatsonLaney: haha, makes sense though09:52
pittiskaet: I pinged two people about it (see #u-devel), and reduced the options to 3; now we need to know what hurts least09:54
micahgcan we still do removals after UUFF?09:59
pittimicahg: yes, they can happen until the bitter end, i. e. when flipping the status from "frozen" to "current"10:00
pittiwell, they need a publisher run, of course10:00
* micahg filed some more removals10:01
micahgchrisccoulson: are you going to let esteid-browser-plugin in for precise?10:01
tumbleweedpitti, micahg: that does seem to be avoiding the point of the final freeze, but it sounds like that's what we have to do10:05
cjwatsonsurely the point of the final freeze is to allow buildds to settle10:25
cjwatsonthat was the original point, anyway :)10:25
pitticjwatson: ubuntu-defaults-zh-cn has a diff now, can you review?10:28
cjwatsonfine, thanks10:29
pittiI'll respin zh images once that's published10:29
gema 10:30
gemaClose this window.10:30
gemasorry, wrong button of the mouse10:30
gemaI was trying to open a link10:31
pittigema: has the HUD become that clever already, to parse human language? :-)10:33
ogra_its probably just parsing his thoughts :)10:33
gemapitti: I fell from a hangout... and that was google telling me to close the window x)10:37
gemaogra_: how are you girl doing? ;)10:37
* ogra_ should indeed have guessed that gema is a typical female name, sorry :) 10:37
gemano worries10:37
jamespagecjwatson: looking at wagon now10:39
cjwatsongreat, thanks10:41
stgraberpitti: Chinese images aren't automatically published to localized-iso.qa.ubuntu.com, you should have the required access to post them there manually or if you prefer, just ping me and I'll10:53
pittistgraber: just logged in, I don't seem to be able to disable them, or add new ones10:54
pittistgraber: ooh, I need to explicitly tick the "ubuntu-release" box in the SSO step10:55
pittistgraber: thanks, working now; I marked them for rebuild10:55
pittiubuntu-defaults-zh-cn |        0.7 |       precise | source, all10:56
pittiseems I can rebuild them10:56
* cjwatson removes cernlib/armel and its reverse-deps, geant321, mclibs, and paw10:56
stgraberpitti: yeah, SSO currently requires you to manually tick that box for some reason (maybe something I can fix in drupal-launchpad though)10:56
pittimeh, http://china-images.ubuntu.com/precise/daily-live/20120424/ is still oversized by a tad11:08
pittii386 is ok now11:08
pittiskaet: ^FYI11:08
ajmitchLaney: ^^ for your reviewing pleasure11:30
Riddellhum oem-config-kde isn't installed after an OEM install from kubuntu alternate CDs, I think that's a new issue11:32
cjwatsonRiddell: I respun for that last night - are you using the most current version?11:33
Riddellyes but let me verify that11:33
ogra_Riddell, i think ScottK filed a bug for it yesterday (at least he mentioned it here)11:34
cjwatsonbug 98705011:34
ubot2Launchpad bug 987050 in ubiquity "No "Prepare for shipping ..." option after OEM install from D-I" [Medium,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/98705011:34
cjwatsonotherwise I'd like to see the logs11:34
Riddellce95fd6842fc948244bd4b53327c8027 *precise-alternate-amd64.iso  it's yesterdays image11:35
Riddellok yeah just my brain being broken and getting the image wrong11:36
RiddellI could take it as an insult that my brain being broken is better than the ISOs :)11:38
stgrabercjwatson: bug 986806 is starting to look like a boot time race condition more than an installer bug11:38
ubot2Launchpad bug 986806 in ubiquity "swap not activated after choosing 'use whole disk'" [High,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/98680611:38
cjwatsonfstab/crypttab sane then?11:41
stgraberand cryptdisk's upstart log shows "... done"11:43
stgraberwaiting for /var/log/boot.log now to see if maybe we can get a mountall error there11:43
stgraberoh, I should also ask him to try to swapon the cryptdisk and see if it works post-boot11:43
skaetthanks pitti11:48
jamespagecjwatson, ^^ fix to make wagon build offline - testing in PPA11:51
cjwatsonyou're a star11:52
jamespagesorry that should have been 'tested' not 'testing' :-)11:52
cjwatsonI would not have got there in months11:53
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skaetRiddell, ScottK,  http://wiki.ubuntu.com/PrecisePangolin/ReleaseNotes/Kubuntu - can a first pass of content be added by end of today please?   Also,  I extracted some of the content on upgrading, requirements, etc. from some multiple community pages - it its wrong on this page,  it may need updating elsewhere.11:53
Riddellskaet: ack11:55
* cjwatson removes the non-building slang-slirp binaries, since there are no rdepends; source still there12:03
LaneyScottK: are you going to accept asterisk?12:10
LaneyI guess gnome-online-accounts should be rejected now.12:11
Laneyand a pocket veto seems to have been applied to esteid-browser-plugin12:12
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cjwatsonchrisccoulson seemed to think that should go in12:15
cjwatsonI wanted somebody who knew about it to take a decision12:16
cjwatsonseb128: could you look at esteid-browser-plugin in NEW in light of chrisccoulson's comments?12:16
Laneyasterisk got approved so please accept that12:16
seb128cjwatson, that feels like a trap ;-) I will check with him, sort it out yes12:17
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stgraberskaet: I know you usually like to check, so here's the release announcement URL for Edubuntu 12.04: http://www.edubuntu.org/news/12.04-release12:18
cjwatsonkompozer may succeed eventually if I stop making stupid mistaes12:22
cjwatsonLaney: gnome-online-accounts is for -proposed anyway IIRC12:22
Laneyyes, but if it's SRU then you probably want a proper upload rather than a sync?12:23
cjwatson2^- well that wasn't a bad example of Muphry's Law12:23
cjwatsonLaney: I'll leave that up to pitti I think12:23
pittiLaney: the sync by itself is not a problem, it's just slightly harder to track when the changelog doesn't refer to a bug12:28
pittiat this point I think our options of tweaking the zh image size are limited to ubuntu-defaults-zh-cn12:31
pittiI'll drop sunpinyin instead and put back zenhei12:31
Laneypitti: indeed.12:33
phillwhiyas, Im a bit puzzled with bug 837054 and bug 987406  I'd have expected them to affect all flavours?12:35
ubot2Launchpad bug 837054 in ubuntu-geonames "Time Zone selection shows about 20 different "New York"s and doesn't autoselect my location" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83705412:35
ubot2Launchpad bug 987406 in ubiquity "time zone map: graphical mismatch of selected city and highlighted time zone" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/98740612:35
stgraberphillw: the first sounds like a server side bug with the geoname service, the second might be a bug in the custom gtk widget. Either way, neither should be RC so not really a concern at this point.12:37
phillwokies, thanks :)12:37
pitticjwatson: new defaults-zh-cn is in the queue, putting back zenhei and removing sunpinyin instead (the other option given by freeflying)12:41
pitticjwatson: I guess the diff will still take a bit, as LP is presumably busy generating the LibO diff12:42
cjwatsonI can do the diff myself12:43
pitti(it's also in ubuntu:ubuntu-defaults-zh-cn)12:43
* pitti reviews the esteid plugin12:44
ScottKLaney: Yes.12:45
LaneyScottK: Glad we squeezed that in12:45
* Laney will furnish ajmitch with marmite at UDS12:45
popeymmmmm marmite12:45
phillware you allowed marmite in USA, I read that they won't allow the Australian Vegemite in?12:47
Laneyeither you are or I smuggled it in last time ...12:48
phillwhe he.12:48
cjwatsonoh DAMN I test-built coq on the wrong arm*12:48
cjwatsonhow frustrating12:48
ScottKLaney: Looks like someone else got it already.12:49
* Laney eyes the builds12:50
ScottKpitti or some other SRU person: ^^^ postfix upload would be a really good early SRU (assuming we don't respin now).12:52
lamontand yeah, should have used an earlier bug number, I expect12:53
stgraberDaviey: did you see: http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/milestones/214/builds/15999/testcases/1290/results ?13:07
pittiScottK: will review ASAP13:07
ScottKpitti: Thanks.13:07
Davieystgraber: I didn't, thanks!13:08
stgraberDaviey: it's linking to a closed bug, so it's probably not that specific bug, but would certainly be interesting to know what went wrong for that tester13:09
cjwatsoneclipse/armhf built on scheat, so Adam's given it back13:11
skaetScottK,  not spotting postfix on the pad,  could you please add it as opportunity target?13:12
ScottKskaet: It's there.13:12
Davieystgraber: tumbleweed yeah that bug is beta 2 :(13:12
ScottKskaet: Item 13, second on the opportunity list.13:12
* skaet *blinks*13:12
ScottKProbably got too used to it.  It's been there since Friday since I knew it was coming.13:13
skaetyup,  it had NO FIX yet beside it when I saw it, and though you were talking about something different.   Thanks.13:13
stgraberDaviey: I'm going to unlink the bug number from this report as it's clearly wrong but it'd be good to have someone test MAAS on i386 ASAP to check that it's not broken for some other reason (as that report would indicate)13:14
pittipostfix accepted13:14
ScottKpitti: Thanks.13:16
ScottKlamont: ^^^13:16
ScottKskaet: I passed you note about Kubuntu release notes on to claydoh who (FYI) is doing them for Kubuntu.13:16
lamontScottK: ta13:17
skaetThanks ScottK.   :)13:19
jdstrandcjwatson: if you are preparing an upload for that ciphers bug, can you also include http://cvs.openssl.org/chngview?cn=22474? I can send you a debdiff if it would be helpful13:20
cjwatsonjdstrand: too late13:23
cjwatsonit's already in the proposed queue13:23
jdstrandcjwatson: do you mind if I upload the change on top of yours?13:24
jdstrandcjwatson: is yours intended to be fixed before release or in SRU?13:24
cjwatsonand no, I don't mind13:24
jdstrandok, I'll just do that then. thanks13:25
cjwatsonuse -v so that the .changes has all changes since release, please?13:25
cjwatson(I don't think further attempts to change this code for release are wise, given its track record)13:25
jdstrandno, me either13:25
cjwatsonalthough it's unfortunate that we'll release in this state13:25
* cjwatson radiates hatred13:25
jdstrandyeah, sorry man :(13:25
cjwatsonmeh, not your fault ...13:26
jdstrandI just know a bit of what you are going through-- openssl is 'fun' sometimes13:27
cjwatsonhm, I can't decipher this coq/armhf failure; I'm just going to remove it and its rdeps, so that's libaac-tactics-ocaml, libaac-tactics-ocaml-dev, libssreflect-ocaml, libssreflect-ocaml-dev, why13:28
cjwatsonkompozer is still test-building, but it's looking good so far, uploading13:43
infinitycjwatson: Review, plox: http://paste.ubuntu.com/944079/13:46
stgraberskaet: I added two new tags/comments to the UbuntuDesktop release notes so that Edubuntu can include them (as Edubuntu is based on UbuntuDesktop it makes sense to also pull these on top of the CommonInfrastructure ones)13:46
cjwatsoninfinity: aren't there still OEM maverick builds?13:46
infinitycjwatson: Oh.  Are there?13:46
infinitycjwatson: I can add more cases for older builds, sure.13:47
cjwatsonI think so.  But otherwise LGTM.13:47
cjwatsonwhat's the openssl rejection for?13:48
cjwatsonmicahg: FYI on bug 987615 we don't generally need to blacklist on removal any more anyway13:53
ubot2Launchpad bug 987615 in sharand "Please remove sharand source and binaries from precise" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/98761513:53
ScottKdkimpy is pure bug fix and the one non-trivial change has test suite coverage (which I ran before uploading)13:53
ScottKSince I uploaded it, I'd appreciate a review.13:54
skaetstgraber,  thats's fine.    THanks for letting me know so I don't get confused when I go in next.   :)13:56
ScottKIt's been awhile since I saw lack of implicit IT thumb ..14:00
phillwhmm, drat bug 98776414:01
ubot2Launchpad bug 987764 in debian-installer "20120423.1 Alternate PowerPC ISO image cannot resize partition" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/98776414:01
phillwthat's a new one :(14:01
cjwatsonthat looks like missing ext2.ko again14:02
phillwpoor little .ko :/ Easy fix?14:03
cjwatsonhm, no, it's in fs-core-modules14:03
cjwatsondunno, have asked for partman log so I can see what's going on14:03
phillwokies, he's a good tester for ppc.14:03
cjwatson(in general: that's bad but release-notable I think)14:03
stgraberphillw: if a kernel rebuild fits your definition of easy fix, then yes (assuming it's indeed missing .ko)14:04
phillwit is, as the lower spec ppc's we were going to suggest using the alternate image :)14:04
cjwatsonstgraber: it's not that, sorry for confusion14:05
cjwatsonwell I mean it probably doesn't render the alternate images entirely broken, only resizing, and it's possible it's constrained further beyond that14:06
pittiChinese image rebuild, take II14:16
pittioh, another ssl?14:26
ScottKOf course.14:27
ogra_this must be the best secured ubuntu release ever :)14:28
ogra_so many ssl fixes right before release14:28
cjwatsonthey're (at best) zero-day SRUs14:29
Riddellcanonical unity-2d guys are wanting a patch to qt in precise-updates, am I ok to start the SRU process?14:32
Riddellbug 98785514:32
ubot2Launchpad bug 987855 in qt4-x11 "[SRU] Fix problem in Qt dragging when all of the window target has been shaped out for input" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/98785514:32
ScottKRiddell: If you're not, then a lot of people are in trouble.  I think you're just supposed to add it to the pad as an SRU candidate.14:34
Riddellspose that'll give me something to do while I wait for these dvds to download14:35
pittiat last, http://china-images.ubuntu.com/precise/daily-live/20120424.1/ is fine now14:43
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pittistgraber: ^ would you mind adding that? I still seem to be unable to, I can just re-enable the image but not add a new one (or bump the version)14:43
pittiskaet: ^ Chinese image not oversized any more.14:44
skaetwell done pitti.  :)14:44
skaetthank you.  :)14:44
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stgraberpitti: that's weird... will add now14:46
stgraberpitti: done14:46
pittistgraber: thanks14:53
smoseris there a list of outstanding issues ?14:59
smoseri'm looking for a reason that I should not start testing of the current cloud-images14:59
superm1^ should finally fix ftbfs on arm* (https://buildd.debian.org/status/package.php?p=xbmc&suite=experimental)15:04
cjwatson^- fixes ftbfs on powerpc15:07
ScottKIt's a good thing we got the third ppc builder.  PPAs have two of three now on non-trivial builds.15:09
* ScottK is looking after xen-api15:14
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* ogra_ hugs superm1 15:22
cjwatsonwhere $PROJECT is ubuntu, kubuntu, etc. depending on image, and \${LANG} is runtime-substituted with a locale code15:23
cjwatsonsorry for mixed syntaxes there15:23
cjwatsonthis has been in place for at least ten releases so oI trust the web team know their weay around it already15:23
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cjwatsonwith extra typing15:23
superm1ogra_: :)15:24
Laneymissing context?15:25
cjwatsonsorry, briefing Kate on how the release notes link from the installer is handled15:26
gemaskaet: what's up with the new server images showing up in the tracker?15:28
gemaskaet: do we need to worry about them?15:28
jibelnew server images are not installable15:31
skaetDaviey, ^^^15:34
cjwatsonwhat's up with them??15:34
cjwatsoner with one ?15:34
cjwatsongema: the reason for the respin was an incorrect CD boot menu entry15:35
cjwatsondue to a miscommunication between me and Daviey yesterday, I'm afraid15:35
cjwatsonbut they shouldn't have changed anything affecting installability ...15:36
Davieyjibel: what are you seing?15:36
jibelamd64 failed to install i386 pass. http://paste.ubuntu.com/944248/15:37
cjwatsonhm, I wonder if that might've been a transient build glitch15:38
* ScottK suggests waiting on accepting any new uploads until armel and powerpc catch up a bit.15:38
gemawhat would a transient build glitch be?15:38
cjwatsonexplaining would slow me down, let me investigate first :)15:39
gemacjwatson: no worries, I will ask again next week :D15:39
cjwatson(besides, not sure exactlyl, let me think out loud)15:39
cjwatsonI often do stream-of-consciousness when investigating this kind of thing, not all of it is going to make perfect sense to anyone!=me15:40
gemacjwatson: ack15:40
cjwatsonnothing obvious to me in the build logs15:40
cjwatsonhm, libatk1.0-data isn't on the CD, what's the server CD doing trying to install it15:41
cjwatsonjibel: can I have the entire log please?15:41
jibelcjwatson, sure.15:41
cjwatsonthink I'll need to reproduce this locally anyway though15:42
bdmurraywhat needs to happen to get update-manager in -updates in oneiric?  it'll fix bug 873424 and a couple of others15:43
ubot2Launchpad bug 873424 in update-manager "ask me later fails" [Medium,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/87342415:43
cjwatsonnothing even depends on subunit in main15:43
cjwatsonor recommends15:43
cjwatsonthe only recommends on it in the whole archive is samba4-testsuite15:45
cjwatsonjibel: briefly though, which task(s) did you select?15:45
jibelcjwatson, I think it was caused by a network glitch and additional packages used for testing failed to install15:48
cjwatsonApr 24 15:16:24 in-target: debconf (developer): starting /usr/bin/debconf-apt-progress --from 800 --to 850 --logstderr -- apt-get -q -y install -- openssh-server python-couchdb subunit python-subunit python-junitxml python-paramiko15:48
cjwatson^- little details it would be nice if you told me in advance15:48
cjwatsonApr 24 15:00:00 in-target: Err http://us.archive.ubuntu.com precise Release.gpg15:48
cjwatsonApr 24 15:00:00 in-target:   Connection failed15:49
cjwatsonnot an image problem15:49
stgraberprobably caused by the current archive.u.c slowness15:49
cjwatsonApr 24 15:14:24 in-target: W: Failed to fetch http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/precise/Release.gpg  Connection failed15:49
cjwatsonApr 24 15:14:24 in-target:15:49
evbug 987402 - *appears* to be a longstanding bug. If you put ubuntu on a usb disk, select the cd boot helper option (copy the ISO to C:\ and write into the NT bootloader, to avoid having to hit F12 on boot) from the windows autorun menu, it will fail.15:49
evThis is because it checks to make sure the iso (or in this case the entire external disk) is under a certain size15:49
cjwatsonApr 24 15:14:24 in-target: W: Failed to fetch http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/precise-updates/Release.gpg  Connection failed15:49
ubot2Launchpad bug 987402 in wubi "Exception: Could not retrieve the required installation files" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/98740215:49
cjwatsonApr 24 15:14:24 in-target:15:49
cjwatsonApr 24 15:14:24 in-target: E: Some index files failed to download. They have been ignored, or old ones used instead.15:49
cjwatsonApr 24 15:14:24 in-target: W: Failed to fetch http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/precise-backports/Release.gpg  Connection failed15:49
cjwatsonApr 24 15:14:24 in-target:15:49
stgraber(a few acrhive mirrors are overloaded, either not responding or returning at extremely low speed, around 600B/s here when I last tried)15:50
* ogra_ heard that in -motu before today15:50
ogra_for archive.u.c actually15:50
stgraberyeah, it was also mentioned in #canonical-sysadmin and #is15:50
jibelre-ran server amd64 and it passed.15:53
Davieyjibel: we fixed it!15:55
Davieyjibel: JUST DON'T RUN IT AGAIN!15:55
jibelDaviey, you should release note it: "Install server but don't run it" ;)15:56
Davieyjibel: or make sure you have an adequate network before trying to net install :)15:57
* cjwatson removes ruby-hdfeos5/i386, since it's due to an old hdf5 and we're hardly going to merge that across several upstream versions before release16:01
=== Guest86751 is now known as zumbi
gemaDaviey: maybe the install should fail graceful when the network is not good enough... ehem...16:04
gemaand say so to the user16:05
Davieygema: it does.. :)16:06
evright, new wubi in place, awaiting a signed binary in #is16:06
gemaDaviey: then why did jibel thought the install had failed? I regard him as an experience person !16:06
Davieygema: It's a preseeded install...16:07
evI've tested that it basically works, but it would be good to get someone with a windows box and USB key to give the boot helper option a go16:07
Davieyyou won't see the user UI in preseed, right?16:07
gemaDaviey: no, I thought it was a manual installation!16:07
gemaDaviey: ack :D16:07
Davieygema: Oh no, trying to get manual installs is like pushing water uphill, no? :)16:07
ScottKjibel: Do you know of someone that can do Wubi testing for Kubuntu?  We've got our usual lack of people that run Windows.16:08
gemaDaviey: it is16:08
SpamapSWho maintains this report http://reports.qa.ubuntu.com/reports/ubuntu-server/release-bugs.html ? Its showing bug 928990 which is marked Won't Fix for precise.16:09
ubot2Launchpad bug 928990 in cloud-init "fsck / dirty filesystem on instance is death" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/92899016:09
DavieySpamapS: mostly myself.16:09
jibelballoons, ^ can you help finding a tester for Wubi/kubuntu16:10
balloonswubi and kubuntu?16:10
balloonsinteresting, and yea16:10
DavieySpamapS: will be gone on next cron.16:10
balloonsI'll send off some emails now16:10
balloonsanything in particular we think will be an issue or no?16:10
ScottKballoons: Just need the test cases run.16:21
ScottKinfinity: Is there anything we can do about armel buildd capacity?  I'm now nervous.16:30
infinityScottK: We can wiggle things around a bit.16:37
infinityScottK: And get some reboots and tidies.16:37
cjwatsondoko,jamespage: do either of you have any idea what's going on with the eclipse/armhf build failure?16:37
cjwatsondoko,jamespage: it builds on scheat, albeit without parallelisation (I'm trying the latter now)16:38
evsigned wubi is in place16:38
jamespagecjwatson, looking now16:45
cndI have a freeze exception request for bug 98754816:52
ubot2Launchpad bug 987548 in utouch-qml "Fails to build against utouch-geis 2.2.6 and later" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/98754816:52
cndit's an unseeded package with no reverse dependencies16:53
cndsince we're close to the release, I thought I'd ask here to be sure it is seen in time16:53
tumbleweedwe are past unseeded final freeze... Is it SRUable?16:54
ScottKI think it is.16:54
cndyeah, it is16:54
ScottKSRU is better.16:54
cndis it possible to SRU a new microrelease upstream?16:54
cndor do I need to make distro patches out of it?16:54
ScottKIs that the only change in the microrelease?16:56
cndI see the sru process says it's possible16:56
ScottKShould be fine then.16:56
dokocjwatson, jamespage: no idea, away now, will be back around midnight16:56
cndI'm just wondering about versioniing16:56
tumbleweedcnd: it's more about the complexity of the diff than the version numbers16:57
cndfor example, usually SRUs are <release version>.<sru number>16:57
cndI guess it's more of an issue right now since we don't have Q open yet16:57
ScottKAt this point it'll get copied forward into Q, so just use a regular version number.16:57
slangasekI thought last cycle we decided we weren't doing any copies forward of SRUs anymore16:58
slangasekbecause we wanted to make sure we had clean builds with the current toolchain16:58
ScottKWe did?16:58
slangasekpitti probably remembers the details better than I16:59
* ScottK <-- Not on the SRU team, so don't listen to him.16:59
cndslangasek, wouldn't we still be doing source copies?16:59
slangasekcnd: no, doesn't work that way17:01
cjwatsonyou can't have two builds of the same source package published in the same pool17:03
cjwatsonfilename clash17:04
micahgslangasek: I thought the decision was once the next release is open, one has to upload there (but it's not open yet)17:05
micahgcjwatson: was there a reason you didn't do seamonkey with the rest of the removals I requested?17:05
cjwatsonmicahg: just didn't get to it yet17:05
micahgcjwatson: ah, ok, thanks17:05
pittislangasek: AFAIR (and IMHO) we did not want to overly extend the forward copying multiple weeks into the release17:06
pittibut I think forward-copying until quantal opens and gets a new toolchain is the right thing17:06
pittiScottK: ^17:06
slangasekmicahg, pitti: right, ok17:07
cjwatsonit's not important for them to be in quantal immediately17:07
cjwatsonsqueak-vm LGTM and is required for outdate resolution17:08
ScottKIf it's not a long build, then let's go for it.17:08
cjwatson7m on amd6417:09
ScottKI don't have any insight into how long the private builds will be blocking stuff.17:12
ScottKI'd say go for it.  I guess we (meaning someone other than me) can shove hardware at armel if really needed.17:13
ScottKI guess now we can see when it lands.17:14
cjwatsonmm, as infinity says, I think it's mostly a matter of clearing failures17:14
cjwatsoninfinity: were you planning to do that?17:14
iamfuzzScottK, ping?17:18
ScottKiamfuzz: pong.17:18
iamfuzzScottK, you're probably going to yell at me... but17:18
* iamfuzz braces himself17:18
cjwatsonprojectm/armel is a real hassle.  audacious-plugins build-deps on it, and audacious depends on that, and half the A/V world seems to depend on audacious, so removing projectm/armel involves stripping out a huge pile of packages which I'm kind of loath to do17:19
iamfuzzScottK, this final freeze snuck up on me and I need to have a package removed17:19
ScottKRemoved we can still do.17:19
cjwatsonbut it's a GL bug and argh17:19
ScottKPlease file a removal bug and then ping again.17:19
* pitti waves good night17:19
iamfuzzScottK, I didn't quite make the deadline for the fixes I needed for gwt17:19
ScottKBut do it quick.17:19
iamfuzzwill do17:19
cjwatsonI wonder if I can strip out some bits17:19
cjwatsonhmm, audacious-plugins doesn't actually have any runtime dependency on projectm though17:20
cjwatsonit might be simpler to strip that build-dep - I'll test that17:20
cjwatsonbut audacious-plugins is seeded in ubuntustudio17:21
iamfuzzScottK, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gwt/+bug/98793917:22
ubot2Launchpad bug 987939 in gwt "Please remove GWT from Precise" [Undecided,New]17:22
ScottKiamfuzz: So it's worse than it was in previous releases?  It's not a new package.17:23
iamfuzzScottK, yes, the JDT changes in Eclipse have broken most of its functionality17:24
Davieygwt is an awful package in Ubuntu17:24
iamfuzzScottK, We're fixing it, but it's just a bit too late obviously.  Going to try to get it into partner17:24
Davieyit's a bastardised version of Ubuntu, with just a subset of it's features.17:25
iamfuzzDaviey, yes, yes it is :-)17:25
iamfuzzbut not for long!17:25
Davieyit's a suck it and see if it builds, normally :)17:25
Davieyremove 10 lines of code, still fails, remove another 10 etc.17:25
ScottKWould a "C" archive admin please look at bug 987939?17:25
ubot2Launchpad bug 987939 in gwt "Please remove GWT from Precise" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/98793917:25
ScottKinfinity: ^^^ ?17:25
iamfuzzDaviey, we dropped some money to have a little company called Credativ to work on it17:26
iamfuzzthey've fixed the JDT issues but now some other BS has cropped up17:26
ScottKPackage is apparently ~totally broken.17:26
Daviey(it was only packaged as a subset to support eucalytpus.. if eucalyptus have no need for it, i'm happy to support a dropping of it :)17:27
iamfuzzyep, luckily noone but us depends on it at a package level, so Partner it is17:27
ScottKiamfuzz: Backports works too.17:28
iamfuzztrue, but Euca is destined for Partner, so likely the best place for Precise17:28
ScottKAh.  Didn't know that.17:28
cjwatsonI have an idea for projectm17:29
cjwatsonaudacious-plugins' unsatisfied build-dep only *really* matters because we can't do security updates17:30
cjwatsonon armel17:30
cjwatsonso why not remove projectm/armel since it's doomed, but SRU audacious-plugins to drop the build-dep?17:30
=== ralsina is now known as ralsina_lunch
micahgcjwatson: what do you mean we can't do security updates on armel?17:31
cjwatsonbecause projectm/armel is f***ed and unrescueable17:31
cjwatsonand audacious-plugins build-deps on libprojectm-dev, but only for the sake of building a plugin that it no longer actually includes17:32
cjwatson"we can't do security updates on armel" => "if I remove projectm/armel, we won't be able to do updates of audacious-plugins that build on armel"17:32
micahgah, ok, that makes sense17:33
slangasekso when did LP change to no longer sending me email about new private bugs that I have access to read through the web UI?17:48
ScottKcjwatson: ^^^ audacious-plugins upload is an SRU since it's seeded, right?17:52
micahgslangasek: are you subscribed in some way to it?17:58
ogasawaraas previously discussed, I have our day-0 kernel ready for upload to precise-proposed today.  Just want to get confirmation it's ok to do so at this time.17:59
slangasekmicahg: I'm subscribed to bugs for plymouth, and I'm not receiving notifications of new private bugs18:01
slangasekogasawara: it's certainly ok to upload; I don't know if it will be accepted immediately, we probably need to check queue lengths before doing so18:02
ogasawaraslangasek: ack18:02
ogasawarajust for reference, I've posted a summary of the bugs being resolved in the day-0 upload -> http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/944474/18:05
=== ralsina_lunch is now known as ralsina
fossfreedomjust want to throw out a question - will the upgrade take care of removing xorg.conf and those with manually install nvidia/ati graphics - or should the recommendation be to swap back to opensource drivers before the upgrade?18:15
utlemmingstgraber: Can I get http://cloud-images.ubuntu.com/precise/20120424/ added to the tracker?18:26
stgraberutlemming: yep, doing it now18:27
utlemmingstgraber: thank you kindly18:27
stgraberyay for flood protection :)18:28
stgraberutlemming: done18:29
utlemmingstgraber: perfect18:29
evso I think we may have a problem18:29
evcan someone confirm that the "report this problem" checkbox isn't appearing in apport?18:30
slangasekoh man18:30
evand that they aren't getting .upload files18:30
slangasekit appears for me18:30
* ev digs deeper18:30
slangasekbut I have apport hard-enabled, does that make the difference here?18:30
slangasekI'm also getting .upload18:31
evI think it's my system18:31
evjust confirming18:31
slangasekfossfreedom: I haven't heard any complaints from users about upgrades breaking of binary drivers are in use; why do you ask?18:32
highvoltagestgraber: what's the status on 64bit macs? we added a note in our installer page for 11.10 advising that users should install the 32bit version on macs because of the efi issues18:32
fossfreedom... on askubuntu we are going to pin a release update answer - just want to get this answer correct.  thanks18:33
stgraberhighvoltage: we keep the note for 12.04, AFAIK we still need +mac builds for EFI and Edubuntu doesn't have one (takes quite a bit of space on cdimage for it and we don't have that many users of it that I know)18:33
highvoltagestgraber: ok18:33
utlemmingstgraber: can we promote the EC2 builds to the Precise Final?18:34
slangasekfossfreedom: so the behavior I would expect here is that the binary drivers are upgraded as part of the upgrade and there's no reason to worry about xorg.conf one way or the other18:34
stgraberutlemming: are they tested already?18:35
fossfreedomthanks - will update the answer accordingly.18:35
stgraberutlemming: we move them to Precise Final once fully tested and ready for release18:35
utlemmingstgraber: yes, there are tested18:35
utlemmingthey were tested this morning, Monday and Friday18:36
* ScottK votes someone shoot the hadoop-ubuntu/testing hadoop builds on armel in the head.18:36
* micahg wonders why that's a native PPA18:37
stgraberutlemming: ok, moving them then18:37
ScottKYou mean other than Canonical people abusing resources because it's easy for them to get them?18:38
evslangasek: heh, I had whoopsie disabled.18:38
evfalse alarm18:38
ScottKcjwatson or slangasek: AIUI the horizon upload in queue for -release is needed to clear up c-m.  Do we need it in -release or can we ignore it and fix things in -proposed/updates?18:39
highvoltagestgraber: I added it to known-issues, does it look ok? http://edubuntu.org/news/12.04-release18:39
stgraberutlemming, arosales: Please have them signed off on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PrecisePangolin/ReleaseManifest now that they are marked as ready18:43
* arosales taking a look18:43
stgraberhighvoltage: not technically a firmware bug, but yeah, that'll do the trick :)18:43
ScottKNice.  Zero builds in progress for the release on armel now because other things are more important.18:45
arosalesstgraber: Looks like I am missing something. For Ubuntu Cloud images (amd64, i386) we have the Releaes Manifest signed off as of 2012-02-28. Is there another action I need to take?18:47
slangasekstgraber: do you have access to kill off these wayward ppa builds ScottK is referencing?18:47
stgraberslangasek: I'll have a look18:48
stgraberarosales: you need testing sign-off (last column)18:48
stgraberarosales: utlemming says they're all tested and good to go, so the manifest should reflect that18:49
arosalesstgraber: ah ok, I'll update now.18:49
arosalesstgraber: thanks for the info and ping.18:49
ScottKOne of them appears to have finished on it's own.18:50
stgraberslangasek: no, the only thing I can do is switch them between manual and auto mode at the moment but not kill these builds18:50
highvoltagestgraber: "On 64bit Apple systems, the 32bit edition is recommended. The 64bit version won't boot on these systems due to incompatibilities with Apple firmware."18:52
ScottKslangasek: Any thoughts on horizon in -release or -updates?18:52
stgraberhighvoltage: sounds good18:52
highvoltagestgraber: is that more accurate? At least we sound slightly less anti-apple like that :)18:52
slangasekScottK: still digging; I think it should really be in -release, but haven't looked if the existing package is suitable for that18:54
stgraberhighvoltage: yeah, it's more accurate. The reason why amd64 doesn't work on Mac is because of some slight difference in their EFI requiring a different grub/efi install.18:56
stgraberhighvoltage: it should be possible to produce a media working on both but there wasn't time to do it in precise, hopefully for quantal18:56
slangasekpitti: I'm pointing a spotlight on bug #986928; I guess we won't get a fix into release, and it's an upgrade-only issue, but it seems rather crucial to get a fix ASAP18:59
ubot2Launchpad bug 986928 in zeitgeist "zeitgeist-daemon crashes with "zeitgeist-daemon.vala:473: Unable to upgrade from schema version 3"" [Critical,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/98692818:59
highvoltagestgraber: ok19:03
slangasekScottK: the horizon in unapproved is needed in order to drop the build-depends on python-cherrypy3; if we don't get this into -release then we at least have to get it into -security, so I'd rather we just get it into release19:05
slangasekand it's an arch: all build19:06
ScottKThe I say let's go for it.19:06
slangasek(also checked that it's not seeded on the server CD)19:07
ScottKBarring disaster, I think that's it for precise -release.19:14
micahgslangasek: quick question about an SRU I'd like to go to lucid-updates, we ended up modifying the menu entry for Thunderbird from 'Mozilla Thunderbird Mail/News' to just 'Thunderbird Mail', can I go ahead and push this out, or does this need to be reverted (it comes with new translations as well)19:22
slangasekmicahg: that doesn't sound like an SRU-appropriate change on the face of it; is it related to some bug?19:23
micahgslangasek: no, just keeping the various releases in sync for easy maintenance19:24
slangasekI would rather see it reverted19:25
micahgchrisccoulson: did you discuss the above with anyone already  ^^19:25
chrisccoulsonwell, it's just a translation update really. and compared to the other changes in the update, it's less than a drop i the ocean19:27
chrisccoulsonperhaps we should revert the hundreds of other string changes ;)19:27
chrisccoulsonbut, seriously, the time to have this conversation was 6 weeks ago19:27
slangasekit's a user-visible change that would impact sorting, among other things...19:27
micahgchrisccoulson: the only reason why I see this one as different would be it's the menu location, I meant to bring it up last week19:27
micahgchrisccoulson: I'd suggest just respinning the 12 update again and I'll just push that out instead of 11 tomorrow (and bite the bullet if I missed something)19:28
chrisccoulsonseriously? respin to change a single string, and make my life even harder for the next merge?19:29
micahgchrisccoulson: not my call, I'm fine with it if the SRU team approves :)19:29
chrisccoulsonfeel free to do that, as long as you do the merges next time :)19:29
chrisccoulsonit's already bad enough trying to merge in changes that we need because of all the cherry-picking19:30
chrisccoulsonand across 24 packaging branches19:30
slangasekI am unlikely to block the SRU over this; OTOH I'm also unlikely to be the member of the SRU team reviewing it and letting it in19:33
slangasekI just think it's unfortunate that an SRU will rearrange users' desktop menus19:33
micahgslangasek: it's one of those in -proposed for extended testing in preparation for a security update things19:35
micahgso, the other changes (upstream) have an exception to update every 6 weeks19:35
micahgor as needed19:36
slangasekthere's also a good chance that this is not the most confusing change we've ever made in an SRU to one of these packages19:38
seb128micahg, how come that string change issue was not raised early than *just* before the time the release should go out?19:38
seb128seems like on a 6 weeks period that should have been raised earlier enough to be discussed without rush19:38
seb128which is not the case there...19:38
micahgseb128: I forgot and was reminded when I did my final acceptance testing, no one complained about it in -proposed19:38
seb128was that an user complain?19:39
micahgjust me noticing19:39
seb128ok, so "was reminded" is by yourself ;-)19:39
micahgright :)19:40
seb128well I've no strong opinion, but if that's an issue it's a shame that it was forgotten and just came back at the time the update is about to go out19:40
seb128but it seems like it's not worth delaying the update imho19:40
micahgthere's enough time to revert if need be, alternatively, I can push out 11 as is and if someone screams respin 12 with the revert19:41
mdeslaurseriously, people are going from thunderbird 3 to thunderbird 11, the least of worries is the slight wording change in the desktop file19:42
mdeslaurthe whole app is changing!19:42
seb128mdeslaur, yeah, I agree with that19:43
ScottKIt looks like Bug #987613  and Bug #987713 are valid removal bugs if there's a "C" archive admin who has  minute?20:00
ubot2Launchpad bug 987613 in vloopback "Please remove vloopback source and binaries from oneiric" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/98761320:00
ubot2Launchpad bug 987713 in seamonkey "Please remove seamonkey source and binaries from precise" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/98771320:00
Riddellstgraber: you tested kubuntu upgrade 3 times?  whatever have we done to deserve that honour?20:42
Riddellyou must have some automated way of doing that?20:43
stgraberRiddell: yeah, these are daily automated upgrade testing20:43
Riddellstgraber: how does that setup work?20:44
stgraberRiddell: I have a cron running on one of my server that uses the AutoUpgradeTester code from update-manager20:44
stgraberRiddell: it's the exact same setup Canonical used to run for all flavours (results used to be on mvo's people.u.c page IIRC)20:45
stgraberRiddell: so it essentially runs the equivalent of do-release-upgrade -d in a fresh kvm VM, runs a bunch of test post-upgrade and report failures if it detects a .crash or any other test failure20:45
Riddellstgraber: cool20:55
jdstrandare there any problems with my pushing a universe package to precise-security now as opposed to thursday?20:59
jdstrandI'm assuming not, but thought I would check20:59
ScottK^^^ I emailed the uploader and the author to explain it was too late for -release.21:03
jdstrandhrmm, our unembargo tool was not smart and it went to precise-security (our other tools skip the dev release)21:07
jdstrandwell if openssl098/universe to precise-security is a problem, holler21:07
slangasekshould be fine21:12
stgraberslangasek: leaving now, if you have any other builds that are ready, just pm me the names and version (just to be safe) and I'll move them first thing tomorrow22:06
cjwatsonScottK: audacious-plugins is intended for SRU, yes22:17
cjwatsonScottK: think I explained it a few lines above that22:17
balloonsRiddell, ScottK wubi kubuntu testing went well22:24
balloonsno issues22:24
skaet:)  thanks balloons22:27
balloonserr.. wait.. :-) incoming message ;-)22:31
balloonsis wubi amd64 only? one person is reporting wubi is always downloading the amd64 image22:31
cjwatsoncurrently, wubi just goes off the capabilities of the CPU22:32
slangasekthere's a single wubi image, and it has to decide somehow which architecture you want22:32
cjwatsonthere's a bug about that22:32
* slangasek nods22:32
cjwatsonso on a 64-bit system, it'll always choose amd64, yes22:32
balloonsahh, so in order to test the 386 upgrade you HAVE to have 386 only hardware eh22:32
slangasekor a 32-bit VM22:33
cjwatsonwell, for upgrade, you could do an install off the wubi that used to be on the CD22:33
balloonsgotcha.. thanks.. Additionally, 11.10 isn't always installing so cleanly, but we're ignoring that :-)22:33
cjwatsonthe CD was only made non-Wubi-capable in itself in precise22:33
balloonsyes, I know that.. I believe they are using the old exe's for upgrade testing.. tho some may have used the old cd22:34
balloonsRiddell, ScottK so I have a couple more testers yet to report, probably will hear back tonight/tomorrow on them22:38
cjwatsonseriously?  new xbmc *introduced* an outdate?22:43
cjwatsonhm, this looks like altivec damage to me, I think I'll cheat *cough*22:44
cjwatsonso I think remaining for outdate_all are pending builds, clang, and eclipse22:49
ScottKballoons: OK.  We still need the wubi testing.23:07
balloonsScottK, what do you mean?23:07
balloonsyou need more? or ?23:08
ScottKballoons: Got two results for amd64 and none for i386.  Need the i386 one tested.23:09
ScottKSo progress, but yes, more.23:09
knomeif somebody could do wubi testing for xubuntu too, we'd appreciate it ;)23:09
balloonsScottK, right.. but see above.. the i386 is hard to test23:09
balloonsat least on real hardware23:09
knomei don't know when that's been done the last time, seriously23:09
balloonsit's pretty much impossible tak23:09
cjwatsonoh, here23:10
* cjwatson finds a force option23:10
balloonsif we had an override or something to force i386 it would help alot.. skaet is right we could do vm's, but that's silly23:10
cjwatsonwubi --32bit23:10
cjwatson./src/wubi/application.py:257:        parser.add_option("--32bit", action="store_true", dest="force_i386", help="Force installation of 32 bit version")23:10
balloonscjwatson, rofl ^^23:10
ScottKI'd say take the i386 ISO and do whatever the wubi test case says to do.23:10
cjwatsongo forth and test :-)23:10
balloonsi'll ping back the testers.. probably won't happen till tomorrow at this hour.. but ;-)23:11
cjwatsonnp, should've noticed earlier23:11
infinitycjwatson: New review: http://paste.ubuntu.com/944886/23:18
* cjwatson line-by-lines to make sure23:19
ScottKjibel: I see you did a bunch of Ubuntu amd64+mac tests.  Would you be able to run through some of the Kubuntu ones as well.  The tester we had over the weekend seems to have gotten distracted.23:28

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