
cwillu_at_work(looking it up)00:00
cwillu_at_work"To restrict a service to a particular set of users you can use the valid users parameter."00:00
cwillu_at_workline 6256 of man smb.conf00:01
cwillu_at_workAison, ^00:03
Aisonyeah, just testing it00:03
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cwillu_at_workincidentally, do you know how to search in man?00:03
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Aisonno, I just googled for it :P00:05
Aisonand found that: http://www.samba.org/samba/docs/man/manpages-3/smb.conf.5.html00:05
cwillu_at_workAison, the / key followed by the word you want to search for (really, a regex)00:05
cwillu_at_workn and N to go forward and back00:05
SedativI need to add a second Ip to my server00:06
Sedativcould anyone please help?00:06
Aisoncwillu_at_work, lol, didn't know that :D00:07
AisonSedativ, that's quite simple :)00:07
Sedativgreat :P00:07
cwillu_at_workAison, works in less and firefox as well00:07
SedativI'm a total noob00:07
AisonSedativ, I guess you already have got a  auto eth0, iface eth0  inet static   ..... etc. entry?00:08
Aisonnow you simply add:00:08
Aisonauto eth0:000:08
Aisoniface eth0:0 inet static00:08
Aison   address
Aison   netmask
Aisonthis is your 2nd ip00:08
Sedativso I change with my ip right ?00:09
Aisonyes, and of course also the netmask00:09
Sedativcool, but what if I have about 100 ips ?00:09
cwillu_at_workSedativ, why do you have 100 ip addresses?00:09
SedativI bought a subnet00:09
cwillu_at_workwhich matters why?00:10
Sedativmy ISP is making me change my Ip .... I had to buy about 256 Ips00:10
cwillu_at_workwhich matters, why?00:10
Sedativso that I don;t encounter this problem again00:10
Aisonyou don't need to use all of those00:10
cwillu_at_workSedativ, that doesn't mean you need to configure all of them00:10
qman__yeah, just because you have them doesn't mean you need to use them all00:10
qman__if and when you need them, add them00:11
qman__in any case, the above is how its done, no matter how many00:11
Sedativrealy simple00:11
Sedativsecond question00:12
Sedativhow do I set up the router to manage my subnet00:12
SedativI know it's way off topic but I am a noob00:13
qman__well, you configure the IPs on the internet-facing device00:13
qman__if you have another box but want the IPs on your server, set your router/modem in bridge mode00:13
qman__or do 1:1 NAT00:13
SedativI have static routing on my router ... is that what I need ?00:13
qman__not related00:13
Aisonhe don't need nat, if he have got a whole subnet :P00:14
Sedativrealy ?00:14
qman__1:1 NAT is if you want your servers configured with private addresses00:14
Aisonno, all your clients get an IP of your subnet00:14
qman__but to each have an internet IP00:14
Sedativmy ISP told me that I need nat and static routing ... I bought a router that can do that00:14
qman__I don't know what they mean by "static routing"00:15
qman__if they mean static routes, that's only needed if you have multiple networks00:15
qman__but you say you have a subnet00:15
qman__meaning one network00:15
qman__so routing is not strictly needed at all00:15
Aisonyou may bridge the wan device with the lan device and use ip's of your subnet on your clients00:16
Sedativok... they told me thay are routing my subnet via some Ip address00:16
qman__they give you a default gateway00:16
qman__that gateway must be configured on the devices which have your subnet's IPs in order for them to get to the internet00:16
Sedativso this means that if I use that ip on my router as a static Ip as I do now ... the others won't work ?00:17
qman__if you really want, you can configure your router to hand out your internet IPs through DHCP, though I don't suggest that configuration00:17
SedativI have about 100 websites on my server00:18
SedativI thaught I could a assign each one a different Ip00:18
qman__you can00:18
cloakable_Not much point though00:18
qman__only needed if you're using SSL00:18
SedativI'm not00:18
qman__if you're not using SSL, they can share one IP unconditionally with a virtualhost configuration00:19
cloakable_apache will support SSL-SNI nicely00:19
qman__there's some tricks to get more than one site working with SSL on one IP, but they're nontrivial00:19
cloakable_SNI is trivial with apache o.o00:19
SedativI don;t need ssl00:19
qman__then you only need one IP00:19
Sedativthey are just wordpress websites and static ones00:19
qman__it's called named virtualhosts00:20
qman__apache determines which site to serve based on the URL requested00:20
Sedativeven so, let's say my gateway is
Sedativand my subnet is - 25500:21
qman__that's incorrect00:21
qman__your gateway has to be inside your subnet00:21
qman__otherwise there'd be no way out of the subnet, that's what a gateway does00:21
flaccidits actually based on the http hostname00:22
flaccid(http 1.1)00:23
flaccidwhen using name based virtual hosting00:23
qman__yeah, but no need to get that technical on the protocol, effectively it serves the site asked for by name, no extra IPs needed00:23
Sedativok, so let;s say that my sub net is - 255 ... which one is my gateway ?00:23
qman__whichever one the ISP told you is00:24
qman__usually .1 or .25400:24
Sedativok, cool00:24
Sedativthay told me that they need to route it throu another Ip somehow00:24
Sedativthat's what made me confused00:25
qman__right, since you own that whole subnet, they only have one IP in the range on their box, and that has another IP range on its other side00:25
qman__they might put that on the modem at your end00:25
qman__or, they might give you one IP not in your range to assign to your router, though I haven't seen that00:25
flaccidyour isp should hand out the gateway via dhcp unless they give it to you manually which is rare00:26
qman__they don't normally give out DHCP if you buy a whole subnet00:26
qman__that's only for home plans00:26
flaccidi kind of doubt that you 'buy a whole subnet' in a non private range00:27
qman__you don't buy private ranges, only internet ranges00:27
qman__private ranges are always free00:27
flaccida range != a subnet :)00:28
qman__never said it was, but a subnet is a range00:28
Sedativthey gave me an Ip to put on my router00:28
Sedativand told me to route the subnet from my router using that ip00:29
Sedativwich isn;t in the range00:29
qman__then that's what you do00:29
Sedativok, I did the first part00:29
qman__on your router, configure the IP they gave you on the WAN side, and pick an address in your range for the LAN00:29
qman__then, for your server, use that LAN IP as the default gateway, and use a different address in your subnet00:30
Sedativso If I change from  - 200 to my subnet it will work ?00:30
SedativI have for my lan ... at the moment that range of provate ip00:31
SedativLan ips00:31
qman__oh, yes00:31
qman__to use your static IPs, your internet-facing router needs to have your subnet on its LAN side00:32
qman__you can route again and use NAT behind that with another router if you want, to keep things separated00:32
qman__otherwise change your LAN to use your subnet00:32
Sedativcool, now what would my dns respond to ... my router Ip or my lan Ip ?00:32
qman__be aware that in doing so you lose the protection that NAT overloading provides in blocking incoming connections00:33
qman__aka masquerading00:33
qman__DNS is separate, as long as your network is set up to route to the internet correctly, you can use any DNS server that will answer you00:34
qman__the DNS server doesn't have to be on the LAN00:34
SedativI ment my bind server00:34
Sedativbedind the router00:35
qman__right, if you've got a whole public subnet as your LAN, your LAN is on the internet00:35
qman__the address you give the server is what it responds to on the internet, not your router's WAN IP00:35
Sedativeven if I have DHCP enabled on my router?00:35
qman__and every computer with an address in your subnet will be reachable directly from the itnernet00:35
qman__if you want to protect them the way they were before, you need another router to do the NAT overloading00:36
qman__and give that router one of your subnet's IPs00:36
Sedativat the momennt the server is not behind the router00:36
Sedativit is connected directly to the internet00:37
flaccidi recommend NAT00:37
qman__it's behind a router00:37
Sedativwell I guess it is:P since my isp routes that ip00:37
qman__this would be a lot easier if you just listed your IPs, I could put together a chart or something00:37
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jkylehm, my dnsmasq server keeps serving the wrong ip to some clients >.>00:58
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ruben23hi guys im havign issue wehn restarting my network i ahve error with this config any idea..? ---> http://pastebin.com/Pjf8VCAz02:38
EvilResistanceruben23:  what's the exact error you're getting02:41
flaccidyou should always specify the error as well02:41
flaccid16. should be ip not up02:41
flaccidi can't remember, can you add in ip commands direct like that into /etc/network/interfaces?..02:42
ruben23flaccid: sorry for the meantime...its being used for prodcution now..so i can replicate teh error yet02:44
flaccidwell have fun :)02:44
qman__not exactly, up in this instance means run the following when the interface is up02:45
flaccidah i see thanks qman__02:49
flaccidroute would be the legacy command then02:49
hallynstgraber: I'm attempting a lxc merge from sid, hoping you haven't already done that work02:49
qman__don't remember offhand if it's syntactically correct, but that is a legit thing to do02:49
philipballewqman__, thank you for the niagos help last weekend. I have it all set up and running like a champ03:24
koolhead17adam_g, ping03:47
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twbSo guess what my next job is04:14
twbSome random customer resells some tomcat app from northern europe, and currently they're running on XP, and they handed me such a host running their app and said "make it go on lucid pls kthxbye"04:15
twbAt least their insistence on both sun java and lucid happens to work together; if they wanted precise and sun java I'd have had to do the third-party sharball dance04:21
hallyntwb: xp under kvm, done :)04:25
twbI seriously suggested that04:25
twbBecause they have conflicting requirements 1) get this box running asap with minimal changes; and also 2) do it properly, future-proofy, etc.04:26
TohuwThis is where you start asking dangerous things like "define 'under linux'"04:26
twbTheir *end goal*, I think, is to have something clean such that new boxes can be provisioned with lucid and their app in a more-or-less turnkey manner04:27
twblifeless: it's a tomcat app dude, wine would be silly04:27
lifelesstwb: of course... I was being silly (wasn't that obvious?)04:27
twbI'm just grumbling because I don't like java and I don't like customers that don't have access to the source code of their own product04:27
lifelesstwb: seriously though, you can get windows tunrkey on ec204:27
lifelessyou could setup a snapshot base volume ready to roll, and use that04:28
twblifeless: this is to deploy inside a hospital, not so it can be used by ipad weenies out on the internet04:28
twbBut the lucid part, at least, is a no-brainer to automate a PXE install04:28
TohuwSpeaking of dangerous questions, iterative requests are not working on my test BIND server, and I'm not sure why. db.root exists and is correct, and I have forwarders set. I must be missing something...04:29
twbTohuw: is it authoritative or recursive?04:29
Tohuwtwb: It is currently set to recursive and I'm querying domains for which it is not the authority. I want to turn recursion off, but then non-authoratative domains don't resolve...04:30
twbAre you telling it to talk to an upstream recursive resolver?04:31
twbObviously if you're talking to the root servers, they won't do all the recursing for you04:31
Tohuwtwb: via forwarders in named.conf.options, or do I need to set something else?04:31
twbI don't know, I stopped running named years ago because it's sooooo shit04:31
twbnsd and unbound or dnsmasq FTW04:31
TohuwI need split-horizon dns and the ability to host sites and services using multiple resource types. Last time I poked around, BIND was the only package reliably doing the job for me. I readily confess to  not spending a great deal of time on it. BIND's always been fine, but for some reason disabling recursion on this particular server renders it incapable of acting as a DNS server, when it should just perform iterative requests and send the clients04:34
Tohuwon their way to the answer.04:34
twbare you testing with dig, or are you (foolishly) testing directly with the end-goal app?04:36
Tohuwtesting with dig04:36
Tohuwdig @localhost some_domain.tld does not resolve04:37
twband obviously check logs04:37
twbNot sure what else to suggest04:38
hallynstgraber: fwiw, I need to undo multiarching and nix some template junk from rules, and commented in changelog some patches i want to squash, but04:40
hallynhttp://people.canonical.com/~serge/lxc_0.8.0~rc1-4ubuntu1.dsc is a start04:40
twbIn lucid, is it /etc/motd.tail when you want to actually have something in motd until further notice?04:54
twbThat file doesn't exist initially, which makes me suspicious04:54
twbWhere's the sun/oracle java shit as at lucid?  In the partners repo?05:07
twbI know it was dropped from newer versions, but did ubuntu retroactively remove it from older releases?  WTF?05:08
jussitwb: it was dropped from everythign as oracle revoked the license05:10
twbThey can do that retroactively for older releases?05:11
jussitwb: Im pretty sure so05:11
twbWell fuck.  At least I feel validated for pushing back on customer's routine insistence on needing *that* java05:11
twbThanks for confirming, though05:12
jussitwb: there was a script for pulling the stuff from sun themselves and creatign deb packages, not sure of its sanity though05:13
jussi1 sec, let me find it05:13
twbA current one or a really old one?05:14
jussilast commit was 7days ago05:15
jussipulls from suns website, so should be up to date05:15
twbYeah but I meant like the vmware one was fine for vmware server 1.x but as soon as vmware released 2.x it was unusable05:16
twbThat's what I meant by up-to-date05:16
twbIt sounds like it is, though05:16
twb("the vmware one" as in the script some guy made, that turned their tarballs into sane debs)05:16
jussiit seems it makes a local repo for the debs it creates, then you needs to install them after that05:18
jussiguessing by the documentation, the guy seems to know something at least - not just some person making a hack.05:18
twbThe whole thing is gonna be a cowboy job regardless because oracle are involved05:19
twbAnd I don't have a spare $1mi to pay them to do it "properly"05:20
EvilResistancejussi:  i thought that the licensing on Oracle Java prevented debian packaging of it?05:21
jussiyeah, but theres cowboy jobs and pig shit...05:21
twbUgh, I just noticed they want tomcat 5 and lucid has 605:21
brainysmurfHi there I am trying to get postfix working and it times out if it tries to connect to internal server and connection is refused for any external server05:21
brainysmurfMy network admin is telling me it's not the school's firewall it must be at the server location, i tried netstat but I'm not sure how to "prove" that it should be working05:22
jussiEvilResistance: nah, prevents distribution of it iirc, so "doing it yourself" is fine05:22
twbbrainysmurf: test with nc05:22
twbbrainysmurf: msmtp -d is also very good for SMTP testing, it shows the full conversation, similar to curl -v05:23
linociscohas anyone used WiFi router? I would like to install ubuntu router (no wifi clients).which should also give IP to DHCP clients like wifi router.05:24
EvilResistancejussi:  i might double check that, but given the nature of Oracle, I'd be surprised if there's even licensing which allows repackaging05:25
twbEvilResistance: you can do what you want provided you don't distribute the result05:26
jussiEvilResistance: what twb said05:26
twbe.g. I could buy a copy of John Grisham's latest book and wipe my arse with it, and he can't do anything unless I publish the result as a derivative work05:27
EvilResistancethen given that logic, shouldn't PPAs which contain Oracle Java6 (the last version that was available before the license change) need to be purged?05:27
jussiEvilResistance: they have been05:27
twbEvilResistance: almost certainly05:27
EvilResistanceare you certain about that05:27
twbBut *that* depends if the license change can be retroactive05:27
jussiEvilResistance: if you know of one stillexisting let launchpad peoples know05:27
twbWhich I find surprising but not impossible05:27
EvilResistanceisnt this one?  https://launchpad.net/~ferramroberto/+archive/java  <-- the package names suggest its sun java05:28
EvilResistance(in which case, the LP admins are about to get the biggest stab i've ever given them)05:28
twbjussi: "This script is merely a wrapper for the most excellent Debian packaging scripts prepared by Janusz Dziemidowicz.  * https://github.com/rraptorr/sun-java6"05:32
jussitwb: heh05:33
twbUgh, it uses /var/local05:33
twbThis guy is clearly oldschool05:33
jussiso it seems05:33
twb"* Download the i586 and x64 Java install binaries from Oracle. Yes, both are required." wtf/sigh05:33
jussitwb: sun java is a travesty. not much more to say05:34
twbAll of java is IMO05:35
twbI mean I know C++ was the Great Evil at the time, but surely Steele and Gosling could've done better05:35
jussimeh, real programmers use brainfuck :P05:35
twbThe only way to win is not to play05:37
twbWhen it comes to programming languages, it's fugly core or yak shaving -- pick one.05:38
twb(That's for general-purpose languages.  For DSLs, pick two.)05:38
EvilResistancejussi:  was 6u26 purged retroactively in the license change?05:41
EvilResistance(of Sun java)05:41
EvilResistance(last i checked, it was)05:41
jussino idea05:41
twbI am going to looooove running lintian on this thing once it builds05:43
twbI'm going to stop looking at  the build script and just run it, because otherwise I'm gonna hurl05:44
blendedbychrisI have precise running and for some reason when i do apt-get install nginx or nginx-full it says the package doesn't exist… it worked on 32bit but not 64bit for me05:49
Tohuwblendedbychris: I just attempted an install of nginx precise x64 and it found the packages.05:53
blendedbychrisTohuw: can you pastie your sources.list05:53
blendedbychrisTohuw: indeed i see it here http://packages.ubuntu.com/precise/nginx-full05:53
TohuwCan you confirm you have universe repo enabled? What happens when you apt-cache show nginx?05:54
EvilResistance!info nginx-full precise05:54
ubottunginx-full (source: nginx): nginx web server with full set of core modules. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.1.17-2 (precise), package size 369 kB, installed size 864 kB05:54
blendedbychrisTohuw: universe is enabled05:54
EvilResistanceyou know, that's outdated :/05:55
blendedbychrisapt-cache show nginx returns no result05:56
blendedbychrisEvilResistance: ?05:56
EvilResistance1.1.17 is older than latest nginx, but of course the Precise repos dont reflect the latest pushes to Debian05:56
EvilResistanceit should still be in universe though05:57
EvilResistancedid you confirm that universe is active and you updated since you activated universe?05:57
blendedbychrisN: Can't select versions from package 'nginx' as it is purely virtual05:58
EvilResistancesounds like a Precise bug :P05:58
blendedbychrisfull gives N: Unable to locate package nginx-full05:58
twbblendedbychris: apt-cache search nginx; it might not be called exactly "nginx" anymore05:59
EvilResistanceit should be called 'nginx'05:59
EvilResistancethat's the package equiv in debian05:59
EvilResistance(or nginx-light, nginx-full, nginx-extras, etc.)05:59
blendedbychristwb: no avail05:59
blendedbychristhis worked fine with 32bit precise heh06:00
EvilResistancewell i hate to say "Use a PPA", but you could try the nginx PPAs, they've got the latest if the repos are screwing with you06:00
TohuwIt is called nginx, and I can see it in universe. I can install it as well. precise x64 here.06:00
EvilResistancei know it exists in Precise, i've used it on my VM06:00
blendedbychrismaybe something screwy with going from lucid06:00
Tohuwblendedbychris: post your sources.list06:01
Tohuw(that textmate link didn't resolve)06:01
twbEvilResistance: IMO he doesn't know enough to use equivs safely06:02
EvilResistancethat poses a problem :P06:02
twbnginx is in precise according to rmadison...06:02
Tohuwblendedbychris: You do not have universe enabled.06:02
EvilResistancethat explains it, since your sources dont have universe on em :P06:03
TohuwYou have the source repo but not the package repo06:03
twbhttp://paste.debian.net/164787/ is a reasonably sane & portable sources.list06:04
twbNote that universe doesn't get five-year support AFAIK06:04
twbAny idea why my lucid servers have recently started doing this:06:07
twb    2410 theta kernel: grub-probe: sending ioctl 1261 to a partition!06:07
twb2410 is the number of times that log entry appeared within a one-hour window.06:08
twbThis apparently happens now every time a kernel is updated and the grub update bullshit triggers06:08
Tohuwtwb: http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=65689906:10
uvirtbotDebian bug 656899 in src:linux-2.6 "mdadm: sending ioctl 1261 to a partition warnings in kernel log with kernel 3.2" [Minor,Open]06:10
twbUm, this is happening on 2..63206:10
twbMaybe the ticket is just poorly named, /me reads on06:11
TohuwIt's marked invalid downstream: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/949080/comments/306:11
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 949080 in linux "sending ioctl 1261 to a partition!" [Medium,Invalid]06:11
twbSince it's WONTFIXed I presume I should just whitelist it in logcheck?06:12
TohuwIt would seem so06:14
TohuwG'night all06:15
andrewhiggsMorning all.06:29
linociscohas anyone used WiFi router? I would like to install ubuntu router (no wifi clients).which should also give IP to DHCP clients like wifi router.06:29
twbHum, http://isup.me/cve.mitre.org06:36
raywangHi guys, I have tested ubuntu-server-beta2 i386, and it failed to install maas, maas-enlist no matter I select automatically detect MAAS server and manually assign server address, the installer do nothing and poweroff the system. and if i install server, and select 'openstack' from tasksel, it failed to install too, any clue?06:40
linociscohas anyone used WiFi router? I would like to install ubuntu router (no wifi clients).which should also give IP to DHCP clients like wifi router.06:42
linociscoI hate apt-get install for packages for VPN and others. I have to go to office with no internet. How can I bring all packages in DVD?06:43
andrewhiggslinocisco: Have you tried aptoncd?06:43
linociscoandrewhiggs, but if version changes, it is not working. meaning source is karmic and the one I will install is on 11.10. it is not working. that is why I hate aptonCD06:44
linociscoandrewhiggs, and again , aptonCD is ok only with desktop version to seel all in GUI. how can I create with ubuntu server version?06:45
andrewhiggslinocisco: I would think thatt if you downloaded the packages you wanted and put them into /var/cache/apt/archive you should be able to install them then?06:47
_rubenwhat use would a wifi router be if there are no wifi clients06:55
RoyK_ruben: something nice on a shelf? ;)06:56
twb_ruben: I think he actually wants a dhcpd, but I can never tell with linocisco07:02
_rubencould be... ;)07:03
linociscoandrewhiggs, I can download and installl all my packages i need first and make a copy of /var/cache/apt/archive and take it there?07:04
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lynxman-morning o/08:01
twblinocisco: apt-walkabout08:03
twbOr just use jigdo to make DVDs that contain every package available08:03
linociscotwb, what?08:03
twblinocisco: apt-walkabout is a piece of software to solve the problem you're having08:04
linociscotwb, should I install it on server or destkop?08:06
twblinocisco: depends08:06
twblinocisco: go read the docs it comes with08:06
linociscotwb, ok.08:07
linociscotwb, is apt-walkabout command?08:07
twbIt is a package.08:10
twblinocisco: oh, I'm sorry, it seems it is not available in Ubuntu.08:11
twblinocisco: you can get it here http://quozl.netrek.org/apt-walkabout/08:11
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linociscois there anyone who is running ubuntu server on virtualbox for lab test?08:17
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linociscois there anyone who is running ubuntu server on virtualbox for lab test?08:27
linociscohow to run .pkg and .sh from vboxguestaddtion iso ?08:28
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linociscohow to run .pkg and .sh from vboxguestaddtion iso ?08:47
linocisco./file.sh not ok08:47
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rbasaklynxman-: are you interested in bug 986973?10:52
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 986973 in facter "Facter bug causes puppet to become a zombie" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/98697310:53
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lynxman-rbasak: yeah I'll take it :)11:20
rbasakthanks lynxman-!11:20
lynxman-rbasak: fairly easy one11:20
rbasaklynxman-: yep. Not sure where it sits between a normal upload and SRU process though. I'm new to this part of the cycle :)11:21
lynxman-rbasak: I reckon it's SRU ny now, too late for the release11:21
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lynxman-rbasak: I've been only 2 times in this part of the cycle myself :o)11:22
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jamespagelynxman-, def to late for release - is it SRU worthy?11:41
lynxman-jamespage: that's what I'm studying, puppetlabs is pushing it to 2.x11:41
lynxman-jamespage: I'll try to get some feedback later today from them11:42
jamespagelynxman-, that would be marvellous11:42
lynxman-jamespage: ;)11:44
samuel_hi, i'm having difficulty logging into phpmyadmin on my ubuntu server, there is no error message :/11:47
samuel_i can log into sql on the server via ssh11:47
samuel_but on phpmyadmin it does not appear to accept username and password11:48
Picisamuel_: Theres no password prompt?11:48
samuel_yes, there is, if i go to [ipnumber]/phpmyadmin with the browser, it prompts me for username and password11:49
samuel_when i input, it stays at the login screen, i cannot get further either on my workstation or any of the others connected to the server11:49
samuel_so i used ssh to log into the server, and view the database tables from the commandline - i appear to be able to do that11:50
Picisamuel_: Are you using something like noscript in your browser?11:50
samuel_you mean like an extension? it doesnt appear to matter which browser i use11:51
Picisamuel_: What release of Ubuntu are you using?11:52
samuel_server edition - obviously11:53
samuel_hang on, i will fiddle with the settings of my browser to see if it is that - you may have thrown me a valable bone!11:53
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zulDaviey: im going to get a FFE for xcp12:34
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mdeslaurSpamapS: FYI, mysql security updates published to stable releases12:36
Davieyzul: have fun with that. ;)12:36
networkDocgood morning12:37
kokyuhey, I just switched from a DSL router to a Linux Gateway, and now, the previousely working PPTP connection will not establish anymore (which worked just fine via DSL router, but not via Linux gateway).... the Linux gateway however does very well with any other type of internet traffic. any ideas?12:44
patdk-wkyour linux firewall is incorrectly configured to allow pptp traffic12:45
jamespagenegronjl, are you still using https://launchpad.net/~hadoop-ubuntu/+archive/oneiric ?12:58
jamespageI'm providing oneiric packages from the Dev/Test/Stable PPA's so I'd quite like to delete that one please12:58
sarthorI need some guidence about configuring a linux server that can deal with 4 uplinks, the machine have 5 Ethernet cards, 4 are connecteed to ADSL modems and 1 to Lan switch, what solution will be better. I used shorewall on ubuntu -server for 2 UPlinks but do not know for more the 2 uplinks. i am not expert. any help please13:16
negronjljamespage: I'm not13:20
kokyu_hey, I just switched from a DSL router to a Linux Gateway, and now, the previousely working PPTP connection will not establish anymore (which worked just fine via DSL router, but not via Linux gateway).... the Linux gateway however does very well with any other type of internet traffic. any ideas?13:20
jamespagenegronjl, ack - PPA deleted....13:20
kokyu_patdk-wk: well, the iptables is not dropping anything, it's default to ACCEPT and just MASQUERADE on outgoing ppp0 :)13:21
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koolhead17zul, around14:17
koolhead17horizon seems to be broken14:17
zulkoolhead17: broken as in how?14:18
koolhead17zul, after upgrading openstack-dashboard, i added the memched server part in the local_settings.py file14:19
koolhead17some css missing14:20
koolhead17lemme pastebin apache log14:20
koolhead17zul, http://paste.ubuntu.com/944127/14:21
zulkoolhead17: can you open up a bug so we can reproduce this please?14:21
koolhead17am doing it14:21
koolhead17also getting error in log File does not exist: /usr/share/openstack-dashboard/openstack_dashboard/static/horizon, referer:
koolhead172012.1-0ubuntu5  this is the upgraded dashboard version am using14:23
zulkoolhead17: please open up a bug for it14:29
koolhead17zul, will do right away, thanks. :)14:30
Davieythere is an open bug.14:32
Davieykoolhead17: can you describe the breakage?14:33
koolhead17Daviey, after upgrade i see openstack-dashboard.conf14:33
koolhead17inside my apache14:33
koolhead17and which is pointing to certain files /usr/share/openstack-dashboard/openstack_dashboard/static/horizon14:36
koolhead17but there is no directory with name horizon14:36
koolhead17instead its dashboard14:37
koolhead17i renamed it to horizon14:37
koolhead17now apache searches for file File does not exist: /usr/share/openstack-dashboard/openstack_dashboard/static/horizon/js14:38
koolhead17there is no directory inside dashboard --> which i changed to horizon with name JS14:39
koolhead17as a result of which the page is not getting loaded14:39
koolhead17so we don`t have js directory and we need to rename dashboard directory to horizon14:41
koolhead17Daviey, i dont see js directory https://github.com/openstack/horizon/tree/master/openstack_dashboard/static/dashboard14:44
koolhead17here too :(14:44
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cmaginajamespage: ping15:00
jamespagecmagina, pong15:00
cmaginajamespage: have you seen a hadoop hang after an NPE from receiveResponse (IPC Client$Connection)?15:01
cmaginai searched the hadoop bug db and was unable to find anything15:02
cmaginajamespage: its lp #987238 (https://bugs.launchpad.net/eilt/+bug/987238)15:03
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 987238 in eilt "[public] hadoop terasort test sometimes hangs" [Undecided,New]15:03
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 987238 in eilt "[public] hadoop terasort test sometimes hangs" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/98723815:03
jamespagecmagina, oo nice - I suspect that is something new and arm-ish15:04
cmaginajamespage: heh, great :) i'll have to see how reproducible it is (based on the number of times I ran terasort myself and never saw it, guessing rare)15:06
cmaginaany suggestions on data gathering for it? the hadoop setup is the pseudo cluster configuration using the zero vm15:07
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utlemmingsmoser: pong15:39
smoserutlemming, Daviey are we testing some AMI's for 12.04 releas e?15:40
smoserif not, is there something we're waiting on ?15:40
utlemmingsmoser: Yes, i've been testing RC's since Friday every day15:40
utlemmingsmoser: my final RC candidate is being tested right now15:40
utlemmingsmoser: it looks like this one will get promoted for release15:41
smoseris there some way that someone would know that ?15:42
smoserutlemming, ^ ?15:43
smoseri'm interested in getting pre-published ami ids to the awstrial team15:44
smoserbug 98737315:44
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 987373 in awstrial "Add images for 12.04" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/98737315:44
utlemmingsmoser: I can post a tenative AMI's that are anticipated for release. They won't be public, but I can link to the daily.15:45
smoserwell, clearly we can link to daily, and they can test with that15:45
smoserbut i want to get them to using the pre-published ami ids (of which the astrial id should have access to) when you pre-publish them.15:46
smoserie, that user is (i think) in the private group that gets access early.15:46
utlemmingsmoser: that is what I was going to ask...and I think that is a great idea15:46
smoserwhat did you mean by "my final rc candidate is being tested right now" ?15:47
smoserwhere ?15:47
smoserlink ?15:47
utlemmingIts not ready yet, but here: https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/precise-server-ec2/10/15:48
smoserthats just a full run of https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/view/Precise%20ISO%20Testing%20Dashboard/view/Daily/job/precise-server-ec2-daily/ ?15:49
utlemmingsmoser: correct15:49
jamespagecmagina, sorry - was on a call15:57
jamespagecmagina, logs from /var/log/hadoop would be great15:57
jamespageif java crashed (it might have) - you might have something useful in /var/crash15:58
cmaginajamespage: ok, i'll have to reproduce it as i don't think those were collected (automated test)15:58
jamespagecmagina, it looks like the jobtracker died15:59
jamespagehence the job hung15:59
cmaginaah, ok16:00
SpamapSmdeslaur: thanks. :)16:02
jhobbsWG 1-16:07
koolhead17guys i just installed horizon on new/fresh VM and everything works fine16:16
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robbiewutlemming: $ host nectarine.canonical.com16:49
robbiewnectarine.canonical.com has address
robbiewseems to work for me16:49
utlemmingrobbiew: yeah, IS is bringing her back online now16:49
robbiewutlemming: I suspect that was due to having people in millbank able to properly freakout :)16:50
spartan2276If I have multiple sites with SSL on one Apache2 server how can I make non-ssl request by IE go to redirect SSL?16:56
spartan2276example I want to make www.ipawarehouse.com go to https://www.ipawarehouse.com, Firefox gives the user a message stating that it is a 400 bad request and gives the user the correct URL BUT IE does not16:57
ikoniaspartan2276: how are you forwarding/redirecting it17:00
spartan2276right now I'm not. I'm trying to find out how to do that. I went into the site config for that particular site and added the redirect permanent / https://www.ipawarehouse.com but that did not work at all17:04
spartan2276I was looking at this http://www.askapache.com/htaccess/ssl-example-usage-in-htaccess.html#redirect-http-to-https but I don't think this in on a site per site basis17:06
spartan2276for some reason things on Ubuntu server are different than regular linux configs at least when it comes to apache217:07
axisyseth0: and eth1: .. eth0 has no physical connection.. how come eth0 still responds to ping?17:12
patdk-wkcause, that is how linux works :)17:13
axisyspatdk-wk: can you please explain?17:13
patdk-wklinux responds if the ip address is located ANYWHERE on that machine17:14
spartan2276ikonia, I have tried the redirects but nothing seems to work, maybe I'm not putting the redirect in the correct file17:14
axisyspatdk-wk: hmm..17:14
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axisyspatdk-wk: wow!17:14
axisyspatdk-wk: do you any article that explains why?17:17
resno2.0 ghz xeon... how old would that be?17:17
patdk-wkany ipvs tutorial should help17:17
patdk-wkresno, very much :)17:17
resnopatdk-wk: comparable to a p4?17:18
patdk-wkit would be a p417:18
patdk-wkunless you mean a *newer* 2.0ghz xeon17:18
patdk-wkthat is like 10core :)17:18
resnonah, looking on ebay...17:18
patdk-wkbut talking single core, ya, 10years about17:18
resnodual 2.0 ghz xeon17:19
resnopatdk-wk: let me ask you question then...17:19
axisysif I want traffic destined for .10 go through eth0 and .11 to go through eth1.. I will need to define it in iptables?17:20
resnoim wanting to test out my server admining skills, should i just go desktop or use a full server/ rack build?17:20
patdk-wkresno, makes no difference, if all your testing is software17:21
patdk-wkaxisys, na17:21
axisyspatdk-wk: so there is no way to tell traffic for .10 should go to eth0 ?17:23
patdk-wkoutbound? sure using iptbles17:23
patdk-wkincoming? not by using iptables17:23
axisyspatdk-wk: outbound, i could just setup route.. w/o iptables17:24
axisyspatdk-wk: inbound is where I need another tool17:24
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revdogzI am new to this channel and to ubuntu server. I am trying to connect to the internet but cannot configure etho to work.19:03
revdogzI am new to this channel and to ubuntu server. I am trying to connect to the Internet but cannot configure eth0 to work.19:06
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jcastroanyone got something sexy with Ubuntu Server they'd like to talk about on openweek?19:59
Nafalloservers aren't supposed to be sexy? :-)20:00
jcastrosure they are!20:01
zuljcastro: thats why they have sites like redserver.com right?20:07
mgwIs it just me, or does cobbler not like inerfaces with dashes in them?20:38
Sedativneed help setting up a subnet on my router could anyone help please?20:47
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thesheff17anyone know how to install mysql-server on ubuntu 10.04 without having it hang on Setting up mysql-server-5.1 (5.1.62-0ubuntu0.10.04.1) ?21:26
thesheff17tried export DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive21:26
thesheff17didn't work21:26
murdockI installed Ubuntu Server on a computer I had laying around, and installed Lamp when it prompted me, but I can't find the httpd.conf file.21:40
murdockNevermind, I found the folder.21:42
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RamJettAnyone help me out on a boot problem. I'm pretty sure it does this on 11.10-server thru now (12.04) . Working with 12.04 LTS updated now. Have a RAID 6 with 12 600G drives (SAS). Have a LVM on top of the /dev/md0. I do a reboot and it always says coming up in degrade and asks me if I want to boot or drop into recovery shell. It took me awhile to be able to get this far 'cause I wasn't able to see the question it asked because the screen22:15
RamJettwas black before, now I changed grub to console. Anyway it alway comes up clean anyway when I answer (Y) so I'm thinking it is a detection problem or race condition in the initramfs. Where do I go from here? Like how would I put a sleep in to see if race condition, etc. Hope that wasn't to much on one line.22:15
KristianDKlynxman-, ping22:21
Sedativneed help setting up a subnet on my router could anyone help please?22:25
Sedativcan someone please prv me?22:27
PiciSedativ: Try ##networking22:30
AlexDroidHow long is there support for 10.04?22:53
RamJettAlexDroid: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LTS That should answer22:56
AlexDroidWhy should I use ubuntu instead of debian ?22:58
qhartmanAlexDroid, they have some value added stuff that is nice, mostly support options and Landscape23:04
qman__AlexDroid, in addition, the release cycle is quicker and regular, and the default package sets are different23:04
qhartmanqman__, <- what he said23:05
qman__it's a matter of personal preference when it comes down to it23:05
AlexDroidWhat is landscape?23:05
qhartmanI use them fairly interchangeably, but I find my overall frustration level is lower with Ubuntu.23:05
qhartmanI used to describe ubuntu as "debian with all the pointy bits filed off", and that's probably still pretty apt.23:07
SpamapSAlexDroid: landscape is a system management tool available from Canonical for managing Ubuntu servers and desktops23:07
SpamapSI heard once, Ubuntu is an ancient Zulu word for "My wi-fi works"23:07
AlexDroidHmm it never worked23:07
AlexDroidIs it free?23:08
qman__only the automatic updates mode is free23:10
qman__the actual service costs23:10
AlexDroidHow much?23:10
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SpamapSAlexDroid: www.canonical.com23:14
SpamapSAlexDroid: http://shop.canonical.com/index.php?cPath=4123:15
AlexDroidToo expsnvie23:21
AlexDroidThanks for help23:21
SpamapSI guess that wasn't the management interface he was looking for23:22
thesheff17anyone know how to do a non interactive install of mysql on lucid on ec2...no matter what I do it hangs :(23:22
qhartmanspeaking of such things, have any of you had success getting chef-server to run on precise? I keep having issues getting rabbitmq to start23:23
LightScryI'm trying to netboot over TFTP23:35
LightScryi have both computers connected via a switch23:35
LightScryI downloaded and extracted this file:23:36
LightScryI can execute "service tftpd-hpa restart" and have the other machine boot and receive the ubuntu boot menu23:36
LightScryWhat I want to know is why I have to download additional ubuntu archives after I've downloaded the netboot.tar.gz.23:37
LightScryThe machine i'd like to netboot does not have access to the internet so I need to have the entire netboot image ready to be installed on the other machine.23:37
qhartmancan't run netboot installers that way afaik23:38
qhartmanyou need to do a local install23:38
jkyleMy machine's pxe boot is bailing on a partition label error23:38
jkyleSays I have to create a "Reserved bios boot area" for gpt partitions23:38
qhartmannetboot is built around the assumption you have access to some sort of repo23:39
jkylethough, no explanation is provided on the how23:39
qhartmanunless you build your own, that means the internet23:39
jkylemy preseed has23:39
jkyled-i     partman-partitioning/choose_label       select msdos, partman-partitioning/confirm_new_label  boolean false, and partman-partitioning/default_label      string msdos23:39
LightScryhm.  do you have any direction on how to "build your own"?23:39
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jkyleadded to try and bypass the error, but these have no effect23:39
qhartmanLightScry, this looks like a decent refence: http://mediakey.dk/~cc/howto-create-your-own-debian-or-ubuntu-package-repository/23:40
qhartmanGoogle has lots more23:40
jkyleLightScry: just use apt-cacher-ng imo23:40
jkyleyou can serve your own packages I believe. it's easier, pretty light weight. otherwise, debmirror23:41
qhartmanhere's a complete howto for the whole process that is reasoably new: http://www.bemasher.net/archives/96723:41
jkylehere's my updated partman-* section. https://gist.github.com/2483800, I'm on 12.0423:44
jkyleI can't find a reference on the options in the partman expert recipe on how to specify or configure the "Reserved BIOS boot area"...which would also work, I assume23:44
jkylehm, we're using expert because the atomic guided partition would fail to boot. maybe this fixes it: http://old.nabble.com/Bug-491376%3A-recipe-for-BIOS-based-boot-on-gpt-td18540105.html23:45
jkyleI found where it was added in 12.0423:46
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qhartmanok, anyone have experience getting rabbitmq-server going?23:57
jkyleit just starts up no fuss for me23:58

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