
smp4488im trying to run the checkbox-app-testing but im getting no package found00:36
smp4488i have added the ppa00:37
smp4488im on an omap3 beagleboard xm using the precise daily image00:37
smp4488looks like checkbox-gtk was what i was looking for00:39
kanliotis the usb-creator-gtk in precise still creating unbootable images?01:21
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bdmurrayjibel: is there a different bug for bug 987418 failing to boot?15:11
jibelbdmurray, no, I'll file another one.15:15
bdmurrayjibel: great, I think they should be tracked separately15:16
jibelbdmurray, I filed bug 98792716:56
astraljavaballoons: Is it so that the images which don't have necessary reports submitted won't be released on Thursday?20:58
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balloonsastraljava, what do you mean?20:59
astraljavaballoons: At least it used to be that if images didn't receive enough testing, indicated by reports submitted to ISO tracker, they were not consider fit for release. I presume that's still the case, or have I misuderstood something?21:01
balloonsastraljava, ahh yes21:09
balloonsIf the release team doesn't feel testing has ocurred, they wouldn't release21:09
balloonsI don't see that as happening, but I don't speak for them ;-)21:09
astraljavaWell it might for some flavors which don't get that big of a participation testing-wise from the community. Which is why I want to scare the users a bit by throwing this sort of an ultimatum into an email to the mailing lists. :)21:10
astraljavaThanks for confirming!21:14
MaskedEnigmaSo I hear it is Iso testing time?22:05
balloonsahh MaskedEngima left :-(22:34
balloonsastraljava, haha.. scaring people.. but yes, lts is a big deal just like a release.. things have to be tested to be released :-)22:35

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