
DarkwingMarkDude: you going to be at UDS?01:54
MarkDudetrying to get a few others to go02:10
philipballewMarkDude, do you know about a uds a's game?02:10
philipballewaint no party like a baseball party02:10
MarkDudeUh, do we have 25 people interested?02:24
MarkDudeIf we do we can get group price02:24
MarkDudeCreate sumthin on the wiki02:24
MarkDudeSat the 12th or maybe fri 11th02:25
philipballewToronto or detroit if my mind serves me correctly02:26
bkerensaTIL that 20% of the Ubuntu Oregon LoCo Roster had Code Commits that were accepted into 12.04 LTS :)03:38
bkerensa:D Now if we could just be as social as the folks down in Sunny California :D03:39
akkWhere do I report a bug on a page on help.ubuntu.com? Is there a launchpad project for that?03:39
philipballewbkerensa, am i still okay to join the loco for oscon?03:42
bkerensaphilipballew: Still waiting on word back from O'Reilly.... They will let us know in June but I will discuss with you at OSCON03:43
bkerensaakk: Doc Team03:44
akkthanks, bkerensa03:44
bkerensaakk: In theory though we are working to nuke help.ubuntu.com :)03:44
philipballewbkerensa, alright, well have to talk about it at uds03:44
bkerensaand replace it with Sumo03:44
akkOoh, I hope this page doesn't get nuked -- it's a great page modulo one very small error.03:44
philipballewakk, cant people edit them?03:45
philipballewthere like wiki's right?03:45
akkThere's an ubuntu wiki but I think it has wiki in the url, doesn't it?03:46
bkerensaakk: you can edit help.ubuntu.com :)03:46
bkerensaits on my to do list to plow through updating a lot of documentation in Q cycle03:47
akkCool! If it ever logs me in (still waiting...) I'll fix the page myself.03:48
philipballewbkerensa, the future docs master03:50
bkerensaphilipballew: not even :P it just needs to get done03:51
bkerensaand Doc Team is really barebone right now03:51
bkerensathere are less then 10 active people on the doc team03:51
akkWill existing help pages be migrated to sumo?03:51
bkerensamaybe more like 5 or less in reality03:51
philipballewbkerensa,  I need to find a area of ubuntu to help in. One that screems, this guy is hip, and knows whats up. Any ideas?03:51
akkOtherwise I want to make sure I capture this page -- I'm sure I'll want it again.03:51
bkerensaakk: Most certainly... The talks are still very early right now but Sumo is a good platform and Canonical wants it and some of us like it03:52
bkerensaphilipballew: Doc Work? Bug Control?03:52
philipballewi do need to learn better programing skills. Big work can help right? bkerensa03:53
bkerensaphilipballew: Bug Work can... Start on bitesize and learn to package and keep on pushing on03:54
philipballewpackaging is fun03:54
akkYep. If you don't have programming projects you're already working on, fixing bugs can give you good motivation.03:54
philipballewIm to uncreative to program my own stuff these days03:55
bkerensaAs soon as 12.10 Alpha 1 hits I can resubmit a bunch of merge proposals03:55
* bkerensa kept fixing bugs past the string freeze03:56
philipballewbkerensa, what kinda bugs?03:57
philipballewThe california channel has been talkative today. This is good.05:01
DonkeyHoteiyou mean on tv?05:02
philipballewno, here. but I do like the california pbs channel05:04
philipballewHi, im huell howser and this is Californias gold!05:04
DonkeyHoteii was referring to The California Channel05:05
DonkeyHoteiyou know, from inside the capitol05:06
philipballewhum, I dont have cable05:06
philipballewI should look into that05:07
DonkeyHoteii didn't have cable in Sac, either05:07
DonkeyHoteino tv needed there to see the capitol05:07
philipballewsac is a nice city. Except when you want to do something...05:08
DonkeyHoteiwhen wouldn't one want to do something?05:11
philipballewmaybe when Im sleeping05:12
philipballewso basically sac is for people who want to sleep05:12
DonkeyHoteii've slept more here in SF05:14
bkerensaphilipballew: So you wanted to do something really big in 12.10 right?16:00
philipballewbkerensa, yeah! something that says, "wow, the phil person is good"16:02
bkerensaphilipballew: well I am going to likely be leading the Doc Team's transition of help.ubuntu.com from its current platform to Sumo :) I will likely need help with this and will start planning at UDS16:04
philipballewI will be there. what is sumo?16:04
philipballewdo I have to sumo wrestle bkerensa ? because he would win...16:04
bkerensaSumo is basically a Support Platform that Mozilla Develops :)16:05
bkerensaand its far superior to anything we have in the Ubuntu Community16:05
philipballewso it runs on just firefox?16:05
philipballewah, i see what it is bkerensa. what all needs to be done?16:08
bkerensaphilipballew: Migrate all the articles from help.ubuntu.com to the new platform16:09
bkerensaand test and configure the new platform in the cloud to ensure stability before pulling the plug on the old platform16:09
bkerensaits a pretty massive project since help.ubuntu.com has so much content16:09
philipballewbkerensa, what kind of skills do I need to do this?16:10
philipballewI have some skills16:10
philipballewnum chuck skills16:10
philipballewbow hunting skills16:11
philipballewIm pretty good with a bow-staff16:11
bkerensaphilipballew: all of the above with a little bit of level 1 necromancy16:11
philipballewThat makes scene.16:12
philipballewI dont see why I cant. I am always looking for some new computer skill to put on my resume.16:13
* akk plays with Mozilla's sumo ... seems to work fairly well but I wish they'd add "quoted phrase searches"16:14
philipballewwhat programing language do I need to know bkerensa16:15
bkerensaphilipballew: none :)16:16
bkerensaphilipballew: I will just need volunteers to help me with migrating the heaps of content in its entirety16:16
philipballewI do type docs for a living currently.16:16
bkerensaand for testing16:16
philipballewso yeah, I will help you lead the way here. Were gonna have to talk about it at UDS as well.16:17
bkerensaphilipballew: indeed16:17
philipballewIs there a sumo session?16:18
philipballewand if there is, do I have to come dressed a a sumo wrestler?16:18
bkerensaphilipballew: we will have to get a new one up... Canonistack instance died16:19
philipballewwhats that?16:19
akkWhat's involved with migrating? They can't be imported automatically?16:20
philipballewa nice script to do it maybe?16:20
philipballeware there already meetings for uds scheduled around it bkerensa ?16:26
bkerensaphilipballew: nope... I am not sure how that works?16:26
bkerensapleia2: can I propose a meeting if I am leading a project in Q?16:26
philipballewbkerensa, yeah, you can I believe.16:27
pleia2bkerensa: anyone can propose a meeting, but you need to follow up with the team lead on that track to get it accepted16:27
pleia2and be sure to follow the blueprint creation specs outlined in jcastro's email16:27
MarkDudeSo UDS requires me to give my flight details16:35
pleia2arrival and departure from the summit should be required, but flight shouldn't be16:36
pleia2(they weren't when I signed up)16:36
pleia2MarkDude: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-us-ca/2012-April/001935.html16:36
pleia2instructions I sent to the list for registering16:36
pleia2(includes notes about arrival and departure)16:36
pleia2that's how they track how many days people will be there so they can plan the right amount of stuff each day16:37
MarkDudeHad to put the times I will be in area16:38
MarkDudeI put the week before- until August ;)16:38
* MarkDude is hoping many people will be able to attend the Jono-palooza loud music show the weekend before16:39
akkRequiring arrival and departure shouldn't be required either -- or should be explained.16:39
akkI had no idea what I was supposed to put there, so I just put the start/end dates of UDS.16:39
MarkDudeShhhh, akk- your common sense need not apply here :D16:40
philipballewyeah, Im gonna spend 3 weeks after uds in the area, so I was unsure what they meant...16:40
pleia2yeah, it's certainly not designed for locals (the number of locals attending is usually a very small percentage)16:40
MarkDudealtho it does make sense to make count for each day16:40
akkphilipballew: I arrived in the area about 15 years ago, and I have no idea how many more years I'll spend here.16:40
pleia2MarkDude: please be nice, these things are largely run by community volunteers16:40
pleia2(summit itself is a community project)16:40
akkIf they want to know which days of the conference you'll be there, why don't they just ask that?16:41
philipballewthe bay area is to nice an area to leave16:41
philipballeware you communing or using a hotel?16:41
akkEven if I were flying, I'd be annoyed if they wanted to know how long I was going to stay afterward to explore the area -- none of their business.16:41
pleia2akk: it's also used to help them coordinate when they should have buses at the airport and inviting people on group outings on the weekends16:41
* philipballew give up his bed for 20 a night, 50 I leave sleep on the other side of the room, and 100 I leave the room completely...16:42
akkpleia2: For airport buses, it shouldn't be required of people not flying; for group outings, a "which days will you be there" would work better.16:42
philipballewmaybe if your a Canonical employee they would16:43
pleia2they are looking for more volunteers to help with summit :) it's written in python in django16:43
MarkDudeA local button would make sense, but its cool. For a moment I thougt they were requirin flight #- and some take trains.16:43
MarkDudeHella makes sense tho for days.16:43
philipballewkevin, the guy I run the4 sd ubuntu hour with has to show up a week from today for uds and has more to worry about as hes a employee for instance16:43
akkInitially I got a page that was asking questions like that, and passport #. But then when I went back, I got a different page that didn't ask those.16:43
MarkDudeI mean many folks might just be able to make weekend- tuesday16:43
MarkDudeor thur- weekend16:44
MarkDudeWithout that info- I bet it would be much harder to plan16:44
philipballewIm taking the train so the flight doesnt even apply16:45
MarkDude+1 train16:46
* MarkDude loves the train16:46
akkTrains rock.16:47
philipballewwho are you guys? Sheldon Cooper?16:47
* philipballew hides when they dont get the tv reference16:47
pleia2I'm a member of the market street railway :D16:48
pleia2I actually didn't know trains were a geek thing until watching TBBT16:48
* akk doesn't get the reference <- luddite16:48
pleia2character from The Big Bang Theory, a show about some college physics researchers and their geekiness16:49
pleia2he loves trains16:49
akkAh. That's a show I'd definitely watch if I had cable, but, oh well.16:49
philipballewso MarkDude will you be trolling with your fedora shirt?16:49
pleia2it's OTA16:49
akkCan't pick up any broadcast here ... maybe we could if we bought a huge antenna.16:50
akkAlso, our TV is old and not digital and we never bought one of those converter dealies.16:50
pleia2philipballew: I assure you, wearing a fedora shirt at UDS is not trolling16:50
pleia2it's a very welcoming conference, and we want diversity in attendees16:50
pleia2it's nice and healthy to get perspective from how other distros are doing :)16:51
philipballewoh, sounds good then, Ill be sure to bring my windows server 2003 shirt then.16:51
pleia2I really hope you're not comparing fedora to windows16:52
philipballewno, im not :)16:52
pleia2fedora is another community-driven open source distribution that has a lot of similarites to ubuntu16:52
* philipballew runs fedora16:52
pleia2windows... I'm afraid we can't learn much from how they run their community (do they have one?)16:52
philipballewshh, dont tell the ubuntu people16:53
pleia2it's really not this big war you're making it out to be ;)16:53
pleia2we should all run what works well for us, even if we contribute to both16:53
akkLinux distro people are all on the same side!16:53
akkThe differences are really pretty small.16:53
* philipballew should never be takin seriously16:54
pleia2philipballew: it reflects poorly on us all when we play the distros against each other16:54
pleia2even joking (since it's hard to tell)16:54
philipballewalright, will refrain. epically at uds.16:55
pleia2there is plenty of that done by journalists and others wanting to cash in on inflammatory headlines, as members of this project we really don't need to feed the flames16:55
MarkDudephilipballew, I will wear my Beefy Miracle shirt16:56
philipballewyeah, my google plus page was littered with a few articles last week about why Ubuntu is not linux and ubuntu is a evil distro... it seems odd that beople can take offence when you run a distro different then yours16:56
MarkDudeAnd next a Free Geek shirt16:56
MarkDudethen I will wear an *I    F    Freedom* shirt16:57
MarkDudetrolling tho, nope16:57
philipballewyeah, dont worry, Im just messing with the trolling thing. I know that.16:57
* MarkDude only takes excpetion to Ubuntu NOTusing the word LINUX. And that silly phrase- the Ubuntu Kernel16:58
MarkDudeBut I am more focused on common issues16:58
akkAvoiding the word Linux is bad, yeah.16:58
pleia2MarkDude: that's how we talk about kernels, even the Debian release notes reference the Debian Kernel, it means that it has specific patches for the distribution16:59
pleia2and it's not avoided, the release notes everyone complains about said:16:59
pleia2Ubuntu Kernel16:59
pleia2Beta-2 includes the 3.2.0-20.33 Ubuntu kernel which is based on the v3.2.12 upstream stable Linux kernel.16:59
MarkDudeIf there is a place to discuss the dropping the word Linux. I will do it there16:59
philipballewI petitioned for it to be called philbuntu  a few releases ago, and for some reason they didn't go for it.16:59
philipballewThe website doesnt say linux on it.17:00
MarkDudehttp://www.ubuntu.com/ ctrl f Linux- ZERO results17:00
akkJust saying "The Ubuntu kernel" seems reasonable -- it does have changes from kernel.org kernels.17:00
pleia2MarkDude: try that on http://www.debian.org/17:00
akkThat is strange, not mentioning Linux on the home page.17:00
philipballewmost ubuntu users know there using linux17:00
MarkDudehttp://fedoraproject.org/ 2 results17:00
pleia2MarkDude: try that on http://www.redhat.com/17:01
akkphilipballew: Do most prospective Ubuntu users know it's Linux?17:01
philipballewphilip@PrincessLeia:~$ uname -s17:01
pleia2I know it's fun to single out Ubuntu, but they aren't the only one17:01
MarkDudefair enough, were I going to Debian or RH event- I would be more concerned17:01
philipballewits true, there not.17:01
MarkDudeDont think I dont hard time RH17:02
akkIf I was marketing a distro, I'd make that a selling point -- something like "Stable, secure Linux kernel, proven on umpteen million systems from Android phones to Google servers."17:02
philipballewnot every ubuntu user runs uname though17:02
akkBeing Linux is a *good* thing.17:02
pleia2akk: yeah, I am often surprised that they don't leverage Android more, it's the most popular linux ever (one of the most popular OSes ever)17:02
pleia2but most people are shocked when I tell them android is linux17:02
* MarkDude does not usually use word Linux when talking about Partimus- I tell folks it i computers that help kds17:02
philipballewI think people hear linux and think "complicated and command line scares me"17:03
pleia2MarkDude: "Free Culture" is what we want to stress with Partimus17:03
akkpleia2: And it makes "Linux" less scary -- "See? You're already using Linux, it's not just for geeks."17:03
akk(Setting aside the question of whether most Android users are geeks :)17:03
MarkDudeGood point on Android17:03
* pleia2 back2work17:03
MarkDudeFor the record RH has it once on their site17:05
MarkDudeAnd Puppy wins over all- its always called Puppy Linux17:06
MarkDudeToo bad they dont have gatherings :)17:06
MarkDudeUDS should be fun, too bad I dont have a penguin suit for it17:07
akkPuppy gatherings sound fun ... everybody could chase balls and fetch sticks. :)17:07
akkWhat happened to the penguin suit?17:07
MarkDudeIt was stolen at last OSCON17:09
MarkDudeI was with Leslie hawthorn, and some OSU lab folks17:10
MarkDudeIt was hanging up at coatrack17:10
MarkDudeand was gone17:10
akkOh no!17:10
MarkDudeDaddy Shadowman will buy another. But I have been debating if I want to be known as the dude in the Penguin suit17:11
* MarkDude has decided yes17:11
MarkDudeWell 1st I would like to be known as * the Communitizer*17:11
bkerensapleia2: For about a $200 investment or so a LoCo could produce printed sleeves and CD's for about 5 cents per CD or $25 per 50019:32
bkerensathey wouldnt be as shiny and glossy as the Canonical printed ones but definitely way cheaper19:32
pleia2bkerensa: we use the paper sleeves19:34
pleia2if we had $200 (which we don't) there are things we'd rather spend the money on, like pressed CDs19:34
bkerensapleia2: yeah I was asking our designer guy to transition our logo to your origami thing19:34
bkerensabut he didn't think people would take burned copies serious so we found a Canon printer that prints onto CD's19:35
pleia2if we had nice pressed cds it might be worth upgrading the packaging too, but a nice cover is only really impressive if your CD inside isn't marked with a sharpie ;)19:35
pleia2but at the end of the day we really can't afford either19:36
bkerensapleia2: yeah thats why we were discussing the $99 printer that makes nice printed cd's19:36
bkerensaand a box of paper sleeves is 1319:36
pleia2I've also found CDs going the way of the dinosaur, we do a lot more with USB sticks these days19:36
pleia2now cheap USB sticks would be good :)19:36
bkerensapleia2: USB's are $5 a pop19:36
bkerensaI think the cheapest I have found for custom printed 4GB USB's is $519:37
pleia2that's pretty cheap19:37
greg-gwhat about 1 gig?19:37
greg-gor do they even make them anymore? :)19:37
pleia22G would be enough19:37
pleia2but yeah, I don't think they make such small ones in bulk anymore19:37
pleia2hi greg-g :)19:37
akkStrangely, USB sticks don't seem to be any cheaper in bulk than singly.19:37
bkerensagreg-g: no idea... the CTO at Linbit gave me and our asst lead two beer chalices and some thumbdrives and said they talked them down to $5 per 4GB drive for 25019:37
bkerensaso if you bought 1000 then maybe even cheaper19:38
akkYou'd think there would be scads of places selling 1G sticks in bulk packs, but I haven't found any.19:38
* akk has been looking for a cheap 10-pack that a class of high schoolers can use to boot ubuntu19:38
philipballewthere cheap enough anyway19:38
bkerensapleia2: What we really need is a Public PXE system19:38
bkerensasome way to network install but on a global scale19:39
greg-gheya pleia219:39
greg-g(sorry, missed that) :)19:39
philipballewbkerensa, you should set that up19:39
bkerensaakk: Costco?19:39
bkerensaphilipballew: I would not know where to start I have not yet done a PXE install... always cd-rom or usb19:39
akkbkerensa: Dunno, but after a $60 membership fee it wouldn't be all that cheap (and $60 just to get in to find out is even worse).19:39
akkOr whatever they're charging now, it was something like that last I checked.19:40
philipballewi set up a local pxe server once. Was not to hard19:40
bkerensaakk: :P I have a Costco membership and if worse comes to worse I could go with you to the one in SF during UDS?19:40
akkbkerensa: Does costco actually have a deal on usb sticks? If they do, I just might take you up on that.19:40
bkerensathey have pretty good prices like a 8 pack of 4GB for 25 or something idk19:40
akkThat would be excellent.19:41
bkerensaakk: They really do but its like seasonal?19:41
bkerensakind of like ipods and such19:41
bkerensano idea when they have them and when they dont :D19:41
akk8 is close enough, I could buy a couple of extras from microcenter or donate a couple of my own.19:41
bkerensamight be good to call ahead and ask them19:41
pleia2welcome BigWhale19:41
Faqtotumthar he blows19:42
=== Faqtotum is now known as DonkeyHotei
BigWhaleSo, I was wondering. I'll be at UDS and I'm flying in to SFO on 5th. It will be my third time in the city and I never really get to see any of it. Are there any local people willing to show me around and stuff? Hang out some?19:43
philipballewIts always a whale of a tale with BigWhale19:43
pleia2BigWhale: yep! on wednesday night we're offering some guided tourism, and I'll be doing shopping in SF with some folks on Sunday19:43
pleia2BigWhale: some other events we're doing are being collected here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CaliforniaTeam/Projects/UDS-Q19:44
pleia2shopping == downtown SF19:44
BigWhaleSunday 6th?19:44
pleia2downtown SF is an easy train/subway ride away from UDS19:45
pleia2we made a public transit page too: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UDS-Q/PublicTransit19:45
philipballewJust look for the Im local badges19:45
bkerensaBigWhale: I am not "local" but I am a native Californian and know SF and most of the bay like the back of my hand19:45
pleia2oh yes, California team members will be wearing "I'm a Local" badges at UDS itself :)19:45
philipballewWere gonna be wearing them19:46
bkerensaI am going to be doing a China Town excursion19:46
philipballewbkerensa, when is that?19:46
pleia2bkerensa: bay area debian announcement: http://bad.debian.net/list/2012-April/003491.html maybe talk to Michael Paoli about attaching more chinatown to that?19:46
bkerensaphilipballew: when I make a informal detour with like minded souls who enjoy back alley chinese food :P19:46
pleia2(may be too late though)19:46
philipballewI will be going to In N Out at least one night so all people wanting a burger can join.19:46
BigWhaleNow I'm glad I booked one flight earlier. :)19:46
pleia2err, too late == to late at night19:46
philipballewbkerensa, count me in19:46
pleia2wait, SF chinatown or Oakland chinatown?19:47
philipballewi assume sf19:47
bkerensapleia2: I want a "I'm Local Badge" :P I think Three Years of living in the Mission and one in the Marina qualifies :P19:47
pleia2debian dinner is in oakland chinatown19:47
pleia2bkerensa: sure19:47
philipballewi will go to that as well19:47
bkerensapleia2: SF19:47
bkerensapleia2: I want to spend as little time in Oakland as possible :P19:47
pleia2BigWhale: I'll firm up details of shopping on Sunday and blog about it later this week, and I'll also send details to the uds-announce list next week19:48
pleia2about all our events19:48
bkerensapleia2: what night is bonfire on Ocean Beach?19:48
pleia2bkerensa: ocean beach is a long ride19:49
pleia2maybe saturday after uds ;)19:49
bkerensaBart to Embarcadero then N-Judah for Win19:49
pleia2we can also go to the zoo!19:49
BigWhalepleia2, that would be great yes. :)19:49
bkerensadid they get rid of the monkeys that throw bad stuf19:49
bkerensaits been a long time19:49
pleia2I don't know about monkeys throwing anything19:50
pleia2their 42 year old grey seal died last month :( :(19:50
philipballewTHats the only reason I was gonna bring my baseball glove19:50
BigWhaleHmm... Zoo ...19:50
bkerensahttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N3tx29pSicI <--19:50
bkerensaMonkey does crazy dance to trick you then throws bad things you19:51
bkerensathat guy19:51
BigWhaleIf they have any Whales, we can free them!19:51
pleia2bkerensa: ah, the chimps are still in that spot, so maybe they do :)19:51
bkerensaI guess its better then the Sac Zoo's Rhino19:51
pleia2BigWhale: haha, we have whale cruises!19:51
pleia2no captive whales though :)19:51
BigWhaleThere better be no captive whale! ;)19:52
pleia2sometimes whales get into the bay and we need to chase them out19:52
BigWhaleNow I'm starting to get excited... I might actually see some of San Francisco this time.19:52
philipballewpleia2, Is the evebts page for official events, or can I add my in N Out trip im inviting people to there?19:53
bkerensaBigWhale: Treasure Island is fun to check out if you get a chance.... They have a bus that leaves downtown and goes there.... Its a old naval base and they have unique things to see19:53
bkerensaphilipballew: the one in the wharf?19:53
akkToo bad there's no transit to the south bay ... a tour of the best surplus stores would be fun.19:53
philipballewI think so. Theres only one, maybe two if I am mastaken19:54
pleia2philipballew: once you have all details and have it in loco.ubuntu.com you can put it on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UDS-Q/OtherEvents19:54
philipballewakk, they do have nice ones there19:54
pleia2philipballew: until then, just put it under ideas or somewhere on: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CaliforniaTeam/Projects/UDS-Q19:54
philipballewthanks pleia219:54
pleia2I'm keeping the pages synced up for confirmed events that have details19:55
philipballewill do it this week, after I type a few more papers19:55
bkerensapleia2: http://g.co/maps/vdpp2 <-- I used to live there... I could walk to In N Out in like under 20 mins19:56
pleia2bkerensa: ah, nice :)19:56
pleia2I live right near Montgomery station, so I can pretty much get anywhere19:56
philipballewcheeseburger animal style whole grilled onions with chiles please!19:56
pleia2this is me goofing off on IRC instead of working again19:57
* pleia2 work for real19:57
bkerensapleia2: rent is to intense... :P was like 1200 a month and I had two room mates19:58
bkerensaIMHO if you dont go to the Bay Area too much I highly suggest skipping In and Out and go to Tommy's Joynt on Van Ness19:59
bkerensathey have been making amazing food there since the 50's19:59
philipballewI have never been there bkerensa whats it like?20:01
bkerensaphilipballew: its a Hofbräu which is like a German Deli/Restaurant/Pub20:02
bkerensaso they make the freshest european dishes :) mostly of the german variety20:02
philipballewuasually every friday I ride i ride to in in out. except this friday is Critical Mass friday.20:02
philipballewI need a new burger place to check out20:02
bkerensaand have beer from everywhere in Europe... the building survived like two of SF's earthquakes20:02
BigWhaleOh, and if someone is into Photography, I'd like some pointers where are some shows where they sell photography equipment, I have a list that is a mile long or so... :)20:03
bkerensaphilipballew: they will make you a huge roast beef sandwich with Au Jus20:04
philipballewBigWhale, where you coming from?20:04
bkerensaBigWhale: Go to China Town for some stuff... Idk I swear their is a illcit black market for electronics there :P20:04
BigWhaleEurope, Slovenia20:04
akkBigWhale: I've bought a bunch of used stuff from KEH and B&H ... better prices than I've seen in shows.20:05
philipballewMy "friend" bought a switchblade there in high school20:05
BigWhalebkerensa, :)) I already considered ordering a bunch of stuff from Amazon to the hotel :))20:05
bkerensaBigWhale: :D20:06
bkerensaBigWhale: Slovenia is close to Bosnia yeah?20:07
BigWhalebkerensa, 4-6 hour drive yes. Depends on which part of Bosnia you want to see20:07
pleia2BigWhale: I met you at UDS in Budapest, right? (I am now getting them all mixed up :))20:07
BigWhalepleia2, I think so yes. I was the one with pink netbook. ;>20:08
pleia2yep, me too20:08
BigWhalepink netbooks are awesome!20:08
BigWhaleBudapest was quite nice. I had a nice little roadtrip20:10
pleia2it was, did you make it to the hotel pool?20:10
BigWhaleand I stayed at the BigFish hostel ... :>20:10
pleia2ah :)20:11
BigWhalepleia2, nah, that hotel was way too pricey for me. :)) and I had to leave early because of work20:11
* pleia2 nods20:11
DonkeyHoteiwait, you're having a bonfire at ocean beach?20:13
pleia2not really20:14
DonkeyHoteibecause that would be AWESOME20:14
BigWhaleAnyway thanks for all the info so far. I'll drop by a few more times. I'll probably want a phone number or two from local people. I tend to get lost. Like, really lost. :>20:14
DonkeyHoteiif you can stand the smell of the sewage that washes ashore, that is20:15
BigWhaleDonkeyHotei, is that allowed?20:16
DonkeyHoteiBigWhale: idk, but people do it sometimes20:16
BigWhaleit is a beach then not much can really catch on fire, I guess...20:17
akkMaybe we could find some Oakland streetcorner with a trash can and have a bonfire there.20:17
DonkeyHoteiyes, seawater doesn't burn20:20
DonkeyHoteiunless you spill petroleum in it20:20
BigWhaleyou need a high temperature to ignite that.20:22
* DonkeyHotei does not ignite the seawater20:22
bkerensaDonkeyHotei: :D20:36
bkerensaDonkeyHotei: You know that Burning Man originated as a Bonfire on Ocean Beach?20:36
DonkeyHoteithere is no beach in nevada20:37
bkerensaakk: Our luck the Occupy movement will try to Occupy UDS20:37
bkerensaSaying that sabdfl is the 1%20:37
BigWhaleThey are still occupying?20:41
akkIt's supposedly starting up again after a break for winter.20:41
bkerensaakk: May 1st up here is supposedly what is the start of a bigger push then last time20:42
BigWhaleI just asked around and here in Slovenia they had a winter break too.20:42
BigWhaleWhiners. :>20:43
bkerensaakk: They tried to re-occupy our parks up here the other night but failed but when it happened the Police issued a statement saying that come May 1st the parks will be retaken by force20:43
bkerensaIt took the police like three days struggle to get them out of the parks... they were bring tables and garbage cans as shields and surrounding and overwhelming the riot police20:44
bkerensaThey even climbed on top of the huge light booms and turn them off and turned off the generators20:45
DonkeyHoteijust as long as they don't occupy the toilet.20:48
dragonNo events in Cali? :O http://libreplanet.org/wiki/Group:DefectiveByDesign/Day_Against_DRM_2012#Events21:08
daxthey announced it a couple of days ago, which doesn't give a lot of time to organize an event, and it's targetted at college-age folks but takes place right before finals weeks21:09
dax(at least, the announcement I saw was, that page isn't)21:09
akkWhat's the current recommended java JRE package? I just discovered that the sun-java6-jre is left over from natty and isn't in oneiric.21:16
philipballewakk, I think opendjk works the best for most thongs, but you can install sun yourself from the sun site I think21:17
daxdefault-jre always points to the recommended JRE, btw21:17
akkAh, thanks. I wasn't seeing those -- they don't show up in aptitude search java.21:18
akkEven though they have Java in their descriptions. Some day I'll find a decent apt searching tool, or write one.21:19
daxaptitude search ~djava21:19
daxor maybe Java, dunno if it's case-sensitive21:19
akkNope, neither of those finds it. What does ^d do?21:20
dax~d searches description, theoretically21:21
daxworks for me :|21:22
dax(though I'm on Debian)21:22
akkOn oneiric, aptitude search ^djava | grep jre gives nothing at all.21:22
philipballewusually the same21:22
daxakk: ~, not ^21:23
philipballewi can try 12.0421:23
akkAh! Yes, that finds it, though I have to quote it so it doesn't interpret ~ as a homedir.21:23
DonkeyHoteithe reason i don't like/use aptitude is that it doesn't share databases with other apt tools, like apt-get or synaptic21:24
akkUnfortunately apt-cache search is even worse than aptitude search (they're both bad).21:25
akkapt-cache search java gives 2057 lines, many of which don't have "java" in the name OR description.21:25
DonkeyHoteii filter apt-cache search through less, usually21:26
akkI don't want to page through 2057 lines any more than I want to use page up/down to read through them. :)21:26
DonkeyHoteiless has a search key21:26
akkIf I knew what to search for I'd be using | grep21:27
DonkeyHoteii use the search key in less instead because i see context at a glance and can change search terms over and over21:28
zeidozgrep would be the easier approach for me.21:35
zeidoz*tinker* *tinker* *sew* *sew* *shoot* *shoot* *spy* *spy* okay, less is more elegant with -p, especially since you can use "n" to cycle through keywords21:40
MarkDudepleia2, can you email the UDS list and ask about the baseball game? I have a coupon for Thurs the 10th- for tickets for 4$22:55
bkerensaMarkDude: there is a UDS mailing list? :s22:57
bkerensamust be secret22:57
* MarkDude clicked- dont want updates on it22:58
pleia2MarkDude: I'll include it in the email I send out this weekend23:38
pleia2MarkDude: want people to email you, or email me and have me pass along?23:38
MarkDudeThey can email me23:41
MarkDudeMarkdude@fedoraproject.org ;)23:41
MarkDudeGates open 1.5 hours before actual game starts23:42
MarkDudeAlso Veggie hotdogs are available23:42
pleia2ok :)23:42
* MarkDude is stoked about going - this should be fun - and a great learning opportunity23:42
pleia2MarkDude: when do they need to contact you by?23:45
pleia2and will you escort people from the hotel, or should they take BART themselves?23:46
bkerensapleia2: also Cloudflare's CEO said they can host some Ubuntu folk if anyone wants to see their offices and chat about nginx, cloud and Ubuntu :)23:50
MarkDudeThe monday of UDS23:54
MarkDudeI can get them up until Tuesday I think23:54
MarkDudeor Wed23:55
MarkDudeSo we can get up to 16 people23:55
MarkDude25 is group discount23:55
MarkDudeI plan on getting 8 of them for sure- beforehand23:55
MarkDudeand can get 8 more if needed23:56
MarkDudeI plan on being at UDS that day23:56
MarkDudeSo I can escort23:56
pleia2ok cool23:56
pleia2sessions wrap up at 6PM, should I tell them to meet you in the lobby at 6:15 and "get there yourself" otherwise?23:56

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