
snap-lMy phone has shipped01:25
snap-lMy phone has shipped01:26
snap-lshipped shipped shipped01:26
snap-lshipped shipped shipped01:26
snap-lMy phone has shipped01:26
widoxsnap-l: hm, are you getting a new phone?01:35
snap-lYep, via Ting.com01:35
widoxhuh, no extra charge for tethering?01:37
jrwrenis that an attempt at being seussian?02:15
rick_hsnap-l: yay02:38
snap-ljrwren: No, it's an attempt at being happy. :)02:41
snap-lGood morning10:59
snap-l<3 fast Internet11:19
snap-lusing my linode instance and ftp to upload episodes that took on the order of 5 minutes each to upload to archive.org on the home bandwidth11:20
rick_hfast net is indeed good11:20
rick_hah yea, big pipes of servers is definitely good11:20
snap-l24s for two files.11:20
rick_hheh, almost prime'd a lawn mower lol11:57
snap-lWhat exactly were you going to prime? :)11:59
snap-lbah, 19+ more episodes to upload onto archive.org12:00
brouschi love my electric mower12:10
rick_hI want to get a new mower12:10
rick_hand was checking it out, and sure enough amazon had the one I was going to get12:10
rick_hand with prime I'd be using it this weekend, vs next week for lowes.com12:11
rick_hbut the support/warranty situation is a bit more of a mess with amazon so went with lowes anyway12:11
rick_hbut thuoght it was funny to 2-day ship a lawn mower12:11
snap-lrick_h: Always a joy to see the UPS guy hauling heavy or awkward stuff12:47
snap-leven better when your bro-in-law has you order him shocks and a frame for his dirt bike.12:47
snap-lFortunately he has his own ebay account so he only gets in trouble with his wife, and doesn't drag me into it. :)12:48
snap-lnot that JoDee or I mind, but was pretty funny12:49
jrwrensnap-l: how fast are you getting?13:25
snap-lFrom linode to archive.org? ~4MB/s13:26
snap-llittle higher, little lower.13:27
jrwrennot bad.13:27
snap-lYeah, I was able to upload two months of episodes this morning13:27
snap-lwhich were five ogg / mp3 pairs13:28
brouschheroku's speed has spoiled me. dreamhost feels so slow now13:51
snap-l"Heartbeat in a straight line"13:55
jrwrenspeed to upload or speed to serve pages or both?14:07
brouschjrwren: upload and access over ssh and time to bring up the wordpress admin14:15
jrwrenbrousch: same here with bluehost.14:33
jrwrenbrousch: 3 sec to display teh wp-admin login screen, and 10+ to actually get teh wp dashboard.14:33
jrwrenI need to migrate.14:34
rick_hcli tools for app mgt ftw!14:34
brouschmy grpug website on heroku is so much nicer to use14:35
jrwrenrick_h: agreed.14:36
jrwreni'm thinking i should just host in s3, and if I need services, use parse.com or something :)14:36
brouschcomes up fast, add/edit the meeting in the django admin, get out. i can add a meeting quicker than i can start a blog post on DH14:36
jrwrenoctopress or some shit.14:36
snap-lnginx. :)14:37
* jrwren eyes roll14:38
brouschi'm thinking of moving to a python blog on heroku14:39
krondorjrwren:  octopress has been great, IMO for me.  I don't need all the WP bells and widgets more or less though...14:41
krondorbluehost has been increasingly sucky though.  i3Detroit's site was horrible there and my SO's charity site too.. dreamhost is nice.14:42
waldo323is i3 on a2hosting now?14:42
krondorwaldo323:  hmm, I know the move was planned.  I think I fell off the thread to see if it happened.  I think I'll check now.14:44
krondornope still on bluehost looks like we're waiting till our prepaid year is up.14:46
rick_hthe bad thing with heroku is the app startup time when running on the free dyno14:51
rick_hunless you can keep enough traffic to keep it busy14:51
rick_hthat keeps annoying me with the readable app14:51
snap-lgreg-g: ^^14:53
rick_hmorning greg-g about ready for some lunch? :)14:53
brouschrick_h: i haven't really noticed a slow startup time14:56
rick_hbrousch: what is your app?14:58
rick_hplus I'm easily annoyed :P14:59
brouschtiny django site15:05
snap-lAh, so it's slow anyway. ;)15:11
snap-lgreg-g: Loving that faculty members are starting to get the message that Elseveir isn't the only way to publish15:14
snap-lI hope in five years time we'll be having the conversation about how libraries are able to put their academic journal subscription money to better uses15:16
rick_hheh http://www.techvibes.com/blog/the-death-of-rim-an-infographic-2012-04-2315:31
snap-lThey have a bad case of Palm Disesase15:33
snap-lFirst to innovate, last to adapt.15:34
snap-lI hope RIM spins off into separate hardware / software companies so the comparison with Palm will be spot-on15:34
rick_hisn't that most companies over time though?15:35
snap-land both can die horribly.15:35
rick_hheh yea15:35
rick_hthough I do still miss my e71 with keyboard at times15:35
snap-lrick_h: Not all companies have to go that route15:35
snap-lThe ones that rest on their laurels must die, though15:35
snap-lAnd when your business is poorly copying your competition, you'll be in a world of pain15:36
rick_hI don't know, most businesses start out with an idea, implement it, perfect it, and then the time for thatidea passes15:38
rick_hjust happens so fast these days15:38
krondorrick_h++ and they're not happy at a size.  They always have to get bigger which means new products which means dilluting their focus15:42
rick_hman, I feel like such a bad guy, but stealing like mad from readability.com stuff lol15:43
snap-linsert pithy quote about creativity and stealing.15:48
rick_hlittle prettier, need to get the title/etc at the start. http://goo.gl/YzNgI16:05
rick_hlet me know if the background is distracting at all16:05
snap-lI like the BG16:08
snap-llooks like my twitter background16:08
rick_hnice css hacky stuff16:08
greg-grick_h: I don't get the background (just black) on Fx 13.0a2 (verified the diff with chromium)16:13
rick_hgreg-g: yea, I've got to find the FF equiv16:13
greg-gheh, css hack stuff that only works in Chrome/Chromium? say it ain't so!16:13
rick_hit's new enough CSS3 stuff it needs the prefix16:13
rick_hI *think* it'll work just FF, but haven't added the -mozilla ones16:13
* greg-g doesn't know much about that stuff, honestly16:13
rick_hbasically as a developer I get to repeat the same 6 lines16:13
greg-gthat sounds, great16:14
rick_hyea <3 web standards :/16:14
Blazeixi think it's -moz-16:14
greg-gwell, that's what you get for using a standard before it is release! ;) (or something)16:14
rick_hBlazeix: doh, right16:14
rick_hgreg-g: but but it's pretty!16:14
rick_hand no images so I don't need to wish for a mac to do graphics again16:15
greg-gbah, just get a wacom and you'll be fine, in fact: http://blog.linuxgrrl.com/2012/04/13/gimp-2-7-for-photoshop-expatriates/16:16
rick_hI don't get photoshop either, for me it was always illustrator16:16
rick_hI could use that a lot, but I've never 'gotten' inkscape16:16
greg-gahh, well, I think she'll do an Inkscape one as well16:16
rick_hyea, I think it's my old school engineering/drafting background16:17
rick_hI think like a drafter not artist16:17
jrwrenrush at the palace sept 18th16:25
rick_hgreg-g: sorry, you can't have the pretty background. Brings FF to it's kneeds16:28
rick_hwon't scroll for nothing, wow does it hate that effect16:28
rick_htry this: http://lea.verou.me/css3patterns/#carbon16:29
rick_hnow change the backgroud-size16:29
rick_hand for me it barely lets me type in there16:29
rick_hit's all herky jerky16:29
snap-ljrwren: Yeah, though I'll need to wait to get home to get tix16:30
brouschrick_h: why not just use a tiny image and tile it?16:43
brouschand inkscape r0x16:43
rick_hbrousch: because it involves another http request, me with an image editor, etc16:43
Blazeixi wonder at what point a data uri'd image becomes more efficient than supporting all the vendor prefixes.16:48
rick_hBlazeix: yea, that's very true16:49
brouschoh wow, that is some crazy linear gradient there16:49
snap-lrick_h: Here's your tile: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/9058804/bookie_tile.png16:51
snap-lYou're welcome.16:51
rick_hman, can't find a linux client for the GDrive16:51
rick_h:( "PC and Mac"16:51
rick_hguess I keep giving my $$ to dropbox16:51
brouschoh great. it's another picasa/sketchup?16:52
rick_hcrazy how docs is just renamed drive16:53
rick_hsnap-l: heh, not sure that's the tile I want to go for :P16:53
snap-lrick_h: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/9058804/bookie.html16:53
rick_hheh yea16:53
snap-lhang on16:54
snap-lrick_h: OK, reload it. :)16:55
snap-lI found that on the internet, so it must be PD.16:55
* rick_h is scared16:55
greg-gsnap-l: its in public, so its public domain, right?!16:57
rick_hyea, no linux client boooo. Doing the whole sdk thing like dropbox16:57
snap-lI think we lost something when we moved away from large image tiled backgrounds16:57
snap-lgreg-g: But of course.16:57
greg-gsnap-l: whew16:58
brousch"You can install Drive on your Mac or PC and can download the http://goo.gl/yqx1r to your Android phone or tablet. We’re also working hard on a Drive app for your iOS devices."16:59
brouschwow. not even a mention of linux16:59
snap-lOK, last one17:00
brouschnice. 100GB for $5/mo. I pay like $40 for that on dropbox17:00
snap-lNo linux clinet = no deal17:00
snap-lI already get dead-end products for free with Ubuntu One17:00
brouschim still jrwrenning it17:00
brouschsnap-l: did you see the openphoto thing i posted yesterday? that seems right up your freetarded alley17:02
greg-gbrousch: if it didn't depend on Dropbox, it'd be great17:02
greg-gor S3, I think17:02
greg-gif I could just use my own dang server space17:02
brouschit says "or in your garage"17:03
snap-lbrousch: Nah, I use Picasa because SHotwell has a plugin for it. :)17:03
greg-gbrousch: I admit, I may be working under facts from when it first came out and I was excited, joined the irc channel, installed, etc, but then got frustrated :)17:03
snap-l"If you're a nerd who has your own server or hosting account then we've got you hooked up"17:04
snap-lcurl https://raw.github.com/openphoto/frontend/master/documentation/guides/InstallationUbuntuApache.sh | /bin/bash17:04
snap-lfuck me in the neck17:04
brouschgreg-g is definitely a nerd17:04
jrwreni'm a verb?17:04
brouschsnap-l: with what?17:04
greg-gsnap-l: that's just the view, though, not the backend (as it says in the download url)17:04
snap-lGithub is not package management17:04
greg-gand yah, annoying17:05
brouschjrwren: you are my verb for using osx while hanging out in #ubuntu-us-mi17:05
jrwrenyou realize that is a recent development? I've only been doing that for 5 months.17:05
brouschdoesn't matter. i will make it stick. just like snap-l's apple fanboyism17:06
snap-lbrousch: Yeah, because all of my macs are power PC or 68040-based.17:07
brouschsee. only a fanboy would keep old crap like that around17:08
snap-lI guess I'm a commodore fanboy too17:08
snap-land an Atari fanboy17:08
snap-land an AT&T 3B2 fanboy17:09
greg-gbrousch: is persistent17:09
brouschi'm google driving17:11
brouschlooks just like dropbox17:11
jrwrendo you have a Vic20?17:11
brouschoh, d00d. i have 25GB of space because i upgraded my picasaweb storage17:12
snap-ljrwren: I do not17:12
snap-lnor do I have a C6417:13
jrwrenyou need one.17:13
rick_hyea, that's my interest in GDrive, I can stop paying both google for storage and dropbox for storage...and one day I'm sure I'll end up paying U117:13
snap-ljrwren: There was only one good game for the Vic20, and that was Omega race17:13
snap-ljrwren: Of course. :)17:13
jrwreni don't care about games.17:13
jrwreni rarely played any games on these machines.17:13
snap-l400, 800, 1200XL, 800XL, XEGS17:13
jrwrenwow, nice atari collection17:13
brouschahahahah. i am paying $20/yr for 20GB of google storage. grandfathered in http://dl.dropbox.com/u/101667/Screen%20Shot%202012-04-24%20at%201.17.28%20PM.png17:19
jrwreni like how that is a dropbox url.17:19
brouschyeah, i don't see sharing on gdrive17:19
jrwreni've got 25G on skydrive17:19
jrwrenbut i don't use it.17:19
jrwrenand I don't use my dropbox really, either.17:20
jrwrennever installed it on this machine.17:20
jrwreni guess I don't find it useful17:20
brouschi had all of my backups in dropbox, but now i use crashplan17:20
brouschso i am only using about 15GB now17:20
jrwren"backups" for me means rsyncing family photos/video to bluehost.17:21
jrwrenanything else, I don't care about.17:21
jrwrenalthough I'll probably change that backup to s3 soon17:21
rick_h+1 on the s3 stuff17:21
rick_hI am curious on the gdrive search stuff though17:22
brouschcrashplan is cheap. $5/mo for unlimited storage17:22
rick_hif that works well might be cool17:22
jrwrenhow do i send them my stuff?17:22
jrwrendo I have to run a shitty backup client?17:22
brouschthough i haven't had any issues with it17:23
jrwrenbecause rhinoback makes me install a virus spyware infested thing called JVM to use it.17:30
jrwreni refuse.17:30
* brousch squints at jrwren17:33
snap-lbrousch: He has a point17:33
snap-lOSX JVM is not secure17:33
snap-land Apple is pretty much saying they're done with it17:34
snap-liirc, their latest security fix is essentially "uninstall"17:34
snap-l(at least on anything pre-10.6)17:34
snap-lAnd lion doesn't ship with a JVM anymore17:35
jrwrenand Win32 prompts for me to install the ask.com toolbar <-- spyware17:49
jrwrenand EVERY upgrade of the JVM asks me again.17:49
jrwrenso sure, jvm isn't so bad on linux, but that is the only place it isn't so bad.17:49
snap-ljrwren: I'm no fan of Java. The sooner the JVM gets off of client machines and into a headless server room, the happier I'll be17:51
brouschGoogle Drive Feedback Form - beg for linux https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/viewform?formkey=dG45cFM2TGRHUjhTRzkzay12eEtuWFE6MA#gid=017:53
snap-lfuck it17:53
snap-lI'm sure they have a good reason for not supporting us winy linux users17:53
brouschin the neck?17:53
snap-lI'm tired of begging17:54
rick_hyea, a bit easier this time since we do have options17:55
snap-lI'm not taking up the cross of the OS/2 users17:55
jcastroit just means Dropbox gets my money18:00
jrwren *nod*18:01
rick_hyea, though I should give U1 another go18:01
jrwrenbut wait, shouldn't you be all U118:01
rick_hjcastro: have you used it much? Perf any better?18:01
rick_hjrwren: not if I'm paying for the privelege :P18:01
jcastrorick_h: people keep telling me to try it18:01
jcastrobut I'm not going to go reinstall it on all my PCs and stuff18:01
jcastrotoo lazy18:01
rick_hjcastro: yea, actually looking I htink it'd be cheaper than my dropbox18:02
jcastromaybe next reinstall?18:02
jrwrenyou don't get U1 for free?18:02
jcastroyeah, I already pay them for gmail/picasa18:02
rick_hjcastro: yea, same here, another round of 30gb of upload :/18:02
jcastroI want to consolidate more than anything18:02
rick_hjrwren: no18:02
* jrwren works for a highly profitable employer 18:02
jrwrendoes canonical publish a balance sheet? cash flow sheet? :)18:03
jcastronice, I got grandfathered in!18:05
jrwren"Your Google Drive is not ready yet"18:06
rick_hbah, I've got that under my old deuce868@gmail account18:06
rick_hbah, ubuntuone install fail18:09
brouschrick_h: will u1 work with awesome?18:10
rick_hbrousch: I thought I had it working at one time18:11
rick_hI'll have to play with that later I guess18:13
snap-lI have Dropbox on my Nook Tablet18:23
snap-lhaven't even set up U1 for the work machine. it's all Dropbox here.18:24
brouschyeah, dropbox everywhere is really nice. and the LAN sync is unbeatable if you reinstall your OS18:33
* krondor reads scrollback... glares at his work assigned mac mini which kernel panicked two hours ago.18:47
jrwrenlol @ google owns everything you put on your gdrive :)18:47
snap-lbrousch: Ahem: http://status.net/2012/04/24/identi-ca-support-in-hootsuite18:48
brouschah, damnit18:52
snap-lI'll expect you to be fully on identi.ca by morning18:56
brouschi think it only has read support19:01
brouschi can read things, but can't find a way to send19:01
brouschah, it uses a different post message box. that is silly19:17
rick_hok, dressed up a little bit http://goo.gl/0IStS19:49
brouschsnap-l: i put identi'ca on my front feed. i should see it and contribute19:49
brouschsome geeker already started following me19:49
greg-gfront feed?19:50
brouschin hootsuite19:51
brouschyou create tabs and add feeds to the tabs19:51
brouschi have one in the front that i read most often19:51
greg-gsnap-l: wow, Humanist EP has some unfortunate vocals on the Liberate song (second)19:54
nixternalgreg-g: your damn idea of lvm & cloud storage got me thinking and wasting time damnit20:00
greg-gnixternal: YES!20:01
greg-git wasn't my idea, it was someone else in my twitter stream a couple weeks ago saying they thought some new startup would be that service for you (manage your free cloud storage)20:01
nixternalscratch the lvm for the time being, and use iscsi or webdav to connect to a main cloud app that will collect all of your other cloud storage services20:01
greg-gbut, since it was twitter, I don't remember who, so the idea is now mine, muhahahaha20:02
greg-gnixternal: yeah, I mean kind of like lvm, not using lvm20:02
nixternalthen you can either do like raid0 or raid1 with them20:02
greg-gan owncloud plugin that lets you navigate/access your cloud drives!20:03
greg-gso you have mydowmain.net/owncloud/dropbox/whatever20:03
nixternalthen using something like the reed solomon algorithm, you can split data & put it back together, kind of like a cloud based tahoelafs20:03
greg-galright, when will I see code?20:04
nixternalso if you have like 5 different cloud storage services, you write locally to a folder mapped to the total cloud app and it can split your data up. so if say ubuntuone drops off the face of the earth, your data is still out there for you to get20:04
nixternali have code here, though in java, that does a lot of that already. when i helped write it, it was gpl, but it no longer is upstream. i don't know how much trouble i have here in my hands20:05
greg-gugly sounding20:05
greg-gwas it ever published somewhere you can find on archive.org as proof of gpl?20:05
nixternalnice thing is, tahoelafs has a very similar implementation & it is free in every sense of the word20:05
greg-gyep, good ole zooko20:06
greg-goh right, forgot about them20:06
jrwrenrick_h: readable should use a serif font for readability.20:07
jrwreni don't know of any of these that expose their service as a block store, and even if they did, LVM over it would be so insanely slow, I don't think you would want this cloud thing of which you speak.20:08
greg-gnixternal: cool, then if your code is pre or up to that point, you have pretty good evidence what you have is gpl v220:09
greg-gbah, I just used lvm as a way of describing what it does, tying in multiple "drives" into one logical place to put things. No slower/faster than the normal cloud things (which, really, are as fast as your local disk, just syncing takes a while ;) )20:09
greg-gbasically, get api keys from all services, give them to a central app that sees them all, access just that one central app20:10
nixternaljrwren: you would expose a block store, that would then do all of the work just storing small bits of data on the cloud drives20:12
nixternali mean, dropbox does this already with your data, so it would be quite redundant, but good if you had your data spread out over say 4 or 5 services. that way there if 1 went down, say dropbox, you don't lose all of your data20:13
greg-g(not that you really lose it, since it is local also, but yeah)20:18
greg-gunless it tried to sync, saw nothing on dropbox's end, and deleted it all locally, that'd be hilarious20:18
nixternalhrmm, didn't know a company could remove a person from their patents, but it seems they can. i can't find my name on any of them anymore :)20:18
nixternali see they removed a few people actually from it.20:18
greg-gdidn't think you could remove the inventors, weird20:18
nixternalwell, co-inventors/developers probably20:19
greg-geither way, seems odd to go through the trouble of dealing with the USPTO to do that kind of thing20:19
nixternalnot when you have one of them on your board :D20:19
nixternalahh, found them.20:21
nixternalthere is so much 'you scratch my back, i'll scratch yours' going on it isn't even funny20:21
snap-lgreg-g: Yeah, they're pretty political20:22
nixternalmy dad, who has some crazy electronics patents for HD studio camera stuff spent years getting the stuff done. sony came along and took a few of them before he got them finalized and had them patented in a weeks time it seemed like20:22
nixternalthat is why he is anti-patent now20:22
greg-gsnap-l: I meant the tone, actually :)20:24
snap-lgreg-g: Ah20:28
snap-lgreg-g: Yeah, I think the first song is the only really listenable song on that album20:28
snap-land it's damn catchy.20:28
rick_hjrwren: but I looked into it, sans is more readable on screens, serif on print/e-ink20:41
rick_hI did start out with serif though20:41
jrwreni prefer serif, even on screen.21:17
jrwrenfor prose21:18
snap-lI prefer semisanserif21:19
snap-lOnly for code and IRC.21:20
* greg-g kids21:21
jrwrenwhy didn't non-mono irc every catch on?21:21
jrwrenis it just so ASCII art comes through?21:22
jrwrenor is it really just called instant message?21:22
jrwrenor campfile?21:22
greg-gjrwren: ascii art I believe :)21:23
rick_hjrwren: yea, I've been going back and forth so I went looking for research21:43
rick_hjrwren: I think ideally it'll be a setting kind of thing perhaps, but we'll see. I'm trying out this sans for a bit21:44
greg-gsans a setting?21:46
greg-gbadum ching!21:46
rick_hgreg-g: is sooo funny :P21:49
rick_hlocodir-user ?23:26
locodir-user_my connection is messing up23:29
locodir-user_sorry, been using ubuntu for a while, but still quite a bit of a noob23:29
greg-ghello there!23:29
greg-grick_h: someone who is connecting via the loco.ubuntu.com web interface23:30
locodir-user_correct. was just looking for a better irc application for ubuntu23:30
rick_hgreg-g: ah, ok sorry23:30
rick_hfigured it was some sort of bot23:30
greg-glocodir-user_: pidgin not working well for you?23:30
rick_hlocodir-user_: which have you tried/23:30
greg-gor empathy, whatever the default is23:31
locodir-user_i have not tried any23:31
rick_hah ok23:31
locodir-user_empathy is the default23:31
rick_hwell pidgin and xchat are two popular ones23:31
locodir-user_i'll check out pidgin, i suppose23:31
greg-gI would try that, see how you like it. other than that, yeah, what rick_h said, either pidgin (a lot like empathy) or XChat which is a more traditional irc client23:31
locodir-user_alright, cool23:32
locodir-user_i'll be back under another name once it's installed23:35
theflakemansweet. pidgin is pretty nice23:43
rick_htheflakeman: congrats23:44
theflakemanthank you, sir23:45
theflakemani'm from Bay City, Michigan, by the way23:45
greg-gwelcome to the Michigan LoCo IRC channel23:46
greg-gany compliments, send 'em my way. Any complaints, talk to snap-l.23:46
theflakemanhaha, sounds good23:47
* greg-g is actually in SF, CA now23:47
greg-gthough I used to live in Ann Arbor23:47
theflakemanthat's cool. I have a few friends from Yspilante.23:50
theflakemanjust got them to start using ubuntu as well23:50
JonEdneyI'm trying to convince my Wife to go Ubuntu.23:51
theflakemani find that people complain until i actually install it23:51
JonEdneyI told her I would advertise to all Downriver!23:51
greg-gvery cool23:51
rick_hJonEdney: good luck, my wife actually prefers it now, but work gave her a windows machine she has to use for some things23:52
rick_hthe new EMR system is web based so we're hoping she can use Ubuntu with it23:52
JonEdneyYeah, I run a dual boot because work requires a chat client Ubuntu dont support, sucks but hey, i have fun with ubuntu the rest of my PC time.23:52
greg-gthe only thing you can't do is a chat thing? that sounds crazy, unless it is that Office Messenger thingy23:53
greg-gcrazy in that, man, it must be some crazy chat program23:53
theflakemani think the only reason my one friend still dual boots is so that he can play MTGO23:55
theflakemani tried installing it with wine, but it wouldn't take23:56

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