
thafreakanyone play with zfs on linux?14:23
thafreaki guess a kernel module version exists..14:24
paultagthafreak: I've fiddled with it (very lightly) with Debain GNU/kFreeBSD, so I guess, no :)14:24
thafreaki've played with freenas...that's about as close as i've gotten14:24
thafreakeveryone seems to be scared of btrfs....even though i've never had any problems yet14:25
paultagI've had grave issues with btrfs14:26
paultagincluding dataloss14:26
paultagand over 10 minute boots14:26
thafreaksince 10.04?14:26
paultagI think it was about a year ago14:26
thafreaki've only used it for like my /home14:26
thafreaknot for root14:26
paultagI used it for my whole FS14:26
paultagI wanted to, you know, test it14:26
thafreakwell that's one way14:27
paultaggrave issues :)14:27
paultagIt took about 2 months to degrade to about 5 minute boots14:27
paultagfrom ~10 seconds ext414:27
thafreakwell ext4 is fast...btrfs is designed to be uber-reliable (eventually)14:27
thafreakso it'll be slower14:28
paultagI had to wipe it a week later when it got passwd 10 minutes14:28
paultagpassed *14:28
thafreakfigured ;)14:28
thafreaki'm mostly intrigued by the checksumming and other features in btrfs and zfs14:29
thafreakand the copy on write stuff is awesome14:29
paultag/join #debian-kfreebsd14:29
paultagon oftc :)14:29
thafreakis it more zfs stuff14:29
thafreakthey bash on btrfs there?14:30
paultagI don't think so14:30
paultagI think everyone knows btrfs is the future14:30
paultagit's just very very buggy right now14:30
paultagwith grave data issues14:31
thafreakwhy hasn't oracle just re-license their already open zfs code14:31
* paultag shrugs14:31
paultagit's oracle14:31
thafreaki know they don't release any of the new stuff open at all14:31
thafreakso zfs is where it is, but it's all cddl or whatever that stupid sun license was14:31
thafreakif they would just change the old already out there code to gpl, i'm sure it would get mainlined14:32
thafreakhave you ever checked out csync?14:38
thafreaki really like the idea behind it14:38
thafreakbut it's got some odd dependancies14:39
thafreakand i tend to avoid compiling from source these days for some reason14:39
thafreakbut the idea is pretty awesome14:39
thafreakclient side sync....think unison, or rsync, but without needing unison or rsync on the remote end14:40
thafreakcan sync to sftp, samba, webdav currently14:40
thafreakand there's a pam module, to make roming home dirs...you login, and it syncs your homedir down14:40
thafreaki found it while looking at owncloud...i guess it's used for the upcoming linux desktop sync tool for owncloud14:41
andygraybeal :)15:42
canthus13good morning.16:07
Unit193Good afternoon.16:09
canthus13Yay. Level 3 broke their stuff again.. Lotsa sites are unreachable... including godaddy. so anyone who hosts their DNS with godaddy is unreachable by our customers. :/16:13
thafreakanyone who hosts their dns with godaddy is an amateur16:25
thafreakand obviously doesn't care if their site is reachable16:25
thafreakor has no business managing a website if they do care16:26
thafreakfyi, I'm a huge fan of dns made easy...16:29
thafreakif anyone is looking for hosted DNS that is badaass16:29
thafreak$60/year for up to 25 domains and I think 10 millions DNS queries/month16:30
thafreakanyone who doesn't charge by the query, is either crap, or costs alot more :)16:31
thafreakdyn is good too, but they're more like $30/domain/year16:31
thafreakunless you're grandfathered in to their lifetime plans like me...16:31
thafreakso glad I donated that $30 way back then16:31
* thafreak reverse engineering a django app, cause there's no docs :(16:45
* thafreak thought he was a sysadmin....16:45
jrgiffordSo, google drive is now alive. Meh.16:50
thafreakand no fanfair?16:54
thafreakis it not dropbox quality :)16:54
Unit193No linux.16:54
jrgiffordno linux indeed.16:55
thafreakthis makes more sense now as to why duplicati added googledocs support16:58
thafreakit seems docs and drive are basically one in the same16:58
jrgiffordfor right now, yeah it is16:58
jrgiffordin the future though... i have a feeling it'll expand16:58
thafreakbut it's probably the same API for adding/uploading files is what I'm saying16:59
thafreakwell atleast I can finally hide old docs17:00
thafreakthe whole make a folder, but then the docs in that folder are still in the main view, pissed me off17:00
thafreakwhat's also funny, I have about 10 "documents"...99.99% of the files I care about aren't "documents"17:02
thafreakonly students, business types seem to have lots of "documents"17:02
thafreaklet me store random binary data...then i'll be happy :)17:02
jrgiffordthafreak: yay for random binary data. :)17:21
canthus13thafreak: The problem is there are a lot of amateurs out there and people want to get to their websites.  And apparently there's more than just godaddy traffic being blocked. :/17:33
canthus13Level 3 are the amateurs. they screw stuff up every couple of months.. either with internet or with long distance routing.17:34
canthus13not that cogent (one of our other carriers) is any better.17:34
thafreakyeah, i heard bad things about them all the time17:34
thafreakhaha i've dealt with cogent in the past17:34
canthus13We had to get a line from AT&T on short notice to rout around cogent a few months ago 'coz of their screwups.17:35
thafreakthey're the carrier for the place i have my server colocated at in florida17:35
thafreaki bet most of the problems i have with my colocation host is just cogent sucking then17:35
canthus13I swear the internet is held together with christmas tinsel and toothpaste.17:36
thafreakand at the end of the day, we just get blamed for it all17:36
thafreakyou have to admit though, most of this stuff was invented like 40-50+ years ago, and most hasn't really changed in 30+ years17:37
thafreakso tinsel and toothpaste as it may be, it's held up pretty well...17:38
thafreakbut it does suck, and could stand to be improved...preferably some how get away from relying on asshole providers17:38
canthus13the problem now is it's not one homogenous company running the show.17:38
thafreakwe need a U.N. type body for the internet...17:39
canthus13that wouldn't stop various providers from screwing up.17:39
canthus13and I wouldn't model it after something as useless as the U.N. :/17:39
thafreakso we can put the comcasts and cogents on trial for the internet equivalent of war crimes17:39
thafreakstill, i'd like to see them on trial for crimes against the internet17:40
canthus13The bigger danger to the internet right now is congress. :(17:41
thafreakikr...congress is like the internet's Syria...17:43
canthus13the new sopa:  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cyber_Intelligence_Sharing_and_Protection_Act17:43
thafreakyeah saw that17:43
thafreakthat mpaa dude just won't give up17:43
thafreakkeeps writing new laws for congress to be behind17:44
thafreakis that the one that specifically talks about child porn?17:44
thafreakto basically shame any congress person into approving it...17:44
thafreakcause what self respecting congress person wouldn't sign an anti child porn law17:44
canthus13the wiki article doesn't mention child pr0n.17:45
thafreakgood, then hopefully it will die too17:45
canthus13Even Facebook is on board with this one. :/17:46
jrgiffordFacebook has to play the big game now, because they are trying to go public17:46
thafreakfacebook==assholes anyway17:46
thafreakany huge company on the internet shouldn't get to say what we should do on the internet17:47
thafreakesp google!17:47
thafreakand even more esp facebook17:47
thafreakthey'd sell their own moms ssn to get ahead17:48
thafreakis zuckerberg's mom on facebook btw?17:48
canthus13Ok.. latest update.. It appears that it's probably a GoDaddy issue, since we forced the traffic through both cogent and qwest with no improvement. Yay. :P  And it appears that it only affects us... :/17:53
Unit193Eh, lubuntu.net is GoDaddy it seems, just checked.17:56
canthus13...and it's unreachable by me. :P17:57
Unit193Hah, fine here.17:58
canthus13I swear.. Godaddy techs just pick a company name out of a hopper and blame them... NOw they're saying it's Qwest's fault... except that our default path to godaddy is Level3.18:32
paultaggodaddy sucks18:34
paultagI don't know why I use them18:34
canthus13...That was rather pathetic for a Visigoth raid.18:45
* canthus13 would have expected plundering and pillaging at the very least. :/18:45
thafreakname.com people18:53
thafreakfsck godaddy18:53
Unit193BiosElement loves them as well.18:56
Unit193Hah, ASCII art in whois. :P18:56
thafreakso...there's a colby 7" tablet that's only like $120 running ice cream sandwich19:01
thafreakbut no google apps...19:01
thafreaktempted to get it19:01
thafreak1ghz arm19:02
* paultag ponders19:02
thafreaki love my 10" tablet, but it's more of a family one...i.e. the wife uses it :)19:02
thafreakso I leave it at home all the time...would love a smaller one to keep with me19:03
canthus13thafreak: Coby? That's some seriously crappy stuff.19:14
* canthus13 wouldn't be surprised if the coby tabled had a 100mhz processor.19:15
_bbb_i picked up a refurbed lenovo k1 recently19:18
_bbb_tegra2 honeycomb19:19
_bbb_totally decent i must say19:19
_bbb_I upgraded from a nook color running cm7 on sd =)19:23
_bbb_they had that dell streak 7" on woot the other day19:23
* canthus13 avoids woot. It pisses his wife off.19:23
_bbb_if i did just get this lenovo i might have jumped on that19:23
_bbb_heh my wife is worse than I on there19:23
canthus13Ooo.. a woot-off.19:27
BiosElementUnit193: Yay for late responses, and yes, yes I do :P21:05

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