
bkerensaorebuntu_: Is it time for a coors light?00:01
bkerensaalways denying me00:01
nathwillorebuntu is a liar00:01
bkerensaorebuntu_: Are you a liar?00:02
orebuntu_Very doubtful.00:02
bkerensanathwill: Manatee can learn if you ask it questions and correct it00:03
nathwillbkerensa, well i bet orebuntu can as well00:04
nathwilljust need the syntax00:04
nathwill!correct naturally00:04
lubotu1nathwill: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)00:04
nathwillorebuntu_: Are you a liar?00:04
orebuntu_Most likely not.00:04
nathwill!s/Most likely not./I always lie./00:05
lubotu1nathwill: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)00:05
orebuntu_nathwill: Sorry, I can't match the expression 'Most likely not.'.00:05
bkerensaMythmon on #OSU-LUG likely knows00:05
lubotu1Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience00:09
orebuntu_Commands: 8ball about admin asshat bc blame cowsay date dc distro echo fail figlet fire fob fortune google googlefight googlepage group hacker hangman help insult limerick lunch me msg notice ping praise proverb quote remindme s score seen slogan tardhat topic uptime urban weather whip wikipath wikipedia wiktionary win woot wtf yoda zima00:09
bkerensa!figlet Release Candidate00:09
lubotu1bkerensa: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)00:09
orebuntu_ ____      _00:09
orebuntu_|  _ \ ___| | ___  __ _ ___  ___00:09
orebuntu_| |_) / _ \ |/ _ \/ _` / __|/ _ \00:09
orebuntu_|  _ <  __/ |  __/ (_| \__ \  __/00:09
orebuntu_|_| \_\___|_|\___|\__,_|___/\___|00:09
orebuntu_  ____                _ _     _       _00:09
orebuntu_ / ___|__ _ _ __   __| (_) __| | __ _| |_ ___00:09
orebuntu_| |   / _` | '_ \ / _` | |/ _` |/ _` | __/ _ \00:09
orebuntu_| |__| (_| | | | | (_| | | (_| | (_| | ||  __/00:09
orebuntu_ \____\__,_|_| |_|\__,_|_|\__,_|\__,_|\__\___|00:09
orebuntu__( Y )_00:18
orebuntu_ 00:21:48 up 19 days, 20:23,  0 users,  load average: 0.00, 0.01, 0.0500:21
bkerensanathwill: have you checked out CheEF?00:22
bkerensaor BeEF?00:22
nathwillyou like the uptime one?00:22
nathwilli added that :D00:22
bkerensanathwill: they are XSS vuln frameworks00:24
bkerensayou can deploy a chrome extension on your site and if people go there then it installs and you can take control of their browser00:24
bkerensaI wonder if kees has had a look at it00:25
nathwillbkerensa: looks interesting00:46
nathwillnot sure i'm a fan of prebuilt exploit kits...00:46
* bkerensa thinks Thai for dinner is in order01:09
nathwillso... at first glance, fully 20% of ubuntu-oregon had code commits that made it into 12.04 :)02:59
tgm4883nathwill, your welcome ;)03:19
nathwill:) you guys are awesome03:31
nathwilli may be crazy, but i think that is really damn cool03:32
nathwillstats were pulled from this page: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PrecisePangolin/ReleaseNotes#Ubuntu_Project_Contributors03:33
orebuntu_nathwill's tiny URL is http://tinyurl.com/84w8sy903:33
nathwillwhich hasn't even been completely fleshed out yet.03:33
nathwillso who knows, the number may increase when it is03:33
nathwillactually, i'm certain that it will go up when they fill out the list of bugs reported by users which got fixed in 12.0403:34
bkerensanathwill: can you remind me on Sunday to raffle a OSBridge 2012 ticket?06:11
* bkerensa is gonna forget06:12
nathwillbkerensa: i registered for CLS06:18
bkerensanathwill: excellent :)06:18
bkerensanathwill: fun times indeed06:18
nathwillyeah, figured i'd better register, since i planned to attend...06:19
nathwilli was surprised, honestly, that there it was still open06:19
nathwillunsurprisingly, i find this evening that no one is seeding 8.0406:20
nathwillbkerensa: when fixing typos... is it kosher to replace string errors that cascaded through the translations?06:33
bkerensanathwill: No... I just learned this06:33
nathwillwell balls06:33
bkerensanathwill: if you fix the typo the translations should update automagically?06:33
nathwilli see...06:33
bkerensaat least I was told06:33
nathwillthat seems to make sense.06:33
bkerensabdmurray: I was talking to skaet about release notes and she asked me if there were a good way to go about figuring out which bugsquad members worked on getting bugs to developers to be addressed this cycle... I assume this would not be a easy task unless I just did a e-mail to BugSquad ML and asked people what bugs they worked on and if they got any address by devs?06:34
nathwillwell then... undoing...06:34
bkerensanathwill: yeah just revert the translation files but keep the fix then just re-push and let the diff update06:35
nathwillmakes sense.... if only i had not bulk fixed...06:35
bkerensanathwill: Hopefully we can re-submit a lot of stuff right around Alpha 106:35
bkerensanathwill: ikr... you try and do it the quick way and bam it makes more work06:35
bkerensano more xargs to replace stuff06:35
nathwillbut i loves xargs06:36
nathwilland... it gets lonely if i ignore it06:36
bkerensanathwill: but Searchmonkey wants to be your friend06:36
nathwilli know no searchmonkey06:37
cy1xargs is so annoying06:39
cy1because it will not ever support delineating arguments by a newline.06:39
cy1So it's like find | xargs dosomething => RANDOMLY FAILS OH SHIT YOU HAD A SPACE IN YOUR FILE NAME06:39
cy1or else you have to do find | perl -pe's/complicated; do stuff; etc /\n/\0' and by then you might as well just write a script in the first place.06:40
cy1So forgive me if I prefer find -exec to xargs06:40
nathwillfind -exec is also useful...06:41
nathwillcareful now06:41
bkerensaI only like one perl app06:41
nathwillperl's the only language i've seen that lets you do something like...06:41
bkerensaand that tis.... AWStats06:41
bkerensalike Wat06:42
cy1perl has more flexible syntax than sed.06:42
nathwill$line = "this,that,theother"06:42
nathwillmy ($this, $that, $theother) = split(",", $line);06:42
nathwillbecause... that is freaking amazing06:42
cy1nathwill: fairly sure python does that too. And lua.06:42
nathwilloh yeah?06:42
cy1Assigning to a list of variables?06:43
nathwilli know neither of those languages, so that's impressive06:43
cy1People actually copied that a lot.06:43
cy1Because it's concise, and not confusing.06:43
* nathwill nods06:43
cy1In schemes there's "define-values" that does that too.06:43
cy1but it's horribly verbose ofc06:43
bkerensadefine("this", "that");06:43
bkerensaecho this;06:43
nathwillwell... fwiw, my language skills go bash > php > perl06:44
bkerensano CSS?06:44
bkerensaapparently tis a language06:44
nathwillso not a language06:45
bkerensaI see people calling is a lang on their resumes06:45
bkerensaapparently XHTML is too lol06:45
nathwillok... so... i know markup langs (html, css, markdown,yaml), and scripting langs (bash, php, perl), but no "programming" langs, persay06:45
bkerensaI consider perl, php, asp, html, javascript, tcl etc etc to be "Scripting"06:46
cy1markup isn't a programming language, more of a formatting language.06:46
cy1though Haskell sort of blurs the line there.06:46
nathwillcss is a formatting lang as well...06:47
nathwillif a lang at all...06:47
cy1yeah I never understood why they didn't make CSS an XML format. It's got this weird JSON-ish flavor to it.06:47
cy1You're supposed to combine an XML file, an XSLT (XML Stylesheet Language Transformation) and get another XML that presumably has specifics about formatting the browser can just understand.06:49
bkerensaoh yay they added https://github.com/cdnjs/cdnjs/tree/master/ajax/libs/jquery-history06:49
nathwillmeh. xml can diaf06:49
cy1And Mozilla is like "LOLNO" and now we have CSS06:49
cy1I like XML because it's machine parseable.06:50
nathwillso is json06:50
cy1Yeah JSON is cool too.06:50
nathwillwith a 1/3 the weight in large objs06:50
cy1CSS is only JSON-ish though.06:50
nathwillyeah, i concur.06:50
bkerensanathwill: rain there yet? its dripping slightly and seems like the thunder is coming06:50
nathwillxml beats a plaintext file any day, but.. json beats xml hands down06:50
nathwillbkerensa: nope06:50
cy1large objects should be their own separate resource anyway. It's sad we have to try to embed everything in base64 and can't just link to it.06:50
nathwillhot as hell though06:50
nathwilland muggy06:50
nathwillcy1: data-uris06:51
bkerensanathwill: so your still on to volunteer at UDS?06:51
nathwillbkerensa: um...06:51
cy1data URIs are fun, but ultimately frustrating <306:51
bkerensaif so I was going to push your details upstream :D06:51
cy1You can't stream them or anything, so once the URI gets bigger than Mozilla's limit on header size... you screwed06:51
bkerensanathwill: oh darn06:52
bkerensanathwill: I mean CLS06:52
nathwilldata-uris are kind-of ok for sprite replacement...06:52
* bkerensa is tired06:52
nathwillbkerensa: sure, that sounds like  fun06:52
* bkerensa has to be up early again tomorrow so they can gut our kitchen ceiling06:52
* nathwill too... headed to bed once i straighten out this commit...06:53
cy1I want content hash key URIs already. Fuck data:, let's just have a huge global database where you can just lookup the data by hash if you need it.06:53
* bkerensa goes to fill the Linbit Chalice Brian_H gave him with beer06:55
nathwilli dub this the domain of wikimedia06:55
bkerensawikimedia will be at CLS06:55
bkerensaSo will Fedora's Project Lead06:55
bkerensayou can discuss Ubuntu One on F16 with her :P06:55
nathwillwell, it's there... the guy just needs to push it into the repos06:56
nathwillinstead of hosting it in his own repo06:56
bkerensaperhaps they wont permit him06:56
nathwillwho knows...06:59
nathwillas it is, despite Ubuntu One being opensource, and available for porting, it's functioning as vendor lock-in07:00
nathwilli think the offering is compelling enough that Canonical would do well to sponsor some ports to other distros and widen the potential paying-user-base...07:00
nathwillbut i dunno what their bandwidth, disk space saturation looks like... that might not pay off...07:01
nathwillanyways... u1 is awesome... and i am tired.07:01
nathwillhave a good night all. see you tomorrow.07:01
bkerensanathwill: good morning14:49
bkerensaorebuntu_: good morning14:49
nathwillbkerensa: morning :)14:50
bkerensaslangasek: this is the first release with full Multi-Arch support correct?14:58
bdmurraybkerensa: the bugsquad members question is a bit vague15:01
bkerensabdmurray: she just wanted to know if there was any way to determine bugsquad members who actively got bugs to developers to be fixed and got those fixes accepted15:02
nathwill... list all bugs fixed for 12.04, pull users who triaged, determine if that list corresponds to list of bugsquad members15:03
bdmurraybkerensa: right and 'actively got bugs to developers' isn't very concrete?  does this mean assigning bugs to people or just setting them to triaged or what?15:04
bkerensabdmurray: from the wording it was vague but my assumption is she was leaning towards those who assigned work and perhaps even followed up on IRC/E-mail etc to make sure it didn't get left15:04
nathwillwow xchat just glitched to helll... brb15:05
bdmurraybkerensa: so this would be challenging but I'd take the precise-changes mailing list as a starting point for bugs fixed and then look the activity that happened in all those bug reports15:06
bkerensahmm yeah15:07
bkerensaseems like a lot of work15:07
bkerensabut that would likely be the easiest way15:07
bdmurrayyou'd just need to define what type of action counts as getting bugs to developers15:08
nathwilli'd think something as simple as marking it confirmed, adding keywords... even marking it incomplete, because that's prompting for the information necessary for developers...15:10
nathwillslippery slope to define only specific types of bugsquad work as "counts"15:10
slangasekbkerensa: multiarch won't be "full" for some time; this is the first release where there's substantial coverage of users' 32-bit software needs using multiarch15:38
bkerensagah I walked to get a coffee and a mosquito or something bit my leg15:44
nathwilldeet, you should use it!15:46
bkerensanathwill: How is your Telugu?15:52
nathwilli'm so confused!15:52
nathwillwhy all these strange words?15:52
bkerensaదీని సంఖ్య మంచి15:52
nathwilloh that!15:52
nathwillit's fine15:52
bkerensanathwill: I am trying to help someone in #ubuntu-locoteams and they speak telugu15:52
nathwillwell considering it's a language i've never even heard of...15:52
=== nathwill is now known as nathwill_afk
bkerensa<jono> bkerensa, can you help lead that project?15:57
* bkerensa facepalms15:57
nathwill_afkbkerensa: what project?17:27
bkerensanathwill_afk: transition help.ubuntu.com to Sumo and migrate all of its content17:39
bkerensagrunt work17:39
nathwill_afksounds like it17:53
=== nathwill_afk is now known as nathwill
nathwillbkerensa, you have a link handy for Sumo?17:55
=== nathwill is now known as nathwill_meeting
bkerensanathwill_meeting: http://blog.mozilla.org/sumo/about/17:59
=== nathwill_meeting is now known as nathwill
nathwillso bkerensa: i'm not seeing how this is something Ubuntu can run an instance of... what the heck are they planning?18:54
nathwillbkerensa: though i definitely approve of updating help.ubuntu.com19:05
bkerensanathwill: why could Ubuntu not run a instance?19:19
bkerensanathwill: Sumo is a Open Source Help Doc Platform19:19
nathwilland where are the downloads?19:21
bkerensanathwill: Github of course https://github.com/mozilla/sumo-tests19:22
nathwillgod forbid that be listed in any search results...19:23
nathwilldamn it man, those are just the tests19:23
nathwillthis has got to be the most poorly promoted FOSS project, ever19:24
bkerensanathwill: http://www.amazon.com/Kodak-70554-Paper-Sleeves-Pack/dp/B004Q9T78C/ref=sr_1_12?ie=UTF8&qid=1335290105&sr=8-1219:26
orebuntu_bkerensa's tiny URL is http://tinyurl.com/8ygjof719:26
bkerensanathwill: poorly? lol it has its own Planet19:26
nathwillso how do i get this software?19:27
bkerensaimho Mozilla spends more money on Marketing and Promoting its projects then Canonical does on LoCo's etc19:27
* bkerensa ducks and hides19:27
bkerensanathwill:  also this prints on CD's http://www.amazon.com/Canon-MG5320-Wireless-Printer-5291B019/dp/B005D5M12M/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1335292610&sr=8-119:28
orebuntu_bkerensa's tiny URL is http://tinyurl.com/82tq9uz19:28
bkerensaso both of those could be the solution19:28
bkerensathat and a external burner and I think we can definitely blow Canonical CD pricing out of the water19:28
nathwillwith only $500 investment!19:30
bkerensaPrinter is $10019:30
nathwillit's cheaper to get approved...19:30
bkerensaExternal Drive maybe $4019:30
bkerensaand sleeves $1319:30
nathwillbrb... searching for sumo is engendering too much rage... smoke break19:30
bkerensathat will bring the ongoing cost to 5 cents per CD and Sleeve :D19:30
Brian_Hthats not bad :)19:46
bkerensaUhh UDS is going to be epic19:52
bkerensathey are having social events to china town... bars... shopping... bonfires19:52
bkerensaso much to do19:52
bkerensabkero: at Ocean Beach in SF20:29
bkerensabkero: So what time you coming on Sunday with the shirts?20:29
bkerobkerensa: shirts?20:29
bkeroLet me ask around and see if anybody here in town has shirts20:29
bkerensabkero: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2012/02/25/%23ubuntu-us-or.txt20:30
bkerensa[03:01] <bkero> bkerensa: you want tshirts?  How many?20:30
bkerobkerensa: expected attendance?20:31
bkerensabkero: ^20:32
bkerobkerensa: putting in the request now20:33
bkerensa28 Yes 9 Maybes and about 15 non-RSVP20:33
bkerensabkero: Event is April 29th from 1pm to 5pm20:33
bkerensabkero: I have tons of lanyards, silicone bracelets, buttons and stickers already though :P20:33
bkerobkerensa: I put in the request20:35
nathwillso seriously22:09
nathwilli don't think sumo source is available for download22:09
bkerensanathwill: it is very much so22:50
bkerensawe had a instance running once22:50
c_smithbkerensa, did you get that email I sent you?23:35
bkerensac_smith: I told you the other day that I did and would respond when I get a chance... Its release week and I am also working on projects that are time critical23:36
c_smithoh, ok23:39
c_smithdid not get that message.23:39
c_smithgl on those projects. :)23:40

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