
rsajdokMay I ask someone to review this solution ? https://code.launchpad.net/~ris/loco-team-portal/part-fix-720824c/+merge/9477112:53
bbartekI don´t know where to report this:13:59
bbartekScreenshot from a link to the Ubuntu website in Facebook13:59
bbartekThe icon shows Firefox Thunderbird13:59
bbartekIt should show the Ubntu icon14:00
mhall119bbartek: that's a Facebook issue14:58
mhall119it seems to be pulling a random image from the site14:59
cjohnstonjamestunnicliffe: move the convo in here so that its available to other peoples input please?15:34
cjohnstonjamestunnicliffe: http://linaro.chrisjohnston.org/lcq1-12/15:40
jamestunnicliffehttp://imgur.com/5bjeP shows the problem15:41
jamestunnicliffeI would show another image, but imgur just stopped working for me...15:42
jamestunnicliffehang on.15:42
cjohnstonmhall119: bug #98758915:43
ubottuLaunchpad bug 987589 in Linaro Connect Planning "Export attendees from Connect Registration form to Summit" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/98758915:43
cjohnstonper Joey it is good to go15:43
mhall119cjohnston: in a meeting15:43
mhall119I'll check in a minute15:43
cjohnstonwas just makin the ping15:43
cjohnstonjamestunnicliffe: ok.. i see that15:43
jamestunnicliffehttp://bayimg.com/IAojkaaDd is the same code, but for some reason looks fine.15:44
cjohnstonjamestunnicliffe: max-width: 65.333em; /* 980px / 15px (baseline font); 980px + (60px x 2) = 1100px */15:44
cjohnstonthat's why.. its only the max-width15:44
cjohnstonI'm thinking15:45
jamestunnicliffeYes, but it expanded in all my tests (see second pic)15:45
cjohnstonall of the grid stuff is messed up15:45
jamestunnicliffeThe there are some elements scaling up to 100% inside it, which seemed to be pushing it out.15:45
cjohnstonCan I merge in my stuff and see what it does?15:46
cjohnstoni can always pull it out15:46
cjohnstonjamestunnicliffe: applied15:52
cjohnstonplease use http://linaro.chrisjohnston.org/lcq1-12/15:52
dakermhall119, no it's not a facebook problem ツ15:53
jamestunnicliffecjohnston: Ah, you applied it to the Ubuntu site. The merge was into the Linaro theme.15:53
cjohnstoni applied it to summit15:54
cjohnstonremoved it from linaro theme15:54
jamestunnicliffeHang on a moment...15:54
jamestunnicliffeOK, that looks fine.15:55
jamestunnicliffeNo idea how I screwed mine up so much.15:55
cjohnstoni dont think you applied the merge to summit15:55
jamestunnicliffeThe wite background still isn't filling the width properly though.15:55
cjohnstonwhat page15:55
jamestunnicliffe(it is nearly, but not qute)15:55
cjohnstonit looks right on lcq2-12 here15:55
cjohnstonyour right.. it isnt15:55
jamestunnicliffeOh, I love CSS15:56
cjohnstonthats something we can fix tho if thats the only complaint it should be easy15:56
cjohnstoni have css15:56
jamestunnicliffeI would personally dump the mobile table view and just hide the elements that you do.15:57
cjohnstonwhat mobile table?15:57
jamestunnicliffeThe grey table15:57
jamestunnicliffethat shows up at >900 pixels wide.15:58
cjohnstonthats to make the links bigger..15:58
cjohnstonit stops at 960px15:58
jamestunnicliffeThat would be it.15:58
cjohnstonthat way it gets pads15:58
jamestunnicliffeI would just leave the lists in place (if you haven't changed the CSS around them, they will re-flow down the page)15:59
jamestunnicliffeThe problem is, with my desktop browser at half screen width, the mobile site shows up.15:59
jamestunnicliffeThere is no need for it.15:59
cjohnstonthat was the point of it, i don't disagree, but it was so that tablets see it15:59
jamestunnicliffeIf my old phone can handle the "full" site, I think tablets are OK :-)16:00
jamestunnicliffeWe could just move the social bobbins to the bottom of the page and it will just scale.16:01
jamestunnicliffeNo need to hide anything.16:01
jamestunnicliffecjohnston: in core-grid.css, .inner-wrapper, set width: 100%, get rid of padding. Think that fixes the layout.16:13
cjohnstonwill do in a few.. i need to eat while i can16:13
jamestunnicliffecjohnston: indeed16:17
jamestunnicliffecjohnston: Actually that makes the white background fill out, but breaks the grey menu bar at the top (no padding / border)16:18
jamestunnicliffeI think that is the right direction though.16:18
jamestunnicliffecjohnston: give core.css:232 .nav-secondary "margin: 0 20px"16:20
cjohnstoninstead or in adition16:24
jamestunnicliffecjohnston: scratch that, move the .inner-wrapper padding: 0 20px; to core.css (line 263ish)16:24
cjohnstonnow im confused16:24
jamestunnicliffeOK ignore all of above.16:24
jamestunnicliffemove the .inner-wrapper padding: 0 20px; from core-grid.css (all places) to core.css, where some .inner-wrapper stuff is defined at line 26316:25
jamestunnicliffeAnd with it, set width: 100%16:26
jamestunnicliffeArg. No. Hang on.16:26
jamestunnicliffeI promise I am not messing with you. This is just doing my head in.16:26
cjohnston1 sec16:26
jamestunnicliffejust ignore me :-)16:26
=== Ronnie1 is now known as Ronnie
cjohnstonnigelb: can you hit tarmac please20:04

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