
=== Owkkuri_ is now known as Owkkuri
inetprogood moring07:25
inetproNokia CEO Stephen Elop has made one of his dumbest statements, arguing that dual-core and quad-core processors are a waste.07:25
Kerberoit sounds like out IT department that argues one do not need UDP on a network07:28
plustwoo/ inetpro08:19
inetproKerbero: yikes!08:20
inetprohello plustwo08:20
htoukourhi here09:17
* inetpro retweeted the following but am not sure whether that was a good idea09:59
inetpro@wasbeer Nice list. "Top things to do after installing Ubuntu 12.04 LTS Precise Pangolin" is.gd/po4QYk09:59
inetproUbuntu Tweak is a must have application for Ubuntu?09:59
inetprotumbleweed: have you used Ubuntu Tweak?10:00
inetproanyone else?10:00
tumbleweedinetpro: yes, we (ubuntu developers) don't approve of it much10:00
tumbleweed(for a discussion)10:01
inetprotumbleweed: thanks10:02
nic0mHi there 13:06
nic0mwhos is from Pretoria ?13:06
nic0mAre you going to join us at the Ubuntu Launch party @ Irene Cattle and land13:07
RootChaosntop ?15:49
RootChaos2 days to go15:57
Kiloshi superfly Banlam RootChaos and others18:03
Banlamevening Kilos18:04
Kiloshey bakuman drussell 18:05
inetprogevening Kilos18:06
Kiloshi there inetpro tell me , do you have frost there by you?18:07
inetproKilos: sometimes18:07
inetprohaven't seen it yet this year though18:07
Kiloswas hoping you like near the mountain where they can grow avocado pears18:08
inetprohave one tree, don't you have avos?18:08
inetproshould actually plant some more18:08
Kilosfrost kills them man18:09
inetproeven have bananas here18:09
Kilosoh bananas also hate frost18:09
Kilosgot a 3 year old large natal avo that getting a bit heavy to carry in every winter18:11
RootChaoshey Kilos18:18
RootChaoshhhmmm, i was getting caught up on wordpress here for a while so i didnt notice the 'hi'18:19
inetproKilos: have at least three bunches of massive bananas on the tree18:20
Kilosyou wanna try the avo tree inetpro 18:21
Kilosgot a small guava you can take too18:21
inetproI'm sure it will be fine there by you18:22
Kilosons kry tot swart ryp hier18:22
Kilosthey even almost die out on the stoep18:22
inetprowe also had avos on the farm down in northern natal18:22
inetprovery cold down there18:23
Kilosya against the mountains they normally survive18:23
Kilosok i will keep looking or carrying them in in winter18:23
inetprojust cover it up in the first few years18:23
inetprowith long grass18:24
Kiloseven fig trees have died from the cold here18:24
* inetpro should try some fig trees18:24
Kiloslast year 2 lemon trees vrekked as well18:24
Kilosfigs normally do well in the tvl but black frost kills them18:25
Kilosso whats news on the IT front18:25
inetproyou just reminded me of the days on my dads farm that he had to sell, near Natal Spa18:26
inetprothat was like Paradise18:26
Kilosya great area that18:26
inetprowe had just about everything on there18:27
inetprolots of figs, avos, oranges, ....18:27
Kilostoti was nice for avos bananas pawpaws etc but no peaches figs pears etc18:28
Kilosthey grow but need cold winters or they don bear fruit18:28
superflyhi Kilos18:30
inetprosuperfly: hi18:30
Kilosyucky weather by you hey superfly ?18:30
Kiloslike penguin country18:31
Kilosnaand nuvolari gaan dit goed seun18:31
superflyhi inetpro18:32
superflyKilos: cool, a bit windy, but otherwise fine18:33
superflyno rain yet18:33
inetproBananas are naturally slightly radioactive18:35
* inetpro reading the wikipedia article about bananas18:36
Kilosthey also contain something no other fruit has, forget what now, potassium maybe18:36
Kilosyo magespawn 18:36
magespawnHi Kilos18:37
magespawnEvening all18:37
inetproKilos: yep, that's where the radioactivity comes from 18:37
inetpromagespawn: hi18:37
Kilosah memory serves well at times, potassium is needed for health18:37
magespawnFound in bananas18:38
Kiloswithout potassium you cant absorb some other mineral or vit methinks18:38
magespawnYes helps a lot with dehydration cramping etc18:39
Kiloshows the wireless plans going magespawn 18:39
Kilosnanas arent just for monkeys18:40
magespawnHave to buy the equipment and get the church's okay to use the tower, everything should be done by the end of next month18:41
inetproKilos: I guess I should put a radioactive trefoil symbol at the entry to the plot18:41
Kiloswow that sounds exciting magespawn 18:41
magespawnSo probable another two to full operation18:42
Kiloslmga , jou lelike nick friend is weg inetpro 18:58
BanlamKilos, did you ever see that xkcd graphic, where it compared different levels of rdiation19:02
kbmonkeyhey hey19:02
Banlamit comes donw to that you have to eat like a couple million bananas everyday19:02
Banlamfor a while19:03
Banlamto worry about the radiation causing any damage19:03
Kilosnope i dont go browse19:03
Kilosyeah bananas are healthy as is nearly anything in moderation19:03
inetproKilos: hoe so?19:05
Kilosdaai foo mannetjie19:06
inetprowaar's hy?19:06
Kiloswys quassel jou nie wanneer iemand af gaan nie19:06
inetproKilos: ek let nie meer so op nie19:08
magespawnBanlam I think some people have too much time19:09
Banlamhaha, magespawn, how so? making up graphs like that?19:09
kbmonkeyand the rest of us dont have enough, ne magespawn ;)19:09
Kiloshey kbmonkey 19:09
magespawnYup something like or we spend it on other things19:10
Banlammagespawn, it is kinda his job though19:10
Banlamso you can understand him putting that much time into it19:10
magespawnI thought xkcd was a hobby or for fun19:10
* Banlam checks19:11
magespawnLike a personal blog19:11
Banlami think he does it full time19:11
magespawnHow does he make money out of that?19:12
Banlam"He now supports himself by the sale of xkcd related merchandise" - wiki19:12
Banlamhe's got a store19:12
Banlamselling prints and things19:12
Banlamthere's a book as well19:12
BanlamI have a copy19:12
Banlambut think those proceeds went to charity19:12
Banlami'm sure he does some contract work19:12
magespawnVery nice19:13
magespawnTalk about writing your own paycheck, 21st centurary jobs you got to love it.19:14
Banlamthere are a couple of them19:14
Banlami think the smbc and cad-comic guys also do it full time19:15
magespawnLove the disclaimer at the bottom19:15
superflywell, that was a rather impromptu Earth Hour19:19
* Banlam had a 4 hour long one of those last week19:19
superflyBanlam: this one was somewhat self-induced 19:20
Banlamwhat'd you do?19:20
magespawnOhh I get it19:20
magespawnWas a bit lost there.19:20
superflyBanlam: well, I didn't notice we were low on electricty... i.e. if I don't check the meter, then nobody does.19:22
Banlamprepaid is a bitch19:22
superflyIt's usually fine as long as everyone helps out, but the wife didn't seem to get the memo19:22
Kilosnight all, sleep tight19:26
magespawnNight Kilos19:26
magespawnsuperfly welcome to the chaos of family life19:42
magespawnI am off, night all19:58
inetprosuperfly: did you see the news that kubuntu may have to be renamed?20:54
superflyinetpro: I know there was some hype about that, I wasn't sure how true it all is20:55
inetprosee: http://www.wonderly.com/2012/04/kubuntu-moving-forward/20:55
inetprowill be sad if canonical enforces the trademark policy20:55
superflyWell, there are plenty of options, let's wait and see rather than jumping to conclusions.20:58
zerefi can play 720 movies in vlc without it crashing21:55
zerefcould never do that with the previous veriosn of vlc21:55

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