
dniMretsaMit will always ask you00:00
simplewbut clearly i dont like this desktop, i dont even find a way to have a simple icon to call a manu to list isntalled apps, even windows have it,00:00
dniMretsaMI'm 99% sure there is no way to change that without actually modifying the source code. I don't even think you can turn it off in Synaptic00:01
simplewim trully disapointed with this ubuntu thing, good i didnt install it and simply run the live c00:01
meganerdsimplew: then it is not for you, cheers00:01
dniMretsaMwhat desktop? Unity?00:02
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MirkoKameganerd: no progess bar, no way to know upfront how much will be downloaded, no info about dependencies, totaly useless error messages, etc. works in perfect situations, but honestly it's just c*p ;-)00:02
simplewclearly is not00:02
simplewdniMretsaM: i dont know, i simply runned live cd00:02
Sedativis anyone here good at networking ?00:02
meganerdMirkoKa: not everyone actually needs all that.  The error reporting perhaps, but there are 70+ year olds in my family who have not had problems in years00:03
zsolthi there.I used ddrescue to rescue data from a drive.my problem is that can't mount this image with mount -o loop00:03
simplewi was expecting that ubuntu was a good thing, that would surprise me for the positive, but it surprised me for the negative00:03
christhisisgoolsimplew: do not give up on ubuntu just because you are using a stupid gui to do your package management. if you want to see the total list of stuff that you are going to have installed, then use apt-get, not a gui that takes away all the hard parts00:03
bkc_Sedativ: what's your question/problem00:03
meganerdzsolt: did you ddrescue the whole drive or just a partition00:03
simplewchristhisisgool: im talking about the all desktop00:03
zsoltthe whole drive00:03
meganerdchristhisisgool: he is a hater, all he will find are things that he dislikes.00:03
dniMretsaMsimplew: if it's the latest Ubuntu version, then yes. It's Unity. Unity takes some getting used to. plus the version you're running is 6 months old. the version in the release that's coming on Thursday is much better00:03
meganerdchristhisisgool: just let him go00:04
simplewsorry if i mean hangry00:04
zsoltit is a small 16mb fat mmc disk00:04
wyldesimplew: there are many options for the desktop. You don't have to use the one installed.00:04
simplewbut i was expecting other thing00:04
SedativI need to add a second Ip to my server, also I am haveing big trouble following this chat so if someone could help me plz prv me00:04
simplewwylde: i did alredy runned them all00:04
daftykinsSedativ: you might want to try the ubuntu server channel00:04
dniMretsaMsimplew: what other thing?00:04
wylde!derivatives | simplew00:04
ubottusimplew: There are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mint), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux), Ultimate Edition00:04
simplewbut in the end, i prefer kde00:04
wyldewhoops wrong one00:04
meganerdzsolt: this is actually kind of a hard problem.  I had to do something like this a couple of years ago00:05
MirkoKaNote: this is meant friendly! :-) "MirkoKa: not everyone actually needs all that" I keep hearing that nonsense all day about Gnome as a justification for removing vbery vital, important, basic, usefull and what not functionality in Gnome. please dont thing in terms of "not everybody" but in terms of "most of" and "what do we lose" :-)00:05
wyldesimplew: you could also look at xubuntu and lubuntu00:05
dniMretsaMsimplew: KDE is my favourite desktop00:05
simplewisnt there a live CD for kde?00:05
zsoltthan what do you recomend?got important data on it,it is lost by an accidentaly quick formatting00:06
christhisisgoolsimplew: yes, its called kubuntu00:06
wyldesimplew: yes, Kubuntu00:06
meganerdzsolt: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?s=d0411b66fa1979f2f331263b2f6b8f7a&t=89223700:06
simplewhwo can i get it?00:06
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zsoltthank you00:06
FyodorovnaMirkoKa, you be preaching to the choir. :)00:06
meganerdzsolt: also https://www.meganerd.ca/site/node/1100:06
consfearacysimplew. www.kubuntu.com00:06
simplewand the way this desktop is done is just to dificult access, what a crap00:06
simplewok thabks, i will download kubuntu to see how it goes00:07
consfearacysimplew, you get what you pay for.. stop whining man00:07
christhisisgoolsimplew: good luck!00:07
wyldesimplew: http://www.kubuntu.org00:07
simplewconsfearacy: its not whining, its just disapointment00:07
simplewi really was expecting something better00:08
consfearacysimplew, get a refund then00:08
wyldesimplew: this is the support channel. Do you have an actual support question?00:08
vexaxvhow come when i run c++ console apps in ubuntu it uses xterm and not gnome terminal?00:08
meganerdsimplew: I hate Unity, but I can still take the Ubuntu base and make it awesome.  YMMV.00:08
simplewconsfearacy: :)00:08
irisPeople. Do any of you  like Windows?00:09
josefnpatno windows00:09
consfearacyi do... i am on win700:09
josefnpateveryone is on mac and linux00:09
vexaxvhate windows00:09
simplewmeganerd: yes i believe you, but for who runs live cd its a crap00:09
josefnpatno win700:09
pfifoiris, I love windows, for gaming00:09
wylde!0t | iris00:09
josefnpatno winxp00:09
FloodBot1josefnpat: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.00:09
vexaxvnot even for gaming pfifo00:09
wylde!ot | iris00:09
ubottuiris: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!00:09
vexaxvwait till gaming comes more to linux :)00:09
christhisisgoolTo all of the people saying that we should just let simplew go, realize this: we are the minority. We are trying to get more users. If not, we will, in essence, die, whether it be from lack of clicks on the advertisements we put up since nobody will pay for our software since it is mainstream, or because there is simply not enough developers. We need more people to think that this is a good thing. This is the reason  that00:10
christhisisgoolpeople get scared away, when somebody is trying to figure things out, and we know that they came from a bad environment ( aka windows) then we have to treat them better if we want to make it longer. Hope this changes some peoples minds.00:10
josefnpatoh snap, wrong channel.00:10
pfifovexaxv, if that happens great, but I still prefer to run games native00:10
vexaxvanybody know why the default terminal for compiling c++ console apps is xterm and not gnome terminal??00:10
iriswhat is simplew?00:10
vexaxvpfifo, i do too which is why im programming and love cross platform00:10
kingofswordscan sum1 plz tell me how to fix my install00:10
christhisisgoolthat guy that came on complaining00:10
vexaxvkingofswords,  what install?00:11
MirkoKavexaxv: how do you call your program?00:11
kingofswordsutube keeps crashing vid is choppy and always get slowdown even thou ram cpu isnt being usd up00:11
kingofswordsi cant reinstall00:11
vexaxvcall it?00:11
bkc_iris: I use win7 only for playing Left4Dead :)00:11
vexaxvim just learning c++ im new to it00:11
kingofswordscall what?00:12
pfifovexaxv, wine is great, but installing XP for games is so much better00:12
vexaxvif i do a simple cout its in xterm not gnome terminal00:12
XenoDuckwine sux fpr what i do00:12
MirkoKavexaxv: i mean how do you execute it00:12
vexaxvpfifo, i dont want to use emulaters (unless its like the ps3 or somethin) i prefer native games too <cross platform>00:12
TeeAlyup, overall windows for gaming is a much better solution but that is starting to change00:12
irisI'm new to IRC and nobody wouldanswer for offtopic.00:12
vexaxvMirkoKa, code::blocks ide00:12
irisWhat coding IRCs are there?00:12
christhisisgoolvexaxv: make sure that your default terminal emulator is set to gnome terminal00:12
vexaxvTeeAl, i agree lol00:13
TeeAliris: /list00:13
vexaxvah hell dont tell me thats in the settings00:13
wylde!alis | iris00:13
ubottuiris: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" for help and ask any questions about it in #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http*00:13
vexaxvchristhisisgool,  how do i do that00:13
christhisisgooli think it is somewhere in the settings, default applications00:13
bkc_pfifo: well... wine works for all programs/games I've tried... but getting steam to work is kind of a pain in the a** :/00:13
MirkoKavexaxv: see the codeblocks config. theres should be a way to set the exact command to execute your program. why do you bother?00:14
vexaxvwow i found it00:14
simplewwhy in http://www.kubuntu.org/getkubuntu/download#download-block is recommended to download 32 bits???00:14
bkc_XenoDuck: LW11 works perfectly in wine :)00:14
pfifobkc_, working and getting optimal FPS are 2 different things00:14
vexaxvbut its on xterm "xterm -T $TITLE -e"00:14
vexaxvdunno the code for gnome terminal00:14
iris-max <n>00:14
iris-max n00:14
kingofswordsffs y does ubumtu keep fuknup?00:14
christhisisgoolsimplew: because  then you can use it even if you have a 64 bit pc00:14
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christhisisgoolit will work on either cpu architecture00:14
wylde!ffs | kingofswords00:15
ubottukingofswords: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.00:15
vexaxvanyone know what to type for the gnome terminal xterm is "xterm -T $TITLE -e"00:15
bkc_pfifo: wasn't refering to fps... was refering to actually installing steam :)00:15
kingofswordsis this a help  channel or not?00:15
simplewchristhisisgool: thats not a logic explanation ince now all pcs are 64bits support00:15
hampsterbladeI really screwed up my audio system and don't know what to do.  I was having problems with choppy audio and removed pulseaudio.  I reinstalled it now, but things are really messed up00:15
simplewi always recommend 64 bits00:15
MirkoKavexaxv: ignoring the title option it is "gnome-terminal -e"00:16
vexaxvhampsterblade, install pulseaudio volume control and mess with the locks on channels and volume00:16
vexaxvhampsterblade, had the same issue till i fixed it, goodluck00:16
simplewanyone here with debian packaging experience?00:16
vexaxvMirkoKa, can u explain why thats what i have to type?00:16
christhisisgoolsimplew: it is still recommended since you also get more executable support, as in many binaries are still in the format of 32 bit. also, its best for people who do not know what type of cpu they have, if you know that you have 64 bit, then go for 64 bit00:16
hampsterbladeit's installed but now my computer isn't detecting any of my sound cards00:16
vexaxvMirkoKa, like, whats the -e for?00:16
hampsterbladepulseaudio volume control says Fatal Error: Unable to connect to PulseAudio: OK00:17
kingofswordsutube keeps crashing vid is choppy and always get slowdown even thou ram cpu isnt being usd up00:17
anoninuxhello, I'm trying to build a somewhat old program and I'm getting this error: /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lm \n collect2: ld returned 1 exit status00:17
bkc_kingofswords: "ubuntu keeps f*cking up" isn't a valid question, hence nobody is answering to you non-question :)00:18
vexaxvMirkoKa, -e didnt work made it close after open but -x worked, what the heck do the two mean?00:18
anoninuxall I could find on Google was to install glibc-static, which I don't have in my Ubuntu 10 repos00:18
bkc_kingofswords: that's called flash, it's the devils work, and will almost never work correctly ^^00:18
kingofswordscan sum1 plz tell me how to fix my install? is a q bkc_00:18
simplewi see that in console, tab only works if i hit 2 times the atb key, isnt possible to put it working only with one hit?00:18
kingofswordsnot i dont have these probs with xp00:19
hampsterbladeYeah, I'm definitely missing something important.  Pulseaudio is refusing all connections00:19
vexaxvdoes anyone know why google plus (hangouts) i have flickering on my cam00:19
bkc_kingofswords: actually, that's not a valid question either :/ I still have to guess what your problem is, instead of you telling me...00:19
vexaxvhampsterblade, just mess around with it, took me a little bit too00:19
kingofswordsis this a help  channel or not?00:20
kingofswordsutube keeps crashing vid is choppy and always get slowdown even thou ram cpu isnt being usd up00:20
MirkoKavexaxv: xterm is the command name for one possible terminal. gnome-terminal is the command name for the program you want. both xterm and gnome.terminal recognize the -e option but there's a difference. both Execute (or eXecute) the given program. bad that gnome-terminal doesn't follow convention00:20
kingofswordsthen got ignored00:20
simplewisnt possible to call the console from the nautilus window?00:20
vexaxvhampsterblade, type alsamixer into the command window and check it out then the volume control00:20
bkc_kingofswords: I'm guessing you either don't have the proper gfx-drivers, or incorrect flash-plugin :)00:20
kingofswordsi do00:20
kingofswordstheyre all updated too00:21
vexaxvMirkoKa, okay sorry long day so the difference between -e and -x are?00:21
anoninuxI'm trying to build a somewhat old program and I'm getting this error: /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lm \n collect2: ld returned 1 exit status00:21
anoninuxall I could find on Google was to install glibc-static, which I don't have in my Ubuntu 10 repos00:21
hampsterbladefigured it out, pulseaudio wasn't running just had to type pulseaudio in the command00:21
kingofswordsis there a virus prtection or prog that can fix my install?00:21
vexaxvhampsterblade, ah told ya :P00:21
bkc_kingofswords: viruses? in my linux?! hehehe :P00:21
vexaxvhampsterblade, jk wish i knew lol00:22
christhisisgoolkingofswords: there is no need for virus protection in linux00:22
vexaxvhampsterblade, weird though00:22
bkc_kingofswords: what's the cpu-usage when on utube?00:22
MrBusinessdo you actually have a virus?00:22
hampsterbladeNow I just wished I could figure out how to get hardware accelerated audio working in wine00:22
kingofswordsthere have been sum cases of virus inlinux? fair enough extremely rare?00:22
christhisisgoolwell, many reasons. one you must be root to run things, two its less common so you are far less likely to get it.00:22
simplewubuntu doesnt have an app to manage the system? like for example opensuse haves yast?00:22
christhisisgoolsimplew: ubuntu uses apt00:22
MirkoKavexaxv: depends on the terminal emulation program (xterm, rxvt, gnome-terminal, etc) can't tell a general rule. try and use what works00:23
bkc_kingofswords: because linux has approx 100 viruses (most of them ad-ware) while windows has plenty ^^00:23
kingofswordsbkc_, 26-50%00:23
simplewchristhisisgool: that a package management tool only00:23
vexaxvMirkoKa, k any idea why my video in google plus video is flickering black, so was minecraft00:23
christhisisgoolsimplew: if im not horribly misguided, i am pretty sure thats what yast is also00:23
kingofswordstheres my point...always rare there r sum00:23
simplewchristhisisgool: well so your horribly misguided in fact00:23
bkc_kingofswords: then there is something wrong with the flash-installations :)00:23
kingofswordsbkc_, what?00:23
kingofswordseverytime i come in here to ask for help i get update gfx, update lfash etc..none of this has solved it00:24
kingofswordsfor months i had this prob..then i just get sarcastic answers00:24
bkc_kingofswords: ram-usage?00:24
kingofswords1gb out of 4gb00:25
kingofswordsbkc_, 1gb out of 4gb00:25
christhisisgoolkingofswords: this may be a bug on 10.04. try seeing if there is a bug already filled out for it, and if not, fill one out yourselft00:25
kingofswordsfilling out bugs never solves it thou00:26
bkc_kingofswords: ubuntu version?00:26
kingofswordsalternate i think00:26
bkc_kingofswords: it might solve it, if they can reproduce it :)00:26
UIMmy CD drive isn't detecting?00:26
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vexaxvanyone know what causes a black flickering video on a webcam or a game of minecraft?00:26
const_antineIs it possible to access a router's admin console from outside, the  internet?00:27
biobunsaiUIM did you mount it? or check the jumpers in BIOS00:27
christhisisgoolbut anyway kingofswords, i am pretty sure you dont have more than a year left to be on that version anyway, so you might as well get with the latest version now00:27
bkc_vexaxv: florescent lights, crt-screens, refresh-rate, etcmetcmetc...00:27
anoninuxI'm trying to build a somewhat old program and I'm getting this error: /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lm \n collect2: ld returned 1 exit status00:27
anoninuxall I could find on Google was to install glibc-static, which I don't have in my Ubuntu 10 repos00:27
const_antineWhich port should I try, if any?00:27
hampsterbladeanybody have experience with halo in wine?00:27
vexaxvbkc_, its not any bit of hardware00:27
christhisisgoolconst_antine: this is an Ubuntu forum, not a router forum00:27
kingofswordschristhisisgool, im not interested in new install00:27
kingofswordsmaybe next yr00:28
bkc_const_antine: not related to ubuntu (unless you have a ubuntu-based router) but look for "remote management"00:28
bkc_vexaxv: so the screen is flickering?00:28
zsoltok,tryed everything00:28
zsoltlooks like fat12 is not vfat00:29
const_antinelook where?00:29
vexaxvbkc_, when i use google plus video on my webcam yes, when i play minecraft yes00:29
transithey could someone help me out with something real quick?00:30
transitI've run into a little problem00:30
bkc_vexaxv: turn on "vsync"00:30
zsoltmount -o loop /rec.img /mnt/ -t vfat  syslog says not a valid vfat00:30
transitanyone? just a small VPN problem00:31
transitit says this: #Change the VPN subnet address to one that makes sense to you (and don't collide with any other net)00:31
vexaxvbkc_, well idc for locking the frame rate and refresh rate together thats for screen rips, besides i dont play minecraft anymore..i want google plus video and voice to work right and not cause black flickering on hangouts00:31
transitI'm not sure what to put beside server tho00:31
kingofswordsjesus fuking christ this is ridiculus00:32
pangolin!language | kingofswords00:32
ubottukingofswords: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.00:32
kingofswordsy wont the fuking os work????????????00:33
pangolinkingofswords: try using your non-swear words00:33
kingofswordsthis is a useless channel...nothing ever gets solved in hee00:33
kingofswordspangolin, what diff wud it make00:33
pangolinkingofswords: the non-swear words will allow you to stay in this channel and try and get help00:34
Vuthhttp://www.tigerdirect.ca/applications/SearchTools/item-details.asp?EdpNo=419877&CatId=106  is this PSU good enough to power my 2500K and 6870 video card?00:34
kingofswordshow many days shud i stay in channel to get help...00:34
vexaxvactually pangolin could u recommend another good support channel i like this channel and all but id like to ask more people about my issue00:34
kingofswordswhich will more than likely be wrong00:34
pangolinas many as it takes00:34
pangolinkingofswords: her is also ##linux00:34
dr_willisVuth: ask in #hardware perhaps00:35
dr_willistheres always the forums and askubuntu. com00:35
bkc_Vuth: definitively not ubuntu-relatex ^^00:35
MirkoKakingofswords: OT: did you know that using f*k as a word for "wrecked", "broken", etc is related to rape? just asking. wish people would stop abusing this work for ther own hate feeling.00:35
vexaxvhow to i sign up on a different channel00:35
Vuthi apologize i thought i wass in hardware00:35
dr_willis /join #channelname00:35
vexaxvnot join register00:36
dr_willis! register00:36
Blue1the official release date for 12.04 is tomorrow, yes?00:36
ubottuInformation about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode00:36
kingofswordsMirkoKa, didnt know that...least i learnt s'thing coming in here00:36
pangolinBlue1: 26th00:36
vexaxvdr_willis, ty00:36
Blue1pangolin: ahh thanks for the update.00:36
Lintkingofswords, what´s happened?00:37
vltHello. How can I run a program and tell it where to place on the desktop and to always stay on top?00:37
kingofswordsutube keeps crashing vid is choppy and always get slowdown even thou ram cpu isnt being usd up00:37
kingofswordsplus os freezes sometimes00:37
MirkoKavlt: not really reliable, but tools like xdotool help with that00:38
dr_willisvlti belive compiz has a window-rules plugin  that can do some of that.  theres also an app called 'devilspie' i think thaat can tweak those settings00:38
anoninuxI'm trying to build a somewhat old program and I'm getting this error: /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lm \n collect2: ld returned 1 exit status00:38
anoninuxall I could find on Google was to install glibc-static, which I don't have in my Ubuntu 10 repos00:38
vltMirkoKa, dr_willis: Thank you.00:38
rinzlerHow do I get a Pulse Audio controlled device to work? Device is Creative SoundBlaster Live! running on 11.10.00:39
dr_willisanoninux:  you may need to compile the libcollect2 or whatever its called firt00:39
hypershockkingofswords: first off if you are not aware, this channel while monitored by canonical is not staffed by canonical, we are all users of ubuntu just like you. also, 99.9% of us, with the exception of you are likely using 11.10 or better. That said. When did the vid chopping start?00:39
finish06My avahi doesn't work... any way I can find out why?00:39
anoninuxdr_willis, I'll look on it, thanks00:40
kingofswordshypershock, months ago00:40
hypershockkingofswords: so its going to be hard to find out what you installed that caused the issue. what are your hardware specifications?00:41
ubuntu__hey guys00:41
ubuntu__i need  a littel solution00:41
ubuntu__Can anyone can tell me how to add new tool in main list?00:42
kingofswordshypershock, i keep getting 2 install this , install that without fully understand what it is....i think prob started wen i used sum cache cleaner tool00:42
dr_willis! info alacarte00:42
bkc_ubuntu__: what ?00:42
kingofswordsi thought whole point of update mgnr was to sort out problems with installs00:42
ubuntu__i want to ad a tool in my main menu list00:42
hypershockkingofswords: yeah, Linux manages its own cache just fine, we shouldn't be messing with it. did you dump that program?00:43
bkc_kingofswords: yes it is, however, you have to dist-upgrade to as the support (and updating) of old versions stops after some time :)00:43
bkc_as in your case...00:43
kingofswordshypershock, dump it? i still have it00:43
kingofswordsbkc_ so 10.4 isnt updated any more00:44
MirkoKa ubuntu__: which ubuntu version?00:44
darrenwhy is ubuntu 12.04 Beta 2 unity animation slow & buggy00:44
hypershockkingofswords: the cache cleaner? is it running all the time? if so you probably should at minimum deactivate it. How much ram do you have?00:44
dr_willisubuntu__:  you can make a. desktop file to create custome launchers.  the askubuntu. com sitee had a few good guides on the topic00:44
bazhangbkc_, it's supported for another year00:44
Jungle-BoogieRecently i upgraded to 11.10 form 10.10 which i had for about two years. since the upgrade, i noticed that the menu bar doesn't have app menus like jungle disk and spider oak. what's the best way to see these apps in the menu bar?00:44
kingofswordshypershock, 4gb00:45
bkc_bazhang: fudge :(00:45
ubuntu__actually i want to add my own tool00:45
ubuntu__in main menu list00:45
dr_willisubuntu__:  make a proper whater. desktop launcher file for it.00:45
bkc_dr_willis: not neccessary :)00:46
hypershockkingofswords: I feel your pain brother, I have a dual core 1.6ghz 4gb system that slows down on video and flash, however, i traced my problems to an overheated video subsystem. Ironically rebooting speeds it up again. But it is definately hardware, cause when I boot with my windows drive, it's the same issue.00:46
ubuntu__i save tool in root directy00:46
dr_willisgiven the lack of details.. hard to tell00:46
ubuntu__and trying to add in main menu00:46
ubuntu__from prefences00:46
bkc_ubuntu__: iirc you can add both applications and scripts from mainmenu-prefs :)00:46
Jungle-Boogiei see a main menu list and jungle disk desktop is checked00:47
dr_willisthe alacarte program lets you edit your menus also,00:47
hypershockkingofswords: so, yeah, i've been hunting for software answers for quite some time before realizing my machine is dieing. so If we can think this through maybe we can restore your faith in the Ubuntu community.00:47
finish06avahi-daemon is not running for me when I start up ubuntu 11.11.... in the right hand corner of my screen, it tells me my discovery is not working... anyone else having similar problem?  help.  thanks.00:47
ubuntu__yes what i did00:47
kingofswordshypershock, it was called bleachbit and i still have...dont know if its running all time thou00:47
ubuntu__but it said you dont have permisson00:47
MirkoKa ubuntu__: again wich Ubuntu version? with the classic version, right-click the menu and then use the menu editor, don't know about the new Unity interface00:47
rinzlerHow do I get a Pulse Audio controlled device to work? Device is Creative SoundBlaster Live! running on 11.10.00:47
kingofswordshypershock, my xp works fine with video thats prob, when it gets real bad i revert to xp and hate using it as i didnt want to connect to net with it00:48
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.00:48
ubuntu__this is not  reallu ubuntu .but it is ubuntu based00:48
hypershockkingofswords: oh god, that's it, I tried that once and regretted it hard. I performed an overlay install just to reset things. By overlay, I mean I didn't have to nuke my home directory. Thankfully bleachbit is kind of like ccleaner on windows, its a one shot deal. so don't be constantly using it.00:48
hypershockkingofswords: see, so we know its some kind of config issue. What the highest flash version you are using and is it the one authorized by adobe?00:49
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dr_willisubuntu__:  the menus and launcers are generated from various .desktop files you can make a custome .desktop file to launch whater you want. and  if you do it right it will show up in the menus.00:49
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kingofswordshypershock, u already did restore...thank you it a releif somebody actual agrees this is a problem and not just a need to update gfx or flash00:49
ubuntu__alright i will try00:50
dr_willisflash has been a problem for years. ;)00:50
hypershockkingofswords: yeah, i agree, bleachbit shouldn't be in the system by default.00:50
Jungle-Boogiedr_willis, do you know how to add apps to unity? i cannot see settings for jungle disk but the app launches, for example00:50
kingofswordshypershock, its 11.xxx waas latest i cud find on synetic00:50
dr_willisJungle-Boogie:  make a proper .desktop file for it. for a launcher.00:51
kingofswordsi presumed it as authorized ver00:51
hypershockkingofswords: and which browser are you using?00:51
KommaHHey everybody, it's me again. :D00:51
KommaHI have another question.00:51
rinzleris there a collection of packeges that I should have to hapily run xfce from a vanilla install?00:51
Jungle-Boogiethat's necessary. dr_willis?00:51
dr_williskingofswords:  a interesting test would be to make a  new user and  see if it works for them. IF it did.. that woud point to a user setting issue00:52
hypershockkingofswords: dr_willis has a good point.00:52
kingofswordsdr_willis, its not a problem , its almost impossible to use, 4 or 5 times refresh to get video to show..and almost always crashes with error rreport or stalls at 10 seconds for some werid reason00:52
dr_willisJungle-Boogie:  launchers are defined by  the verious .desktop files.. thats the  core of the menu system00:52
KommaHHow would I go about using tcpdump and wireshark to observe UDP packet rates on a specific port?00:52
celthunderrinzler: the xfce packages a few from xorg (not all) and whatever packages you need to do whatever it is you use your computer for00:52
hypershockkingofswords: are you using firefox, chromium or google chrome?00:53
darrenunity feels slow :(00:53
rinzlercelthunder: can you give me names?00:53
kingofswordsok guys how do i make a new user...i switch to ubuntu as i thought it was user interface friendly so wouldnt have to use cmd prompt much00:53
dr_willisdarren:  you did install the proper 3d drivers for your video card?00:53
kingofswordshypershock, chromium mainly, ff when something doesnt work00:53
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darreni installed the recommended one00:53
dr_willisTheres an adduser tool in the settings somewhere..  i just find it faster to do 'sudo adduser billgates'00:53
milamberrinzler: did you do a vanilla install of stock ubuntu? or xubuntu?00:53
celthunderrinzler: no..i niether use xfce nor want to..00:53
rinzlermilamber stock00:54
milamberrinzler: so you have the gnome desktop, to install xubuntu, from the terminal do: sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop00:54
Jungle-Boogieso the only icons listed in unity by default are the mail, nework, time, online accounts and logout? if i want others, i need to create a .desktop file, dr_willis?00:54
dr_willisfrom an irc tech support point of view. its much easier to give a simple command line command. then to try to talk someone through the menus/gui tools also. :)00:54
hypershockkingofswords: hmm and when it crashes do you get the dreaded "aww, snap" error? or something else?00:54
milamberrinzler: then you will be able to select xfce from the log in string00:54
kingofswordsdr_willis, will that add another home folder than/00:55
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dr_willisJungle-Boogie:  i think you are being confused/vague.. i am refering to the  launcher apps in the app menus...  every editor, video player, chat client, so forth has a matching .desktop file that are read when the gui launches.00:55
kingofswordshypershock, wen flash crashes i do...but when utube crashed its error......s'thing other00:55
jayari just read something disturbing... "Two weeks ago a Linux Foundation report showed that since version 2.6.32, Microsoft had committed more code to the Linux kernel than Canonical."00:55
rinzlermilamber: cool, thanks. I just installed the xfce4 package, so I'm getting to realise that there's a lot of ubuntu-specific stuff missing, so I hope this helps.00:56
milamberrinzler: the xubuntu-desktop is a meta-package, it will install everything you need. the only issue is you can't uninstall it the same way.00:57
kingofswordsdr_willis, yeh true....i ok with basic cmds, but when it get too complicated lose my bearing and dont understand what ive done 2 pc....which makes problems un solvable as i cant backtrace00:58
hypershockkingofswords: have you tried making sure that flash has been told to use unlimited ram resources?00:58
Jungle-Boogiesorry for being vague. are you familiar with the menu bar in unity? what i am calling the menu bar is where the clock is. pre-unity, it was possible to right click on the menu bar. current unity doesn't do anything when i right click.  is this typical? it makes it difficult to add things to the menu bar00:58
MirkoKajayar: 1. don't trust statistics, 2. canonical is unfortunatley known for not adding very much to the  kernel. 3. MS contributions are most related to virtualization. 4. so what?00:58
hypershockJungle-Boogie: yeah, you have to left click now.00:59
Jungle-Boogiewell that doesn't work anyway00:59
dr_willisJungle-Boogie:  they have streamlined the # of apps that can add icons to the indicator-applet tray at the top right to avoide clutter. also you cant really just add items/widgits like you could in gnome2 again - to try to reduce clutter00:59
kingofswordshypershock, yeh think so...plus i untick that box for ...i cant remeber what its called00:59
kingofswordsdr_willis, do i need reboot 4 new user to show?01:00
hypershockkingofswords: have you check proprietary drivers app to see if you have latest driver for your vid card?01:00
dr_willisJungle-Boogie:  if an app wants to add an icon there now. it also needs to be 'whitelisted' i recall. saw a guide on that at the webupd8 blog site01:00
kingofswordshypershock, yeh many times01:00
dr_williskingofswords:  should appear at the login screen01:00
kingofswordsthis lead to more problem tbh01:00
Jungle-Boogieyes, whitelisted with dconf-editor01:00
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jayarMirkoKa: k01:02
kingofswordsdr_willis, its same in billgates login01:03
dr_williskingofswords:  that points to asystem issue then .not a user config issue.   googles chrome browser also has its own built in flash that may be worth testing.  Flash can be a royal pain, its often hard to trouble shoot,01:04
dr_willisits also possible some of your other attempts to fix it have broken things   in a way that other fix;s might have worked.. its just hard to tell.01:05
hypershockkingofswords: I'm sorry, I'm stumped, but did you try and create a new user and see if they issue still presents itself there.01:05
kingofswordsdr_willis, so a fresh install is only option?01:05
dr_willisi also recall some flashfix extension.. but never used it.01:06
kingofswordshypershock, yeh just tested it and same...well crashed straight away01:06
dr_williskingofswords:  hard to tell. 12.04 is due out in a few days, may be worth the effort to  backup imoirntant stuff and just do a clean install,01:06
kingofswordsdr_willis, flashfix extension? or prog?01:06
dr_williskingofswords:  no idea really. ive never used it just seen it mentioned in here a few times.01:07
dr_willisI rarely even use flash these days01:07
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dr_willisyoutube can do html5 ;)01:07
anoninuxhow do I install glibc-static libs on ubuntu 10 LTS?01:07
hypershockkingofswords: so that means the problem isn't with any user configs, its definately with something installed at OS level, and could also be a config issue.01:07
kingofswordsdr_willis, its hard...i have ssd hdd with xp....took me days to install dual lboot last time as xp doesnt contain ssd drivers so doesnt see  it01:08
kingofswordshypershock, its not poss to reinstall certain parts of the os?01:08
hypershockkingofswords: I have a thought. do you have your livecd handy? if you do you could boot your system with it and see if the problem is there.01:08
ubuntu__ok i add to menu list now problem is there icon showing of launcher..i want to change icon01:08
dr_williskingofswords:  my main ubuntu install is on a 16 gb usb flash drive. ;) i dont have to touch the windows drive at all,01:09
hypershockkingofswords: oh, you can reinstall parts of the OS, but you have to know which parts you need to reinstall to be effective.01:09
bazhangubuntu__, what version of ubuntu01:09
kingofswordsdr_willis, i did have a weird things going on with my boot screen....seems to be lots more option to choose from now01:09
milamberanoninux: do you have build-essential?01:09
ubuntu__i ma using ubuntu based backtrack01:09
kingofswordsdr_willis, like its been copying itself but changing the ver number up01:09
bazhangubuntu__, thats not supported here01:09
ubuntu__i am new to linux01:09
hypershockdr_willis: is it slow for you much?01:09
ubuntu__ohh ic01:09
dr_williskingofswords:  each new kernel version adds an entry01:09
simplewanyone with packaging experience?01:09
bazhang#backtrack-linux for that ubuntu__01:10
ubuntu__but i can have idea01:10
dr_willishypershock:  for my web surfing and ircing. i dont notice any speed issues01:10
javierf_Hi. I just logged on ubuntu 12.04 and I opened terminal trying to install an application. But I get the message "couldn't block /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11: resource temporally not available). And couldn't find the application. What may be happening? Ubuntu software center is closed... thanks!01:10
ubuntu__how to change icon01:10
bazhangubuntu__, yes, in the backtrack channel01:10
anoninuxmilamber : installing the pkg right now01:10
hypershockdr_willis: you must have usb 2.0 or better then.01:10
ubuntu__ok brother01:10
ubuntu__thanks alot01:10
bazhangubuntu__, /join #backtrack-linux01:10
kingofswordsdr_willis, had alot of problems with my grub wen i first installed too01:10
dr_willishypershock:  yes.. i do have pcs that are not dug out of the trash,.  ;)01:11
kingofswordshypershock, yeh do have cd somewhere..but its alternate ver, there was some problem installing with it i think01:11
hypershockjavierf_: I get a similar problem on my clients computer when their external hard drive is plugged in, try disconnecting it if you have one.01:11
anoninuxmilamber : I have it installed now (same error when building)01:12
* hypershock slaps dr_willis with a dead Salmon! Dude my machine is old, what are you implying!01:12
dr_willisi had weird issues once when my cellphone was plugged into the pc.. the usb/boot order bios scanning  - got really confused,01:12
javierf_hypershock, thanks, but there is not external hard drive... may be something different01:12
hypershockkingofswords: hmm, that probably won't work then as if I remember right, alternate cd's don't have the live option.01:13
dr_willishypershock:  dug a celeron 700 system out of the trassh last week,  ;)01:13
dr_williswell i gotta get back to real work... bbl01:13
kingofswordsdr_willis, nice...thats whats so annoying i moved to linux cos i thought things wud work better and faster...ur celeron prob faster than mine01:14
xufanhave lot of interesting software in the ubunto ,who can tell me?01:14
ClientAliveok, so... when I boot my ubuntu install, the window manager does not start up (I just installed it onto a minimal base). I type startx and it fires up. If I reboot, it's the same ol' thing over again. How can I make this permanent??01:14
milamberanoninux: then check for the libc6 package01:15
hypershockkingofswords: are you able to use your terminal when the problems occur? and if so, does "dmesg | tail" reveal anything?01:15
mage-_ywhere should i go just to learn how to use irc01:16
kingofswordshypershock, do i have to do wen problem occurs?01:16
hypershockmage-_y: what's their to learn? there are tons of resources, but if you don't have a goal, it's moot.01:17
kingofswordshypershock, http://pastebin.com/y96DP1Yj if u want 2 look?01:17
anoninuxmilamber : I have libc.so in /usr/lib/, but not libc6.so01:18
ClientAlivemage_y: looks like there is a #irc channel. Not sure how active it is but there's a lot of ppl logged in over there.01:18
anoninuxand /usr/lib64 links to /usr/lib01:18
KommaHHow would I go about using tcpdump and wireshark to observe UDP packet rates on a specific port?01:18
hypershockkingofswords: are you watching video now that is choppy when you did that?01:18
milamberanoninux: libc6 should be an available package, i believe01:18
anoninuxyes it is ..01:19
mage-_ythanks ClientAlive   is that on freenode?01:19
kingofswordshypershock, no whilst having utube on but not choppy01:19
anoninuxmilamber : but it says I have already installed01:20
ClientAliveI didn't notice it but it redirects to #freenode. Still I think it would be a good place to shoot some questions.01:20
hypershockkingofswords: we want to do that while you are experiencing issues, else the results are useless.01:20
anoninuxwait, of all the libc6, libc6-dev-i386 was not installed ... why01:21
kingofswordshypershock, its hard to replicate unfortuatly01:21
anoninuxmilamber : it compiled!!01:23
hypershockkingofswords: sadly, we need that information as the problem is occuring to decide where to go. Do you happen to have any of the error messages you received on hand? not just the words but the numbers too.01:23
anoninuxhow did you manage to know libc6 was related with ld missing -lm ??01:23
milamberanoninux: -lm is a linking issue, it means you are missing a library. if it doesn't explicitly state which one, it's usually one of the standard ones01:25
anoninuxmilamber: could lm = libm ?01:25
kingofswordshypershock, no unfortualy01:26
kingofswordsill try to get it to crash01:27
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kingofswordshypershock, http://pastebin.com/40iT1pGz bit choppy now in utube01:31
mdelif im dual booting ubuntu and OSX, what's the best way to access the ubuntu (my main) partition in Mac?01:31
milamberanoninux: probably not, but it usually will tell you what library01:31
mdeli know mac can;t yet natively read ext4, but the macfuse situation with Lion is unclear01:31
anoninuxmilamber : thanks a lot really, I'm trying to update this abandoned software http://uazu.net/sbagen/01:32
mdelalternatively, is there a channel for mactel stuff?01:34
milamberanoninux: looks interesting . . . good luck, depending on where you installed it, you may have to run: sudo ldconfig  and update your $PATH01:34
KommaHHow would I go about using tcpdump and wireshark to observe UDP packet rates on a specific port?01:34
hypershockkingofswords: darn, its not helpful, the information is unchanged.01:35
anoninuxmilamber : the apt-get already ran ldconfig for me, and the software it's already working01:36
kingofswordshypershock, yeh didnt seem to...guess ill just have to give in and fresh install01:36
kingofswordshypershock, thx for all ur help though....very much appreiated but gotta call it a nie01:38
HowdyWhy is Ubuntu's Firefox's Flash so laggy?01:39
bkc_Howdy: why is firefox so laggy? ;)01:39
agoreckiWhy the heck does it always /freeze/ when I'm trying to do things?01:39
HowdyIt freezes01:39
bkc_agorecki: what freezes?01:39
agoreckiI think that it has to do with Gtk, since it always seems to be something Gtk-related when it comes "unfreezed"01:40
HowdyFlash player on Firefox.01:40
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HowdyFlash player on Firefox is a bunch of.. ********01:40
agoreckiWhen reorganizing bookmarks, if I drop something into another folder the whole desktop locks01:40
agoreckiUntil the "orange bars" come up... or whatever they are01:40
Howdybkc_: Firefox isn't laggy.01:40
HowdyIt's the flash player.01:41
bkc_Howdy: it's the same plugin for firefox/chrome/opera... so it's definitively firefox if it's only in firefox :)01:41
HowdyChrome's flash runs way better.01:41
HowdyFirefox's flash is very buggy.01:41
HowdyOpera's is OK01:42
Fyodorovnapersonally FF with fasterfox and noscript and a few other plugins runs as fast as any other browser.01:42
kingofswordshypershock, sry i just remebered i got this error msg ages ago....The panel encountered a problem while loading "OAFIID:GNOME_WindowListApplet".01:42
HowdyI've never tried fasterfox.01:42
HowdyOr noscript.01:42
HowdyMaybe I should.01:42
Fyodorovnaadblock as well, cut the scripts running is the idea.01:42
HowdyI'm going to try those.01:43
HowdyI tried some addon for firefox that helps with flash player's bugs but it didn't work very well.01:43
HowdyIs anyone else here using Firefox 12 beta?01:44
v0lksmandoes anyone know if the linux-virtual kernal has a different uname than -server?01:44
FyodorovnaHowdy, I find noscript easiest to use with the buttons added to the tool bar personally, it takes a bit getting used to.01:44
HowdyI don't like buttons like that.01:45
HowdyI think I'll just try out the fasterfox addon then.01:45
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flippo"Key presses repeat when key is held down"   Why does it keep forgetting?01:46
xtjacobhello, I need help with programming GTK in C.01:47
ApocGoDCan anyone running 11.10 Ubuntu give me a suggestion for a good PCI-E video card for games?01:47
ClientAlivedoes anyone know how I can get my window manager to start when the computer boot up?01:48
ultrixxApocGoD: radeon 6850 or 695001:48
cfeddeClientAlive: which distro are you using?01:48
HowdyFasterfox makes Firefox's performance much better.01:48
Howdy(in terms of speed/page loading)01:48
SolarisBoyso does using chrome =)01:48
ApocGoD@ultrixx Thanks, how good are they for gaming?01:49
ClientAliveubuntu 12.04 server (minimal install) then I installed xorg and "awesome" window manager a few min ago.01:49
HowdySolarisBoy: What?01:49
xtjacobI am trying to get data from a field in GTK to be stored in a variable when a button is pressed. When I run it I keep getting an error. Here's my code: http://pastebin.com/xUefq9AV Can someone help me?01:49
escottClientAlive, at the login menu is there an option for an "awesome" desktop01:49
cfeddeClientAlive: the difference between server and desktop is mostly that it defaults to not starting the gui by default.01:49
ultrixxApocGoD: 6950 is VERY good, but expensive01:49
mdelanyone know about mactel, dual booting and such? im wondering what the best setup is to use ubuntu as my primary OS, while still being able to access the data in OSX01:49
LintClientAlive, you need a desktop manager, like gdm01:50
ApocGoD@ultrixx Thanks, know of anything under 100$?01:50
Howdymdel: I think you should just use bootcamp.01:50
ClientAliveI was kinda shooting for very lightweight (no desktop to be sure). If I have to run startx to get the window manager to start, that's fine. Maybe there's a config file somewhere that the system used when it boot's up. I could add a line in that file perhaps?01:51
ultrixxApocGoD: no sorry, but you asked for a good card for gaming^^ how much is 6850?  shouldn't be too far away from 100$01:51
ClientAliveescott: no option at login menu. Login menu is a bash shell   :)01:52
mdelHowdy: booting the OSes is not the issue01:53
mdelits sharing data between them01:53
escottmdel, you can't write to hfs+ unless you turn off journaling on the osx partition. so you probably want to use ntfs or fat01:53
ApocGoD@ultrixx It's about 140$, which isn't bad. I do only have a PCIE x16 tho :(01:53
escottClientAlive, /etc/x11/xsession01:53
mdelescott: there is macfuse to read ext3 on OSX01:54
mdelthat's my best option as far as i can tell, i just wanted to be sure I wasn't missing something01:54
HowdyWell, mdel, for me - when I dual booted, I could share files between my two OSes easily.01:54
ultrixxApocGoD: there isn't anything better than pciex1601:54
ClientAliveescott: I'll check it out. is there something in particular I'd want to put in that file? If I run "startx" from a command line my wm fires up...01:54
ApocGoD@ultrixx It's a 1.0 not a 2.0 though01:55
escottClientAlive, if you dont want to install a display manager then you have to type startx and deal with Xsessions01:55
gmachine_24Interested in encrypting an entire install. I know I can do this on a new install - there is a box to check. Does this install LUKS? I installed TrueCrypt on one computer to encrypt a portion of the hard drive.01:56
escottgmachine_24, the installer has an option for an encrypted home, but i dont think it has a full disk encryption. the alternate installer probably supports full disk through dmcrypt01:57
ClientAliveescott: the more I think about this, the more it makes sense to leave it be that way - all things considered. Thx...01:58
gmachine_24escott, yes, what I've read says I need the alternate install disc, which is no problem. Pardon my lack of knowledge - but does Ubuntu use LVM? I can't tell from what I've read and there is an lvm2 package in the repositories.01:59
ClientAlivewhat command can I type to kill the window manager then?  Just curious.01:59
escottgmachine_24, lvm would also be supported through the alternate installer (the alternate installer is just the debian installer)01:59
gmachine_24kill <windowmanagerpid> ????01:59
HowdyDon't use LVM.02:00
Lintwhy ubuntu console font is so ugly?02:00
gmachine_24escott, should I just install the latest debian os then?02:00
SolarisBoywhats wrong with lvm?02:00
gmachine_24Howdy - you need to say more.02:00
J2So, i'll just jump right in. I had a WUBI set up, and was running it fine. Rebooted back to windows to do some video editing. When i came back, all i get it grub. Can anyone help me fix this?02:00
gmachine_24You can't just say "run for the hills"02:00
ClientAliveI remember killing stuff that way. I don't recall what program I had to run to find the pid. I'll have to look into it again.02:00
Lintit looks like someone took MS DOS fonts and maimed them to avoid lawsuit02:00
gmachine_24ClientAlive "top"02:00
escottgmachine_24, no. its the debian installer and supports all the options the debian installer supports, but it installs ubuntu02:01
ClientAliveright on - thx02:01
Ubuntu_Bandit-2Got my console fonts set to Ubuntu font..02:01
Howdygmachine_24: I once used LVM for Fedora and I couldn't mount the the partition.02:01
gmachine_24escott, ok.02:01
Stanley00Lint: you can change it to what you like02:01
LintStanley00, with what?02:02
gmachine_24Howdy, do you know how many people use Fedora? Perhaps it was a personal problem. :>)02:02
HowdyMaybe, I looked it up and many people had the same problem.02:02
Lintgmachine_24, I hate fedora but still use her sometimes02:02
Stanley00Edit/profile Preferences if you are using Gnome-terminal02:02
ClientAlivewhat is the "old standby" of graphical web browsers? The one that's trusted and respected.02:03
LintOh I mean the real console02:03
LintVT one02:03
Lord-RaydenHi all02:03
Stanley00Lint: oh, my mistake. :(02:03
Ubuntu_Bandit-2edit your .bashrc02:03
escottLint, i think those get compiled into the kernel so its a bit of a pain to switch them, but there are some options02:04
gmachine_24Lint, I've used it on-and-off for a decade or more. It ran SlimServer when Ubuntu choked on it for a couple versions. (Now Logitech's SqueezeCenter). It's had its uses.02:04
Lord-Raydendoes anyone knows good reading source for programming algorithms?02:04
Ubuntu_Bandit-2True, forgot you have to go into the kernel and enable the others to use them.02:04
Linthow to install JWM in ubuntu?02:05
gmachine_24ClientAlive - I don't know. I hate them all about equally now.02:05
gmachine_24ClientAlive - for me it's between Chromium and Opera.02:05
Lord-RaydenLint: sudo apt-get install java02:06
gmachine_24ClientAlive - you can try iceweasel - a recent rendition from the Mozilla org.02:06
escottgmachine_24, why would you recommend iceweasal?!?!?!02:06
escottgmachine_24, why not just use firefox02:06
gmachine_24escott, I did not *recommend* it. I said he could try it. Well, OK, I guess that is a recommendation.02:07
J2Can anyone help?02:07
gmachine_24J2 - what version of Ubuntu?02:08
J211.04 i believe02:08
zykotick9Lord-Rayden: java is no long in gnu/linux distros...02:08
J2.04 or .1002:08
gmachine_24You probably need to do a restore-grub202:08
gmachine_24using a live boot cd02:08
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gmachine_24if you can't get to a command prompt02:08
J2Well, i get to a screen that says grub02:08
gmachine_24J2 - right. If you have flash with downloading isos and what not try SuperGrub2 http://www.supergrubdisk.org/02:09
gmachine_24Sorry - I didn't mean if you have flash. forget that part.02:09
Stanley00J2: did you update while in ubuntu?02:10
J2I don't velieve so. I told it not to02:10
gmachine_24J2 - boot from the CD. You can choose from the options and it will recreate your grub info including windows02:10
gmachine_24I have to do it about every 3 or six months02:10
J2can i burn the disk onto a dvd?02:10
J2Nero kicked me out becacuse it said i needed a CD02:11
Thisguy_Knock knock?02:11
J2I don't have any CDs02:11
sleepycatgmachine_24: isn't iceweasel just firefox stripped of mozilla branding?02:11
gmachine_24J2 - no blank CDs? Yes, I suppose you can write the iso to a DVD as long as your computer will read from a DVD when booting.02:11
zykotick9sleepycat: yes - Debian or GNU's version02:11
Thisguy_Can someone help me with a kind of a complicated problem?02:11
Thisguy_Involving Unetbootin?02:12
J2gmachine_24, it does. Alright, i'll burn it real quick, and be back once i get it booted02:12
LintI installed jwm package but see just an empty screen after logging in02:12
Ubuntu-BanditI used Unetbootin yesterday tomake 1204 to USB02:12
con-manwhat's the console command that lets you kill an app in the gui by clicking on it's window with the mouse pointer?02:12
zykotick9con-man: xkill02:12
gmachine_24Iceweasel is a fork [from Firefox] with the following purpose :02:13
gmachine_24    backporting of security fixes to declared Debian stable version.02:13
gmachine_24    no inclusion of trademarked Mozilla artwork (because of #1 above)02:13
con-manzykotick9, cheers bro02:13
Thisguy_I tried using it on my Hard drive to install Linux without a CD, now I want the Boot Loader gone....02:13
Thisguy_It didn;t install btw02:13
gmachine_24J2 - it should work. Always has for me. Just make sure to get the SuperGrub2 .......02:14
Thisguy_I was able to play with Ubuntu but the install always hung...02:14
Thisguy_Anyway I got a CD now.02:14
Thisguy_Though it refuses to boot from it...02:14
gmachine_24J2 and then buy some CDs.02:14
Thisguy_But I assume it's just not set to02:14
Ubuntu-BanditHmm,, notnsure Unetbootin was the issue. Have you tried redownloading or checking the MD5SUM of the ISO?02:14
Thisguy_And I have that handled if I need to tell it to.02:14
Thisguy_I'm not on the kind of internet I can do that on anymore =l02:15
Thisguy_It usually hangs at "Can't unmoun /cdrom".02:15
J2gmachine_24, how do i use the SuperGRUB? Does it go on the same cd as the Distro?02:15
J2(Sorry, i'm a noob)02:15
Ubuntu-Banditare you one a Windows box or on linux now?02:15
Thisguy_But my internet's also wierd02:16
J2On a Windows Box, trying to fix a linux dual boot.02:16
Ubuntu-BanditThere was a program to check MD5SUM for windows,, ehh forget were to get it though..02:16
Thisguy_Doesn't do this with Linux but I have to proxy through my router -.-02:16
Thisguy_I am slightly confused as to who is talking to who now...02:16
zykotick9Thisguy_: FYI you don't need unetbootin for 11.10 or 12.04 ISO images, they are hybrid cd/usb - so you can use cat to put them onto a USB device02:17
Thisguy_Didn't have a USB either, except my External Hard drive it wouldn't make live bootable.02:17
gmachine_24J2 - no, you download the superGrub2 (not supergrub which is the first version) and burn it to a cd/dvd. then you boot from that cd/dvd and you will have a menu to choose from - one will be to restore grub202:17
Thisguy_I DO have a CD with the ISO mastered on it02:17
Thisguy_Now anyway02:17
gmachine_24J2 - but it needs to go on a previously blank cd/dvd02:18
gmachine_24I also like the Epiphany browser. Very fast. So shoot me.02:18
Thisguy_I've really liked what I've seen in Ubuntu from the apparently-messed-up live-booted session on ubuntu.02:18
Thisguy_I'd love to fix this and get it installed...02:19
Thisguy_What I want to do right now is remove the Boot Loader for Unetbootin.02:19
Ubuntu-BanditHmm try booting from USB again and seeing if there is a repair option. Sorry I cant remember one distro to the next these days..02:20
Thisguy_I'm given no uninstall option =\02:20
Thisguy_I don't have a USB, it's on my HDD inside the laptop...02:20
dniMretsaMThisguy_: what is your problem?02:20
Thisguy_Useless install program, un-boot-from-able CD, random Boot Loader that loads a live session of the OS.02:21
wyldeThisguy_: ...when you used unetbootin, you selected your hard disk as the target disk?02:23
Thisguy_Yeah =\02:23
Thisguy_Bad choiuce in retrospect02:23
wyldeThisguy_: uhhh, that's not how it works...02:23
Thisguy_I noticed =\02:23
Thisguy_Well can you help me? I haven't backed up and I have no Windows CD... I feel like I may be fucked...02:24
bazhangThisguy_, no cursing here02:24
gmachine_24family language02:24
Thisguy_Oh, sorry.02:24
wyldeThisguy_: there's a good chance you killed your partition already by seting it as unetbootin's target disk. You're going to have to find an alternat way to boot to see if you can recover anything.02:25
Thisguy_Windows works.02:25
LintThisguy_, you should contact a specialist to install or remove operating systems02:25
wyldewow, lotsa typos...02:25
doxahi, i'm in need of help02:25
doxabig time02:25
gmachine_24doxa, give us details.02:26
doxahere's the post i put on the forums02:26
doxaand i have a bug report lemme pull it up02:26
Thisguy_I'm on the computer at the moment, Windows works and so does the messed up Ubuntu.02:26
Thisguy_How bad off am I?02:26
Thisguy_Will Ubuntu ever run on my machine now?02:26
wyldeThisguy_: well that's good at least.02:26
ubottuLaunchpad bug 987595 in virtualbox-ose (Ubuntu) "package virtualbox-ose-dkms 3.1.6-dfsg-2ubuntu2 failed to install/upgrade: virtualbox-ose kernel module failed to build" [Undecided,New]02:26
wyldeThisguy_: well not too bad off if you didn't nuke your windows install. Although, for anyone to help you without causing issues is going to take a LOT of explaining and answering questions on your part.02:28
keithisitThisguy_ does your win install partition still exist?02:28
Thisguy_I can do that. I was kind of half... well, watching my language- trained in Windows.02:28
osirisx11hi all can anyone please help me install libpng, i am getting an error on install http://pastebin.com/1YErfH2M02:28
Thisguy_I never messed with its partition manually02:28
Thisguy_Anything done to the partition was Unetbootin's idea02:29
wyldeThisguy_: just remember not to point unetbootin at your hard disk anymore >.<02:29
Thisguy_Well, I did give about 100GB up in a shrink of the Primary partition with all my files in it.02:29
Thisguy_That much is left as free space.02:29
Thisguy_Good idea!02:29
gmachine_24Thisguy, so, you can still run Windows, and Ubuntu? Anyway, since you are running Windows the first thing I would do is to back up your Windows install. You have a special problem if you really don't have a Windows DVD.02:30
keithisitThisguy_ maybe worth backing up and reinstalling windows first over the whole drive then do a new linux install02:30
Thisguy_I don't... don't laugh but even as a sort-of seasoned computer dude I bought form walmart with windows preinstalled.02:30
wyldecould maybe be(or have been) on a hidden partition. Recovery files I mean.02:30
Thisguy_I have one...02:30
gmachine_24Thisguy, what kind of computer is it? HP?02:31
Thisguy_I think and hoipe02:31
Thisguy_Dell =\02:31
keithisitif you're running recent windows you will have hidden partition02:31
J2gmachine_24, superGrub2 couldn't possibly be put on a thumb drive...could it?02:31
gmachine_24J2 - I have no idea.02:31
J2Might as well try i02:31
Thisguy_I would assume not J2... but just a guess02:31
doxaanyone have any ideas?02:31
wyldeThisguy_: I agree completely with gmachine_24  about making a backup.02:31
trismosirisx11: run: sudo apt-get update; that isn't the newest version in the natty repos02:31
gmachine_24Thisguy, you might check the Dell Web pages. When I bought a refurbished HP everyone bashed the idea because it came without an install DVD - but I could buy them from HP online for <$20. You might find the same with Dell.02:32
Thisguy_I have an external hard drive, would backing up on to that just give me this point in time to go back to?02:32
ClientAlivegmachine_24: Apparently I didn't know what I was talking about when I said "graphical" web browser. I tried konqueror and I don't like it. Anyhow, I think i meant text web browser, not graphical.  :)02:32
Thisguy_No canz buys internet stoof02:32
ClientAliveguess there's links and elinks02:32
gmachine_24Thisguy, yes, it's not a 'time machine'02:32
Thisguy_I have no paypal/credit card/potential for a bank account02:32
Thisguy_I thought so.02:32
keithisitThisguy_ you should just back up your personal files and start from scratch02:33
Thisguy_I thought maybe windows would ignore the boot loader for Unetbootin though...02:33
gmachine_24ClientAlive - I have tried several of those. But got tired of them quickly.02:33
Thisguy_Or has windows' vanilla one been over-written?02:33
wyldeThisguy_: only if you install windows over top of it now. Or have a windows disk to repair the mbr02:33
ClientAlive[sigh] yeah, I hear ya'02:33
gmachine_24Thisguy, what version of Windows are you running?02:33
Thisguy_Win 7 SP 1 Home premium02:33
Thisguy_I could get another one for free from the microsoft Alliance but I really want to save that one if at all possible.02:34
keithisittry rebooting and bashing the f keys during BIOS until you get to the windows system loader menu, then you want  to select repair02:34
J2Ububtu 11.10 is 4MB too large for a CD02:34
keithisitI think Dell might be F1102:35
Swurlu need a dvd02:35
Thisguy_Tried the Repair thing. System Restore didn't help.02:35
Thisguy_Well, it DID get rid of that bothersome icon and label it slapped on my C drive.02:35
Thisguy_But that was it...02:35
limpchi, 12.04 still on schedule for final release april 26?02:35
gmachine_24Thisguy, doesn't Dell allow you to create system restore discs?02:35
Thisguy_It does, but I never did =\02:35
gmachine_24Thisguy, well then do it.02:36
Thisguy_I always had planned to...02:36
Thisguy_Would have been smart before playing with OS systems...02:36
gmachine_24Thisguy, now.02:36
Thisguy_Alright, lemme go grab my external hard drive.02:36
Swurlwhats his problem02:36
ClientAlivehey, that's wierd! When I installed konqueror I'm pretty sure it installed nearly 1 GB of stuff (and a but load more than just 1 package). When I do a sudo apt-get remove konqueror it comes back with removing 1 package (konqueror) and only freeing 3.499 kB of space.02:36
Thisguy_Everything, Swurl02:36
gmachine_24Thisguy, dude, you want to create discs AND back up your hard drive.02:37
keithisitahh F8 for Dell, is that what you tried before?02:37
Swurlwhen u install conquere it installed kde as well02:37
limpcClientAlive, if you're using gnome or another wm, it probably installed KDE libs02:37
Thisguy_Noob mode activate!02:37
doxahi, i did something with my kernels screwed it all up while i was trying to get virtualbox installed.02:37
gmachine_24I officially surrender.02:37
ClientAlivenot using gnome, using awesome02:37
doxaand then when i installed virtual box all this stuff crashed02:37
doxai'm using 10.04.4 i have an older laptop02:37
doxasomeone please help me, all i want to do is learn c programming02:38
limpcaws counts as "another wm", ClientAlive02:38
wyldeRun for the hills! We're out numbered! >.>02:38
Swurlwhat problem are u having02:38
ClientAliveI think it install 96 MB but only wants to remove a few MB worth upon removal.02:38
gmachine_24wylde, I know.02:38
limpcClientAlive, sudo apt-get autoremove02:38
doxai have like a million crash reports02:38
limpcor manually remove each lib02:38
Thisguy_I targetted C with unetbootin02:38
Thisguy_Like a derp02:38
gmachine_24please...... not the entire scenario again.02:38
sleepycatanyone know what I would have to do to get "import yaml" to work in python on a pretty vanilla 12.04 system?02:38
ClientAliveI'll look at the man page for that flag02:39
Thisguy_What he said...02:39
Swurlgot a second pc02:39
limpcautoremove IS the flag02:39
gmachine_24limpc, lol02:39
Thisguy_Well, maybe I could access one.02:39
doxawell sorry for bothering you guys, i'll go get help elsewhere02:39
zykotick9sleepycat: try reasking in #ubuntu+1 for 12.04 support (until release day)02:39
Swurlok external hardrive or thumbdrive?02:39
gmachine_24doxa, we would help if we could.02:39
osirisx11hi all can anyone please help me install libpng, i am getting an error on install http://pastebin.com/1YErfH2M02:39
gmachine_24Swurl - we have gone over all this with him already.02:39
doxathen why not say you can't help i mean come on02:40
keithisitThisguy_ you should be able to reset your computer to factory by restarting, and bashing f8 until the 'advanced boot options' menu appears, then select repair your computer02:40
gmachine_24he doesn't want to do what we tell him02:40
ClientAlivethere's apt-get purge too02:40
Swurlok plug youre external harddrive in02:40
trismosirisx11: run: sudo apt-get update; that isn't the newest version in the natty repos02:40
=== J2 is now known as J2|QK
Swurlwhat did you install to c02:40
Thisguy_I guess I could get to backing up the everything02:40
Swurlubuntu i guess02:40
Thisguy_But will that remove the boot loader?02:40
gmachine_24Thisguy_, ya think?02:40
=== optikx is now known as stax
Thisguy_Chill gmachine...02:40
sleepycatzykotick9: I'll try but I think its more specific to me being new to python than anything to do with 12.0402:41
Thisguy_Herp :l02:41
* wylde sneaks out the back door...02:41
keithisitit should give you option you clear all current partitions02:41
gmachine_24Thisguy_, dude you have been here for 45 minutes and we've told you what to do but you won't do it.02:41
ClientAliveoh! So autoremove just cleans up the system? It says it removes dependancies that are no longer needed/ in use02:41
Swurlwhen u boot ure pc02:41
zykotick9sleepycat: doesn't matter, if you need support for anything on 12.04 right now - use #ubuntu+102:41
gmachine_24now you're just wasting space02:41
Thisguy_I understand...02:41
Swurltry instaling ubuntu to youre external hardrive02:41
Thisguy_Sot hen, factory reset being on the table, is there any other option?02:41
sleepycatzykotick9: k thanks02:42
Thisguy_Swurl, tried that, Unetbootin refused it02:42
keithisithaha sorry man, what i mean is it will delete everything first then rewrite a shiny new one02:42
gmachine_24How do I ignore someone please?02:42
zykotick9gmachine_24: /ignore NICKNAME02:42
Swurlthisguy go to #swurl and talk there02:42
wylde /igonre ~!@hostmask02:42
gmachine_24zykotick9, thanks. (great name)02:43
Swurlthisguy goto #swurl02:43
Thisguy_Well that's embarrassing.02:43
wyldewow illiterate fingers tonight >.<02:43
Thisguy_I;ve managed to get mysef ignored =l02:43
Thisguy_On the way02:43
gmachine_24oh....... as in.......... psychotic02:43
Swurlgoto #swurl and we can talk without people trolling us02:43
gmachine_24good luck with that02:44
Lintwhat is update-apt-xapian and why it is stoning my system?02:44
ClientAliveholy crap! I saw something called "rtkit" go by in the list of stuff being removed!! root kit?? what that heck?!02:44
gmachine_24Lint, please define "stoning" for me02:44
escott!info rtkit02:44
ubotturtkit (source: rtkit): Realtime Policy and Watchdog Daemon. In component main, is optional. Version 0.10-1ubuntu1 (oneiric), package size 34 kB, installed size 208 kB02:44
Swurlright, i guess you installed ubuntu to your external hardrive?02:45
trismsleepycat: may investigate python-yaml, it seems to provide an import yaml, there may be others though (and the default json module should be able to read yaml as well)02:45
Linttaking 100% CPU and 100% RAM02:45
ClientAlivesays "-bash: !info: event not found"02:45
SolarisBoyit was to be run in an irc window02:46
ClientAliveubottu: I see. lol. That freaked me out!  :)02:46
ubottuClientAlive: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)02:46
escottLint, xapian is a text search tool. its probably indexing files02:46
naryfaHello, can anybody tell me how to start an application upon system startup in any other way than via startup applications menu? CLI way I guess? I installed gnome shell and guake isn't starting anymore, it did on unity though.02:47
LintI didn´t order it02:47
escottnaryfa, /etc/rc.local02:47
ClientAlive!info rtkit02:47
ubotturtkit (source: rtkit): Realtime Policy and Watchdog Daemon. In component main, is optional. Version 0.10-1ubuntu1 (oneiric), package size 34 kB, installed size 208 kB02:47
naryfaescott: thank you02:47
kryptoni have a question02:47
kryptonnew to linux02:47
SolarisBoyClientAlive: exactly! =)02:47
gmachine_24krypton, state your business02:47
ClientAliveescott: that's way cool   :)02:47
ClientAliveI didn't know that02:47
escottnaryfa, just saw your guake comment. its still gnome-session-properties02:47
ClientAlivewoo hoo!! that's so cool...02:48
escottnaryfa, rc.local is prior to x starting02:48
naryfaescott: it is in gnome-session-properties, and it doesn't start from there02:48
naryfaescott: I see02:48
kryptonis there any other ubuntu other than unity ?02:48
gmachine_24krypton, unity is not a version of ubuntu.02:48
escottnaryfa, it works just fine for me. not sure what your session-properties looks like02:49
escott!nounity | krypton02:49
ubottukrypton: Ubuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic02:49
wyldekrypton: yes, lots of choices.02:49
gmachine_24krypton, but I believe the answer you are searching for is 'yes'02:49
=== J2|QK is now known as J2
wylde!desktop | krypton02:49
ubottukrypton: A desktop environment is what "puts the pieces of a !GUI together". The available desktop environments in Ubuntu are !GNOME (ubuntu-desktop), !KDE (kubuntu-desktop), !Xfce (xubuntu-desktop), IceWM, !Fluxbox, WindowMaker (wmaker), FVWM and others - See also !Flavors02:49
gmachine_24Unity is a relative newcomer02:50
kryptonno i got a laptop02:50
ClientAlive!info kvm02:50
ubottukvm (source: qemu-kvm (0.14.1+noroms-0ubuntu6.2)): dummy transitional package from kvm to qemu-kvm. In component main, is optional. Version 1:84+dfsg-0ubuntu16+0.14.1+noroms+0ubuntu6.2 (oneiric), package size 3 kB, installed size 72 kB02:50
gmachine_24wylde, you rock with those ! things02:50
sleepycattrism: Thanks that was exactly it.02:50
SolarisBoylol - krypton they mean desktop in the manner of the desktop manager02:50
SolarisBoynot desktop vs laptop02:50
J2Ok gmachine_24 im in the live cd. How do I fix the GRUB?02:50
SolarisBoywindow manager really.02:51
gmachine_24J2 - what options does the menu give you?02:51
kryptoni tried debian but 1 it was too hard to install and 2 the people were rude unlike you all who are nice and helpful like the guy when I tried mint02:51
J2gmachine_24: Im in the ubuntu live cd.someone said to use it02:51
wylde!grub | j202:51
ubottuj2: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)02:51
gmachine_24J2 - you need to boot from the SuperGrub2 disc.02:52
kryptoni like mint too but i read its not safe and doesnt have as big as software apps02:52
gmachine_24J2 not the ubuntu disc02:52
SolarisBoykrypton: i think the suggestion was to try a different window manager than unity, like gnome-shell, or classic ubuntu fallback02:52
kryptonok i will try it02:52
LintJ2, create a mount point, bind /dev there, mount your disk there, chroot and install grub02:52
SolarisBoyas it seems your not happy with unity, but unity is not ubuntu it is only the window manager it defaults to now02:52
wyldegmachine_24: you can do it that way, but he'll have to chroot.02:52
gmachine_24wylde, well, no. SuperGrub2 does it all for you.02:52
J2gmachine_24: Is the GRUB what is broken on my install? I may have not been clear what the issue was.02:53
Lintas I side effect, you can get rid of crampiz02:53
limpcanyone know if 12.04 final is still on schedule for april 26?02:53
gmachine_24But, we should give him one thing to try at a time.02:53
Lintlimpc, apparently02:53
wyldegmachine_24: fair enough, just saying it can be done from the live cd :)02:53
kryptonyeah i like unity its just that its too new and seem to have too many bugs in it02:53
limpcok hopefully it is, i really need to reinstall my system02:53
gmachine_24wylde, yes, i mentioned that at first as well. However, when I thought about it the SuperGrub2 repair is easier for newcomers02:53
J2I was running linux through WUBI, and when I rebooted into windows and ba k, I wasmet with a ggnu grub 1.99 screen02:53
naryfaescott: you know what I think it's because I'm on 12.04, I shouldn't have done that and expected it to work flawlessly. I can't even accomplish a simple task as a screenshot lol.02:53
SolarisBoykrypton: so maybe you would want to try gnome-shell (also new) or the classic desktop (gnome-panel installation?).02:53
kryptoni do like ubuntu02:54
limpcbeen upgrading since drapper :)02:54
wyldegmachine_24: I'll have to check that out, sounds like a handy tool02:54
gmachine_24J2 - please just boot from the SuperGrub2 CD/DVD that you burned.02:54
limpcso its a bit quirky02:54
SolarisBoyso you should stay with that OS =), but change window managers.02:54
SolarisBoywhen they did the desktop macro, they were trying to display a subset/list of options you have to pick from krypton02:54
kryptoni am on the ubuntu site but it gives me 1 choice for downloads not genome02:54
SolarisBoykrypton: You can do it without installing a new OS02:55
LintJ2, it´s much worse then02:55
naryfaescott: anyways, my gnome-session-properties entry reads Name: Guake Terminal            Command: guake               Comment: Start Guake Terminal02:55
gmachine_24wylde, I've been using it since the first SuperGrub - they came out with SuperGrub2 and "rescatux" which is another fix-it cd02:55
naryfaescott: so nothing wrong I guess02:55
SolarisBoykrypton: you can simply install a package and apt will handle the dependancies02:55
kryptoni am so new at this im feel like a lost puppy02:55
SolarisBoykrypton: thats ok02:55
J2Lint: Oh no.02:55
escottnaryfa, and ps aux | grep guake doesn't show guake running?02:55
kryptonbut I hate windows more02:55
wyldegmachine_24: I'll definately have a look. Easier than talking someone through chroot fix.02:56
naryfaescott: now it will because I started it manually, it doesn't start on bootup though, I checked02:56
gmachine_24wylde, lol, excactly02:56
gmachine_24exactly, even02:56
escottnaryfa, printscreen should bring up a screenshot app, but if you are having problems you should ask in #ubuntu+102:56
SolarisBoynaryfa: did quake work on unity/class and no longer when you installed gnome-shell?02:56
kryptonhow do you donate money to ubuntu?02:56
SolarisBoykrypton: im sure its on the site somewhere.02:56
naryfaSolarisBoy: correct02:56
naryfaescott: ok, thanks02:57
SolarisBoynaryfa: have you checked the logs for any type of error , or possibly tried starting it from a terminal to debug the output?02:57
keithisitIs there a key combo to cycle through active windows?02:57
kryptonso do i go to software manager to get genome?02:57
wyldegmachine_24: exactly why I point newcomers at tasksel, when they come in looking to install a LAMP server :)02:57
=== R34v3D is now known as R43_afk
naryfaSolarisBoy: I haven't, I will restart my machine and check for logs02:57
wyldekeithisit: alt+tab02:57
gmachine_24wylde, now I need to look up tasksel02:57
SolarisBoynaryfa: you can do that, you can also run quake from a terminal prompt and see if it gives any clues02:58
keithisitmy desktop freaks out when i try that02:58
naryfaSolarisBoy: I run guake manually and it works though. Keep that in mind02:58
wyldegmachine_24:  just throw tasksel in the terminal. You'll see right away :)02:58
SolarisBoynaryfa: interesting02:58
naryfaSolarisBoy: it just doesn't start - up02:58
naryfaSolarisBoy: ok, brb02:58
SolarisBoyyou mean it doesn't become available at startup?02:58
SolarisBoyisn't it just a drop down terminal?02:59
naryfaSolarisBoy: it is, it doesn't load with all other startup applications02:59
gochankotjoin www.prtcom.ru02:59
wyldekeithisit: how so?02:59
SolarisBoydo you have some conflict with the shortcut?02:59
naryfaSolarisBoy: you mean to bring it down?02:59
naryfaSolarisBoy: no, it's F102:59
SolarisBoyok. so the process i assume should be running but isn't?03:00
keithisitwylde: everything disappears except the background for a couple of seconds then comes back without changing windows03:00
keithisitlike it's changing workspaces instead03:00
naryfaSolarisBoy: the process is now running because I started it with Alt+F203:00
gmachine_24The rescatux CD is pretty good, too. It will restore Grub and Grub2 and do a lot of other things.03:00
SolarisBoyi see03:00
naryfaSolarisBoy: it doesn't start on bootup03:00
wyldekeithisit: you didn't change the keybinding at all?03:01
kryptoni can't find what you told me on line oh well i'll try mint again and see if i can beef up its security03:01
naryfaSolarisBoy: ok, I'll be back,03:01
keithisitwylde: not that i recall, which menu should i investigate?03:01
gmachine_24wylde, tasksel wasn't install so I installed it. LOL, you're right - what could be simpler?03:01
wylde!flavors | krypton03:01
ubottukrypton: !Kubuntu and !Xubuntu are simply flavors of Ubuntu that come with KDE and Xfce (respectively) installed as default, instead of GNOME. Other specialized flavors of Ubuntu include !Edubuntu, Ubuntu !Studio,  !Mythbuntu, and !Lubuntu03:01
SolarisBoykrypton: the package names are gnome-panel (for the old style) or gnome-shell (for something else)03:01
DaZinstead of gnome <:03:02
wyldegmachine_24: :)03:02
wyldekeithisit: moment, sorry03:02
kryptoni do not like those it was either ubuntu , mint, or opensure03:02
kryptondebian was nasty and the people rude they told me to go for the stupid distros for dumb people03:03
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kryptonon the debian chat03:03
wyldekeithisit: which version of ubuntu are you on?03:03
Lintdistros for dumb people?03:03
keithisitwylde: 11.1003:04
wyldefunny that sounds like the slackware crowd back in the day ....>.>03:04
keithisitunity ftw lol03:04
wyldeok System Settings > Keyboard > Shortcuts Tab03:05
smwkeithisit, may unity burn in the pits of hell!03:05
kryptonwell they made be feel very unwelcome so I gave up on debian03:05
SolarisBoyi like unity =(03:05
SolarisBoykrypton: good job!03:05
kryptonwhy are they so rude?03:05
keithisitsmw: it's doing a good job of getting there :)03:05
CoreyLet's keep this support-focused; we're not an advocacy channel. :-)03:05
kryptonthe debian guys?03:05
naryfaSolarisBoy: nope, didn't startup03:05
Lintbecause they are beggars03:05
smwkeithisit, lol03:05
naryfaSolarisBoy:  1871 pts/0    S+     0:00 grep --color=auto guake03:05
Coreykrypton: What's your support question?03:05
SolarisBoynaryfa: maybe you can try to collect some details on the job and redirect it to a log on start up so you can get an idea of whats going on?03:06
kryptonoh just the one i ask before and do not know were to get that stuff to change it from unity to genome03:06
naryfaSolarisBoy: how do I do that?03:06
kryptonbut i found a youtube video03:06
keithisitwylde: chur it's still set to alt + tab, i shall try a different key combo and report back03:06
SolarisBoyim not sure how much you can modify those startup jobs but maybe you can prepend it with strace and append > /var/log/quake_start.log 2>&103:07
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wyldekeithisit: alrighty03:07
smwkeithisit, I found a good assortment of extensions to make gnome-shell usable. But it still has serious issues I can't easily address.03:07
escott krypton, sudo apt-get install gnome-shell; logout and select gnome session from the lightdm menu (after you put your username in)03:07
SolarisBoymaybe someone else can verify if that should work or not03:07
CoreySolarisBoy: I think you want to use strace's output flag.03:07
SolarisBoyCorey: good one03:07
naryfaSolarisBoy: oh boy, that's magic to me03:07
CoreyIt's cleaner, and you don't have to worry about trapping STDERR.03:07
kryptonoh ok i got it thanks!03:07
SolarisBoy-o /var/log/quake.log03:07
SolarisBoystrace -o /var/log/quake.log quake03:08
Lintwhich application customizes gnome apparance in old ubuntu?03:08
MrKeunerhello, any Ubuntu users playing with arduino out there? I am having trouble to get my sketches uploaded to arduino. I get "unable to enumerate USB device on port" error and no /dev/ node is created for the serial connection03:08
SolarisBoynaryfa: but you would want to make that your startup line, so you get it when the issue is occuring03:09
J2gmachine_24: In superGRUMPB03:09
J2Now what am I looking for?03:09
SolarisBoyand there may be some clue in that output as to what the issue is,, youll need to carefully look through it if it can't find some library or such03:09
naryfaSolarisBoy: I entered it into the terminal and guake started03:09
SolarisBoynaryfa: thats what we expected no? the issue you want to trace is startup03:09
SolarisBoynaryfa: so adjust your startup command to be that command posted last, and reboot03:10
SolarisBoythen either check that log or pastie it so someone can review and hopefully help out more03:10
naryfaSolarisBoy: I see, brb then03:10
xufanhow to use irc transfer files03:10
SolarisBoynaryfa: lets see the line before you go.. just in case03:10
SolarisBoyto not waste time otherwise =)03:10
naryfaSolarisBoy:  sudo strace -o /var/log/guake.log guake03:11
MrKeunerhow can I tell ubuntu to load ehci-hcd before it loads uhci-hcd?03:11
Swurlsee thisguys problem was solved03:11
gmachine_24J2 - click on the separate window so we can talk without using up the main window03:11
SolarisBoybetter probably to sudo su <your user> -c 'command'03:11
J2Sounds good03:12
SolarisBoythis way you don't start quake as root, which i dont think is the case generally03:12
naryfaSolarisBoy: how about gksudo03:12
naryfaSolarisBoy: I see03:12
SolarisBoyheh i guess,, i think you need to use su though03:12
SolarisBoynot sure how gksudo/su react to each other03:12
SolarisBoyalso,, i would wonder if you have some password enabled and can't sudo without prompt03:13
SolarisBoyis there any options in quake for debugging enabling in output?03:13
naryfaSolarisBoy: I can sudo without password, is that what you're asking about?03:13
naryfaSolarisBoy: I always sudo visudo with NOPASSWD, I hate that password shit03:14
SolarisBoyim glad your using visudo in any regards =)03:14
Stanley001xufan: it's not ubuntu related, but try /send nick <file>03:15
SolarisBoyi hate pswd prompting atleast in my home where i know no one is touching my desktop,, unless its my cat03:15
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naryfaSolarisBoy:  lol03:15
naryfaSolarisBoy:  su laptop strace -o /var/log/guake.log guake ?03:15
SolarisBoysudo strace su <user> -c 'guake'03:16
SolarisBoyhmm.. with the strace options inclusive .. sorry03:17
SolarisBoyits late =(03:17
naryfaSolarisBoy: I'm confused now, please write the whole line03:17
naryfaSolarisBoy: as it should be03:17
SolarisBoysudo strace -o /var/log/quake_start.log su laptop -c 'quake'03:18
SolarisBoyassuming 'laptop' is the username03:18
naryfaSolarisBoy: yes03:18
SolarisBoyok so thats the command03:18
naryfaSolarisBoy: ok, now reboot, brb03:19
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naryfaSolarisBoy: so what now03:24
naryfacheck the log?03:24
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SolarisBoynaryfa: if its there and populated, take your time looking through it, if there is a obvious error you should see it, be wary of directory/file not found as it traverses your $PATH entries, those are somewhat normal03:25
naryfaSolarisBoy: let me see03:25
naryfaSolarisBoy: that thing has almost 13 thousand lines03:26
naryfa12590 exactly03:26
SolarisBoynaryfa: thats not surprising at all03:26
SolarisBoynaryfa: there are filters you can use to slim it up, but in this case, we dont know what the issue is so better to have it all03:27
SolarisBoynaryfa: some clever usage of grep and negation will help you03:27
naryfaSolarisBoy: Jesus, it will take me forever, and I don't even know what to look for03:27
SolarisBoynaryfa: ^^03:27
naryfaSolarisBoy: what's that? : read(7, "timeError(\"Refusing to create an"..., 4096) = 304903:28
SolarisBoyan error that looks like it may be relevant..03:28
SolarisBoybut its hard to tell from one line..03:28
SolarisBoyas stated.. grep is your friend here.. and time..03:28
naryfaSolarisBoy: laptop@ubuntu:/var/log$ cat guake.log | grep error03:29
naryfaread(6, "error, \"unterminated name\"\n     "..., 4096) = 409603:29
naryfaread(4, "ing)(errors, **kwargs)\n    for i"..., 4096) = 249803:29
naryfaread(5, "sys.exit() with an error message"..., 4096) = 409603:29
naryfaopen("/lib/i386-linux-gnu/libgpg-error.so.0", O_RDONLY|O_CLOEXEC) = 603:29
naryfaread(12, "= warning\n\n    def error(self, m"..., 4096) = 409603:29
naryfaread(11, 0xa0cbee8, 8176)               = -1 EIO (Input/output error)03:29
FloodBot1naryfa: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.03:29
SolarisBoyi kind of saw that coming... i did mention pastie earlier though...03:30
SolarisBoyi feel guilty somehow03:30
naryfamy bad03:30
naryfaSolarisBoy: it says IO Error, is that the case?03:31
Thisguy__Hey swurl. Still there?03:31
Thisguy__May we return to your channel please? I can;t boot from that drive03:31
naryfaSolarisBoy: no?03:33
SolarisBoynaryfa: one second.. looking something up for you..03:34
naryfaSolarisBoy: ok, I'm sorry03:34
SolarisBoyits ok =)03:35
SolarisBoyyea its python03:36
patr|ck_hello. my ubuntu 10.04 is acting all mysterious. on 1 machine it allows me to build lazarus-ide from source, on the other not.03:36
SolarisBoyit looks like its exiting out but not really reporting why.. sorry that im vague,, but atleast you can confrim thats the case...03:36
patr|ck_i need a bug information collector :P03:36
gmachine_24wylde are you still here?03:36
patr|ck_i wanna nail this bug down by myself but cant d it alone :P03:37
wyldegmachine_24: semi-here yes :)03:37
gmachine_24wylde, ok just give me a minute here.........03:37
naryfaSolarisBoy: hmmm, so should I do something to Python? Sounds like a story from zoo03:37
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SolarisBoynaryfa: read(6, "error, \"unterminated name\"\n     "..., 4096) = 4096 it seems it hits this error in the python code before sys.exit is called (gracefully one would say) from python03:38
SolarisBoynaryfa: not sure if changing python is wise yet,, did something change with it and the update? or some dependant library?03:38
SolarisBoymaybe if you look deeper into what script it actually calls,, grep for that error, you will see the condition it is raised under03:39
SolarisBoyand then you can look into what makes that condition true at bootup but not once boot is complete03:39
SolarisBoynaryfa: you can also google this and see if it is common03:40
patr|ck_so far i have collected similarities. on both ubuntu 10.04 machines i had a new install, clean. i had "apt-get install lazarus-ide" and i downloaded and installed fpc 2.6.0 from the freepascal website and i had a subversion "co" of the latest lazarus source03:40
patr|ck_in 1 case it failed due to missing pixbuf dependencies03:40
patr|ck_but why?03:40
=== Jacky is now known as jalcine
naryfaSolarisBoy: but how come does guake start when called for from Alt+F2?03:41
SolarisBoyi dont know03:41
SolarisBoybut thats not the issue, or atleast your not seeing it that way03:41
naryfaSolarisBoy: I guess I'm too dumb in this field.03:41
Swurl1can celeron m run 64-bit03:42
SolarisBoythe issue is why is the python script (quake) exiting at startup but not once you system is booted03:42
SolarisBoynaryfa: maybe it depends on something that is not available at the time it's being brought up?03:42
naryfaSolarisBoy: can I delay the startup ?03:42
SolarisBoymaybe it is not compatible with gnome-shell?03:42
SolarisBoynaryfa: i was actually going to say try that,, but it would be like "random" and it may not do anything at all03:43
Thisguy_Swurl! Ir works <303:43
Thisguy_I love you man03:43
Thisguy_It's installing nao <303:43
naryfaSolarisBoy: let's delay it for 10s, what would be the spell?03:43
Thisguy_Tell the fellow that ignored me that I'm sorry I was of so little help to him ;)03:43
Swurl1you are running irc on ubuntu?03:43
SolarisBoy'sleep 10; guake' in startup03:43
Thisguy_Yerp <3 <303:43
profxavierim trying to scp to my Ubuntu system, from OSX03:44
SolarisBoyjust inside the quotes naryfa03:44
profxaviermy folder has permi: root root 75503:44
Thisguy_Just a couple minutes keft03:44
Swurl1profxavier: i can help03:44
naryfaSolarisBoy: Ok, let me reboot, let's see.03:44
SolarisBoychown it back to your perms if its yours (as root or priv account)03:44
profxavierhow can I copy to my dir, if my user can only do sudo su, so its a member of su ?03:44
SolarisBoyi think rsync has an option to call sudo on the remote end03:45
profxavierSolarisBoy, are you replying to me ?03:45
Thisguy_Is there a karma/point system i can bump you up on, Swurl?03:45
SolarisBoysort of03:45
Thisguy_Or a rewards system i can be a part of?03:45
Swurl1not really03:45
Swurl1ahh well03:46
Thisguy_Well you have my most sincere gratitude, you profession pro you ;)03:46
Thisguy_Didn't get o thank him.03:46
kantlivelonghow can i add just a single modeline to my xorg?03:46
profxavierSolarisBoy, could you sort of supply me with the command and flags? an example perhaps ?03:46
SolarisBoyprofxavier: http://crashingdaily.wordpress.com/2007/06/29/rsync-and-sudo-over-ssh/03:47
SolarisBoyprofxavier: sorry if you took that the wrong way, i was saying i didn't recall it so i was more so speaking in general that @ you03:48
SolarisBoybut i found the article quickly no worries - your welcome03:48
profxavieryes, thanks03:48
SolarisBoyprofxavier: your going to need NOPASSWD set in sudo it seems..03:48
profxavieryeah, on first glance03:49
profxavieri think ill just change the permissions on the remote server, for a moment03:49
profxavierand just complete the scp and change them back03:49
SolarisBoyprofxavier: should they actually be owned by root?03:49
SolarisBoyand also "yours" as in under your $HOME?03:49
profxavierits root root, with 75503:50
profxavierits /var/www03:50
SolarisBoythats normal for a dir03:50
profxaviersorry, i have to run03:50
SolarisBoyhmm ok..03:50
SolarisBoywell normal for a directory in that location atleast..03:51
RexHaviKkantlivelong, hey, would the how-to help? worked for me03:51
Thisguy_Hey, dudes who were helping me earlier. If you're on, thanks for dealing with me!03:51
Linthow to limit a memory  cache size?03:51
kantlivelongRexHaviK: possibly.. i just need to add 800x40003:51
SolarisBoyif you change that you may temporarily cause a security hole in apache in making your user own the web root,, assuming apche is running and being used for anything03:51
wyldeprofxavier: you shouldn't need to change perms to copy, not at 0755. That's world readable.03:51
SolarisBoyalso true03:51
SolarisBoybut its by root only03:52
SolarisBoyahh nm...03:52
wyldeto write it is :)03:52
RexHaviKkantlivelong, you would think that one as there by default, brb with the link03:52
SolarisBoyright lolz03:52
SolarisBoyyou can copy what you need into /tmp or something maybe03:53
wyldeheck, if it's on a webserver you could make a list of the filenames and throw a curl script together to grab them all over http. Provided there's no files hiding in a directory that isn't accessible from http.03:53
SolarisBoylol yea03:53
SolarisBoyor no http sec enabled or any other weirdness03:53
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wyldelots of fun way to do things :)03:54
SolarisBoyi was going to say if they are flat files, you can even pipe them over ssh and just let sudo cat receive them and write them out03:54
SolarisBoywell text files.. sorry03:54
naryfaSolarisBoy: nope03:54
SolarisBoynaryfa: hmph03:54
naryfaSolarisBoy: Ok, no worries, I thank you for the time you sacrificed here for me.03:55
SolarisBoynaryfa: well that wasn't really any type of good solution anyway the sleep thing03:55
SolarisBoynaryfa: no worries03:55
RexHaviKkantlivelong, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution#Adding_undetected_resolutions03:55
SolarisBoynaryfa: save your log. if you find its a legitimate issue, maybe you can use it to file a report with the guake team03:55
naryfaSolarisBoy: I know, I just hung upon that thing where you said it maybe depended on something that started up later.03:55
naryfaSolarisBoy: I will03:55
SolarisBoynaryfa: that still may be the case03:56
SolarisBoynaryfa: sometimes sleep won't cut it,, especially with upstart and such starting things asynch03:56
ubottuUbuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic03:56
SolarisBoywho knows what quake is looking for at that time of startup...03:56
ubottuCookies are delicious delicacies.03:56
naryfaSolarisBoy: where did you learn all that stuff?03:59
SolarisBoynaryfa: been an admin/engineer for a few years, now i automate these things04:01
SolarisBoyjust muscle memory i guess =)04:01
naryfaSolarisBoy: lol, maybe, you're good though04:01
rinzlerSound from firefox not getting to sound card. I hear the bubble popping when changing volume, but no audio. any ideas?04:01
gmachine_24wylde, we finally got J2 up and running04:01
SolarisBoynaryfa: thanks a lot ;>04:02
naryfaSolarisBoy: I should be thanking you.04:02
wyldegmachine_24: woot04:02
SolarisBoylol - your issue isn't fixed =(04:02
gmachine_24wylde, yeah, he just wrote: "I can't believe you fixed my old install."04:03
gmachine_24it's kind of funny04:03
naryfaSolarisBoy: I'll find another terminal that will work, I think terminator can do slide down too...04:03
wyldegmachine_24: lol, good stuff. Lots think a reinstall is a forgone comclusion.04:03
wyldebloody illiterate fingers04:03
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SolarisBoynaryfa: im sure there are alternatives,, terminator is my fav at the moment it doesn't do slide down, i swear i recall some drawn out process of making it seem like it did though,, thats most likely invalidated by unity/gnome-shell (this was back in the day)04:04
gmachine_24wylde, yeah. we found the grub.cfg file and then supergrub2 allowed us to boot to the ubuntu desktop and then just ran a terminal sudo grub-install /dev/sda and that was it04:04
naryfaSolarisBoy: aaah, I see04:04
SolarisBoynaryfa: another thing you can try is to look for an updated package or such like check your version and see if the dev's have a later stable version with bug fixes etc04:05
naryfaSolarisBoy: let me do that now04:06
wyldegmachine_24: nice. I've had to use the chroot fix a few times. Explainig it over irc is a different thing though heh.04:06
gmachine_24My work here is done. Anakin, may the force be with you.04:07
naryfaSolarisBoy: is there a shortcut "about" kind of thing in terminal I can run to look at any application that's installed? Or do I have to do apt-cache?04:07
naryfaSolarisBoy: apt-cache show04:08
naryfaSolarisBoy: worked lol04:08
Wiltis this the right place for 12.04 server questions?04:09
EvilResistanceWilt:  not really, #ubuntu+1 would probably be better04:09
EvilResistance!12.04 | Wilt04:09
ubottuWilt: Ubuntu 12.04 LTS (Precise Pangolin) is the 16th release of Ubuntu and is in Beta testing from 2nd March, Discussion and support until final release in #ubuntu+104:09
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Flynn58hi, I was wondering if you could offer me some tech support with ubuntu04:11
dr_willisstate the issue and see...04:11
Flynn58I created a usb install for it on my mac, but the drive is now unreadable04:11
Flynn58I can't boot from it, and i've tried redoing the ccreation04:12
dr_willisunreadable by what.04:12
Flynn58my mac04:12
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dr_willishow did you make it?04:12
Flynn58when I hold alt at boot up, I cannot select my USB drive04:12
SolarisBoyapt-cache policy also will show info about it on your system04:12
SolarisBoynaryfa: ^^04:12
naryfaSolarisBoy: awesome04:13
Flynn58I used the usb tutorial on ubuntu.com04:13
rinzlerSound from firefox not getting to sound card. I hear the bubble popping when changing volume, but no audio. any ideas?04:13
SolarisBoyrinzler: you wouldn't have the volume down in whatever player your listening to would you?04:13
naryfaSolarisBoy: can I somehow return the favor for your help?04:14
Flynn58I used the tutorial from ubuntu.com to make a USB install drive04:14
Flynn58check it out in downloads04:14
dr_willisFlynn58:  theremay be some alternative guides and tools at the 'pendrivelinux' web site. i dont have any mac hardware, so no idea how the details differ04:14
SolarisBoynaryfa: nah - im used to support and stuff no sweat at all - i fear to say i like to help people?04:14
Flynn58Here's a link: http://www.ubuntu.com/download/ubuntu/download04:14
rinzlerSolarisBoy: uhm... no.04:14
SevithWhat is a good tool to encrypt file systems?04:14
SolarisBoyespecially when they are understanding/pleasant =)04:14
SolarisBoyrinzler: ok np - just a stab04:14
ubottuFor information on setting up encrypted private directories (8.10+) see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EncryptedPrivateDirectory04:15
naryfalibconfuse....      not that I want to laugh, but it's very descriptive library04:19
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Wilthey, what was the channel you said again?04:20
Wiltnm, see it in motd, thanks04:21
naryfaSolarisBoy: I installed tilda terminal, let's see if this one will startup , brb04:22
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naryfaSolarisBoy: this one works perfectly04:29
swampthingI'm a total noob can someone tell me how to change my scrn name04:52
AthanasiusWhelp. Been using 10.04LTS on my MBP for forever now. Still dreading the day I have to upgrade this laptop..... but, I have another computer on which I need to run a clean install, so tomorrow I get to see what Ubuntu 12.04 looks like, and how well it runs on an Asus EEE 1000H laptop >_<04:52
Athanasiusswampthing: on IRC? Or on Ubuntu?04:53
swampthinglol. I thought ubuntu WAS on IRC04:53
erisianmonk23175hello all04:53
Linthow to limit a memory  cache size?04:53
erisianmonk23175I have a small problem04:53
swampthinghello erisian04:54
erisianmonk23175hello Swamp04:54
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swampthingAthanasius: what's the difference?04:55
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delinquentme_how does one check whats taking up processing in my linux instance?05:00
soreaudelinquentme_: top05:01
brandonc503how do i get to the terminal in latest ubuntu?05:02
delinquentme_what is Xorg05:02
brandonc503http://i43.tinypic.com/2j2e0bl.png having issue05:02
delinquentme_brandonc503, you culd try ctrl + alt + c05:02
cruztofdelinquentme_: use top05:02
erisianmonk23175my monitor on my laptop has gone into some sort of permanent sleep-mode/f-up I don't know but can work around. I can access and sign on to an Ubuntu session using my external monitor, and have had it set as my main monitor in Ubuntu before. For whatever reason, the laptop is defaulting to the laptop as my main monitor, so I have no means of accessing the monitor settings as all of the toolbars and such are on the "main" monitor....h05:02
soreaudelinquentme_: Xorg is the graphical display server05:02
delinquentme_brandonc503, you culd try ctrl + alt + t sorry05:02
erisianmonk23175so try and get a xterm or whatever sesh and edit my xorg.conf?05:03
gametstris there any way to use the legacy ati proprietary drivers in the latest releases?05:05
kantlivelonganyone know why suspend doesnt work :(? i tried pm_trace and it gives me nothing05:05
soreauerisianmonk23175: You can move windows with alt+drag and xrandr can be used to control outputs/modes with most drivers05:05
gametstrkantlivelong, i believe its an issue with graphic drivers05:05
kantlivelonggametstr: i removed nearly every kernel module05:05
kantlivelongusing pm_trace never sets a value in the RTC05:06
gametstrkantlivelong: u may need to have the latest drivers for your gpu05:07
dfasdcan anyone tell me how to install ubuntu with USB flash drive05:08
dfasdi have ISO file already05:08
cruztofdfasd: use the startup disk creator in ubuntu05:09
dfasdcruztof: where i can found it? does it work properly as normal installation like cd05:10
dr_willisstartup disk creator - puts the iso file on a usb making a live-usb just like the cd works05:11
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dr_willisit can make a persistant save file also05:11
gametstrdfasd: google universal usb installer05:11
dr_willisthe pendrivelinux site has alternative tools that do a similer job.05:12
Lintwhere´s the shutdown button in ONEIRIC lofin screen?05:12
kantlivelonggametstr: i have.. i tried removing all modules.. nothing works05:12
dfasdgametstr dr_willis which one should i use?05:12
dfasdstartup one or universal one?05:12
dr_willisdfasd:  try one.. if it works... good... if not move to another05:13
dr_willisi never use the atartup disk creator tool.05:13
cruztofdfasd: under ur system menu u'll find the startup disk creator05:13
dr_willisi tend to use the tools that setup grub2 to boot iso files.05:13
cruztofdfasd: does the job!05:13
gametstrdfasd: I have personally used universal usb installer many times and it works05:14
gametstrits up to u05:14
DrManhattanI have a 12.04 box without a gui installed. I would like to install virtualbox and set up a windows XP headless  vm with usb passthrough. Where can I find a howto for this?05:14
dfasdgametstr: ok and is it possible to install Ubuntu along side with Win7?05:15
aeon-ltddfasd: yes, it's called dual booting05:15
Sevithdfasd, yes thats how i run, with windows 7 and ubuntu 1205:15
blendedbychrisI'm getting Failed to fetch http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/lucide/main/source/Sources.gz  404  Not Found [IP: 80]05:15
dfasdaeon-ltd Sevith : how to do that? is there have any separate option?05:16
blendedbychrisoh dur05:16
dr_willisheh.. i was going to mention that typo....05:16
cruztofblendedbychris: clean ur packages05:16
ubottuUbuntu 10.04 LTS (Lucid Lynx) was the twelfth release of Ubuntu. Download http://releases.ubuntu.com/10.04/ - Release Info: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/1004 - Supported until April 2013 (Desktop), April 2015 (Server)05:16
Sevithdfasd, When you install it should pick up your windows installation05:16
gametstrdfasd: yes it is.. thats what I am doing right now..05:17
KM0201dual booting is a pretty simple process with Ubuntu, google will probably turn up approximately 1 gazillion hits05:18
gametstrdfasd: u might want to use wubi if u want to safely uninstall / remove ubuntu05:18
dr_willis'over 9000!'05:19
KM0201gameid: wubi is a mess, i would not recommend that05:19
KM0201gametstr: oops05:19
dr_willisid suggest playing with linux in vbox over using wubi..05:19
* KM0201 agrees with dr_willis 05:19
KM0201i'd suggest throwing yourself down a flight of stairs, before using wubi05:19
cfeddehere's another vote for the vbox method.05:19
SevithKM0201, Agreed.05:19
cruztofdr_willis: good point05:19
Sevithlinux + vbox win705:20
gametstrKM0201: i guess, but i think its a good starting point for newbies05:20
wyldewubi needs to be un-invented!05:20
dfasdThanks guys05:20
dr_willisi think wubi was to be removed from the 12.04 release/cd05:20
KM0201gametstr: if everything works... the problem is, when something goes wrong, it is EXTREMELY difficult to save both OS's, in a traditional dual boot, usually you're only gonna hose 1 OS... and one of them should generally be bootable05:20
dr_willisnot ssure if it happened or not yet,05:20
KM0201dr_willis: i hope so05:21
Striking7Hey everyone - I have done some googling and couldn't find the solution I'm looking for. I have a 1 button mouse and would like to be able to right click with ctrl+click.05:21
Striking7Could anyone tell me how to do that?05:21
Striking7Using pinguy 11.04, a derivative of Ubuntu 11.0405:21
KM0201Striking7: hmm, a 1 button mouse?05:21
dr_willisa mac mouse?05:21
Striking7KM0201: Yep. It's an old Mac mouse.05:21
dr_willison a mac? :)05:22
Striking7dr_willis: you got it.05:22
Stanley00Striking7: well, how about hold left button for a while to do right click?05:22
KM0201my suggestion, go to best buy and spend $15 on a 2 button USB optical mouse05:22
gametstrmy question has been ignored so once again.. is there any way to use the legacy ati proprietary drivers in the latest releases?05:22
Striking7Stanley00: I looked into that but then my ability to drag+drop would be hindered, wouldn't it?05:22
KM0201gametstr: not familiar with ati, sorry...05:22
dr_willisgametstr:  you could download the older .run file and try to install it..,  it might work.. but i wouldent have high hopes on it.05:23
Stanley00Striking7: it's counted as drag when you hold and move.05:23
Striking7gametstr: I've used them since 5.04, but I haven't had an ATI card in about a year, so I can't help you with the latest release :(05:23
gametstrdr_willis: tried that it wouldn't work05:23
dr_willisgametstr:  i would guess the answer is no then.05:23
Striking7Stanley00: ok, that's not so bad. How long do you have to hold? I'm also concerned it'd interfere with aming05:23
KM0201i take it the standard "generic" VGA driver doesn't work?05:24
gametstrcant remember what it turned up with..05:24
sil3nt|warri0rhi frnds05:24
Sevithbahah 16gb ram >.<05:24
Striking7gametstr: how experienced are you with Linux? Using the old .run file technique has a *ton* of places it can go wrong even if it will work when you get it right05:24
* Striking7 high-fives Sevith05:25
gametstrStriking7: ahh.. KM0201: the open source drivers work but my laptop runs about 15degress hotter than in windows05:25
sil3nt|warri0rtrying to install ubuntu and btv5 on same 16gb pendrive, so is it ok to give 10gb to ubuntu and rest to btv5 ?05:25
Lintwhere´s the shutdown button in ONEIRIC lofin screen?05:25
KM0201gametstr: what makes you think that has to do w/ ATI drivers?05:25
dr_willisthere might be some ppas out with older drivers. but even then  the old drivers may not work with the newer X or kernel  versions05:25
Striking7sil3nt|warri0r: Last I checked BT5 really wants 8 gigs, doesn't it?05:25
Stanley00gametstr: did you try Additonal driver?05:25
sil3nt|warri0rStriking7: not sure..lemme chk..05:26
gametstrStriking7: actually I am a noob.. it said that the kernel is not supported or something05:26
gametstrStanley00: yes.. it dint show up anything05:26
Striking7gametstr: dr_willis has a point.  Also I hate to be the bearer of bad news but the proprietary ATI drivers for Linux have been pretty bad compared to the Windows counterpart too05:26
Striking7gametstr: they may not fix the heat issue either :(05:27
dr_willisthe open sourced ati drivers have been getting better. ;)05:27
erisianmonk23175Got a mission here....I need to switch my external monitor to being my main monitor.....from an xterm sesh05:27
Lintopensource ati drivers are unusable05:27
Stanley00gametstr: make sure you enabled multiverse and universe in apt source first05:28
gametstri been reading the same05:28
dr_willisdepeds on your system and chipset i imagine05:28
Striking7gametstr: shoot... the .run method was pretty tough to get running when it *did* support the kernel. You may have to wait until AMD releases a new version of the driver. :(05:28
mawkishnessWho knows why the ibus can't be used in the newest official packages of qtcreater,but other qt progrm is nomal.my system is ubuntu 11.1005:28
KM0201gametstr: which ATI device is it anyway?... and again, how do you know the ATI driver will fix your heat problem? (i'm willing to bet this is a CPU fan issue, more than a GPU issue)05:28
gametstrStriking7: actually amd stopped support for my card (mobility X2300) back in 200905:28
dr_williserisianmonk23175:  there are command line xrand tools i recall05:28
undeclaredxI setup ZFS using the zfs-stable PPA / ubuntu-zfs package.  It's EXTREMELY EXTREMELY slow.  Would anyone know how I could potentially benchmark the disk performance and/or find the issue?05:28
KM0201undeclaredx: ZFS is still very experimental in Linux05:29
Striking7erisianmonk23175: It has to be possible, but you may have to do some xorg.conf editing followed by a service gdm restart05:29
undeclaredxKM0201: aka it's normal to be this slow?05:29
KM0201undeclaredx: how much ram do you have vs how much hard drive space?05:29
undeclaredx8 gigs of ram, and 4 2TB drives05:29
gametstrStanley00: no idea what those are..05:29
undeclaredxThey are 5400/5900rpm drives, but ZFS is supposedly fine on that05:29
KM0201hmm... that should be enough.05:29
Linthow to limit a memory  cache size?05:29
erisianmonk23175gdm restart?05:30
Jordan_ULint: What is your actual end goal?05:30
Lintto stop paging05:30
undeclaredxaccording to iostat, each drive is like 940 kB_read/s, and 1700 kB_wrtn/s05:31
LintI have 90 MB free but stuff is still put into pagefile05:31
Striking7gametstr: http://askubuntu.com/questions/89096/how-do-i-enable-the-multiverse-repository05:31
sil3nt|warri0rStriking7: hmm. its looks like u right .. so wat shld i do ? cant sual install bt with ubuntu :(05:31
undeclaredxit should be mountains faster05:31
Jordan_ULint: Then you probably want to change the swappiness.05:31
undeclaredxadd 2 zeros, faster05:31
dr_willissil3nt|warri0r:  you can set up grub2 to boot the iso files ;) but then its a live-cd setup05:31
undeclaredxat this point, I might consider getting rid of the raid, it's not even as fast as one drive05:32
Striking7undeclaredx: That is definitely a misconfiguration or bug, f'sho05:32
Stanley00gametstr:I mean  opening the Software Sources, and enable universe and multiverse  in Ubuntu Software tab.05:32
Lintchange what where to what?05:32
undeclaredxit's supposed to be a 4 drive raid z, I DID lose 2 tb of space (as expected, for redundancy)... so..05:32
Striking7sil3nt|warri0r: I hate to be a naysayer, but you may not be able to do it all on the same 16gig drive :(05:32
sil3nt|warri0rdr_willis: need to boot frm da pendrive intself05:33
sil3nt|warri0rStriking7: hmm..:-(05:33
gametstrI know catalyst 9.3 supports my  card (mobility x2300)  and also know they would work with releases older than 9.0405:33
dr_willissil3nt|warri0r:  you can instll ubuntu to the pendrive. then set the bt iso to boot from the grub menu as an extra option..05:33
Striking7undeclaredx: dr_willis's suggestion is true. Just keep in mind you'll need lots of ram to make that very functional. You can always mount your /home from another partition too, so you can have persistent settings and files if you do the livecd .iso route05:34
dr_willisunless you justgg have to use a normal install of bt for somereason..05:34
Striking7I meant sil3nt|warri0r on that last post, sorry undeclaredx05:34
undeclaredxtalking to me or someone else?05:34
undeclaredxheh yeah05:34
dr_willisgiven how cheap pendrives are :)  be easier to just grab a 2nd one05:34
Striking7Just about everyone uses BT as a live environment anyway...05:35
Striking7persistent settings are a potential problem for pen-testing05:35
dr_willismost people i see in here using BT are people that really shouldent be useing bt...... ;)05:35
sil3nt|warri0rthe things is dat i hav to normal install both bt and ubuntu on a pendrive and boot frm dat05:35
=== chris__0076 is now known as chris_0076
Blue1sil3nt|warri0r: i think unetbootin will do that, or grub 2 will.05:36
Blue1otoh it's easier to have 2 drives05:36
Lintso how I should setup the swappiness?05:37
Jordan_ULint: /proc/sys/vm/swappiness controls the kernel's tendency to swap to disk with a value from 0 to 100, 0 being "only when absolutely needed" and 100 being "whenever it seems like it might possibly be beneficial to cache make room for other caches in RAM to speed things up".05:37
Jordan_ULint: It's a value in /proc/, meaning that it won't persist through reboots.05:37
Blue1sil3nt|warri0r: http://www.pendrivelinux.com/boot-multiple-iso-from-usb-via-grub2-using-linux/05:37
Jordan_ULint: echo 0 | sudo tee /proc/sys/vm/swappiness05:38
sil3nt|warri0rone lust thing, which btv5r2 env is better and more stable -- gnome or kde ??05:38
imbezolhow do you search for a package and have it show the version it would install?05:38
dr_willissil3nt|warri0r:  ask in the bt channel05:38
sil3nt|warri0rBlue1: thx .. will chk that05:38
Striking7dr_willis: aw, don't be so cynical! How does anyone learn without experimenting with things that they don't understand yet?05:39
sil3nt|warri0rdr_willis: bt on freenode ? askd a q.. bt no responce05:39
dr_willisStriking7:  i read the manuals :)05:39
Jordan_U!backtrack | sil3nt|warri0r05:40
ubottusil3nt|warri0r: There are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mint), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux), Ultimate Edition05:40
dr_willissil3nt|warri0r:  they have their own server. I think their homepage mentions it also05:40
sil3nt|warri0roh.. k05:40
Striking7Haha, sure but that's a lot to expect from many people that are just starting. Patience! :-p05:40
undeclaredxI suppose I'll destroy the zfs pool05:40
undeclaredxand for now, keep them 'raidless'05:41
Striking7undeclaredx: have you checked out dmesg and the like to see if there are errors, warnings, etc being thrown?05:41
undeclaredxI will now05:41
Striking7Do it just after thrashing the disk a bit, and also do it just after boot05:42
undeclaredx<< semi-noob05:42
Striking7Gotcha, np.05:42
undeclaredxhow can I check dmesg for zfs errors specifically?05:42
undeclaredxdmesg | grep "zfs"?05:42
Striking7that may do it. Try with grep -i (case insensitive, in case they say "ZFS")05:42
Jordan_Uundeclaredx: Btrfs might be something to look into. It may be more stable on linux now, and certainly will be in the future. And you're much more likely to find support for btrfs.05:42
undeclaredxfair enough05:43
Striking7if you get nothing go oldschool and go dmesg | less and look around yourself05:43
Striking7in less you can search by hitting "/"05:43
Striking7hit "n" for the next result, and "N" for previous05:43
undeclaredxyeah true05:43
undeclaredxno I know about more/less05:43
Striking7Just making sure. I'd rather give too much info than too little.05:44
undeclaredxfair enough ;)05:44
undeclaredxironically, I actually have a 3ware raid card, but these are green drives05:45
undeclaredxnot gonna work =)05:45
Striking7Hah. ZFS offers a bunch of stuff you just won't get from RAID anyway though05:45
Striking7but dr_willis is right - Linux ZFS support is still pretty immature05:46
undeclaredxStriking7 - well, that's the point05:47
undeclaredxIt has bit-level verification for everything iirc05:47
undeclaredxinstead of block-level that most raid cards offer05:47
undeclaredxit may actually be the driver for my sata card, I never thought of this previously05:48
undeclaredxI'm gonna try updating that05:48
DaZisn't zfs doomed for fuse? ;x05:48
undeclaredxI didn't get the fuse version though05:48
Striking7DaZ: for licensing reasons I think it is, if Oracle doesn't decide to relicense it.05:48
iHarpWhere is the "default monitor" file that I can rename that will fix the blank screen at boot?05:48
Striking7It's CDL or something, which isn't GPL compatible. So it has to be linked in userspace.05:48
Striking7... that can't be right.05:49
Striking7ATI and NVidia proprietary drivers don't have to be linked in userspace..05:49
* Striking7 is confused now.05:49
Striking7No FUSE pun intended05:49
blendedbychrisI have precise running and for some reason when i do apt-get install nginx or nginx-full it says the package doesn't exist… it worked on 32bit but not 64bit for me… ideas?05:50
blendedbychrisE: Unable to locate package nginx-full05:50
iHarpWhere is the "default monitor" file that I can rename that will fix the blank screen at boot?05:50
fidel_!12.04 | blendedbychris05:51
ubottublendedbychris: Ubuntu 12.04 LTS (Precise Pangolin) is the 16th release of Ubuntu and is in Beta testing from 2nd March, Discussion and support until final release in #ubuntu+105:51
Striking7blendedbychris: they may not have a port or a maintainer for the 64-bit version. I'm not sure. Try "apt-cache search ngin" and see if it finds anything05:51
DrManhattanI have a 12.04 box without a gui installed. I would like to install virtualbox and set up a windows XP headless  vm with usb passthrough. Where can I find a howto for this?05:52
blendedbychrisfidel_: two days until realease i'm going to ask a question here heh..05:52
blendedbychrisStriking7: looking at http://packages.ubuntu.com/precise/nginx-full it has an amd64 version?05:52
KM0201DrManhattan: no idea on that one.. i'd try asking in #ubuntu-server though05:52
blendedbychrisDrManhattan: mainly because there's some more useful folk in there usually05:54
jo-erlendI need a quick way to chop off the end and beginning of an OGG video file. That means it shouldn't be reencoded.05:54
KM0201DrManhattan: because what you're asking is really outside the realm of a normal desktop situation.. proably better to ask in ubuntu server (and like blendedbychris said, there's some smart folks there)05:54
Striking7jo-erlend: does Audacity not do that? Or do you need something command-line/automated?05:55
jo-erlendStriking7, this is video and audio.05:56
iHarpWhere is the "default monitor" file that I can rename that will fix the blank screen at boot?05:56
Striking7jo-erlend: sorry, I assumed :) does FFMPEG support that kind of operation without transcoding?05:56
Striking7That'd be the first place I'd check05:57
the_real_crimperwhat does it mean when a file has a * after the filename as seen using ls -l ?05:57
jribthe_real_crimper: probably means the file has a '*' in the filename, eh?05:57
the_real_crimperjrib, no, that doesn't make sense05:58
jribthe_real_crimper: more serious answer: are you sure you did not pass -F?05:58
Jordan_Uthe_real_crimper: Could you post the line in question? (not more than one line please).05:58
jo-erlendStriking7, I have no idea of how to do that.05:58
the_real_crimper-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 300G 2012-04-23 22:45 FileHD.iso*05:58
the_real_crimperi had copied this file over from another drive05:59
the_real_crimpercp finished, and now i just see this05:59
jribthe_real_crimper: did you pass -F to ls?05:59
jo-erlendStriking7, using oggz-tools, I'm able to chop of the end, or a part of the video. But not the beginning. I's very annoying.05:59
the_real_crimperjrib, ahh, it appeasrs that using "ll" over "ls" shows the asterisk06:00
Jordan_Uthe_real_crimper: "alias ll" will probably shouw you that -F is included in the alias.06:01
the_real_crimperjrib, indeed, ll is aliased ls with -F06:01
jribthe_real_crimper: -F will append symbols to the end of filenames to describe them.  For example, * indicates an executable file.  Read the ls info page for more info06:01
Striking7jo-erlend: odd. Have you looked into gstreamer's non-linear editing libraries? Maybe there's a tool in there that'll do it.06:02
Striking7As far as ffmpeg goes, I haven't used it much myself but it's really good at various commandline manipulation of media06:03
iHarpcant switch between OS. Screen blank until login. help06:03
Striking7I'd just end up searching around for tutorials or walkthroughs myself.06:03
Jordan_UiHarp: Grub is probably using (and passing to the kernel) a graphics mode which is not supported by your monitor. Try uncommenting GRUB_GFXMODE=640x480 in /etc/default/grub then run "sudo update-grub".06:05
=== eddie is now known as Guest33329
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iHarpJordan_U:  Perfect06:13
Jordan_UiHarp: You're welcome.06:13
Talisman`TooHas anyone had any experience with the Ericsson F3307 GSM module?06:16
bazhangTalisman`Too, related to ubuntu?06:16
Talisman`TooThe standard ubuntu driver picks up the module, but doesn't allow it to connect to the 'net.06:17
Talisman`Toobazhang, yes06:17
Talisman`Tooit simply returns "you have been disconnected from the network'06:17
Talisman`TooInterestingly, I have an XP VM which I booted up and assigned the device to it, connected to the 'net fine... then unassigned it (i.e. gave it back to Ubuntu) and then it connected...06:18
Talisman`TooIs there a way to manually initialise the device from the command line in Ubuntu?06:18
andrewhiggsMorning all.06:28
=== Guest76648 is now known as Gurty
zeidozhow you been?  good to see you.06:31
andrewhiggsGood thanks and you zeidoz?06:32
newGearAnyone know my launcher doesnt disappear went max a window on 12.10 or is it a bug06:34
zeidozandrewhiggs: God...ya know how it is.06:37
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lwizardlI know that there are a number of applications that monitor your gmail account to notify you when you get a new msg. Is there a similar application for if your have your own email servers ?06:39
wylde!info unity-mail06:41
ubottuPackage unity-mail does not exist in oneiric06:41
wyldebah, it's only in precise :\ ...06:43
wylde!info mailcheck06:44
ubottumailcheck (source: mailcheck): Check multiple mailboxes/maildirs for mail. In component universe, is extra. Version 1.91.2-2 (oneiric), package size 14 kB, installed size 84 kB06:44
guest321 /part06:44
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zeidozaa: good to see you, how you been?06:47
sil3nt|warri0rwhen the final 12.04 will release ?06:48
wylde!release | sil3nt|warri0r06:49
ubottusil3nt|warri0r: Ubuntu releases a new version every 6 months. Each version is supported for 18 months to 5 years. More info at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases & http://wiki.ubuntu.com/TimeBasedReleases06:49
bazhangsil3nt|warri0r, around 4/2606:49
lovinglinuxHey, anyone knows how to flush dnsmasq cache?06:52
=== thor__ is now known as thor_
luckymuraliHi all06:58
lovinglinuxnevermind. Eneterd the network manager, saved the connection and it flushed the dns06:59
luckymuraliim using Ubuntu 11.04 32 bit desktop version. I want to know how to run a service as a different user(other than root) at startup06:59
luckymuraliplease help me to get this07:00
CJRamzeHi Guys. I'm using Ubuntu 11.10, I have a serial modem and its my first dealing with serial modems or dial up in ubuntu. Normally I use a USB Modem/PCI modem but neither of those worked in Ubuntu. I invested in this Serial modem but When I search for a modem in gnome PPP it says it can't detect a modem and I'm not sure why, Can anyone help a newb?07:02
Blue1why are you using a dialup modem?07:03
CJRamzeIts a work computer, Some of the sites I need to access have down ADSL lines and their backup is dial up07:03
chilibluemodems... it's been a while07:04
CJRamze:) When I used to use ubuntu on my home machine it would detect every modem i had without issue... back in the day07:05
Blue1oh I thought maybe you were an AOL user07:05
Blue1yeah I haven't futzed with modems in 15 years at least07:05
CJRamzeI remember in old versions of ubuntu you had to turn on Modem permissions but I cant find that anymore. Seems to have moved in the GUI07:06
Blue1CJRamze: tried this?  http://www.ubuntugeek.com/setting-up-dial-up-connection-in-ubuntu.html07:07
chiliblueYup about 14 years ago was the last time I used a modem, racking my memory for details07:07
chilibluewith serial modems it was just a matter of port and baud rate surely.07:08
CJRamzeI'm not sure how to access the modem other than via gnome-ppp07:09
CJRamzeand gnome-ppp wont detect a modem at all07:09
CJRamzeI was told it was because I was using a straight serial cable instead of a null modem07:09
CJRamzeso I bought a null modem07:09
CJRamzeand it still doesnt work07:09
CJRamzeAs before with Serial I'm totally clueless07:09
Blue1you understand that a null modem just has pins 2 and 3 reversed on 1 end right?07:11
Blue1it was 2,3,7 and 20 iirc07:11
CJRamzeA friend did mention that but work paid for the cable so I figured during my time off I'd let them order the cable07:12
=== maractus is now known as [dong][force]
m00bacan srch_strings be piped stuff from stdin? or does it need a special option to be told to expect it?07:13
m00bamurali_, what's up?07:14
Blue1no you should be able to pipe as long as the strings are properly delimited07:15
=== Gabber is now known as scarface
Jordan_Um00ba: What is srch_strings?07:17
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m00baJordan_U, not too sure...07:18
Jordan_Um00ba: Why are you asking about it?07:18
m00baJordan_U, I think it's packaged with sleuthkit.07:20
=== gabber is now known as Gabber
Jordan_Um00ba: That doesn't answer my question. Why are you asking about it?07:22
kubanchellow! Is it possible to run ubuntu parallel with windows XP, without virtualPC or Oracle VM VirtualBox ?07:25
Jordan_Ukubanc: There are other virtual machine solutions, but you can't run two OSs on one machine at the same time without using some type of virtualization.07:27
DanerdCou can install first Windows and then Ubuntu. Then youbwill be able to choose at the beginning wich OS u want to boot.07:28
kubancJordan_U, yes, i know that, but at work i cannot use Oracle VirtualBox because it's not free for comercial use...07:29
Jordan_Ukubanc: You can use kvm if Ubuntu is the Host, or Virtual Box OSE (completely Free software, but missing some features like USB support).07:30
=== [dong][force] is now known as [dongforce]marac
kxnvidia. when i ctrl+alt+f1 from X i just get black screen that i can verifiably type in but not see what i'm typing.. anyone gotten this before?07:33
tomgeorgeWhere can I get help on Web design?07:36
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baagiiyu bna07:40
FloodBot1baagii: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.07:41
kapzless traffic means less helpers?07:42
Talisman`Tookubanc, you could also use VMPlayer (vmware free package) to virtualize.07:42
kxor less problems07:42
baagiiwindows hacking tutorial07:42
bazhangbaagii, wrong channel07:43
KM0201kx: it's unlikely that "less traffic means less problems"07:43
Talisman`TooCitrix' XenClient looks interesting to be able to run 2 OS's simultaneously.07:43
kxhaha yeah it's ubuntu after all what am i thinking. should be 'fewer' not less anyway07:44
Talisman`Toowth is guest2302 CTCP'ing me for?07:44
kapzokay, I have this lenovo Z570 laptop with nvidia hybrid graphics card, I have disabled nvidia but the videos I watch with integrated gpu are dodgy, bumblebee won't help either...is there any laptop w/o hybrid graphics card I can buy? I googled but couldn't find any07:44
kapzWithout hybrid I meant dedicated graphics card....07:45
kxmy latest problem is i cant ctrl-alt-fn any more to get to terminals. and my last system update shows errors on boot and i have to press a key to continue to boot for some reason07:45
kxubuntu is such a disaster..07:45
kapzkx : what message do you get at startup?07:46
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undeclaredxkapz: um, the video will always be dodgy without nvidia on.. you have to put it on to watch video, and leave it off otherwise.  that's how it's better.07:47
kxi dont know missing module or librayr something but looked for the module it's like a font or something so i think thats just the error that just happens to show up before the real problem07:47
undeclaredxThat's the point of hybrid video07:47
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kapzundeclaredx, yeah but I am unable to turn on the nvidia gpu!!07:48
undeclaredxnow that's another story!07:48
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LukeNukemIs it okay to change the ownership of /var/ to 1000 ?07:48
undeclaredxDid you enable the nvidia restricted driver?07:48
undeclaredxnot you ;007:49
kapzundeclaredx, I have this nvidia optimus graphics card which is a hybrid gpu and there is no Linux support to it whatsoever, I tried bumble and OSS attempt to port optimus technology to linux...but even that won't help...that' why am looking for a laptop without hybrid gpu07:50
LukeNukemi know, i was doing ?_? to emphasis(sort of) my question :P07:50
undeclaredxoh, gotcha.. you did try the latest nvidia drivers yes?07:50
kapzwhy would you want to change ownership LukeNukem ?07:50
LukeNukemkapz, my www folder is there and i want to put a folder outside the www folders for file uploads07:51
LukeNukemso users cant access it07:51
kapzundeclaredx, nvidia DOES NOT support optimus on Linux>07:51
fidel_kapz: whats the problem with optimus?07:51
LukeNukemand only access it from a php script07:51
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fidel_kapz: asking as it works ok for me - but i disabled the nv-part on linux ;)07:51
undeclaredxkapz: gotcha.   But then the answer is obvious -- there is no answer.07:51
undeclaredxsolution, rather07:51
LukeNukemkapz, so like is it okay to do so because i got screwed when i did the same to /etc/07:51
undeclaredxthen again, if it works for fidel =/07:51
undeclaredxLukeNukem: don't mess with those permissions without first knowing the default permissions.. and it's better not to though07:52
undeclaredxyou can break your install flatout by messing with permissions wrongly.. and you'd have to run a live cd and fix them by hand like that07:52
kapzLukeNukem, changing ownership of system folders will land you in trouble unless you know Exactly what you are doing....if you want to create a folder then give it the permissions you require and not /var07:53
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undeclaredxI agree07:53
undeclaredxit's way more practical that way07:53
LukeNukemkapz, ok nice idea07:53
LukeNukembut i cant create a folder in /var kapz07:53
kapzfidel_, I am not able to use nvidia gpu under bumblebee....optirun vlc will play dodgy videos07:53
kapzLukeNukem, you need to create folder using sudo or with root account.... sudo mkdir xxx07:54
undeclaredxkapz - I'm surprised about your issue, nvidia support has been flawless for ages on linux07:54
undeclaredxor maybe not flawless, but pretty sharp and they DO get it done eventually lol07:54
undeclaredxas opposed to AMD/ATI's.. we'll do it in 4 years07:54
undeclaredxI did hear that improved though.07:55
LukeNukemkapz, ok thx07:55
kapzyeah but not these hybrid ones, actually it's Linux limitation as per Nvidia....optimus makes good use of some windows technology...07:55
undeclaredxif you just bought it, just get a non-hybrid laptop07:55
undeclaredxor try the nvidia drivers (and maybe it'd be always on?)07:55
kapzfidel_, how did you get optimus working?07:55
kapzundeclaredx, yeah I bought it like 4 months ago but now I want to change, know any laptop with non-hybrid gpu?07:56
AdvoWorkcan anyone tell me the latest version of libreoffice/open office that wouldbe installed on ubuntu 12.04?07:57
* the_legend is excited for 12.0407:57
kapzAdvoWork, why would you want to know that? ... maybe 3.5.107:59
the_legendlol the libre office was created by the opensource foundation if i am not mistaken, so they should all work just fine with 12.0408:00
the_legend* all the previous versions08:01
the_legendwe are running 3.4.4 and that will work, they dont usualy brin out a libre office with each version of ubuntu, microsoft will usually create a new suit for each of there windows but it doesnt always work like that in the opensource world08:03
AdvoWorkkapz, im reporting a problem im having with libreoffice, its a new install of 12.04 and i can't get access to the client machine at this moment in time, so need the version before I can register, the problem is driving me insane08:04
kapzAdvoWork, check the about page, there the version no. should be listed.08:06
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boba88i get the following problem when i try to run a program that depends on openkinect java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: /tmp/libjnifreenect7602379555262344249.so: libfreenect.so.0.1: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory at java.lang.ClassLoader$NativeLibrary.load(Native Method) at java.lang.ClassLoader$loadLibrary.load(ClassLoader.java:1807)08:11
Carpe|DiemI have a large network folder which I'd like to move to usb storage. I would like to compress the individual files on this network folder on the usb drive. Does anyone have any thoughts on this?08:11
boba88and indeed when i do: /usr/lib$ find . -name "*freenect*" ./libfreenect.so.0.0 ./libfreenect.so.0.0.1 ./libfreenect_sync.so.0.0.1 ./libfreenect.so ./fakenect/libfreenect.so.0.0 ./fakenect/libfreenect.so.0.0.1 ./fakenect/libfreenect.so ./libfreenect.a ./libfreenect_sync.so ./pkgconfig/libfreenect.pc ./libfreenect_sync.so.0.008:11
boba88it is not there08:11
boba88any ideas?08:11
ensignkimhi does anyone know anything about dkms here?08:20
KM0201ensignkim: not really, sorry08:22
fasta_Why doesn't https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-source-2.6.20/+bug/88746 get fixed?08:41
ubottuLaunchpad bug 88746 in linux-source-2.6.22 (Ubuntu Jaunty) "ehci_hcd module causes I/O errors in USB 2.0 devices" [High,Won't fix]08:41
fasta_100+ users are affected.08:41
fasta_This is a problem which now exists for 5 years.08:42
fasta_Wasn't Ubuntu for 'human beings'?08:42
Fyodorovnafasta_, just rational ones.08:43
fasta_Every time they just say one distribution is EOL and then ask someone to open the exact same bug again.08:43
fasta_It is really hilarious.08:43
fasta_Hint: if you haven't fixed it, it means it is still broken no matter what label you put on it.08:44
husseycodingdoes anyone here use ubuntu with intel hd graphics at all?08:44
fasta_Why do you even have a bug tracking system if you don't fix the bugs?08:44
makarahi.  I'm trying to find a document I wrote a long time ago. How can I search for text inside a list of files (it could be txt, rtf, odt etc) and set it to only look for files under 3mb in size?08:44
jackbrownhfhey does anybody know how to show the time on xchat ?08:44
fasta_You can better just have an e-mail address that doesn't resolve or something like that.08:44
shapehusseycoding: What is your problem?08:44
fasta_That's cheaper for Canonical.08:44
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fasta_ Even if there were, it would be a misuse of time to read through the 590 comments in this bug to determine what was of use. It is the Kernel Teams policy to close such bugs and have affected reporters open new bugs.08:46
fasta_Really, where do you get this stuff?08:46
fasta_Because you have too much people compaining, you complain about that.08:46
husseycodingbasically I am looking to purchase a new machine, purely for business purposes, so no gaming etc.  I know performance of hd graphics is very basic compared to dedicated cards but I just want to know really if it's going to be sluggish running unity and can it cope ok with flash and so on08:46
fasta_You are even worse than the government.08:46
xslguys how do i add vlan support to network-manager GUI ?08:46
husseycodingI typically have 4 desktops with around 6-8 applications open at any one time08:47
xslis there a package?08:47
shapehusseycoding: What CPU power are you looking at?08:47
jackbrownhfhey does anybody know how to show the time on xchat ?08:47
Fyodorovnajackbrownhf, in preferences08:48
husseycodingshape:  somewhere around the pentium G860 to core i3-2100 range, I am also looking at 8GB of RAM08:48
auronandacejackbrownhf: settings preferences enable time stamps08:48
boba88sudo ln -s /usr/lib/libfreenect.so.0.0 /usr/lib/libfreenect.so.0.1 sudo ln -s /usr/lib/libfreenect_sync.so.0.0 /usr/lib/libfreenect_sync.so.0.1 is one solution08:48
jackbrownhfFyodorovna: i'm looking at it08:49
shapehusseycoding: And you are afraid that's too low for Ubuntu?08:49
jackbrownhfFyodorovna: thanks it works08:49
shapehusseycoding: Or are you specifically thinking about HD playback?08:49
Fyodorovnajackbrownhf, cool.08:49
Hoythi , is there a minimal installation guide ? I don't want a complete desktop08:50
husseycodingshape:  no, I expect ubuntu to run very well  at that spec, at the moment I'm on a 7 year  old Athlon FX-55 with 2GB RAM but I regularly go to swap08:50
HoytI tried alternative cd , but seems you can't choose what to install08:50
husseycodingI basically want to get something that could potentially last another 7 years hence going for a pretty decent spec for linux08:51
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xslguys, i have vlan package... but wen i put the settings on /etc/network/interface and i do ifup eth0.100 ... network manager goes crazy08:52
shapehusseycoding: Going by that philosophy, the more expensive. the computer is, the longer it will last if you think of it as lasting long in terms of not being outdated08:53
shapehusseycoding: I'm just saying that because the top noch parts are usually the most expensive. But coming back to whether Ubuntu will run. Of course it will run on those specs. 8GB or RAM? That's more than enough. How is it working on your Athlon? I'm sure it's working fine since the system itself doesn't require much.08:54
shapehusseycoding: It all depends whatever you decide to do on it, and what programs you will run.08:55
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husseycodingshape:  yes indeed, but I'm not about to spend out a few thousand on a new machine for business use!  At the moment my old FX-55 runs very well, and even the most basic CPU's far outstrip it, ie FX-55 scores just 675 on passmark, while a celeron G530 scores 2262, so what ever I go I'm going to have a massive increase in speed.  The reason for a higher spec than ubuntu really needs is because I will be running virtual machines, possibly multiple, an08:59
husseycodingIDE, multiple browser instances, chat clients mail client etc etc.08:59
rabbi1how to upgrade komodo 6.1 to latest version in ubuntu 10.04 ?09:00
husseycodingI don't expect to reach the 8GB but I hope to also be able to run tmpfs09:00
shapehusseycoding: To really find out how much RAM you need is to run all the applications that you'd be running on a different computer with enough RAM and see how much they take. That way you won't have to spend money on extra ram you might not need.09:03
shapeOr programs (which I don't know whether they exist or not) that tell you how much swap is being used on top of the RAM, etc.09:04
husseycodingshape: unfortunately I don't have another machine to test that on.  but tbh the RAM isn't really the problem as that only equates to perhaps £20-30 on top which isn't a problem, the graphics is more what I'm worried about09:05
the_legend@shape there is a cool screen let called system monitor that will show you all your porcesses and how much ram you are using09:05
husseycodinghowever I have just searched for hd 2000 on youtube and someone is managing to run GTA4 on it with basic settings so I suspect it will be able to handle unity desktop functionality fine assuming the drivers are sufficient09:06
husseycodingthe fallback will be to take the graphics card from this machine and use it in the new one and use this one for terminal access only09:07
the_legendso install screenlets then open system monitor, google ubuntu screenlets. it will give you the sudo to install09:07
shapehusseycoding: What graphics applications are you using? Because I have an Intel duo core 1.86GHz laptop with intel graphics integrated (doesnt even support Hardware acceleration) and I run Ubuntu with Unity fine and it play HD 1080p smoothly09:07
greenithi, is there a program for linux which filters the voice for my micro? for example logitech has a windows-program where i can speak with some1 ove the net and his or her voice is filtered out, so that this person only hears me and no echo of herself / himself09:07
patil_the_bossHi, i am getting undefined error __LINUX_ARM_ARCH .. please let me know where to define .. i am trying to crosscompile cpx210 for pandaboard09:08
husseycodingshape: thanks, sounds like it's going to be fine if you find it smooth.  the only graphics app I use is literally GIMP for tweaking client visuals09:09
husseycodingand flash is ok for you?09:09
patil_the_bossHi, i am getting undefined error __LINUX_ARM_ARCH .. please let me know where to define .. i am trying to crosscompile cpx210 for pandaboard09:10
shapehusseycoding: Yes. I play 1080p smoothly on youtube if that's what you mean by "ok"09:10
shapehusseycoding: and My laptop (Toshiba Satellite L350 ) is worth 200$ now!09:11
husseycodingshape: hmmm actually just had a thought, virtual machines running Win7 - thats going to be a lot more taxing, any thoughts on that09:11
husseycodinglol, mine probably about the same  ;)09:11
shapehusseycoding: Again, when you run lots of applications it's the RAM that is important since you need memory to run them all at the same time. CPU is only important when you actually start processing stuff.09:12
shapeLike HD playback, my CPU goes to 99% because I have no Hardware acceleration09:12
shapeyet it still plays smooth at 1.86GHz09:12
shapeKeep in mind an iphone4 or Galaxy S (first gen) have a 1Ghz processor and they both play HD.09:13
husseycodingsure, but any thoughts on the ability of the HD graphics to handle virtual machines?09:13
husseycodinghmmm, this may just be a case of taking the plunge with integrated graphics and see what the results are you know09:14
zizooHow can I update my grub for the HD from a live USB? I messed up my boot and need to fix it.....09:14
shapehusseycoding: I used to run VMware with windows XP on the laptop and never had a problem. But I don't think the Graphics matter in virtualboxes unless you are playing an HD movie in windows simulated in Ubuntu.09:14
mydogsnameisrudy!grub zizoo09:14
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)09:15
shapehusseycoding: However I would recommend to get a mid range graphics card that supports Hardware acceleration.09:15
shapehusseycoding: Integrated ones work as well, ATI, nvidia, etc.09:15
shapehusseycoding: My friend has an Acer Aspire One netbook (1Ghz single core) with ATI integrated and he runs Ubuntu and plays HD 1080 smoothly. I just saw it today actually.09:16
PeanutHi folks - I'm trying to netboot/install a new machine, but although I give the kernel a command line that ends with "-- console=ttyS2,115200n8", I get no output on the serial port once the kernel boots. So the PXE over serial works, and it confirms loading the kernel and initrd, says 'ready', and then silence.09:16
husseycodingshape: yes I think thats wise, hardware acceleration is probably going to be required.  I'll have a look for some integrated solutions I think09:17
shapehusseycoding: just anything will do. They are really cheap. But as long as it has H/W acceleration it should be good so it won't be so tasking on the processor.09:18
husseycodingshape: thanks for the thoughts, I'll have a look around and make sure hardware acceleration is supported09:19
shapehusseycoding: On my desktop computer I have an Nvidia GTS 250 btw. And I can play everything very smoothly. My CPU is intel duo core 2.20 GhZ.09:20
shapehusseycoding: That card for example is only 50$09:20
zizooIt's a bit confusing getting what I want from that document. See, a friend thought he could help fix some problems I was having... so he copied my linux partition to another part of my drive (out of an extended partition it was stuck in) via GParted, and then deleted the old one. It wouldn't paste back into the same exact place though when I tried to fix it (because it wouldn't boot). Now I'm just trying to figure out how to re09:21
zizoostore it to a copied Ubuntu partition. Not sure where to look for that in the Grub 2 documentation.....09:21
shapehusseycoding: If you get something around the 100$-150$ range you won't even have to worry about it.09:21
husseycodingshape: ah ok thats interesting, because some of the machines I have been looking at have the GT 520 but the general consensus seems to be steer clear, however that is probably said from a gaming perspective09:21
shapehusseycoding: Yeah, you said business. When it comes to games the GPU is very important.09:21
husseycodingyes indeed, used to be a gamer - no time anymore!09:22
shapehusseycoding: but for HD movies it's a piece of cake (i.e. GTS 250 card). Again I'll use my example that even a single core 1Ghz phone can play 1080p.09:22
Moon_Doggyflash and ubuntu have come a long way since 8.0409:23
Moon_Doggyi think was 8.0409:23
ubottuUbuntu 8.04 LTS (Hardy Heron) was the eighth release of Ubuntu. Desktop support ended on May 12 2011, Server support continues until 2013. See !upgrade, !lts and !eol for more details.09:23
Moon_Doggyyea thats it09:23
husseycodingshape: yes I think this discussion has made my mind up, just a basic graphics with hardware acceleration should be more than sufficient09:24
shapehusseycoding: Also, in case you do get problems with choppy HD, look into VLC enabling GPU acceleration. And also VAAPI.09:24
shapehusseycoding: some computers might need those drivers to run HD smoothly.09:25
husseycodingshape: thanks, I don't often need to play back HD video tbh, really just the odd youtube video/dvd an SD but will bear it in mind09:25
shapehusseycoding: Yep. Again, I can vouch for my 2.20 duo core with GTS 250 and 2GB ram that I have absolutely no problem with HD playback.09:25
husseycodinggreat thanks09:26
shapeGood luck!09:26
husseycodingcheers  ;)09:26
makarahi.  I'm trying to find a document I wrote a long time ago. How can I search for text inside a list of files (it could be txt, rtf, odt etc) and set it to only look for files under 3mb in size?09:26
HaiKaiDoanyone here know if theres any ARM version of Ubuntu 10.04 or 11?09:31
shapemakara: Search: "Search for Files" < it's a program that comes with Ubuntu and it has all the options you are asking for09:31
the-ermHaiKaiDo: I haven't seen anything, but it's been a long time since I downloaded an iso.09:31
HaiKaiDoi thinking about playign with this09:32
makarashape: how do I get to it?09:32
the-ermHaiKaiDo: that looks cool :)09:32
shapemakara: What version of Ubuntu are you using? just type in the main search where you search for programs.09:32
HaiKaiDobut yeah those guys did an awesome job developing it09:33
HaiKaiDoall the hardware works completely09:33
the-ermHaiKaiDo: I did see something about installing linux in android's app store, but I was too chicken to try it.09:33
makarashape: 11.10. I don't search for programs, I have their icons pinned in docky. If I can't find something i go to the terminal and type it there, like 'xchat'09:34
HaiKaiDotheres pretty much no risk to this i believe09:35
HaiKaiDoas it runs ontop of android09:35
shapemakara: In terminal type: gnome-search-tool09:36
HaiKaiDoWhat exactly is ubuntu server?09:36
HaiKaiDodoes it come with no UI pre installed?09:36
HaiKaiDocmd line only?09:36
the-ermI don't know.09:37
the-ermI think that regular ubuntu server comes with xubuntu, but I could be wrong.09:37
angelslhi, how do i disable make's bash completion script?09:37
makarashape: wow, thank you09:38
shapemakara: Np. Remember, google is your friend ;)09:38
Fear_cultanyone know how to use 7za to extract files only containing a certain string?09:39
the-ermFear_cult: are you referring to the contents of a file, or a file name?09:40
Fear_cultcontents of an archive09:41
Fear_culti think ill just extract all and move the files i want to another dir then delete the rest of the stuff09:41
the-ermYou mean contents of a file inside an archive.09:41
HaiKaiDoseems like it comes with no GUI pre installed09:42
HaiKaiDonormally i wouldnt have any problems with that09:42
HaiKaiDoas i could just install one09:42
HaiKaiDobut since this is the first time ill be trying to install like this09:43
HaiKaiDoi dont want to introduce anymore chance for me to screw it up09:43
the-ermI've always wanted to make my own custom mp3 player.09:44
HaiKaiDofor linux?09:44
the-ermI got an android phone for < $100 not too long ago, but I don't like programming in java.09:45
the-ermI've done it with python & gstreamer.09:45
the-ermIt kinda annoys me you have to void your warranty just to delete crap-ware & demos off your phone.09:47
honkHowdy. just installing alarm-clock should make it appear in 'accessories' shouldn't it?09:47
HaiKaiDomeh rooting doesnt void your warranty with most carriers now a days09:47
Moon_Doggythe-erm, i know what you need09:48
jackbrownhfhey why command "rm *.exe" doesn't work for removing all exe file of the directory i'm in ?09:48
the-ermThanks Moon_Doggy I'll look into it.09:49
nopfjackbrownhf: not it does? does 'echo *.exe' show them?09:49
Moon_Doggythe-erm, dev channel #botbrew09:50
the-ermjackbrownhf: perhaps there are files called something.EXE -- it's case sensitive.09:50
honk just installing alarm-clock should make it appear in 'accessories' shouldn't it?09:50
heatxsinkis jesse around?09:50
the-ermyou can ls *.exe to get a list of the files.09:50
jackbrownhfthe-erm: yes but i want to remove all .exe files from that  directory using ONE command09:50
the-ermhonk: It depends if alarm-clock is a system tray applet or not.09:51
nopfjackbrownhf: use 'rm *.exe' then :)09:51
jackbrownhfnopf:  didn't works09:51
nopfjackbrownhf: yes, but why?09:52
the-ermls -l *.exe perhaps you don't belong to the user/group or it's read-only for you.09:52
honki think theer is an applet. not sure what that means09:52
the-ermhonk: what windows manager are you running?09:53
the-ermif it's unity or gome3 someone else so going to need to help you :)09:53
the-ermit appears that the package alarm-clock isn't an applet.09:53
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit09:54
the-ermso alt+f2 and typing alarm-clock should start the program.09:54
honksorry im using lubuntu atm as im not sure what to use to get to this forum in ubuntu. does it have xchat?09:55
the-ermlubuntu is great.09:55
daev_if i've installed roundcube with aptitude, and it installed version 0.5, and now I want 0.7.2 I must install it manually. What's the best method? should i uninstall roundcube by the package manager first?09:55
honklubuntu IS great09:56
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honkill be back in ubuntu09:58
MonkeyDust!info roundcube09:58
ubotturoundcube (source: roundcube): skinnable AJAX based webmail solution for IMAP servers - metapackage. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.5.4+dfsg-1 (oneiric), package size 13 kB, installed size 128 kB09:58
the-ermhonk: I installed the package alarm-clock and the name of the program is actually alarmclock09:59
MonkeyDustthe-erm  yes, and it says 'tempalte' instead of 'template'10:00
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robrechtHi everyone, I have a permission problem. There is a .py file I want to edit but when I change something in it I get "Error Writing filename.py:Read-only file system".10:08
robrechtI did "sudo nano filename.py" and tried to edit, but it gives the same error10:08
thincedrobrecht: problem is in your filesystem10:08
robrechtI mean tried to save the edit10:09
robrechtHm, so what should I do?10:09
thincedit is broken and therefore is in the ro mode10:09
robrechtHow do I change this ro mode?10:09
thincedyou can reboot your computer and see if it automatically launches fsck10:09
thincedif not you need to manually run fsck10:10
robrechtok, thnx. Ill reboot and see what I get10:10
thincedbest way to do that manually fixing is to go into singleuser mode and then run ie.  fsck /dev/sda**10:11
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the-ermI wonder if he was trying to edit a file on a cdrom.10:12
robrechtok , ill try to reboot fits though10:12
robrechton my main drive10:12
robrechtI was fiddling with cherrypy10:13
honkok worked out my alarm-clock problem (installed it and xchat in terminal). Theres no particularly good reasons to use the software centre (2.0.7) is there?10:13
robrechtI think that somehow changed my file permissions10:13
the-ermls -l <filename> will give you the permissions.10:14
the-ermand the group.10:14
robrechtits -rw-rw-r-- 110:14
robrechtfor that file10:14
the-ermI don't see why sudo nano <filename> wouldn't work.10:15
the-ermUnless nano isn't installed.10:15
robrechtit is10:15
the-ermI have no original thoughts.  Perhaps it is a locked file because it's corrupted :)10:17
robrechtLol, I can't even create a folder on my Desktop anymore10:17
robrechtjust checked10:17
grud_hmm why did my xchat nickname just change? said name is in use10:17
the-ermOf course I don't edit anything in /usr/ or /bin/ .10:18
the-ermrobrecht: that would scare me.10:18
robrechtit does : s10:18
the-ermI hope you keep good backups.10:18
robrechtNope : (10:19
the-ermA file doesn't exist unless it's in 3 places :)10:19
robrecht? I didn't know that10:19
robrechtOh, u mean i should have at least three copies10:19
robrechtfor good measure10:20
the-ermrobrecht: you should have 1 copy on your working drive, 1 on a backup drive, and 1 off-site backup (in case of theft or fire)10:22
robrechtThnx for the advice10:22
the-ermBlame Leo Laporte.  He's always going off about it in his podcasts.10:22
robrechti'm trying to save the log to see what thinced wrote but I can't save anything anymore to my computer10:23
n00i'm getting lots of 404's when i run `apt-get update` ?10:24
robrechtI'm gonna reboot windows user style and see if it gets me anywhere further10:25
the-ermgood luck.10:25
the-ermn00: apt-get update works fine over here.10:26
iceroot_n00: which ubuntu-version?10:26
MonkeyDustn00  what ubuntu version?10:26
iceroot_n00: cat /etc/issue to find out10:26
n00iceroot: Ubuntu 11.1010:27
the-ermn00 do you have a proxy file?   cat /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/02proxy10:27
iceroot_!eol | n0010:27
ubottun00: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades10:27
n00MonkeyDust: Ubuntu 11.1010:27
iceroot_n00: your ubuntu version is no longer supported with updates and the repos are moved10:27
msucani have a problem with my ubuntu 12.04 installation10:27
the-ermI use apt-catcher-ng and sometimes that goes down.10:27
msucanwhen i boot it sound doesn't work in lightdm10:27
msucanno event sounds10:28
n00i see10:28
n00Ubuntu 11.10 is no longer supported? hmph10:28
iceroot_n00: i suggest to update to a supported ubuntu version to get security-updates10:28
msucanand .xsession-errors shows  pa_context_connect() : Connection refused10:28
MonkeyDustmsucan  ask in #ubuntu+110:28
msucanMonkeyDust: ok, thanks10:28
iceroot_n00: every release is supported 18month, lts releases are supported 3-5 years10:28
the-ermIs LTS out?10:29
iceroot_the-erm: 12.04 will be out in 2 days10:29
iceroot_the-erm: the current stable lts is 10.0410:29
n00iceroot_: wait, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases shows that Ubuntu 11.10 has an eol of  April 201310:29
iceroot_n00: 11.10 != 10.1010:30
iceroot_n00: the version is always year.month of the release, so 10.10 was releases xx.10.2010 and is supported 18 months10:30
n00iceroot_: october 2011 + 18 months    is april 201310:32
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iceroot_n00: what about 11.10 is not 10.10 you did not get?10:32
iceroot_n00: you said you have 10.1010:33
amalhow to  correct erro in g2ipmsg ?10:33
n00iceroot_: no i didn't10:33
n00iceroot_: [12:27]  <n00> iceroot: Ubuntu 11.1010:33
`zoh hai10:34
`zso i've been connecting my Galaxy Nexus to my laptop running ubuntu 11.10 for PAN10:34
`zbluetooth PAN.10:34
`zon ubuntu version 11.1010:34
`zit disconnects randomly10:34
FloodBot1`z: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.10:34
iceroot_n00: my fault, sorry10:34
iceroot_n00: can you paste the output of "cat /etc/apt/sources.list" please10:35
`zoh, derp :|10:35
iceroot_!paste | n0010:35
ubottun00: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.10:35
n00iceroot_: so clearly eol is not the issue10:35
amalhow to correct this error ?10:35
iceroot_n00: and can you reach the internet from that machine? "ping -c 4 google.com"10:36
amalis there any way to correct this?10:37
n00iceroot_: sure, http://paste.ubuntu.com/943886/10:37
iceroot_n00: what? who created that file/entries=10:37
iceroot_n00: they are wrong10:37
amalhow can i configer g2ipmsg proprly ?10:37
iceroot_n00: you have a local mirror running?10:38
n00iceroot_: yes i can reach the internet.10:38
n00iceroot_: not that i know of!  what's wrong with the file?10:38
iceroot_n00: i would say everything :)10:39
iceroot_n00: give me a second10:39
iceroot_n00: which country?10:39
amalis there any suport ot install g2ipmsg10:39
iceroot_n00: great, than i dont have to change much10:39
ahmadiebrahim ahmadi10:40
iceroot_n00: http://pastebin.com/EEEqXFap10:43
iceroot_n00: that is also enabling security-updates for all your used repos10:43
iceroot_n00: comment out your entrys, put my entrys in your /etc/apt/sources.list and then run "sudo apt-get update"10:43
amalhow to install g2ipmsger/10:43
n00iceroot_: cool, thanks a lot - i'll try this out10:43
iceroot_amal: in what format you have that program? deb? tar.gz?10:44
the-ermGoogle doesn't even have results for g2ipmsger10:46
amaliceroot_:  it is in tar.gz . i installed it by some scripts but it gone wrong will you help me to  unistall it and do it properly10:46
amaliceroot_:  i am new  to ubunut10:46
iceroot_amal: uninstall on self compiled software is not that easy mostly10:47
iceroot_amal: can you show us the source of the program where you get it and what you did?10:47
iceroot_amal: and what should that software do? maybe there is a better option in the repos10:47
amaliceroot_: http://paste.ubuntu.com/943900/10:50
iceroot_amal: which ubuntu version? what error message you get?10:50
amaliceroot_:  i actuly trying tto install http://ipmsg.org/index.html.en10:50
the-ermbbs are old.10:51
amaliceroot_: http://paste.ubuntu.com/943903/10:51
amaliceroot_: 11.1010:52
iceroot_amal: that is the error when you start the program? the installation was fine from the ppa?10:52
the-ermiceroot_: that .en page you sent looks like a windows installer.10:52
iceroot_the-erm: looks like a complete windows software10:53
iceroot_IP Messenger for Win ver3.41 by H.Shirouzu shirouzu (2012/04/03)10:53
iceroot_amal: so what are you doing? using the ppa? or http://ipmsg.org/index.html.en10:53
sveinseI'm running natty and I want to run a VBox guest machine. However, since a few month ago, I need to run /etc/init.d/vboxdrv setup each and -every- time I want to start Vbox. Anyone with similar issues10:54
the-ermIt says it's a "clone" which leads me to believe you can send win-popup messages, however I'm not certian.10:54
iceroot_the-erm: win-popup is not working for years anymore10:54
sveinseLikewise I also need to run sudo update-binfmts --enable qemu-arm after every boot to allow armel code execution10:54
the-ermsveinse: It might not be enabled to run.10:56
the-ermI forget the command to enable/disable /etc/init.d/ scripts.10:57
amaliceroot_: 11.1010:57
amaliceroot_:  when i open of refresh user list the error comes10:58
iceroot_amal: report the issue to the maintainer of that program10:58
=== DaZ is now known as hipstersashimi
jackbrownhfhey there, I would like to change my laptop, Could anyone suggest me a good configuration ?? if for example someone has something in mind a laptop that he's thinking to buy i'd appreciate a suggestion about10:59
amaliceroot_: how can i get the persons details?10:59
iceroot_jackbrownhf: ##hardware10:59
jackbrownhficeroot_: thanks10:59
iceroot_amal: see the infos of the project homepage10:59
iceroot_amal: or the maintainer from the ppa of the ppa website11:00
boumawhen looking for existing bug reports eg.. for a particular release of ubuntu and a particular program/package, is bugs.launchpad.net the place?11:09
n00iceroot_: hey, this fixed it - thanks!11:10
iceroot_n00: you are welcome11:18
iceroot_bouma: yes11:18
iceroot_bouma: https://bugs.launchpad.net/packagename  to go directly to it11:19
boumaiceroot_: basically i cant find an existing bug but, ive used 'update manager' and it showed some important security updates. then i went into settings and changed it to download automatically, then closed the 'settings panel' and updatemanager added the currently pending important security updates to the list again. i can take a screen cap.11:19
ahhughes_when I play an mpg (or several other formats) I get warnings that I need to install plugins... is there  a media package I should install?11:19
iceroot_bouma: so your issue is that the update manager wants to redownlaod the package?11:19
MonkeyDustahhughes_  try restricted areas11:20
the-ermahhughes_: which program?11:20
iceroot_bouma: ah the issue is that it is not automaticly downloading11:20
boumaiceroot_: no my issue is that the list displayed by update manager duplicates the info. actually it lists the same 3 things 3 times, for a total of 9 entries, 6 are duplicates11:21
iceroot_bouma: download a package does not mean install the package, so its correct that it is remebering you about the update11:21
iceroot_bouma: can you paste a screenshot?11:21
iceroot_!paste | bouma11:21
ubottubouma: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.11:21
boumaiceroot_:yes im uploading11:21
iceroot_bouma: thank you11:21
ahhughes_the-erm, I think MonkeyDust has solved it, thanks guys (but for the record cinerella)11:21
the-ermahhughes_: sudo apt-get install gstreamer0.10-plugins-good gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad-multiverse should11:22
the-ermget you some of the stuff you need.11:22
ahhughes_excellent, I'll try the restricted extras and see how I go :)11:23
the-ermI forgot you might have to enable those repos.11:24
ahhughes_the-erm, its funny.. it gives me a warning... then it plays it anyway11:25
boumaiceroot_: http://imgur.com/hj1Rr here is the bug showing repeated security update items11:29
boumaiceroot_: i havent closed the window in case there is more data i can collect11:29
iceroot_bouma: can you paste the output of "apt-cache policy chromium-browser"?11:31
the-ermThere was a big open-ssl vulnerability in this last week.11:32
the-ermIt got fixed pretty fast.11:32
=== CamC_ is now known as CamC
samuel_hi, i'm having difficulty logging into phpmyadmin on my ubuntu server, there is no error message :/11:42
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=== Kibibyte is now known as Shojo
KM0201samuel_: did you try asking in #ubuntu-server  ?(i'm not really familiar with php)11:45
zlszki make ztelnet,error:/usr/include/stdlib.h:589: note: previous declaration of ‘unsetenv’ was here,anyone knows how to solve this problem11:46
samuel_thanks, i will try that first11:47
zlszki make ztelnet,error:/usr/include/stdlib.h:589: note: previous declaration of ‘unsetenv’ was here,anyone knows how to solve this problem11:47
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boumaiceroot_: http://pastebin.com/mtHaMCbh here is ap-cache policy chromium-browser11:48
Picizlszk: ztelnet is in the package repositories in the zssh package.11:52
iceroot_bouma: you should open a bug against the update-manager, add your screenshot and the output of apt-cache policy to that bug. the bug seems that tere are more then one sources for the patch with the same version11:52
iceroot_!bug | bouma11:52
ubottubouma: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.11:52
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boumaiceroot_: so is there any other info i can collect from the running program or should i just close it. i may be able to recreate it11:53
zlszkPici, thanks!11:53
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iceroot_bouma: i guess the screenshot + apt-cache policy are enough for the bug report11:54
boumaiceroot_: because at first the list was not duplicated, it was after i clicked on settings, made changes and returned11:54
iceroot_bouma: you can install the packages, there is no critical bug on that, just a display error11:54
iceroot_bouma: provide that info too on the bug report but i guess the bug is the oneiric-updates and oneiric-security repo11:54
boumaiceroot_: right, but its good to get bugs recognised that may lead to code errors with multiple implications11:55
iceroot_bouma: of course11:55
Qalqiack doesnt install on my computer11:57
Qalqiit just keeps saying waiting for headers11:57
=== Lupinedk is now known as lupinedk
Chr|s I am having problems dual booting after installing ubuntu. I have a 500gb drive. Installed Win7 first then installed xubuntu. installed alongside win7. Installation was done, rebooted and now unable to login to ubuntu, Windows automatically loads12:01
KM0201Chr|s: did you use wubi, or did you set up a traditional dual boot?12:04
BuffBuffBuffhttp://i.imgur.com/c2EdL.png     How can i open this from command line?12:04
Chr|sKM0201, traditional12:04
Chr|ssame partition12:04
Chr|sI mean same hard drive12:04
KM0201Chr|s: most likely grub didn't get installed to the MBR for some reason12:04
KM0201i've also had this happen, when a drive had to many primary partitions.12:05
Chr|shmm can only have 4 primary patitions right?12:05
KM0201(this can happen because you've typically got your "C:" partition, then you've got a restore partition, then you've usualy got some sort of other crap partition... you can only have 4 primary's12:05
KM0201Chr|s: when this has happened to me in the past.12:06
KM0201i had to manually partition, usually making the swap logical, solved hte problem... (assuming you have a simple default install with just a /swap and a /)12:06
ConnectwebHey Guys...i need some help with installing a windows app through wine12:07
Chr|sKM0201, yup this is exactly what happen12:07
Chr|sDarn windows and system reserved files12:07
KM0201Chr|s: yup, it's become more and more of a problem since manufacturers want to create 5-6 partitions on their drives now12:07
Connectwebi need to install coreldraw on ubuntu...can anyone help?12:08
Chr|sConnectweb, try #wine or check the app database on winehq.org12:08
Chr|sthey may have a work around12:08
PiciChr|s, Connectweb: the channel is #winehq12:09
Chr|slooks like I have to reinstall both windows and ubuntu again :/12:09
KM0201Chr|s: no.. you can just reinstall Ubuntu12:10
KM0201over the ubuntu partition you just made, only this time, partition manually, and set it up12:10
Chr|sKM0201, for some reason I have 4 partitions on the disc, where I just want two for windows and ubuntu12:10
SteevcaCan i use this theme with unity?12:11
KM0201Chr|s: i dunno, i don't do windows, i can't imagine why Windows would have so many partitions12:11
Chr|sKM0201, if I use gparted and partition manually 250 Win7 and 250 Ubuntu and install them seperately will that work?12:12
ahhughes_cinelerra is doing my head in, are there any other recommendations for a video editor that can cut segments from video?12:12
MonkeyDustahhughes_  there's pitivi and openshot12:13
KM0201Chr|s: are you installing win 7 from cd?12:13
MonkeyDustahhughes_  and kdenlive12:13
Chr|sKM0201, yes12:13
KM0201Chr|s: but honestly, you don't need to reinstall windows 7 (at least you usually don't)12:14
ahhughes_cheers MonkeyDust12:14
KM0201Chr|s: also, 250gigs for Ubuntu is crazy big.. you might want to short cut a folder that is on your 7 partition, and keep all data there, then just create a more "normal" ubuntu partition, say 15-20gigs.. but.. thats just my opinion12:15
KM0201it also makes it easier to share data between the two OS's12:15
Chr|sKM0201, I have a another drive that is 1TB that I use for that12:16
KM0201oh ok.12:16
KM0201Chr|s: i'm not that familiar with win 7, so i'm always concerned w/ windows running out of space12:16
Chr|sKM0201, Yeah, I turn off page file and only use windows for games12:16
Qalqithis is a pseudo channel12:17
Qalqi1600 members but no one cares12:17
MonkeyDustQalqi  they may not all be at their desks12:18
KM0201Qalqi: or maybe nobody that is currently here, knows the answer to your question12:18
iceroot_Qalqi: best to wake up the 1600 members is with usefull questions, usefull details12:18
iceroot_Qalqi: everything else is not read here12:19
KM0201iceroot_: you're not really suggesting that " <Qalqi> ack doesnt install on my computer " isn't descriptive are you?12:20
iceroot_KM0201: that is so useless12:20
iceroot_KM0201: no usefull infos in that part12:20
KM0201thus my point (that was the only thing i saw him post)12:21
Qalqiit says waiting for headers12:21
Qalqii posted that too12:21
iceroot_Qalqi: what command you used, what is the extact error?12:21
iceroot_!paste | Qalqi12:21
ubottuQalqi: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.12:21
JuJuBeeAfter fresh install of 11.10, I am using KDE but when I installed rhythmbox, the icons for Repeat and Shuffle are broken images...? any ideas?12:22
iceroot_JuJuBee: missing dependecy to icons as it seems12:22
iceroot_!bug | JuJuBee12:22
ubottuJuJuBee: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.12:22
JuJuBeeiceroot_: not sure it is a bug or my ignorance...12:23
JuJuBeeSuggestions as to how to fix? or try anyway?12:23
Qalqiseems like i offended too many people12:23
iceroot_Qalqi: still waiting for usefull infos :)12:23
Qalqinevermind abt my q12:23
MonkeyDustQalqi  offending people is never a good idea12:23
Qalqiit worked this time12:23
mario_ /join #ubuntu-it12:24
iceroot_JuJuBee: you changed the default theme?12:24
iceroot_JuJuBee: mostly the default theme is tested, if using something else its possible to face bugs like that12:24
JuJuBeeiceroot_: in rhythmbox?12:24
JuJuBeeor the OS?12:25
iceroot_JuJuBee: in kde12:26
MonkeyDustis amarok more suited for kde?12:26
iceroot_MonkeyDust: it is12:26
iceroot_MonkeyDust: but an overkill sometimes12:27
JuJuBeeiceroot_: Ah, yes I did.  I had rhythmbox  installed prior to reinstall OS and it was fine.  Seems very basic (the rhythmbox look and feel - theme)12:27
JuJuBeeLike I didn;t install some library...12:27
* kokyu waves12:28
JoukeHi, does anyone have knowledge of installing vmware on ubuntu 11.10?12:28
iceroot_!vmware | Jouke12:29
ubottuJouke: VMWare is not available in the Ubuntu repositories. Consider using !QEmu or !VirtualBox as alternatives. Instructions for installing VMWare manually are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VMware12:29
JoukeAh, thank12:30
osseUbuntu lets me type 'man git status'. On other distros I've used (old ones admittedly) I would have to type 'man git-status'. What is the magic sauce Ubuntu uses? I can still run the command as 'git status' on the other distros I mentioned12:30
pancrojmp: you rang?12:32
donavan01does anyone know why I would have issues using sites like pastebin.com or paste.ubuntu.com ... anytime I go into one of these sites it loads just fine but as soon as I try to actually paste anything it sits there waiting till it times out any idea... its only on my ubuntu install not on my windows machine12:34
reisiosse: interesting point; try "man apt key"12:35
kryptonhey guys i am new to linux and have a question and I wonder if you can help me.....i have ubuntu but 2 friends and a few articles i read said that unity is not as secure as gnome so I google "gnome vs unity on privacy, safety and security" and then I notice on distrowatch when I do a search for security or privacy or fire wall they all have gnome or I386 ....so why did ubuntu moved away from gnome?12:35
Piciosse: good question...  it seems to work just fine when doing man git-status as well.12:36
ossereisi, unfortunately, I'm not on Ubuntu at the moment :/12:36
kryptonand can i turn my ubuntu 11.10 into gnome?12:37
auronandacekrypton: it didn't move away from gnome, unity is built on gnome3, gnome2 is a dead project now12:37
reisiosse: apparently man will just concat args with '-' while searching, couldn't get it working for 3 args though; perhaps "git" includes a hint that concatenating might produce more accurate man page?12:38
kryptonso the articles I read on google on unity vs gnome are wrong?12:38
donavan01krytpton ... yes you can just install the gnome desktop manager ... personally I use XFCE on 11.1012:38
mpkossenHoyt: try the server CD image, it doesn't install a graphic desktop. You can add packages from there12:38
auronandacekrypton: not sure what articles you are referring to but unity is built on top of gnome312:38
auronandace!unity | krypton12:38
ubottukrypton: Unity is the default UI since Ubuntu 11.04.  Unity is a shell for GNOME. see http://unity.ubuntu.com. For a GNOME 2-like experience, see !notunity12:38
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Picikrypton: unity is a shell for gnome, but it is not gnome-shell (which is what people typically think of when referring to gnome 3)12:39
kryptonbut does that compromises gnome  privacy, safety and security?12:39
reisiosse: looking through strace man git status, it would appear that man selects "git status" page from it's index12:40
mpkossenKrypton: unity vs gnome-shell doesn't have to do with security, because I believe that was your initial concern12:40
mpkossenUnity vs Gnome Shell is about how your desktop looks. Security doesn't have anything to do with that.12:40
kryptonwell the article I read said that unity has holes that can be hacked12:40
MonkeyDustkrypton  link?12:41
kryptonand most secure distros are build on gnome12:41
willianI want to toking..12:41
williani love you12:41
ossereisi, I have a command on my current system called 'adsl-connect'.  'man adsl-connect' works and 'man adsl connect' gives me the same page as 'man connect' would12:41
ikoniawillian: stop now12:41
ikoniawillian: this channels topic is ubuntu support discussion only12:41
jankudIf I setup Ubuntu on VirtualBox will I be able to install it "normally" on another machine later?12:41
ossereisi, huh. Interesting12:41
auronandacekrypton: secure distros built on gnome? gnome is just a desktop environment12:42
ikoniakrypton: ignore12:42
kryptonjust ignore it?12:42
iceroot_jankud: install?12:42
ikoniakrypton: I'll write a web page that says Distros built on minix are better than fedora for security, it doesn't make it fact12:42
kryptoni am new so i do not know what to believe12:42
iceroot_jankud: you mean copy the vm to real hardware?12:42
jankudiceroot_: exacly12:42
ikoniakrypton: anyone can put up a webpage,12:42
MonkeyDustkrypton  as soon as the ubuntu community sees that someone has bad intentions, they will react12:42
iceroot_jankud: yes its possible12:42
kryptonlol true12:43
donavan01krypton ... technically any system can be hacked the trick is does anyone really know how or are they just conceptualizing that it could be done under these curcumstances... then you have to ask is this a hack that can be done locally or remotely ... if your the only one using your computer and the hack is a local hack what are the changes the hacker is going to break into your house and hack your laptop... if you have that12:43
donavan01kinda of person after you then you have way bigger problems than an unsecured desktop manager12:43
kryptonso how can I make my ubuntu safer what should i add to it?12:43
KM0201krypton: safer?.. from what?12:43
ikoniawillian: do you want ubuntu support help yes/no ?12:43
=== Guest89576 is now known as alantse
MonkeyDustkrypton  start with ufw / iptables12:44
willianwhat games can install ubuntu?12:44
iceroot_krypton: its already save by default12:44
iceroot_!games | willian12:44
ubottuwillian: Information about games on Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php and http://www.penguspy.com/12:44
Pumpkin-I was surprised to learn that grub can boot a bunch of virtual disk images on real hardware, that might help12:44
jankudiceroot_: Thanks, just needed to know :)12:44
willianikonia: ?12:44
ikoniawillian: what ?12:44
willianikonia: Do you know?12:45
ikoniawillian: see the link ubottu gave you12:45
MonkeyDustwillian  http://users.skynet.be/gbachot/html/games.html12:45
kryptonwell I am working on projects for the back i work so I handle secure private info and I need a laptop thats way secure thus i moved away from windows12:45
kryptoncause its very insecure12:45
auronandacekrypton: security is a process not a product12:46
iceroot_krypton: default ubuntu installation with encrypted /home and strong passwords, dont install software from other sources then the ubuntu repos, dont enable the root- account, dont run software as root when not needed, always install sec-updates12:46
kryptonwhat process I need to take to be secure12:46
=== jalcine- is now known as Jacky
ikoniakrypton: contact your banks security team12:46
Sidewinderkrypton, iceroot_ Just gave you the process. :-)12:47
kryptoniceroot thanks12:47
iceroot_krypton: and try to avoid adobe flash, java or other insecure stuff12:47
iceroot_just my opinion12:48
kryptonok i will get rid of them iceroot and is firefox safe or should i get chrome?12:48
iceroot_krypton: both are fine12:48
auronandacekrypton: stay away from ppas if you want a stable system12:49
kryptoniceroot you are awesome thank you so much12:49
iceroot_krypton: but there goes the same, dont install any addon have a look at the addon first12:49
Sidewinderkrypton, "Noscript' is a nice add-on for Firefox, for add'l security; then there's "adblock-plus.12:49
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iceroot_krypton: but GNU/Linux is not really in the focus of security issues, so dont worry12:49
Fat-Thinghi good eve/moanin/noon/midnight to all12:49
kryptoni know iceroot thats way i left windows cause i had so many software just to keep it alive i felt like i was taking care of a sick baby on ICU with windows firewalls cause i had 3 and spyware and virus and so on12:51
Fat-Thingjust wanna ask something...everytime i'll close my apps.....it seems they only disappear but yet still running on the system...when i do check my system monitor processes i can still see all the apps i'd closed seems working still what seems to be the problem?12:51
iceroot_krypton: firewall, anti virus.. all not needed here12:51
iceroot_krypton: the best protection is a user which is not doing crazy stuff, then the os is not your problem12:52
kryptonwindows sucks!  i know thus I move to safer and better water i wanted to try debian but when i when to ask for help on there chat there were 2 people there and both way rude not nice like you all and they told me to go for the distros for dummies like mint, ubuntu, and pensure12:53
Sidewinderkrypton, This link contains a wealth of information regarding ubuntu and security: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=51081212:53
kryptonwow thanks! sidewinder you guys are awesome12:54
esakdoes have notepad++ php synatx checker ??12:54
SidewinderMy pleasure. :-)12:54
iceroot_krypton: thqats how the ubuntu (and most of the open source community) is working12:54
kryptonnot debian people they were nasty and mean12:54
iceroot_krypton: no12:55
* Sidewinder Left his nasty/mean hat in the other room.12:55
iceroot_krypton: but i aggre the RTFM is more common on debian then on ubuntu but debian is still great12:55
kryptonwhy are they so unhappy maybe because they are not number 1 like ubuntu? lol12:56
Sidewinderkrypton, And, as you're probably well aware, ubuntu is Debian based.12:56
Fat-Thingjust wanna ask something...everytime i'll close my apps.....it seems they only disappear but yet still running on the system...when i do check my system monitor processes i can still see all the apps i'd closed seems working still what seems to be the problem?12:56
iceroot_krypton: there are different reasons but i guess its offtopic in this channel12:57
=== Keo is now known as Keo-w
kryptonall i ask them was "how do I intall debian?" they answer you should ask that simple of question here everyone knows how to install a distro you need to go to the distros for dumb people like ubuntu, mint, and opensure12:57
kryptonyeah true12:58
iceroot_krypton: i bet that questions would results in similar results in this channl12:58
Sidewinderkrypton, There is a specific channel for chit-chat, it's #ubuntu-offtopic.12:58
kryptonits in the past and i am here now12:58
donavan01Fat_Thing ... if its something that has a daemon running in the background it will never really close ... bascially the same as a service windows ... if its something else like a game that never closes thats a different matter all together12:58
kryptonlol well cause its easy to install ubuntu12:58
kryptonanyway thank you all12:59
iceroot_krypton: you are welcome12:59
themillkrypton: that wasn't what happened at all, but I have no intention of arguing with you about it here...12:59
SidewinderAnd good luck!12:59
kryptonyou are awesome thus i love ubuntu too12:59
donavan01krytpton I have litterally tried just about all the major distros and I must say ubuntu is your best bet ... way easier to get rolling than most12:59
esakdoes notepad++ php synax checker ??13:00
iceroot_esak: i dont think so because a php parser is needed for that13:00
kryptonthnk you donavan13:00
iceroot_esak: i guess eclipse has something like that13:00
kryptonlast question how big of a donation will ubuntu accept ?13:01
kryptoni wand to donate to them you guys are way good13:01
esakiceroot i download NppExec plugin. but dont know how use ?   see this http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6312023/is-there-a-php-syntax-checker-for-notepad13:02
iceroot_krypton: every donation is welcome and not only money, also support, testing, patch-writing-tell other people about ubuntu and so on13:02
donavan01its not us ... we are just users like you ... but you can donate conical13:02
zlynx1How can i have my laptop sync up to my pc with all the same apps and settings(assuming i have the same ubuntu installed on both machines)13:02
iceroot_krypton: the best donation on ubuntu is use the system and if you find bugs report them13:02
iceroot_!bug | krypton13:02
ubottukrypton: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.13:02
iceroot_krypton: much more welcome then money13:03
BunieI have two questions. when booting from USB, does the USB need a boot loader or does it just need to be marked as active. Also, Will Linux/Ubuntu boot if the drive is formated in NTFS?13:03
BunieMy PC will only boot from USB if the drive is NTFS. no clue why.13:03
donavan01Bunie ... dont think it will do NTFS ... linux and NTFS are sketchy at best13:04
kryptonwill do you guys are great and deserve it thanks this by far has been the best distro and community i have visited my hats off to you all it a welcoming and tight community that helps ubuntu rocks13:04
SteevcaWhen i try to watch a youtube video i get a missing plug-in.I have flash installed.13:04
MonkeyDustBunie  best way to find out, is by creating a live usb and booting from it13:04
SteevcaI am using chromium.13:05
iceroot_Bunie: boot loader is needed13:05
iceroot_Bunie: and you cant install GNU/Linux on NTFS13:06
iceroot_!usb | Bunie13:06
ubottuBunie: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent13:06
iceroot_Bunie: the isos have already a boot loader so you dont have to install a bootloader13:06
jeekWhat does {u} at the end of a package name about to be removed mean?13:07
iceroot_jeek: can you provide the complete output?13:08
iceroot_!paste | jeek13:08
ubottujeek: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.13:08
Buniei dun wanna install it On NTFS, i wanna install it From NTFS13:09
fresh_fmу Ð¼ÐµÐ½Ñ ÑтоÑла винда на диÑке Ñ.  Ð¸ ÑтоÑла убунту...  Ð²Ñе Ñто работало тоеÑÑ‚ÑŒ запуÑкалоÑÑŒ через "акроник".  Ð½Ð¾ вот наÑтал момент когда у Ð¼ÐµÐ½Ñ Ð¿Ð¾Ñле обновлении померла убунту... так как реанимировать не получилоÑÑŒ Ñ Ñ€ÐµÑˆÐ¸Ð» ее переуÑтановить... далее: захожу в биÐ13:09
iceroot_Bunie: you want to create a bootbale ubuntu drive from windows?13:09
ubottuПожалуйÑта наберите /join #ubuntu-ru Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð¿Ð¾Ð»ÑƒÑ‡ÐµÐ½Ð¸Ñ Ð¿Ð¾Ð¼Ð¾Ñ‰Ð¸ на руÑÑком Ñзыке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.13:09
iceroot_Bunie: or is the iso stored on a ntfs drive?13:09
Bunieiceroot_: Yes, but the drive has to be NTFS. my PC wont boot fat or fat32 USB devices13:09
iceroot_Bunie: your pc will boot everything13:10
Bunieno lol i tried.13:10
Buniemy PC wont boot ubuntu on fat 3213:10
iceroot_Bunie: its not related to fat, ntfs, ext or something like that13:10
Bunieit wouldnt boot windows on fat3213:10
Buniemy laptop would13:10
iceroot_Bunie: totally wrong13:10
BunieI garantee my life.13:10
FloodBot1Bunie: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.13:10
iceroot_Bunie: then you die now13:10
Buniei took the usb from my desktop, and plugged it into my laptop, and it ran13:10
jeekI get the impression that trying to install tofrodos is going to hose my system pretty badly.13:10
Buniethen i changed format to NTFS, and it worked13:10
iceroot_Bunie: the bios is looking for the mbr which is not stored in any filesystem like ntfs, fat or ext13:11
iceroot_Bunie: after that the boot loader is called13:11
Buniethen why did my laptop load it13:11
iceroot_Bunie: your bios even dont know what ntfs, ext or fat is13:11
Bunieand my desktop wouldnt, until i changed to ntfs13:11
iceroot_Bunie: you just created the usb stick wrong13:11
daev_uefi knows13:11
Bunieand why wont my desktop boot any linux usb13:11
Buniebut they work fine on my laptop13:11
iceroot_daev_: uefi surely has no ext, ntfs or fat driver13:11
daev_fat32 yes13:13
daev_not ntfs13:13
Bunieit may not make any sense but my desktop wont boot a fat32 usb drive. it will either freeze, give an error instantly, or just reboot.13:13
KaKilahi all. Wacom Bamboo question13:14
ztripezI'm trying to get dnsmaq to work on ubuntu 11.10. I got it to work on local dns wildcard adresses, however i disables my ips DNS13:14
Buniea Windows 7 usb wouldnt even boot until i re-did it in NTFS. so is it possible to make a Linux USB in NTFS?13:14
daev_sorry iceroot_ i didn't highlight, fat32 yes, ext# / ntfs no13:14
iceroot_Bunie: totally stupid what you are writing13:14
KaKilaThe tablet is detected but can't make it work. I follow all the how-to everything looks fine13:14
KaKilabut still it doesn't work13:14
Buniefeel free to come and check out my PC refusing to boot things that arent NTFS13:14
iceroot_Bunie: you copied the iso itself as a file on the stick?13:14
Bunieno i used two USB makers13:15
Bunietwo different programs13:15
iceroot_Bunie: MBR is NOT fat, ntfs or ext!!!!!!!13:15
BunieI know it has nothing to do with it.13:15
BunieBut it Doesnt Work13:15
BunieIt's a mystical phenomenon, then. because my laptop boots them perfectly.13:15
iceroot_wrong architecture?13:16
Bunieno, my desktop is x86_6413:16
Buniewill boot both.13:16
daev_did you use unetbootin, that's quite a good one.13:16
Buniethe point is. why did they work on my laptop13:16
tking0036unetbootin is good... if that doesnt work you could try the fedora live usb creator13:16
jeekiceroot_: Screw it, I'll just install dos2unix from source13:17
jeekFor some reason Ubuntu left it out of 10.04, but brought it back for 10.1013:17
iceroot_Bunie: have you done the exact! same steps as ubottu was suggesting?13:17
iceroot_!usb | Bunie13:17
ubottuBunie: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent13:17
iceroot_Bunie: we are talking about an ubuntu iso?13:18
SidewinderBunie, Also, make sure that you Md5sum the ISO image before you copy/install it to your USB.13:18
Bunienow you guys arent making any sense. we're talking about a USB. that boots fine on one PC and not another.13:18
iceroot_Bunie: no sense is talking about using ntfs for gnu/linux13:19
Bunieunless every fat32 usb has refused to boot for me, including ones carrying Windows 713:19
roloncitowhen is the release about new ubuntu?13:19
Bunieuntil i switched that to NTFS. So.13:19
daev_Bunie, if that is what's happening the issue is likely down to your bios on the pc13:19
iceroot_Bunie: windows 7 will surely not run on fat3213:19
Bunieiceroot_: it ran on my laptop13:20
iceroot_Bunie: why the hell running a os with fat3213:20
BunieUsb installer, i ment13:20
iceroot_Bunie: ...13:20
iceroot_Bunie: when you put an iso on a usb stick the stick will change the filesystem for that partition13:21
Sidewinderroloncito, Please see here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PrecisePangolin/ReleaseSchedule13:21
roloncitoSidewinder,  thanks13:21
Sidewinderroloncito, My pleasure. :-)13:21
iceroot_Bunie: normally installers are coming in the iso file system13:21
BunieI'm gonna go be sad now. i just needed to know if making a Live USB using NTFS was possible13:22
iceroot_Bunie: and because the windows image is bigger then 4gb its totally stupid to say its fat3213:22
iceroot_Bunie: ...13:22
Buniemy Windows ISO is like 3.7GB13:22
jeekiceroot: I guess the {u} is unneeded?13:22
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iceroot_jeek: sounds correct13:23
Bender_Hello, I'm just owndering if on 26th I'll have to reinstall the whole system or if my 12.04 beta2 will automatically upgrade to the official lts release.13:23
iceroot_Bunie: you dont know what you are saying13:23
MonkeyDustBender_  the second13:23
iceroot_Bender_: when you put an iso to an usb stick, you will copy the file system of that image too13:23
ArleeGood morning, guys.13:23
iceroot_Bender_: you cant change the filesystem of that13:24
ArleeIs there a final version of Skype for ubuntu?13:24
iceroot_Bender_: wrong nick sorry13:24
MonkeyDustArlee  activate the partner sources13:24
ArleeI have 2.2 beta13:24
Bender_Thank you :)13:24
Sidewindericeroot_, Bunie left..13:24
MonkeyDustArlee  2.2 here too13:24
iceroot_Sidewinder: great, now we can stop changing facts :)13:25
ArleeThank you, MonkeyDust. Now where is this partner sources? Sorry about my lack of information.13:26
MonkeyDustArlee  System Settings > Sources13:27
MonkeyDustArlee  System Settings > Software Sources13:27
daev_Bunie are you constipated? because your full of $#!t13:27
iceroot_daev_: stop it please13:27
daev_only kiddin i know this is child friendly :]13:27
Anomie21Hi, How do I upgrade my mysql server to support InnoDB?13:28
iceroot_Anomie21: its already supporting innodb13:28
Anomie21iceroot_: says "This MySQL server does not support the InnoDB storage engine." in phpmyadmin13:28
ArleeMonkeyDust, Thanks a lot.13:28
KaKilaany help with wacom?13:28
iceroot_Anomie21: but imo on GNU/Linux its not the default, there it is myisam (or what it is called)13:28
Anomie21iceroot_: Not on my installation, doesn't work at all. Getting the following error when trying to install magento 'Database server does not support the InnoDB storage engine.'13:29
iceroot_Anomie21: what ubuntu release? installed mysql from the repos? the same for phpmyadmin?13:29
Anomie21iceroot_: 11.10, Yes I followed the LAMP13:29
Anomie21*Linode LAMP13:29
MonkeyDustArlee  sudo apt-get update after you activate 'canonical partners', then you can install skype13:29
iceroot_Anomie21: followed the lamp means?13:29
iceroot_Anomie21: sudo apt-get install mysql-server?13:29
Anomie21iceroot_: yep13:30
Anomie21iceroot_: http://library.linode.com/lamp-guides/ubuntu-11.10-oneiric13:30
Anomie21followed that13:30
iceroot_Anomie21: http://guy.vsbnet.be/content/no-innodb-support-ubuntu-server-111013:31
iceroot_Anomie21: seems like something wrong with your innodb and it cant be load13:31
iceroot_Anomie21: any errors on startup or in the logs?13:32
iceroot_Anomie21: /var/log/syslog13:32
iceroot_Anomie21: have a look at /etc/mysql/my.cnf is there #skip-innodb13:33
iceroot_Anomie21: if there is no # you have the reason13:33
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Anomie21iceroot_: sorry was afk, thanks will look into that further13:38
iceroot_Anomie21: ok13:38
Anomie21iceroot_: Yeah it says 'skip-innodb'13:39
Anomie21Just remove that and restart mysql?13:39
pppdhello, is there any way that i can connet from localhost (through machine B - doesn't support X forwarding) to machine C (supports X forwarding) and run any X command?13:39
ikoniapppd: no13:40
pppdikonia: ok, thank you13:40
helois using root btrfs a bad idea with precise?13:41
Anomie21iceroot_: woo, working now. Thanks13:41
ikoniahelo: in my opinion, yes13:41
iceroot_Anomie21: that was the default ubuntu configuration and you did not change it?13:43
Anomie21iceroot_: yeah13:43
iceroot_Anomie21: very strange. on my debian its enabled by default, never used mysql on ubuntu but for its strange to disable innodb by default13:43
MrUnagiis the us repo down?13:44
iceroot_Anomie21: i just know that innodb is not the default engine on GNU/Linux13:44
souliaqKeyboard and Mouse Microsoft Desktop 800 Wireless, work in any Linux distro, right?13:44
Keo-wwhere does ubuntu store the hostname13:44
iceroot_helo: using precise and btrfs on a production system is a bad idea13:44
Keo-wtrying to find the file so i can update13:44
captineMrUnagi, i am struggling to intall from software center13:44
iceroot_Keo-w: /etc/hosts and /etc/hostname13:45
captinekeeps saying internet down13:45
iceroot_!host | Keo-w13:45
iceroot_!hosts | Keo-w13:45
MrUnagicaptine: apt is hanging for me13:45
iceroot_!hostname | Keo-w13:45
ubottuKeo-w: Use hostname <somehostname> to set the hostname, or to do it permanently: edit /etc/hosts to include BOTH the old and new hostname and then change /etc/hostname to the new one. WARNING! Make sure that your current hostname and /etc/hosts match, otherwise sudo may not work properly.13:45
heloiceroot_, ikonia: it's my desktop system, and all important files are on a different partition13:45
iceroot_helo: for testing btrfs is ok, for normal usage not13:46
Anomie21iceroot_: yeah, weird one. Thanks anyway, ciao13:46
SteevcaI get this when i want to play a video on youtube,flash is installed! http://www.dodaj.rs/f/45/A6/220pBTqk/screenshot-at-2012-04-24.png13:47
iceroot_Steevca: 12.04?13:47
Steevcaiceroot_: 11.1013:47
MonkeyDustSteevca  activate restricted areas in the software sources13:47
iceroot_Steevca: restarted the browser?13:47
Steevcaiceroot_: Couple of times.13:47
heloif there are persistent reports of fs corruption, i'd rather not use it. if it's just not as thoroughly tested, i'll give it a try13:47
iceroot_Steevca: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/flashplugin-nonfree/+bug/97642513:47
ubottuLaunchpad bug 977178 in update-notifier (Ubuntu) "duplicate for #976425 After upgrading to 12.04, flash doesn't seem to be installed to Firefox even though the package is." [High,Fix released]13:47
Keo-wso in /etc/hosts test.com testbox13:47
SteevcaMonkeyDust: And how do i do that? :D13:47
Keo-wwould mean host is testbox.test.com right13:48
iceroot_Steevca: there is/was a bug in the package "sudo apt-get install adobe-flashplugin" was the workaround, dont know if chrome was also affected13:48
Steevcaiceroot_: I am on chrome.And Flashplugin is installed adobe-flashplugin13:49
Steevca* adobe-flashplugin is already the newest version.13:49
iceroot_Steevca: sorry then i dont know13:49
donavan01anyone know why I have issues with the paste sites like pastebin.com I can past to them but nothing ever gets processed on the site and the request times out ... any idea what could be causing that?13:50
SteevcaIs there an alternativ for flash on chromium?13:50
MonkeyDustSteevca  try gnash13:50
SteevcaMonkeyDust: Sudo apt-get install gnash?13:51
SteevcaCan anyone give me the terninal command for removing flash compleatly?13:53
ishkabobsteveca, if you've installed via packages, the command would probably be: sudo apt-get remove adobe-flashplugin13:55
KaKilawacom help?13:56
retishi i just installed ubuntu 10.04 in my laptop,i am very new in this environment,want to install skype from terminal,can any one please help me13:56
Steevcamario_: Hi13:57
mario_i have a question about my bootloader13:57
ishkabobhey everyone, i'm trying to login to a Unity session with an activedirectory user (via Centrify), I can login fine to a terminal session, but lightdm doesn't want to log me in graphically, in my auth.log, i have the following:13:57
ishkabobApr 24 08:27:54 kevin-workstation adclient[1074]: INFO  <fd:10 PAMVerifyPassword> audit User 'kevin' authenticated based on Kerberos exchange to AD Apr 24 08:27:54 kevin-workstation adclient[1074]: INFO  <fd:23 PAMIsUserAllowedAccess> audit User 'kevin' is not authorized: User 'kevin' denied access to application 'lightdm' by DirectAuthorize13:57
donavan01anyone know when 12.04 will go offical13:57
TacNaynWhy are the ubuntu servers so slow13:57
zykotick9!schedule | donavan0113:58
ubottudonavan01: The Ubuntu Precise Pangolin release schedule can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PrecisePangolin/ReleaseSchedule13:58
mario_whats the name of the bootloader in ubuntu ?13:58
zykotick9mario_: grub213:58
mario_/etc/ ?13:58
=== TacNayn is now known as Konata
zykotick9mario_: the config stuff is in file /etc/default/grub mainly13:59
donavan01tacnayn if your talking about there file servers then thats because there are so many people hitting them13:59
KonataI'm talking about Canonical's servers13:59
zykotick9mario_: in channel please14:00
KonataMainly, and others like that14:00
KonataI've been trying to update this server for the last 20 minutes, it should not take this long to download 42MB, especially on a server that can push 1gbps14:00
PiciKonata: Canonical is aware of it, and are looking into it.14:00
zykotick9mario_: you can edit /etc/default/grub - but you need to run "sudo update-grub" after making any changes, to apply them!14:01
KonataPici: Is there another mirror that is functioning normally?14:01
Konataor am I up the creek without a paddle at the moment14:01
GeminiDominoSame problem here. And here I thought I was being clever by grabbing my packages now, before 12.04 is officially released later this week XD14:01
PiciKonata: All our other mirrors should be working just fine.  https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+archivemirrors14:02
KaKilaanybody can help with wacom installation. Detected but not working14:02
SidewinderPici, My update mgr. popped up yesterday with kernel updates; didn't do it as didn't want to reboot; should I wait a few days 'til Canonical gets it sorted?14:02
mario_thanks for the help zykotick914:03
MonkeyDustKaKila  start here https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wacom14:03
PiciSidewinder: Its up to you, you can always pick a different mirror if you like.14:03
KaKilaMonkeyDust: thanks, but I have gon throughout all the how-to. I had it working in 10.04, but I moved to 11.10 and the tablet is detected but not working14:04
KaKilaMonkeyDust: is a 00d2, so it says to be included14:04
SidewinderPici, Thanx, I'll wait a little; no rush, here. :)14:04
mario_any spanish channel ?14:04
ubottuEn la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.14:04
KaKilaMonkeyDust: I am suspicious about 50-wacon.conf cause I do not see any "identifier" I recognize14:04
GeminiDominoIs there any easy way to change the mirror from the CLI, or just editing sources.list?14:06
retishi i am new in ubuntu 10.04,want to install skype from terminal,tried with apt-get install command but was giving me some error,can any one please help me?14:07
Aramhi, anyone has any experience with debootstrap? I can't figure out the temporary place where it downloads its stuff.14:07
retishi i am new in ubuntu 10.04,want to install skype from terminal,tried with apt-get install command but was giving me some error,can any one please help me?14:08
psycho_oreos!repeat| retis14:08
ubotturetis: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/14:08
MonkeyDustretis  what "some error"?14:11
Sidewinderretis, Perhaps you forgot sudo?14:12
=== J2|QK is now known as J2
retisMonkeyDust, Sidewinder    i didnt forgot sudo but it was some library dependency error14:13
Sidewinderretis, Why not just use Synaptic? It'll handle all of the dependencies for you; or Software Center.14:14
MonkeyDustretis  type sudo apt-get install skype|pastebinit -- you'll get an url in the terminal -- paste that here14:14
SidewinderOr that.. :-)14:14
retisMonkeyDust, thank you,I open xchat from current terminal, can i try to install skype from the same terminal but without closing xchat, if possible can you please tell me how14:16
retisMonkeyDust, thank you,I open xchat from current terminal, can i try to install skype from the same terminal but without closing xchat, if possible can you please tell me how?14:16
psycho_oreosyou run xchat in background14:17
MonkeyDustretis  open a new tab in terminal14:17
retisMonkeyDust, http://paste.ubuntu.com/944126/14:18
coolproHello, I'm rather new using Ubuntu. How PHP selects extension_dir if not defined in the PHP.INI?14:18
MonkeyDustretis  System Settings > Software Sources > Canonical Partners -- then sudo apt-get updat and try again14:19
capretis: http://www.skype.com/intl/en-us/get-skype/on-your-computer/linux/14:20
capretis: In case you've yet to see it:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats14:21
cap- FYI -14:22
KaKilahelp with wacom CTH461 ubuntu 11.10, detected, but not working.14:22
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c__hey guys, I've forgotten how to install my laserjet 4L on lucid lynx, parallel port, can anyone spare a bit of time?14:24
capKaKila: localhost:631 #In firefox14:24
c__I seem to remember it being very easy on this same machine, but now I'm stumped for some reason14:25
capc__: localhost:631 #In firefox14:25
capKaKila: Sorry, wrong nic14:25
KaKilacap: I see14:26
llutzc__: run "hp-setup"14:26
capllutz: o14:26
KaKilawacom support over here?14:26
c__llutz: "no devices found"14:27
LukeNukemwhat does the cat command do14:27
llutzcat (1)              - concatenate files and print on the standard output LukeNukem14:28
MonkeyDustLukeNukem  it let's you read files in the terminal14:28
LukeNukemMonkeyDust, and im guessing merge will merge files together14:29
LukeNukeminto a single file14:29
capKaKila: I see some info on http://askubuntu.com/questions/80793/wacom-bamboo-cth-670-is-not-detected14:29
llutzLukeNukem: "whatis <commandname>" or "man <commandname>" to get help14:29
MonkeyDustLukeNukem  you can do cat file1 file2 > combined_files, i guess14:29
LukeNukemwhatis cat14:30
LukeNukemman cat14:30
MonkeyDustLukeNukem  in a terminal :)14:30
llutzLukeNukem: into a terminal...14:30
capKaKila: It says to install ppa:lekensteyn/wacom-tablet  etc.14:30
LukeNukemoh okie lol, thought it was a channel bot14:30
LukeNukemwould you guys know a replacement for DOS?14:30
LukeNukemfor cat and merge14:30
KaKilacap: yeha, been there. done it. it is detected, but not working14:31
PiciLukeNukem: Please ask in ##windows, there are gnu distributions of those tools for windows.14:31
masomHello, i am running 12.04 server with KVM guests. Everything kinda works fine until the guest tries to access the office lan. They can reach the internet just fine, but they can't access any machine on the lan. Worst, machines on the lan can access the KVM guests :/ Seems like a routing issue to me... anyone can help?14:31
MonkeyDustmasom  ask in #ubuntu+114:31
compdocmasom, sounds like youre using the default virtual lan14:32
masomcompdoc: each vm is running in a separate vlan.14:32
compdocyou need to use bridges14:32
Wavesonicshey does anyone know if there are any sweet laptops coming out w\ 12.04?14:33
compdocseperate vlans doesnt make a lot of sense14:33
masomcompdoc: and i do, actually running openstack essex. I had the same issue previously on ScientificLinux with a different version of openstack. It was a forwarding rule, but i forgot it :(14:33
Sidewinderc__, My HP 6P was "just there", under System-->Admin--> Printing.. Perhaps if you leave the printer on and reboot, it'll "be there", then just install.14:33
MonkeyDustmasom  bridges as opposed to NAT, to create logical bridges to you existing network14:33
Quantum_IonWavesonics, You can install Ubuntu Linux 12.04 LTS on most cheap laptops and it works great14:33
Sidewinderc__, I think "CUPS", installs by default.14:34
WavesonicsQuantum_Ion, i know... i just want someone like System76 to put out a laptop w\ full 1st party driver support14:34
capc__: localhost:631 #In firefox14:35
capc__: (In the location bar of Firefox, type:  localhost:631  #and hit enter)14:35
Quantum_IonWavesonics, In my opinion old laptops work the best with Ubuntu Linux14:37
Quantum_IonMy friend had an old 2005 Toshiba laptop with Windows XP on it which was no longer supported as soon as Ubuntu Linux 10.04 LTS was installed on it came back to life14:39
Quantum_IonIt actually ran faster with Ubuntu Linux 10.04 then it did with Windows XP go figure14:39
MrUnagiyay! i set up a vpn server!14:39
ikoniaQuantum_Ion: yeah yeah, whatever14:39
ikoniagreat story14:39
Quantum_Ionikonia, lol a true story14:40
retishi was trying to install skype from terminal using sudo apt-get install skype command,having this error http://paste.ubuntu.com/944167/ ; can anyone please help me?14:40
medusemanirc://irc.Rizon.net @ Rizon Network14:41
ikoniameduseman: you said that, please stop14:41
MonkeyDustretis  the Canonical Partners sources has to be activated, I showed how14:41
=== bobweaver is now known as Morton_Charlton
retisMonkeyDust, I am new in linux environment,i tried but wasn't able, can you please explain me again..14:43
MonkeyDustretis  System Settings > Software Sources > Canonical Partners -- then sudo apt-get update and try again14:44
retisMonkeyDust, i am using ubuntu 10.04; i was trying to find canonical partners in Software sources but i couldn't find anything like that..14:46
MonkeyDustretis  moment, i have 10.04 in vbox14:46
MonkeyDustretis  it's in System, Software Sources, Other -- you'll find partners there14:48
=== Morton_Charlton is now known as Morton_Charlton_
seeergiu-devgoogle search sucks and chrome too14:49
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MonkeyDustseeergiu-dev  not here, please14:50
seeergiu-devit is possible to turn off auto search in google bar?14:50
gandhijee_hello.  if i have installed the 32-bit dev tools, will it also install the 32bit static archives for libraries?14:50
scarecrowhey guys, i have a question. How I can repair a broken filesystem in ubuntu 11.10? In Gparted it's marked as unknown.14:51
MonkeyDustretis  got to go, hope you find it, man, good luck14:52
retisMonkeyDust thank you14:52
seeergiu-devthis google...14:54
seeergiu-devsuch stupid animation on start search screen14:54
seeergiu-devit make me to feel not comfortable14:54
seeergiu-devlike it's an bug on my screen14:54
Piciseeergiu-dev: #ubuntu is for Ubuntu support only. If you want to chat with other users (and maybe complain about the google doodle) theres #ubuntu-offtopic14:56
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capretis: Did you get skype installed yet?14:57
retiscap, not yet done14:57
faLUCEhi. I'm testing lubuntu 11.10 with a 32inches monitor (philips). I can have a maximum resolution of 1360x768.. monitor is detected as "hdmi1" ... How can I obtain higher resolutions?14:57
retiscap, i am updating the cannonical partners14:57
capretis: are you 32bit or 64bit?14:57
retiscap, 32 bit14:58
capretis: Good, you need to do that anyway.14:58
linux_probethe link in the "ChanServ" notice message is fail due to the extra colon preceeding  "" * #ubuntu :http://www.ubuntu.com ""14:58
capretis: Ok, you should be able to do it with apt-get or synaptic after that, (it will show in the repositories), but you can just download it if you want:  http://www.skype.com/intl/en-us/get-skype/on-your-computer/linux/downloading.ubuntu3214:59
retiscap, thank you i will try it14:59
capretis: But it's always better (safer) to use the package management system (synaptic or apt-get).15:02
Picilinux_probe: may I pm?15:03
donavan01anyone know how to get the network monitor plugin to work with the wifi?15:07
zelrikis it normal if there is no more 'compress' button in nautilus when you right click on files?15:10
Arleezelrik: I still have it (11.10 Gnome3). "Compress..."15:14
=== Unic is now known as Unicronius
LoRezwhy on earth does oneiric keep asking for wifi passwords while the machine is plugged into a network?15:18
umrenis there a channel for ubuntu developers?15:19
ikoniaumren: what's the issue15:19
LoRezbetter, why does it open 20 windows to ask?15:19
umrenwant to ask about java & unity interface integration, will this be a problem?15:19
=== LukeNukem is now known as DarthVader
MrUnagiso i have openvpn installed and working….sort of…..i can see remote windows machines advertising, and i can ssh to the vpn server via its local ip address…..but i cannot ssh to another machine using its local address…..is there a configuration i missed?15:21
cesarstafepeople, a question about differences between versions 10.04 and 11.10? I have installed 'couchdb' in Ubuntu 11.10 and there is config files under '/usr/local/etc/couchdb', but there aren't there those files under Ubuntu 10.04? this is my fault or there was another place for config files for Ubuntu 10.04?15:21
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ikoniacesarstafe: how did you install couchdb15:21
ikoniacesarstafe: that location does not look like the correct ubuntu location15:21
bazhang!cn | realrealjerry15:22
ubotturealrealjerry: 如欲ç²å¾—中文的å”助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn 或 /join #ubuntu-tw15:22
cesarstafeikonia: I'm tryint to configure CouchDb 1.2.0(the latest version) and there is not ubuntu package for that15:22
ikoniacesarstafe: ok, so it's not an ubuntu issue15:23
cesarstafeI've downloaded a third party15:23
shomonhi, I have an ubuntu laptop which freezes after the graphics go very strange15:23
ikoniacesarstafe: it's how you are building the package or the 3rd party is making the package15:23
shomonfirst around the mouse, then the mouse becomes unresponsive15:23
ikoniacesarstafe: it's nothing to do with ubuntu15:23
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cesarstafeand after that I've checked that this is working well15:23
cesarstafeI am trying to add as a service with 'runit'15:23
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ikoniacesarstafe: if it's not working/putting files in 10.04 contact the people who make the package and ask them why15:23
cesarstafein Ubuntu 11.10 works greate15:24
ikoniacesarstafe: if it's not working/putting files in 10.04 contact the people who make the package and ask them why15:24
=== Showboat_Gertrud is now known as bobweaaver
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cesarstafebut I have a staging server with Ubuntu 10.04 and I didn't found where those files are15:24
ikoniacesarstafe: if it's not working/putting files in 10.04 contact the people who make the package and ask them why15:25
cesarstafeikonia: ok, I'll try to find the location first ..15:25
cesarstafefor those files15:25
cesarstafeI though that this was a difference between 10.04 and 11.1015:26
bobweaavercesarstafe,  you know about motu ? like what ikonia  is talking about ?15:26
cesarstafenot at all15:26
cesarstafethis is my first time here in this channel15:26
cesarstafeand I don't know about motu15:26
bobweaavercool welcome cesarstafe  motu is the masters of the universe read more about them here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU15:27
ikoniacesarstafe: don't worry about it15:27
cesarstafebobweaaver: who/what/which is it?15:27
ikoniacesarstafe: it's of no value to you at this time15:27
ikoniacesarstafe: contact the people who make the package and ask them for a 10.04 package15:27
cesarstafeyes, I guess that this is not time to lose time there, in future yes, but not now15:27
cesarstafeikonia: yes, I'll .. thank you very much!15:28
bobweaavercesarstafe,  what files are you looking for ?15:28
cesarstafeconfig files for couchdb15:29
cesarstafein 11.10 are under /usr/local/etc/couchdb/15:29
splnethow do you resize a window in unity? Or switch to full screen? I can't access the top of a window.15:29
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cesarstafebut not under 10.0415:29
capsplnet: F11 ?15:30
capsplnet: Ctrl-F  ?15:30
capsplnet: can you move it  down by holding Alt and then clicking on it with left mouse button and drag it?15:31
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splnetcap:  both of those don't work I15:31
daev_anyone here ever set up Plugin Manager for roundcube, in squeeze?15:31
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splnetcap: yes the alt trick worked. thanks!15:31
shomonhi, any idea how to diagnose this crash? it created a file containing the words ubiquity crash...15:31
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capsplnet: I dono, I just did:  sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop15:31
capsplnet: NP15:32
cesarstafehuh, I think that I know why I didn't find those files15:32
capshomon: ubiquity crashed15:32
bytemanwhat are the ISOLINUX/PXELINUX arguments to launch the Ubuntu 11.10 text installer via PXE?  The iso files are mounted on a HTTP server, but I want to do the install manually15:32
capshomon: (sorry, couldn't resist)15:33
cesarstafebobweaaver , ikonia : I have made a 'apt-get remove couchdb --purge' before of try to implement new version of CouchDb 1.2.015:33
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splnetbyteman: I'm guessing you need the alternate installer15:33
cesarstafe--purge I guess that has dropped all this config files15:34
bytemansplnet: I have the alternate ISO hosted on HTTP...just trying to figure out what files I need to get the ubuntu installer started.15:34
cesarstafe* deleted15:34
bobweaavercesarstafe,  yes that is what --purge option does :)15:34
splnetbyteman: I didn't know PXEboot works over http. You may need to setup a tftp server15:35
nadoanybody ever heard of an invalid color format error in wine using intel gma graphics?15:35
bytemansplnet: oh...this is TFTP.  I have  vmlinuz and initrd.img from the desktop ISO on TFTP, but I want the installer to pull the rest from HTTP - is this possible?15:35
cesarstafewell, discuss with you and 'ikonia' made me remember. Apologies for waste your time!15:35
* MikeRotch is away: getting coffee [l(on) p(on)]15:35
vuongdothanhhuywhat exactly the symptom?15:36
splnetbyteman: yeah after it boots it should be. I'll let someone more knowledgable w/ ubuntu explain how to do it though15:37
vuongdothanhhuywrong color when watching video in GMA VGA Card?15:37
bobweaavercesarstafe,  glad that you figured it pit :)15:37
nadoi get all black textures in games15:37
nadohappened in Warcraft 3 on certain maps15:37
nadoand now in Dota2 on Steam15:37
cowdogi need to up date brb15:39
nadovuongdothanhhuy, no idea what might cause my problems?15:40
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vuongdothanhhuyI don't really know, on my netbook, it works well. Maybe something was wrong about the driver?15:41
vuongdothanhhuyI'm not professor in kernel development, sorry :D anyone professional in kernel and driver? give him a hand15:42
nadomhh, thanks anyway. how to check if i have the latest driver version?15:42
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cowdogi would like to know how15:43
cowdoghello any one there15:44
capSorry, I don't know anything about brb15:44
MrPocketscowdog, whats your question..15:44
MikeRotchHey Tep15:45
cowdoghow do you update your drivers15:45
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capcowdog: Video drivers?15:45
xtop7hi all15:45
bobweaavercowdog,  what driver/mod 3rd party or not ?15:45
cowdogits a AMD\15:46
capcowdog: What problem are you encountering?  (What is it that leads you to believe that drivers need update?)15:46
bobweaavercowdog,  open terminal (ctrl+alt+t) <~ ubuntu   and enter in  lspci -nn | grep VGA     then use paste.ubuntu.com to paste what you get and post link here15:47
capcowdog: You should see an option for "Hardware Drivers"15:47
cowdogwell i have to use unity the ubuntu 3d will not work15:47
MikeRotchGah.  Sorry, new keyboard15:48
mneptokcowdog: does "lsmod | grep adeon" in a terminal give any output?15:48
cowdogumm yeah15:48
mneptokcowdog: then you are using the "radeon" Free driver incorporated into the Linux kernel. all updates will come with new kernels.15:49
shomonlol cap15:49
shomonwhy did ubiquity crash, and can I switch it for something else?15:49
mneptokcowdog: that driver does not have good 3D capabilities. you can use the proprietary AMD driver, but that introduces new problems.15:50
mneptokcowdog: do you *need* 3D acceleration?15:50
capcowdog: Make sure your system is fully updated.15:50
mneptokguess not.15:51
capI'm not sure where to find some of the options in Unity because I use xfce4 (xfce4 is a bit simpler and simple is good for me :)15:52
derek12hello, can someone please help me with Ubutun 12.04?15:52
capderek12: Sure, but you have to ask specific question(s).15:52
bobweaaverderek12, try #ubuntu+1 yet ? it is the beta channel15:52
`zfrom topic: For support with 12.04 beta, /join #ubuntu+1 channel15:52
multipasshi, i reformated my computer, and now im unable to ssh back into my ubuntu server vmware. is there some think that could of happened?15:52
derek12I have just installed 12.04 fresh on my university machine, I added the HTTP proxy and I'm now using it to browse the web (on and get on this chat), however apt-get update tells me it's failing to fetch?15:53
bobweaavermultipass,  ssh client is installed correct ?15:53
capbobweaaver: Tnx for the heads-up, #ubuntu+1 will know a lot more about 12.04 than most of us here.15:53
eidhow can i drop manual in terminal ?15:54
eidafter using it15:54
multipassbobweaaver: it worked before i reformated, and i can start and stop ssh client15:54
derek12spent good part of an hour trying to solve this :(15:54
capderek12: sudo apt-get install ssh15:55
bobweaavermultipass,  the -v option in ssh gives out verbose are there errors ?15:55
derek12cap: E: Package 'ssh' has no installation candidate15:55
multipassbobweaaver: well im trying to ssh from my host computer into my ubuntu vbox15:55
mneptokcap: why ssh?15:56
bobweaavermultipass,  vbox is a bridged network ?15:56
capI thought derek12 was looking for ssh.15:56
multipassbobweaaver: its a host only connection.. currently samba shares are working between the 2, and also i can access apache from the IP15:56
derek12cap: no my apt-get isn't working, won't fetch anything15:56
mneptokderek12: where did you configure the web proxy?15:57
multipassbut when i try to ssh into the comp, i see nothing15:57
capderek12: Oh...  You have proxy?15:57
multipassdoesnt respond15:57
derek12university proxy, I'm a lecturer here15:57
derek12this is in my office though, not public wifi15:57
aaasis there a way to force fsck on reboot15:58
mneptokderek12: you said " i added the HTTP proxy." where did you do this?15:58
irenicus09hi anyone knows how I can ssh to my server if I don't own a domain name...and what is better for Linux no-ip or dyndns?15:58
derek12mneptok: I opened the dash and typed "Proxy" and clicked " "Network"15:58
mneptokaaas: sudo touch /forcefsck15:58
capaaas: fsck will check and repair a Linux file system.  I don't think it will reboot for you.15:59
derek12mneptok: selected "Network proxy" and then I set "HTTP Proxy"15:59
aaasthanks mneptok15:59
capderek12: Did you test to see that it works through it?16:00
capderek12: host av.com16:00
derek12cap: I'm using it now to chat on IRC and search google16:00
derek12host av.com16:00
derek12av.com has address
mneptokderek12: open Synaptic and configure the proxy in Synaptic's settings.16:00
derek12av.com has address
derek12av.com mail is handled by 50 av1-mrin.yahoo.com.16:00
derek12av.com mail is handled by 50 av2-mrin.yahoo.com.16:00
FloodBot1derek12: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.16:00
mneptokderek12: Synaptic is the package manager in the admin tools.16:01
capderek12: Ok, looks to be working for you.  What error do you get from apt-get?16:01
capderek12: or synaptic?16:01
derek12cap: http://paste.ubuntu.com/944285/16:02
derek12mneptok: going to look for synaptic now, getting lost in unity...16:02
multipassanyone know what my ssh problem might be? im tryin to ssh from my host comp onto my ubuntu vbox -- http://paste.ubuntu.com/944286/16:02
mneptokderek12: if you want to do it from the command line, you can set the proxy in your shell's exports.16:03
capderek12: backports?16:03
derek12cap: what's a backport?16:03
bobweaavermultipass, is ssh on 22 ?16:03
mneptokoho! someone did type this already.16:03
bobweaaverin vbox ^^16:03
mneptokderek12: http://blog.mypapit.net/2006/02/how-to-use-apt-get-behind-proxy-server-ubuntudebian.html16:03
derek12any idea why this worked before but no lnoger?16:04
mneptokderek12: "something changed"16:04
capderek12: "When using Backports, it is important to understand that there is an inherent risk in backporting software"16:04
capfrom https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports16:04
derek12how do I ... not use backports...16:05
derek12mneptok: tried the export, didn't work16:06
cantataIs somebody in home?16:06
jribcantata: do you have a support question?16:06
derek12somebody in home?16:06
cantataOh no! I bring with me a bug...16:06
jribcantata: what is it?16:07
cantataCan I report it?16:07
multipassbobweaaver: im not sure where that setting is bob16:07
donavan01anyone know why pastebin would not be processing my pastes... works fine in windows but not in ubuntu16:07
=== Sovereign is now known as Guest53996
multipassbobweaaver: is this somekinda vbox settings? or on the actual ubuntu image16:07
cantataWell, I have been trying to install Ubuntu 12,04... and well...16:07
bobweaavermultipass,  look under /etc/ssh/sshd_conf16:07
capderek12: To disable backports, go to Software Sources and remove16:07
Guest53996yesterday my kernel was updated can I remove the old kernal or should I wait a few days16:08
jribcantata: please use only one line16:08
cantataMy laptop screen turn in black...16:08
neil1107how about ubuntu 12.04?16:08
capderek12: Some of us, (not all), recommend staying with stable versions of software(s).16:08
jribcantata: as 12.04 final has not yet been released, please use #ubuntu+1 for help with it16:08
multipassit says port 22, bobweaaver16:08
atjepatatjeHi there, anyone can help me on hanging apt-get install / apt-get remove / etcetra16:09
jribatjepatatje: provide details.16:09
derek12cap: no luck there either :(16:09
bobweaavermultipass, when I use vox for servers it is for testing an it is on my lan most of the time. in vbox unders the os settings look at network is that bridged ?16:09
capderek12: It's up to you....  But depending on how long you've had backports enabled in your sources list, you might be better off just leaving it as is.  (I dono, maybe someone else will have better advise).16:09
cantataExcuse me... well I know that... but I want to help a bit... Is not a bug that?16:09
ZetNoI'm kinda new to ubuntu, is there anyone who can help me just a bit, with a few net related questions ?16:09
bobweaavers|vox|vbox   lol16:09
derek12cap: clean install 1hour ago :)16:09
capderek12: Oh16:10
jribcantata: this is not the proper channel for help with 12.04.  Please use #ubuntu+1.  They can tell you how to fix it or if you should report a bug16:10
capderek12: Then you probably haven't installed anyting via backports yet.16:10
multipassbobweaaver: well i have a nat for adapter 1, and host only for adapter 2... i have had this working, but then i had to reformat.. and now for some reason it wont work16:10
ZetNoim using ubuntu 10.04 lts16:10
atjepatatjejrib, apt-get doesnt work any more. It hangs during installs / removes, i tried running dpkg --configure -a and i ren apt-get update / upgrade / clean / autoremove / check / etcetra16:10
jribatjepatatje: pastebin16:10
capSomeone tell me:  Does backports come enabled by default nowdays?16:10
jribatjepatatje: or is there absolutely no output?16:11
cantataJrib: how would I go to there? Explain me, please... I am from Linux Mint.16:11
jribcantata: /join #ubuntu+116:11
bobweaavermultipass, I will make video16:11
cantataOh thank you friend!16:11
mrsuchyPLHi everyone16:12
atjepatatjejrib http://pastebin.ca/213978016:12
Guest53996ZetNo, what is your question16:12
jribatjepatatje: is it always with clamav-daemon?16:12
capderek12: Alternately, you can go to /etc/apt/sources.list and comment out all lines that have backport in them.  (grep backport /etc/apt/sources.list  #Will tell you which ones you have.)16:13
atjepatatjejrib no randomly16:13
jribatjepatatje: can you pastebin another?16:13
donavan01does anyone else have any issue with pastebin ?16:13
gridbagis there a google video chat client for ubuntu?16:13
capderek12: But if you do, you'll need to run sudo apt-get update   afterward16:13
capdonavan01: No. Why would we?16:14
atjepatatjejrib, when trying to remove something else => http://pastebin.ca/213978216:14
jribatjepatatje: right, that's clamav-daemon again16:14
=== [dongforce]marac is now known as [df]maractus
derek12cap: someone in ubuntu+1 got it, I had to add the proxy to my apt.conf file...16:15
donavan01cap:  I have not been able to get it to work on my ubuntu machine at all ... aways times out ... chrome or firefox it doesnt matter ... thought it was DNS issue but its not as far as I can tell.16:15
atjepatatjejrib, yes it is, i even tried to install it with aptitude, but that breaks too16:15
ZetNoI've just finished installing ubuntu 10.04 lts on my HP pavilion dv7 laptop.. It's the main OS.. But, no matter what I do, I can't connect to the web ?16:15
atjepatatjejrib its realy anoying as I even cant ctrl-C to exit the script16:15
jribatjepatatje: pastebin contents of /var/lib/dpkg/info/clamav-daemon*16:16
AiRLocKHello everybody, I need help with something really weird that is happening with a PC of mine.16:17
SteevcaWhen i want to install gimp via Ubuntu Software Center i get : Not Found.There isnt'a package called "gimp" in your current software sources.16:17
capderek12: Very good.  Sorry we didn't know...16:17
derek12cap: I appreciate all help :D16:17
capderek12: Oh, you are 12.10? Yea, that would be why you have backports.  Sorry for the irrlevent discussion....16:17
ZetNoI can't connect to the interweb from my laptop, I've tried everything.. Btw, ubuntu is newly installed..16:18
Timmywhen will ubuntu 12.04 be released?16:18
derek12cap: 12.04, also it's my birthday tomorrow, how exciting16:18
fidel_Steevca: which ubuntu version?16:18
Steevcafidel_: 11.1016:18
MrUnagiis there a way to repute a remote lans traffic through a vpn server without adding a static route to the default gateway16:18
capderek12: Happy birthday.  (better leave backports in there.)16:18
fidel_Steevca: what is the output of: apt-cache policy gimp16:18
donavan01ok I stand corrected I do have DNS issues... now google wont even load16:18
Steevcafidel_: apt-cache policy gimp16:19
derek12cap: will do, do you know how to install all the stuff like mp3 codecs which couldn't be installed during ubuntu installation due to proxy fail?16:19
Steevcafidel_: Sorry,wrong paste. xD N: Unable to locate package gimp16:19
dekokgrimy ubuntu is messed up16:19
atjepatatjejrib how can i copy content of a big file?16:19
dekokgrican you help me???16:20
capdonavan01: Show me a particular URL that it times out on.16:20
jribatjepatatje: depends on your editor.  What file is big?16:20
ZetNoI can't connect to the interweb from ubuntu 10.04 lts, why not?16:20
atjepatatjejrib using cat or nano / bigger than one screen16:20
jribatjepatatje: use gedit16:20
fidel_Steevca: according to http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=gimp&searchon=names&suite=oneiric&section=all there is a gim-package in 11.10. did you mess around with your sources?16:20
atjepatatjejrib ok.....16:20
SteevcaAlso i got chrome in some wierd position in the top right of my desktop and i can't move it. xD16:20
capderek12: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras16:20
derek12cap: thank you16:21
atjepatatjejrib, need to install it..... and that won't work ^^16:21
cap!restricted | derek1216:21
ubottuderek12: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats16:21
AiRLocKThe shutdown confirmation dialog keeps popping up at random on my machine...16:21
donavan01cap ... thats just it its not one site though www.pastebin.org seems to be the worst I just tried facebook and google and its about 50/50 if it loads or not ... I have tried adding google's dns and opendns address but it seems to be something in the bowels of ubuntu16:21
ZetNo'FUCK THIS SHIT... IM OUT...16:22
jeshwanthHello anyone please help me, yesterday I have downloaded the linux kernel 3.0.29 from kernel.org and built it and installed to my system , but when I select that kernel while booting it giving some error can't mount and all, so Now I want to remove that kernel what I need to do ? I am using ubuntu 11.10 , thanks16:22
KaKilahelp with wacom in 11.10, please16:22
noobanyone know when 12.04 will comw out of beta?16:22
Timmywhen will the FUCKING ubuntu 12.04 be released?16:22
Travis-42On Ubuntu 11.10, when I right click on anything like a window bar, the right click menu shows up underneath the window, so I can't click it. any ideas?16:23
jribjeshwanth: depends how you installed it16:23
Steevcafidel_: Can you copy-paste me the last one,chrome got all wierd on me.16:23
capdonavan01: Just trying to go to  www.pastebin.org  right now and... it says:  "Pastebin.com is under heavy load right now :'("16:23
jribTimmy: that get's you the wrong kind of attention.16:23
bekksjrib: Reboot into another kernel, and remove it the same way you installed it (hopefully dpkg).16:23
ubottuUbuntu 12.04 LTS (Precise Pangolin) is the 16th release of Ubuntu and is in Beta testing from 2nd March, Discussion and support until final release in #ubuntu+116:23
donavan01noob ... end of the month16:23
fidel_Steevca: it was just a link to packakges.ubuntu.com16:23
fidel_Steevca: it was just a link to packages.ubuntu.com16:23
donavan01cap... that could explain pastebin but facebook and google too ?16:24
Travis-42noob, Timmy: you could always just install the beta16:24
SteevcaThis is a clean install fidel_ ,so i didn;t mess enything.16:24
capdonavan01: I dono....16:24
jeshwanthjrib: I just used that make install after built it , so in make only any option is there to remove ?16:24
SteevcaTimmy: http://www.noobslab.com/2011/11/ubuntu-1204-release-schedule.html16:24
capdonavan01: https://www.facebook.com/login.php  #Comes up for me...16:24
fidel_Steevca: then i dont get it - i was on 11.10myself until last week - and gimp was available thosedays for sure - and it still should according to thr packages-page16:25
ubuntu64bitlernid keeps getting a connection interupted? nothing is wrong with my connection im using 12.04 beta16:25
capdonavan01: (But i'm not a facebooker, so .... )16:25
oCeanubuntu64bit: please use #ubuntu+1 channel for that16:25
Steevcafidel_: Must be some problem with installation.16:25
capdonavan01: (I'm more of an email person.)16:25
atjepatatjejrib, the output for the hanging apt-get http://pastebin.ca/213980116:26
donavan01cap ... thats what Im saying ...  I can get it to work on my windows box but ubuntu is just having a fit... I tried disaling IPv6 just to be safe and like I said I added google and opendns address to my list and nothing ... I can ping no problem but the browsers just wont connect to the sites like they should16:26
capdonavan01: Check to see if you have correct nameserver(s) in /etc/resolv.conf16:27
jribatjepatatje: the important one in this case is the .postinst16:27
Steevcafidel_: I will try to find a new repos. for gimp,and add it and check then.16:27
capdonavan01: Can I PM you?16:27
atjepatatjejrib unfortunatly gedit is not installed, is there any other way to get the file content in my pastebin/16:27
jribatjepatatje: there's probably a way to do it in nano but I don't know it.  Why not use pastebinit?16:28
jrib!pastebinit | atjepatatje16:28
ubottuatjepatatje: pastebinit is the command-line equivalent of !pastebin - Command output, or other text can be redirected to pastebinit, which then reports an URL containing the output - To use pastebinit, install the « pastebinit » package from a package manager - Simple usage: command | pastebinit -b http://paste.ubuntu.com16:28
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fidel_Steevca: there shouldnt be any reason to search new/additional repos. does apt work for any other packages?16:28
Steevcafidel_: It does.16:28
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atjepatatjejrib the problem is a cant get it from my cli screen within ubuntu as the file output is too big16:29
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jrib!away > Kiryx|afk16:29
ubottuKiryx|afk, please see my private message16:29
jribatjepatatje: well if you can install pastebinit (I don't know if apt will let you), then why not use that?16:30
Dr_Willisatjepatatje,  use the pastebinit command perhaps?16:30
atjepatatjejrib ok I understand you (now)16:30
MrKeunerhello, what is the portion of gnome shell which appears when mouse is moved to lower right corner, called?16:31
bubuzhi guys - when i try and apt-get remove postfix - it also wants to remove my nagios3 install and some other packages. how can I stop this? I don't see why the other packages depend on it16:31
Star_Lighthello. What is the command in Ubuntu if I want to see which is my bash?16:32
MrKeunerhello, after rhytymbox is minimized, I can control it however, cannot bring the actual application window back. How do you do that?16:32
Star_LightI want to see my bash. And  I look for a command for that16:32
guakkioneWhat's the difefrence between this channel and freenode one?16:32
Dr_Willischsh shows what your default shell is i belive,.16:32
dak0Hello, I need help16:32
Dr_Willisguakkione,  this is freenode....16:33
atjepatatjejrib http://paste.ubuntu.com/944349/16:33
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guakkioneDr_Willis: but I'm just entered in irc.ubuntu.com16:33
jribatjepatatje: why did you say this was too big, it's about 7 lines :)16:33
atjepatatjejrib, wrong file16:33
Dr_Willis#ubuntu channel on the freenode network. any freenode server the #ubuntu channel is  'here'16:34
dak0When I open movies with ubuntu player or VLC, people are BLUE, my PC is dual booted with Windows 7, so I booted windows and opened the movies seems like they fine there16:34
Dr_Willisand that server is part of the freenode network.16:34
atjepatatjejrib http://paste.ubuntu.com/944353/16:34
jribatjepatatje: you see the "set -e" in that file?  On the line right below that add "set -x"16:34
Star_LightI gave -> ps -ef | grep $$ and the output is bash16:34
guakkionewhat a shame16:34
Dr_WillisWhat were you expecting? :)16:35
Steevcafidel_: Is there a way that i can get all the sources to defualt state?16:35
bubuzhi guys - when i try and apt-get remove postfix. the box isnt a mail server and sendEmail does the job. however apt-get remove wants to remove my nagios3 install and some other packages. how can I stop this? I don't see why the other packages depend on it16:35
atjepatatjejrib do you mean line 6 of this file? http://paste.ubuntu.com/944353/16:35
Dubaco1!aptpinning bubuz16:36
Dubaco1google aptpinning bubuz16:36
LcNeonhow do i show file length with ls?16:36
LcNeonfile size*16:36
oCeanDubaco1: please don't send others to google, thanks16:36
jribatjepatatje: yes, in line 7 add "set -x"16:37
Dubaco1oCean:  democracy not autocracy16:37
atjepatatjejrib leave set -e and add set -e to it?16:37
bubuzoCean, got any better ideas?16:37
oCeanDubaco1: wrong, it is not a democracy. When you entered the channel, or bot showed you links to the CoC for the channel16:37
Dubaco1bubuz: other seach engines are available other than google16:38
oCeanDubaco1: stop it now16:38
LcNeongot it ls -s16:38
LcNeonor not16:38
bubuzdoes anybody have any ideas with my problem?16:38
Steevcafidel_: I found this http://pastebin.com/yhypPfA916:38
Dubaco1bubuz yes one minuate16:38
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atjepatatjejrib I added set -x and left set -e where it was. The file now looks like => http://paste.ubuntu.com/944363/16:39
beandogbubuz: try installing ssmtp and see if that removes postfix and not anything else16:39
Dubaco1@ bubuz16:39
bubuzbut i dont want to install ssmtp :/16:39
bubuzthanks Dubaco116:40
beandogbubuz: you need a mailer16:40
beandogor rather, the packages do16:40
bubuzi have sendEmail install and working16:40
beandogoh, gotcha16:40
jolicloudis joli os based on ubuntu 9.04?16:40
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ActionParsnipjolicloud: joli is offtopic here16:41
LcNeonhow can i view folder/file size's in terminal ?16:41
ActionParsnipLcNeon: du -h /path/to/folder | tail -n 116:41
iLogicalubuntu upgraded kernel and some stuff, now all is slower, what do i do?16:42
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ChaosadndAll meaning what?16:42
atjepatatjejrib the output after reinstall looks like this (last lines) http://paste.ubuntu.com/944368/16:42
Chaosadndthe whole system?16:42
atjepatatjejrib after this the program hangs16:43
iLogicalmaybe it's youtube16:43
ActionParsnipiLogical: do you use proprietary video drivers?16:43
iLogicalbut it worked nicely with them16:43
ActionParsnipiLogical: is libreoffice slow as well?16:43
iLogicalyes ActionParsnip16:43
iLogicali don't remember if it was slow that way before16:44
ActionParsnipiLogical: try reinstalling dkms, may help16:44
ActionParsnipiLogical: yes16:44
ActionParsnipiLogical: it should rebuild the video kernel driver and may help16:44
iLogicalrestart needed16:45
=== ziroday is now known as nickhs
silvermirhello can somebody help me pls ?16:46
silvermiri have an external drive16:47
ActionParsnipsilvermir: ask and see16:47
jonathanellisHi. Can anyone please suggest a laptop / docking station combination or a PCMCIA graphics card that will allow me to run two external monitors on Ubuntu (not just the laptop screen and an external monitor)16:47
silvermirwhich can not mount16:47
jonathanellisSomeone suggested a Thinkpad some time ago but I forgot which one16:47
ActionParsnip!hcl | jonathanellis16:47
ubottujonathanellis: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection16:47
silvermirdisk utility shows that the dirve has  byte16:48
glycoknobhi, I'm looking for advice. I'm using lucid, created a mdadm raid5 on 3 hdd, after reboot, no filesystem anymore16:48
iLogicalActionParsnip, still slow16:48
ActionParsnipsilvermir: can you give the output of:  sudo fdisk -l ; lsb_release -a; uname -a        please use a pastebin to host16:48
iLogicalit wasn't that way before this kernel upgrade16:48
ActionParsnipiLogical: can you give a pastebin of the output of:  sudo lshw -C display; lsb_release -a; uname -a16:49
glycoknobcat /proc/mdstat looks nice, I can't explain why the data is gone'16:49
iLogicalof course16:49
MrUnagiis there a way to route remote lan traffic through a vpn without adding a static route to the router16:49
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ActionParsnipiLogical: you are using the open source driver  'driver=radeon'16:50
ActionParsnipiLogical: were you using that before?16:50
iLogicali want go back to the proprietary16:50
ikoniaMrUnagi: you can add the route on your own machine16:50
ActionParsnipiLogical: uninstall the proprietary driver then reinstall it, may help16:51
MrUnagiikonia: meaning all nodes inside the lag having a static route to the vpn server?16:51
ubottuEn la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.16:51
iLogicalif the foss driver were good i would certainly use it, but that's not the case16:51
ActionParsnipiLogical: works in some cases, like older ATi chips16:52
iLogicalwhat's the package I need reinstall, or use complete removal then intall it?16:53
ikoniaMrUnagi: no, meaning your machine will route traffic, if you want other machines to do so, they would need to use your machine as a router16:53
MrUnagiikonia: so the only way to do it without configuring each node to use the vpn as gateway, is to add the static route16:54
Star_Lightideone is better16:55
Star_Lightit has built in compiler :p16:55
atjepatatjejrib, are you still there/16:55
ikoniaMrUnagi: pretty much, tha'ts how networking/routing works16:55
MrUnagiikonia: unfortunately the cheap router being used will only let me do static routes by turning off NAT16:56
MrUnagiikonia: if i turn of NAT, ill lose remote access to the router won't i16:56
ActionParsnipMrUnagi: there may be a config file you can add that gets rn when the vpn comes up16:56
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derek12Authentication is needed to run '/usr/bin/dropbox' as the super user, my password for admin doesn't work, how do I become a SUPER USER?!16:56
MrUnagiderek12: sudo16:57
ikoniaderek12: sudo /usr/bin/dropbox16:57
countfuzzballIf I put the libraries in /bin and /lib into a tmpfs called /ram/bin and /ram/lib, how can I get the initramfs to acknowledge these changes and not complain when /lib/libc6.so doesn't exist?16:57
wylde!root | derek1216:57
ubottuderek12: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo16:57
iLogicalActionParsnip, it seems to have worked, thanks16:57
MrUnagiwylde: i love how ubottu answers that one16:57
MrUnagiActionParsnip: gets rn?16:57
ActionParsnipiLogical: np man, may be a bug, not tried a newer release?16:57
derek12apparently the dropbox daemon is not installed16:57
ActionParsnipMrUnagi: run*16:57
iLogicaljust the one in the upgrade16:58
ActionParsnipderek12: reinstall the nutilus-dropbox package, may help16:58
iLogicali am happy the way it is for the next two weeks, exams season at uni :p16:58
cesarstafepeople, a question, how can I uninstall packages that are with 'rc' status?16:58
cesarstaferc  couchdb                              1.0.1-0ubuntu3~lucid2                      RESTful document oriented database, system DB16:59
cesarstafeshould I do somethink like 'apt-get remove couchdb' and nothing more?16:59
ActionParsnipcesarstafe: sudo dpkg -P couchdb16:59
cesarstafeI'll try17:00
Endafywhen is 12.04 coming out? I only do LTSes and am looking forward to checking out this new version17:00
ActionParsnipcesarstafe: it's not installed, just some remaining config is17:00
wyldeEndafy: 26th17:00
ActionParsnipEndafy: ask in #ubuntu+1 for Precise17:00
cesarstafe-P what does it?17:00
cesarstaferemove all config files?17:00
Endafydont need preciceness I just wanted to know if it was ok to start backing up for the upgrade lol17:00
ActionParsnipcesarstafe: (p)urge17:00
cesarstafeahh.. ok17:00
ActionParsnipcesarstafe: yes for that package17:01
derek12i followed this http://www.liberiangeek.net/2012/04/install-dropbox-in-ubuntu-12-04-precise-pangolin/ and now I think my dropbox install efforts are forever broken17:01
silvermir<ActionParsnip>  http://pastebin.com/aNg9X6HB17:01
Endafylike I said I only do LTSes because I dont like formatting17:01
ActionParsnipderek12: precise isn't supported here, ask in #ubuntu+1 please17:01
cesarstafeis the same as 'apt-get remove package --purge'17:01
phibxrEndafy, 48 hours +/- something.17:01
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ActionParsnipsilvermir: I never said to run lsb_release or uname with sudo, it's not needed (but the output is the same)17:02
ActionParsnipsilvermir: if you use sudo when it's not needed, you can damage your OS17:02
silvermirok i didnt know it thx for info17:03
ActionParsnipsilvermir: seems the device is /dev/sdb1    when you last unplugged the device, did you use the safe remove feature?17:03
ActionParsnipsilvermir: or did you just pull it out?17:03
wyldesilvermir: try commands first without it, if the command complains then use it. Safest way to go about things, especially if you are unsure what a command does.17:03
silvermirno it isnt sdb117:03
silvermirits not listed17:03
silvermironyl disk utuilty can list it Device: /dev/sdg17:03
ActionParsnipsilvermir: seems your Linux partitions are not listed either...17:03
wylde*cough*and keep regular backups!*cough*17:04
ActionParsnipsilvermir: what file system does the storage use?17:04
silvermiri think its ntfs17:04
silvermirbut im not sure17:04
silvermirmybe its fat3217:04
ActionParsnipsilvermir: when you last unplugged it, did you use 'safely remov'?17:04
silvermirlast time i used it with windows17:05
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ActionParsnipsilvermir: yes, it has the safe remove feature, did you use it?17:05
silvermirwhen i start it there is a clicking noise17:06
ActionParsnipsilvermir: oh dear, not good17:06
beandogsounds like hardware failure17:06
beandogthings that go click in the night17:06
ActionParsnipsilvermir: if you manually mount it, is it ok? If you only see /dev/sdg  you may be able to use dd_rescure and take an image then mount that17:07
silvermiri downt know how to mount manuelly17:07
ActionParsnip!mount | silvermir17:08
ubottusilvermir: mount is used to attach devices to directories. See also https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Mount17:08
ActionParsnipsilvermir: it may be dying or dead.17:08
silvermirmom i try it17:08
silvermiri will only rescue my data and than throw the drive away17:09
Lars_Is the current daily build of Precise considered frozen, aka identical to 12.04 final?17:10
silvermirmount: can't find /dev/sdg in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab17:11
wyldeanother lesson brought to you by the letter .... backup your data! >.<17:11
jribatjepatatje: sorry, I had to step away for a bit.  Are you still trying to solve your issue?17:11
wyldeLars_: #ubuntu+1 for precise still.17:11
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Lars_wylde: What do you mean?17:12
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Lars_ah, wrong channel17:12
ActionParsnipsilvermir: you can't mount /dev/sdg  its a drive, not a partition17:13
ActionParsnipsilvermir: you'll mount /dev/sdg117:13
cesarstafepeople, another question, if I add an executable with 'update-rc.d APP default'17:14
cesarstafehow can I do to remove it if I want to revert this?17:14
silvermirsame answer17:14
ActionParsnipcesarstafe: http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/hardy/man8/update-rc.d.8.html17:15
Picicesarstafe: iirc, update-rc.d APP remove -f17:15
cesarstafePici: ahh, really very simple way17:15
ActionParsnipsilvermir: you may need to use dd_rescue to make an image then mount that17:15
cesarstafethanks for answers17:16
silvermirill try it17:16
shadykhananyone know why my userlist in xchat doesnt work? lol17:17
shadykhannvm im retarded17:17
shadykhanso any freelancers here?17:18
fidel_shadykhan: is that an ubuntu specific question? ;)17:18
daftykinsshadykhan: this channel is for support17:18
Aku506In my Office 2010 under Wine some drop-down menus doesn't work. (ex. page numbers) This does program useless. How can I fix this?17:19
ActionParsnipAku506: did you check the appdb?17:19
daftykinsAku506: try the wine channel :P17:20
SharkMuttleworthAku506: Do you have a copy of the Wine source code?17:20
derek12Hi I can't start dropbox... sudo /usr/bin/dropbox start -i17:21
derek12Trouble connecting to Dropbox servers. Maybe your internet connection is down, or you need to set your http_proxy environment variable17:21
derek12The installation of Dropbox failed.17:21
ActionParsnipderek12: do you use a web proxy?17:21
derek12yes, I tried doing export http_proxy =
derek12ActionParsnip: and stl the same thing17:22
ActionParsnipderek12: I'd uninstall the dropbox package and delete ~/.dropbox   then run:  sudo apt-get clean; sudo apt-get install nautilus-dropbox17:23
Aku506I don't see anything that I would use in appdb. And I haven't source code now. Just installed version. But I try wine channel17:23
derek12ActionParsnip: ~/.dropbox didn't exist17:24
ActionParsnipsilvermir: is anne your username?17:25
silvermirits path on the drive17:25
silvermiror a folder17:25
ActionParsnipsilvermir: if /home/anne is a folder then it won't work. You'll need to write to an actual file17:26
ActionParsnipsilvermir: if that's no good then I'd use Windows to copy the data17:26
silvermiri dont understand sorry my english is not ver good17:26
silvermiris a path/folder on my second external hdd17:27
daftykins!de | silvermir17:27
ubottusilvermir: In den meisten Ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuche bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Einfach "/join #ubuntu-de" eingeben. Danke für Dein Verständnis!17:27
silvermiri was there but they wont help me17:27
jribatjepatatje: is the clamav-daemon currently running?17:27
daftykinsah, sorry17:27
silvermirbecause its not a ubuntu help17:28
ActionParsnipsilvermir: sudo apt-get install ddrescue; dd_rescue if=/dev/sdg of=~/output.iso17:28
nannessilvermir: what do you need?17:28
jribatjepatatje: is the clamav-daemon currently running?17:29
silvermirdd_rescue: (fatal): open "if=/dev/sdg" failed: No such file or directory17:29
atjepatatjejrib ps -ax gives => http://paste.ubuntu.com/944436/17:30
jribatjepatatje: uh, wow17:30
atjepatatjejrib kill um all ^^ ??17:31
jribatjepatatje: yes, I think you have to17:31
atjepatatjejrib these numbers, are those pids?17:31
silvermir@nannes: my hdd has crashed17:32
jribatjepatatje: when apt-get hanged, what did you do to get out of it?17:32
jribatjepatatje: yes, the numbers are pids17:32
ActionParsnipsilvermir: try rebooting, see if its redetected17:32
spartan2276Does anyone know anything about Apache2 running on Ubuntu? I tried the #ubuntu-server channel and no one was able to help(as it question was ignored)17:32
atjepatatjejrib at first i rebooted, later i used sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock; sudo dpkg --configure -a17:32
nannessilvermir: uhm that's a hard problem17:32
jribspartan2276: ask your actual question17:32
nannessilvermir: Best recovery data software are for windows,17:33
silvermirno way i tried 10 times17:33
jribatjepatatje: and dpkg --configure -a hanged as well presumably?17:33
nannesIf I were you, would try with them (for example ontrack easyrecovery pro)17:33
atjepatatjejrib no it returns nothing17:33
jribatjepatatje: oh, you killed the lock... that explains it17:33
spartan2276How can I redirect non-ssl request to ssl URL meaning www.ipawarehouse.com to https://www.ipawarehouse.com?17:33
atjepatatjejrib yes i did17:33
silvermirdisk utitlity shows no mount point17:34
ActionParsnipatjepatatje:   sudo kill -9 `ps -ef | grep clam | awk '{print $2}'`17:34
derek12Any way to get the dropbox daemon besides dropbox start -i? I'm behind a proxy and it's causing problems17:34
silvermiri think i can throw the hdd away or is there any other way ?17:34
nannessilvermir: did you understand me?17:34
jribatjepatatje: try without -9 first17:34
ActionParsnipderek12: is the dropbox icon in the top panel?17:34
nannesand so?17:34
atjepatatjejrib too late17:34
derek12ActionParsnip: yes it is (by the way I just restarted)17:34
jribatjepatatje: ok.  Did they all die?  What does ps show now?17:34
ActionParsnipderek12: if you click it -> preferences17:35
spartan2276Please keep in mind that I have also tried to add a redirectpermanent on the sites-available dir for the particure site17:35
ActionParsnipderek12: you can set the proxy there17:35
silvermirbut i tried with windows it didnt wored17:35
atjepatatjejrib no clamav stuff anymore in ps, except for the ps action itself17:35
derek12ActionParsnip: Wait sorry no it's not on the top panel, it's in the unity panel17:35
jribatjepatatje: now if you do "invoke-17:35
ActionParsnipsilvermir: if its not working in WIndows then its probably dead17:35
jribatjepatatje: now if you do "invoke-rc.d clamav-daemon start" what happens?17:35
silvermiri think i choose in windows mbr17:35
jribatjepatatje: you actually want clamav right?  You care that we don't remove it?17:36
derek12is there any way to sort out this proxy thing for good? so my entire system uses my proxy?17:36
atjepatatjejrib i wanted to reinstall clamav, because it did'nt work correctly17:36
spartan2276I have also tried looking at this http://www.askapache.com/htaccess/ssl-example-usage-in-htaccess.html#redirect-urls-to-ssl but this does not tell me where/what file I need to put it in17:36
jribatjepatatje: ok17:36
atjepatatjejrib if i give the invoeke command, it hangs again17:36
ballpointPencan someone help me track down some openssl changes?  I have a list of CVE vulnerabilities and I'm trying to figure out if they've all been backported (in 10.04.4 LTS, installed is openssl-0.9.8k-7ubuntu8.10) -- I didn't see in the ubuntu openssl changelogs any mention of backporting fixes from 0.9.8o (or later) or from 1.0.0c (or later)17:36
jribatjepatatje: did you do anything to clam after it was initially installed?17:37
silvermirif i start it with windows the ask me mbr  or gpt17:37
atjepatatjejrib i configured it for my mail server17:37
jribatjepatatje: did it start before that?17:37
atjepatatjejrib and i updated the clamav engine (if i am not mistaken)17:37
atjepatatjejrib that was a long time ago17:38
atjepatatjejrib i did a update of ubuntu itself from 10.04 to 12.0417:38
jribatjepatatje: ah, well for 12.04 you should be in #ubuntu+117:38
ActionParsnipderek12: export http_proxy    will help17:38
jribatjepatatje: I will join you there though17:38
derek12ActionParsnip: tried that plenty it didn't change anything17:39
silvermirwhat is gdisk?17:39
ActionParsnipderek12: or there may be an item in system settings17:39
ActionParsnip!info gdisk17:39
ubottugdisk (source: gdisk): GPT fdisk text-mode partitioning tool. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.6.14-1 (oneiric), package size 165 kB, installed size 388 kB17:39
derek12ActionParsnip: i pm'd you my proxy settings17:39
derek12are those corrects?17:39
derek12the layout I mean, not the values..17:39
ActionParsnipderek12: does it not need username and password?17:40
derek12it doesn't17:40
ActionParsnipderek12: ok17:40
MrPocketsDoes Ubuntu 10.4 LTS have VNC enabled by default?17:40
ActionParsnipderek12: did you set ftp_proxy in the same fashion?17:40
derek12ActionParsnip: just tried it, did nothing17:41
nbfdoes ubuntu work on newer macbooks?17:41
ActionParsnipderek12: what function of the OS is not working due to proxy?17:41
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ActionParsnip!mac | nbf17:41
ubottunbf: For help on installing and using Ubuntu on a mac, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MactelSupportTeam/CommunityHelpPages17:41
derek12ActionParsnip: sudo /usr/bin/dropbox start -i17:41
derek12ActionParsnip: Error: Trouble connecting to Dropbox servers. Maybe your internet connection is down, or you need to set your http_proxy environment variable17:42
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nbfActionParsnip: thanks I've seen this17:42
ActionParsnipderek12: have you set the proxy in the system settings?17:43
simonlockwhat is the best way to make an easy sftp ? Easy to manage a lot of users and manage access for folders?17:43
derek12ActionParsnip: yes17:43
ActionParsnipsimonlock: install openssh-server    done :)17:43
ActionParsnipderek12: http://askubuntu.com/questions/69434/cant-complete-dropbox-installation-from-behind-proxy-in-ubuntu-11-1017:44
simonlockActionParsnip, is it easy to give users premissions to a lot of folders?17:44
simonlockActionParsnip, I have about 70 users with different sittings17:45
Imre_Good evening everyone17:45
derek12ActionParsnip: holy shit. how come that worked but export http_proxy didn't?17:46
ActionParsnipsimonlock: its the same permissions as the system itself. So you can make groups of users and so on and grant access as you would on the local system17:46
Imre_Whitch file browser is the best for browsing FTP folders too?17:46
simonlockActionParsnip, Thanks.17:46
derek12shit, it's because proxy wasn't done as root17:46
derek12my god17:46
derek12thank you ActionParsnip17:46
ActionParsnipderek12: no idea, I didn't read it or use a proxy but it looked ok17:46
Piciderek12: Please mind your language here.17:46
ActionParsnipderek12: makes sense, when you use sudo the command is ran as root :)17:47
derek12Pici apologies17:47
derek12ActionParsnip: hindsight!17:47
ActionParsnipImre_: they are all pretty good, nautilus does it and is in the default install. It can be added as a bookmark and seamlessly navigatable as if the data were local17:47
Imre_Nautilus is very gooy, indeed. But there is one big bug in it and I would like to have a workaround. If the server is a VSFTP server, Nautilus simply ignores the servers options. Like: all the users can browse, the whole server. That's my problem. Any idea?17:49
ActionParsnipImre_: could use filezilla17:50
derek12ActionParsnip: now I'm getting "can't sync access denied" to my dropbox files :(17:50
ActionParsnipderek12: check the ownership of your dropbox data?17:51
derek12this is during the sync, I see it in the dropbox menu17:51
Imre_ActionParsnip: Good idea, but the users who I'm making the system are not experts, not even using computer often. I need a simple and easy sollution. Nautilus was fine. I'll soon try Dolpin and TuxCommander17:51
krababbelImre_: then use dropbox or something, not ftp17:53
Imre_krababbel: Thank you for your tipp. But it won't work. It is a long story. :) But I'll find a sollution.17:54
wyldeImre_: would sshfs be an option? you can lock each user into their own directory on the server using it IIRC.17:54
ActionParsnipImre_: try pcmanfm :)17:54
Imre_wylde: Hm ... Intresting17:55
Imre_Action: Why didn't I think of that ... :D17:55
ActionParsnipImre_: or thunar17:55
cuppsyHas anyone had success with Xmonad/Unity in 12.04? It keeps throwing an error that it can't find unity-2d-launcher (which is installed)?17:56
ActionParsnipcuppsy: #ubuntu+1 please17:57
cuppsyOkay, np. Sorry.17:57
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DaghdhaHi, i have 10.10, how lang will i be able to upgrade to higher versions?17:58
ActionParsnip!eol | Daghdha17:58
ubottuDaghdha: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades17:58
mantiseDaghdha: ubuntu update :)17:58
wyldeImre_: you can also (although it may require individual config) setup sshfs shares in fstab, as a removable drive.17:59
* Daghdha stares at the page apathically "wut?"18:00
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PiciDaghdha: You can upgrade to 11.04 until such time as that release reaches its end of life.  Take a look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades for more info18:00
mwozniak00can somebody resolve this https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/98794818:02
ubottuLaunchpad bug 987948 in Ubuntu "syntek driver with 3.x kernel support" [Undecided,New]18:02
auronandacemwozniak00: there is a bug report, as you pointed out, what do you expect to happen now?18:03
Aditya|AutoSpaceHow to downgrade modem manager?18:03
DaghdhaDo upgrades fail often?18:03
Aditya|AutoSpaceMy CDMA modem isn't connecting with 11.1018:03
Aditya|AutoSpaceBut was working with 11.0418:04
mwozniak00auronandace: i expect any .deb file with this module ;) Because now i can't use my webcam18:04
PiciDaghdha: They shouldn't if you haven't done anything weird with your install. Like install things from other untrusted sources or install core pacakges manually etc..18:04
Fhajad_WorkI have a question about backing up my Linux installation. Is there a way to backup the drive as a whole image to later restore or would I have to re-install/re-configure all of my OS again.18:05
Daghdhahmm, i may have done that18:05
auronandaceDaghdha: more can go wrong with an upgrade than a fresh install18:05
beandogFhajad_Work: it'd be easier to make a tarball, so it's not an exact image size of the disk it's on18:06
wyldemwozniak00: uhh...you posted the bug report about 10 minutes ago. If you're looking for an instant fix, that's not how things work.18:06
derek12Hi, when I start dropbox and start syncing files I get18:06
derek12** (nautilus:3452): WARNING **: Could not inhibit power management: GDBus.Error:org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NameHasNoOwner: Name "org.gnome.SessionManager" does not exist18:06
derek12Nautilus-Share-Message: Called "net usershare info" but it failed: 'net usershare' returned error 255: net usershare: cannot open usershare directory /var/lib/samba/usershares. Error No such file or directory18:06
Fhajad_Workbeandog: Doing a backup of it via tarball, what would I lose in a backup?18:06
derek12Please ask your system administrator to enable user sharing.18:06
mantiseHi. how to i get the TLC for eggdrop bots in ubuntu ? cant find it in the software center ? :)18:06
derek12anyone know the solution?18:06
beandogFhajad_Work: nothing, if you do it right18:07
Fhajad_Workbeandog: And to restore the tarball, would I just need to run off a Live disk and extract the tarball to the destination drive?18:07
beandogFhajad_Work: yah18:07
Picimantise: its tcl, not tlc.18:07
mantisemy mistake :P18:07
Fhajad_Workbeandog: That helps a lot, thank you. :)18:08
peko_lapHi. I'm kinda new to Ubuntu. Trying out XChat.18:08
beandogFhajad_Work: Boot off a live cd of some kind, then create an image using tar18:08
Picimantise: and there still isn't a factoid for it.  Just install the tcl package with your favorite package manager.18:08
jbkc85has anyone here attempted to install ventrilo server?18:08
ubuser2012Hi, I'm trying to translate documents from one language to another, and was looking for a tool that might help my workflow. Currently I just have gedit open in one window, and the PDF in the other, and type away. Some kind of mouse-hover dictionary, or sentence matching tool would be helpful (or maybe something else). Any ideas?18:08
mwozniak00wylde: i know that, i don't respect that anybody make this .deb in one hour. But meybe somebody know any ppa witch this kernel module..18:08
beandogFhajad_Work: something like tar -jcpf image.tar.bz2 /mnt/whatever would work.  You need -p to retain correct permissions18:08
wyldemwozniak00: fair enough :) Just making sure.18:09
mm_Hi, quick question about xfce/gnome.  i'm running xubuntu, and in the "about" files it says xfce4 but in sysinfo it says gnome
DaghdhaIs there a way to determine what -an id- i have manually installed packages. I seem to recall installing mono but not sure it was done from the package manager18:12
ubuser2012Something like SDL trados would be useful..18:12
mm_i was under the impression xfce and gnome were different... ??18:13
beandogmm_: sysinfo app is probably gnome-based18:14
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beandoggnome is actually a meta-package of lots of apps18:14
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beandogsame with xfce18:14
mm_so, gnome is the container?18:14
beandognautilus is part of gnome, but you don't need to be in gnome to run it18:15
mm_thank you very much!  you guys are awesome!18:15
mm_i was just wondering why the different labels, that's all.18:15
malibuIs there any file managers that can move/copy as a background process BESIDES Midnight Commander?  Unfortunately MC is very unreliable with background operations.18:20
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Daghdhawell i started the upgrade18:21
Daghdhafingers crossed18:21
beandognautilus does file operations in a new window18:21
beandogso  you could ignore it18:21
GG111is it normal to seat in a Starbucks, see the felow next to you boot into Windows OS, and get slightly sick ?18:23
malibuGG111: No that's not normal18:24
PiciGG111: maybe, ask the folks in #ubuntu-offtopic about it18:24
* Lint01 yawns at GG111 18:24
GG111Pici:  you're right. sorry.18:24
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GG111thought I must say that  Lint's fondness of windows amasses me :)18:26
UIMsup can i run EXE files?18:27
Lint01UIM, on Intel platform only, via Wine, very-very unreliably.18:27
csharp!wine | UIM18:27
ubottuUIM: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu18:27
* Lint01 never had an application which would work properly in Wine18:28
dissoctheres not libjpeg in ubuntu 12.04!18:28
UIMi did had Wine but it didn't work18:28
GG111Lint01: putty.exe will run in Wine .18:29
capGG111: Why not just use ssh ?18:29
Lint01why would I need putty in linux?18:29
MrUnagiputty….in linux?18:29
dissocto test18:30
capGG111: I suppose just for testing....18:30
capYea, ok18:30
MrUnagitest what?18:30
GG111UIM: if it is a "simple" .exe file, as in not an installable file, rather then a simple file to run, then the chances increase of it working.18:30
jelly_hi i have a new usb 3 pci card and a usb 3 hdd but ubuntu is not seeing them18:30
capMrUnagi: wine18:30
beandogLint01: to keep track of SSH connections18:30
GG111folks. did I say I'm *using*  putty ?18:30
Imre_Boys, boys18:30
jelly_i'm running ubuntu 11.1018:30
MrUnagiso you just want to run putty……just to say that you are running putty?18:30
Imre_help me find a name for my Ubuntu Edition18:30
Imre_It's about education18:30
capMrUnagi: Never mind.18:31
Imre_simplier and faster than EdUbuntu18:31
GG111now I can write my small perl script and don't need putty, but back in the day, I needed it. for a few days :)18:31
Imre_I need a short and good name18:31
Imre_pff :P18:31
geekbriproblem solved. next.18:31
caplsb_release -a18:31
GG111MrUnagi: ever heard of experiment ?18:31
capImre_: lsb_release -a18:31
MrUnagiabsolutely….i experiment with ssh all the time18:31
GG111MrUnagi: good.18:31
MrUnagibut, i don't see the need to run a windows ssh client on linux18:32
UIMGG111: do you go to browse files and select the file that you would and how do i get files for it?18:32
beandoggeez guys, drop it18:32
beandogwho cares18:32
capGG111: MrUnagi I think we have covered that topic.18:32
GG111MrUnagi: it was a question about wine, do you not think the putty.exe is a viable answer ?18:32
GG111MrUnagi: then you're wrong. good day.18:32
MrUnagiyou too!18:32
DaghdhaYou can't fire me, i QUIT!18:33
Kingsywhat can I install that does the same job as kdenlive but for xfce? or if I can just use kdenlive how do I install the "MLT" packages on ubuntu ?18:33
GG111UIM: if you have WINE installed, you should be able to double click it, or "open-with" and have WINE there.18:33
capGG111: Or it just runs, (under wine).18:33
Lint01Kingsy, any GTK app will work18:34
KingsyLint01: what do you mean?18:34
jelly_can some one please help me :)18:34
Lint01and kdenlive will work too18:34
pchapmanEXT4-fs error (device sdb1): ext4_ext_check_inode:398: inode #79298567: comm updatedb.mlocat: bad header/extent: too large eh_max - magic f30a, entries 1, max 20(4), depth 0(0)18:34
KingsyLint01: well kdenlive doesnt work.. it says I need MLT packages18:34
pchapmanhaving trouble with my new 2TB drive :-/18:34
KingsyLint01: it also doesnt appearsffsdfsdf/exit18:35
pchapmancould it possibly be a problem with ext4?18:35
GG111pchapman: do you mean ext4 as a bad file system ?18:36
GG111in that case. NO.18:36
Lint01lol is ext4 still writing empty space in files randomly?18:36
pchapmanno, wasn't really implying that18:36
KingsyLint01: sorry about that.. so do you know anything about getting kdenlive working?18:36
Lint01Kingsy, I don´t18:36
pchapmanjust trying to figure out what might be going on.18:36
GG111pchapman: is that a brand new drive, or has some millage on it ?18:36
pchapmanbrand new18:37
UIMCan i use my camera as a web cam?18:37
sectioneightpchapman: any additional information in dmesg?18:37
GG111pchapman: so, no valuable info on it, beside the OS ?18:37
pchapmanthat's it other than the messages about aborting journal and remounting ro18:37
brahmanaHi all18:37
brahmanaI am running Ubuntu Lucid Lynx (10.04.1) in VMWare Player on a windows host18:37
pchapmanrunning lubuntu precise beta18:38
brahmanaNetworking stopped working in my Ubuntu system all of a sudden. It was working fine a little while ago today18:38
GG111pchapman: so, no valuable info on it, beside the OS ?18:38
brahmanaThe Ubuntu system connects via a Bridge provided by VMWare player.18:38
UIMpchapman: in a player???18:38
pchapmani don't understand what you're asking18:39
brahmanaI do not know if the problem is with the bridge or Ubuntu system.18:39
brahmanaAny pointer on how I can find out what is wrong?18:39
sectioneighti think GG111 was going to suggest re-partitioning and formatting the drive, but wanted to check if there was any valuable data on it first18:39
UIMyou are running the operating system with a player?18:39
GG111pchapman: so, no valuable info on the 2TB , beside the Operating system  ?18:40
brahmanaThe host system (Windows) is able to access n/w without any problems18:40
pchapmanoh.  yeah, i can copy the stuff i have off first, and reformat18:40
pchapmani've thought about doing that, but figured i'd ask first.  maybe go back with ext318:40
pchapmanthe OS is on a different SSD drive, so i'm good18:40
sectioneightpchapman: because errors like that certainly aren't normal. ext4 is plenty stable and is preferable to ext3. how was the drive partitioned?18:40
GG111pchapman: I don't see a reason to do that, back to ext318:40
pchapmanit's one large partition for data stuffs18:41
sectioneightright, but who wrote the partition table? the lubuntu installer? factory?18:41
pchapmanmp3's a few virtual machine disk files, that kinda thing18:41
pchapmanactually, i think mint did originally18:41
shomonhi, I have a possibly faulty radeon card18:42
pchapmanbut that's ubuntu based, so...18:42
shomonhow can I diagnose it?18:42
sectioneightpachapman: since your OS is already separate, i'd back up the data and fdisk. may as well throw lvm if you're comfortable18:42
shomonI'm getting "radeon couldn't schedule etc"18:43
pchapmani've used lvm.  though i've never really gotten much use out of it.  never really did any changes in drive sizes that i didn't just reinstall a newer verison of ubuntu anyway18:43
sectioneighton the other hand, if you see _any_ other messages about the disk in syslog/dmesg, it may be a hardware issue, so double check that18:43
pchapmanall i see is the bad header/extent messages, sectioneight18:44
pchapmani'll try a reformat18:44
pchapmanthanks for the help18:45
sectioneightyea, i mean disk issues are hard to diagnose, but as a baseline i'd wipe any existing information just so you can start eliminating causes18:45
GG111pchapman: I'll be a nag and ask : why 2TB and not 2x 1TB with a software RAID  ?  :)18:45
mystblade9Is Ubuntu light enough to be used in a virtual machine with 512MB RAM allocated, for running a LAMP server?18:45
sonoma_wineI'm having problems with my ubuntu 11.10 ever since I changed video card to nvidia gf280. If I boot to 3.0.17 normal does not work and machine reboots. If I boot to Recovery Mode works, but then internet connection is not working, but was working before. Also forgot in recovery mode before getting to unity desktop, I get the Recovery Menu with choices to check disks, and some message about a scsi dev  sg3 type 5. after 18:45
sectioneightmystblade9: sure, just use ubuntu server (don't install x)18:45
GG111mystblade9: yes, no P.18:45
pchapmanGG111, mostly because i have this data backed up anyway and if it goes boom on me, i don't care so much18:45
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GG111pchapman: cool, so, happy nuking of the drive. just re fdisk and mkfs it.18:46
pchapmanit's just annoying to have it flip to read-only and programs give me fits when it can't write18:46
* pchapman nods18:46
GG111if it keep on after that. that's bad.18:46
pchapmanthanks for the help.  kinda what i was expecting to hear, but it was good to get a second opinion18:46
mystblade9sectioneight: Is Ubuntu Server basically Ubuntu without X? Or is it heavily tweaked for business? That's the impression the website is giving me.18:46
ubuntumanHello to Ubuntu!18:47
salviadudhi there, I got this quick question18:47
GG111mystblade9: it geared towards performance for services, not for users. that's the little I know.18:47
sectioneightmystblade9: no tweaking, just a different set of default packages to install. regular ubuntu will install gnome/unity for you, which you certainly don't need/want for a lamp server18:47
salviadudI can't seem to see my windows personal files on ubuntu18:48
mystblade9sectioneight: alright :)18:48
salviadudbecause those files are "locked"18:48
salviadudor something18:48
ubuntumanHas anybody  started using 12.0418:48
salviadudanybody know how to "unluck" them18:48
GG111salviadud: do you mean you cannot see an NTFS partition ?18:48
salviadudi know linux can read NTFS just fine18:48
pchapmanoops, it just flipped to ro again.  lol.  going to nuke this thing...18:48
salviadudi can see the ntfs partition18:48
sectioneightpchapman: good luck18:48
salviadudbut certain folders are not visible18:48
mystblade9Thanks, I can go on now. Bye!18:48
salviaduddue to permissions, i guess18:48
salviadudwindows 7 is hell...18:48
ovidiui have start to test 12.0418:48
GG111salviadud: are those system files ? or user files ?18:49
salviadudunder users/myuser18:49
salviaduduser files18:49
ubuntumanWhat do You think of it?18:49
salviadudI was trying to give access to everyone18:49
salviadudon windows18:49
salviadudto read, write18:49
ovidiuseems to  be ok18:49
salviadudon that folder18:49
FloodBot1salviadud: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.18:49
jelly_hello can anyone help me i have a transcend usb 3.0 card in a pice X1 slot with a usb 3.0 hdd in it and ubuntu 11.10 is not see the hdd please HELP18:50
salviadudif anyone has encountered this problem before, it be nice to know of a quick solution18:50
ovidiunoticed an strange bug related to python/python-apt18:50
salviadudI was thinking i could just open up a folder on my drive and move all documents there, that way I could access them either way18:50
dniMretsaMjelly_: unplug all other external devices from your computer and pastebin the output of this command: sudo fdisk -l18:51
GG111salviadud: what it you copy those files to a different folder, and boot back to Linux, that way you'll know if the actual files,or the locations they're at ?18:51
GG111salviadud: sorry, that's the best I can think of.18:51
salviadudi'm not a n00b, lol18:51
* salviadud knows how to execute the /me command18:52
salviadudits more of a windows oriented question about folder permissions...18:52
salviadudit screws up my ubuntu18:52
shomonhow can I find out what graphics card I have from the terminal?18:53
GG111salviadud: I had some NTFS mounted, did have my set of trouble , but was able to see all files.18:53
Haffeshomon: lspic -v | grep vga18:53
GG111shomon: lpsci -v18:53
Haffelspci -v | grep vga sorry.18:53
ubottuyoyo: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».18:53
salviadudmaybe he wanted an ubuntu iso...18:54
brahmanaAny suggestions for troubleshooting inability to connect to network?18:54
salviadudyeah, check your cable pairings18:54
GG111brahmana: that's a 700 page book right there...18:54
salviadudis it white orange, orange, white green, blue, white blue, green, white brown, brown?18:54
brahmanaGG111: I meant, suggestions for the question that I had put up a couple of mins back18:54
GG111brahmana: on the VM  ?18:55
jelly_dniMretsaM, http://pastebin.com/mvmQb9Tn18:55
guakkioneHi guys18:55
GG111brahmana: /sbin/ifconfig  -a on the VM gives you what ?18:55
salviadudhow bout you just run sudo dhclient eth018:56
salviadudor whatever your ethernet card is18:56
salviadudfriggin' n00bs18:56
salviadudgotta love em18:56
guakkionethe software which I can find in Ubuntu-Repos. is also available for Lubuntu,Xubuntu or others? Or every distro has his own softwar epack?18:56
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brahmanaGG111: http://pastebin.com/uYspDLRK18:57
salviadudthat's just the graphical interface18:57
salviadudi mean, dooood18:57
Guest87160I want to run a home server headless but with a desktop18:57
salviadudheadless? define that18:57
Guest87160meaning no monitor and keyboard18:57
GG111brahmana: eth4 is you're only interface, y es ?18:58
trismguakkione: yes the repos for ubuntu/lubuntu/xubuntu/kubuntu are all exactly the same, the only difference are the default installed packages18:58
guakkionesalviadud: yes they're just it, but software graphical interface are specific.18:58
salviadudno monitor, and no keyboard... that sounds like you might need to recompile the kernel18:58
brahmanaGG111: Yes, from what I understand.18:58
salviadudhow bout trying another distro18:58
ubottuAs you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)18:58
brahmanaGG111: Since it is a VM it is slightly hard for me to map these18:58
GG111brahmana: can you paste /etc/network/interfaces ?18:59
guakkionetrism: I wanna download a graphic plotter. Found some, but not for lxde, and I don't wanna install kde-compatibility-package on my distro cause It must be as lightful as possible18:59
guakkionetrism: there's not a list of sw based only on lxde18:59
brahmanaGG111: http://pastebin.com/nSBzBj3W19:00
trismguakkione: anything using gtk shouldn't install too much extra stuff19:00
dniMretsaMjelly_: that's does not look like the output of: sudo fdisk -l19:00
guakkionetrism: for example qtplot installs a lot of dep-19:00
guakkioneor ktplot19:00
GG111brahmana: so, you have a graphical Desktop on the VM , yes ?19:00
brahmanaGG111: Yes19:00
trismguakkione: wxmaxima is a pretty nice interface for plotting graphs, and it doesn't have too many deps19:00
GG111brahmana: and you're expecting to get a DHCP address on that interface, yes ?19:01
jelly_dniMretsaM,   go down to the bottom19:01
brahmanaGG111: That's right19:01
GG111brahmana: and other VM19:01
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guakkionetrism: ok and what about other sw I'd need? I mean: is there a list of lxde or gtk, only packages?19:01
GG111brahmana: and other VM's are getting DHCP leases ?19:01
brahmanaGG111: This is the only VM that I run..19:02
dniMretsaMjelly_: I'm assuming that /dev/sda* is your main HDD19:02
GG111brahmana: and it was working im the past , yes ?19:02
brahmanaGG111: And it was fine about 5 hours ago when I shut the VM down19:02
dniMretsaMyour external was plugged in when you ran that, correct?19:03
GG111brahmana: issue /etc/init.d/networking restart, what happens then ?19:03
trismguakkione: there are probably lists available on the web, but I don't know of any off the top of my head, sorry. I wouldn't worry to much about the deps, just find software you like19:03
brahmanaGG111: http://pastebin.com/knFCdhpk19:04
guakkionetrism: ok.. it's because they are very old PCs19:04
admin23rc.p2p-network.net #db9radio19:04
GG111brahmana: Do you know how to assign a static IP via the graphic interface ?19:04
Daghdha55 mins left in my upgrade :P19:04
brahmanaGG111: Not really, I can try searching19:05
brahmanaGG111: If you know the commands off-hand I can try those. I am fairly familiar with command line19:05
GG111brahmana: it looks like you're interface if fine, just needs an IP address.19:05
dniMretsaMok, what's the name of the device again?19:06
GG111brahmana: the allmight "network manager" controls your network. doing it manually will be overridden.19:06
* Daghdha pets his DHCP19:06
jelly_transcend ts-pdu319:06
brahmanaGG111: Trying out the GUI19:06
dniMretsaMjelly_: lemme do some Google-fu19:07
revdogzI am new to this channel and to ubuntu server. I am trying to connect to the Internet but cannot configure eth0 to work.19:07
brahmanaGG111: IP address set to (host is 1.2) gateway set to .. What should be netmask?19:07
donavan01ok I have a really weird problem ... I have both chrome and firefox isntalled on my system ... some sites work fine on one browser but not the other and vice versa a few sites dont work at all other sites work flawlessly ... I can ping all the sites with no issue but browsing to them is iffy at best19:07
GG111brahmana: most likely
Fyodorovnadonavan01, what is your definition of work?19:08
chilibluehi folks, Vodaphone ZTE K3805-z usb 3g dongle, does it work in ubuntu, it seems to detect it ok, and as I am not using vodaphone software (it is software locked not hardware locked from what I gather) will it work with say a GiffGaff sim?19:08
donavan01work as in the site loads with no issues and does not time out19:08
GG111brahmana: after setting the IP address ,can you ping the host from the guest19:09
Fyodorovnadonavan01, do they load eventually?19:09
joey_How is everyone19:09
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BlueLobzterBarack Hussein Obama just fisted Aretha franklin's large bbw sphincter up to his elbow. As he slowly pulled out, it was dripping with liquid fecal juice, slightly green, with a pinch & hint of brown due to collard greens the night before. He then spit on her ass opening, before it "started" to "breathe" again, which called the African Cock to invade the 60 yr old bbw shit factory19:09
donavan01use facebook as an example ... in firefox it loads just fine but you try to go to in chrome it times out and says it cant find the site19:10
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llutz!ops | BlueLobzter19:10
ubottuBlueLobzter: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler or Jordan_U!19:10
BlueLobzter!ops | llutz19:10
ubottullutz: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler or Jordan_U!19:10
hnszubottu: :)19:10
brahmanaGG111: I can ping google. !19:10
DaghdhaI thought maybe it was his password19:10
GG111brahmana:  cool !19:10
dniMretsaMjelly_: what USB drive is plugged into it?19:10
LoRezwhy on earth does oneiric keep asking for wifi passwords while the machine is plugged into a network?19:11
llutzbrahmana: "grep -i 'cc:f7'  /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules"  does it give any output?19:11
brahmanaGG111: Ok, what is wrong with DHCP?19:11
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brahmanallutz: SUBSYSTEM=="net", ACTION=="add", DRIVERS=="?*", ATTR{address}=="00:0c:29:97:cc:f7", ATTR{dev_id}=="0x0", ATTR{type}=="1", KERNEL=="eth*", NAME="eth4"19:12
GG111brahmana:  it is a bridge interface, so the VM should be a part of of your network, just like any other, yes ?19:12
brahmanaGG111: I think so, yes19:13
hnszI'm having a problem with connecting to my msn account on Empathy. It lasted a week a month ago and I ignored it then. Last week I logged into ubuntu which I hadn't done for a long time and it worked again (without touching empathy settings.) Now it doesn't connect anymore again also not after reboots.19:13
GG111brahmana: is the host a windows or Linux ?19:13
hung_yaodonavan01: maybe try using wget and loading the sites in question (or some 3rd browser)19:13
brahmanaGG111: Although I have not been able to really understand how a software bridge would actually work.. but I get the general picture19:13
brahmanaGG111: Host is Windows 719:14
hnszAlso empathy gives: "No reason given"; as error message19:14
GG111brahmana: issue ipconfig /all on the host, and paste please.19:14
brahmanaGG111: http://pastebin.com/MwmqGqM619:15
brahmanallutz: Can anything be inferred from that grep output?19:16
GG111brahmana: so, your VM network is , your VM should have a DHCP running, not sure how to do that from the top of my head. but, if you're able to go "out" with the VM by setting the IP -19:17
llutzbrahmana: nope, it just was a (wrong) guess19:17
donavan01hung_yao just tried doing the wget thing and it seemed to work just fine ... I am fairly sure they probelm is not a network issue because my windows machines work fine ... it seems to be something with ubuntu19:18
GG111brahmana: of your "regular" netowrk, then if you have (any) DHCP working on your network, then your VM is supposed to pick a DHCP  IP from it as well.19:18
brahmanaGG111: Did you infer that IP address from the VMNet8 setting?19:18
GG111brahmana: yes19:19
hung_yaodonavan01: alright... maybe try looking at proxy settings for the respective browsers?  disable extensions for each of them too?19:19
GG111brahmana: but that would put any VM with that network behind a NAT19:19
GG111brahmana: which is a pain in the neck, unless you must have it.19:19
brahmanaGG111:  That's right.. I am having it on bridged connection19:20
donavan01hung_yao   no proxy  and if I punch in the the IP it works ... I would think it was the DNS server but I have tried 5 different servers and they all behave the same way19:20
GG111brahmana: do you now "who" is supposed to be the DHCP on you LAN ?19:20
brahmanaGG111: So I don't think VMNet8 is in the play at all here.. from what I understand19:20
brahmanaGG111: My wireless router/modem19:20
GG111brahmana: and if one was to connect a wire to your LAN, they would have gotten an IP address ?19:21
brahmanaGG111: Yes, that works too..  had tried that a very long time ago..19:21
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GG111brahmana: I see, well, its time to ask a question in the VMware room :)19:22
brahmanaGG111: It's the same modem/router though - for both wired and wireless. It is home network, so there isn't any additional router19:22
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GG111brahmana: a bridge interface should have no segregation, unless of course, there is .19:22
JPeterso2apt-get update hangs at "Connecting to us.archive.ubuntu.com ("19:22
GG111brahmana: that's fine. should not be an issue.19:23
hung_yaodonavan01: hard to diagnose the issue - whether it's a problem with firefox, or chrome, or ubuntu...  as far as i know, the only diff is that chrome passes a URL by default into google's antiphishing service to check it first, but if FF is having a different set of issues too, hrmm.  maybe try empathy or opera and see whether it shares any of the problems or has a different set of problems?19:23
brahmanaGG111: Do you a few more minutes? I have a couple of questions about network bridge (nothing specific to ubuntu). Would you be willing to answer those?19:24
GG111sure, PM me19:24
donavan01hung_yao the problem appears to be the some on both browsers it just has issues for different sites... I dont even know how to look for the answer to this one ... is so weird19:24
GG111JPeterso2: can you ping us.archive.ubuntu.com ?19:24
capdonavan01: Maybe it's a prolbem with allowing (or not allowing) cookies.19:24
JPeterso2now apt-get update continued, it was dling at 106kB/s19:25
capdonavan01: lynx facebook.com19:25
cap(lynx tells you up-front what's going on with cookies19:25
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=== Jacky is now known as Guest82202
donavan01cap checking now19:26
bradjTrying to set up an ipsec tunnel with a Juniper Netscreen and I'm getting ERROR: libipsec failed pfkey check (Invalid SA type) when trying to use racoon and ipsec-tools19:27
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JPeterso2should i run do-release-upgrade as su?19:29
deadmundJPeterso2: as root, (sudo or su)19:29
JPeterso2deadmund: i ran it as a regular user and didn't get any warning as far as i can see19:30
deadmundJPeterso2: perhaps your sudo status was still cached.19:30
DaghdhaUh oh, i just saw a FAIL slide by in upgrade terminal :(19:30
deadmundJPeterso2: If you can do 'do-release-upgrade' as a regular user something is wrong.19:31
JPeterso2deadmund: but i still need to run it through sudo right?19:31
capI have a prolbem with dvd-slideshow.  I can get it to work fine the first time, but never again.  I've tried it on 3 systems now, and first time, it works like a charm, after that I stuggle with it and never get it right.19:31
JPeterso2regardless if the password is cached or not19:31
deadmundJPeterso2: yes, I believe so.  Perhaps if you're not sudo and there is no upgrade it does not error.19:31
cap... anyone know the secret-to-success for dvd-slideshow?   :)19:31
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jelly_can anyone eals help me its a westen digital my book essential wd8acw0030hbk19:32
HaffeWhat is the problem?19:32
nitzsso is 12.04 out on the mirrors yet?19:33
wyldenitzs: 26th19:34
cap12.04's release is yet to come, (probably be the end of the month).  Talk to the folks on #ubuntu+119:34
jelly_i have a transcend ts-pdu3 usb 3.0 card in a x1 pice slot with a WD my book usb3 hdd pluged in but ubuntu 11.10 is not seeing the hdd19:34
jelly_if i do lshw it is seeing the card though19:35
nitzsjelly_: what is the fs?19:36
JPeterso2deadmund: but there is a new version http://pastebin.com/xXJn5mB319:36
jelly_ntfs but it works in a usb 2.0 port19:36
JPeterso2the paste show that do-release-upgrade as user 1000 gives no warning19:37
jelly_i just want the fast speed of usb 3.0 as it is a usb 3 hdd19:37
deadmundJPeterso2: what the heck is '[screen is terminating]'  ??19:37
JPeterso2deadmund: exiting the upgrader with x19:37
deadmundJPeterso2: with x ??  This is on the command line.19:38
Fyodorovnanitzs, the 26th is the release date19:38
nitzsjelly_: does it show up in fdisk -l?19:38
capjelly_: sudo19:38
jelly_no cap19:39
capok, just checking....19:39
JPeterso2deadmund: the do-release-upgrade subshell allow exit with input x19:39
jelly_i used sudo fdisk -l19:39
irenicus09hello anyone knows when is the final version of ubuntu 12.04 getting released?19:39
cap12.04's release is yet to come, (probably be the end of the month).  Talk to the folks on #ubuntu+119:39
deadmundJPeterso2: what are you talking about?19:39
nitzsjelly_: probably the drivers aren't working well.19:40
Daghdha*gulp* .. i see ,, 'it seems you do not have the hardware to run unity'19:41
JPeterso2deadmund: do you not understand? x means the button marked x on the keyboard19:41
jelly_can anyone help me build then for the kernel i build android on here atm so i can do that19:41
JPeterso2right of z19:41
donavan01cap looks like facebook works fine if I accept the cookies19:41
donavan01ok lynx19:41
donavan01on lynx19:41
deadmundJPeterso2: Ahh, well, as I said before, it appears there was no upgrade to do so command exited with no errors because it didn't need root to finish.19:42
=== MartinS is now known as Guest34442
ThadiusBwylde, you around???19:42
* irenicus09 wonders how people browse facebook using lynx :p19:42
nitzsjelly_: ubuntu 12.04 is releasing on the 26th. maybe you should try the usb drive in it.19:42
=== deadmund is now known as `another
=== `another is now known as deadmund
JPeterso2deadmund: it might be that it warns later. i exited at the first prompt which is the ssh admonition19:43
lindowsits same like 0.facebook.com19:43
wyldeThadiusB:  somewhat19:43
DerouinHello, I am not able to get a complete image download of Ubuntu using firefox or google chrome. trying to get 32 for my laptop, downloading to 64 on desktop. Anyone have ideas?19:43
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aeon-ltdDerouin: use bittorrent19:43
phibxraeon-ltd, thanks. I was about to start troubleshooting his connection. :P19:44
aeon-ltdDerouin: at least then you can dl it in parts and then ensure integrity with md519:44
capDerouin: wget19:44
jelly_nitzs, but i don't want to upgrade as like i said i build android on here for many devices and it works grate19:44
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DerouinOk Thanks I will try that19:44
DaghdhaQuestion: I just got 'it seems you do not have the hardware to run unity' and had to press OK. My server is headless though (No KB MOuse or screen) will it put up that prompt every time or just 1st oot?19:44
nitzsjelly_: which ubuntu version are you using?19:46
nitzsjelly_: http://askubuntu.com/questions/117032/ubuntu-11-10-usb-3-0-hdd19:48
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narsilI reached the end of ubuntu 11.10 install from CD, but it would not load after reboot. "Reboot and Select proper Boot device..." at startup. I have done the full install cycle twice, so I doubt a third time will work.19:50
capnarsil: Try USB19:51
jelly_ok nitzs will try that thank you19:51
narsilcap: it boots from the CD fine, and appears to install fine. It's only booting "for real" that it fails, without the install device.19:51
narsilhow would a USB help? I expect the problem is grub boot sector or something.19:52
capnarsil: o19:52
cap!grub | narsil19:52
ubottunarsil: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)19:52
LucaS05i've a windows partition on my mac created with bootcamp...now i want to format it can someone please tell me ho to make this?19:52
aeon-ltdLucaS05: you might wanna go to the mac channel19:53
LucaS05cause i don't want to remove it i want to format it into ext2 for install linux19:53
capnarsil: It's just that I find installing from USB less problematic.19:53
aeon-ltdLucaS05: use disk utility in OSX19:53
LucaS05aeon-ltd i'm sorry but i want to install ubuntu...so i'm here19:53
LucaS05anyway do you know tje option?19:54
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aeon-ltdLucaS05: i would just do it from the ubuntu install cd, it's all part of the installer19:55
treble54is it possible in 11.10 to have Unity 2D enabled and compiz completely disabled ?19:55
auronandace!test | narsil419:56
ubottunarsil4: Testing... Testing... 1. 2.. 3... ( by the way, remember that you can use #test )19:56
theadmintreble54: unity2d depends on Metacity and uses no Compiz if I recall correctly, eh?19:56
narsil4Doesn't ubuntu install grub when I elect to use my whole disk?19:56
treble54I'm seeing true-transparency, and when you bring up the expose-like feature, it's completely smooth like compiz is enabled19:57
theadminnarsil4: It does19:57
fefderico !list19:57
ubottufefderico: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».19:57
guntbertnarsil4: of course it does, you will not see it normally19:57
theadmintreble54: Oh, huh. Anyhow, I think Unity can work with Metacity or Openbox or any wm you choose.19:57
treble54I've also googled some and I'm seeing that compiz is enabled and has minor items enabled19:57
LucaS05aeon-ltd thanks19:57
treble54I have yet to find out how to completely disable compiz19:57
treble54while running Unity-2D19:57
theadmintreble54: Not so sure, but... "metacity --replace"?19:57
LucaS05can i put the live version of ubunty on usb?19:57
treble54let me try19:58
soroushI've been using ubuntu 11.10 since it has been released. Now it doesn't show application menu anymore. for example now I'm using firefox and I have no menu. It's a pain! I need javascript console19:58
theadmintreble54: Or something along the lines of "killall compiz && metacity"19:58
treble54I don't believe the compiz is the process name either19:58
treble54I tried grepping for that and couldn't find it19:58
treble54one sec tho19:58
FyodorovnaLucaS05, yes try unetbootin19:58
narsil4What are the possible reasons for an unbootable hard disk after 11.10 install? This has happened twice.19:58
theadmintreble54: I'm actually making blind guesses here, I haven't used Ubuntu since Lucid (and that had no Unity).19:59
LucaS05thanks guys!19:59
capLucaS05: http://unetbootin.sourceforge.net/19:59
roastedQuestion - I want to create a bunch of blank files that take up space to max this drive out - how can I do it?19:59
treble54unfortuantely, my hardware is limiting19:59
Fyodorovnanarsil4, multiple hard drives and a grub in the wrong mbr is one.19:59
theadminroasted: Uhm, well, BLANK files take no space so it's impossible to max the space out with them :P Or do you mean as in filled with zeros?20:00
narsil4Fyodorovna: well I have just one HD.20:00
treble54and I cannot run compiz with my current flavor of ubuntu, and circumstances have forced me up to update to a newer version of ubuntu20:00
Fyodorovna!bootinfo | narsil420:00
ubottunarsil4: Boot info script is a usefull script for diagnosing boot problems. Run the script following the directions here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1291280 and then look at RESULTS.txt (or !pastebin it for others to look at).20:00
roastedtheadmin: yeah... I had done this before... I just forget the command. I made continual 10MB files until the drive maxed itself.20:00
treble54my one requirement is that compiz cannot be enabled20:00
caproasted: You want to try and use inodes?20:00
Fyodorovnanarsil4, you could run the bootscript and post it in a pastebin if you like.20:01
roastedcap: I uh.. have no idea.20:01
donavan01cap : figured it out ... MTU was set wrong ... needed to be 1492 instead of auto20:01
roastedcap: this hdd is getting warrantied. I wanted to wipe it and max it out of data several times as a further layer of preventative data privacy when I send this drive back.20:01
caproasted: http://www.linfo.org/inode.html20:01
theadminroasted: Hm... x = 1 ; while true ; do dd if=/dev/zero of=$x bs=10M count=1 ; let x=$x+1 ; done20:01
caproasted: Oh, you want to write zeros to it.20:02
narsil4Fyodorovna: that seems to need a working ubuntu install? I don't have one.20:02
roastedcap: basically20:02
roastedtheadmin: let me give that a shot...20:02
nitzsroasted: try this: dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sda bs=16M20:02
caproasted: do as theadmin suggests20:02
Fyodorovnanarsil4, no a live cd is what you would use.20:02
roastedtheadmin: I'm not sure that command makes sense to me. Where's the destination at?20:02
narsil4Fyodorovna: the install CD isn't the live CD?20:02
theadminroasted: Ah butterflies, get rid of the spaces in "x = 1" ("x=1")20:03
Splashmansorry my system says /dev/raw1394 cant find the file20:03
Fyodorovnanarsil4, there is a live cd and a alternative cd both install one runs live.20:03
theadminroasted: It will create files named 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8... etc, ten megabytes each, until the space runs out20:03
roastedtheadmin: would sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sdb bs=10M do anything?20:03
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narsil4Fyodorovna: can I run bootscript using the regular install CD?20:03
Splashmanmodprobe raw139420:04
theadminroasted: Yeah, but that'd erase the entire drive, dunno if that's what you want20:04
SplashmanFATAL: Module raw1394 not found20:04
roastedtheadmin: hm, why not both? :D20:04
roastedtheadmin: the idea is to just blast the drive as much as possible.20:04
Fyodorovnanarsil4, you can run it from a live ubuntu cd it is a install cd as well.20:04
shadykhanfirefox 12 just got released will ubuntu catch it and update it through the update manager?20:04
caproasted: Then do the whole drive, (about 7 times).20:04
tarzeauroasted: i'd use explosives to blast a drive20:04
theadminroasted: Try dban, also why on earth do you want this anyway?20:04
roastedtarzeau: explosive would require me paying for it then :P20:05
kbrosnanshadykhan: in a few days yes20:05
roastedtarzeau: if I return the drive, I'm off the hook20:05
tarzeauroasted: oh, there's usually enough nice stuff in kitchens and cleaning rooms20:05
caproasted: a hammer is cheaper20:05
nitzsroasted: if you just want to erase the complete drive, do "dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sda bs=16M"20:05
roastedcap: besides the point :P20:05
roastednitzs: thanks, that's what it's doing now.20:05
theadminnitzs: Why 16M exactly? Personal preference? xD20:05
wylderoasted: get an old broken speaker, remove the magnet from the voice coil and let the drive "rest" on it for a day or so. Maybe flip it over a time or two as well. heh.20:06
tarzeautheadmin: much faster than leaving away any bs number20:06
tarzeautheadmin: the default is like one or a half kb20:06
nitzsi count in powers of 2 ;)20:06
tarzeautheadmin: which will take WAY longer than with a few megabytes of bs20:06
beandogroasted: use a secure wipe util20:06
roastednitzs: is that to suggest 100M would be that much faster?20:07
tarzeaubeandog: that's all for nothing, dd will do just fine20:07
narsil4Fyodorovna: I'm asking if I can run the boot info script from ubuntu-11.10-desktop-i386.iso -- I can't make another CD because I blew away Windows from the machine that had the burner.20:07
nitzsroasted: it depends upon your hdd's buffer.20:08
Daghdharoasted: Theres ready made bootd CD's with secure wipe tools on it. I used one once for a company that was offloading a bunch of PC's20:08
theadmintarzeau: Well eh, (s)he wants to load up the drive if I understand properly, thus a longer write will do better, therefore a small bs.20:08
theadminWell... I'm not sure I understand what "blast" means.20:08
floogyI want to use encfs and set it up in a ubuntuone cloud under windows today. In ubuntu I can only mount it as root. Is that as expected?20:09
roastedtheadmin: there is also the curve ball I'd like to swing by UPS within 30 minutes to return it, too.20:09
tarzeauis ANYONE using ubuntuone? seriously?20:09
Lint01I don´t20:10
roastedtheadmin: there's not much on it, but I'd rather run a command or two while I have a few minutes to further ensure data is gone20:10
theadmintarzeau: Some people are, but I see no point in using something so unportable (Only Ubuntu and Windows? Seriously? Ignoring other distros entirely is not an option...)20:10
roastedI use ubuntu one20:10
floogytarzeau, What's wrong with it?20:10
lwizardltarzeau, nope never going to20:10
tarzeaufloogy: you have to ask?20:10
roastedmostly just with my android phone (it auto syncs my phone pictures, that's it)20:10
roastedit's flipping niiice.20:10
floogytheadminit won't work with debian?20:10
Daghdhai'm on 11.04 now i think, upgrade c ompleted and booted.20:11
theadminfloogy: Not sure on that one. It might work on .deb-based distros, but basically, the hamster is in that it won't work on non-debian ones.20:11
narsil4I interrupted the ubuntu installer the first time it ran, when I realized I didn't make swap size large enough. Thereafter, ubuntu has failed to install twice, producing an unbootable hard drive both times. My guess is that it has a corrupted mbr, but not corrupted enough for ubuntu to overwrite it.20:11
narsil4Does that sound plausible?20:11
theadminfloogy: Besides, due to the different package naming, it might fail even on Debian.20:11
nitzstheadmin: you can compile it from source if you want to.20:11
roastednarsil4: if you wipe the drive and recreate the file system, I fail to see why that would be an issue20:11
theadminnitzs: Oh, so they DO have source-code -- something made me think otherwise. Just a sec, let me find it :P20:11
Lint01narsil4, if ubuntu can run gparted, it is not so corrupted20:12
floogyOk, it was only a try to setup a cloud and a folder with encrypted files in it...20:12
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narsil4roasted: is it possible that the hard drive was wiped, but because ubuntu sees an apparently valid mbr, it doesn't touch it?20:12
theadminnitzs: I can't find any sane form of source in their "download" section.20:12
floogyWhat kind of cloud are you using then, or did you setup your own server as a cloud server?20:13
tarzeaunarsil4: what size of swap would have been large enough for you?20:13
theadminfloogy: I personally use Wuala (ownCloud if you want your own server is a good idea though)20:13
tarzeauhow much swap space would you take for 256 GB memory?20:13
roastednarsil4: I'm not sure. Personally I'd probably just reintsall.20:13
nitzstheadmin: you are probably looking in the wrong place.20:14
Fyodorovnanarsil4, if it is the live cd yes.20:14
roastedtarzeau: swap is normally = to the RAM size (for hibernation purposes)20:14
theadminnitzs: Might be, lol.20:14
nitzsit's written in python.20:14
narsil4roasted: yes, I've tried reinstalling twice. Each time gave an unbootable hard drive.20:14
* terrel43 slaps terrel43 around a bit with a large trout20:14
tarzeauroasted: not all computer hibnerate, so? 256 GB diskspace wasted for swap?20:14
garionI'm currently dual-booting windows 7 and ubuntu 11.10, but I'm having trouble with my wireless. I have an intel wifi 1000 card and every time I try to turn the wireless on it switches back off. So I updated to see if that would help but even after I'm still having the same issues. Would anyone know how I could fix this?20:14
floogySo for my encfs question: why can I only mount it as root?20:14
tarzeauroasted: i'm glad i made my own rules 10 years ago for swap20:14
theadminnitzs: That... is already a reason for me to stay away from it -- I don't like Python.20:14
roastedtarzeau: GB? MB...20:14
tarzeauroasted: when i say GB, i mean GB20:14
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roastedtarzeau: I'm a little confused. Is this box running 256 GB of RAM?20:15
Daghdhalunix hibernates to swap?20:15
Daghdhasounds wrong20:15
theadminDaghdha: Nope, it's correct.20:15
wyldetheadmin: 'apt-get source <packagename>' should get the source of anything that's in the repos :)20:15
ShactHi. Does anyone know if there is a way to wrap Windows video drivers for Ubuntu? The native drivers for my chip are quite poor. Thanks20:16
roastedShact: what chip?20:16
tarzeauroasted: yes20:16
Shact1 sec20:16
theadminwylde: Anything open-source that's in the repos. Besides that'd mean I have to set up a Ubuntu VM just to get the source? Fail much.20:16
capDaghdha: http://truejournals.com/2009/10/13/suspend-vs-hibernate/20:17
theadminwylde: Anyway, this is getting somewhat offtopic so whatever. This channel is for support issues.20:17
roastedtarzeau: I suppose it depends what you're doing. I would never match swap on a server. Who hibernates a server? On the flip side, my home desktop I treat differently.20:17
Shactroasted; 915GM/GMS/910GML20:17
roastedShact: that's an older intel chip, no?20:17
tarzeauroasted: it's not a server, it's just a workstation20:17
Shactroasted; yes it is20:17
roastedtarzeau: a work station with 256 GB of RAM?20:17
josefnpatWhat happens at 7000$?20:17
tarzeauroasted: yes, 48 cores and some tb diskspace20:17
roastedtarzeau: that's quite a work station.20:17
floogyis there a "encfs" channel?20:17
tarzeauroasted: one among many20:17
theadmintarzeau: Is it made in Sparta by any chance? Don't answer that, just making a joke.20:18
roastedtarzeau: match swap to whever you desire (as you seem you already do). Typically for home users, matching swap is the most logical way to go in case they do end up hibernating.20:18
theadminfloogy: ...Do you mean ecryptfs? I don't think there is such a thing as "encfs".20:18
tarzeauroasted: i'm glad if it just works and i don't have to kick..err..touch it to work properly again20:18
theadminfloogy: Nevermind, there is.20:18
floogythno I meant encfs20:19
floogyOoops s/thno/theadmin/20:19
tarzeaui wish linux would fix the problems unix already have. OOM sucks. and i should spend some time trying plan9 once again20:19
narsil4Fyodorovna: Is ubuntu-11.10-desktop-i386.iso the live cd? I don't understand the difference between that install cd and the live cd, if any.20:19
tarzeauinstead of sticking with linux. or gnu/hurd20:19
guntbert!ot | tarzeau20:19
ZeloZeloscan someone give me the link for the write to disk so i can re-burn ubuntu from windows..i lost my disk and cant find that program...right click, burn to disk20:19
ubottutarzeau: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!20:19
narsil4do you just mean live cd == botable cd?20:19
tarzeauhave had, 10 years ago20:19
theadminroasted: Not really -- the only thing you need to care for is that swap is as big as the RAM currently in use. When on Earth would 256 gigs of ram ever be in use? Almost never.20:20
tarzeautheadmin: haha, if you know how many OOMs we have per week and month20:20
roastedtheadmin: good point.20:20
theadmintarzeau: Really? Wow.20:20
Fyodorovnanarsil4, if you decide to run the scrip[t the file name has changed you would download it put it on your desktop and run this command.  sudo bash ~/Desktop/bootinfoscript20:20
roastedtheadmin: unless you're virtualizing a ton of crap and for, some reason, want them along with the hibernation20:20
tarzeautheadmin: oh there's a bunch of horribly written software, leaking like hell20:20
tarzeautheadmin: i still have a lot of respect for nextstep and openstep20:21
Fyodorovnanarsil4, after extracting to the desktop that is.20:21
beandogtarzeau, roasted, guys, ot20:21
Shactroasted; any thoughts on the driver wrapper? So far the only thing that can run video well on my laptop is XP and I've never liked XP20:21
theadmintarzeau: Don't use horribly written software then?20:21
roastedShact: that intel card is kind of a dead end. It's really old. I've used it even with XP and I still thought it sucked. :(20:21
beandogShact: you're pretty much stuck20:21
Guest71268is this a help chan ?20:21
=== Guest71268 is now known as [Toto]
tarzeautheadmin: oh, i am just an administrator, avoiding such software completely, it's the users i am to support20:22
roastedShact: hate to throw the "SOL" card your way but when hardware is your limitation, software can only go so far.20:22
ZeloZelosnvm i found it...iso recorder :P20:22
ShactWhat's SOL mean?20:22
roasteduh yeah, google that one :P20:22
beandogcheck urban dictionary20:22
roastedI'd likely get banned again if I'd repeat it, lol20:22
ShactWait, but driver wrapping... that would work20:22
ZeloZeloskinda wierd. i look like an hour, decided to ask here.and pop! there it showd20:23
roastedI wouldn't know the slightest thing about that. All I remember is ndiswrapper for wrapping windows drivers to linux systems to work with certain chipsets. How it's done? I have no idea :(20:23
roasted@ Shact ^^^^20:23
[Toto]i can paste here one erro ?20:23
beandogroasted: that's for wifi only20:24
[Toto]./generic/pgtclAppInit.c:17:23: error fatal: llibpgtcl.h: No existe el archivo o el directorio compilación terminada. gmake: *** [pgtclAppInit.o] Error 1 root@ubuntu:~/pgtcl1.5#20:24
roastedShact: look at what beandog just said. Sounds like it's for wifi purposes only.20:24
ShactYeah NDIS Wrapper was the model I was thinking of. Great tool (if it didn't need 200 instructions to configure). Hmm. Maybe I will try Solaris. I bet Sun wrote some drivers :)20:24
beandog[Toto]: building something against postgres?20:24
bobweaverToto what is the part in spanish say ?20:25
beandog[Toto]: do you have the development libraries installed?20:25
beandogbobweaver: missing file or directory20:25
beandog[Toto]: those are the dev tools20:25
FloodBot1[Toto]: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.20:25
bobweaver!pastebin | Toto20:25
ubottuToto: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.20:25
[Toto]i got that error when i use gmake pgtclsh20:25
beandog[Toto]: which postgres version20:25
fmauro!es | [Toto]20:26
ubottu[Toto]: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.20:26
=== mimor_away is now known as mimor
beandog[Toto]: did you install libpgtcl-dev20:26
[Toto]let me check i think yes20:26
JPeterso2what's the keyboard input for do-release-upgrade?20:26
bobweaverJPeterso2,  upgrade ubuntu versions20:27
JPeterso2if i press d for details, how do make it accept input again?20:27
[Toto]the error is from pgtcl1.520:27
[Toto]the postgres succesfuly install20:27
imbezolJPeterso2: what's running? less? vim? nano?20:27
imbezolJPeterso2: check your process list if you're not sure20:28
beandog[Toto]: dunno, looks like you should be okay.20:28
=== mimor is now known as mimor_away
JPeterso2imbezol: how would that help20:28
beandog[Toto]: do you have libpgtcl1.5 as well20:28
jrib!away > mimor_away20:28
ubottumimor_away, please see my private message20:28
wylde[Toto]: 'sudo apt-get build-dep <packagename>' may help20:28
JPeterso2I'm asking what keyboard input the do-release-upgrade accept20:28
=== mimor_away is now known as mimor
theadmin[Toto]: If it's longer than one line, please use a pastebin.20:28
imbezolJPeterso2: sounds like it's dumped you into some kind of text viewer or editor.. if you can say which, then someone will know the keyboard shortcuts20:28
theadminDamn, I hate it when I forget to scroll to the bottom before replying20:29
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JSeymourProblem with the repos?20:29
JPeterso2it's q like in man20:29
beandogtheadmin: heh20:29
bobweaverJPeterso2, there are points that you are going to get too it asks if you want to see the detials of the packages that you are going to install20:29
bobweaverIs that what you are talking about ?20:29
JPeterso2bobweaver: yes it accepts y, n, d and q20:30
JSeymourus.archive.ubuntu.com appears to be MIA?20:31
Mennoanyone here contributed a package?20:31
bobweaverMenno,  do you have a question about packaging ?20:32
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cap!developer | Menno20:33
ubottuMenno: Want to become an Ubuntu developer? Look at http://www.ubuntu.com/community/processes/newdev and the Wiki (http://wiki.ubuntu.com) for involvement in specific projects such as Kubuntu or Xubuntu.20:33
DaghdhaDoes the upgrade system in ubuntu also upgrades firefox?20:34
Mennobobweaver: Not really. I haven't contributed a package since the Debian 2.0 days.20:34
Mennobut I'm tired of copmiling wimax-tools every time I do a major update on Ubuntu, and thought it might help someone else if I contribute it20:34
Mennocap: thanks20:34
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JPeterso2should it be mirror:// (in deb mirror://mirrors.ubuntu.com/mirrors.txt) and not http://? i get a failed to read mirror message from apt-get update20:35
bobweaverMenno,  do you use launchpad ? maybe get togeather with this person ? https://code.launchpad.net/~mathieu-tl/+junk/wimax-tools20:36
[Toto]i post my prob20:37
irisCan you view Ubuntu's source code?20:37
jrib!source | iris20:37
ubottuiris: You can easily fetch a package's source with apt-get. See: http://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/apt-howto/ch-sourcehandling.en.html20:37
irisAnd what API's was used to create it.20:37
irisI'm not on Ubuntu anymore.20:37
jribiris: you can access source packages through http://packages.ubuntu.com as well if you wish20:38
irisI had to uninstall it because it froze on 12.04 upgrade.20:38
VirtualBlacknessSo, I have two hard drives, I want to install one version of ubuntu on one and another version on another... how do I specify grub addition to the first drive?20:38
irisI'm reinstalling it via CD on thursday.20:38
irisI used Wubi, big mistake.20:38
narsil4How do I sudo from the live CD?20:39
VirtualBlacknessjust sudo.20:39
narsil4Been googling, tried empty password and "ubuntu" password, no luck20:39
capnarsil4: same way...20:40
FirePowiyes just ;-)20:40
VirtualBlacknessthere is no password20:40
FirePowilike : "Sudo gparted"20:40
narsil4sudo fails20:40
jribnarsil4: what exactly does "no luck" mean?20:40
VirtualBlacknesstry sudo -s then execute your commands.20:40
capnarsil4: What exactly are you trying to do?20:40
VirtualBlacknessnarsil4: do not capitalize S in sudo20:40
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narsil4ok nevermind, I got it to work. was missing "./" for script.20:41
kasiimy ubntu 1010 fails to work out with  microphone of dell vostro 1015 need A HELP20:41
kasiimy ubuntu 1010 fails to work out with  microphone of dell vostro 1015 need A HELP20:42
auronandacekasii: 10.10 is no longer supported20:42
wylde!10.10 | kasii20:42
ubottukasii: Ubuntu 10.10 (Maverick Meerkat) was the thirteenth release of Ubuntu. !End-Of-Life on April 10th, 2012, see http://ubottu.com/y/maverick for details.20:42
kasiiauronandace, but its robust for me compared to the latest others like 11.0420:43
narsil4OK I'm looking at the output of bootinfoscript. What shall I look for to indicate why my hard drive does not boot?20:43
Fyodorovnanarsil4, copy and paste the whole script to a pastebin.20:43
auronandacekasii: but its no longer maintained, you won't get updates20:44
Fyodorovna!pastebin } narsil420:44
ubottuFyodorovna: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)20:44
Fyodorovna!pastebin | narsil420:44
ubottunarsil4: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.20:44
kasiiauronandace, so what to do20:44
auronandacekasii: use a supported release20:44
wyldecd ..20:45
wyldewhoops ...20:45
Fyodorovnanarsil4, then give us the url of that paste20:45
kasiii don like them i told u that 10.10 was robust for me20:45
auronandacekasii: 10.04 still has gnome220:46
kasiii don like them i told u that 10.10 was robust for me,aur20:46
auronandacekasii: if its just unity you don't like then you could switch to xfce or kde or lxde20:46
narsil4OK here is the output of bootinfoscript. Help, this hard drive doesn't boot! http://paste.ubuntu.com/944720/20:46
kasiiauronandace, what are these kde lxde xfce20:47
auronandacekasii: desktop environments20:47
kasiiauronandace, what are these kde lxde xfce20:47
skaI've installed Firefox 11 into 10.04lts, but it has no Java plugin that I can find.20:48
auronandacekasii: 10.10 uses gnome2, gnome2 is no longer supported in 11.10 and upwards20:48
[Toto]!pastebinit http://paste.ubuntu.com/944714/20:48
JSeymourSomething seems to be amiss with the US (at least) Ubuntu repos.  Everything I mark for install comes up "unauthenticated" and they're slower than molassas20:48
MennoYes, the repos aren't working right now.20:49
kasiiauronandace, so my problem wont be solve until i have to the other version20:49
auronandacekasii: if you stay on 10.10 we cannot support you20:50
JSeymourMenno: Thanks for the confirmation20:50
kasiiauronandace, better to use windows microsoft rather u ubuntu  if its tough and complicated i this manner20:51
Fyodorovnanarsil4, I suspect you had gpt partitioning setup originally it is mentioned in the script, otherwise it looks good, use this script and post on the ubuntu forums while you wait here for help as well. I'm not sure on cleaning out any gpt remanents if that is what is needed.20:51
auronandacekasii: use whatever you are comfortable with and gets the job done20:51
Xix19I just installed Ubuntu 64-bit on a VMware virtual machine, and now it says "VMware Easy Install / PLEASE WAIT! VMware Tools is currently being installed on your system ...", then it did nothing for about 30 seconds, then some lines appeared and the last 2 say: " * Checkingbattery state..." and "/etc/rc.local: 16: /etc/rc.local: ./run_upgrader.sh: not found"20:51
L3topsLOL... cause support from microsoft is this comprehensive and immediate across unsupported versions.20:51
Xix19am I supposed to wait a long time?20:51
Xix19now it hasn't done anything more for 4 minutes20:52
chiliblueis there a compatible hardware list for 3g dongles in linux (like the v4l does for capture devices)?20:52
kasiiauronandace, cuz a small configuration you force to move to other version20:52
L3topskasii: you are not on a long term service release.20:52
wylde!hardware | chiliblue20:52
ubottuchiliblue: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection20:52
MennoMicrosoft's 2010-era OS support is pretty marginal20:53
L3topskasii: you may very easily fix your problem... but it is no longer supported, so support cannot provide your answer20:53
Mennothe general answer to Vista problems is "upgrade" or "works as designed"20:53
auronandacekasii: no, the schedule for support for 10.10 has always been clear, your support has simply ended20:53
Mennoif you hate upgrading, stick to LTS releases20:53
kasiiauronandace, i have already use those version like 11.04 and 11.10 but its too of bugss20:53
auronandace!releases | kasii20:53
ubottukasii: Ubuntu releases a new version every 6 months. Each version is supported for 18 months to 5 years. More info at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases & http://wiki.ubuntu.com/TimeBasedReleases20:53
Menno5 years is a long time in this industry20:54
L3topswell thenk kasii, you are probably right... you should go back to windows, which is free of bugs.20:54
theadminchiliblue: http://www.draisberghof.de/usb_modeswitch/device_reference.txt - this has instructions too so isn't quite a plain list, but I think it'll do -- there might be more, though.20:54
narsil4Fyodorovna: thanks for info. what do you mean "had gpt partitioning setup originally"? I had selected the "use whole hard drive" option, does that match what it says?20:54
Mennokassi: 12.04 is pretty good. And it's LTS.20:54
MennoI've had no problems, other than a minor bug with setting blank passwords in keychains20:55
Mennowhich got fixed a week after i filde my bugreport20:55
auronandacekasii: i haven't used unity (which became default since 11.04), i've always used xfce20:55
auronandace!xubuntu | kasii20:56
ubottukasii: Xubuntu is Ubuntu with Xfce instead of !GNOME. More info at http://www.xubuntu.org and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/ - To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop » - Join #xubuntu for support - See also: !Ubuntu and !Xubuntu-Channels20:56
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kasiiL3tops, foolish comment on me20:56
Fyodorovnanarsil4, gpt is a type of partitioning. It looks like from the script that part of it remains, the ubuntu forums and some on here will know the drill to remove this data. I think this is the problem I'm just not familiar with gpt and how to wipe it.20:56
L3topskasii: I am not sure how you meant that, but I agree.20:56
Fyodorovnanarsil4, here is a wiki on gpt. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GUID_Partition_Table20:57
kasiiL3tops, you habe to be wise and respect yourself as i did to you20:57
pyxorgHi, I learned that Instagram and foursquare use ubuntu server. I wondered about the advantages of ubuntu (in comparison to debian)20:57
zykotick9pyxorg: think, newer packages but less stable.  (ubuntu on servers seems silly to me)20:58
Mennomain advantage of Ubuntu for me is that it works more easily with modern hardware20:58
Mennoin an environment the size of Instagram or foursquare, I would run Debian20:58
L3topskasii: I didn't show you any disrespect, and if you choose to be offended at my sarcasm concerning Windows, then that is on you. A wise man does not expect the world to change to suit him.20:58
kasiiL3tops, you have to be wise and respect yourself as i did to you20:59
bobweaverpyxorg,  there are many many differences to many to list but some of the key things are landscape which is nice20:59
L3topskasii: I didn't show you any disrespect, and if you choose to be offended at my sarcasm concerning Windows, then that is on you. A wise man does not expect the world to change to suit him.20:59
MennoL3tops: A lot of people sure hate upgrading Ubuntu just because they don't realise how to turn Unity off20:59
L3topsI understand that.20:59
L3tops1004 is still supported was my meaning.20:59
auronandaceMenno: so true21:00
MennoIn 2015, those people will need to figure out how to turn off Unity21:00
FyodorovnaMenno, a lot of people is a vague generalization.21:00
Mennoor whatever the latest-and-greatest WM is then.21:00
MennoEvery single person I know who won't upgrade. :-)21:00
Menno(every person I know IRL that is)21:00
L3topsYou cannot expect support when support is defined from beginning to end, and then "threaten" to switch OSs because support no longer exists for the version you like.21:00
L3topsits goofy.21:00
barefootany idea what the issue could be if I can login via terminal but not graphical? keeps going right back to login screen21:00
pyxorgthank you zykotick9 and bobweaver21:00
kasiiL3tops, how can you tell me this" well thenk kasii, you are probably right... you should go back to windows, which is free of bugs."21:00
Mennohave you logged in before?21:01
bobweaverbarefoot,  sounds like a VGA thing21:01
zykotick9barefoot: is this on 12.04?21:01
Mennoit sounds like your .profile is buggered21:01
bobweaverbarefoot, could we see lspci -nn | grep VGA21:01
DerouinI have tried several times to download ubuntu. The last time I used bitTorrent. I get full downloads, but the file just looks like a blank sheet of paper, and I can not use system 7 to burn as a iso. Any ideas what might be wrong? Could it be McAfee?21:01
bobweaver!pastebin | barefoot21:01
ubottubarefoot: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.21:01
L3topsIt is sarcasm kasii. Windows has bugs too. If that was lost on you, that is still not disrespect. If you CHOOSE to be offended at my sarcasm, then it is your CHOICE. I have nothing to do with it.21:01
kasiiL3tops, for normal and logical thinkable person cant21:01
FyodorovnaDerouin, where did you get the link?21:02
DerouinFrom the Ubuntu site21:02
L3topsI am not having an argument with you kasii. I was not disrespectful. This is a support channel. Not a share ideas about life channel.21:02
L3topsI am not affiliated with ubuntu. I am just a user.21:02
kasiiL3tops, for normal and logical thinkable person cant  wrote what write for me21:03
capbarefoot: Maybe    sudo Xorg -configure21:03
zykotick9kasii: L3tops your "discussion" seems to have gotten offtopic.21:03
barefootwas .profile21:04
DerouinHello, any ideas....anyone?21:04
kasiiL3tops, we have keep understanding to each other21:04
bobweaverDerouin,  what version do you want ?21:04
FyodorovnaDerouin, have you ever used a torrent app and what is the one your using if so and use nics of who your answering.21:04
kasiizykotick9,  thats non of your business21:04
Mennobarefoot: before logging out, open a new shell whenever you touch .profile21:04
Mennomake sure it's not got an exit in it heh21:04
L3topskasii: try /ignore l3tops        it will solve all of your problems with anything I have to say. btw, type alsamixer and make sure your mic is not muted.21:04
kasiiL3tops, yes isnt muted21:05
MennoI use rtorrent, utorrent, or Transmission21:05
Mennoand occasionally Deluge21:05
barefootMenno: hehe no exit, just this http://paste.ubuntu.com/944756/21:05
Basstard`Fyodorovna: There's also qBittorrent.21:06
kasiiL3tops, can i give the screenshot for the alsamixer21:06
FyodorovnaBasstard`, read the channel.21:07
auronandacekasii: go for it21:07
TrevisHi, I am new here. I was wondering if anyone knows how to access internet on 10.04 LTS?21:07
DerouinI was using BitTorrent and trying to get 11.10 desktop i38621:07
kasiiL3tops,  tell me how can i give you the screenshot for that21:08
kasiiauronandace, what i dont getu21:08
barefootTrevis: might not have the driver, I had the same issue with dell laptops and had to upgrade21:08
Derouinyes, I have used BitTorrent before21:08
Mennobarefoot: wow. and that wouldn't login?21:08
auronandacekasii: yes, you can post the screenshot21:08
wylde!pastebin | kasii21:08
ubottukasii: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.21:08
bobweaverDerouin,  why torrent and not http or ftp or zsync ?21:08
barefootMenno: no, no helpful errors anywhere either21:08
Mennowant to see my .profile?21:09
J2Guys, quick question. Has anyone else experienced their displays going crazy when touching Display settings? and if spo, how to fox it?21:09
L3topsdepending on the number of inputs you have, you may not be able to see all of alsamixer kasii. What you want to do is use the left and right buttons to navigate around, and if your mike has an M or MM at the bottom, press the letter m and it will unmute. press up to raise the input volume of the mic if found.21:09
MennoJ2: Can you be more specific?21:09
J2Ok, i go over to the power menu21:09
Trevisbarefoot: I have the drivers, I just don't know how to use them. I have a realtek rtl8192ce wireless driver21:10
J2(This is 11.10 Oneric)21:10
J2and press Displays21:10
J2to turn on my other monitor21:10
Mennoshows git branch, shows current time, and shows return code of last command21:10
barefootMenno: yeah I like that21:10
Mennoall those functions are a tad slow, though21:10
J2and everything glitches, and i have black and wqhite glitch, and the entire screenis just like all messed up21:10
MennoI'd be better off if I rolled it all into 1 C program.21:10
barefoothehe i bet21:10
Mennoit runs fine on a real Unix, but takes 1/3 second or so on Cygwin.21:10
Budukif i install the 12.04 LTS beta will it become the latest stable version after updates (when it is available) or will I have to upgrade the whole thing ?21:11
zykotick9!final | Buduk21:11
ubottuBuduk: If you install a development version of Ubuntu Precise and keep up with package updates, then you will be upgraded to the official release of 12.04 when it comes out. To make sure, type « sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade » in a terminal. Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1.21:11
L3topskasii: by left/right/up/down buttons I mean arrow keys21:11
Budukare there any common problems that occur using dist-upgrade ?21:11
Budukis it safe or is there a chance it will break everything ?21:12
bob__i'm running 10.04 and lately when the update manager runs it won't complete because it asking for the 12.04 cd anyone else having this problem?21:12
phibxrL3tops, up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, B, A, start!21:12
bobweaverbob__,  fix sources list21:12
L3topsmario will always be king.21:12
iceroot_bob__: please paste the output of "cat /etc/apt/sources.list"21:12
zykotick9phibxr: ;)21:12
chiliblueis usb21:12
iceroot_!paste | bob__21:12
ubottubob__: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.21:12
kasiiL3tops, wait i will give you the link the you will tell me what to do21:12
Trevis@barefoot: I have a realtek rtl8192ce wireless driver and I need to "get it" on Ubuntu, I have no idea how21:12
chiliblueis usb-modeswitch in ubuntu 11.10?21:13
iceroot_chiliblue: yes21:13
bobweaverTrevis,  you download the driver and compile it21:13
bobweaverTrevis,  what is you card ?21:13
chiliblueok, that explains it, so I shouldn't be suprised that my usb 3g dongle is showing up then21:13
TrevisYou mean this? realtek rtl8192ce wireless driver21:14
TrevisSorry, I am a total noob at this.21:14
bobweaverTrevis,  it is ok . open terminal and type in |   sudo lshw -C networking  |   then use paste.ubuntu.com to paste that to us21:15
Trevis@bobweaver The problem with that is, I am on Windows. Since I can't get internet on Ubuntu, what should I do?21:16
bobweaverahh I see21:16
J2Menno, sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade21:16
bytemanin regards to PXE booting, what does "boot=casper" indicate?21:16
bobweaverok you are sure that that is your wireless card ?21:16
J2i apologize21:16
J2wrong paste21:16
L3topsso... how do I update grub to add an os on another drive? Or is it something I should specify during install of that (ubuntu) os?21:17
MennoJ2: I have it on an hourly cron :)21:17
TrevisYes. I looked it up, and E-Mailed Realtek about it, and they gave me the .deb drivers21:17
MennoL3: hang on21:17
J2Thats what i meant to post, Menno21:17
L3topsbyteman casper is like ghost... in that it is an image file which you will be booting to21:17
Mennogo to /etc/grub.d and copy 40_custom to 41_custom, and put your stiff in 41_cusom21:17
L3topsty menno21:18
MennoI have a unique Xp setup on my machine21:18
Mennomenuentry "Windows XP (NTLDR) (on /dev/sda1)" --class windows --class os {21:18
Mennoand then stuff goes after that21:18
Mennothe files there are fairly self-documenting.21:18
bobweaverTrevis,  you use dpkg to install .deb packages like this    sudo dpkg -i <name of package>21:18
JohnAI have a problem with networking setup,running server 11.10 -  I have 2 NICs one is web facing static IP, second is lan facing address static If I enable the second NIC I cannot send or receive on either network. What am I missing?21:18
bobweaverTrevis,  also take a look at post #2 if you do not have .deb http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=168542521:18
TrevisAlright, thank you! =)21:19
zizooWhat are the risks associated with moving an NTFS partition in GParted without defragmenting it first, if any?21:20
Mennozizoo: None.21:20
zizooThanks Menno.21:21
MennoWell I sholdn't say none21:21
Mennobut I've done it plenty of times21:21
Mennoif it's a straight move (no resize), the risk is especially low21:21
auronandacezizoo: always keep a backup21:21
Basstard`And a backup of the backup.21:21
kasiiL3tops, waiting for u21:22
zizooOh, yes, actually, I should've said that more plainly for certain. I intend to shrink it dramatically. And thank you auronandace. Will do. It's just a pain restoring back-ups, IMO, so I try to avoid messing anything up to begin with.21:22
L3topsWaiting for me to do what? You said you were going to paste a screenshot21:22
kasiiL3tops, http://imagebin.org/20957221:22
zizooIt is currently over 250 GB, but I want it to be closer to 100 GB.21:22
Nach0zbzip2 >_>21:23
kasiiL3tops,  do u see  img21:23
L3topsthere is pretty much nothing there. Your hardware is not recognized/installed.21:23
L3topskasii: apt-get install pastebinit21:23
kasiiL3tops, now tell me what to do21:24
L3topskasii: lspci -vv | pastebinit21:24
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L3topskasii: You could say please. I don't owe you anything.21:24
auronandaceL3tops: while you are at it can you recommend he use a supported release, 10.10 isn't supported anymore21:24
azerthello there21:24
joannhi, I'm    running kde/openbox and the  menu keeps opening on top of the screen. Anything I need to do?21:25
bobweaver+1 auronandace21:25
azerti connected as user on my system i forgot my root password21:25
azerthow to run  root command ?21:25
kasiiL3tops,  that pastebinit is for me21:25
L3topsYes. I am not sure why I am doing this at all frankly. I just thought he should check alsamixer for a possibly easy unmute.21:25
auronandace!root | azert21:26
ubottuazert: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo21:26
kasiiL3tops,  that pastebinit is for me21:26
=== J2|QK is now known as J2
L3topskasii: Your hardware may not even be supportable. Try 1204, or if you just can't stand it, go back to 1004. You are on a version in which you cannot receive updates.21:27
zizooWeird, GParted auto-quit when it came to the "real resize" part of the task. It doesn't say why in the report. It just has a warning prompt saying that only dangerous operations are left, asking if I want to proceed, then "OK quitting. NO CHANGES WERE MADE...."21:27
LoonaticI just got a new video card (FireMV2250) and i now do have a dual screen but seem to have lost the ability to do transparency any hints ?21:28
Mennozizool try running chkdsk /f from real Windows?21:28
kasiiL3tops, how do u know that21:28
azerti can't see anything related with forgot sudo password on that link auronandace21:28
auronandaceazert: your sudo password is your normal user password21:29
auronandaceazert: root doesn't have a password by default on ubuntu (and we don't recommend setting one)21:29
zizooOk, logging off. See you soon maybe. If not, thanks a bunch. :P21:29
azertvoila, that's what i forgot the normal user password21:30
L3topshow do I know you cannot get updates? Because it is, and always has been, explicitly stated when support would end for your release. I don't know if your hardware can be supported, but it is not my job to support it. I, again, am just a user, and you do not behave in a manner which makes me inclined to waste a long time trying to help you. I am busy now. Google is going to be where you find your answer on your hardware on your21:30
L3tops unsupported version.21:30
kasiiL3tops, how do u know that21:30
L3topsI am afk.21:30
MennoL3tops: You, sir, are a man of longsuffering.21:31
kasiiafk whats that21:31
Menno(Or a woman)21:31
Mennokasii, just go upgrade to a supported Ubuntu release.21:31
auronandacekasii: afk = away from keyboard21:31
kasiiMenno, from 10.10 to 10.04 is it  upgrade or downgrade21:32
auronandace!downgrade | kasii21:32
ubottukasii: Attempting to downgrade to an older Ubuntu version is explicitly not supported and may break your system.21:32
auronandacekasii: you would need to fresh install21:33
auronandacekasii: or you could just bit the bullet now and recognise that gnome2 is not going to be around much longer so find an alternative21:34
bobweaverkasii, if you like gnome 2 ..   http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2012/03/gnome-classic-in-ubuntu-12-04-its-like-nothing-ever-changed/21:36
MennoThis is a major bummer.21:36
MennoThis package has a hard dependency on libnl121:36
Mennolibnl1 exists in precise, but libnl1-dev does not.21:36
murdockIs anybody here that uses Ubuntu Server? I set it up and installed Lamp when I did, but I can't find the directory that it set up.21:39
walterwojI just ordered a 32 GB USB drive.  I want to be able to use the entire thing to boot one or more linux distros (ubuntu for starters).  Is there a way I can format it in ext# to alow me to use the whole thing for linux?  I don't care if it is readable from windows.21:39
shomonnah, never tried it21:39
shomonmaybe ubuntu server has it's own channel though murdock21:39
murdockoh snap. I'll look, thanks.21:39
ubottuUbuntu Server Edition is a release of Ubuntu designed especially for server environments, including a server specific !kernel and no !GUI. The install CD contains many server applications. Current !LTS version is !Lucid (Lucid Lynx 10.04) - More info: http://www.ubuntu.com/products/whatisubuntu/serveredition - Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/ - Support in #ubuntu-server21:39
=== lupinedk is now known as Lupinedk
shomonyeah exactly ;D21:39
Tuxwalterwoj, you can partition it with gparted21:40
trismMenno: libnl-dev21:40
Mennotrism: duh21:40
MennoI hope it's that easy21:40
Mennooh, I see the issue, that will forcibly eject libnl2-dev21:41
murdockFound it. In case anybody was wondering, it was /var/www21:42
J2Ok, normally, Ubuntu would tell me about proprietary drivers available. How would i check that manually? I thiknk thats whats causing my issues?21:42
walterwojTux: I would assume I'll need to run a from Ubuntu (Live?) and set up the drive from there.  Will this let me update the kernel and operate like a local install with at full 32 gb partition?21:43
ubottuAcronyms or statements like noob, jfgi, stfu, or rtfm are not welcome in this channel. Period.21:43
Mennowalterwoj: yes21:43
walterwojThank you greatly. Menno and Tux21:44
MennoI'll be darned, wimax-tools built cleanly on precise21:44
Budukwalterwoj if it is applicable u can use the usb installer on pendrivelinux and set a persistant environment21:44
walterwojmurdock: Read the manual, It's amazing some of the thinks you can learn...21:44
murdockI know, I just got really excited to set everything up as soon as I could.21:46
walterwojBuduk: It's tempting but it requires the ghost loop partition and a lot of messing.  Ideally I would love to have grub load when the drive is connected and give me the option of several OSs and a couple recovery disks, kind of like a swiss-army-USB-drive without being FAT-crippled.21:47
Budukyumi ?21:47
walterwojmurdock: I've been there, but you really should read up heavily before you start out.  and ask questions in the right channel, it really grates on some of the more experienced members (who are usually in more than one channel BTW) when people ask in the wrong channel, even though they are in the other channel they wont answer questions in the wrong one even if they know the answer. (LOL)21:50
goodyobMy brightness, volume, and internet settings keep resetting every time I restart my laptop, how can I fix this?21:50
walterwojyes, YUMI might work, I'll have to read more to see it's limitations...21:51
goodyobMy brightness, volume, and internet settings keep resetting every time I restart my laptop, how can I fix this?21:52
goodyobI have an ASUS, if that helps21:53
narsil4I suppose there is no way for me to burn with the DVD drive which has the ubuntu live CD in it?21:54
goodyob<narsil4>: nope21:55
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Guest68502hi all21:58
zeidozhi Guest68502, good to see you21:59
rodhashHello guys... I'm running xfce4 and never had trouble to run gnome-screensaver instead of xscreensaver....21:59
rodhashbut when I issue cmd gnome-screensaver nothing happens....21:59
rodhashany idea pls?21:59
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narsil4The download page says a 2GB USB stick is required, but the iso is only 700 megs. Do I really need a 2GB stick?22:00
narsil4(I have 1GB)22:00
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Buduknarsil4: try it? will probably be ok22:01
narsil4Buduk: do you know why it says 2GB?22:01
rodhashAny suggestion?22:02
rodhashWould be a different screensaver process?22:02
PaerGuy do you know when 12.04 will be realeased22:02
e131rodhash: I think gnome-screensaver only locks it now, with no screensaver effect.22:03
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=== LOGAN_ is now known as Logan_
zykotick9!schedule | Paer22:03
ubottuPaer: The Ubuntu Precise Pangolin release schedule can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PrecisePangolin/ReleaseSchedule22:03
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Pizza401who wants guns? http://tinychat.com/redditguns22:04
rodhashI think I figure it out...22:04
[Toto]error: ISO C + + forbids declaration of 'type name' with no type22:07
rodhashDoes gnome3 has screensaver? How can I change it (cli cmd)?22:08
e131rodhash: I dont think it does screensaver anymore.  just a black screen22:09
PaerYa that sucks22:09
e131but MATE has the gnome 2 screensaver tool.22:10
PaerAt least that battery friendly22:10
PaerYeah but mate is unstable22:11
e131I think its gotten better though22:11
L3topMy mate is pretty unstable too. I find alcohol helps.22:11
narsil4What is the consensus with ubuntu 11? This is my first time using it. Seems like a Mac clone (for good or bad).22:11
genel /server irc.serokey.com:6595 12322:12
faissalis ubuntu becoming shite ?22:13
L3top!ru | VSEARCHORG22:13
ubottuVSEARCHORG: ПожалуйÑта наберите /join #ubuntu-ru Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð¿Ð¾Ð»ÑƒÑ‡ÐµÐ½Ð¸Ñ Ð¿Ð¾Ð¼Ð¾Ñ‰Ð¸ на руÑÑком Ñзыке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.22:13
PaerOw and speaking of mate did ya saw the mate develloper logo its freakin nyan cat wtf22:13
lwizardlnarsil4, I can not speak for everyone, only my own experiences. I did not like mac computers, or windows. I switched from them about 5 years ago. When 11.04 came out and had Unity wrapped into just about everything. i was forced to revert back to 10.04 LTS due to how much I hated the way that unity was.22:14
lwizardlmyself this weekend i am redoing the computer installs and replacing ubuntu with mint22:14
e131narsil4: I love ubuntu 12.04 with unity, its real smooth22:14
PaerDid ya ever tryed to enable compiz on mate ? Its impossible with amd hadware22:15
himanshu_m786i too love ubuntu 12.0422:15
narsil4I have no love for macs, though I do use one regularly and like a few things like expose with hot corners. Does unity have that?22:15
J2e131, how's the stability of 12.04?22:15
e131j2: for me, it is really stable22:16
e131j2: more stable than any other release22:16
KristianDKI found a bug with a package in ubuntu with its start up script, i made a new file in /etc/init.d/mcollective that works, but on boot and with "service mcollective start" it still uses another source, it seems - any idea how to proceed with this?22:16
J2Hmm...Can i update to it from 11.10?22:16
maykohttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1963514   <--- can anyone help with this? its making me crazy and I really really need a phone.22:16
e131j2: im not sure, I just installed mine in a different partition22:16
narsil4Actually ubuntu 11 is not really a mac clone; it's more like a fusion of mac and windows 7.22:16
narsil4mac-like doc with windows-7-like expose22:17
e131but neither have the dash.22:17
KristianDKkirkland, ping22:17
kirklandKristianDK: pong22:18
himanshu_m786<narsil4> its better than both22:18
KristianDKkirkland, you are maintaining mcollective in ubuntu, right? :)22:18
kirklandKristianDK: negative, that's lynxman22:18
KristianDKah ok, there seems to be a bug with the startup script22:18
KristianDKhave a working /etc/init.d/ script, but apparently thats not the one being used :(22:19
narsil4e131: well mac has a dashboard thing. I have it triggered on a hot corner.22:19
zykotick9KristianDK: fyi init.d is the old sysv stuff, ubuntu uses upstart now... just sayin'22:19
KristianDKzykotick9, yeah, i realized - but i have no idea how it works - but i have some working code :D22:20
KristianDKfor init.d22:20
PaerWrong lion has a das thats why ithate it so much22:20
e131Paer, oh ok22:20
KristianDKkirkland, do you know where to find lynxman? is there a better channel for stuff like this?22:20
kirklandKristianDK: #ubuntu-server22:21
KristianDKthanks ;)22:21
PaerLion make you mac look like an ipad22:21
narsil4But dashboard goes back to at least Leopard. Are we talking about the same thing?22:22
e131im not sure, never used a mac, but I thought i heard that the dash was only ubuntu until lion22:23
narsil4The thing where the whole screen is darkened a little and you select tiny apps like dictionary, etc?22:23
e131oh i think you mean the widget thingy.22:24
PaerNope your talking about the widgets22:24
aeon-ltdnarsil4: even tiger had a dashboard22:24
PaerAnd i m talking about the menu sceen with the icons22:25
MennoPaer: You can go back to classic GNOME22:25
inashdeenhi there, need some help, i follow the tips from here http://www.addictivetips.com/ubuntu-linux-tips/how-to-disable-global-menu-in-ubuntu-11-10-tip/, i removed global menu, but it still exist22:27
e131Paer, install gnome-session-fallback22:27
Lint01HELP if unutu says 1 ORPHAN INODE DELETED is that OK?22:28
PaerCause if it about downgrading it ain work my e450 or my pad aint be recognized22:29
e131paer, no its gnome 3 with gnome 2 style panels.22:29
e131not gnome 2 at all22:29
PaerOw yeah but panel are not customizable22:30
e131you can add applets by right cllicking and holding shift i think22:31
shadykhanwhen im adding my website email to thunderbird it keeps saying wrong username/password22:31
shadykhanon windows the exact same configuration of the email works fine any ideas?22:31
e131paer: or maybe it was alt.22:31
Lint01shadykhan, is the keyboard layout the same?22:31
PaerNope i can do shite22:32
e131paer, I know there is some button you have to hold down while right clicking, but im not on it right now so Im not sure.22:32
PaerCant even move a thing.22:33
e131Paer, i'v seen howto posts on forums and other sites that tell how to do it, I just dont remember.22:33
inashdeenhi there, i cannot disable global menu in ubuntu 12.04 beta 2. any idea why?22:33
PaerImma try elementary luna22:35
e131Paer, I've been wondering about that.  It looks pretty nice.22:35
PaerYeah me too22:36
PaerEspecily about beatbox22:36
kantlivelonganyone here have good exp w/ pm-suspend22:37
kantlivelongi cannot get it to work22:37
e131Paer: do you know the website for elementary?22:37
inashdeenhi there, may i know what do you call the header where you have the close,minimize,maximize, file, edit,etc bar?22:37
celthunderinashdeen: menu bar?22:37
inashdeencelthunder: in themes? i want to change the colour22:37
PaerE131 wadda ya mean by the website?22:38
e131paer, the homepage for elementary Os22:38
PaerCause there is no beta for luna22:39
celthunderinashdeen: i dont know about theming but i think the close minimize maximize is the frame and the file edit etc is part of the menu bar if that helps..depends on what it was made in/with and what ui.22:39
inashdeenok then, by the way, how do we disable global menu in 12.04?22:39
PaerYeah i suscribed an acc on it its paer76 btw22:40
e131Paer, doesnt it use pantheon or something like that?22:41
PaerYeah and pantheon is running waay faster with 3d22:42
e131paer: oh cool, I will certainly give it a shot.22:43
PaerI tried it on vbox without 3d BIG MISTAKE22:43
maykohttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1963514  HALP22:44
Buduk54% [Connecting to us.archive.ubuntu.com (] << Im stuck "sudo apt-get update" work for anyone else ?22:44
e131Buduk: other people here said they had the same problem earlier today.22:45
zykotick9Buduk: several people have mentioned issues with the repos today (earlier someone said "canonical is looking into it").22:45
Budukah ok cheers :)22:45
PaerSeach on youtube to get the unoficial latest release22:45
e131Paer: for elementary?22:45
e131ok will do.22:46
inashdeenhi there, i manage to disable global menu. now, my bar for file, edit, etc is already in its ownbar, but my close button still persist in the main bar. how do i bring it down too?22:47
PaerOk guy its almost 2:00am i gotta go seeya later22:48
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e131Inashdeen: i dont think you can.22:48
Fyodorovnainashdeen, until release #ubuntu+1 is the precise channel22:48
m60Hi, I'm on Mint 10 and the "title bar" keeps disappearing, increasingly regularly. I'm not sure which version of Ubuntu Mint 10 is based on but was hoping there might be a solution to the disappearing "title bar"?22:48
Pici!mintsupport | m6022:48
ubottum60: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org22:48
m60Is / was it a problem that existed and was addressed in Ubuntu?22:50
sontekis there a way to reset the usb subsystem with udev?22:51
sontekI want to signal a complete plug/unplug22:51
L3topWhat do you want this signal to do?22:51
sontekI want to reset the usb devices like if I unplugged and plugged them back in22:52
sontekI have a device that stops responding randomly, so when this happens, I would like to just reset the usb22:52
qwevic hello I need help. I have lenovo s10-3c webcam problems - skype doesnot see it22:53
synackfinI tried "sudo apt-get install phpgedview" on lucid but it says "couldn't find package" even though it shows up on the web for lucid:  http://mirror.fiber.net/ubuntu-lucid/pool/universe/p/phpgedview/22:55
synackfinam I doing something incorrectly?22:55
L3topsontek I am testing. Didn't just disappear22:56
L3topsynackfin: apt-cache search phpged22:56
zykotick9!info phpgedview lucid22:56
ubottuPackage phpgedview does not exist in lucid22:56
hung_yaosynackfin: you might need to enable the universe repositories in /etc/apt/sources.list22:57
zykotick9hung_yao: it's not in lucid, universe isn't going to help.  synackfin22:57
hung_yaozykotick9: oh, thx for clarification22:57
qwevic hello I need help. I have lenovo s10-3c webcam problems - skype doesnot see it22:58
synackfinhow is it showing up on http://mirror.fiber.net/ubuntu-lucid/pool/universe/p/phpgedview/ and how do I install it?22:58
J2quick, easy question. Command to update to prerelesase(latest 12.04) Ubuntu version?22:59
synackfin!info phpgedview hardy22:59
ubottuphpgedview (source: phpgedview): Web-based genealogy viewer and editor. In component universe, is optional. Version 4.1.e+4.1.2-1 (hardy), package size 4963 kB, installed size 25992 kB23:00
qwevicany help23:00
synackfinit looks like it was in hardy and then removed from lucid, but still on some sites for lucid?23:00
zykotick9synackfin: you could see if the 3rd party PPA site has it?23:01
qwevicplease help me install webcam23:01
sontekL3top: thanks23:02
L3topsontek you could try modprobe  -r usb_storage; modprobe usb_storage             you might need to run lsmod to see any other modules that need to be hit if you get a fatal still in use.23:05
qweviclsusb found Micro device23:06
L3topstill testing though.23:06
qwevicBus 001 Device 003: ID 0b97:8381 O2 Micro, Inc.23:06
sontekL3top: aren't those builtins?23:06
L3topthis sounds like a skype problem qwevic. Can you see your cam in cheese?23:06
qwevici dont see it in cheese23:08
L3topI mean... you could script something to check states with udev and do diffs to determine when things are there or not, and mount and unmount etc... but the only way I know to whack at the subsystem is with a modprobe... but... this is not by any means suggestive of an appropriate approach.23:09
L3topI just found it an interesting question.23:10
sontekyeah, I just don't think you can modprobe -r a builtin can you?23:10
L3topudev --info   or you can try playing with the depreciated HAL23:10
L3topyou can hit it23:11
L3topbut you have to hit the whole tree23:11
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qweviccheese dont see my webcam on netbook23:13
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paaninianyone else having problems with gnome shell extensions after updating to Gnome 3.4 ?23:15
colonelqubitubuntu docs seem to indicate that firefox and OOo don't play nicely with Orca. I'm helping some friends with limited vision get started using ubuntu -- is there a recommended set of software for use?23:15
paanininone of mine are working23:15
paaninithey're greyed out23:15
txomon|homestrange thing (Just saw a video in youtube for first time) and this happens. Example video (1st click): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I7RqU_Isw28 output: http://i45.tinypic.com/2ebvpsh.png23:17
txomon|homeany idea on the origin?23:17
txomon|homeof the problem of course23:17
txomon|homeanyone discovered the problem?23:19
quickquestionhi there!23:22
quickquestionas my name says, I just have a quick question23:22
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience23:22
quickquestionI just installed ubuntu-server, with no gui, all going fine. I need to give an user access to usb thumbdrive. What group should I add them to? On arch it was 'storage' - same for ubuntu?23:23
txomon|homehttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/Mount/USB maybe helps23:24
txomon|homenever used a USB in a server xD23:24
quickquestionthe help site is not super helpful. it says If your usb device doesn't appear on your desktop, you should check that your user has the correct privileges. Go to System->Administration->User and Groups, choose the user, click on "Properties", then go to the "User Privileges" tab. You should have the "Access external storage devices automatically" option checked.23:26
quickquestionI wonder what the terminal equivalent of the gui is?23:26
quickquestionI thought it would be joining a group?23:26
Nach0zquickquestion: ...uh. You want to give a user access to a mounted thumbdrive?23:28
Nach0zor you want to give them access to mount thumbdrives?23:28
quickquestionI want to give the user write access to the thumbdrive23:28
Nach0zmount it, give them a+rw in the mount folder.23:29
quickquestionI'm not bothered about letting htem mount/unmount23:29
quickquestiondone that, did the old chmod 777 on /mount/usb23:29
kionHow do I update to the latest version of Thunderbird23:29
quickquestionshould I do it recursively inside the directory too?23:29
delinquentmecan a script chmod itself?23:30
Nach0zquickquestion: yeah you should be doing it with the -R flag, otherwise they can't do anything inside the folder itself23:30
quickquestionok cool23:30
Nach0zdelinquentme: should be able to given the user running the script has the correct permissions.23:30
quickquestionNach0z thanks! It's funny because they can all write to it on my other linux box23:31
quickquestionNach0z though probably the uids don't match and since they created the files...23:31
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quickquestionNach0z ok thanks that makes sense23:31
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delinquentmeis there a way to open my home folder from the command line?23:34
delinquentmethats nautilus right?23:34
delinquentmeyeaaaahhh making keybaord shortcuts :D23:34
entombedare ati drivers OK for linux?23:34
entombedor are they still lacking23:34
delinquentmechristhisisgool, do you know the command :D23:35
christhisisgoolnautilus %F23:35
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e131entombed: A family member has a comp with ati and it runs compiz pretty well23:35
e131except for the fade effect.23:35
entombedhow about opengl games?23:35
SilentDisentombed: From my understanding, the ATI drivers have come a long, long way.  I haven't owned an ATI card since 2006 (when I switched to linux), though, because of that.23:36
entombedi had a 9800 pro and i remember only ONE driver was fast for YEARS23:36
entombedand the updates were always TERRIBAD23:36
entombedopengl sucks for ati even in windows though i hear23:36
recon69_lapanyone else got a messed up hotmail in firefox?23:36
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recon69_lapand when is 12.04 being released?23:38
christhisisgoolthe 26th23:38
e131in two days23:38
ardianHow do I check if my laptop temp is fine on Ubuntu ?23:38
recon69_lapso fun starts tomorrow23:39
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christhisisgoolardian: if you have a smart capable hard drive, then you can probably get by with using the smart utilitys in disk utility for your hard drive23:40
Bennlucky7im running the beta now23:40
christhisisgooland for your cpu and such, check out lm-sensors23:40
e131me too23:40
christhisisgoolsame here23:40
ardianchristhisisgool, I don't know if it's wrong but if I open an apllication my cooler starts to make a bit noise for 10 seconds and then it goes normal23:41
ardianI don't think I have this problem on windows23:41
ardianand I am not sure if it's the temp23:41
ardianor what23:41
christhisisgoolardian: im not really sure about this23:41
ardianI also had to install bumbleebe cause of optimus23:41
kyconquershow can you see a list of users? ie: I need exim to have permission to open a file but there is no user exim.23:42
christhisisgoolbut i think i have read something about a kernel problem with 2.6 all the way through the 3.3 kernel about some random problem with it23:42
christhisisgooli know thats not too specific, but its just what i have read.23:42
narsil4Well I got an answer to my problem, but I'm afraid it's an answer I won't like. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1964888  I suppose I will spend a few days studying how to partition my drive, unless someone has a better suggestion.23:42
ardianchristhisisgool, is there any hope ?23:42
christhisisgoolso if i were you , i would try to update your kernel to the 3.4-rc423:42
christhisisgoolthere is23:42
christhisisgooli believe that there are .deb files for the kernel23:43
ardianI am not sure if this is normal so cause I just bought this laptop23:43
ardianit's new23:43
Bennlucky7how to check ur kernel version?23:43
christhisisgoolardian: it is probably just the kernel. i have heard of this before on a friends laptop, however i have never experienced it23:43
christhisisgoolsudo uname -r23:43
ardianchristhisisgool, so do I have to compile it ?23:43
christhisisgoolno, there are .deb files23:43
christhisisgoolso you can just use dpkg23:44
christhisisgooldo you want the link to where you could get the newest one. ardian?23:44
ardianchristhisisgool, yes please23:44
BentFranklinJust dropping by to say: apt-get should have as a standard feature a reminder at the end to check for Ubuntu updates right away for security.  Good day!23:44
christhisisgoolk hold on23:44
Bennlucky7where i fine 3.423:44
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christhisisgoolim looking for it now.23:45
christhisisgooli used to use the site all the time23:45
christhisisgoolbut i cant find anything but the source23:45
christhisisgoolso it might be a few minutes23:45
ardianokay, np23:45
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lucas__please anyone with zfs experience?23:46
txomon|home!ask lucas__23:47
txomon|homelucas, !ask23:47
ardianchristhisisgool, is this the one http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/v3.4-rc4-precise/ ?23:47
christhisisgoollol, ardian, you found it before me23:48
christhisisgoolbut before you do it i would first do uname -r23:48
ardianchristhisisgool, google karma :P23:48
cwill747!ask | lucas__23:48
ubottulucas__: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience23:48
christhisisgooland tell me the output23:48
christhisisgoolso i know what version  you have23:49
ardianLinux ubuntu 3.0.0-17-generic-pae #30-Ubuntu SMP Thu Mar 8 17:53:35 UTC 2012 i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux23:49
lucas__well, I am using fuse zfs and it works really like a charm. When I try to use the native kernel module I can't even import the disk. What is different between those two approaches?23:49
christhisisgoolokay do you know what version of ubuntu you have?23:49
ardianchristhisisgool, 11.1023:49
ardiannot the last23:49
christhisisgoolim not entirely sure if that will work23:50
ardianwell lets try :D23:50
ardianwhich one should I get ?23:50
christhisisgoolbut ubuntu will by default try and keep the last, so no harm done23:50
christhisisgoolthe last one23:50
christhisisgoolthe rc423:50
christhisisgooloh, sorry ardian, first you do the headers23:51
ardianI thought it is 1 file ok23:51
christhisisgoolthen you do the kernel itself23:51
christhisisgoolso first you would do the generic kernel headers23:51
christhisisgoolthe very first one that says that i think23:51
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christhisisgoolthat one23:52
christhisisgooland then the image23:52
ardianchristhisisgool, http://dpaste.com/737149/23:52
christhisisgoolthis one : linux-image-3.4.0-030400rc4-generic-pae_3.4.0-030400rc4.201204230908_i386.deb23:52
Bennlucky7what .deb i should use there is a big and a small one23:52
christhisisgoolfirst you install the small one, the linux headers23:53
christhisisgoolaccording to the architecture23:53
OptimizedCoderSo- I'm trying to remote to my ubuntu 11.10 machine from home.. My ubuntu machine is connected to my work places' intranet. I use VPN from home and connect to the cmpany network.23:53
ardianchristhisisgool, I don't understand that error23:53
ardianahh I see I must install this first23:54
OptimizedCoderIf I have vino running, I can use any VNC viewer/client from windows to connect to my windows box, but it is painfully slow/refresh rate is damn near unusable23:54
christhisisgoolardian: may i suggest trying something: use gdebi to install the kernel. it MAY find some dependencies for us as well as give us a better output23:54
OptimizedCoderCan I just have access to a headless ssh terminal - thats all I'd need - so I just need sshd running on my ubuntu machine?23:54
christhisisgooland of course, do the headers first23:55
christhisisgooland then the image23:55
ardianwell I thought I did the headers first23:55
e131Is there a command to list the names of all the computers on a network?23:55
christhisisgoolwell, i have to admit, i dont do this very often, as i am a main user of gentoo, so i dont usually use dpkg. however, since i suffered a regression in my Lubuntu, i have had to upgrade the kernel to fix it. but i usually compile my own kernel23:56
cfeddee131: a ping sweep can do something like that.23:56
cfeddee131: fping or nmap23:56
e131cfedde: Thanks!23:56
cfeddee131: also (sometimes) a dns dump23:56
christhisisgoolardin: is it going good?23:56
ardianchristhisisgool, Dependency is not satisfiable: linux-headers-3.4.0-030400rc423:56
cfeddedig axfr domain.name23:57
christhisisgooldarn. well, it may just be that you cant do it on ubuntu 11.1023:57
christhisisgoolbut, hey its only two more days23:57
ardianwell hope that the kernel is the problem with this23:57
qhartmananyone have experience getting rabbitmq-server going?23:57
ardianchristhisisgool, will 12.0423:57
ardianget the new kernel ?23:57
Bennlucky7ardian try header all.deb23:58
christhisisgooli dont think so, however you should be able to install the kernel the same way you were trying to today23:58
christhisisgoolthanks bennlucky23:58
christhisisgooli just remembered something23:58
christhisisgoolthats the one!23:58
FloodBot1christhisisgool: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.23:58
ardianI was downloading that too23:58
ardianthanks Bennlucky723:58
christhisisgooltell me how it goes ardian. we are all wishing the best of luck!23:59
ardianchristhisisgool, thanks a lot I only hope the new kernel will stop this noise23:59

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