
Unit193pleia2: I can help, need any now as I'm finishing up one VM.00:15
knomepleia2, great, thanks06:39
knomepleia2, we still need to check with xfce though, we're still pending, but that should be completely fine as well06:39
ochosithere's the xfce foundation now, so just in case we want to forward any merch-money06:41
ochosior we could even try to set up a coop with them06:41
knomeyeah, i really think i should have just started a PM with JPohlmann anyway06:42
knomeactually, i should run06:48
knomeso see you later06:48
ochosihumm, anyone with mpd experience around?08:29
carnauochosi, u still nedd the screenshots?08:30
ochosicarnau: sure08:30
carnauochosi, http://wikisend.com/download/267944/Greybird_screens.tar.gz08:32
ochosithanks, those look great!08:33
ochosii'll try to write up a blog-post about that soon08:34
carnauah, I've noticed that the background not loads in the login screen.08:35
carnauIt does in Ambiance.08:35
ochosiyes, i haven't added any theming to unity-greeter08:35
ochosiif you're willing to test it, i could give it a try08:35
ochosi(but i don't think it's essential)08:35
carnauquite busy these days, maybe next week?08:36
ochosisure, no rush08:36
ochosipleia2: i started working on a blog-post about unity support in greybird, feel free to have a peek (on xubuntu.org)11:04
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
carnauIs there any way to restrict some folders of being scanned by the dash?12:32
ochosicarnau: i think you have to use the zeitgeist activity journal (or what it's called)12:32
carnauok, I'll take a look. thanks :D12:33
carnauAugh, it's too easy. There is an app for that, Privacy.12:34
PjotrHello, I wish to congratulate all Xubuntu developers with the fine 12.04 edition! Best Xubuntu yet, and the new artwork is clean and attractive.13:55
astraljavaYep, I concur. The whole bunch did a marvellous job.13:56
PjotrXubuntu is going professional in The Netherlands as well: a mental health centre with 350 employees has switched to Xubuntu. See this news item: http://virtualizationworld365.info/news_full.php?id=2170314:00
ochosiwow cool14:00
ochosiand thanks for the kudos :)14:00
Pjotrkey quote: 'They are now able to access an easy-to-use Xubuntu desktop and all their critical business programs, including email and an open-source equivalent to Microsoft Office.'14:01
PjotrWith an LTS Xubuntu like 12.04, I expect more businesses to follow suit. Businesses love long term support. :-)14:03
astraljavaThat is too true.14:03
astraljavaOoh man, amd64 images could really need some love. Will probably take until tomorrow evening before I have a chance.20:53
astraljavaHopefully some activity shows up. No one from the proposed members of the Xubuntu Testers team has come forward by adding info on the page requested, so I didn't add anyone thus far.21:14
pleia2astraljava: I'll do what I can tonight21:15
astraljavaGotta get some sleep now, catch ya tomor*... later today. :)21:15
astraljavapleia2: Oh that'd be wonderful, thank you!21:15
pleia2(and tomorrow night!)21:15
scott-workastraljava: i can download the 64bit xubuntu iso and test it this evening if this is still required21:33
astraljavascott-work: Yes, please. No results have been submitted for amd64 images thus far. :-/21:35
scott-workhow many tests are there?  i typically haven't done encrypted before21:37
scott-workoh, it's alternative as well, and three tests per21:38
scott-worki don't know that i'll get all those done21:38
scott-worki can commit to getting three of the tests done tonight but that will be probably it though21:39
astraljavaAnything helps. I will do some about 20-22 hours from now, but I won't have time to do them all in time.21:39
astraljavaRight, really should sleep now. First customer gig in 8 hours. :)21:40
Unit193Well, any 32 at all?21:40
scott-workastraljava: good luck!  and defintely get some sleep :)21:40
scott-workUnit193: it looks like at the 32bit test are complete21:41
Unit193Yep, that's what it was when I finished, all but wubi.21:41
knomescott-work, which tests are you going to run?21:51
knomescott-work, want to take alternate or desktop?21:53
knomescott-work, i have about half of desktop, if you haven't started downloading yet, so i could do those except the wubi one21:53
knomei'll be right back21:54
scott-workknome: i have not started downloading yet21:54
scott-workknome: i'll do the alternative then21:54
knomescott-work, ok, thanks a lot21:54
scott-workknome: i'm glad to give _something_ back to xubuntu ;)21:55
ochosiknome: heyo21:56
knomehey ochosi 21:56
knomeochosi, you can run a test? :)21:56
ochosijust finished my first fitpc3 test (with mpd and beamer attached)21:56
knomewilling to do a *xubuntu* test? ;)21:57
ochosinext on my agenda is taking a few screenshots for the xfce tour...21:57
ochosii've been postponing that since friday evening...21:57
* knome 's stomach is not feeling so well after too much naga jolokia, so...21:58
ochosiwould you mind adding me to the -web team so that i can add the greybird/unity screenshots?21:58
knomei can do that21:58
knomei imagine we will have to create a team for the web translators too21:58
ochosii mean for now i can also send you the screenshots carnau made for us, but...21:59
knomewell done already :P21:59
ochosiah, thanks :)21:59
ochosioh and please give the (short) article a quick read21:59
ochosii don't want it to be too long anyway21:59
ochosibut i wrote it in a hurry21:59
ochosi(not even sure anymore what i wrote :p)21:59
knomewell, can it wait until tomorrow?22:00
knomeit's 1am and i don't think my proof-reading skills are at their best22:00
ochosiyeah, no worries22:00
ochosithe draft is there22:00
knomeok, i'll try to remember that tomorrow22:00
ochosibut about the testing22:01
ochosii just made a livestick with today's amd64 desktop image22:01
ochosiwanted to test it on a friend's macbook air22:01
ochosieverything worked ootb btw22:01
knomecan you maybe file the results then?22:01
knomealso, was it entire disk?22:02
ochosii didn't install, i just booted the livestick :)22:02
knomeso live session22:02
ochosishe wasn't ready to leave osx just yet22:02
knomebleh, okay, i'll go for the entire disk installation then22:02
ochositheoretically i can do an install on my spare testing-partition22:02
knomebug #92490922:02
ubottuLaunchpad bug 924909 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "Windows have grey traces in Ubiquity" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/92490922:02
knomeyes, that22:02
ochosibut i can't promise i'll make it tonight22:03
knomeok, np22:03
knomei can leave you one testcase ;)22:03
ochosibtw, that ubiquity bug is an xfwm-compositing bug22:04
ochosiif we can switch off compositing for ubiquity then things would most likely be fine (no artifacts)22:04
ochosii dunno why the window doesn't repaint though22:04
knomeochosi, can you add that as comment in the bug?22:09
ochosii can, but it's more my experience that tells me that, no evidence to back it up22:10
knomewell, just add it anyway22:10
ochosiwe could ask olivier, but it's more likely it could/should be fixed in ubiquity-dm22:10
knomeyes, i think it's an ubiquity thing too22:11
ochosicomment added22:12
knomehuh, there's some scrollbars on the slideshow22:13
ochosithat can't be good22:13
knomeno, and it's jsut stupid anyway22:13
ochosiwhat's your res?22:13
knomei think 800x60022:13
ochosioh wow22:13
knomethe default vbox22:13
ochosithat's pretty low22:13
knomeor whatever taht is22:13
knomeit seems to be fixed once the slideshow progresses automatically22:14
knomedon't ask me.22:14
ochosiright, well that sounds minor22:14
knomeyeah, it is22:14
knomeyou know, that burger was REALLY hot.22:14
* knome is suffering22:15
knomeinside out22:15
ochosiand you'll be suffering again tomorrow? :)22:15
knomei mean literally, urinating hurt22:15
ochosidoesn't sound very healthy to me22:15
knomefortunately no more22:15
knomewell, probably isn't too healthy.22:15
knomei wonder what "session" the ubiquity installer is running22:18
knomeor where does it get it's settings22:18
knomeit would be too easy to just disable compositing there22:18
knomeif that was trivial22:18
ochosimust be the default settings, otherwise compositing wouldn't be on22:18
ochosiyes, that's why i suggested that22:18
knomedefault settings == xubuntu session?22:18
knomeor something else22:18
ochosiyes, i'd assume22:18
knomethen bleh :)22:18
ochosii dunno whether ubiquity can be told to pass on parameters22:19
ochosior inherit all settings from xubuntu-session but change one22:19
ochosibetter ask some ubiquity devs :)22:20
knomedo you know who those are?22:20
knomeheh, k22:20
knomei think stgraber then... ;)22:20
ochosinever did anything with ubiquity apart from the slideshows we did22:20
ochosiyeah, starting with people you know is always good22:20
knomeochosi, the indicator area icons are supposed to resize or not?22:24
knomeClick on Panel22:24
knomeMove the slider at Appearance and notice the changes in the panel. The icons should grow and shrink about the same. Text should remain readable. 22:24
knomethat's one of the most confusing sections of instructions i've ever read.22:24
ochosi"Move the slider at Appearance and notice the changes in the panel." ?22:25
ochosipanel > panel preferences > appearancetab > ?22:26
ochosior just change the size of the panel?22:26
knomei don't know.22:26
knomei don't know22:26
knomethat's VERY confusing.22:26
knomelawl at spellcheck22:26
ochosithe size of the indicators and trayicons luckily doesn't change anymore22:26
ochosithey stay the same at 22px22:26
knomei purposedly misspelled -> "spellchekcing"22:26
ochositherefore sharp22:26
knomei'm proposed:22:26
ochosii don't even know what shellacking is22:27
ochosigreat :)22:27
knomeno "spellchecking" ?22:27
knomeoh right, now that i type "spellchecking" to the "change to" field, it is wise enought to propose me "spell checking"22:28
knomeyay, the terminal help actually opens!22:29
knomeNote login sound, if equipped with appropriate hardware. 22:30
knomewait? what login sound...22:30
* knome thinks somebody should have actually READ the test cases.22:30
knomeUnit193, that's the thing bots apparently can't do very well22:33
Unit193And knome, I said the same thing about a "Login Sound"22:33
Unit193Parser error, try again.22:33
* ochosi hopes that xubuntu will _never_ have a login sound by default22:34
knomeyeah, not one of my main goals either...22:35
* knome puts on some testing music22:46
knomehello GridCube 22:47
GridCubehello knome 22:47
knomeyou can do an amd64 test? :]22:47
GridCube:( i only have i386 capable machines22:48
knomeoh bleh.22:48
GridCubethe amd64 one i have has the i386 flavor on it22:48
GridCubei could, at the risk of being killed by my brother, do a hardware install of amd64 on hour main machine22:49
GridCubebut not till tomorrow22:49
GridCube:/ so not very helpful22:49
knomedon't risk your life22:50
GridCubeits that thats our main machine that he uses for works and he needs it to be working at any moment22:50
knomeochosi, now again, with the same image, with same vbox instance and everything, no scrollbars for slideshow :]22:50
knomewell, i can assure you amd64 really works well22:51
knomebut please do upgrade it only when you have some time to fix it too ;)22:51
ochosiknome: you're sure you didn't resize the vbox window a teeny-weeny bit?22:51
knomeochosi, yeah.22:51
knomeochosi, 100% sure.22:51
knomethat wouldn't matter anyway22:51
ochosiwell, that is strange news then :)22:51
knomesince i'm on the live session22:51
knomei mean, the window fits really fine to the space i have for vbox22:52
ochosiso amd64 doesn't need much more testing?22:52
knomeochosi, well, i'm on my test 3/4, but alt is not done at all22:52
knomeochosi, if you could do even one alt test, it would help ScottL :)22:53
ochosidefinitely can't test alt today/tonight...22:55
knomewhat about desktop then? ;)22:55
ochosii thought that doesn't help much and is tested well enough?22:55
ochosiyou know i'm really tired already...22:55
knomeyou know i'm tired too? ;)22:55
ochosino, you're still _on fire_ ;)22:55
knomewell, leave it for tomorrow then22:56
knomei'll see how far i can go22:56
knomeit feels stupid, but i'm linking the same bug to all of my reports22:59
ochosii'm off for tonight23:00
knomeokay, good night and see you later23:01
knomeagain, no scrollbars...23:01
knomeall amd64 desktop tests done except wubi23:11
GridCubewelp almost no wubi tests are ever done23:24
knomedownloading the alternate image.23:34
knomebleh, problems with the shell.23:34
knomeGridCube, yeah. we need to think what to do with xubuntu+wubi.23:35
knomeScottL, ochosi: looks like there is no more amd64 tests to be done after i finish this and another tester the other not yet tested one.23:58

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