
xubuntu5yes go with pauvcontrol00:02
xubuntu5worked great for me00:02
xubuntu5xrandr --output HDMI1 --auto; xrandr --output LVDS1 --off should enable just the hdmi display?00:03
craigbass1976GridCube, no such animal as ~/.config/openbox00:08
GridCubecraigbass1976, ?00:09
craigbass1976Is there a way to tell xfce that when I hit Shift+numpad1 (on a laptop keyboard) that I want it to be doing Shift+End and not 1 ?00:09
craigbass1976You told me http://crunchbanglinux.org/wiki/howto/edit_keyboard_shortcuts00:09
GridCubeah, yes, was a pointing start00:10
GridCubebut yes, thats for openbox my bad00:10
GridCubecraigbass1976, keybinds are what you need to edit, another place you can look at is https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Extra_Keyboard_Keys_in_Xorg00:11
GridCubewith xfce4-keyboard-settings, you can set shortcut keys to programs, but i dont think that would help you to remap a key combination00:13
craigbass1976GridCube, I'm coming to realize that...00:19
GridCubeso craigbass1976 you might need to look on keyboard remaping00:25
wapiflapi(FYI first link in the /topic is death :/ )00:33
wapiflapi(knome HL as you are the one who set it)00:34
wapiflapiAnyway my question is : I am testing Xubuntu 12.04 beta; where should I report bugs ?00:36
bazhang!bug | wapiflapi00:37
ubottuwapiflapi: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.00:37
wapiflapithanks =)00:38
xubuntu345far more in here that I anticipated.00:44
xubuntu345anyhow - question being that I'd like to install xubuntu 12.04 beta2 from a thumbdrive, but it's not supported by the thumb drive installation programs that I've found00:46
wapiflapiI used unetbootin yesterday and it worked fine00:48
bazhangxubuntu345, just point it at the iso, no reason it will not work00:49
wapiflapiYou have to download the .iso manualy00:49
xubuntu345ah... just use the entry marked xubuntu 11.10 for unetbootin?00:50
xubuntu345I have that, but didn't see 12.04 listed - figured there may be a compatibility issue00:50
xubuntu345ISO download is at about 60%00:51
=== zmoylan1 is now known as zmoylan
ballhello rinzler03:09
rinzlermy desktop isn't displaying correctly. it's putting up the login background and not what i specify. any ideas?03:09
rinzlerand, hello, ball :)03:10
rinzlerdid I miss anything?03:18
xubuntu5did you install nautilus on xubuntu?03:19
rinzlerok. cool03:19
xubuntu5or are you sticking with thunar?03:19
xubuntu5when i put nautilus on it gave me errors like you are describing03:20
* ball uses Thunar03:21
rinzlersticking with thunar, but it's not an xubuntu install, I installed xubuntu-desktop on a stock ubuntu install, so there may be some lingering problems like that03:21
rinzlernautils is still installed, though.03:21
rinzlerI'll try uninstalling that...03:22
xubuntu5let me know if that helps!03:22
rinzlerseems to have worked!03:24
rinzlerdidn't like nautilus anyways :P03:24
rinzlernow to get my sound card working...03:25
xubuntu5i'm surprised that worked!03:25
xubuntu5rinzler ok do this sudo apt-get install pavucontrol03:26
xubuntu5nvidia video card?03:26
Sysimore like "multiple sound devices?"03:27
rinzlerxubuntu5: already installed, and yes, nvidia03:29
rinzlerthe card is a Creative SoundBlaster Live! if that helps...03:30
xubuntu5are you using hdmi out for sound?03:31
xubuntu5or digital? or headphone?03:32
rinzleranalog should be headphone...03:33
xubuntu5go to the main menu PulseAudio Volume Control03:34
xubuntu5and  then go to the Configuration tab03:34
xubuntu5then try changing the settings there03:34
rinzlerit's all network stuff...03:37
rinzlerif it helps, I'm trying to use firefox to play something from 8tracks...03:38
xubuntu5try changing your nvidia settings03:44
xubuntu5say changing resolution and then changing it back03:44
xubuntu5do you have audio then?03:44
rinzlerinteresting suggestion, though...03:49
xubuntu5it worked for me for some reason maybe cause it was tied to my hdmi out on the nvidia card03:49
xubuntu5when you go to pulseaudio control what do you see in the configuration tab?03:50
xubuntu5and your sound worked just fine in ubuntu?03:50
rinzlerSB Live!value Profile: analog stereo duplex. Internal audio profile: [same]03:51
xubuntu5that's what i am using analog stereo duplex03:51
xubuntu5and i'm able to get headphone sound03:51
rinzlerit works for the internal card, not the SB Live...03:51
xubuntu5when you go to the output tab what do you see?03:52
rinzlerI can see it come INto the internal card but not INto the SBlive...03:52
xubuntu5what does it say after Port: dropdown list03:53
xubuntu5under the output devices tab03:53
rinzlerAnalog output/amplifier.03:53
xubuntu5do you have options for the drop down?03:53
rinzlerI can hear the bubble pops when I change the volume, but the audio isn't getting to my card...03:53
xubuntu5so strange03:54
rinzlerI know, right?03:55
=== zmoylan is now known as imnothere
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xubuntu5can you clone the mac address of a comp they didn't deny and make your mac appear as that?04:08
Wizardnano run.sh05:41
Wizardoops, sorry05:41
=== knome changed the topic of #xubuntu to: Official Xubuntu Support Channel | Xubuntu 11.10 is out! Please get it from http://xubuntu.org/getxubuntu | Pastes to http://paste.ubuntu.com | No one around? Use the mailing list at http://lists.ubuntu.com/xubuntu-users | Offtopic: #xubuntu-offtopic
manitouholla ! if i install daily build is it possible to update to final version ? and is it in Xubuntu enabled rc6 by default ?07:09
darkprincenhWhat are you attempting to accomplish by installing a daily build instead of the current beta?07:10
manitoudarkprincenh: nothing , ok if i install beta2 is it no problems with update to final , and about rc6 is it enabled ?07:12
darkprincenhWhat is rc6?07:13
manitoudarkprincenh: rc6 is kernel parametar07:14
darkprincenhPertaining to Sandy Bridge?07:15
darkprincenhGo here:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/PowerManagementRC607:18
darkprincenhIt was disabled before beta, but has been re-enabled in newer kernels from what I read.07:20
manitouyes thx , and update from beta to final (im not noob just never played with ubuntu ) should i just change repos when is out or is it something more there ?07:24
Wizardno, repos stay the same07:31
Wizardyou will get beta→rc→final by updating beta07:32
SandJWhat is Xubuntu's equivalent of the Ubuntu KWalletManager?08:05
Sysiactually that's "kubuntu app", you can use that or gnome-keyring(?) with xfce08:07
Wizardbut xfce software doesn't use it08:09
WizardI think gnome-keyring is installed by default in xubuntu (pidgin depends on it?)08:09
SandJYes, I see I have gnome-keyring installed.  It doesn't do much when run in the Terminal!08:12
SandJI am setting up a POP3 account in KMail (I prefer KMail because I have been using it for ages) in Xubuntu 11.10 and a dialog box "KDE Wallet Service" is asking whether to "let it open wallet 'kdewallet'."  But I have not got kwallet installed.08:17
SandJPresumably, KMail only /says/ it is using the KWalletManager but in reality is using whatever Xubuntu application provides the equivalent service (gnome_keyring).08:59
SandJWell, it ain't the gnome_keyring holding password details, as Seahorse and a bespoke Python program assure me it is holding no data.09:13
=== Wizard_ is now known as Wizard
xubuntu687My first time in ubuntu... I feel like Johnny mnemonic09:54
xubuntu687ops hi all09:55
Wizardhi xubuntu68710:00
Chr|sI am having problems dual booting after installing Xubuntu. I have a 500gb drive. Installed Win7 first then installed xubuntu. installed alongside win7. Installation was done, rebooted and now unable to login to xubuntu, Windows automatically loads11:52
Chr|swondering if boot repair disc will fix my problem?11:59
WizardI would help you, but I never used windows 7.. I don't want to break anything12:18
WizardChr|s, you can boot install cd and chroot to install partition to check what's wrong12:18
Wizarddo you know how to do this?12:18
SandJDoes this help: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows12:19
Chr|sWizard, not exactly. I will take a look12:19
SandJOr even this: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Boot-Repair12:19
WizardChr|s, yeah, this should help12:20
Wizardstrange that installer failed to prepare everything properly12:20
=== dekkz is now known as dekkz_laptop
craigbass1976Where is this channel logged?16:02
craigbass1976I thought sure I'd fixed a problem and it's back; I ned to go see what someone said to me a few days ago16:02
forestpiskiecraigbass1976: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2012/ for this year16:04
baizoncraigbass1976: :D16:07
craigbass1976baizon, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1952466  is that you?16:08
baizonthats me16:08
bepebeI am trying to locate an installed application, if I run it from terminal it runs fine. I cannot find it use locate/find, and it is not in /usr/bin or /usr/sbin - any ideas ?16:49
baizonbepebe: run "updatedb"16:50
baizonthen locate again16:50
bepebebaizon, thanks once again16:50
SandJDoesn't it have to be 'sudo updatedb' ?17:18
baizonyes indeed17:19
Picibepebe: I usually do something like: dpkg -L packagename | grep bin17:19
Sysicatfish is nice GUI for searching stuff17:26
baizonSysi: yes but synapse is imho 100x better17:31
Sysiit isn't installed by default17:32
baizonyes yes17:32
Sysibut sure worth a try17:32
baizonvery nice "replace" for dash :)17:32
baizonubuntu dash :)17:33
SysiHUD in 12.04?17:33
baizonyes a part of it :)17:33
baizonthat thing17:34
SandJI can't get catfish to work properly.  Any 'find' fails with an error.17:36
baizonwhat search engine are you using?17:36
Sysimake sure to search in right folder17:37
=== lews is now known as lews12321
lews12321I am currently installing xubuntu 11.10, but the installer seems to have frozen. My guess is that it's downloading updates from the net, or at least trying to. I am wondering if there is anyway to check if it's active? The computer is awfully quiet18:02
holsteinlews12321: i dont do the "install updates now" option, but this will depend on your internet speed.. i would say, wait as long as you can, then do what you feel is appropriate... its a fresh install, you're not going to lose any data.18:05
lews12321No way to check internet traffic?18:07
holsteinlews12321: sure.. i would look at lights... on the device, on the router or switch18:07
holsteinstill, what is going to convince you?.. if its sitting there, and you want to try again, go for it18:07
lews12321It's probably dead, yes... Guess I'll just try the next distro, instead.18:09
holsteinsure, or try installing that one *without* installing the updates18:09
holsteinshould like a few mintues18:09
holsteinOR, just try waiting on your network18:10
lews12321The thing is, I had it up and running yesterday, but tried updating and it crashed. Wanted to see if it would work better if I updated it from start.18:11
holsteinnah.. you could troubleshoot the crash.. or try 12.04 live18:11
lews12321Might as well wait and use windows for now. Painful as it is. Thanks anyway, though!18:12
holsteinor just install and dont upgrade18:13
holsteinOR, carefully upgrade... or come here and ask for sugestions, like booting the older kernel18:13
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lews12321Carefully upgrade? Like step by step?18:14
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holsteinlews12321: sure.. or not at all18:16
holsteini mean, not just hitting hte upgrade button and expecting magic to happen18:16
holsteinresearch the hardware... or again, just dont upgrade18:16
georgelappieshi all18:18
lews12321I think the sheer number of updates overwhelmed my humble machine. I'll try reinstalling, then "killing" the update manager.18:19
lews12321Thanks, and farewell!18:21
Kingsyanyone got kdenlive working on xubuntu?18:38
holsteinKingsy: sure.. you should just install it and use it.. whats the issue?18:42
Kingsyok, just found more info.. it says "please update mlt version to 0.7.6" apparently I have 0.7.418:42
Kingsynot sure how to upgrade that..18:42
holsteinKingsy: is this 11.10?18:43
holsteinwhat "says" that?18:43
holsteinis there a problem running the application?18:43
Kingsywhen I start it..18:43
holsteinif it runs, i wouldnt worry about it18:43
Kingsyholstein: no I mean it takes you through the config wizard..18:43
Kingsyand when you click finish it just does nothing.. so I am assuming its because of the MLT version?18:44
holsteinKingsy: sure.. but can you use the application?18:44
holsteinKingsy: filing a bug is all i can suggest18:44
holsteinKingsy: i would make a new user account, or blow out the current config just to be sure18:44
holsteinKingsy: i would reinstall kden.. and maybe try forcing an earlier version...18:45
Kingsylooks like the error says kdenlive: symbol lookup error: kdenlive: undefined symbol: mlt_service_cache_get_size18:45
Kingsyah I fixed it18:46
Kingsythanks anyways :)18:46
george__hi all, why is the nm-wwan icon so dark in the top panel compared to the rest of icons?18:58
george__more importantly how can I change it?18:59
Wizardgood evening19:01
=== george__ is now known as georgelappies
=== `mOOse` is now known as m00se
marqyhey xubuntu. i had a shiny new install of xubuntu 11.10 on a laptop day before yesterday.  Yesterday a small number of updates were applied as advised by the update manager and now X will not start at all.  I can ctrl+alt+f1 to command line and log in but startx returns a "fatal server error": "Failed to Activate Core Devices"  Output from dmesg and Xorg.0.log are here: http://pastebin.com/ftPZ1DuK19:55
marqyany help much appreciated; I'd rather not have to reinstall from media and I want to understand what might have gone wrong19:55
Wizardhi marqy19:57
marqyhello Wizard19:58
Wizarddo you have /etc/X11/xorg.conf file?19:58
marqyWizard: there's no xorg.conf under /etc/X1120:00
ubottuThe /etc/X11/xorg.conf file is deprecated, but sometimes may still be needed to pass values to specific drivers. Generic xorg.conf generation: http://ubottu.com/y/xorgconf - ATI/AMD ( fglrx driver ) specific: http://ubottu.com/y/atiamd - NVidia ( nvidia driver )specific: http://ubottu.com/y/nvidia man xorg.conf for file structure and syntax.20:00
Wizard[   27.889789] init: lightdm main process (867) terminated with status 1 o_O20:00
Wizard[   392.263] (EE) Error compiling keymap (-) this is definitely your problem20:02
Wizarddoes /tmp have proper permissions?20:03
marqyi get a "keyboard initialisation failed. This could be a missing or incorrect setup of xkeyboard-config" error if i run startx20:03
Wizard[    0.000000]   Transmeta TransmetaCPU20:04
Wizard[    0.000000]   UMC UMC UMC UMC20:04
marqy /tmp has 777 permissions20:04
Wizardwith sticky?20:04
marqyroot:root owned20:05
marqyssems consistent and normal to met20:05
Wizardt, sticky, ok20:05
Wizard(II) intel(0): Setting screen physical size to 270 x 203 o_O20:05
Wizardwhat the Mordor is this?20:06
marqyeerm :$20:06
marqyi thought a pretty run of the mill laptop20:06
Wizardok, marqy, I have to go afk for few minutes. Definitely something is wrong with xkb settings20:07
Wizardyou may try to generate xorg.conf (obsolete, but still working) and try runnig with it20:08
Wizarddo you know how to do this?20:08
* Wizard afk20:09
marqyi think i remember20:09
marqyor can find out20:09
marqyi used to mess about with them, i'm sure20:10
marqyXorg -configure  < sounds familiar20:11
marqy Xorg -configure : "Number of created screens does not match number of detected devices"20:15
marqy"configuration failed20:16
marqyi don't understand20:19
marqythis box seemed all chirpy on sunday20:20
grifo74hello i have a graphic card intel and i cant run supertuxkart any idea20:55
grifo74i have last xserver-xorg-intel drivers20:55
marqyhmm, curiouser21:32
marqyI wonder if there could be issues with the disk: Wizard asked about write permissions to /tmp as tho that could cause issues.  The disk claims to have lodas of space according to the kernel, but the partition interface claims it is full21:33
* marqy gets suspicious21:33
Hariezghello all!21:55
Hariezgada orang indonesia21:56
knomeanybody here who is willing to do some tests for the RC images, especially 64-bit?21:56
knomeHariezg, english please21:56
HariezgOK knome.. I find Indonesian21:57
knome!id | Hariezg21:57
ubottuHariezg: join ke #ubuntu-id untuk membahas ubuntu dalam bahasa Indonesia21:57
Hariezg@ubottu ahirnya ada orang indonesia21:58
knomeHariezg, it's a bot. you can get more help in #ubuntu-id :)21:59
Hariezg@knome thanks ^_^22:00
Hariezgi will talk about xubuntu 11.10.22:01
xubuntu216hey. i am installing xubuntu (for the 5th time today) and it just wont finish.. can u help?22:06
well_laid_lawnwhere's it hanging at?22:27

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