
=== gorgonizer_ is now known as gorgonizer
yuriyhey guys.  I somehow ended up with kde-workspace-bin not installed on my Oneiric system00:48
yuriylogging in would just give me a black screen00:48
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ScottKHey there yuriy.03:40
JackyMorning Hobbsee!04:31
JackyHow are you?04:31
HobbseePretty good.  Given it's a public holiday here, I was pondering testing kubuntu (again) on my spare hard drive04:31
HobbseeI"d forgotten just how dead ubuntu/kubuntu development channels are until europe wakes up!04:32
JackyLol, indeed04:40
JackyYou'd find a few yanks like me poking in and out.04:40
HobbseeThat's true.  Surely you should be sleeping by now, though04:42
Hobbseeunless you're a nocturnal yank04:42
Hobbseehey there, micahg!04:43
micahghi Hobbsee04:43
JackyLol, that I am!04:52
* micahg is also04:56
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=== [Jacky] is now known as Jacky
tsdgeosfregl: you coming to uds?07:30
RiddellHobbsee: all testing appreciated :)07:34
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fregltsdgeos: no08:28
tsdgeosfregl: oh :-/08:28
fregltoo much travelling for me lately08:28
Darkwingfregl: at some point we need to do the music exchange we talked about in orlando :D08:28
fregland also not for akademy-es since I'll be visiting my parents at that time08:29
freglDarkwing: true08:29
DarkwingI'm almost never on this late... I just looked at the time heh08:29
Riddellclaydoh: where have you been working on the release announce?09:06
Riddellclaydoh: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/PrecisePangolin/Final/Kubuntu is the latest?09:23
TeLLuSShould #831768 be set to milestone precise-updates also?   aptitude is still no good at solving multiarch, but I was able to solve it manually in aptitude.09:48
RiddellTeLLuS: aptitude isn't something kubuntu team supports and I don't think any part of ubuntu considers it supported09:50
TeLLuSRiddell: ok, I still use dselect mostly. In Debian it is "At the present time, aptitude is the recommended tool for interaction with the APT suite." http://wiki.debian.org/Apt   In Ubuntu "Aptitude has been replaced by apt-get because apt-get is better and also by removing aptitude it will free some space on CD"   This aptitude statement should probably be made more clear.. when starting it or atleast in description and recomend 10:14
TeLLuSwhat to use instead.    I see this for Debian http://www.jethrocarr.com/2012/01/06/apt-get-install-debian/  "‘apt-get’ has been deprecated since 2006… use ‘aptitude’ instead."10:14
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BluesKajHey all11:17
Riddell24 hours to go!11:29
BluesKajno updates or upgrades 'til then?11:30
BluesKajfreeze is on 11:30
BluesKajRiddell, how were you guys testing the ISOs ..just running them as a live OS without installing ?11:31
RiddellBluesKaj: dunno what you mean by no updates, I mean we will release in < 24 hours11:33
RiddellBluesKaj: there's a few ways11:33
RiddellI test on bare hardware, there are virtual machine programmes and I use virtualbox and for upgrades I use ec2 cloud machines 11:34
Riddellhttp://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/milestones/214/builds lists what needs tested, fill in gaps if you can, don't be afraid to re-test one I don't trust it if e.g. I'm the only one who has tested11:35
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Riddellso anyone know if muon has release upgrade notification?12:43
* ScottK doesn't know how that works.12:54
ScottKTeLLuS: apt-get is in no way deprecated.  that is just wrong.12:54
Riddellit'll be part of kubuntu notification helper but I can't work out which12:54
ScottKAlso, powerpc desktop image is fully tested now.  And buy a different guy.12:55
ScottKSo we got at least two users.12:55
ScottKshadeslayer: What happened to testing amd64+mac again?12:56
BluesKajhas aptitude been brought up to date in terms of handling dependencies? ...understand there were some problems with that12:58
Riddell10:50 < Riddell> TeLLuS: aptitude isn't something kubuntu team supports and I don't think any part of ubuntu considers it supported12:58
BluesKajRiddell, ok thanks 12:59
* BluesKaj makes a note of it12:59
ScottKAptitude didn't support multiarch at all.  AIUI it's been improved significantly in this cycle, but is not 'there' yet.13:00
ScottKPersonally, except for aptitude why/why-not I don't find a use for it.13:01
Riddellanyone someone has apt-get break on them the usual support answer is "just use aptitude it's much better"13:02
Riddellany vice versa13:02
ScottKThere was a period where aptitude's resolver was a lot better than apt's.  I don't think that's the case anymore.13:03
Riddellk-n-h has had dist upgrade notification turned off in favour of kpackagekit13:03
Riddellwhich we don't use13:03
Riddellmay I panic now?13:03
BluesKajapt-get locked up for no reason yesterday claiming other resources were in use , but none of the regular commands woold break the lock , had to reboot ,13:05
Riddellhow to get a phone number for jontheechidna?13:19
ScottKYou emailed, I assume?13:25
RiddellI think there is none and it's a big screw up13:30
Riddellso options are to get k-n-h working as a SRU13:30
Riddelland to advertise the elegant commmand   do-release-upgrade -f kde13:31
* Riddell looks at k-n-h13:31
debfxmuon-updater has a "Show notifications for distribution upgrades" option13:37
debfxso unless there is a bug it's all fine13:38
ScottKRiddell: ^^^13:38
Riddelldebfx: in oneiric?13:38
debfxoh, right I'm on precise :/13:38
Riddellno such code in oneiric http://paste.kde.org/463460/13:39
ScottK"Manual distribution upgrade from the Muon Update Manager. (MUM)" <--Added in
Riddellyeah no use today13:41
debfxRiddell: there is kded/distupgradeevent in muon 1.2.113:42
Riddellthat's more promising13:43
debfxof course an option to display a dist upgrade notification for development releases would be very useful for testing ...13:45
Riddelldebfx: change /etc/hosts13:47
Riddelldebfx: add changelogs.ubuntu.com13:48
RiddellI keep a meta-release file to pretend it has been released there13:48
Riddellthat is part of muon-installer13:50
Riddellno, part of muon-notifier13:50
ScottKRiddell: Did you see the mail from John the taco?14:11
Riddelldebfx: /usr/share/kde4/apps/muon-notifier/releasechecker only checks for development releases14:11
RiddellScottK: no where?14:11
ScottKMentions some patches you'll need.14:12
ScottKAlso you're cc'ed directly if that affects where it lands.14:12
debfxI guess we need an accelerated muon SRU14:12
Riddellgood that confirms the conclusion I just came to14:13
Riddellany volunteers or shall I crack on with it?14:13
ScottKCrack on.14:13
* Riddell cracks on14:13
Riddellactually, this might call for my emergency irn bru14:13
* ScottK starts to download a oneiric iSO ...14:18
jcgsHi, I've been trying to rebuild kmix from source, to replace the version in precise which is horribly broken, and i wondered if anyone could help me. I was using uupdate, but all that does is give me a kdemultimedia package with just kmix in it. How can i replace just the kmix directory?14:38
jcgsIn summary, how can i replace part of a package, with the code i've got in a source directory14:40
Riddelljcgs: sorry we're busy on release mode just now14:44
Riddellkmix being crashy is a known issue that I'm afraid we'll have to do another day14:44
ScottKIt'll be fixed in 4.8.3 which we'll release as a post-release update for 12.04.14:45
jcgsRiddell: I know, there's no way it's going to make it into the release, but, do you know where i could get help to answer my question?14:45
ScottKjcgs: Here if we weren't a bit busy.14:46
Riddell24 hours before release is not a great time for help14:46
* Riddell compiles muon14:46
ScottKThe short version is you really can't trivially build just kmix, but you can get the package make the changes you want and the rebuild all of kime.14:47
jcgsoh...it's tomorrow? good luck guys :)14:47
jcgsthat's kind of what i'm trying to do, but i don't know enough about how packages work to know if just over-writing the entire directory in the kdemultimedia package will work or not 14:48
jcgsbut anyway, i'll get out of your hair14:48
ScottKProbably will if you're just grabbing the 4.8 branch multimedia.14:49
ScottKyofel_: Around and able to run a test?14:55
jcgsScottK: Unfortunately, everything's been moved over to git and split up. So there's no multimedia to grab, everything appears to be stored in git separately14:55
ScottKThen it make take some CMake file fiddling to get it to work but you still ought to be able to drop the kmix files in.14:56
ScottKmay take ...14:56
yofel_ScottK: yes14:59
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
ScottKyofel: There's one amd64 dvd test case left (oem).  Can you do it?15:00
yofelyes, but nor right now, I'll do it in an ~hour15:00
ScottKThat works.15:00
ScottKAs long as the ~ doesn't turn into a shadeslayer kind of "I'll test it in a little bit".15:01
yofeljcgs: kmix from git is actually buildably by itself now - but not the 4.8 branch15:01
yofel(the git repositories are kind of broken)15:01
ScottK1,161 installed, 406 upgradeable <-- Fresh Oneiric install.  No post-release churn there.15:02
ScottKRiddell: I'll have a system I can test upgrades with once ^^^ updates finish.15:03
Riddellthat might take a while :)15:04
RiddellScottK: I'm going to say no to jon wanting another patch for SRU, I'm too stressed as it is15:04
ScottKFortunately the us archive is much faster today than yesterday.15:04
ScottKOK.  He can do his own SRU next week.  This emergency SRU should definitely be minimal.15:05
bambee_steam on linux... omg <315:15
bambee_I hope, they'll port portal & portal 215:15
sreichbambee_: link?15:26
BluesKajthere's someone trying do-release-upgrade -d but it doesn't do anything ...anyone know what that fix is ?15:44
RiddellBluesKaj: point them at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PreciseUpgrades/Kubuntu15:45
BluesKajalso asking in ubuntu+1 , but no response15:45
BluesKajthanks Riddell 15:46
BluesKajUnicodeEncodeError is preventing the upgrade ..where is that set ?15:54
Riddellthat's a bug15:55
Riddellwhat language?15:55
yofelsounds like python, meaning we'll need a backtrace15:55
BluesKajyofel, UnicodeEncodeError: 'ascii' codec can't encode character u'\u0119' in position 16: ordinal not in range(128)16:05
ScottKThat's python16:06
tsimpsonit looks like an error in do-release-upgrade16:06
ScottKAnd it probably means you don't have a locale properly set.16:06
ScottKe.g. running inside a chroot.16:06
ScottKI've gotten that trying to run do-release-upgrade inside a chroot for testing 16:07
Riddella full backtrace on a pastebin would be much easier16:07
BluesKajRiddell, i'll try to get a backtrace 16:08
Riddelloh jings muon in oneiric really does crash16:08
Riddellmakes a dist-upgrade hard to do16:09
ScottKRiddell: I'm installing the new muon now.16:10
ScottKIs there something I need to do to convince to notice there's a new release?16:11
RiddellScottK: from an archive or elsewhere?16:11
ScottKFrom the archive16:11
ScottKSince pitti went ahead and accepted it.16:11
RiddellScottK: dunno I did a log out and in and I think that's what I'll advise in the upgrade instructions16:12
Riddellit's a kded module and that's the easiest way to restart it16:12
ScottKOK.  Trying.16:12
Riddellthen it's a notifier from the panel16:12
ScottKTrying a reboot.  The system was in an odd state after logging out/in (wouldn't connect to wifi either)16:15
RiddellI'm doing an oneiric upgrade too so I'll do reboot when it's done16:16
Riddell(after all this oneiric testing there's still a full hardware upgrade from lucid I want to test)16:16
ScottKNo notification here, but it's a netbook, so who knows.16:22
* ScottK waits a bit.16:22
RiddellScottK: oh wait16:22
Riddelldid you update the DNS?16:22
Riddell212.13.202.11 changelogs.ubuntu.com16:22
Riddellin /etc/hosts16:22
* ScottK adds16:22
Riddellthat's the secret for testing16:22
ScottKNot a secret anymore ...16:24
RiddellScottK: I'm off out for a couple of hours but if it's all working you can convince someone to move it to oneiric-updates16:31
ScottKIt didn't work here yet.16:31
ScottKI verified I'm hitting 19inch for changelogs.ubuntu.com, so I know I got that bit right.16:32
Riddellyes I see it in the logs16:32
Riddellactually I don't see a GET /meta-release in the logs from you16:32
ScottKWhat causes that to happen?16:32
RiddellScottK: rekonq16:33
Riddellso that's you doing it manually16:33
Riddellno hits from pythonlib which is the updater script16:33
ScottKI told muon to check for updates.16:34
RiddellScottK: got /usr/share/kde4/apps/muon-notifier/releasechecker installed?16:34
Riddellmuon-notifier is a kded module which shows as a panel applet16:34
RiddellScottK: does releasechecker contain MetaReleaseCore(False, False) ?16:36
Riddelldid you log in/out after changing the dns ?16:36
ScottKIt does and I did.16:36
ScottKIf I run it by hand, it prints out "we haz an release" to stdout.16:37
RiddellScottK: yes I just got changelogs.ubuntu.com static-72-81-252-21.bltmmd.fios.verizon.net - - [25/Apr/2012:17:36:58 +0100] "GET /meta-release HTTP/1.1" 200 8241 "-" "Python-urllib/2.7" 016:37
Riddellhum I'm afraid I need to go16:37
Riddellit worked for me from an ec2 machine but I'll test it on the real hardware when I get back16:38
Prometheshi, i have problem with upgrading from 11.10 to 12.04.  i tried sudo do-release-upgrade -f kde -d without any success16:38
RiddellScottK: if you can convince balloons to test that might be useful16:38
Promethessudo do-release-upgrade -d with the same effects: nothing16:38
Prometheskubuntu-devel-release-upgrade executed from terminal gives error http://paste.kde.org/463574/ afer entering password16:40
ScottKPromethes: How about sudo do-release-upgrade -m desktop -f kde -d16:40
Promethesrunning " LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8 kubuntu-devel-release-upgrade" fixes error from my previous message16:40
PromethesScottK: the same16:41
PromethesLC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8 kubuntu-devel-release-upgrade fixes python error but update does not occur16:41
ScottKWhat happens?16:41
Promethes"Checking for a new ubuntu release" and "No new release found"16:43
Promethesi tried do-release-upgrade with many options (-d -f kde -m desktop) - still, upgrade does not occur16:45
ScottKTry it with changelogs.ubuntu.com in /etc/hosts16:46
yofelPromethes: what is Prompt set to in /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades ?16:47
Promethesbut in muon it is set to normal16:49
ScottKPromethes: What are you upgrading from?16:50
PromethesScottK: kubuntu 11.1016:50
ScottKThen you need to set it to normal.16:51
shadeslayerScottK: I had a medical emergency at home, will test tonight, it's downloading right now16:53
ScottKshadeslayer: I'm sorry to hear that.  I hope everything's OK.16:53
PromethesScottK: i think there is a bug in Muon's software sources because i set option 'Show new distribution releases: to never", and in /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades is now set normal, when i set normal then in /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades is lts16:54
shadeslayerScottK: can't say yet, my grandfather is under observation in the ICU16:54
ScottKYuck.  16:55
ScottKPromethes: Could be.  I'd manually edit /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades to Normal and then see what happens.16:57
PromethesScottK: already done, upgrade to precise is on the way:)16:58
shadeslayerScottK: known bug16:58
shadeslayeryofel was responsible for it16:58
ScottKshadeslayer: amd64 images are being respun, so keep an eye out for an update.17:00
ScottKamd64 respin doesn't affect us.17:01
shadeslayerETA to download is 2 hours17:03
ScottKyofel: ^^^ that helps a lot.17:04
ScottKSo we just need the one amd64 dvd test case from you.17:04
yofeltest running17:20
yofelshadeslayer: did you have time to look into fixing that s-p-kde bug properly?17:23
shadeslayerI thought you said your workaround is fine for the moment17:23
yofelwell, it works.17:23
shadeslayerwhich I interpreted as "Lets just use this and fix this properly later on"17:23
yofelI'll try to convert that into an SRU17:23
shadeslayerand later on for me is next week17:24
yofelshadeslayer: well yeah, that's what I planned as well17:24
shadeslayeryofel: how do you get vim to highlight empty spaces?17:26
shadeslayerlike in emacs17:26
shadeslayerit shows a red block17:26
shadeslayerI used :set list and it shows me $ symbols17:27
shadeslayernot particularly effective in highlighting17:27
shadeslayerand when reading large blocks of code, the spaces don't stand out17:27
yofeldefine empty spaces...17:27
shadeslayer    <- those17:27
yofeltrailing spaces you mean?17:27
shadeslayerright, that's the word I was looking for17:28
yofelshadeslayer: /\s\+$ is the search for that, map that to some key if you need17:30
shadeslayeroh sweet17:30
yofelScottK: test passed17:35
ScottKyofel: Excellent.17:35
ScottKOK.  That's i386 and amd64 done.17:36
ScottKNow we wait for shadeslayer.17:36
shadeslayeryup, 52 mins ETA17:36
shadeslayerSo, I was wondering, can we get pommed onto our CD for the Q cycle17:39
shadeslayersince we are moving to universe ..17:39
shadeslayerit's really helpful for Apple hardware17:39
shadeslayerso we could just seed it onto the Mac images17:39
yofelwell, put it on the Q todo for now17:39
shadeslayerThank god the fans work without macfantld in EFI boot17:40
=== JackyAlcine is now known as Guest85884
bambee_sreich: goo.gl/5kUfq and http://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=article&item=valve_linux_dampfnudeln&num=117:44
bambee_http:// goo.gl/5kUfq17:44
bambee_and apparently, valve might sponsor nouveau :)17:45
shadeslayerCompanies sponsoring FOSS stuff that makes you get all excited by future opportunities17:50
yofelsponsor nouveau??17:50
shadeslayerDoes this mean they're working on a Linux Steam client xD17:50
yofelwell, they'll probably first have to vastly improve mesa, so have fun17:50
yofeloh, that would be nice :D17:51
shadeslayernice is underselling it17:51
shadeslayerit will be AWESOME17:51
shadeslayerDid I mention that I saw a script to install steam on linux in the unpacked blob of the steam installer17:51
shadeslayerDidn't try it17:51
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shadeslayeryo Riddell17:53
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=== Jacky is now known as Guest53736
ScottKHeya Riddell.17:55
ScottKRiddell: The amd64 respin doesn't affect us, so that's one thing not to worry about.  balloons is off doing an upgrade test.  No luck for me.17:55
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ScottKyofel finished the amd64 dvd tests, so we're just waiting for shadeslayer's amd64+mac download to finish, powerpc alternate (in progress) and see if ogra can manage to make omap work.17:56
ScottKHe's having some trouble with it (described on #ubuntu-release)17:56
ScottKpowerpc desktop tests all passed, so we can release that one.17:56
ScottKThat's the status.17:57
Riddellnice thanks17:57
* ScottK hopes claydoh has release notes in hand as he hasn't checked.17:57
Riddellthey could do with an eye over to make sure all the bugs are included17:58
Riddelland I haven't looked at the release announcement at all yet but that needs moved to kubuntu.org17:58
* ScottK is in need of a little lie down and then actually ought to get some $WORK done today.18:00
Riddellrest your weary head18:01
RiddellScottK: bug 988349 works for me18:20
ubottuLaunchpad bug 988349 in muon (Ubuntu Oneiric) "no release upgrade notification" [Undecided,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/98834918:20
ScottKLet's call it a win then.18:43
RiddellScottK: it's moved to precise-updates although I'd still like someone else to test it18:44
RiddellScottK: maybe you didn't have wifi connected when kded4 started?18:44
ScottKProbably hadn't come up yet.  That'd have done it.18:45
* ScottK goes for some ethernet.18:46
Riddellthat'll be solved for next time I think muon has a check when you start the app18:47
ScottKRiddell: Works when I have ethernet at login.18:52
RiddellScottK: ok I'll mind and note that in the upgrade instructions18:55
RiddellI've a feeling we'll be getting a lot of "I can't work out how to upgrade" questions18:55
BluesKajRiddell, yup , already had about 5 or 6 in 2 days18:56
RiddellBluesKaj: any feelings on what the cause is?18:57
Riddellpeople not reading the instructions or instructions not being clear?18:57
BluesKajone guy managed to find the bug in muon..I'll quote his findings 18:57
ScottKRiddell: We also need to mention checking in  /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades.  It needs to be set to Normal if upgrading from oneiric. and due to 'bugs' some aren't.18:58
RiddellScottK: huh?  some oneiric users have it set to lts?19:00
ScottKRan into that today.19:00
BluesKajhere's the quote ..." there is a bug in muon, in sources dialog, i've set option 'Show new distribution releases: to never", and in /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades is now set normal.  previously in muon setting was at normal but in /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades , actually was set to LTS - and that was stopping the upgrade19:01
Riddelloh yes that rings a bell19:01
yofelI'm currently trying to figure out how to best do an SRU for that19:02
Riddelli've a feeling yofel fixed software-properties-kde and it never went any further19:02
yofelit's bug 944876  btw.19:02
ubottuLaunchpad bug 944876 in software-properties (Ubuntu Precise) "changed mapping of release_upgrades_policy causes software-properties-kde to set the wrong policy" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/94487619:02
Riddellyofel: so you fixed it in precise?19:02
BluesKajfixed in oneiric would be best tho19:03
yofelthere's a merge request that got stuck because I never managed to get a hold of mvo19:03
ScottKNo, it got lost in the shuffle.19:03
Riddellbut nobody bothered to take it further, tsk to me19:03
yofelwell, I'll share the blame19:03
ScottKshadeslayer: Still awake?19:03
shadeslayer4 minutes till download done19:04
Riddellyofel: isn't it just the same code change for oneiric?  that hasn't changed in years19:04
Riddellyofel: ok so poke me into doing the SRU if mvo isn't around19:04
yofelhe isn't, at least not in #ubuntu-devel19:05
shadeslayerFWIW .... Last day of uni tomorrow19:05
shadeslayerthen exams for 2 months >.>19:05
Riddellhear that guys? shadeslayer is free for the next two months!19:06
yofeloh noes, when you have exams we need to travel to the himalaya to find you19:06
shadeslayerwhat no19:06
Riddell16 hours to go!19:07
* shadeslayer pokes zsync to pick it up19:07
jussiRiddell: Darkwing, agateau, do we have any more info about blue systems?  like their webpage is super un informative... (or Ive been looking at the wrong page?)19:08
Darkwingjussi: I talked to them today... I'll have updates within 24 hours19:09
jussiok :)19:09
shadeslayerBurning ISO, this is going to take a bit19:10
shadeslayeroh wait, can't I just boot the ISO using grub219:10
shadeslayerThat's going to be easier ..19:11
shadeslayerand faster19:11
Riddellusb drive is my preferred way generally19:11
jussigrub2 can boot an ISO? instructions please!19:12
shadeslayerjussi: a quick google gives me : http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=153586419:12
shadeslayerRiddell: My mac can't boot stuff off a USB19:13
shadeslayerstupid EFI19:13
ScottKRiddell: While there's a break in the action, you might want to sign off on amd64/i386 Desktop/Alternate/DVD so they can be moved to the 'done' part of the tracker.19:17
ScottKoh, and armhf too 19:21
yofelhm, Quantal Quetzal... somehow missed the news19:21
ScottKGotta pay attention.19:22
shadeslayerI had to look up what a Quetzal is and how to pronounce it19:22
RiddellScottK: signed off on desktop, alternate amd64 i386, on pre-installed armhf+omap4  on dvd amd64 i386  and Kubuntu Active  i38619:22
ScottKHow about armel+omap?19:23
ScottKerr armhf19:23
shadeslayerScottK: rebooting to test, I can't do a full install though19:23
shadeslayerI can just test the live enviroment19:23
* BluesKaj wonders whether the kmail segfaults are getting any attention ... the crashes are are getting more persistent and greater in number19:24
RiddellScottK: latest news is ogra had troubles which he thought were due to his sd card and infinity is trying19:24
ScottKRiddell: OK.19:24
ScottKshadeslayer: Did you do more than that over the weekend?19:24
shadeslayeryeah, debugging my test19:25
jussiok, this has got to be the funniest job title ever... :D http://www.mol.fi/paikat/Job.do?lang=fi&jobID=7968727&index=138&anchor=7968727 :P19:25
yofelBluesKaj: any particular steps to reproduce them? kmail is rock solid for me19:25
ScottKyofel: I've had trouble with the akonadi_mailfilter_agent being crashy in the presence of bad data.19:28
shadeslayer_ISOSoo ... Desktop effects inactive on first boot19:35
shadeslayer_ISONeeds linux-firmware-nonfree to get WiFi working 19:35
ScottKNot particularly notable.19:36
BluesKajyofel , when trying to move emails to trash or any other folders , mostly19:37
shadeslayer_ISOFans don't work, expected, they work under EFI without any mods, and under BIOS mode they need macfanctld19:37
BluesKajyofel, on 12.04 beta btw19:39
yofelRiddell: https://code.launchpad.net/~yofel/ubuntu/precise/software-properties/944876/+merge/103549 is for precise if you want to upload, oneiric is pretty much the same thing against the other branch19:40
shadeslayer_ISOOpen Muon Software Center > Get Software > Science & Engineering > Physics > Avogadro > Click on website19:42
Riddellproofreaders needed https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PreciseUpgrades/Kubuntu19:42
shadeslayer_ISOrekonq opens : http://www.eglibc.org/home19:42
shadeslayer_ISOcan anyone confirm that?19:46
* Riddell busy19:48
yofelfirefox opens the right page19:48
* yofel tries rekonq19:48
yofelKDEInit could not launch '/usr/lib/firefox-4.0-4.0b8pre/firefox-4.0'19:49
BluesKajRiddell, gave it quick read , all seems fine 19:49
Riddellthanks BluesKaj 19:49
yofel*something*'s foobared with my configs19:49
shadeslayer_ISOanyway, after refreshing sources it works fine19:49
yofelk fixed, had old minefield entries in my mime settings for html19:52
yofelRiddell: worth mentioning the policy bug there? otherwise fine19:52
shadeslayer_ISODarkwing: ping19:52
yofelor just put that under known issues?19:53
Darkwingshadeslayer_ISO: pong19:53
Riddellyofel: that was my question, what to say about that?19:53
Riddellyofel: or should we try for an emergency SRU?19:53
shadeslayer_ISODarkwing: Under "Kubuntu Releases" I have 2 links that say "the section called “Kubuntu 12.04”" and "the section called “Kubuntu 12.04 with Plasma Netbook ”"19:53
shadeslayer_ISOis that intentional?19:53
yofelI would vote for latter actually19:53
Darkwingshadeslayer_ISO: in the official docs?19:54
shadeslayer_ISODarkwing: this is under the Kubuntu docs19:54
Darkwingshadeslayer_ISO: No... I'll have a look. We are going to be fixing docs, translation then release the translations and fixed docs for 12.04.119:55
ScottKRiddell: Test upgrade with the fixed notifier finished successfully.19:56
shadeslayer_ISOScottK: amd64+mac looks good19:57
RiddellScottK: yay19:57
ScottKshadeslayer_ISO: Mark it on the tracker please.19:59
shadeslayer_ISOdoing that right now :)19:59
shadeslayer_ISOawesome, rebooting now20:01
ScottKIronically, timing wise, I finally talked my daughter into booting the image on her mac.20:01
=== bulldog98_ is now known as bulldog98
shadeslayerhah :D20:09
shadeslayerNo need to tell her that I finished testing, maybe she'll like it so much that she'll install it 20:10
ScottKNo.  No risk of that.20:13
ScottKShe used Kubuntu before she bought the Mac.20:13
ScottK"I bought a Mac because I don't trust Windows and I don't like Linux"20:14
shadeslayerAnd she trusts OS X? haha20:15
shadeslayerThe one reason I switched from BIOS to EFI was that who knows what they put into their BIOS Emulation layer20:15
shadeslayerAlso, the recent security scare with the java vulnerability20:16
ScottKYes.  We've discussed that one.20:16
ScottKI agree it's more trustable than Windows though.20:16
shadeslayertrue that20:17
ScottKshadeslayer: Can you get some install testing done?  We really need that to be able to release the images I think (final call is Riddell's).20:17
shadeslayerScottK: I installed the image that was released before this one20:18
shadeslayerso unless it contained some fixes in the installer, we should be fine20:18
ScottKHow about the alternate?20:21
shadeslayerwhat exactly changed in this ISO btw?20:21
shadeslayerWhat about the alternate ISO?20:21
ScottKDoes it work?20:21
shadeslayerI can burn and boot it20:21
shadeslayerI'll check20:21
shadeslayerIt's going to take some time to download20:24
shadeslayeran hour atleast20:24
shadeslayerand pull-lp-source seems to be broken 0.o20:27
ronnoc_I downloaded and tested the alternate 32-bit install and put it to metal on an old HP laptop (non PAE). Everything went as expected.20:50
=== ronnoc_ is now known as ronnoc
Riddellronnoc: lovely20:53
Riddellronnoc: can you mark it on the iso tracker?20:53
ronnocRiddell: sure20:56
ronnocI'm assuming that "Hardware Profile" on the ISO Testing Tracker would be an uploaded version of "lshw -html > hardware.html" hosted somewhere? 21:00
Riddellum I've no idea I'm afraid21:01
Riddellyofel: are you able to do the test for oneiric?  (I can supply an ec2 if needed)21:01
ronnocRiddell: It's cool. I'll just upload the file to my U1 account and share it and post the resulting URL in the field in case someone's interested :)21:03
yofelRiddell: I've got a oneiric system around to test on 21:04
yofelronnoc: that's about what I did for hardware profile21:07
ronnocyofel: Yea I couldn't imagine it being anything else, unless it's for some links for Ubuntu Friendly, but I would think that would be stated if so21:08
Riddellproofreaders needed https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PreciseUpgrades/Kubuntu/10.04LTS21:34
shadeslayer10.04 ?21:35
shadeslayerLooks good21:36
shadeslayerScottK: I don't think I can test the alternate image today21:36
ronnocAre you guys looking for Alternate amd64 testing? I can help out.21:43
RiddellScottK: ^^21:44
Riddellronnoc: it's amd64+mac that is needed21:45
Riddellwhich is pretty specialist21:45
ronnocRiddell: Ok. No access to a mac for me. I'm going to test the Alternate amd64 OEM install for the heck of it. No test cases listed yet. Unless you can think of anything non-mac that's more pressing.21:46
Riddellronnoc: more tests the merrier, upgrade testing good too21:47
RiddellMamarok: did you get anywhere with bug 955826 ?21:55
ubottuLaunchpad bug 955826 in kde-workspace (Ubuntu) "plasma-desktop crashed with SIGSEGV" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/95582621:55
MamarokRiddell: no, still crashes on KDE start21:56
Mamarokit is in the autostart folder where it should be, still doesn't work21:56
Mamarokand I don't even get a message about the segfault21:57
RiddellMamarok: ug, evil22:04
RiddellMamarok: mine freezes on start22:04
Riddellboth issues seem to be unique22:04
Riddellfreezes for 30 second then carries on22:04
Riddellit's all debuggable but needs more time than I have 22:05
Mamarokdo the plasma people have an idea what is going on? They are not very responsive22:05
TeLLuSRiddell: Do you have any file mount that could cause it?22:05
Riddellno quick fixes and as I say any debugging needs more time than I have found alas22:05
RiddellTeLLuS: nope22:05
RiddellI've only got three kubuntu specific bugs listed https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PrecisePangolin/ReleaseNotes/Kubuntu#Applications22:08
Riddellwe must have more bugs than three which are confirmed?22:08
TeLLuSRiddell: I have noticed that my NFS mount causes stops in KDE that I have to wait 15-30 seonds before I can continue to use any program.  I beleave there is something watching disk signals or something that can halt the rest of kde while it waits for some syscall..22:13
RiddellTeLLuS: yes that sounds likely, NFS is troublesome for that sort of thing22:14
Riddell12 hours to go!22:14
ScottKRiddell: Since the amd64+mac images were fully tested over the weekend, I think as long as they have a basic smoke test, then I think they are ~OK for release.22:16
ScottKMore testing is obviously better (I've asked balloons and jibel)22:16
TeLLuSI noticed on earlier versions the same thing when a mount of someting was wrong, KDE started but only displayed an empty clean background and never got any futher..  I have not had any of the mount errors lately so I dont know if that problem exists anymore22:17
ScottKRiddell: powerpc tested.  I'll sign off on those unless you changed the manifest.22:18
RiddellScottK: go ahead22:18
Riddellyofel: able to test s-p-k now?22:30
ScottKPreferably on amd64 ...22:30
ScottKWe need a full upgrade test on amd64.22:31
ronnocScottK: I have an 11.10 AMD 64 box I can test the upgrade on. Just let me know any variables I need to be aware of 22:47
ScottKIt would be best if you can install muon and s-p-k from oneiric-updates/proposed so you can also validate proper automatic notification.22:48
Riddellronnoc: we especially need bug 944876 validated22:49
ubottuLaunchpad bug 944876 in software-properties (Ubuntu Precise) "changed mapping of release_upgrades_policy causes software-properties-kde to set the wrong policy" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/94487622:49
ScottKTo do this, you need to install those packages, add changelogs.ubuntu.com to /etc/hosts, logout, login and you should get notified there's an upgrade22:49
ScottK(as Riddell says)22:50
ronnocOk :) I did notice that /etc/update-manager had "LTS" set instead of normal and I changed it, but I'll gladly do as you say - As soon as an in-progress iso is downloaded :)22:50
claydohRiddell: ScottK https://wiki.kubuntu.org/PrecisePangolin/Final/Kubuntu23:32
Riddellclaydoh: lovely thanks23:33
claydohhope its looks ok 23:33
claydohnow off to bed :( 23:34
Riddellsleep well claydoh, thanks for the help!23:34

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