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pittiGood morning05:19
pittibdmurray: thanks, will do05:19
pittiDaviey: want me to remove nova from oneiric-proposed? it's superseded by a security update, right?06:01
pittiRiddell: rejecting lightdm-kde SRU upload; changelog says "Fixes LP: #", but no actual bug number06:23
pittiapw, ogasawara: why are we suddenly using "normal" SRU for the kernel again? (kernel in https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/precise/+queue?queue_state=1)06:26
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dholbachgood morning07:01
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smbpitti, I heard Leann say something about day0 upload yesterday...08:09
smbAnyway... errm... I think I see something very strange here... Doing an install of the desktop 64bit image in a Dell 1521 I got. Selecting install on the choice of try or install. Everything seems to go ok during install, but when I login there appears to be no launcher (left side) and terminal windows only half a line high (and not rezizeable)... checksumming the usb stick iso was ok, but I should re-download the image to be sure. This is 3d o08:14
smbnly, 2d seems to work ok08:14
pittismb: ok, so we're not using the usual kernel SRU process for that one; ok, will process in a bit08:16
smbpitti, That is what I am guessing. You could wait for apw for confirmation to be sure08:17
smbRAOF, In case you are still awake... The D1521 uses some ati (X1200 not the most current) and the radeon driver. In case there is something known about that...08:18
apwpitti, yep that should be the day-0 kernel, i heard that would be going in via -proposed08:18
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pittiapw: right, but all the other kernel updates are also going via -proposed, but are usually built in the PPA and have a tracking bug08:25
pittiapw: so we need to improvise a bit here and declare an arbitrary bug from the update as "tracking bug" where QA does the regression testing, etc.08:26
apwpitti, ahh i see your point08:26
pittiso this kernel would actually build in proposed instead of in teh PPA as usual08:26
pittiI don't mind that, I'm more worried about the tracking bug and QA procedure08:26
apwpitti, yeah, if we need to repurpose one of the bugs, i'd steal leanns own config change one ...08:30
pittiev: http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/apport-duplicates/apport_duplicates.db08:33
pittiev: might be more convenient than having to parse the text files :)08:34
evpitti: cheers, I'll have a play with that08:34
pittiev: it's what apport-retrace uses as -d argument08:34
pittii. e. what python-apport crashdb.py API uses08:34
smbOh firetruck without the iretr... its the external monitor in mirror mode...08:35
pittistats in https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel-announce/2012-April/000954.html08:36
pittifor Q I propose that we abolish Fridays08:36
pittiand replace it with a second Tuesday08:36
pittiapw: ok, accepted linux, will accept the rest once linux built and is through binNEW -- old style08:40
apwpitti, i thought the point of using -proposed in this context was that we could rely on the depwaits but ... i'll defer to you08:41
pittiapw: if lbm's build deps are set up accordingly, we can, yes08:41
apwpitti, i'll investigate, but assume not :/08:42
pittiah, seems it is08:42
apwahh good08:42
pittijust chhecked the diff08:42
pittiapw: lbm refers to bug 978324, can you please make that public?08:42
ubottuError: Launchpad bug 978324 could not be found08:42
pittiapw: linux-meta doesn't bump build deps, so keeping that in the queue until linux and lbm are in08:43
apwpitti, ack08:43
pittiapw: I assume it's private, but could also be a typo of course08:43
smbcjwatson, Was apt_http_proxy= the magic to put on the grub command line of a desktop ? I sadly seem to forget over and over again by using mostly the alternate cd... :/09:36
cjwatsonsmb: No.  What are you trying to do?09:38
smbcjwatson, Convince the desktop install to use a apt proxy (which I believe has no dialog box anymore)09:39
smbOr I missed that miserably09:39
pittichanging the network proxy in control-center and clicking "apply system-wide" ought do do that; it doesn't any more?09:40
pittiubuntu-system-service is supposed to set both the "general" proxy as well as the apt configuration09:40
pittiI haven't tested that in a while, though09:40
cjwatsonsmb: desktop => not my department09:41
cjwatsonoh, sorry, installer09:41
smbWell for the install ... meaning casper I do :)09:41
* cjwatson learns to read09:41
cjwatson(also, probably not grub)09:41
smbI know that feeling :)09:41
cjwatsonsmb: mirror/http/proxy=09:41
smbcjwatson, Oh ok... yeah, for some reason I say grub when it is isolinux. Right that looks familiar09:42
* smb tries to learn using the right terms...09:43
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tjaaltonshould dh_installman use the -n option for zcat in order to allow manpages in a multiarch-enabled package, or should they always be shipped in a foreign -data package?11:21
cjwatsondh_installman doesn't do compression; that's dh_compress' job.11:22
tjaaltonhmm ok11:22
cjwatsonAnd dh_compress uses -n.11:22
cjwatsonzcat decompresses, not compresses :-)11:22
tjaaltonof course, duh11:22
tjaaltonshould dh_compress do the same in debian too?11:23
tjaaltonok maybe it's the manpage build going wrong then..11:24
tjaaltonneed to double-check11:24
cjwatsonPerhaps your upstream source is compressing stuff11:24
cjwatsonNot entirely uncommon11:25
tjaaltonaccording to the build log it shouldn't11:25
tjaaltonit installs the manpages as uncompressed, but xsltproc creates a timestamp which obviously breaks it..11:35
cjwatsonright, would do11:39
tjaaltonok so debian doesn't have "multiarch metadata" for docbook, maybe that's the issue (the bug against sssd was filed on debian)12:00
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tjaaltonumm, no12:03
cjwatsoneither strip the timestamp or move to a foreign package, preferably the former12:05
tjaaltonhow frozen are we? :) (unseeded package)12:05
ogra_see the mailing list :)12:06
tjaaltonah there it is :)12:06
tjaaltonok I'll target -proposed, there are a couple of other changes too..12:07
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kenvandine@pilot in13:50
=== udevbot changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Precise: Final Freeze | Dev' of Ubuntu (not support or app devel) | build failures -> http://bit.ly/HaWdtw | #ubuntu for support and general discussion for hardy -> oneiric | #ubuntu-app-devel for app development on Ubuntu http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://bit.ly/lv8soi | Patch Pilots: kenvandine
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* dholbach hugs kenvandine14:05
pittikenvandine: great to have a fully open archive to play with, isn't it?14:05
pittierr.. wait14:06
pitti(I know, I know -- branch review, SRU, patch forwarding; SCNR)14:06
kenvandinethere is always stuff to do :)14:06
kenvandinejust doesn't feel as productive without actually uploading14:07
pittiwell, cleaning the queue from stuff that we wouldn't upload anyway feels just as good14:07
pittie. g. I saw a lot of manpage or pacakge description typo fixes there14:08
kenvandinei do have a universe upload i am sponsoring14:08
pittiwhich usually belong forwarded to Debian and not uploaded anyway14:08
mterryWhat is Ubuntu's policy about archival material, like old specs or blueprints in the wiki?  Do we like to keep that stuff around, or delete it, or what?14:08
kenvandinemterry, ask jcastro :)14:09
mterryWe don't care about archival material in debian/changelog14:09
kenvandinehe would say delete, delete, delete14:09
mterrykenvandine, I know his answer  :)14:09
jcastrospecs and stuff you should keep14:09
mterrykenvandine, but this is history, for future archivists!14:09
jcastroin case we need to refer to them again14:09
pittiI'm all for keeping bluepritns and related wiki pages14:09
kenvandinethe annoyance i have is i keep finding "specs" on the wiki that never actually got done14:10
mterryjcastro, you surprise me sir.  I imagine you every spring throwing out all your belongings and buying new ones.  :)14:10
hyperairargh. lightdm is really horrible to debug. why won't it log me in?!14:10
pittiif they get in the way, maybe they might be retroactively moved to the namespace we use today, like https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam/Specs/Precise/14:10
jcastromterry: it's for the "Ok who was the idiot that thought this feature was a good idea? Oh, it was me, 4 years ago, and here are my notes. Ok, maybe it is a good idea."14:11
mterrypitti, yar instead of the once-common just-have-them-be-toplevel-no-one-will-mind?  :)14:11
mterryOK!  Will keep.  And maybe move.  I wish the wiki had better support for redirects after moving something14:12
cjwatsonI often refer either myself or other people to old specs14:17
cjwatsonIn fact I dug up a five-year-old (implemented) one as a reference for somebody else just yesterday14:18
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hyperairgreat, so if your wallpaper is in your $HOME, and your $HOME is not readable by lightdm, unity-greeter hangs while trying to log you in15:09
macoi think i only hang out in this channel these days to hear things like that15:10
hyperairand dear lightdm was so vague in its error messages that it took me over an hour of trial and error to figure this out15:11
* hyperair sighs15:11
hyperairand just my luck, it had been 7 days since i last logged in.15:12
hyperairthe change happened 7 days ago15:12
seb128hyperair, I doubt that's true15:20
seb128something is broken on your system15:20
hyperairseb128: what exactly?15:20
seb128hyperair, dunno, seems like the stat call is hanging rather than return a permission error?15:20
hyperairthe other day apt-get crapped up and removed gnome-session among a whole bunch of other packages15:20
seb128do you use nfs or something?15:20
seb128dunno then15:20
hyperairare you sure it's stat?15:21
hyperairit looks like gdk_pixbuf_load_from_file()15:21
seb128but I'm sure it doesn't hang with my ecryptfs user15:21
hyperairand that ends with an error15:21
hyperairbecause after that it logs that there's an error loading the background15:21
seb128and it for sure fails to access the dir15:21
hyperairproblem is *after* that, it refuses to log in15:21
seb128that shouldn't "hang" anything though15:21
hyperairyeah, it shouldn't15:21
seb128I've played with putting invalid background files to reproduce a bug on unity-greeter recently15:22
hyperairmaybe there's a race condition or something..15:22
seb128the greeter just loads the default background when the one it wants is not accessible15:22
hyperairyeah it does15:22
hyperairit just refuses to log in15:22
hyperairwhere should i begin debugging this?15:23
seb128we would have heard about it loudly if that was happening to everybody having non world readable user dirs15:23
seb128can you pastebin your /var/log/lightdm/lightdm.log?15:23
seb128it should have the auth, session start, etc steps15:24
seb128to see where it "stops"15:24
hyperairhang on, lemme reproduce this again15:24
hyperairi'll have to log out15:24
seb128also when you say "refuses to log in", does it bail out on an error?15:24
hyperairand chmod -r15:24
hyperairno it doesn't15:24
seb128or just hang on an empty background?15:24
hyperairit just says "Logging in..."15:24
hyperairand stops there15:24
hyperairthe password field vanishes15:24
seb128so you sudo chmod -r an user dir15:24
hyperairreplaced by the text "Logging in..."15:24
seb128and try to log into that user?15:24
seb128let me try on a test user15:24
hyperairyou have to change your wallpaper15:25
hyperairto be inside $HOME15:25
hyperairand then chmod o-r $HOME15:25
hyperairi just tried with a wallpaper in /tmp, and that worked out fine15:25
macoso user-only-readable home dir and custom wallpaper15:27
seb128hyperair, maco: wfm, I selected an image from ~/Images in the g-c-c panel, logged out, did a "sudo chmod o-r testuserdir"15:28
seb128logged in15:28
seb128works fine15:28
macohyperair: do you have 700 or 770?15:29
macoi wonder if its running as lighdm user and & you group15:29
hyperairweirdly enough, i can log in now.15:30
hyperairmaco: 75015:30
macowere you running at 700 before, when logging in was failing?15:30
hyperairseb128: aha. it doesn't work to just log out and log back in. you need to stop lightdm, and start it again.15:30
hyperairmaco: no, the one that works is 755. the one that doesn't is 75015:31
hyperairthis might be a race condition or something15:34
hyperairit seems completely random15:34
hyperairokay, not completely. it's biased more towards not working15:34
seb128I got it once here after doing a chmod 700 on the user dir15:35
seb128I can move between users on the login screen now but I can't type passwords15:35
seb128seems like an issue for mterry ;-)15:35
* mterry reads15:35
seb128mterry, bug #98761415:36
ubottuLaunchpad bug 987614 in lightdm (Ubuntu) "Stuck at login screen with status "Logging in..."" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/98761415:36
seb128mterry, seems like unity-greeter sometimes stay stucked on "Logging in..." after validating your password for user dirs with not world readable permissions when a custom wallpaper is set15:36
seb128mterry, i.e I got it there by setting a background from ~/Picture, doing a chmod 700 on the user dir and try to log in15:37
mterryseems bad15:37
seb128mterry, unity greeter wrote "logging in..." but never closed the greeter, I can move between users on the greeter screen now but not type anythin15:37
mterrywill reproduce here15:38
seb128mterry, http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/945849/ is the bottom of the x-2-greeter.log15:38
seb128ignore the "fail to write" warning, that seems to happen for every login looking at that log15:39
seb128mterry, thanks15:39
hyperairseb128: on my system, it seems to fail on every cold-start of lightdm.15:39
hyperairi.e. stop lightdm, start lightdm15:39
hyperairif, when it hangs, i do killall -u lightdm, the next attempt succeeds.15:40
seb128I didn't restart lightdm here, I didn't want to close my session15:40
hyperairhowever, if i just kill unity-greeter, the next attempt continues to fail15:40
hyperairlemme try checking the lightdm before/after..15:41
hyperairmterry: okay, this seems to be related to pulseaudio.15:43
hyperairstop lightdm; ps -u lightdm shows some lightdm-owned pulseaudio processes running15:43
hyperairi.e. pulseaudio and the gconf-helper15:43
hyperairif i kill those and start lightdm, it logs in15:43
hyperairif i don't kill those before starting lightdm, it refuses to log in.15:44
hyperairi'm going to try that /tmp/ wallpaper thing again to see if it's really the wallpaper causing the issue.15:44
hyperairi think earlier when i did the /tmp/ wallpaper thing, i didn't restart lightdm15:44
hyperairokay, this is really weird.15:46
hyperairif the wallpaper is accessible, then even if the zombie pulseaudio/gconf-helper processes hang around, it logs in successfully.15:47
* mterry reboots15:48
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* mterry looks for reproduction steps again; couldn't reproduce15:54
hyperairmterry: set custom wallpaper in $HOME, chmod o-r $HOME; log out; sudo stop lightdm; sudo start lightdm; try to log in.15:56
seb128mterry, chmod o-r was not enough for me (or I got lucky on first try), I did chmod 70015:57
seb128I didn't need to restart lightdm either15:58
mterryhyperair, seb128: I tried those steps (chmod 700), but without stopping lightdm and haven't gotten it yet15:59
seb128mterry, for me it was log into "testuser", copy an image to ~/Images, select if from the appareance capplet, log out, sudo chmod 700 testuser (the user dir), go up down on the unity-greeter, try to log in15:59
mterryseb128, that sounds like me15:59
seb128it worked the first time15:59
seb128I hit the bug on second try15:59
mterryI've tried a few times.  Let me double confirm I have the setup right15:59
seb128try to log out and in again?15:59
mterryyar I did that.  will do a few more16:00
mterrynope.  ecryptfs isn't involved, eh?16:01
seb128my main user is using it, the test user isn't16:02
mterrysame here16:03
* hyperair uses dm-crypt, but that shouldn't bother lightdm imo16:04
hyperairalso, in all cases where this bug was triggered, gnome-session was not executed at all.16:04
seb128seems like something got wrong in the auth between the greeter and lightdm16:05
hyperairi tried moving it aside and replacing it with a script that logged its output to /tmp thinking that might be the issue, but there was no output16:05
seb128the actual session start job never kicked in16:05
seb128I would assume lightdm is a in a weird state since it does hang on any auth until restart16:06
seb128like not even a guest session would start now16:06
* mterry will try stopping and starting lightdm. will be back online in a bit16:06
seb128it does the same "login in..." and not login in behaviour16:06
seb128mterry, same here16:06
mterryhyperair: no luck still.  is seb128 rebooting?16:12
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seb128mterry, no luck reproducing it here now :-(16:22
mterryseb128, hah, I fixed it16:22
seb128mterry, oh? what was it?16:23
mterryNew Ubuntu Instafix (tm)16:23
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mterryseb128, sorry, no joking16:23
seb128mterry, yeah, just got it :p16:23
mterryseb128, shouldn't get your hopes up  :)16:23
seb128it took me a few seconds; I should wait before typing :p16:23
seb128mterry, I've bugs for you in any case :p16:23
mterryseb128, couldn't reproduce myself after rebooting or restarting lightdm16:23
mterryseb128, I was just starting to actually look at those gnome-settings-daemon crashes16:23
seb128mterry, good, I will not keep you away from that ;-)16:24
seb128mterry, I will open the small leaks valgrind found on unity-greeter in launchpad16:25
mterryseb128, oh nice16:25
seb128mterry, do you prefer one "you have leaks in your code" bug, or one bugs by leak?16:26
mterryseb128, one16:26
seb128mterry, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity-greeter/+bug/98840916:31
ubottuLaunchpad bug 988409 in unity-greeter (Ubuntu) "small leaks in unity-greeter" [Undecided,New]16:31
mterryseb128, thanks!  they might end up being vala bugs, but great to have a list16:33
seb128mterry, they could indeed, and they are mostly small ones, and the greeter usually doesn't run for days16:33
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hyperairhow do you extract real leaks from the horrible mess that valgrind produces with glib-using applications17:01
SpamapShyperair: I have nothing constructive to respond with, but that provides me yet another reason to avoid glib. :)17:05
seb128SpamapS, stop the trolling thanks17:06
seb128glib doesn't leak nor spam valgrind17:06
hyperairdoesn't it?17:06
hyperairi've had gtk+ hello world applications showing a crapton of things17:06
* SpamapS is only slightly kidding.. I use glib every day when I open up Terminator. :)17:06
seb128I've just been running unity greeter under valgrind for a several time, there is no noise from glib17:07
hyperairhmm weird17:07
seb128hyperair, dunno, pastebin? what tends to spam valgrind here is fontconfig and libpng17:07
hyperairseb128: oh yeah, that's right. it used to contain a lot of weird things from glib as well, but i guess that's all fixed now17:08
hyperairhmm maybe i can actually run indicator-mesages-service in valgrind now17:08
seb128hyperair, you can also do a valgrind suppr file to filter out noise17:08
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slangasekcking: hey, can I ask your advice for bug #952556?17:09
ubottuLaunchpad bug 952556 in hdparm (Ubuntu) "[Precise] [Hardware-killer] HD restarts every few seconds" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/95255617:09
hyperairseb128: yeah, but the last time i tried using valgrind's memcheck, i couldn't find a suppr that filtered out the noise sufficiently (and there a *lot* of noise)17:09
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seb128mterry, I've a "lightdm --session-child 178 195" process stucked in a read, that's weird (got the bug again)17:23
seb128mterry, gdb to it is: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/946021/17:23
seb128does that makes any sense to you?17:23
* mterry looks17:25
seb128strace on the process does17:25
seb128Process 10603 attached - interrupt to quit17:25
seb128sitting there17:26
mterryseb128, sure, that's lightdm waiting for greeter data17:26
seb128mterry, ok, so it seems unity-greeter didn't send enough or stopped sending17:26
mterryseb128, maybe greeter sent it a malformed message (said it would send 80 bytes but only sent 20)17:26
mterryseb128, there is code in there to prevent that though...17:26
seb128mterry, can you point me to unity-greeter code for the write? maybe guide me to put a printf debug info somewhere17:27
mterryseb128, that's in lightdm trunk, in liblightdm-gobject/greeter.c I believe17:27
mterryseb128, write_message() or any of the write_() methods17:27
seb128mterry, when you say in trunk you mean trunk only not precise?17:27
mterryseb128, sorry no, just that it's in lightdm not u-g17:28
seb128write_message() has17:29
seb128        g_warning ("Refusing to write malformed packet to daemon: declared size is %u, but actual size is %zu",17:29
mterryyeah, that's the code to prevent it...17:30
seb128mterry, there is a gdebug in there, do you know what I need to get the output from it?17:30
mterryOh right, glib changed to not print those by default....17:30
seb128ok, bbiab17:31
mterryWhat's the easiest way to run unity-greeter under that?  /etc/environment?17:31
seb128mterry, hum, is setting it for lightdm enough?17:31
mterryseb128, you want it for unity-greeter, not lightdm17:31
seb128mterry, what I figured, I was going to do the same thing I did for valgrind17:32
mterryseb128, a wrapper script?17:32
seb128i.e mv unity-greeter unity-greeter.real and made a wrapper script17:32
seb128I don't know of a better way17:32
ckingslangasek, sorry, I was -afk for a while there17:32
* mterry misses g_debug by default17:33
ckingslangasek, so should we opt for hdparm -B 128 for the default rather than 127 just to be safe?17:35
slangasekwell, that's my question17:35
slangasekit seems that something is waking up people's disks incessantly17:35
slangasekand if we can't fix that, we might as well not spin down in the first place17:36
slangasekunless we think that the spinning up&down isn't actually a hardware problem here?17:36
ckingsure, 128 is good, but for some stupid ultra green drives only 255 seems to work17:36
slangasekcking: well I don't want to go down the path of trying to whitelist individual drive models :P17:37
slangasekdo you think there's anything else we could do in SRU to improve the spin up/down problem?  Is this a filesystem-layer issue?17:38
ckingslangasek, we could delay write back but that means we have a greater risk of losing data when we lose power.17:39
slangasekbut isn't that expected, and part of why ordered is the default?17:40
ckingbut the spin ups could be reads, which we can't avoid either. I'm included to disable spin down altogether.17:40
slangasekwell, I would expect my desktop to fit in my disk cache17:40
slangasekmaybe that's naive :)17:40
ckingmaybe 10 years ago17:40
slangasekno, my disk cache 10 years ago was 10 years smaller ;)17:41
slangasekonly 306 running processes on my system, kernel threads inclusive... how big can it be? :P17:41
ckingheh :-)17:41
slangasekso I'm ok with pushing this back to 128 if it'll make a difference17:42
ckingthat sounds very sane to me17:42
slangasekbut I think something's still wrong in the rest of our stack if people are seeing 10s wakeups in normal use17:43
slangasekand I would like to figure out what that is, so we can squeeze more power savings out17:43
ckingwe need to get pitti's script to monitor what's going on in these use cases, perhaps its some badly behaving application which we haven't yet identified17:43
slangasek"pitti's script"> fatrace?17:44
ckingI think, I can't recall the name off the top of my head17:44
slangasekthat's the one that he blogged and packaged :)17:45
* slangasek nods17:45
slangasekI do think that data loss due to poweroff is the wrong priority17:45
slangasekif we're on battery, it's more important to save power so we *don't* run out of juice17:46
ckingwell, as we move to SSDs, this is going to be less of an issue anyhow17:46
slangasekand if our filesystem isn't already proofed by default against corruption on powerloss, it darn well should be :)17:46
slangasekis the gap in price per byte closing between SSDs and rotationals?17:47
slangasekwell, until it does, it's an issue :)17:47
* cking nods17:47
slangasekok, so I'll SRU hdparm to switch back to 12817:47
slangasekdo you think it would be worth doing some kind of power clinic at UDS?17:48
cking... and maybe we should ask the users who are seeing frequent spin-ups to try pitti's script17:48
ckingyes, a power clinic at UDS is a good idea17:48
ogra_we should all move to eMMCs17:48
ckingare we going to revisit power consumption for Q?17:49
* ogra_ never has probs on his arm netbook 17:49
ckingogra_, nah, just move it all to the cloud, who needs local storage ;-)17:49
ScottKkenvandine: You're about a day too late for uploads to Universe in the release pocket.17:49
ogra_cking, ++17:49
ogra_even better17:49
ScottKIf it's SRUable it should go to -proposed.17:49
slangasekcking: do you think anything's changed that we should revisit?  or is it now just a matter of constant vigilance? :)17:49
ckingslangasek, constant vigilance for sure and also I'd like to get a broader check for mis-behaving applications17:51
SpamapSseems like we should have some kind of automated metering in place just like boot speed17:51
slangasekI really think we need a process manager of some kind inside firefox17:51
slangasekthat or just switch to chromium17:51
slangasekthe fact that runaway javascript can only be killed by drilling through firefox menus, or by waiting for firefox itself to decide it's run away, is !good17:52
ckingwell, I'd like to seek and destroy all bad poll() and select() calls and kill off any stupid logging17:52
slangasek(especially when FF is so busy that it won't feed the menus to unity ;)17:52
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ckingSpamapS, we've got the kit to do the monitoring, we just need to automate it, the groundwork as been done.17:53
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ckingslangasek, we need something like the OOM killer for badly behaving CPU sucking apps ;-)17:55
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slangasekcking: isn't that called "nice"? :)17:56
ckingperhaps auto-nice'ing bad apps17:56
slangasek(hard killing a program because it's used too much CPU... yes, you can do that with ulimits, but there's a reason people don't ;)17:56
ckingI think the main problem is that there are thousands of applications, and if just one or two misbehave we see power suckage issues, so auto identifying them is one issue, fixing another issue, and making sure they stay fixed is another issue :-/17:58
* slangasek nods17:59
kenvandineScottK, oh, the release schedule says the 26th18:02
kenvandineScottK, whoops... i forgot the (Tue) in there is the archive freeze :)18:04
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ScottKNo problem.18:43
seb128barry, hey19:23
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kenvandine@pilot out19:36
=== udevbot changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Precise: Final Freeze | Dev' of Ubuntu (not support or app devel) | build failures -> http://bit.ly/HaWdtw | #ubuntu for support and general discussion for hardy -> oneiric | #ubuntu-app-devel for app development on Ubuntu http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://bit.ly/lv8soi | Patch Pilots:
barryseb128: hiya19:42
seb128barry, hey19:42
seb128barry, those "... has bogus #! line" python bugs, could you add a rational out of "it's wrong"? like actual explanation of why it's wrong and if it's wrong in Ubuntu only, or in Debian as well, or in upstream tarballs...?19:44
barryseb128: sure.  i'd rather not have to do it to every bug i filed though ;)  is there one in particular you'd like me to comment on?19:45
seb128barry, no, but for opening such bugs I think it would be could to have some arguments, I'm not likely to act on them on upstream them if I don't understand why the current way is wrong19:45
seb128barry, and I guess if upstream doesn't understand they are not likely to "fix" it either19:46
kenvandineupstream gwibber has fixed it already :)19:46
seb128barry, i.e your call but I'm going to ignore those on my package until a convincing explanation of "why" comes with those ;-)19:46
micahgbarry: maybe blog about it and link to the blog post in the bug?19:46
barrymicahg: that's what i was thinking19:46
seb128kenvandine, did you wonder why it was wrong or just changed it to close a bug ? :p19:46
slangasekseb128: the proper interpreter is defined by Debian python policy, at least19:46
tumbleweedit's not a MUST in the debian python policy19:47
kenvandinei assume because you can't predict which interpreter it would be19:47
seb128slangasek, that would be useful info in the bug, still it doesn't tell me if I should upstream those19:47
tumbleweedthere are times when #!/usr/bin/env python is preferable19:47
slangasekis that the issue barry reported bugs on?  Missing bug numbers for context here :)19:47
seb128slangasek, of if that's a distro patch to carry19:47
seb128slangasek, bug #98839119:47
ubottuLaunchpad bug 988391 in gtk+2.0 (Ubuntu) "/usr/bin/gtk-builder-convert has bogus #! line" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/98839119:48
seb128got a few of those19:48
barrytumbleweed: it probably should be a must actually.  my opinion is that it's fine for development of the package, but installed, i can't think of any reason to use /usr/bin/env19:48
* kenvandine also trusts barry19:48
kenvandineand it was inconsistent with gwibber-service which didn't use env19:48
seb128kenvandine, well, still not very useful to convince an upstream who would like a rational on why that's wrong and why they need to change19:48
tumbleweedbarry: how about twistd in a virtualenv with site-packages enabled?19:48
barrytumbleweed: i believe virtualenvs rewrite their #! lines19:49
kenvandineseb128, indeed19:49
tumbleweedbarry: no, a virtualenv that I haven't installed twisted into19:49
seb128kenvandine, I'm fine trusting people, but I think such cross archive bug filling ought to come with some material if you want buy in19:49
seb128like you don't go around and say "you do it wrong"19:49
barrytumbleweed: hmm.19:50
seb128you explain why it's wrong and what's the proper way19:50
seb128barry, well anyway I'm going to ignore those on stuff I maintain until somebody comes with details on who is concerned (ubuntu? ubuntu and debian? upstream?) and why the other way is better19:51
seb128barry, just for info ;-)19:51
barryseb128: fair enough.  i know this has been discussed to death in other forum, so i'll see what i can dig up.  ftr, the problem is that people can and do have other pythons on their $PATHs for all sorts of legitimate reasons.  you don't want to break their system when they do that19:52
tumbleweedbarry: granted, that's a fairly unusual case, and I just changed nose to use /usr/bin/python (which was one of my other ocunter examples in http://lists.debian.org/debian-python/2011/03/msg00018.html19:53
seb128barry, well you probably understand why your suggested way is better but I've no chance to convince any of my upstream if you don't share that knowledge ;-)19:53
barryseb128: fair enough :)19:53
barrytumbleweed: ah, thanks for helping me find that thread again :)19:54
tumbleweednp :)19:57
barrytumbleweed: i see we never did get resolution on whether dh_python? should rewrite those lines by default19:58
stgraberbarry: btw, for pastebinit we actually switched to /usr/bin/env python after someone reported a bug saying /usr/bin/python was wrong ;) so I'm not going to revert until I have something I can point to and that won't lead to half the other distro maintainers shouting at me19:58
tumbleweedbarry: jwilk was strongly against it in that thread, but then he's also a dh_python2 hater...19:58
barrystgraber: wow, really?  did they give a rationale for why they thought it was wrong?19:58
stgraberbarry: can't remember, let me try to get the bug report19:58
tumbleweedthere are of course also good reasons to allow /usr/bin/pythonX.Y19:58
barrytumbleweed: for sure19:59
stgraberbarry: only thing I could find in my mails is "Using '/usr/bin/python' requires patching on systems where python is installed in a different location", that was apparently from an *BSD guy20:02
barryseb128: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gtk+2.0/+bug/988391/comments/120:02
ubottuLaunchpad bug 988391 in gtk+2.0 (Ubuntu) "/usr/bin/gtk-builder-convert has bogus #! line" [Undecided,New]20:02
seb128barry, thanks, I will avoid complaining about the url not opening in firefox because being untrusted ;-)20:03
barrystgraber: note that i think it's fine if upstream dev branches use /usr/bin/env.  the problem is that the installed version should not use it.  *personally* i supported piotr's suggestion20:03
seb128barry, if you copy in other bugs you might want to use http rather than https for the reference20:03
barryseb128: ouch :)20:03
barryseb128: will do20:03
stgraberbarry: ok, I'll leave a reply to your bug saying that. pastebinit is usually a sync from Debian so I won't add that as a distro delta in Ubuntu20:04
seb128barry, that url still let me unsure if "however, this should only apply to *developer* packages, not operating system packages." mean I should go upstream tell them to "fix" it20:04
seb128or if that should be distro patches to carry on20:04
seb128or if they should do it differently in their vcs in tarball, and if that's the case if there is a best practice for that20:05
barryseb128: i think it should be a distro delta20:05
seb128barry, hate distro deltas ;-)20:05
barryseb128: well, let me say instead that i think the helpers for debian should do it20:05
seb128right, I would buy into that20:05
seb128I'm unsure I want to inflict myself the distro delta work20:06
barrymaybe i'll revive the thread on debian-python and see if we can get somewhere20:06
seb128it doesn't seem worth the issue it solves20:06
barryseb128: it's probably not worth a distro delta unless the tool is really critical to ubuntu/debian operation, or there could be security concerns.20:07
seb128barry, ok, I'm going to ignore it for the gtk developer convert scripts you opened a bug about then ;-)20:10
barryseb128: do you know if they use dh_python2 or py-central/py-support?20:11
seb128barry, none of those I think, those are .py scripts shipped in /usr/bin20:12
seb128barry, they just list the .py in the .install20:12
barryseb128: so fixing the helpers wouldn't help ;)20:13
seb128barry, I would buy into using packaging helpers easily if they were solving issues ;-)20:15
barryseb128: they mostly do, but let's see if i can convince piotr to make the change this time20:15
seb128barry, thanks20:16
barryseb128: thanks to you to20:16
barrytumbleweed, seb128: actually d-p policy is stronger in its wording now ($1.4.2).  i like what it says.  also, i think dh_python2 *does* have support for this.  at least, it now has an --ignore-shebangs switch which i think disables the rewrite20:20
barrytumbleweed: so maybe nothing really needs to be done except point people to d-p policy, and tell them to use the helpers ;)20:20
tumbleweedbarry: IIRC --ignore-shebangs is for dependency generation20:20
barrytumbleweed: ah20:21
barryyou might be right about that20:21
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ScottKstgraber or cyphermox: I would appreciate it if one of you could have a look at Bug #988513.  The new, improved DNS stuff confuses me enough that I'm not sure I understand exactly what to do here and how to test it.20:45
ubottuLaunchpad bug 988513 in unbound (Ubuntu) "unbound defaults break DNS resolution when upstream DNS lacks DNSSEC support" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/98851320:45
stgraberScottK: bug says it's server, so no dnsmasq involved at least. resolvconf only manages /etc/resolv.conf, it doesn't actually do anything more than that. Not sure if unbound itself behaves differently when resolvconf is used though20:47
stgraberScottK: I'm using unbound on my network running on 12.04 and doing DNSSEC just fine, though I believe I disabled resolvconf in these containers (as /etc/resolv.conf is managed by a configuration manager)20:48
ScottKCould you check.20:48
ScottKIt'd be unfortunate to have a default as broken as the bug report suggests.20:48
stgraberScottK: if I decoded the bug report properly, I think it sortof makes sense actually.20:50
stgraberfrom the log, it'd seem that user didn't setup the root anchor, unbound when used with resolvconf takes its upstream DNS servers from resolvconf, but as these can't be trusted (as they can come from anywhere, including some public wireless network), it doesn't trust them and so won't forward the dnssec validation result from these20:51
stgraberScottK: hmm, no, misread the bug report ... /me is digging the resolvconf hook provided by unbound20:54
stgraberScottK: right, so I can indeed see how the current default can be annoying (looking at /etc/resolvconf/update.d/unbound) and setting RESOLVCONF_FORWARDERS=false in /etc/default/unbound (or changing /etc/resolvconf/update.d/unbound so that misisng RESOLVCONF_FORWARDERS == false instead of == true) would restore pre-precise behavior20:59
stgraberScottK: having unbound's upstream DNS servers updated by resolvconf is probably fine for most people, but anyone enforcing dnssec might get into the issue described in the bug21:01
ScottKOK.  Since you actually understand the issue, would you be up for an SRU?21:02
stgraberScottK: I'd prefer for it to be discussed/fixed in Debian first as we don't currently carry any delta on the unbound package21:06
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