
=== jbicha is now known as Guest63357
=== Guest63357 is now known as jbicha
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=== Guest7463 is now known as jbicha_
=== jbicha_ is now known as jbicha
carifjbicha, Mike Carifio here16:23
jbichacarif: hi!16:24
carifjbicha, pleased to meet you, thanks for your pointers to the bash script, reading the email now16:25
jbichathat script is new and so far I haven't gotten any submissions using it, but we didn't get really many submissions before the script either16:26
carifjbicha, vg, does http://people.ubuntu.com/~jbicha/downloads.zip contain all I need to get started?16:26
jbichaand the two scripts yes16:28
jbichaI think my next iteration of the script will use wget to fetch the files & I can move the script to lp:~ubuntu-docs, maybe I'll do that next week16:29
carifjbicha, maybe I got the wrong thing? Just unzipped downloads.zip, it contains Echoes In Time.mp3  EmblemDivide.pdf  richard-stallman-young.jpg  standard-tube-map.pdf16:30
jbichayes, those are the filler files I put in ~/.downloads16:31
carifah, got it, and download collect*.sh also?16:31
jbichayes and I put the scripts in that same folder too16:31
jbichayou're using a new user account for the screenshots, right?16:34
carifjbicha, got it, so it looks like I make a fresh install of precise, create a new account, set dir=~/.ubuntu-help/zh_CN/figures, set lang to be zh_CN, run ~/.ubuntu-help/collect-screenshots-without-mouse.sh and I'm done (?)16:35
carifif the script just works, then ~/.ubuntu-help/zh_CN/figures is populated?16:36
jbichano, it requires a bit more setup, I clear the System Settings>Privacy history, install shutter, xdotool16:36
carifjbicha, right, in the comments, after doing all that however, my previous sentence holds?16:38
jbichaI have to delete the empty Ubuntu One folder in Nautilus to fit everything in the window16:38
jbichayes, pretty much16:38
jbichaeog likes to show the sidebar anyway until I click to close it16:38
jbichaI think a couple steps need a bit more of a pause between steps as it didn't work 100% of the time for me16:39
carifok, installing precise first in a vm (and thanks for your help)16:40
carifjbicha, do I need to install the fluendo mp3 plugin during install?16:51
jbichayeah, next release I should probably use an ogg for that screenshot16:52
carifjbicha, yt? running the script, runs to completion, nothing in 'figures' folder18:49
jbichawhat did you set dir= to?18:50
carifjbicha, also ran collect-screeshots-without-mouse.sh at command line18:52
jbichawell the default is ".ubuntu-help/C/figures" so maybe try without the $HOME18:52
jbichaI use Alt+F2 to run the script18:53
carifjbicha, looking like I will punt on your script and try to do the images manually19:54
jbichaoh really? does it give errors when you run from the command line?19:55
carifjbicha, I notice that the existing ubuntu-docs/C/figures/*.png has low resolution, does that matter? Do I need to preserve the resolution?19:55
carifjbicha, no errors, but odd results19:55
carifjbicha, need to reboot, be back19:56
jbichait needs a bit of tweaking to get it right, the script worked for me (like most programmers said) but I didn't test from a clean environment (my bad)19:56
carifjbicha, no problems,19:57
carifi'm going to send you a list of png files from C/images which have english text in the them, you can tell me where they come from? like nautilus, etc?19:58
carifi'll run the command, run shutter, write out the png19:58
carifand populate ubuntu-docs/ubuntu-help/zh_CN/images19:59
carifdoes that make sense?19:59
=== bulldog98_ is now known as bulldog98
jbichaum, I think so20:06
jbichathe low resolution is intentional so that the images don't overpower the text, and of course CD space is limited20:07
carifjbicha, i made a few modest changes to collect-screenshots-without-mouse.sh, http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/94636521:25
carifjbicha, I run it with set -x on, http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/946363/21:25
carifjbicha, do any of the error messages ring a bell?21:26
jbichacarif: does it not work at all then? those errors don't sound critical to me21:39
carifjbicha, doesn't seem to, I get four .png files in ~/.ubuntu-help/zh_CN/figures21:43
carifnautilus.png seems right21:44
jbichathat's how many you are supposed to get21:45
MrChrisDruifAh, this is about that screenshot item on the mailing-list?21:45
carifso it looks like the four .png files are right21:45
carifdoes the other shell script collect-screenshots-with-mouse.sh generate the rest of the png files?21:47
carifjbicha, vg, does the order of running the scripts matter?21:48
carifjbicha, yes, you have a comment in -with-mouse.sh21:49
jbichano, except that I like to clear the Privacy before running the without-mouse one21:49
carifjbicha, what does that mean? "clear the Privacy"?21:50
jbichawell, that's more because there are more setup instructions in the first one & I assumed that moving the mouse pointer around the screen would have been more complicated21:50
jbichaSystem Settings>Privacy, change the dropdown to all and click Delete history21:51
jbichathere may be one more screenshot you'd want, it's the screenshot you see when you first open https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/ubuntu-help/21:52
jbichait's unity.png and is in the without-mouse script but in the English-only section21:53
carifif [ $dir -eq ".ubuntu-help/C/figures" ] # English only21:56
carif  then21:56
carif    shutter -f -e -o dir/unity.png21:56
carif    convert $dir/unity.png -crop 65x180+0+25 +repage $dir/unity-launcher.png21:56
carif    convert $dir/unity-launcher.png -crop 65x123+0+57 +repage $dir/unity-launcher-apps.png21:56
carif    convert $dir/unity.png -resize 250x188 $dir/unity.png21:56
jbichaoh, never mind, it's not legible, I guess the one I was thinking about unity-dash-intro.png which it looks like I left out of my script21:56
jbichaI can just crop and resize unity-overview.png to make that one so you don't need to worry about that one either21:58
* jbicha logs out for 15 minutes21:59
pleia2btw, if anyone wants an announcement up on fridge.ubuntu.com about spiffy new help.ubuntu.com feel free to send an announcement to ubuntu-news-team@lists.ubuntu.com and I'll get you sorted23:49
pleia2(it's very spiffy, well done :))23:49

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