
thomilifeless: mind if I ask you a python-testscenarios question on your day off?04:20
thomiI'm sure the problem is staring me right in the face, but I can't see what would cause this to fail like it is: http://paste.ubuntu.com/945125/04:20
lifelesswhat test runner are you using ?04:21
lifelessnosetests isn't unittest compatible04:22
lifelessit violates the unittest protocol.04:22
lifelessit makes assumptions about structure and intent that the protocol doesn't, which work most of the time04:22
lifelessyou could file a bug on nosetests if you like04:23
thomiOh! That surprises me. Thanks, I never thought to try another runner...04:23
thomiwill do...04:23
lifelessthomi: try04:23
lifelesspython -m testtools.run discover .04:23
thomiyay, that works - thanks :)04:23
lifelessfor jenkins you can use python -m subunit.run discover . | subunit2junitxml -o tests.xml04:24
thomihmmm, I just realised that we use the '--with-pylons' option to nosetests, so I may have to get a bit creative... :)04:33
hadsHow odd, clicking a mailto link in chromium all of a sudden opens 59 tabs in arora browser.19:57
hadsOh well, restarting my session fixed it. Needed to boot into some updates anyway.20:27
snailcould i get a second opinion? I've been told to submit a bug report at http://sourceforge.net/p/teiboilerplate/tickets/ but can't find the "submit a bug here" link. Am I going blind or just confused by the new look and feel?20:39
chiltswow, sourceforge :)20:42
chiltssnail: you might nee to login?20:42
* chilts has no idea, but yeah, it doesn't seem to be there20:42
snailchilts: yeah, but there's no button obvious even after login, i think maybe it's project members only or something20:43
chiltsoh really ok20:43
chiltsthat's pretty sad20:43
snailchilts: yep :)20:45
ajmitch that would make no sense20:46
snailI've asked on #sourceforge, so I can give good feedback to the project admins20:47
ajmitchabout the only thing I see that changes when I log in is that I can subscribe to the tool :)20:47
snailgood folks in #sourceforge gave me the wording to give to the newbie developers to fix this.20:53
chiltsah cool20:54
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=== Guest40535 is now known as ojwb
ojwbsnail: looks like they've fixed that bug tracker22:18
ojwbthere's now a "create ticket" button on the left22:18
snailojwb: yes, I've filed a bug on the tracker about it and closed it as fixed22:19

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