
=== jbicha is now known as Guest63357
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micahgok, a few more removals files02:00
=== Guest7463 is now known as jbicha_
ScottKslangasek: Could you take another shot at removals (if you haven't in the last 90 miuntes or so)?03:38
skaetScottK or RIddell - any problem with me removing powerpc from the Kubuntu image set?03:40
ScottKskaet: Why?  They are being tested?03:41
* skaet not seeing evidence of being tested 03:41
skaetScottK,  just trying to clean the tracker up to what we'll actually be trying to ship.03:41
ScottKI'm pretty sure we'll ship the powerpc desktop image and we've got a shot at the alternate as the guy doing the testing has promised to do more.03:42
ScottKI've also got promises for amd64+mac testing too.03:42
skaetdoes not have it listed as an architecture for this release.03:43
skaetre: amd64+mac,  that's fine if its tested.03:43
ScottKWhich?  powerpc?  that's because we didn't have a tester until this week.03:43
ScottKSo far the desktop image looks good.03:44
skaetPlease encourage logging of some of the powerpc results to the iso tracker then asap.   They're sitting at 0, and we're going to need to figure out if viable or not tomorrow.03:46
ScottKNot for the desktop image.03:50
* skaet sees some now after hitting refresh.04:01
ogasawaraskaet: just fyi, I'd uploaded the day-0 kernel earlier today.  It's sitting in the queue awaiting approval.  I understand if there's more pressing packages needing approval first, but just wanted you to be aware.04:21
skaetogasawara,  Thanks for letting me know.  :)04:21
ogasawaraskaet: I also posted a quick summary of the bugs being fixed -> http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/944474/04:21
skaetThanks.  :)04:22
skaetAre the release notes for linux portion pretty much done from your perspective?04:22
* skaet thinks so, but checking04:22
skaetogasawara, ^04:23
ogasawaraskaet: for the most part yes, but I'll do another pass in the morning to be sure I've not left anything out.  I also updated the known issues section04:23
skaetcoolio.   That will suit well.04:23
skaet(and thank you for the known issues,  spotted them earlier)04:24
astraljavaWhat is the policy re: Wubi, when apparently no one in the Xubuntu community has Windows, so we might not get that test case covered.04:58
pittislangasek: #986928> noted, will look into it05:20
slangasekpitti: we really ought to have the apt SRU in oneiric-updates before release; we only have 1 of 3 bugs verified so far, but it's the one that has the largest impact on oneiric upgrades AFAICS.  Do you think that's good enough to publish?06:34
pittilet me look at the bugs06:35
slangasekor should we try to get an autotestupgrade run for all the oneiric->precise upgrades using the -proposed apt?06:35
pittiah, bug 85026406:35
ubot2Launchpad bug 850264 in apt "given a foreign architecture of i386 on amd64 machine, and an outdated libc, apt tries to remove libc-bin" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/85026406:35
pittiI wonder if jibel did a full upgrade test with that version from -proposed06:35
pittiif so, I'm happy06:35
pittijibel: ^06:35
pittias the other tests also apply to oneiric->precise dist-upgrades, above test should at least provide regression testing for the other two bugs as well06:36
skaetslangasek,  up late...06:49
skaetgood morning pitti06:49
slangaseka bit06:50
pittihey skaet06:50
skaetseeing the backscroll on the apt SRU - would be very good if possible.06:50
micahgpitti: please copy lightning-extension, enigmail, and thunderbird from natty-proposed to natty-updates only06:51
pittiskaet: yes, waiting on jibel to confirm that he used it for a complete dist-upgrade test, and will move then06:51
skaetslangasek,  any concerns show up on the radar, beyond the server respin?06:51
pittimicahg: ok, so NOT -security? doing06:52
micahgpitti: correct06:52
skaetpitti,  gotcha.   sounds good.06:52
slangasekskaet: nope, all quiet overnight06:53
pittimicahg: done06:54
micahgpitti: thanks06:54
pittimicahg: one of these days you should ask for ~ubuntu-archive permissions :)06:54
slangasekScottK: hmm, what was the issue with removals?06:55
pittinot that I mind doing the copying for you, I just don't want to become this a bottleneck06:55
pitti"this to become a", argh morning grammar06:55
skaetastraljava,  work with balloons to see if there is someone else in the community with windows, who might be willing to give it a try?   The mandatory test cases should be revisited early next cycle, to ensure they still all make sense with the goals of the individual products...06:57
SpamapSpitti: one of these days I should get full training on AA status too :)06:57
skaetslangasek,  quiet = good right now.  ;)06:57
pittiSpamapS: +106:58
skaetSpamapS:  +1 (from me too)06:59
astraljavaskaet: Alright, will do, thanks!07:01
jibelpitti, I did a manual verification because there is no profile that correspond to the test case but I can run the autoupgradetest with the package from oneiric-proposed for regression testing.07:02
jibeldoing it now.07:02
pittijibel: nice, thanks a lot!07:02
* skaet --> food then office, back in a bit.07:03
pittihey Riddell07:23
Riddellare we nearly there yet?07:23
pittioh no, you just killed another kitten!07:25
stgrabergood morning07:35
pittibonjour stgraber07:39
skaetDaviey, pitti - did the server images get respun, or that's still pending.   Can't tell from the pad.07:50
skaeteither of you know?07:50
skaet(ie.  are we waiting on an upload from Daviey or has it happened? )07:51
pittilast respin of server was yesterday around 13:30 UTC07:51
skaetpitti,  ok,  looks like we're waiting for an upload from Daviey then,  otherwise and ok from QA that they can test the new version.   Otherwise we'll go with what we have.07:51
pittiI believe that's related to the MAAS string change that we discussed on Monday07:52
pittithat cjwatson did/was going to do07:52
skaetyes,  that's it.  Low risk.07:52
* pitti checks changelogs07:52
skaetpitti, yes we discussed it yesterday,  just not sure whether something had happened overnight,  and sounds like not then.07:53
pittiskaet: right, still mining changelogs07:54
pittiskaet: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gfxboot-theme-ubuntu/0.13.207:55
pittithat was the relevant change I think, updating pad07:55
skaetthanks pitti07:56
pittiskaet: so I'm fairly sure that's in now07:56
pittion the current server daily07:56
pittiDaviey: ^ triple-check?07:56
pittiskaet: seems you set the release team sync meetings to "weekly", I guess they only apply for this week?07:58
skaetpitti,  yeah,  only this week.08:01
pittiskaet: ok; seems I can't edit it to not be repeated, you need to do that apparently08:01
* skaet doing08:02
skaetpitti,  cleaned up.   (hopefully,  let me know if you still see)08:05
pittiskaet: looks fine now, thanks!08:05
skaetthanks for flagging08:05
cjwatsonpitti,skaet: the relevant change was actually in debian-cd (gfxboot-theme-ubuntu was the day before), but in any case, it got done and respun08:09
skaetcjwatson,  ok,  so moving it off the pad then.08:10
Davieyskaet: yes, respin was yesterday..08:22
DavieyAnd it's been validated08:22
cjwatsoneclipse/armhf failed for me in my latest build attempt on scheat, with no other changes; so I infer that it may be intermittent and I'm going to keep throwing it at the builder08:22
skaetThanks Daviey.  :)08:23
skaetcjwatson, ack.08:23
jibelskaet, it's confusing to have 2 milestones opened on the tracker. do you plan to merge pre and final ?08:28
stgraberI'm doing a few edits of the release notes, let me know if you need me to release the lock08:28
skaetjibel,  we're moving them from pre to final as the teams sign off on them for the release.08:29
skaetso problem will resolve shortly.  ;)08:29
skaetAdditional test results can still be added to final, but emphasis should be on the pre ones.08:30
jibelskaet, ok, tester can continue submitting results to pre-release then ?08:30
jibel*testers even08:30
stgraberjibel: images in Precise Pre-release are the priority but once they're moved to Precise Final they can still receive test results08:33
stgraberskaet: for some reason I skipped that last sentence of yours when reading scrollback ;)08:34
skaet:)  no worries.08:36
stgrabercjwatson,pitti,skaet: Looking at system requirements, should we say something about low-memory systems installing the 64bit image? basically recommending at least 512MB for 64bit installs08:36
pittistgraber: did anyone actually try that on 512 MB? it might technically work, but certainly not a ver good experience?08:37
pittiwas that tried without swap?08:37
skaetstgraber,  there's a spot in the desktop release notes for system requirements,  that's probably best place to add it08:37
stgraberpitti: last I tried, "Install Ubuntu" works on 512MB as long as you have a swap in your partitioning scheme, if you don't, it fails08:37
pittistgraber: the live session uses existing swap partitions?08:38
stgraberpitti: the live session doesn't, but ubiquity enables the swap partition as soon as it's created08:38
pittiah, I see08:38
stgraberskaet: ok. I'll mention that while the bare minimum for 32bit is 384MB, 64bit should be at least 512MB08:39
cjwatsonbare minimum, but it does fail in some cases08:40
cjwatson(512MB for amd64)08:40
* skaet nods08:41
stgraberskaet: any reason why the lid issue on Unibody Macbook is only listed for UbuntuDesktop? I'd think it'd affect all flavours as it's a kernel/X problem08:41
Davieypitti: Could you promote horizon (bug 914164), not shipped on ISO.. please?08:42
ubot2Launchpad bug 914164 in horizon "[MIR] horizon" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/91416408:42
skaetstgraber,  just where it got placed likely.   feel free to move it.08:42
stgraberskaet: ok08:42
Davieystgraber: I suspect it doesn't impact server flavour strongly.08:42
stgraberDaviey: indeed, though we don't have CommonInfrastructureDesktop...08:44
Davieyskaet: Working on server release notes now.08:45
pittiDaviey: at it08:45
Davieypitti: thanks08:45
stgraberDaviey: and the current list of kernel bugs on CommonInfrastructure already includes some mentions of touchpads, so I guess it won't hurt to have the specifics there too08:45
skaetthanks Daviey,  arosales has been adding last night too.   :)08:45
pittiDaviey: done; initially I promoted all binaries, but demoted back the ones not mentinoed on http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/component-mismatches.txt08:47
pittiso after next publisher, that shoudl ideally be empty08:47
Davieypitti: openstack-dashboard was promoted?08:48
pittiDaviey: no, c-m doesn't ask for it08:48
pittiif you want it as well, you need to seed it08:49
Davieycurses, i'll fix the seed.08:49
pittiDaviey: ah, so perhaps my intial "promote all binaries" was right after all :)08:49
Davieypitti: yeah, it was right :(08:49
pittiDaviey: so yes, please fix the seeds, and we'll check the binary c-m after the next publisher08:49
Davieypitti: pushed08:53
rickspencer3hey skaet, sorry to sound dense, but I don't think I have the correct link for hte ISO tracker08:57
jamespagecjwatson, I'm not getting anywhere with the eclipse failure on armhf - can't reproduce locally :-(09:07
stgraberskaet: http://www.edubuntu.org/news/12.04-release09:08
cjwatsonjamespage: 09:22 <cjwatson> eclipse/armhf failed for me in my latest build attempt on scheat, with no other changes; so I infer that it may be intermittent and I'm going to keep throwing it at the builder09:09
cjwatsonjamespage: you can find the hs_err_*.log or whatever it's called in my homedir on scheat09:09
jamespagecjwatson, ack - I'll take a look09:10
skaetthanks cjwatson.  :)09:12
skaetrickspencer3, ok now?09:13
rickspencer3skaet, yeah, I got the link, thanks09:13
ogra_hmm, i thought the QA team does the oamp4 netinst image tests ... i wonder why there is nothing logged on  the tracker09:13
pittiskaet, cjwatson: FTR, doing pre-publishing now09:15
pittihm, it's a bit confusing to have two milestones for that09:16
pittiseems that publish-image-set.py crashes, looking/fixing09:17
pittiskaet, stgraber: I think it would be cleaner to move ubuntu (and server) to "Precise Final" in the tracker now, before pre-publishing; WDYT?09:18
pittiI can also fix publish-image-set to publish from "Pre-release", but conceptually that sounds a bit bad09:18
cjwatsonpre-publishing is kind of not final09:18
cjwatsonI'd rather pre-publishing went from pre-release09:19
pittiI'll add "Pre-release" and map that to "final" then09:20
stgraberpitti: if we want to pre-publish from pre-release, make sure that you also include what's been moved to final (as these should clearly get pre-published, though IIRC we don't have anything that's on releases.u.c on that page yet)09:21
pitticommitted, r404 in u-a-t09:21
pittistgraber: yes, I will (there is nothing pre-publish-y on final ATM)09:21
pittiwe only pre-publish ubuntu desktop/alternate/server now AFAICS (and only i386 amd64)09:22
Davieycjwatson: Are you still handling removals?09:23
cjwatsonDaviey: can do, point me at a bug?09:25
cjwatsonI thought server just added stuff ;-)09:25
pitticjwatson, skaet: pre-publishing done and syncing; I run cron.source now, as we are past all freezes for the release pocket; so we'll have the source images readily available tomorrow09:25
Davieycjwatson: not yet raised, didn't seem the point if it wasn't going to happen.. will raise now.09:25
cjwatsonpitti: cool09:25
Davieycjwatson: LOLOLO09:25
skaetthanks pitti09:25
Davieycjwatson: bug 98823409:27
ubot2Launchpad bug 988234 in openstack-dashboard "Please remove this package from precise, superseeded by horizon" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/98823409:27
pittiDaviey: adjusting horizon overrides again09:27
Davieypitti: thanks09:27
cjwatsonDaviey: done09:30
cjwatsonwe have no report for obsolete source packages, unfortunately, although they're more or less no-brainers to remove09:30
cjwatsonwe should have, Debian does09:30
Davieycjwatson: i suspect that will be a few crufty things.09:32
DavieyAnnoyingly, a few bugs got missed because people raised it against the old package source.. which were weren't subscribed to.. not that this problem will go away!09:33
* cjwatson gives up on the web interface and finds out what the archive bug queue looks like using lp.distributions['ubuntu'].searchTasks(bug_subscriber=lp.people['ubuntu-archive'])09:35
pittihttps://bugs.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-archive/+assignedbugs seems to work well here, but that's different from "subscribed", of course09:36
pittihttps://bugs.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-archive/+subscribedbugs?batch=30 WFM09:37
cjwatsonrather vitally different09:37
cjwatsonhalf the time I prefer lp-shell anyway :-)09:37
pittiI found that reducing the batch size often helps09:38
cjwatsonit was faster for a while with the introduction of BugTaskFlat09:39
cjwatsonbut meh09:39
DavieyOoo, not seen BugTaskFlat09:40
cjwatsonwgrant's reindexing effort09:40
pittiDaviey: ah, http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/component-mismatches.txt updated again; fixing harder..09:43
pittierr, wait, that looks confusing09:44
pittiwhy does it want to demote horizon again?09:44
pitti    Superseded09:45
pittiDaviey: I'm afraid LP got confused about the promotion/demotion09:46
pittiseems this needs a no-change upload09:46
cjwatsonuh, how did you manage that09:46
pittierr, wrong URL, ubuntu5 -> ubuntu6, but same problem09:46
pitticjwatson: I promoted -S -c main horizon, and then demoted the binaries that we didn't want09:46
pittiapparently you need to have a publisher run in between that09:47
pittisorry about that09:47
pitticjwatson: there was some confusion which extra binaries we needed, but the seeds got updated now09:47
wgrantYou can't revert overrides within a single publisher run. The binaries will disappear, as you've seen here.09:47
cjwatson2012-04-25 09:04:07 DEBUG   horizon/2012.1-0ubuntu6 has been judged as superseded by horizon/2012.1-0ubuntu609:48
cjwatsoncomedy gold09:48
Davieyit does need a no-change upload?09:48
pittiok, doing a no-change upload09:48
Davieypitti: wait09:48
wgrantcjwatson: ~ubuntu-archive/+subscribedbugs confuses postgres' planner. ~ubuntu-archive/+bugs is a superset of that, but uses a sufficiently nasty query that the planner is outsmarted, so it should be fast.09:48
Davieypitti: I'd like to sneak in one more change i was going to leave for SRU.09:48
pittiDaviey: ok, I'll let you do the upload and will review then09:49
pitti(and presumably binNEW)09:49
pittiDaviey: what's the nature of the change, OOI?09:49
cjwatsonwgrant: ah, thanks, indeed09:49
pittisomething 100% super-safe, I hope? :-)09:49
Davieypitti: seems running under wsgi we NEED to use memcache otherwise it randomly looses it's sessions as sessions are not handled across workers.09:49
wgrantBug #180218 is the binary-eater09:50
ubot2Launchpad bug 180218 in launchpad "override mismatch race needs to be fixed" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/18021809:50
pittiDaviey: ok, TBH I don't understand a word of that09:50
pittiDaviey: doesn't sound like a trivial change, though?09:51
Davieypitti: bug 968850 .. random log outs as the session is lost across wsgi/aapche workers09:51
ubot2Launchpad bug 968850 in horizon "intermittent errors and login page" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/96885009:51
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cjwatsonpitti: so it would be safer to be in the habit of using  -t -c main horizon  -c main <binaries>  in such cases09:51
cjwatsonfor now09:51
pitticjwatson: right09:52
Davieypitti: it's just a config change.09:52
cjwatsonI think I'm in that habit so I don't notice this09:52
pitticjwatson: as I said, the set of <binaries> changed in the middle of that :/09:52
* pitti -> 1-on-109:52
cjwatsonah :-/09:52
wgrantcjwatson: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bugs?field.subscriber=ubuntu-archive should work most of the time. I intend to look at fixing the bad plans tomorrow.09:56
wgrantubuntu-archive has the fourth largest number of subscriptions, so it makes some bad choices.09:57
ScottKslangasek: just that i understood there were some needing doing.09:57
cjwatsonthe extra ones in +bugs on its own shouldn't be a particular problem09:57
cjwatsonbut thanks09:58
wgrantFor people they're pretty problematic, but for ubuntu-archive it might work, yeah.09:58
Davieypitti: http://pb.daviey.com/qKej/ , currently validating10:03
ogra_skaet, so slangasek asked me to update the ubuntu-core part in the release notes ... i dont really know what to write apart from "all general changes for ubuntu also apply to ubuntu-core" ... we didnt touch anything in -core this cycle10:09
ogra_would that be enough for you ?10:09
skaetogra_ not quite.... ;)10:10
ogra_(and probably a link to the ubuntu core wikipage where we describe what core is indeed)10:10
skaeta link to the page, is definitely appropriate10:10
skaetno significant package changes between the releases?10:10
ogra_we simply dont have any precise spcific changes in it (unless infinity did anything i'm not aware of)10:11
skaethow should the installation/usage happen/10:11
ogra_skaet, nope, its still the same as in oneiric, just updated versions (as everywhere in ubuntu)10:11
skaetminimum configuration to use it in.10:11
skaetthose are the sort of questions.10:11
skaetthat are in the template10:11
ogra_thats all described in the wikipage and didnt change either10:11
skaetok,  if all the info is in the UbuntuCore page,  and no significant changes.10:13
ogra_its a kit to produce your own chroot or rootfs, nothing any enduser would use10:13
skaetAdd 12.04 to the current supported releases10:13
ogra_will do10:13
skaetand we'll just direct the top level page to it.10:13
skaetAre there any specific Ubuntu Core bugs?10:13
skaetThe only other thing is statinging somewhere the new architectures supported10:13
skaet(arm hf,  etc...)10:14
cjwatsonI can't think of any way a bug could be specific to Ubuntu Core without also being a bug elsewhere.10:14
* ogra_ assumes core is supported for 5 years and adds the entry like that10:15
cjwatsonIt must be.  Five-year support applies to packages, not continuing production of images (since we stop that after two years), and all the packages in core are by definition supported for five years already.10:15
cjwatson(If they weren't, nothing else could be supported for five years.)10:16
ogra_right, thats what i assumed10:16
skaet^ ogra,  Manifest is where support terms, etc. are kept.10:17
ogra_heh, yes, i know :)10:18
pittiDaviey: http://pb.daviey.com/qKej/> thanks; I'm afraid I cannot judge about the impact on this, so if you say we need this, then let's get it in; it's not on any of the images anyway, so in theory an SRU should suffice as well10:18
skaetall are 5 years, except for the armel port,  which is only 18 months10:18
pittiskaet: that's armhf, I take it?10:18
ogra_skaet, it says preinstalled in the table10:18
ogra_thats wrong, it is just a tarball10:18
* ogra_ corrects10:19
infinityThat was probably just a bit of cargo-culting.10:19
skaetthanks ogra_10:19
ogra_pitti, armhf is 5 years for non-desktop10:20
pittioh, it is? ok10:20
ogra_(due to armhf server)10:20
pittibut I thought armel was completely unsupported now10:20
pittii. e. similar to powerpc10:20
ogra_armel is out, yes10:20
cjwatsonclang is good.10:20
cjwatsonWell, except for the ways it fundamentally isn't.10:21
ogra_well, out of the canonical supported set ...10:21
cjwatsonBut the patch is fine, and certainly isn't going to make clang/armhf worse since it's totally unusable right now.10:21
ogra_still there as community image10:21
infinitycjwatson: Heh.10:21
cjwatsonSo accepted in order that we can clear those failures.10:21
infinityogra_: For strategic reasons, armel's getting some limited support.  Feel free to scream "LA LA LA" and ignore the previous sentence.10:21
dokocjwatson, seeing that lsb_release still talks about the "development branch" ...10:52
pittithat was fixed a few days ago by stgraber10:52
pittidoko: ^10:53
dokoahh, ok10:53
pittilsb_release -a LGTM here; do you have the previous version, or did something go wrong here?10:53
cjwatsonme too10:55
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cjwatsonDaviey: any news on that horizon upload?11:05
cjwatsonDaviey: if it's going to take a while, we should have a no-change upload to at least get the binaries back11:05
Davieycjwatson: I'm just waiting on one more ack before uploading.11:05
Davieycjwatson: i'll put it in the queue, but hold out for ack please11:06
Davieywb queuebot11:13
stgraberhehe, the auto-respawn seems to work but I'll need to have it do that before it tries to paste something11:13
stgraberas the current behaviour means we loose the entry it tried to paste before detecting it's no longer connected11:14
dokoinfinity, does clang generate hard float code by default now?11:14
cjwatsondoko: that's the idea11:15
infinitydoko: llvm certainly claims to, if fed the right bits.11:19
infinityI won't go beyond "claim" without digging deeper. :P11:20
dokoinfinity, no, I mean clang11:20
infinityWell, yes, and I have clang feeding the right bits to llvm.11:20
infinityI thought that was implicit. ;)11:20
dokobecause last time I checked it did default to soft float11:20
cjwatsonThat's what infinity's most recent upload fixed.11:20
infinityWell, "fixed".  Brute-forced with various multi-clawed hammers.11:21
cjwatsonBecause otherwise we couldn't build libdispatch.11:21
infinityI'll revisit it post-release to generate upstreamable patches.11:21
Davieycjwatson: can that upload be rejected please, uploading a more suitable one.11:28
cjwatsonDaviey: done11:37
cjwatsonhttps://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/eclipse/3.7.2-1/+build/3382822 - hooray, it stuck to the wall this time!11:38
cjwatsonheisenbugs ftl11:38
jamespagecjwatson, marvellous!11:40
cjwatsonI suspect that there's a random set of parallelised ant invocations that all have to get lucky, or something11:42
cjwatsonbut who knows11:42
dokohmm, last I looked it was all sequential11:43
cjwatsonthere were parallel bits in one of the ant xml files11:43
cjwatsonwhether they're honoured I have no idea11:43
cjwatson(specifically, in the one in the directory that I saw failing)11:43
Davieycjwatson: please accept horizon recent upload, thanks11:44
jamespagedoko, cjwatson: it looks like something in the native thumb code (just discussing with xranby on #openjdk)11:47
cjwatsonyou found my log?11:47
jamespagecjwatson, yep11:48
cjwatsonDaviey: done11:51
Davieythanks cjwatson11:56
DavieyIs anyone else seeing postfix sending mail failures?  seems to be ipv6 related?12:00
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lamontDaviey: I've seen them when my machine is unfortunate enough to be somewhere that hands it an ipv6 router without bothering to actually be part of the greater ipv6 world12:01
Davieylamont: hmm, actually.. localhost AAAA lookup failure.12:02
lamontDaviey: does it have an A RR?12:11
Davieylamont: I wrongly blamed postfix, for some reason dig localhost is failing :/.. /etc/hosts seems valid.. :/  Nevermind, sorry for the noise.12:13
lamontdig ignores /etc/hosts12:16
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scottl-workskaet: i have signed off on the release manifest, thank you :)12:34
* scottl-work is very excited about this release12:34
skaetThanks scottl-work!  :)   us too!12:35
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jo-erlendare the iso's done? I'm anxious about a fix that's marked as released, but  I don't think it's in the distro yet.12:53
jo-erlendbug 899001 to be precise.12:53
ubot2Launchpad bug 899001 in sessioninstaller "gst-install wants to install i386-version of codec packages on amd64" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/89900112:53
jo-erlendcommitted, even.12:53
ogra_well, committed isnt released :)12:54
jo-erlendis it too late for it to be released in time for the iso's to be completed?12:55
jo-erlendthat one really, really bothers me.12:55
stgraberjo-erlend: yes, it's too late12:55
astraljavaskaet: All required Studio tests are marked as Passed without bugs. Able to move them into Final now?12:57
skaetastraljava,  yup.  we'll work with stgraber to get them moved over, in the next batch.  :)12:58
jo-erlendI don't understand how Ubuntu can be released with an open bug that prevents nearly all users from doing something nearly all users will want to do; play media.12:58
stgraberastraljava: doing it now. Are upgrades ready too?12:58
ogra_jo-erlend, because there is always a .1 release (and SRUs) :)12:58
astraljavastgraber: Studio doesn't have an upgrade case. It probably should, but...12:59
stgraberastraljava: oh, good point ;)12:59
Davieymvo: bug 899001: Didn't hit the archive?12:59
ubot2Launchpad bug 899001 in sessioninstaller "gst-install wants to install i386-version of codec packages on amd64" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/89900112:59
astraljavaWhee! Thanks stgraber, skaet! :)13:00
jo-erlendogra_, right. In the meantime, journalists are going to write that Ubuntu is promising, but that it still requires some technical knowhow, such as figuring out that you need to "install the restrictions", as someone put it.13:00
cjwatsonDoes this affect only amd64?13:00
jo-erlendcjwatson, it does, yes.13:00
jo-erlendor I think so.13:00
Davieyit seems someone marked it fix committed for the ubuntu task when really it was just fix committed 'upstream'13:01
popeycjwatson: i only tested under amd6413:01
cjwatsonCan we at least please get this uploaded to -proposed immediately?13:01
cjwatsonWe can't do anything until that's done13:02
mvoDaviey: uh, let me check that out13:02
mvocjwatson: yeah I have a look now13:02
apwi hit the similar issue in testing, filed as bug #98738313:02
ubot2Launchpad bug 987383 in sessioninstaller "rhythmbox triggered request for additional codecs which erroneously included multi-arch libraries" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/98738313:02
cjwatsonI assume that https://code.launchpad.net/~aptdaemon-developers/sessioninstaller/multiarch/+merge/99693 is the fix13:03
apwthe issue is work aroundable by only selecting the right architecture codecs only from the popup13:03
infinitymvo: The way this was fixed seems suboptimal.13:03
phillwhi guys, will the final releases (now arriving for testing) in iso-tracker all have thier zsync options still available? I'm grabbing the lubuntu ones to mirror on a server & will need to zsync when the release is confirmed.13:03
apwthat is not as clear as one might care for it to be13:03
cjwatsoninfinity: look at the bit starting from "Get the architectures with an installed gstreamer library" - that seems like it'd restrict the architectures shown13:04
cjwatsonphillw: zsync generation is automatic, so yes13:05
infinitycjwatson: Oh, I missed the "it wasn't merged yet".  Bah.13:06
phillwthanks cjwatson , for i in ls; zsync .........$i makes more sense than wget :)13:07
pittiDaviey: almost there.. http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/component-mismatches.txt13:08
cjwatsonSo, we could (in principle, if QA is OK with it, if RM is OK with it) respin images for just a single architecture with this change in -updates so that other images aren't out of sync13:08
mvoinfinity: happy to talk about it in a bit (in a meeting right now) but the problem is that the protocol does not tell us what architecutre the plugin is needed for13:09
pittiDaviey: is python-django-openstack supposed to be in main (needs seeding), or should it go to universe?13:09
infinitymvo: I misunderstood that the fix wasn't actually in yet. :P13:09
mvooh, ok13:09
infinitymvo: So, I take back my suboptimal statement, maybe it's wonderful. ;)13:09
mvohaha, ok13:09
ogra_infinity, any idea about the omap/omap4 netinst images ? who tests them ?13:11
infinityogra_: apw and I are doing so here.13:11
infinityogra_: Almost done.13:11
* ogra_ thought QA would ... at least for omap4 13:11
ogra_ah, awesome13:12
Davieypitti: yep, pushed13:14
cjwatsonmvo: So this seems a bit stalled - would it be possible to construct an upload of sessioninstaller to -proposed that just has Sebastian's multiarch branch merged, or do you have concerns that that wouldn't be a sane thing to do?13:26
apwogra_, don't you have omap3/omap4 h/w too ?13:27
Davieyskaet: Do you know if "Common Infrastructure" is being worked on?  A few stub entries?13:35
cjwatsonnobody's done any publish-release work for wubi tarballs, have they, sisgh13:39
skaetDaviey,  re: "Common Infrastructure",  slangasek was working on it, but there is still stuff to clean up.13:41
jo-erlendI thought that was supposed to be taken out of the CD?13:41
jo-erlendor was that just a proposal?13:42
ogra_apw, thats why i asked, i would have started a test now13:42
stgraberjo-erlend: you can't install Ubuntu using wubi from a CD but wubi itself still works, using a compressed filesystem downloaded from the DC13:42
jo-erlendstgraber, I'm not entirely sure what that means.13:43
stgraberjo-erlend: go on www.ubuntu.com, download wubi.exe => still works with 12.0413:43
jo-erlendstgraber, it still installs to a filesystem image, or does it now just start a normal install?13:44
stgraberjo-erlend: it still installs the exact same way it used to, it just doesn't use the install media as its install source but the compressed fs from the DC13:45
infinityogra_: There's no such thing as too many people testing. :P13:45
infinityogra_: But we just got done testing it all here.13:45
jo-erlendinfinity, that's certainly true. I'm still experiencing lots of weird issues when switching between users.13:46
ogra_infinity, well, i have a compiz testbuild pending (as soon as the merge is done) so i would prefer to keep my panda free at least :)13:46
infinityogra_: Fair enough.13:47
infinityogra_: Do you have a decent Beagle?13:47
ogra_yes, an XM13:47
infinityogra_: You could do Kubuntu/omap13:47
infinityogra_: Oh, that craps all over the Beagle I have here.13:47
ogra_i have to rush out for 1h or so, but will fire off a test on it afterwards13:47
infinityogra_: Pretty please do Kubuntu/omap? ;)13:47
ogra_oh, kubuntu ... yeah, can do13:48
ScottKThank you.13:49
stgraberRiddell: http://www.stgraber.org/download/releases/ <- I'm mirroring Kubuntu 12.04 there too, it's currently mirroring the daily and merging them the ugly way, so the *SUMS file don't contain the right entries but it'll be fine as soon as I can mirror the real thing13:57
Riddellstgraber: oh thanks, but why mirror the daily/ why not just wait for them to be moved to releases/ and mirror that?13:58
stgraberRiddell: because I can't be sure cdimage will still have enough bandwidth at that point. It's easier to just mirror a few kBs for the index files/checksums than have to re-download the 20GB of the images13:59
Riddellstgraber: ok thanks14:00
RiddellI wonder if it would work to set one up on ec2 and charge it to canonical in the normal way14:01
stgraberRiddell: my experience with EC2 is that it's way too expensive for anything like that. The box I'm using to mirror these images cost me around $45 a month and has better specs than an extra-large amazon instance and 10TB of bandwidth included14:04
Riddellstgraber: yeah but at 12 hours notice it might be the only thing going14:06
cjwatsonpublish-release and publish-image-set.py handle Wubi now14:16
cjwatsonthe filesystem tarballs, that is14:16
Riddellprobable emergency SRU needed for Kubuntu to get upgrade notification working14:21
skaetRiddell,  ack.  Please put details on pad.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-release under SRU14:23
ScottKRiddell: I'll update the pad.  You go make the fix.14:39
RiddellScottK: bug 98834914:39
ubot2Launchpad bug 988349 in muon "no release upgrade notification" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/98834914:39
Riddelluploaded, needs testing first14:40
cjwatsonapw: sessioninstaller is ready to test in -proposed14:55
Riddellballoons: http://people.canonical.com/~jriddell/tmp/muon/ for testing14:55
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
Riddellping pitti15:06
pittihey Riddell15:06
Riddellpitti: can you review bug 988349 and the muon sru in unapproved queue15:06
ubot2Launchpad bug 988349 in muon "no release upgrade notification" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/98834915:06
Riddelland let it through15:06
pittiRiddell: sure15:07
pittiRiddell: hm, nothing in the precise queue?15:07
Riddellpitti: oneiric15:08
pittioh, is that for an older release?15:08
pittiRiddell: done; is that fixed in precise already?15:09
Riddellpitti: yes15:10
pittiskaet: time for g+ catchup?15:10
skaetpitti,  yes,  slangasek should be around now.15:10
pittiskaet: he's in g+ already15:11
* skaet lost in release notes. heading in now15:11
xdatap1skaet, Hi! We planned a last testing image today for the Italian CD. Is this a good moment or it's planned some uploads in next hours?15:13
apwcjwatson, confirming testing the new sessioninstaller package sorted out my codec issues15:17
cjwatsonpitti: apw's testing of sessioninstaller is apparently good; can we waive the testing period and copy this to -updates so that we can respin amd64 CDs based on that?15:18
cjwatsonassuming that that's still something skaet thinks is sensible, which I think it'd be good to confirm explicitly15:18
pitticjwatson: sure, waiving the testing period sounds ok to me15:18
cjwatsonoutdate_all is empty!15:18
cjwatsonboth primary and ports15:18
cjwatsoncomponent-mismatches - what's going on there?15:18
cjwatsonDaviey: ^-15:19
pittiit hasn't been updated in two hours15:19
Davieycjwatson: you tell me... that package is seeded15:19
cjwatsonthe archive might not have been updated15:20
cjwatsonit only updates when the archive does15:20
cjwatsonDaviey: huh15:20
cjwatsonok, I'll look into that15:20
Davieycjwatson: c-m doesn't seem to reflect the seed.. but i see, it's an archive update issue?15:20
cjwatsonDaviey: I'm not sure as yet15:20
cjwatsonit *should* have updated, from the looks of things15:21
cjwatsonhm, there's a .new that hasn't been moved15:22
Davieycjwatson: Hmm, i updated the seed after horizon was published.. so it could still be related?15:22
Davieyhas anything touched the release pocket since?15:22
cjwatsonDaviey: I very much doubt this has anything to do with anything you've done15:22
DavieyThat'll be a first. :)15:22
cjwatsonprocess-component-mismatches-diff is spinning15:23
sladenskaet: how does this work; do we create a new page at  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PrecisePangolin/ReleaseNotes/DesktopInterface  and include that?15:24
sladenskaet: or is there one created, or just edit the master page?15:25
sladenskaet: (for populating known issues)15:25
cjwatsonhaha, this is an entertaining bug15:26
cjwatsonprocess-component-mismatches-diff spins when component-mismatches goes empty15:27
cjwatsonfixed, c-m is now empty15:29
cjwatsonDaviey: ^-15:29
cjwatsonso we must never have had c-m empty since the diff mailer was introduced :)15:30
cjwatsonor else we didn't figure out the bug15:30
Davieycjwatson: nice catch!15:31
Davieyi've been keeping c-m populated most of the cycle :)15:31
pittijibel: is the upgrade test with oneiric-proposed apt still running, or did it finish?15:34
skaetsladen,  Use the master page to contain the content.   We may spin it to a subpage later, if its too much (like with did with Upstart for instance)..15:35
=== ralsina is now known as ralsina_lunch
stgraberskaet: marking Edubuntu amd64 as disabled on the tracker15:37
stgrabercjwatson, infinity: So, as I was telling skaet during our call, respinning Edubuntu amd64 without Edubuntu i386 may be "interesting" as the amd64 build contains an i386 ltsp chroot (as .squashfs), usually built by the matching i386 build. In this case, we can safely use the previous i386 ltsp chroot but I'm not sure if the scripts are clever enough to do that on their own15:40
stgraber(that's ltsp/i386.img in the resulting .iso image)15:41
jibelpitti, in progress15:45
skaetstgraber, so you want both respun?15:45
cjwatsonone moment15:45
stgraberskaet: if it's easy to respin just amd64 containing a new amd64 livefs and the old i386 chroot, I'm fine with that. If it's difficult to do, I don't mind re-testing both.15:45
cjwatsonI'm pretty sure it'll just work15:46
cjwatsonit'll either fail to build entirely, or build correctly, and I think the latter15:47
stgraberok, worth the try then :)15:48
cjwatsonrespins running on amd6416:05
pittiskaet: need to leave for TKD in 5 mins, is there still anything you need from me?16:11
* pitti waves good night16:14
skaetpitti,  thanks!16:15
RiddellI'm out for a couple of hours16:31
Riddellthen back for a long night of testing and writing16:31
ScottKballoons: We're having mixed results on the SRU for Kubuntu upgrade notification.  If you could test that it would be really, really helpful.16:39
balloonsScottK, so the best way is to use that pkg and upgrade 11.10?16:44
ScottKballoons: Take an to date Kubuntu 11.10, install the muon updates from oneiric-proposed, and add changelogs.ubuntu.com to /etc/hosts.  Then logout/in and you should get notified there's a new release.16:47
balloonsok -- I'll try that.. someone just finished an upgrade from 11.10 to 12.04 without issue or using the new update, afaik16:50
ScottKUpdates will work just fine without the new update, people just won't get notified.16:51
phillwhi guys, I notice you are doing some respins for amd64 multiarch bug. On Lubuntu, our two 'red' bugs are resolved (old kit, that was dying). We are good to go :)16:53
slangasekjibel: do you happen to have an eta for that oneiric-proposed test?  Will we be able to pick the results up from the jenkins overview when it's done?16:54
=== ralsina_lunch is now known as ralsina
cjwatsonphillw: Lubuntu didn't have sessioninstaller, so didn't need to be respun for this17:01
ScottKOK.  Thanks.17:01
cjwatsonI checked with seeded-in-ubuntu17:01
phillwcjwatson: okies, it was just to let you know that Lars found that two 'red' bugs were due to failing hardware. He has rescinded both.17:02
ScottKKubuntu ISO test status: i386 = Done.  amd64 = 1 dvd test left, tester downloading dvd, amd64+mac = tester downloading CDs, powerpc = desktop done and alternate in progress, armhf+omap4 = done, armhf+omap = hoping ogra can still do.17:08
ScottKThe upgrade issue won't affect precise, just oneiric.17:08
cjwatsonBug 987956 is a bit sad-making, though not diagnosed17:08
ubot2Launchpad bug 987956 in ubiquity "Installer Deletes Contents from Separate HOME partition without WARNING!" [High,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/98795617:08
balloons ScottK, working on the upgrade test now17:11
ScottKExcellent.  Thanks.17:11
ogra_ScottK, well, i'm at my 5th attempt now17:17
ScottKThanks for working on it.17:17
ogra_first failed when i accidentially touched the enter key at user creation17:17
ogra_since then i havent seen a successfull boot to ubiquity17:18
jibelslangasek, desktop and server passed, universe is in progress and should be done in 2.5 hours17:23
slangasekogra_: hmm?  why is touching the enter key breaking your boot?17:24
slangasekjibel: ok, cool.  will that show up on jenkins when done?17:24
ogra_slangasek, not my boot, it made kubuntus oem-config crash (i didnt have put in any data in the form field yet)17:24
jibelslangasek, yes17:25
ogra_not sure why the boot is broken now, might be my microSD card :/17:25
slangasekjibel: ok, cool... what would the URL be?17:25
ogra_(5 attempts above means that i rewrote the card 5 times from scratch, the last 4 didnt even get to X)17:26
slangasekjibel: we really need this SRU in before release, but if we can get it without you having to stick around to babysit test results, so much the better17:26
slangasekogra_: ah, heh17:26
jibeldesktop and server test build time is Apr 25, 2012 3:57:18 PM (UTC)17:27
jibelthese are the run with -proposed17:27
slangasekjibel: ok, I'll watch for the results, thanks17:28
slangasekpitti: ^^ if the oneiric upgrade tests check out, are you happy for me to self-promote the apt SRU?17:29
* stgraber downloads17:36
ogra_sigh, this one hung hard at plymouth with the "waiting for network configuration" message17:40
ogra_it feels like i'm booting some entirely different system ... ubuntu works just fine17:40
ogra_(syslog, boot.log and friends are all at zero bytes ... nothing on the serial console either ... :( .... )17:41
ogasawarawow, it happens like magic just as I was going to make the request to get the kernels new'd17:42
infinityogasawara: You're welcome.17:42
ogasawarainfinity: you're the best17:42
ogra_you didnt notice the little chip we implanted in your brain and connected to the queuebot ?17:42
infinityogasawara: I sure am.17:42
* infinity mumbles something about pineapples under his breath.17:43
* ogasawara giggles17:43
* ogra_ grins17:43
ogra_ok, one last attempt17:45
ogra_(if only the writing of the microSD wouldnt take 45min here :/ )17:45
* ScottK did and pinged the uploader ^^^17:49
* ogra_ sits at a console login prompt *again*17:50
ogra_i really really wonder why the first try got me to oem-config at all17:50
infinityScottK: \o/17:50
ScottKThree minutes to reject.  Can't complain about lack of responsiveness.17:51
ogra_it is as if having kubuntu-desktop installed scatters random bugs into the underlying system or so17:51
ogra_and i wish i could even remotely come up with an explanation17:52
ScottKWe do have a different plymouth theme and the kdm upstart job is different (but not very)17:54
ScottKOTOH, it apparently worked on omap4.17:54
* apw has just tested the current amd64-live image and the codec issue is resolved in this image17:54
ogra_the kdm upstart job shouldnt even execute17:54
ogra_since oem-config is there17:54
ogra_(and yes, /var/lib7oem-config-run is there too)17:54
ogra_rebooting the board randomly got me back to it !17:55
ogra_oh my17:55
* ogra_ sees the wallpaper 17:56
* ogra_ selects "Deutschland Zeit" in the TZ dialog (why doesnt it say "Berlin" ? )17:58
* cjwatson blames icu17:58
infinityBecause the former option makes me want to march patriotically, the latter makes me hungry for donuts.17:58
ogra_wow, the firefox icon in the slideshow looks really scary18:00
ogra_a robot dragon eating the world18:01
ogra_(its the first time i touch kubuntu since breezy btw)18:02
* ogra_ wonders if KDM will ever come up18:07
ogra_oh, there we go18:08
* ogra_ logs in18:08
highvoltagethe amazing tales of oliver's logins!18:09
ogra_well, if it wouldnt be so busy drawing animations it might show me a desktop at some point :)18:10
ogra_ah, there we go, i get the "Plasma Desktop Shell - The KDE Crash Handler"18:11
* ogra_ feels like in an 80s adventure game 18:11
ogra_just more bling18:11
ogra_oh, geez !18:11
highvoltagethat's pretty much what every day of my life is like. I spend most of my time walking north, then east, then south, then west though.18:11
ogra_just when i wanted to click it mived the window around18:11
ogra_and i have an empty panel at the bottom now18:12
* ogra_ wonders what to do with this18:12
ogra_oh and there is a button at the top right now that offers me to add another panel if i click it18:13
* ogra_ must admit he is totally lost with that UI18:14
ogra__look, i found a way to add a menu !18:16
* ogra__ now wonders how to judge an image that needed 7 install attempts but in the end succeeded18:17
ogasawarainfinity: now that the kernel is through, could I get lbm approved in the queue?18:18
Riddellskaet: who do we have as an archive admin18:20
Riddelland ubuntu-sru18:20
cjwatsonHere.  What do you need?18:20
Riddellcjwatson: bug 988349  is working for me18:20
ubot2Launchpad bug 988349 in muon "no release upgrade notification" [Undecided,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/98834918:20
infinityogasawara: It's still publishing.18:20
Riddellcjwatson: needs checking I've followed procedure right and moved to oneiric-updates18:21
infinityogasawara: I'll accept them when the kernel is happily published. ;)18:21
Riddellogra__: you're a top kubuntu testers now?18:21
ogra__Riddell: well, it was kind of painful but it finally succeeded18:22
infinityogasawara: Oh, and it finished while I was waffling. ;)18:22
ogra__but i'm still not sure how to mark that adventure on teh iso tracker18:22
Riddellogra__: what did it take to succeed?18:22
cjwatsonWe've already agreed that it's OK to waive the waiting period on this18:22
ogra__Riddell: several retries, it failed at very random and unpredictable places18:23
cjwatsonLooks fine, moving to -updates18:23
Riddellogra__: that doesn't sound like the sort of thing we want to release then18:23
cjwatsonRiddell: done18:23
Riddellcjwatson: great thanks18:23
cjwatsonthe bug tracker should notice shortly18:24
ogra__Riddell: well, i only have one (very old) microSD card here, now that the install finished it seems to work, the crashes and hangs were even before any kde stuff could kick in (i had two failures in oem-config and three times it got me to a console login instead of oem-config) ...18:25
ogra__Riddell: so i'm not sure if i should blame teh card or not18:25
Riddellogra__: so there is hope but that still doesn't sound like a successful test18:26
Riddellogra__: how do the ubuntu desktop images get tested?18:26
Riddellnot on the same (very old) microSD card I presume?18:26
ogra__Riddell: same way, do an install, use it for a while18:26
infinityRiddell: I tested them here.18:26
ogra__i didnt do any omap tests here18:26
ogra__apart from kubuntu18:26
infinityRiddell: I can spin up kubuntu/omap, just didn't do so.18:26
Riddellright, thanks for caring about us ogra__ :)18:27
ogra__it wont be fun in 256M18:27
Riddellinfinity: if it's convenient that would be nice but I'm not too fussed about getting it released18:27
ogra__Riddell: i think i can blame the card, if infinitymanages to get through oem-confing in teh first attempt i would say we are ok18:28
* ogra__ shuts down teh board ...18:28
infinityIf I manage to boot, it'll be a miracle, my Beagle only has 256M of RAM, which is why I asked Oli. :P18:28
* apw notes it also makes nose excretia look intelligent18:29
ogra_infinity, it should manage to run oem-config even in 256M18:31
ogra_i doubt it can run the desktop though18:31
infinityIt ran Ubuntu "alright"... Until Andy decided to test Firefox.18:32
infinityWhich was a Very Bad Idea.18:32
apwi resemble that remark18:32
* apw notes that although it was usuable, it worked18:32
infinityIt did, amazingly, cope.  It just coped very, very slowly.18:32
apws/very/omg very/18:33
cjwatsonYou aren't running this in emulation on an AVR breadboard, are you?18:33
stgraber^ please someone reject, dput fail, should have been PPA18:46
gemaskaet: I think we should release not but 97966118:47
gemarelease notE, sorry18:48
ogra_Riddell, i marked it as passed but with a comment about how i got there ... the installed system seems to work and all (i did several reboots etc)18:48
gemaomg, I cannot type18:48
infinityI'm testing it here, but will probably finish in the morning. :P18:48
skaet:)  gema,  I'm starting to resemble that as well.18:48
skaetbug 97966118:48
ubot2Launchpad bug 979661 in update-manager "oneiric to precise: debconf: unable to initialize frontend: Gnome and falls back to Dialog" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/97966118:48
cjwatsonI think that was the one where I was waiting to see if the oneiric apt SRU improved matters18:49
cjwatsonHas anyone tested that today since apt was moved to oneiric-updates?18:49
cjwatsonWait, that *hasn't* been moved to oneiric-updates, argh18:50
cjwatsonI thought that was a "must do before precise release" thing18:50
gemacjwatson: I am doing an upgrade right now18:50
gemacjwatson: problem is still there18:50
cjwatsonyeah, well, we haven't promoted the apt that fixes a load of stuff yet, so ...18:51
cjwatsonslangasek: ^- weren't you talking to pitti about that earlier today?18:51
gemacjwatson: but this time I found the hidden window so I am on the happy road to precise now18:51
cjwatsonright, I agree that's the workaround, but I was hoping that the apt promotion would render a release note unnecessary18:51
slangasekcjwatson: yes, waiting for the oneiric-upgrade-main autotest to complete18:51
gemacjwatson, slangasek ack18:51
cjwatsonAh - do we have an ETA on that?18:52
cjwatsonIt'd be nice to see whether this means we can forego a confusing and slightly scary release note18:52
slangasekjibel gave an eta of now-ish18:52
slangaseksorry, make that in-an-hour-ish18:52
slangasekcjwatson: desktop and server have already passed muster, perhaps it's better to promote that now and deal afterwards with any unlikely regressions affecting oneiric-upgrade-main?18:53
cjwatsonjudgement call I guess; gema, how long are you around?18:54
cjwatsonit'd be nice to have time for a manual upgrade test after this, but there'll be a publisher delay of course18:54
gemacjwatson: I don't have any other machine on oneiric anymore18:55
cjwatsonOh, is it not reproducible in VMs?18:55
gemacjwatson: I will install on one of my test machines18:55
gemacjwatson: I don't know18:55
cjwatsonRight, sorry for the hassle - it'll be a little while before we have something worth retesting, in any event18:55
gemabut doesn't matter, I will get a netbook on oneiric18:55
slangasekand do we think 979661 would be worked around by this SRU?18:55
gemaand you tell me when to try18:55
cjwatsonslangasek: I don't know, but it seems not implausible because it's definitely affected by ordering18:56
slangasekgema: if you wanted to enable oneiric-proposed, you could test that immediately18:56
cjwatsongema: in fact, ... what he said18:56
slangasek(that's what's being done in the jenkins tests right now)18:56
cjwatsonyeah, upgrade apt from oneiric-proposed, then start upgrade18:56
cjwatsondoes update-manager do that automatically from oneiric-updates?18:57
cjwatson(IOW, would we need to release note this in any event for people who haven't upgraded apt?)18:57
gemaI am already half way through the upgrade18:57
gemaI need to install a test machine with oneiric18:57
cjwatsonwe meant on the netbook18:58
gemaok, will do that18:58
cjwatsonBut failing that, I can certainly write up a release note18:58
gemaby the time I have it there you may as well have it further down the pipeline, if not, I will use proposed18:58
gemaI guess I am going to be around for a while :D18:58
gemacjwatson: oneiric iso downloading, will keep you posted in progress19:00
slangasekcjwatson: automatically from -updates> I'm afraid I don't know19:00
cjwatsonHm, I can't say I'm convinced that it will19:01
cjwatsonThe prerequisites code does things like release-upgrader-apt, but not apt itself (at least it isn't configured to)19:01
* slangasek nods19:02
slangasekso a short release note is probably in order19:02
gemacjwatson, slangasek do you guys still want me to test it tonight, then?19:07
cjwatsonIf this apt fixes it, then we can say that fully updating your 11.10 system before the upgrade to 12.04 avoids this bug, which would be a good thing to be able to say19:08
cjwatsonSo I think it is worth it19:08
cjwatsonBut only if you're not already entirely frazzled19:08
gemacjwatson: ack, so I will install oneiric19:08
gemacjwatson: then point to -proposed my sources, then update19:08
gemathen upgrade?19:08
gemais that what we are aiming to?19:09
cjwatson'sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install apt'19:09
gemasorry, I am not familiar on how to use proposed19:09
cjwatsonthere's a wiki page somewhere with stock advice, one moment19:09
gemaso I enable proposed, then I install apt19:09
cjwatsonIt should be version 0.8.16~exp5ubuntu13.319:10
* Riddell signs off on various kubuntu images19:24
infinitykubuntu/omap is going alright, except for the part where I only have 256MB of RAM...19:25
cjwatsonI think it's beer o'clock19:26
gemacjwatson: indeed, I will let you guys know the outcome when I am done19:27
skaetslangasek,  we're breaking for a bit,  online later.19:27
cjwatsonI expect I'll be around by phone-IRC if nothing else19:27
gemacjwatson: although I would prefer you not to touch the repositories after the beers x)19:28
slangasekskaet: ok, later19:28
jibelslangasek, universe upgraded successfully on both arch19:52
slangasekjibel: woot, thanks19:52
jibelslangasek, for main jenkins tells me : ETA: N/A :)19:52
jibeland it is still unpacking packages19:52
slangasekheh, alright19:52
slangasekapt oneiric SRU published19:54
Riddellfolks we have a second emergency SRU for kubuntu upgrades in oneiric, bug 94487619:55
ubot2Launchpad bug 944876 in software-properties "changed mapping of release_upgrades_policy causes software-properties-kde to set the wrong policy" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/94487619:55
cjwatsongema: aw, you're no fun19:58
Riddellcjwatson, slangasek: either of you able to take this software-properties SRU of yofel's?19:58
cjwatsonOnly if it's small enough to be reviewed in a phone's web browser19:59
Riddellcjwatson: should be actually19:59
yofelone line change in 2 places19:59
slangasekif not I can look soon-ish19:59
RiddellI'm out for half an hour but it's in precise and oneiric-proposed19:59
slangasekfirst though, trying to work out if the amd64 respins are all done20:00
cjwatsonshould be20:00
slangasekUbuntu Desktop amd64+mac seems to have not been updated?20:00
slangasekand would also be hit by this20:00
cjwatsonoh, I meant to do that20:00
slangasekcjwatson: should just be a debian-cd run, no livefs, right?20:00
slangasekI can do it20:00
cjwatsonif you could  ARCHES=amd64+mac for-project ubuntu cron.daily-live  that'd be good20:01
slangasek(well, running)20:01
cjwatsons-p diff is pending, maybe somebody at a real computer could look20:01
Davieycjwatson: You aren't on your phone are you?20:02
cjwatsonah, both oneiric and precise?20:02
cjwatsonDaviey: I am, about to put it away and drink beer so put away the nagging stick :020:02
=== bulldog98_ is now known as bulldog98
stgrabercjwatson: I'll take a look at software-properties20:11
stgraber(though I guess it should be an SRU team member as it's oneiric-proposed)20:11
stgraberRiddell: what's with preview.diff?20:12
stgraberRiddell: looks like you forgot to cleanup before upload :)20:13
slangasekstgraber: where are you seeing that? the oneiric version?20:14
stgraberslangasek: http://launchpadlibrarian.net/103077132/software-properties_0.81.13.2_0.81.13.4.diff.gz shows me software-properties- being added to the source20:15
stgraberslangasek: yeah, the oneiric one20:15
slangasekRiddell, yofel: looks like this was built from branch with 'debuild' instead of with 'bzr bd'; the differences are small enough here that it's ignorable, but please make a note for the future20:16
slangasekdebuild may not give the right results, particularly for native packages20:16
slangasekyofel, Riddell: walk me through this, please.  You're manually shifting the policy index at runtime; that means the value stored on disk is still wrong for some users, and this only fixes the problem if they run software-properties-kde again?20:23
yofelyes, I don't know how to fix that in the config file on update20:23
slangasekthe data is lost, we can't decipher intent20:24
slangasek(not reliably)20:24
slangasekso this is considered "urgent" so that oneiric users who have managed to set the wrong policy can fix it from the gui in order to upgrade to 12.04?20:24
* slangasek nods20:25
slangasekprecise accepted; sounds like oneiric should be reuploaded though, from stgraber's comments?  (just looking at it now)20:26
RiddellI can do trhat20:26
slangasekif you use bzr bd, you also don't have to worry about stray temp files getting into the diff :)20:27
len-dtShould the qatracker be reset for ISOs that have been respun today? Ubuntustudio's amd64 ISO is still showing test results from yesterday. Web page http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/milestones/216/builds20:27
slangasekRiddell: rejected from oneiric-proposed, but the actual change looks fine20:28
slangasekso please get me a clean diff and I'll accept20:28
stgraberlen-dt: testing for the rebuilds needs to happen in http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/milestones/214/builds20:29
slangaseklen-dt: I've marked the "Precise Final" build as "disabled", thanks20:29
slangasekand as stgraber says, the one to test is listed under pre-release20:29
len-dtOk thanks. I post it in our IRC chanel.20:30
ogasawaraI've uploaded a new lbm-3.2.0-24.8 (-24.7 failed due to buildd kernel version issues which didn't appear when doing local test builds)20:32
ogasawaracould I get that approved, when someone has a moment20:33
Riddellslangasek: uploaded software-properties20:33
slangasekRiddell: and accepted, thanks20:34
slangasekogasawara: looking20:34
gemagetting my oneiric ready for upgrade20:35
stgraberas the bot is saying, Edubuntu amd64 was tested and I moved it over to Final20:35
slangasekwas someone else touching software-properties?20:35
slangasekthere were two in the queue20:35
slangasekI tried to reject one, then accept the other20:35
Riddellslangasek: I might have rejected the other20:36
slangaseknow it looks like both were rejected20:36
Riddellslangasek: I'll reupload20:36
slangasekI'll un-reject20:36
slangasekogasawara: OOI, why does this only apply to the net modules build?20:37
ogasawaraslangasek: the cw-3.3 ones were already smart enough to pass in the proper version and not default to the host machine20:37
slangasekwould it be more future-proof to assume those might also get dumber down the line? :)20:38
ogasawaraslangasek: indeed :)  I'll add it to my list to review and fix up.20:39
Davieyslangasek: fancy allowing horizon into -proposed?  I'd ideally like it in release pocket, or at least updates soon.  It's not shipped on any images.20:39
highvoltage0/win 2820:41
slangasekprepublishing the amd64 updates20:42
slangasekDaviey: accepted into -proposed; sufficiently trivial that I see no reason not to copy to release when published20:43
Davieyslangasek: thanks20:44
popeyOUTRAGE!! bug 988543 simply _must_ be fixed before release!20:47
ubot2Launchpad bug 988543 in gnome-screenshot "printscreen flashes twice instead of once." [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/98854320:47
popeyor something20:47
* slangasek arranges to fix your outrage before release20:47
* ScottK hands slangasek a hammer.20:47
Riddellwho's incharge of the download links?21:03
slangasekas in, on www.u.c?21:07
gemadoing the distro update with apt version 0.8.16~exp5ubuntu13.321:22
gemaupgrade, sorry21:22
slangasekgema: btw, does your netbook have the same set of packages installed that the machine you saw the bug on did?21:23
slangasekbecause this is a slippery bug21:23
gemaslangasek: yes, that's why it took me so long21:23
slangasekok, great :)21:23
gemaslangasek: I hope I haven't missed anything important, because I am feeling sleepy by now21:24
ogasawaracould I get lbm and linux-meta binNew'd?  After that the day-0 kernel will be ready to be pocket copied21:26
ScottKballoons or jibel: Could still use some help on amd64+mac for Kubuntu.21:32
balloonsScottK, ack21:36
gemaslangasek: still asking me to configure libc621:45
gemawith the new version21:45
gemaslangasek: we need to release note21:45
slangaseksorry, can you clarify?21:45
slangasek"asking you to configure" is by design and not release notable21:45
gemayeah, I will take a snapshot21:46
slangasekthe bug is if it's asking this in the terminal where you can't see it21:46
gemaslangasek: it is in the Terminal, asking me "Services to restar for GNU libc library upgrade: "21:46
slangasekthen yeah, that's the bug21:46
slangaseknot your fault21:47
slangasekthanks for re-testing21:48
gemano probs21:48
gemaslangasek: I took a picture with the phone, the machine is frozen and doesn't do screenshots or window resizings21:56
gemaslangasek: in your inbox21:56
slangasekthanks, I think that's enough information for us to generate a release note21:57
gemaslangasek: ack, I am calling it a day21:57
gemasee you tomorrow21:57
tumbleweed^ that's a non-trivial upstream bump, but seems sane given the circumstances22:02
slangasekstgraber: I've added a release note for bug #985065 to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PrecisePangolin/ReleaseNotes/UbuntuDesktop, but I couldn't figure out how to make it *work* to change the keymap after choosing "try ubuntu"; you may want to review22:05
ubot2Launchpad bug 985065 in xkeyboard-config "Can't use fr/oss keyboard layout by default" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/98506522:05
stgraberslangasek: testing my workaround again now to make sure it still works22:08
balloonsmy box is SO slow.. still trying to see if I get the upgrade bug22:08
stgraberslangasek: oh, well, I didn't remember it being that broken last I tried...22:11
slangasekstgraber: basically, I get a keyboard menu with four french keymap choices; moving between any of them still leaves me in qwerty; and the 'add keymap' button in the dialog is grayed out22:11
slangasekis that what you see too?22:11
stgraberslangasek: so the workaround isn't exactly intuitive. You need to go and re-order the keyboards in the keyboard layout window, that will reset the X property fixing the bug22:12
slangasekoh ugh22:12
slangasek*reorder* keyboards22:12
Riddellskaet: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PrecisePangolin/ReleaseNotes/Kubuntu is eyed over by me and ready for proofreadig22:12
slangasekstgraber: do you think what I have there currently is better?22:12
stgraberslangasek: right, it's grayed out because ubiquity already set 4 layouts (maximum supported by X), you'd need to remove one in order to have access to the "add keymap" button22:12
skaetThanks Riddell22:13
jibelslangasek, I think both workarounds are valid. opening keyboard setting and dragging 'France' to the top of the list is an easy workaround once the live session is started22:13
stgraberslangasek: yeah, I think it's easier to have them choose the layout in gfxboot than tell them how to get to the keyboard layout and then drag&drop entries to workaround the bug22:14
ScottKskaet: Kubuntu powerpc also signed off (we've got all the images but amd64+mac done and signed off).22:21
balloonsScottK, I'm still working on amd64+mac.. someone should be getting off work and seeing the plea for help :-)22:22
balloonsmy 11.10 upgrade test attempt bombed out though.. my kubuntu 11.10 install froze up trying to grab the proposed packages.. :-(22:23
ScottKIs qapt hung?22:23
ScottKThere's a bug there in qapt 11.10.22:23
balloonsohh.. yea22:24
balloonsand :-)22:24
ScottKI had a similar problem today.22:24
balloonsif I try again, will it work perhaps?22:24
balloonsi just rebooted the box22:24
ScottKI had to kill qapt, then dpkg would run.22:24
balloonsok.. I'll do that then22:24
ScottKsudo apt-get -f install and see what happens.22:24
ScottKIt's a real bug, but not directly relevant to upgrading to 12.04.22:25
stgraberScottK: ok, I'm going to move all the Kubuntu builds to the Final milestone except for amd64+mac22:25
stgraberScottK: what's the status on upgrades?22:25
ScottKstgraber: Sounds good.  Thanks.22:25
Davieyslangasek: did you copy horizon to release pocket?22:25
ScottKstgraber: They are working, but we're having some issues with upgrade notification.22:26
ScottKRiddell: Did the second SRU get in?22:26
RiddellScottK: yes, needs testing22:26
ScottKstgraber: ^^^ actual upgrades are tested and working.  Need testing on a second SRU for upgrade notification.  That's the status.22:26
stgraberScottK: ok. I'll wait for both of them to be 100% covered on the tracker before moving them22:27
slangasekDaviey: not yet - it's built and published everywhere now?22:27
ScottKI think that's reasonable.22:27
Riddellsoftware-properties-kde in oneiric bug 944876 needs testing22:27
ubot2Launchpad bug 944876 in software-properties "changed mapping of release_upgrades_policy causes software-properties-kde to set the wrong policy" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/94487622:27
stgraberScottK: amd64 seems to need some results, the only results so far are mine and these are automated headless testing, so having one human at least confirming it looks good from the UI would be good22:28
ScottKstgraber: OK.  I'll look for someone to try it.22:28
Davieyslangasek: seems to be22:29
stgraberScottL: ping22:29
Riddellgo kubuntu images!22:30
stgraberScottL: I see your new amd64 image on the tracker has been tested, is it good for release or do you want more testing done first?22:30
stgraberjibel: I think I'll finally be ahead of davmor2 on http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/reports/testers/top20 by the time we release! :)22:36
jibelstgraber, your bot should be blacklisted ;)22:37
ScottKThese kind of stats are almost never fair.  I made the top sponsors list almost entirely on the basis of being the uploader for one KDE release.22:38
ScottK(it has a lot of packages)22:38
Davieykarma for doing an upload which happens to contains translations was always a good one.22:38
stgraberjibel: hehe, don't worry you'll still be a long away ahead of me, especially once you get Jenkins to post the automated tests directly to the tracker :)22:39
ScottKIt got better since you didn't also get drowned in spam.22:39
ScottK(for doing an upload with translations)22:39
stgraberDaviey: best you can do is use a LP managed project (like LTSP): merge translations in trunk, release, add tarball to LP, merge tarball in UDD branch, tag, push the branch, upload the package22:40
stgraberDaviey: that way you get twice the bazaar karma, twice the translation karma and you get the usual soyuz karma :)22:40
ScottKBTW, AFAICT, syncs using syncpackage get you no karma.22:41
stgraberDaviey: oh and I forgot karma for the bugs you fix in the upstream release and again in Ubuntu with the upload.22:42
Davieywhile true ; dch -i 'no change test build' ; debuild -S -sa ; dput ppa *.changes ; sleep 1h ; done22:42
Davieyseems like reasonable karma-o-matic for soyuz22:43
Davieyanyway.. nn o/22:43
stgraberDaviey: add a few hundred bugs in that changelog entry and write a 10 lines python script moving them back to New before uploading ;)22:44
slangasekstgraber: was the fix for bug #898278 tested to confirm that upgrades are still offered when the version installed *is* older?22:44
ubot2Launchpad bug 898278 in ubiquity "Upgrade menu option should not appear for old releases" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/89827822:44
slangasekstgraber: I'm getting "erase" where I'm expecting "upgrade"22:45
slangasekand I fear it may be related to misparsing of version strings with LTS in them22:45
stgraberslangasek: IIRC I tested it and we have unit test coverage for those bits in ubiquity trunk22:45
stgraberslangasek: and I seem to remember testing for point releases and stuff like that, let me have a quick look22:46
ScottLstgraber, heh, i didn't know it had been tested yet, i was downloading it now....let me check22:49
slangasekstgraber: hmm, ok.  so the case I'm testing is booting an amd64 desktop CD in a machine installed as 11.10 i38622:49
slangasekand I'm expecting an upgrade option there22:49
stgraberslangasek: hmm, odd, yeah it should definitely show up in that case22:51
stgraber>>> re.split(".*([0-9]{2}\.[0-9]{2}).*", "12.04.1 LTS")[1]22:51
stgraberslangasek: ^ that's the version parsing code used in ubi-partman22:51
* stgraber grabs an Ubuntu 11.10 i386 image22:51
ScottLstgraber, i'm slightly confused, i have an email for 20120425 build but the qa site shows 20120423 as tested but still building a new image22:52
stgraberScottL: you're looking at Precise Final instead of Precise Pre-release22:52
stgraberScottL: look at: http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/milestones/214/builds for your new amd64 image22:52
* ScottK sends out his bi-annual "Boost version for $RELEASE" email.22:52
ScottLstgraber, i see it now22:52
stgraberScottL: once it's good to go, I'll move it to Precise Final22:53
ScottLoh, you are saying that22:53
ScottLstgraber, checking with the person who tested it now22:54
stgraberslangasek: if you want to have a look while I setup the environment here, it's around line 1780 in /usr/lib/ubiquity/plugins/ubi-partman.py22:55
ScottLstgraber, okay, word is that it is good :)  thank you22:55
stgraberScottL: ok, moving it then22:55
slangasekstgraber: yes, already looking22:56
balloonsScottK, I can't get the do-release-upgrade -d to find the precise release22:58
ScottKballoons: Install software-properties-kde from -proposed23:01
balloonsright -- maybe it didn't stick23:02
balloonsi have proposed enabled.. and everything is up to date23:04
* ScottK is on about a 4 second lag right now, so answers come slow.23:07
balloonslol -- yep, I confirmed sources.list23:07
balloonsand updated23:07
slangasekScottK, balloons: the s-p-kde package doesn't autofix on install because it can't tell whether or not you've ever used the GUI23:08
slangasekit only fixes it if you run the gui again23:08
ScottKSo run the gui and see what happens.23:09
ScottKLag is only three seconds now.   Much better.23:09
balloonsScottK, lol.. os i purged andinstalling it again from command line this time23:10
balloonsbah it's the same still..23:10
slangasekstgraber: the 'reuse' option fails much earlier, ubi-partman.py line 212223:13
ScottKOK.  Gotta go.  BBIAB.23:14
Riddellballoons: hi what are you testing?23:17
stgraberslangasek: anything weird with your partitioning?23:19
slangasekstgraber: no; ordinary vm23:19
stgraberslangasek: if it fails there it's most likely a bug somewhere in partman23:19
stgraberslangasek: I tried here and I get the Upgrade option23:19
slangasekstgraber: with an amd64 CD over an i386 install?23:19
stgraberslangasek: I installed Ubuntu 11.10 i386, full disk install in english. Then booted Ubuntu 12.04 amd64 and I see "Install alongside", "Upgrade", "Erase", "Something else"23:20
stgraberthat's stock 11.10 i386, never booted23:20
* slangasek nods23:20
slangasekstgraber: do you mind testing if the 'upgrade' option works, since you have it there?23:21
stgrabersure, running now23:21
stgraberit's busy generating .debs now so at least that part seems to work. As I don't have any data or custom package installed on that 11.10 system it's going to be a bit tricky to check it actually did everything right23:24
slangasekstgraber: sure; consider it a smoke test for now, hopefully I'll be able to do a fuller test in a little bit :P23:28
slangasekblah, yeah, the bug is deep in partman23:32
stgrabersorry you have to dig in there ;)23:32
slangaseknot digging any further23:38
stgraberslangasek: install worked23:38
slangasekthanks for checking23:39
stgraberslangasek: apparently the upgrade at least kept /home as I'm getting the old wallpaper (wallpaper is cached, so I need to switch to another one and back to warty-final to get the new one)23:40

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