
=== issyl0 is now known as Guest18075
MooDoomorning all07:04
TheOpenSourcerermorning MooDoo07:07
TheOpenSourcererand everyone else.07:07
TheOpenSourcererlo popey07:12
TheOpenSourcererBlimey it's wet here today.07:13
hoover_hi folks07:42
MooDoomorning czajkowski08:02
czajkowskiMooDoo: howdy hows you08:02
MooDooczajkowski: i'm not bad thanks :D08:03
TheOpenSourcererSo it really is going to happen then... Steam 4 Linux.08:25
popeylooks like it08:27
* DJones checks the date to see if its April 1st08:27
andylockranlol :)08:32
diplonice find popey08:32
diploThought some one would have to do it eventually, especially seeing the sales on indie bundles etc08:32
JamesTaitMorning all! *8OD08:39
bigcalmMorning peeps :)08:42
andylockranmornig bigcalm08:42
andylockranhow goes things?08:42
bigcalmRabbit in headlights :)08:43
mungojerryi just noticed they fixed a global menu issue with dual monitors the other day :D08:51
mungojerrynow the window title doesn't show on the screen without the active window08:51
awilkinsOOh, Steam and Source on Linux #squeee08:59
mungojerryawilkins, i may be getting ahead of myself, but they could provide their own OS, rather than depend on supporting windows7/8/etc09:03
mungojerry(and a console)09:03
awilkinsWell, there is that09:04
awilkinsThey've been recruiting hardware bods09:04
awilkinsI always thought MS were missing a trick not making XBox-OS for the PC09:04
awilkinsA cut-down version of Windows just for playing games09:04
mungojerryi have to open up my pc, and switch sata cables just to play a game atm09:12
BigRedSawilkins: surely that'd be neither XBox nor Windows, though?09:13
BigRedSand they probably don't like the idea of push Windows as only being good for gaming09:13
awilkinsWell, true09:13
awilkinsPeople might only use that09:13
awilkinsI stopped using Windows for my primary productivity years ago09:14
BigRedSyeah, I think that goes for most of us09:14
BigRedSbut I don't think MS want to create an OS that advertises that :)09:14
awilkinsA shame I still need it for email, office documents, etc09:15
awilkinsLibreOffice is all very well *functionally* but the compatibility still bites09:15
awilkinsOur email server is trapped behind an auth gateway that so far no-one has produced an open client implementation for09:17
awilkinsSo it's Outlook, VPN, or OWA (uck)09:17
directhexmungojerry, why not just use a boot loader menu?09:18
mungojerrydirecthex, insufficient sata ports, windows is installed on a separate disk :D09:18
directhexhow many drives do you have??!09:18
mungojerryi have a lowprofile PC with only 2 sata ports. :(09:18
mungojerrythe larger PC was too heavy to carry home.09:19
mungojerryso i brought the smaller one :)09:19
awilkinsI was thwarted when I bought my new motherboard and discovered that it had no IDE ports09:19
awilkinsI had to buy a new optical drive. Not installed it yet.09:19
directhexawilkins, well, no, it's 2012. they don't have RS232 either09:20
awilkinsOr PS/209:20
awilkinsWhich is annoying09:20
awilkinsModel M forever!09:20
awilkins(I got a USB -> PS/2 dongle)09:20
directhexi think it was intel's ICH8 (maybe ICH9, i'd need to look it up) southbridge controller which eliminated most legacy support, including IDE. so to offer an IDE port, a motherboard needs to pay for an extra chip e.g. a jmicron IDE controller09:20
directhex"ICH8 is offered in several different versions and is the complement to the 965 class MCH chips. The non-mobile ICH8 does not have a traditional PATA interface, and just one AC'97. In practice, most baseboard manufacturers would like to still support and offer PATA appropriate connection types over additional chips of JMicron or Marvell."09:22
directhexICH8 was on P965 and similar chipsets, from 200609:22
mungojerrydirecthex, was looking at sparkleshare yesterday, noticed u were the packager :P09:25
directhexnot the main one, i just made one upload or two09:26
mungojerryhave got a couple of guys at work into it09:27
davmor2morning all you funky people09:37
MooDoomorning davmor209:48
davmor2MooDoo: morning dude, at least one of you is funky ;)09:49
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bigcalmdavmor2: you pinged me last night09:50
davmor2bigcalm: yeah did you take out all the memory from your hp server before you put the new stuff in?  Was it 2gb if so if it fits mine would you be interested in selling it?09:52
bigcalmdavmor2: yep, I have it spare09:53
davmor2bigcalm: cool I'll double check what mine take but I have a horrible feeling it might be ddr2 not 309:59
brobostigongood morning everyone.10:04
selinuxiummorning all   o/10:12
brobostigonmorning selinuxium10:12
selinuxiumHiya brobostigon, you good?10:12
brobostigonselinuxium: yes, i think so, mostly. and you?10:13
selinuxiumNot too bad thanks. :)10:13
davmor2bigcalm: meh DDR2 :(10:20
gordi still read dance dance revolution...10:23
MartijnVdSgord: not East Germany?10:37
bigcalmdavmor2: so this ddr3 won't work in your box?10:37
MartijnVdSgord: Deutsche Demokratische Republik (German), the German Democratic Republic (English), i.e., the former East Germany, a state in Europe, 1949–9010:37
davmor2bigcalm: Nope10:37
bigcalmdavmor2: That's sucky10:38
davmor2bigcalm: indeed10:38
davmor2bigcalm: such is life10:38
bigcalmdavmor2: I've got a shed-load of ddr1 if you want ;)10:39
* MartijnVdS looks waht his laptop eats10:40
bigcalmMartijnVdS: wrong size I'd speculate10:40
MartijnVdSbigcalm: DDR310:41
MartijnVdSwell yes10:41
MartijnVdSConsidering upgrading to 8G10:41
zleappopey, just tried 12.04 on my desktop,   keyboard overlay works fine :)10:56
MartijnVdSkeyboard overlay?10:56
MartijnVdSLike the ones you used to get with WordPerfect? :)10:56
zleappress super and you get numbers on the launcher,  keep it pressed you get a keyboard overlay pop up over the screen10:59
brobostigonare all ipod connectors the same? or do they vary, and i have to get one specific to the ipod model?11:13
BigRedSbrobostigon: I've not yet found any incompatibility11:14
BigRedSand I've got through shedloads of the things11:14
MartijnVdSEven the first ever ipods etc.?11:15
MartijnVdSthe firewire ones?11:15
popeyzleap: hurrah11:20
popeybrobostigon: the only different ones recently are the ipod nanos which have no 30-pin dock but connect via the headphone port11:21
brobostigonpopey: the model i have here is the very first nano model.11:22
popeybrobostigon: does it have a display?11:24
brobostigonpopey: yes.11:24
popeyso yeah, "standard" 30 pin doc connector on the bottom11:24
brobostigonso any standard ipod connector, will work.11:25
brobostigonok, thank you popey11:26
directhex"standard ipod connector"?11:27
brobostigonyes, the female/male proprietry connector.11:28
mungojerryjust saw somebody using bing search. lol11:58
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MartijnVdSmungojerry: Weird people12:24
zleapchat later,12:25
zleapbtw is it possible to alter the size of icons in the launcher ?12:25
Daraelzleap: ISTR yes, but I forget how.12:26
bigcalmYes, but I'm not using unity atm to tell you how12:26
zleapwhat is ISTR12:26
Daraelzleap: I Seem To Remember.12:26
bigcalmI seem to remember12:26
zleapok thanks12:26
zleapa bit like IIRC12:26
MartijnVdSIn the "appearance" dialog12:26
zleapif i recall correctly12:26
zleapok will have a look,  or have a look with 12.0412:26
zleapi wonder if 12.04 will pull in user data from an existing install12:27
DaraelIf memory serves, it's not in the GUI config tools for Oneiric, but it is in the ones for Precise.12:27
zleapif installed to another partition12:27
DaraelPossibly it can be got at in Oneiric with CCSM.12:27
zleapthat would be useful  icons are fine,  but sligtly smaller may be good here12:28
zleapanyway got 2 go,  so chat when i get back from work12:28
directhexmungojerry, i use it on my phone, since it's the only option12:41
popeydirecthex: you can't change it?12:46
directhexnein. i can add a google shortcut to my home screen, but the search button goes to bing12:46
dwatkinsbing uses google's results anyway, though ;)12:48
davmor2directhex: would that be a windows phone 7 phone then?12:49
directhexdavmor2, yes12:49
DaraelA thought just occurred.  We've had Bayesian filters in email clients for yonks, but there don't seem to be any newsreaders with one, even though the scoring features of more recent ones seem like they'd fit with the concept rather well.  D'you think it's just because (proportionally) so few people bother with Usenet any more?12:51
directhexpopey, some chinese OEMs hardcode bing into their androids, iirc12:51
bigcalmUsewhat? ;)12:51
Daraelbigcalm: That's an answer of sorts, I suppose.12:52
dwatkinsDarael: there's always RSS12:52
Daraeldwatkins: It's hardly the same.12:52
dwatkinsDarael: true, but I imagine it's a lot more prevelant nowadays12:52
dwatkinsI'd like my RSS reader to show me things I actually want to read12:53
DaraelIndeed it is (although aren't we all supposed to be using ATOM instead?).  It's still not the same, being unidirectional.12:53
dwatkinsHaving said that, the counter argument could be stated that I should choose my RSS feeds more carefully, of course.12:53
BigRedSWe're looking to hire a sysadmin at work, how frowned-upon are posts like that to the uuk list?13:05
shaunoI'd be tempted to nudge you towards http://mailman.lug.org.uk/mailman/listinfo/linuxjobs  if that avenue interests you13:08
shauno(doesn't answer yer question, but worth knowing it's there ;)13:08
BigRedSyeah, I think it's going to be posted there, too13:20
BigRedSI suppose anyone on lists in general who is after a job is on that one, too, anyway13:20
BigRedSIs there a way to report bugs against content in wiki.ubuntu.com?13:31
BigRedSI can't find it as a project in Launchpad13:32
diploWhere are you anyhoo BigRedS ?13:32
mattton ubuntu, what creates the ssh host keys?13:35
popeyBigRedS: it's a wiki13:35
popeyedit it13:35
mattti know on RHEL etc. there's an ssh-keygen in the sshd init script13:35
MartijnVdSmattt: the postinst script of the ssh daemon13:36
MartijnVdSmattt: check /var/lib/dpkg/info/openssh-server.postinst13:36
AlanBellthere may be some regenerating of host keys in the oem config stuff13:37
BigRedSpopey: that only works if I know what is correct13:37
popeyBigRedS: what page ?13:37
BigRedSif someone follows the instructions on the wiki and finds they don't work how do they flag this up for someone who does know the answer13:37
matttMartijnVdS: ah, makes sense13:37
* czajkowski tickles christel 13:38
BigRedSer, a java one. Someone's mentioned it on your favourite list :)13:38
BigRedShang on13:38
BigRedSoh, wait, not the wiki. I mis-read. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java13:39
BigRedSnot sure what that counts as13:39
BigRedSargh. There's too much documentation13:39
popeycommunity documentation13:39
popeywhats wrong with it?13:39
matttAlanBell: yeah, i have an older ubuntu VM with no host keys, and when it first boots they get created13:39
matttwhile on 11.10 no recreation seems to take place13:39
BigRedSI don't know; I don't have anything here to test on, it just ocurred to me that there's no apparent process for bug reports against it13:40
BigRedShe's saying that he gets no errors and no Java which is probably not what's happening13:40
AlanBellBigRedS: that is a wiki too13:40
BigRedSyeah, but it's not *the* wiki :)13:40
popeyit's _a_ wiki13:41
BigRedSstill, the fact it's a wiki is great if someone who knows the answer happens to find that the content is wrong13:41
BigRedSwhich seems a little unlikely13:41
popeyat the top there is "Wiki Guide"13:41
popeyI clicked that13:41
popeythere is "Communication"13:41
BigRedSaha, in there is a link to https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntu-docs/+bugs13:42
BigRedSso it's ubuntu-docs that any bug would be reported against13:42
gordhttp://www.superbotentertainment.com/ is a very cool website14:02
popeyooh, it's all gamey news today.14:53
* AlanBell likes a bit of game pie14:55
AlanBellhello Guest3251114:57
=== Guest32511 is now known as cbx33
popeyhi pete14:58
popeyhi pete14:58
cbx33hey popey14:58
cbx33long time dude!14:58
cbx33hey AlanBell14:58
cbx33how is evreyone?14:58
popeytickety boo14:58
cbx33so I'm sat here wondering if I should upgrade tonight14:58
popeyexcept AlanBell who is ill14:58
popeyyes, do it now before the rush14:58
* AlanBell is mostly fixed14:58
cbx33thinking that14:58
cbx33man it's been a long time indeed14:59
cbx33so are people sticking with unity now14:59
* AlanBell will have one last pre-podcast lemsip then I am totally fixed14:59
cbx33or looking at the reworked classic?14:59
AlanBellyeah, unity has been mostly unbroken and is now quite good14:59
* cbx33 has been out of the loop - FOR A LONG TIME14:59
popeyi only use unity14:59
popeyeven on old/slow/crappy machines14:59
cbx33I have been using it too14:59
cbx33to be honest it's been pretty good15:00
popeymy kids both use unity 2d on their Eee 900 (900MHz Celerons)15:00
cbx33so tonight I upgrade then15:00
davmor2popey: and even with a script to try and force you to use 2d more15:00
cbx33home my boot time improves15:00
cbx33oh fcol!!!15:01
popeyi remotely updated mums machine yesterday15:01
popeyno calls yet15:01
cbx33popey: was that an answer to my hope?15:01
popeyits nice and quick here15:02
popeybut then I have SSDs in everything15:02
cbx33mine suffered i think with the last upgrade15:02
cbx33I may have to do a fresh install15:02
cbx33but I always hate doing that15:02
popeyi rarely fresh install15:02
cbx33I don't like to15:03
cbx33I hope calibre is fixed in 12.0415:03
popeyhow is it broken?15:04
cbx33some converting didn't work for me15:04
cbx33in the Git book15:04
cbx33hey popey did you ever read my novel btw :p15:05
AlanBelleveryone coming to the release party tomorrow?15:18
davmor2AlanBell: nope working15:19
bigcalmAlanBell: too far for a school night15:19
bigcalmGah, it's Wednesday today?15:20
bigcalmTime is slipping away from me15:20
AivarasGuys may any one uses google's or openDNS DNS servers and can ping to my domain and say that IP that gives? its "256.lt" Thanks!15:21
davmor2bigcalm: it's not slipping I'm stealing it muhahahahahahahahahahah15:21
popeyalan@deep-thought:~$ host 256.lt15:22
popey256.lt has address
popey256.lt mail is handled by 10 mail.256.lt.15:22
bigcalmAivaras: http://www.whatsmydns.net/#A/256.lt15:22
popeyAivaras: you can do this yourself. nslookup 256.lt
Aivarasoh. thank you guys :)15:23
AlanBelllooks like 60 responses to the cabinet office consultation so far (well 60 answers to question1)15:28
AlanBellhttp://consultation.cabinetoffice.gov.uk/openstandards/ please fill it in if you have not done so already15:29
davmor2popey: is it nearly out yet?15:33
czajkowskidear ear popping madness go away :(16:02
drussellczajkowski: could be worse... ear pooping madness would get very messy...16:09
davmor2czajkowski: use the lemsip16:38
czajkowskidrussell: way with words sir!16:42
czajkowskidavmor2: just went and got some16:42
czajkowskihad to wait till the pesky rain went away16:42
davmor2czajkowski: did you get the dissolve or swallow ones?  if take the first one as tablets to keep you going for now and then the next set have as a drink the vapours will help sooth16:45
czajkowskiswallow ones dissolve stuff is icky16:46
czajkowskiand also drussell since when did you arrive mister16:46
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drussellczajkowski: arrive? I've been here for a very long time ;o)16:53
drussellczajkowski: stealthy though ;o)16:54
dogmatic69rackspace / slicehost vpn == virtual public network16:56
hamitrondogmatic69, isn't that common?17:00
hamitronI personally disable the "local" interface on my vps17:00
hamitronthen just have loopback and public interface17:01
MarquessDeBonBonAny of you going to be at Infosec tomorrow?17:30
=== Guest18075 is now known as issyl0
=== StevenR_ is now known as StevenR
brobostigonhttp://www.vanheusden.com/multitail/manual.html interesting program.18:34
Azelphurphoronix are chanting steam is coming to linux again18:41
Azelphurnot sure if real this time18:41
robjohncdunno, the screenshots look reasonable, and a hostname of "valve-system-name-here" could be a precursor to the "Steam Box"18:43
Azelphurwould be interesting if the steam box was just a linux box18:43
robjohncthere was some talk about how if the "Steam Box" had to run windows, it would be too expensive18:44
Azelphuryea, perhaps that's what they are doing18:44
robjohncIf it runs linux, that's also a way to keep competitors (e.g. Origin) off the box, as there's no linux client for them18:44
popeytbh once steam on linux is available _anyone_ can make a steam box18:47
Azelphurinteresting prospect :)18:48
robjohncIndeed. I can get rid of windows completely.18:48
popeypeople could just make a black box18:48
popeywith an auto-updating lean linux distro that boots directly into steam18:48
robjohncyes. Certified Steam boxes could have a certain hardware configuration, and therefore be fully tested etc.18:49
bigcalmpopey: good idea, let me know when it's ready ;)18:49
dwatkinsbigcalm: http://www.develop-online.net/news/40019/Valve-product-designer-leaks-Steam-console-photo ;)18:54
bigcalmLooks like a PC18:55
bigcalmNot very consoly18:55
dwatkinsfifteen years in any job, and I'd be building linux machines on my desk at work18:56
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gmbRandom aside: Stunt Alan's voice reminds me of Douglas Adams.19:51
* popey points gmb at #ubuntu-uk-podcast20:05
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bigcalmOh, is that happening tonight?20:06
bigcalmpopey: how come you're not on but Mr Bell is?20:07
AlanBellbigcalm: I am the replacement Alan20:10
bigcalmAlanBell: Apart from the 1st name, I haven't found you both to be completely interchangeable just yet.20:12
bigcalmAlanBell: get a job with Canonical ;)20:12
bigcalmIs it out yet?20:17
zleapbigcalm, i didn't tjhink it was out till tomorrow20:17
jacobwprecise has been out in my mind since i started using it at beta120:18
popeyzleap: humour20:18
bigcalmzleap: I'm very aware of when it's our. Sadly my attempt at humour only works if you know I've been around for a few releases now :)20:18
bigcalmThat and I've had 2 pints of ale20:19
bigcalmOh my, just had a thought20:19
bigcalmI hope the RAT goes slowly and is a smooth ride20:19
bigcalmHope people don't get motion sickness :|20:20
* jacobw prediced the thought would be ale related20:20
bigcalmReal Ale Train is not far away now :D20:20
jacobwslashdot is really disappointing20:20
popeywelcome to 5 years ago20:21
jacobwit used to my source of technical analysis of cool new stuff, now its just like reading bbc technology news without an ubuntu logo on ubuntu related stories20:22
zleapjust printed that poster sent to the list,  on unity, excellent document20:23
jacobwthat poster is going to be stuck on the side of the screen of the less technical users when i upgrade my office to precise20:24
bigcalmOnly need to have Mum's birthday, Gran's birthday, Hayley's 40th birthday, Northern Ireland trip, Stewart Francis gig, sister's birthday, my birthday, RAT, dad's birthday. Then we get to oggcamp :D20:26
bigcalmOo, Stewart Francis gig is before Hayley's birthday and Northern Ireland20:30
zleapmaybe it can be included on cd's20:32
zleapor is it too late for that20:32
YaManicK1llis there no wiki page for precise release parties?20:32
AlanBellYaManicK1ll: that is done on the loco directory now20:33
YaManicK1lloooooo ok20:33
YaManicK1llmakes more sense20:33
AlanBellhttp://loco.ubuntu.com/events/global/1598/detail/ all of them20:34
YaManicK1llcool cool20:34
popeybigcalm: you on 12.04?20:37
popeyor anyone20:37
bigcalmpopey: laptop is, not currently running20:38
bigcalmOh, servers are :D20:38
Davieypopey: are you nuts?  Wouldn't run that yet :)20:38
popeypress printscreen20:38
popeyflashes twice when it should flash once20:38
Davieypopey: you know i don't have a print screen button on this machine :)20:40
bigcalmpopey: yes, dual flash20:41
popeyhahaa Daviey20:42
popeyget a thinkpad20:42
popey(and don't kill it this time)20:42
popeymaybe it's the redeye reduction feature20:42
ali1234confirmed with the printscreen thing20:43
ali1234second flash is just 1 frame20:43
ali1234probably a divide by zero / fencepost error in the fading out algorithm20:43
bigcalmCan you run dropbox on a headless server (no gui)?20:43
bigcalmAnd does U1 still require a GUI to work?20:45
popeybug 98854320:45
lubotu3Launchpad bug 988543 in gnome-screenshot (Ubuntu) "printscreen flashes twice instead of once." [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/98854320:45
popeyyes bigcalm20:45
popeyno bigcalm20:45
bigcalm3 bags full, bigcalm20:45
bigcalmpopey: bug 988543 confirmed20:46
lubotu3Launchpad bug 988543 in gnome-screenshot (Ubuntu) "printscreen flashes twice instead of once." [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/98854320:46
bigcalmStarting to ponder U1 usage20:47
bigcalmHave 4.2gb on dropbox though20:47
bigcalmAnd it's on all of my machines and platforms20:48
popeyi recently cleared out my dropbox20:48
popey0.2% of 11GB used20:48
bigcalmAnd it's how I share documents with work20:48
bigcalmBoss uses it, I need to keep using it20:48
popeyaaaaaaand, yet again I click "Ubuntu Software Centre" when I meant to click "Ubuntu One"20:48
popeyyeah, i only used it for that20:48
bigcalmHumm, is that a bug?20:49
bigcalmClicking the wrong icon ;)20:49
popeytwo icons next to eachother being predominantly orange in colour?20:49
bigcalmI would say so20:49
bigcalm2 pints of ale, maybe I won't do any more work for the evening20:50
ali1234what if the icons had some writing under them... then you could tell the difference?20:50
ali1234or maybe at the side20:50
bigcalmA matter of space?20:50
ali1234why leave U1 on the launcher anyway?20:50
ali1234doesn't it run automatically?20:50
popeyprogress indicator20:51
popeywhen it works :D20:51
popeygood point20:51
ali1234for that matter why leave software center on there?20:51
popeyi have a habit of locking random apps to the launcher20:51
ali1234use the dash it is faster20:51
popeynot after 3 glasses of wine it isnt20:51
popeymy mouse targetting is pretty good, typing less so20:52
ali1234i only have nautilus, firefox and shell locked20:52
ali1234and gedit20:52
bigcalmDoes unity work over 3 screens on 2 graphics cards? Plus one of the screen is rotated 90 degrees20:54
Azelphurbigcalm: no.20:55
bigcalmI shall stick with xfce for the time being then20:55
Azelphurbigcalm: maybe on ATI, definitely not on nvidia20:55
bigcalmAzelphur: both gfx cards are nvidia20:55
Azelphuryea, no then.20:55
Azelphurbeen there tried that20:55
AzelphurI also use XFCE20:55
bigcalmI want to use Unity :)20:56
bigcalmI want to be a part of the crowd, not apart from it20:56
bigcalmI can't help myself. I'm still working21:02
bigcalmWhat is wrong with me?21:02
bigcalmI used to work until 10pm ish when I worked in the office. At least working from home means I can have a drink at this time of night.21:02
bigcalmNot sure it mixes well with coding though21:03
jacobwwork is fun21:05
ali1234why is myspace tom on g+?21:06
ali1234and why does it keep suggesting him to me?21:06
ali1234is it the real myspace tom or an imposter?21:06
ali1234he has 2 million followers21:06
robjohnchis photos made me block him21:08
ali1234that's the only thing he posts21:08
ali1234but why isn't he posting this stuff on myspace>21:09
soulnafeinis there any event planned in London?21:12
ali1234i heard there's some sporting event soon21:13
soulnafeinI mean an Ubuntu one21:13
popeysoulnafein: yes21:19
popeytomorrow evening21:19
bigcalmAnd another ticket bites the dust21:35
bigcalmMaybe drinking is good for my coding21:35
bigcalmShould experiment during work hours tomorrow21:36
bigcalmDamn, I want a curry now21:36
dogmatic69bigcalm: what you coding?21:36
bigcalmdogmatic69: symfony 1.4, cakephp 1.1, bespoke API for an iOS app21:37
CabbageHow do I connect to servers?21:37
bigcalmNow, time for some SOAP and paypoint.net21:38
bigcalmCabbage: what servers are you referring to?21:38
dogmatic69bigcalm: why not bust out the php3 while you are back in the dark ages?21:38
CabbageI want to onnet to FinalOwnage21:38
dogmatic69Cabbage: open chrome, type ip :)21:38
bigcalmdogmatic69: the site I'm writing the API for was started in 2001. The code is hairy21:38
CabbageHow you find ip?21:39
dogmatic69bigcalm: my condolences21:39
bigcalmdogmatic69: it pays the bills :)21:39
dogmatic69Cabbage: I was being sarcastic, your question was not very specific21:39
bigcalmI like wiring bespoke code. Some what liberating21:39
dogmatic69bigcalm: https://www.ohloh.net/languages/221:39
dogmatic69so do I :)21:39
CabbageThanks for the help.21:39
bigcalmdogmatic69: there are worse things one can use than PHP to make a living21:40
bigcalmCabbage: if you can be more specific, we might be able to help you21:40
CabbageImagine I play RuneScape.21:41
bigcalmI have no idea what that is21:41
CabbageOkay, lemme think21:41
jacobwits a browser based mmorpg21:41
Cabbage[ Final Ownage Elite IRC ]21:41
CabbageI try to join that irc21:41
Cabbageidk how21:41
jacobwwhat irc network is it on?21:42
jacobwwhat client are you using?21:42
bigcalmIf it's on freenode (this network), just type /join #finalownage21:42
jacobwto join an irc channel, you need to know its name and what network its on21:42
CabbageOkay ty21:42
bigcalmOtherwise you will have to connect to the correct network 1st and then use that command21:42
CabbageGonna try find out which network21:44
bigcalmCabbage: where did you see #FinalOwnage?21:45
CabbageThat is server21:45
Cabbageirc.swiftirc.net (6667)21:45
bigcalmtype: /server irc.swiftirc.net21:45
bigcalmAnd then: /join #finalownage21:45
bigcalmCabbage: what irc client are you using?21:45
bigcalmIndeed, you could also use their webchat21:45
Cabbagexchat i think21:46
bigcalmI guess they typed the command :)21:46
jacobwout of band ftw21:46
soulnafeinat what time is 12.04 available?21:52
popeysoulnafein: we dont specify a time21:56
popeygord: saw this and thought of you http://www.wtfjapanseriously.com/2012/04/candy-hamburgers.html21:56
* bigcalm will never again accept sweets from gord21:57
ali1234so... steam for linux anyone?21:59
Azelphurdo want21:59
ali1234in the phoronix article that line about how gabe sounds like "a directory of Linux Foundation" is very telling21:59
ali1234jim zemlin has been pushing this idea of linux as a platform for "app stores" for years22:00
ali1234because if your appstore runs on a linux based platform you create, you don't have to give 30% to anyone22:00
ali1234thus his efforts to push it for OEMs22:01
ali1234jim zemlin is of course... director of the linux foundation22:01
AlanBellcanonical want 5% or something like that I think22:02
ali1234it wont matter22:02
ali12345% is still more than 0%22:02
AlanBellyeah, I get that, I was just throwing it out there as another data point22:03
ali1234also 5% is absurdly low22:03
ali1234literally absolutely everyone charges 30%22:03
AlanBellliterally apple and google charge 30%22:03
ali1234and microsoft22:03
AlanBellI was wrong22:04
AlanBellthey charge 20%22:04
ali1234also nokia/ovi22:04
bigcalmWouldn't it be grand if 12.04 was released while everybody was asleep?22:05
bigcalmAbsolutely everyone22:05
bigcalmThink flashforward22:06
ali1234what's that movie where everyone in the world falls asleep for 1 hour and then they have to figure out why?22:06
ali1234seems like amazon is 30% too btw22:06
bigcalmali1234: sounds like an episode of TNG22:07
ali1234no it;s what you said22:07
ali1234except it wasn;t an hour22:07
bigcalm2 mins or something22:07
popeyi watched the first 5 mins of that22:07
popeykinda wish I'd watched the rest22:07
ali1234it was cancelled22:07
ali1234so you probably saved yourself a lot of time22:08
bigcalmWe watched 3 eps and got bored22:08
bigcalmI have the book to read at some point22:08
bigcalmRight, time for sleep22:08
bigcalmNight peeps22:08
gordpopey, yeah thats great :) something like that inspired me to start this service. got even more candy today, so tasty http://lightbox.com/photo/mXCyOJe and http://lightbox.com/photo/OR1muYZ22:10
popeygord: do you have any idea what's in htem before you open them?22:14
gordkinda, the guy sends out emails sometimes, often when the candy needs a description, but me and a friend who also gets the service ignore them and open them at the same time so its a surprise :)22:18
Oliali1234: FlashForward?22:20
OliMy bad - thought you were looking for the name.22:21
=== Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away
zleapif I share a cd drive on windows,  how do I access this from Ubuntu22:36
zleapi have shared my printer on windows22:36
zleapi found it22:37
zleapit may hammer my network somewhat22:38
hamitronI'd assume you mount it like any other smbfs share22:39
zleapok fuse (specy emulator do i need gTk or sdl version22:51
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=== Seeker is now known as Seeker`

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