
snap-lhttp://www.jamendo.com/ <- Visit this with Chrome02:48
snap-lSeriously, this is horseshit.02:49
greg-gsnap-l: or iceweasel02:49
snap-lEven fucking Firefox isn't supported.02:50
greg-ga little late for a april fools joke02:51
snap-lYeah, no kidding02:51
greg-g"We're working on getting the new Jamendo up and running! We know some of you are having problems connecting, but it will be ready SOON!"02:51
greg-g10 hours ago via twitter02:52
snap-lWow, this is dreadful02:53
snap-lThey've just made finding stuff on their site 10x worse for me02:54
snap-lI hope it's partly some growing pains02:56
snap-lbecause if this is the final product, I'm going to be getting most of my music via bandcamp from now on02:57
greg-galso, apparently they removed search by license, according to mlinksva03:00
snap-lWell, their search is for shit right now03:01
snap-lBut that wouldn't surprise me03:01
snap-lNext time I feel the need to bitch about Unity, someone please bring up this article to show how bad it could have been03:05
snap-lgreg-g: You can still search by license on Jamendo10:57
snap-ljust happens that the search doesn't work. ;)10:57
snap-lat least it doesn't work if you use "Latest Releases"10:58
snap-lI thnk I figured it out.11:06
snap-lwell, maybe not11:10
rick_hoooh, I might have to do an emergency laundry load pre-CHC today11:30
rick_hfrom march 20th to april 25th, long turn around time11:31
rick_hold school '4-6wks' kind of thing11:31
brousch4-6 weeks to get your laundry done?11:40
rick_hhjkl shirt from teespring11:40
rick_hforgot I ordered it actually until I saw http://www.reddit.com/r/vim/comments/srk1q/ama_request_someone_who_has_been_delivered_their/11:40
brouschyou can wear it without washing it first11:41
rick_hno, can't wear new clothes without a washing, nope nope nope11:48
brouschi do it all th time11:54
brouschgrrrr. osx lion's workspaces are driving me nuts12:30
brouschthey randomly re-order themsels12:30
brouscheven gnome3 is more consistent12:31
snap-lrick_h: Um, is it shipping today?12:35
rick_hno, usps today12:35
snap-lYou sure?12:35
rick_hwhich means I know what I'm sporting during my talk this weekend! bwuhahaha12:35
rick_hsnap-l: USPS tracking says yesterday it was at clarkston Post Office12:35
rick_hso assuming they can get it on the delivery truck in one day12:36
snap-lThis is the post office we're talking about. :)12:39
jrwrenit is clarkston we are talking about12:44
widoxrick_h: oooo, I've been waiting for mine12:49
widoxlongest online order, ever12:49
rick_hyea, no kidding right?12:49
rick_hI thuoght I was ordering originally but guess it was just the "pre-order" phase until they reached the numbers required for a printing12:50
jrwrenwtf are you talking about?13:14
jrwrensurely not raspberry pi13:14
rick_hjrwren: no, hjkl shirts13:15
rick_hsee http://www.reddit.com/r/vim/comments/srk1q/ama_request_someone_who_has_been_delivered_their/13:15
rick_hhmm, there are some cool designs there on teespring, but I can't find a good way to browse ongoing campains13:20
brouschi was hoping to wait a week, but i'm biting the bullet tonight. putting a new HD in the dell. too many annoyances on osx and too many upcoming linux demos i need to do13:25
rick_hyea, either do it later or after13:25
jrwrendo you at least have an apple KB with your mac?13:26
brouschit's a MBP13:27
brouschnice machine. lovely touchpad, but i miss the nipple now13:27
ColonelPanic001I've accidently typed before on unfamiliar laptops, trying to use the keyboard nipple13:34
ColonelPanic001"oh, right, some laptops don't have them"13:34
brouschon the dell i got used to using the nipple to control the pointer and the tiny touchpad to scroll13:36
brouschi wish i could afford a 500GB SSD13:39
rick_hhmmm, big ssd...in raid...13:39
brouschfor the laptop13:39
rick_hhmm, raid ssd on the laptop13:39
brouschremove the DVD and add a second ssd?13:40
rick_hon the larger laptops13:41
brouschhm, i think i can get away with 200GB if i move a bunch of pictures and videos to my desktop13:43
rick_hI've been good as a 120 with getting pics/music off and using online/streaming for access13:43
jrwrenbrousch: as a previous nipple fan, i've no idea how you can miss the nipple with how good an apple touchpad is.13:50
jrwrenon a windows or linux laptop, esp a thinkpad with its 10cm by 10cm touchpad, the nipple > touchpad, but on a mac with a nice 6" by 6" touchpad, the touchpad > nipple.  <-- i exagerate of course13:51
jrwrenI have a 64GB SSD and I am fine, I don't need any more because I don't store movies & music on it.13:52
rick_hyea, I'm at 38GB on a fresh install. 64gb gets cramped, especially when I was doing screencasts/editing video13:53
brouschrick_h: oh yeah, music too13:53
brouschi could carry around a usb HD if i need more storage temporarily13:54
rick_hI have a 2.5" spinning disk in a usb/esata carrier I keep in my bag13:55
rick_hit's for all the big stuff, on the road needs13:55
rick_hesata ftw, I can't wait to upgrade the laptop and have true esata on board13:55
brouschjrwren: i felt the same way when i switched from MBP to dell with nipple, now i think i prefer the nipple13:56
widoxVMs also eat up space quickly, I've been doing good on my 120GB SSD though13:56
rick_hyea, but I honestly haven't gotten past 1 or 2 vms usually13:56
brouschi just run little server VMs13:56
rick_hand that's definitely a good esata use case I think13:56
brouschoooh, OCZ 128GB for $13013:57
brouschor sandisk 120GB for $13013:58
brouschor even kingston 120GB. those seem reasonable13:58
rick_hjust compare reviews/numbers on them13:59
brouschsandisk looks good13:59
jrwrenbrousch: i was a huge trackpoint fan 10 yrs ago. these days I only prefer them when the touchpad sucks (sadly most do)14:01
jrwrenI do not use VMs14:01
brouschoh man, newegg has a 1 day $30 discount on it too. $100 for this 120GB sandisk14:01
jrwrenat least not on a laptop14:01
rick_hbrousch: shoot, get that and at least stick it in the desktop14:02
brouschi'm going for it14:04
brouschif anyone else is interested: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E1682017154514:05
jrwrenvery tempting.14:05
jrwreni could use it in my server.14:05
jrwrenreplace the dying drive that hangs my server occasionaly14:06
jrwren!!! https://developers.google.com/speed/spdy/mod_spdy/14:28
jrwrengoogle released mod_spdy for apache under apache license.14:28
jrwrenlooks pretty sweet.14:29
rick_hyea, they've had a mod_spdy for a while, year ish?14:29
rick_h1.3yr it looks like by ticket tracker14:29
rick_hsupposedly nginx is supposed to be getting something this summer14:31
jrwrenbut this is a release14:45
rick_hlol http://goo.gl/81eyw14:47
jrwrenoh, maybe not.14:47
jrwrensorry for the spam then.14:47
rick_hyea, it's cool. I hope to use it sometime, but I've gone nginx so now I'm waiting for it14:47
rick_hwould love to see how it'd work for us on LP, but that's webops not me14:48
jrwrenvery funny14:50
jrwren*gasp* rick_h the nginx hipster14:50
jrwrendoes nginx have a nice wsgi module?14:51
rick_hno, I run uwsgi or gunicorn behind it14:53
rick_hit's got a wsgi proxy bit I use14:53
rick_hI need to update the doc: http://docs.bmark.us/en/latest/hosting.html#nginx-config14:54
snap-lrick_h: That user agent string thing is the truth14:55
snap-lwhat a complete cluster that became14:55
rick_hsnap-l: yea, thuoght people could appreciate that14:56
brouschgunicorn is the bizomb15:18
brouschfor django15:18
JonEdneyGood morning folks.15:29
rick_hkind of cool http://i.imgur.com/k0pv0.jpg15:53
snap-lKind of sad15:53
greg-gso much brand management it is amazing15:54
snap-lWhat's also interesting is the overlap15:55
snap-lA&W is both Dr. Pepper / Snapple  and Pepsico15:56
rick_hoh wow, didn't notice that15:56
snap-lAnd they don't even cover Vernors15:56
snap-lwork a summer in Bottle Return sometime. ;)15:57
snap-lAlso, I'm not entirely sure on the 7up line15:58
snap-lwikipedia says it's part of Cadbury / Schweppes15:59
jrwrenI own Kraft.15:59
snap-ljrwren: Kraft owns you.15:59
brouschsnap-l: machines do that now15:59
rick_hjrwren: heh that's what I was thinkihng. If kraft goes away I'm doomed15:59
jrwrengot some shared when phillop morris, err.. i mean altria sold off their holding15:59
jrwrenit was very fun to own and see all that they hold.15:59
jrwrenso I knew a lot of the Kraft side of that image.15:59
rick_hah, gotcha15:59
rick_hown as in stock15:59
rick_hI was looking at the products I use and which side I'm most dep. on16:00
snap-lYeah, Kraft is HUUUUUGE16:00
snap-lNabisco was a big purchase for them16:00
brouschfor you geeks with kids http://www.amazon.com/dp/B004UISEUG/ref=pe_175190_21431760_C1_cs_sce_dp_116:01
snap-lI'm a geek without kids, and I want.16:01
snap-lAlas, I have just paid for Rush tickets16:02
snap-lfloor level16:02
snap-lAlex side16:02
snap-lSection C16:03
rick_hyou'll have to come by for dinner while you're up this way16:03
snap-lI will now be selling off my worldly posessions.16:03
brouschbah, rush is a fad. R2D2 wall decals are forever16:03
snap-lrick_h: It'll be tight to get there. 7:30pm16:04
snap-lHoping JoDee can get time off as well16:04
rick_hlol, I forgot I got one of these vim shirts for my wife too16:04
rick_hslowly geeking her out with python shirts and such16:04
snap-lbecause she'll be a pissed off camper16:04
rick_hty pyladies16:04
brouschyour wife is writing python?16:05
rick_hno, but got some pyladies gear at pycon16:07
rick_hshe's got a few geek shirts not, launchpad, pyladies, now vim16:07
brouschmine sticks to scifi16:07
snap-lYeah, but will the gloves come off when she says she likes JQuery?16:08
jrwrennot just the gloves16:08
brouschlet's see if we can get her into ruby16:09
rick_hhah! I was debating trying to get a YUI shirt overnighted16:09
rick_hhey, I respect ruby, just can't find a use case where python doesn't work for me16:09
rick_hhonestly, I've read more ruby material than anything other than Python and JS at this poing :/16:09
snap-l"we'll stay together for the boy, but it's a loveless marriage"16:09
jrwrensame here.16:12
jrwrenmy current employer has large python investment and zero ruby16:12
jrwrenplus, I feel the python VM world is many years ahead of ruby.16:12
rick_hI keep wanting to find use cases for ruby, but I just don't find hte 'this is ruby's perfect use case that python isn't good at'16:12
rick_hso I try to keep an eye on it, learn from it's differences, but just not written much of it16:13
snap-lPro Tip: HMOs are worthless.16:41
snap-lunless you enjoy asking "mother, may I" of a primary care physician16:51
snap-lwhich you'll probably have to select from a narrow list because there's very few doctors who can afford the insurance-mandated pay cut.16:51
snap-lie: most of the Beaumont doctors out there.16:51
jrwreni went from buying my own healthcare to the new job's company plan and my employee contribution portion is actually MORE than it cost me to buy a plan for my family.16:53
jrwrenI'd not use my emp heathcare, and keep buying myself except that once you figure the emp contrib is taxfree, it makes sense again.16:54
jrwrenbut still, its disgusting16:54
greg-gjrwren: oh man, yeah. We about did me on empl plan (since I'm free) and then put carrie/rowan on something else even though work covers them 50%16:55
greg-gsince the plan options we had weren't competitive (for families thinking about cost)16:55
greg-g(we really aren't a family org, given the paternity policy was written the week Rowan was born, because of his birth, and the maternity policy is still being written, hopefully in time for my coworker's birth ;) )16:56
rick_hthat's surprising16:57
greg-gwe do the high deductible plan now (with a nice HSA earning interest) since we rarely use it and rowan's checkups are free16:57
rick_hbut paternatity stuff has always been absent in US companies I found I guess16:57
greg-gyeah, except in CA for the last 10 years ;)16:57
greg-gI mean, just surprising they had neither16:58
rick_hyea, I would have expected a CA company with lots of young progressives like CC to have it17:00
jrwrenhow big is the company?17:00
jrwrenyeah a company that small has no time to waste on such policies.17:01
snap-lWell, and the beauty part is now I get to explain that JoDee's gone off to Urgent Care to get something checked out to someone whom I pretty much picked this morning17:03
greg-g...until the first one comes around, yeah17:03
snap-lout of a doctor directory.17:03
rick_hheh, yea. we had to get a family doc17:04
rick_hI happen to know a few :)17:04
snap-lrick_h: You're lucky.17:04
snap-lMy previous doctor doesn't participate in the HMO17:04
snap-las apparently neither do most of Beaumont's doctors.17:04
snap-lI'm sure this won't be covered, and frankly I'm considering just asking to have the whole plan canceled.17:07
snap-lbecause I asked to have it changed to a PPO, but the window to change it had lapsed.17:08
snap-land this is utter bullshit.17:08
snap-lAnd for everyone who thinks that the healthcare system in this country is just hunky dory peachy keen need to form an orderly line so I can kick you in the head.17:09
shakes808Good day all17:45
shakes808I have a question, for I am a new Linux user17:45
rick_hask away17:45
greg-gI also have tons of questions, even though I'm not a new linux user ;) But we might be able to answer yours.17:46
shakes808I have LAMP set up on my laptop and when I am in Eclipse trying to test out some PHP, I can't make my directory choice to www/var17:46
shakes808I have been looking through google searches for awhile and can't find one that will work17:46
shakes808I tried to move the directory but via sudo17:46
greg-git is /var/www/ most likely17:46
shakes808but I can't reach that level17:46
greg-gI wouldn't move the directory17:47
shakes808yeah I know17:47
shakes808I sudo'd a directory there for PHP17:47
shakes808but can't write anything in there17:47
shakes808is there a way to get access for that?17:47
shakes808I know it is a bad choice to be root17:47
greg-gyou created a directory where, exactly? What is the output of pwd when you are in it?17:47
shakes808so Ihave been seeing17:47
shakes808The LAMP is at the most base level. When I am in Terminal I have to go 2 levels before home17:48
shakes808Eclipse defaults to home/workspace17:48
shakes808or something close17:48
rick_hright, but /var/www isn't writable by your user by default. it's owned by www-data user/group if I recall17:49
rick_hso the general idea is to setup a directory you own, and add a virtualhost config to apache to point to it17:49
shakes808and how do I gain access to be that user17:49
rick_hor else change the /var/www owner to your account17:49
shakes808I don't want to mess with it too much, so how do I make the owner my acct?17:49
rick_hsudo chown -R $youruser:$youruser /var/www17:49
shakes808and this will give me access to it?17:50
rick_hright, then you'll own it and can write to it17:50
rick_hyou can check the permissions by doing ls -al /var/www17:50
shakes808$youruser:$youruser         no pass needed?17:50
rick_hit'll show you who owns and what permission settings are on the directory17:51
rick_hyou'll have to enter a password when you use sudo17:51
rick_hthe $youruser:$youruser is setting the owner to user you, group you17:51
rick_hactually, you probably want yourusername:www-data so that apache can still read/serve the files17:51
shakes808I did the the sudo chown -R $un:$usn /var/www and it doesn't show up in the ls -al /var/www17:54
rick_hwhat does ls -al /var/www show?17:54
rick_hnow, you didn't succeed in moving the directory right? You mentioned trying to?17:54
shakes808total 20 drwxr-xr-x  4 root root 4096 2012-04-25 12:30 . drwxr-xr-x 14 root root 4096 2012-04-24 06:31 .. drwxr-xr-x  2 root root 4096 2012-04-12 22:11 html -rw-r--r--  1 root root  177 2012-04-12 21:36 index.html drwxr-xr-x  2 root root 4096 2012-04-25 12:30 php17:54
rick_hput your output into a pastebin like this please: http://paste.mitechie.com/17:55
shakes808can you see it?17:55
rick_hright, see how all the files are owned by root:root?17:56
rick_hyou want them owned by you:www-data17:56
shakes808alright so then the usn:www-data17:56
shakes808do I need the $17:56
shakes808or not for this one?17:56
rick_hcheck out: http://catcode.com/teachmod/17:57
rick_hit'll go through how to use chmod and help explain things a bit17:57
shakes808alright, thank you17:58
shakes808I will take a look at it17:58
rick_hsorry, end of the day you'll need to understand this because you'll hit issues with this going forward17:59
brouschshakes808: is there a reason you need things in /var/www ?17:59
brouschwouldn't it be easier to install the apache userdir module (or whatever that's called) and work in your ~/public ?18:00
rick_hbecause otherwise he needs to learn how to write apache virtualhosts :)18:00
shakes808When I was working with Windows, I had the WAMP installed and that is just where I am used to seeing the files18:01
shakes808localhost goes there18:01
brouschi think we need to determine if this box is going to be an actual server or is just for dev18:01
shakes808and I don't know how to change any of that18:01
rick_hbrousch: yea, but I don't think the apache config comes ootb with userdir setup and such18:01
shakes808I figured it was just standard18:01
brouschbecause chaing permissions on /var/www is not a good idea for a real server18:01
shakes808The stuff that I am doing is just practice and what not.18:02
shakes808When I get my server built, up and running, I will look more into it all.18:02
shakes808For right now, I just want to get familiar with PHP / MySQL stuff for projects that I want to try to work on18:03
brouschrick_h: you're right, there's a lot more to userdir than i remembered http://www.techytalk.info/enable-userdir-apache-module-ubuntu-debian-based-linux-distributions/18:03
shakes808I also want to try to get some Python going for the web. I am not 100% on board with it but am hearing that it is pretty good18:04
brouschpython is the bizomb18:04
brouschforget php18:04
shakes808I don't like the non-structuredness of Python18:04
shakes808I like C++ where you have definitive { }18:05
shakes808I did see the joke of #{ and #}18:05
greg-guhoh, queue rick_h18:06
shakes808that doesn't help when the whole premise is indents18:06
brouschyou don't need curly braces, it's all done with indentation18:06
shakes808if something is not properly indented then it throws the whole thing off18:06
rick_hI did php for a living for 5+ years18:06
rick_hif I never write another line my life will be happy18:06
rick_hI now get paid to write python web for the last...4 years?18:06
brouschjust like if something is not properly {} it will be wrong18:07
rick_hpython web > php web18:07
shakes808And you like Python better?18:07
rick_hno questions about it18:07
shakes808But finding { } is easier than a section not indented or indented too much18:07
rick_hpython is a better language, the standard library is better, writing it is better, the load an app and keep it running vs reparse on every request is better18:07
snap-lI worked with PHP for ~1 year. Reading other people's PHP code will make you not want to write PHP.18:07
rick_hno no no no no no no no18:07
rick_hif you're writing php and not using phpcodesniffer stop...go get it...and run it18:07
rick_hthen go make your php acceptable and come back and talk18:08
brouschshakes808: it's actually really easy to see the code structure when it's indented properly18:08
rick_hevery language should be written to a code convention which includes newlines/indentention18:08
rick_hthe space significance in python is great, and pep8 means that most python is 10x more readable than php ootb18:08
rick_hdoes it take a little getting used to? sure, but I mean it takes a day18:08
rick_hshakes808: where are you located?18:09
rick_hI figured that :P18:09
shakes808I think I met you rick_h18:09
shakes808I believe I work with snap-l18:10
rick_hif you're in the SE area come to penguicon this weekend, or CoffeeHouseCoders any wed and I'll fix your anti-pythonisms18:10
rick_hshakes808: ah, ok18:10
rick_hshakes808: so you were at MUG right?18:10
shakes808I believe I sat behind you18:10
shakes808You did a presentation18:10
shakes808the first one18:10
rick_hthen dude, come to CHC, we'll fix your PHP issues and your python h818:10
rick_hdiscussion awesome python tools ;)18:10
rick_hdiscussing that is18:11
shakes808about.... the HTTP request?18:11
rick_hright, httpcode and something else18:11
snap-lshakes808: You believe correctly.18:12
brouschah, good, another soul saved by rick_h18:12
shakes808CHC every Wednesday night, I will try to come next week.18:13
shakes808HA HA18:13
rick_hshakes808: yea, go tell John that you told me you don't like python because of spaces. I bet he'll be surprised you survived. :)18:14
shakes808HA HA18:14
shakes808I will when I am in the office tomorrow18:14
shakes808Eclipse has a Python plugin?18:15
rick_hbah... :P18:15
shakes808I know I know18:15
shakes808I am not that good... yet18:15
shakes808I messed with it for a moment18:15
rick_hyea, there's pydev18:15
rick_hbut also check out wingide and pycharm18:15
shakes808I come from Visual Studios and intellisense :D18:15
brouschi still like pydev18:15
brouschit works well18:16
brouschand t's free18:16
shakes808Eclipse is free as well18:16
brouschyeah, so i think it's a good thing to try if you're used to big IDEs18:16
brouschit's been rolled into Aptana Studio now. http://www.aptana.com/products/studio3/download18:17
brouschaptana studio also has all of the web plugins you'll need to do web stuff18:17
shakes808but that one, if I remember correctly, you have to pay for it18:21
brouschit's just eclipse pre-bundled with good stuff18:22
shakes808what version of Python should I get for web?18:25
snap-lI'd stick with the 2.7 series for now18:26
snap-lwith the understanding that at some point you'll want to move to Python 318:26
snap-l2.7 / 2.8 have features in them that are backported from Python 318:26
shakes808Then why not just go to 3?18:26
snap-lNot every library has been ported yet.18:27
snap-lBut significant effort is underway that it's a question of when, not if, Python 3 will be adopted.18:27
snap-lI'd give it about a year / year and a half before folks stop recommending 2.x series Python18:28
snap-lbut not yet.18:28
shakes808If I am in Eclipse and in the Install Software area to get download the necessary stuff for Python, what is the site I need to enter? http://www.python.org/download/ isn't recognized18:29
shakes808or is there a terminal way?18:30
snap-lshakes808: If it's all the same, don't use eclipse. :)18:30
shakes808I don't think I am ready for VIM18:30
snap-lYou're on Linux, right?18:31
shakes808and Eclipse makes everything in one convenient place18:31
snap-lPython is already installed.18:31
shakes808How do I check?18:31
snap-ltype `python` in a terminal18:31
shakes808HA HA18:32
shakes808So then just use VIM lol18:32
shakes808since that is just command line stuff18:32
snap-lYep, or for very simple programs you can use the Python interpreter18:33
shakes808So then I have to dig up my old Python book from my game class18:33
snap-lie: type `print(2+2)` should print out 418:33
shakes808is there a Python interpreter default on here?18:33
shakes808I already print "hello world"18:33
snap-lWhen you type `python` without specifying a program to run, it'll bring up the REPL18:34
snap-l(Read - Eval - Print Loop)18:34
snap-l(the interpeter  with the >>> prompt)18:35
shakes808yes, but that is just one liners18:35
snap-lFunny enough, because it's Python, you can create more than one-liners. :)18:36
shakes808I have to use VIM for whole programs18:36
snap-ltype in:18:36
snap-lfor i in range(1,10):18:36
snap-l    print i18:36
snap-land hit return again18:36
snap-lI wouldn't recommend writing entire programs that way, but it is handy for non-trivial one-liners.18:38
shakes808I will hold off on some of this stuff until next week for CHC's crash course ;) lol18:38
shakes808rick_h: For the web stuff, what do you use?18:43
rick_hshakes808: as far as what? python?18:45
rick_hwhat framework?18:45
rick_hI use pyramid, zope at work18:47
rick_hI'd suggest starting with flask if you're new to python18:47
rick_hit's tough to learn a framwork and language at the same time18:47
rick_hso almost say try to start going python with cmd line scripts/etc18:48
rick_hthat's a big plus for python, you can use it for cmd line, gui tools, web tools18:48
rick_hit's a very featured language18:48
shakes808I have had an intro to game class where Python was the language18:49
shakes808It was fun18:49
shakes808but frusturating18:49
snap-lDid you use Pygame?18:49
snap-lWhat did you find frustrating about it?18:49
shakes808just the indents18:49
shakes808the language in general18:49
shakes808but it was pretty easy to understand18:49
shakes808but  when  you have 500+ lines and something isn't working correctly and the debugging sucks, unless there is a good debugger that I don't know about18:50
snap-lThere is18:50
snap-lbut the trick is to not shove everything into one file18:50
snap-lunlike the example I just posted. ;)18:50
shakes808lol downloading it18:51
shakes808When getting something from sourceforge, I am getting the zip of the entire project, correct?18:51
widoxrick_h: get your vim t-shirt?18:56
shakes808I need to install pygame18:56
rick_hwidox: yep, came in19:00
shakes808nevermind I think I know what I did19:01
widoxrick_h: ah, just see your tweet. is it grey or black?19:01
shakes808for got sudo19:01
rick_hwidox: black19:02
widoxok, mine too. its looked a bit light in the pic19:02
rick_hyea, bad pic19:02
shakes808says it is unable to locate the package after the dependencys were done downloading19:02
rick_hshakes808: more info please?19:05
rick_hjcastro: your post looks empty?19:06
shakes808I did sudo apt-get python pygames and it put out19:07
rick_hso sudo apt-get insteall python will install python19:07
shakes808Reading package lists... Done Building dependency tree        Reading state information... Done E: Unable to locate package pygame19:07
rick_hto see if pygrames is packages you need to19:08
rick_hapt-cache search pygame19:08
rick_hpython-pygame - SDL bindings for games development in Python19:08
rick_hso you'd need to do:19:08
rick_hsudo apt-get insteall python-pygame19:08
rick_hinstall taht is19:08
rick_hor use the software center to search pygame and find it19:08
shakes808I want to try to NOT use software center19:09
shakes808I won't learn Linux that way19:09
rick_hok, wasn't sure where you're at there19:09
shakes808It seems to be working better now19:09
shakes808thank you\19:09
jcastrorick_h: what post?19:13
jcastrohttp://podcast.ubuntu-uk.org/live/ I'm on this podcast live in a few minutes to talk about juju!19:14
shakes808:( won't run, error in the code19:14
shakes808BAD SNAP19:14
rick_hjcastro: http://www.jorgecastro.org/2012/04/23/stacktack/19:14
brouschshakes808: for python in eclipse, install the eclipse plugin version of aptana studio http://www.aptana.com/downloads/start19:14
shakes808thank you19:15
brouschthe instructions for how to do it are on that page19:15
jcastrorick_h: ah, that's a draft, fixing, thanks!19:15
brouschthen there is a little post-install setup for the pydev module in eclipse19:15
snap-lshakes808: Works here. What's the bug?19:19
shakes808no soundcard19:20
shakes808line 1319:21
shakes808of run_game.py19:21
shakes808then line 536 in main19:21
snap-lDo you have libsdl-sound installed?19:21
shakes808and line 342 in game19:21
snap-lYou'll also need libsdl-image and libsdl-ttf19:21
snap-lshakes808: OK, stop posting. :)19:21
snap-lshakes808: OK, stop posting. :)19:21
snap-lshakes808: OK, stop posting. :)19:22
snap-lshakes808: OK, stop posting. :)19:22
snap-lshakes808: OK, stop posting. :)19:22
snap-lshakes808: OK, stop posting. :)19:22
shakes808So how do I find out about the libsdl-sound and the image and ttf?19:23
snap-ljust type "apt-get install libsdl-sound libsdl-image libsdl-ttf2"19:24
snap-lsudo apt-get install libsdl-sound1.2 libsdl-image1.2 libsdl-ttf2.0-019:25
snap-lThat should give you joy.19:25
shakes808lol the one with the version numbers?19:25
shakes808sudo apt-get install libsdl-sound1.2 libsdl-image1.2 lidsdl-ttf2.0-019:26
shakes808didn't work19:26
shakes808E: Unable to locate package lidsdl-ttf2.0-0 E: Couldn't find any package by regex 'lidsdl-ttf2.0-0'19:26
snap-lIt's lib, not lid19:27
shakes808WHOOO HOOO I am awesome, thank you snap19:27
snap-lWe've all been there.19:27
shakes808alright, working. Thank you19:28
shakes808Sorry for being so ignorant to the Linux world.  :D19:28
shakes808Working on not being so ;D19:28
shakes808still same error19:28
shakes808do I have to restart something?19:29
snap-lshakes808: no, you sholdn't need to restart19:29
snap-lsudo apt-get install freepats19:31
snap-l(I used a midi file)19:31
shakes808alright installing19:32
shakes808going to take a long time19:32
shakes80860 mins19:32
shakes808What is this?19:32
shakes808knocked down to 3019:32
shakes808a little better lol19:32
snap-lIt's MIDI sample files19:33
snap-lthey'll take a little while to load19:33
shakes808in the mean time19:34
shakes808I will look at the code :D19:34
snap-lDon't judge me19:35
shakes808The stuff that I did was out of the book. I altered the source from the book for my own game :D I was porting it to C++ with a buddy of mine for our C++ / DirectX class19:35
shakes808Didn't finish it19:35
shakes808but got far along :D19:35
shakes808linked lists were our downfall and memory management19:36
shakes808speaking of19:36
shakes808is there a way for Python to do memory management?19:36
snap-lIt does it for you19:36
shakes808When I altered the code of the game I was working on, it started to lag like no othere19:37
snap-lIt uses garbage collection19:37
shakes808not very well19:37
shakes808that was another thing I had against it19:37
shakes808it didn't seem like it had a good memory management system19:37
snap-lUm, I haven't run into an issue with it19:37
snap-lyou might have had a memory leak19:37
snap-lIt's pretty easy to di if you're not careful19:38
shakes808I will try to find the game and bring it next week19:38
snap-lAnd pygame doesn't handle thousands of sprites efficiently.19:38
snap-lI wrote some sample code that bogged pretty hard.19:38
brouschyeah, a lot of sprites or movement of sprites gets ugly19:39
brouschor spinning19:39
shakes808I think I had like 8 sprites and it was having difficulties19:39
shakes808It was like Galaga / Asteroids19:39
brouschi had big slowdowns with spinning sprites19:39
shakes808They were doing that too19:39
snap-lshakes808: One beginner mistake I've made too is thinking you didn't need to use the timer.19:39
shakes808and randomly shooting19:39
brouschthat was probably the big problem19:39
snap-lThe timer is key19:40
shakes808I will have to find it19:40
shakes808FOUND IT!!!!19:46
shakes808How am I going to get it to you?19:48
shakes808just wait until tomorrow?19:48
snap-lDepends on how man files it is.19:49
snap-lIs it one file, or multiple files?19:49
snap-lDo you have dropbox?19:49
shakes808AH HA19:49
shakes808I forgot all about it lol19:49
snap-lzip it up, and put it in dropbox19:49
shakes808Thank you for all of your input19:52
shakes808I actually need to get going19:52
shakes808Need to grab some food and then going to the Tiger game tonight19:52
brouschah, what the crap. someone going to the next wmlug meeting sent me an email with the entire content of the email in the 3 line long subjects19:52
snap-lUm, this is several chaptesrs19:52
snap-lIt's 12 chapters of what looks like sample code.19:53
shakes808It shouldn't be19:54
shakes808i see the pictures19:54
shakes8082 folders19:54
snap-lYou might want to check what you sent me.19:54
shakes808and other stuff19:54
brouschshakes808: thank you for giving me some hope for today's youths19:55
shakes808oh lol wrong link19:55
shakes808uploading the right one19:55
shakes808I saw python19:56
shakes808not final lol19:56
shakes808You can  see what was covered in the class ;)19:57
shakes808Try that one out19:58
snap-lYe gods, it's 35mb19:58
shakes808have fun making fun of my code :D19:59
shakes808I will hop back on in the A.M.19:59
shakes808You all have a good night19:59
brouschwow, i thought i went to bed early20:00
shakes808I need my "beauty" sleep ;) You should see how ugly I am now. Any help to change this fact is good help :D20:01
brouschpython makes anyone 10% more handsome20:03
snap-lI need all the percent I can get.20:04
Blazeixlook at guido, can't get much better than that20:05
brouschit's all about the hair20:05
rick_hkind of cool: https://github.com/mitechie/Bookie/graphs/contributors20:33
widoxw00t, 5 commits!20:38
brouschhm, i don't even remember committing20:39
rick_hthink it might have been a docs thing20:39
brouschdamnit, now i need another one to catch up to widox20:39
rick_h    Small hosting doc changes20:39
rick_hbrousch: yea, you submitted some of the hosting docs it looks like20:39
rick_h<3 git log20:39
widoxbrousch: nooooo20:40
* brousch finds some spelling errors20:40
brouschwhy is there no big-ass "Report a bug" button on https://bugs.launchpad.net/ ?23:03
rick_hbrousch: because you didn't pick a project to 'report a bug' against23:06
brouschi can never figure out what project my bug goes to23:11
brouschi ave a problem with a certain color theme23:11
brouschi picked kde meta23:11
brouschkubuntu meta23:12
jcastrouse the automated tool23:15
jcastrowe turn off web reporting because most bugs submitted have 0 detail that you need to fix a bug23:15
jcastrodo "ubuntu-bug -w", and then click on the window of the app you want to report the bug to23:16
brouschnice feature, but this particular thing is not a proper window. i can't click it with that tool23:18
jcastrobrousch: on ask ubuntu ask "What package provides the wifi widget in Oxygen?"23:20
jcastrothat should get you the package name you need23:20
greg-gso, about that actual work I was supposed to do today?23:28
greg-gplanning two trips took longer than it should23:28
rick_hgreg-g: side day23:30

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