
n2diyWhen is the release date for 12.04?00:55
JonathanDpleia2: every thursday?01:01
pleia2JonathanD: only twice a year01:01
InHisNameu wish, JonathanD01:34
JonathanDInHisName: or DO I?01:35
rmg51morning JonathanD09:34
JonathanDhey rmg5109:53
InHisNamemorning u 210:12
passstab:) :) :)14:14
passstab"Listening to Gabe Newell talk about Linux for hours made me wonder whether he was a former ex-Microsoft employee (where he actually did work in his pre-Valve days in the 90's) or the director of the Linux Foundation. His level of Linux interest and commitment was incredible while his negativity for Windows 8 and the future of Microsoft was stunning. In fact, as soon as I return to my office this weekend I plan to try out Windows14:16
passstab 8 simply to see if it's as bad as Gabe states and because he's curious about my opinions of this latest Microsoft operating system."14:16
MutantTurkeygood morrninning everyoneeeeee15:22
JonathanDmorning MutantTurkey15:22
MutantTurkeyis it going?15:22
JonathanDit is going.15:22
MutantTurkeyindeed it is15:23
MutantTurkey_what_ is time?15:23
JonathanDI have no idea.15:23
MutantTurkeywayland suzx15:29
InHisNameu musta overslept, MutantTurkey  - missed out on yur bacon ?16:14
MutantTurkeyInHisName: I actually had a nice bacon breakfast16:14
MutantTurkeyInHisName: I don't oversleep I just don't go online right away16:14
InHisNameno knowing the time is almost the same as oversleeping.   AND you still nabbed a bacon b'fast, bleah!16:15
EvilResistancedo we know if precise is still on schedule for release tomorrow?16:42
jedijftell you tomorrow'16:43
* EvilResistance checked with his friend on the Lubuntu team, he said ithey're still on track for release tomorrow with Ubuntu17:22
InHisNamewhat is --> precise ?17:38
InHisNameSo I have a pig in a poke17:53
=== Joe_CoT is now known as Finger_CoT
=== Finger_CoT is now known as Joe_CoT
=== Joe_CoT is now known as Jesus_CoT
=== Jesus_CoT is now known as Joe_CoT
jthanGood evening, all21:17
InHisNamegood evening, jthan22:39

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