
newz2000imbrandon: (or anyone) Can you think of a simpler way to do a completely automated, headless install of Drupal easier than this: http://pastebin.com/BpNeX0RT (on Ubuntu of course)15:15
* newz2000 wonders how well apt-get install drupal7 works15:33
newz2000ok, here's a fun game15:37
newz2000lets make a list of apps that would be bad idea to have as options in the "try ubuntu on ec2 for free" service.15:38
newz2000skipfish, siege come to mind15:38
imbrandonnewz2000: my juju charm :)15:58
imbrandonspecificly my juju drupal charm :) hehe15:59
newz2000imbrandon: got info?15:59
imbrandonyup one sec15:59
newz2000no rush15:59
imbrandonits at ~imbrandon/charms/oneiric/drupal16:00
imbrandoniirc, i'll check in a few min , deploying omgubuntu.co.uk atm16:00
imbrandonso kinda tied for a few16:01
newz2000no prob16:01
imbrandonbut i'll be arround here in a bit16:01
imbrandonerr precise also not oneiric16:01
newz2000found it16:01
imbrandonyea thats a copy of the github repo, a little behind16:01
imbrandoni need to remove that one i think16:02
imbrandonnewz2000: btw i plan a major upgrade to that charm after lunch16:07
imbrandontoday, it was already on the plate after omg deploy16:07
imbrandonfor pre release readynesss16:08
newz2000imbrandon: I don't think I'm going to be able to make any big changes today, so don't hurry on my account16:08
imbrandonkk, i'll be done before EOD for certain, MAYBE before but def arround all day between those two things16:08
imbrandonand it was my plan anyhow too :)16:08
imbrandonnewz2000: you know you can come drop any of those hp micro servers off down here for safe keeping if ya need to :)16:10
imbrandonand ahve any , LOL16:10
newz2000If i I ahd any, I think I could keep them safe16:11
newz2000imbrandon: I'm having an issue with that script I pointed to, I have the db username, password and db name in the settings file16:12
newz2000but when you hit the install.php it says access denied, presumably because the password is blank16:13
newz2000ooh, no, its not!16:13
newz2000you can mostly ignore me for now, I'm just going to ask questions because asking them always makes me figure the answer out 30 seconds later16:14
* newz2000 wonders if he just nullified that affect by saying you don't need to listen16:14
newz2000wth, it just started working and I have no clue what I did16:16
* newz2000 goes for a walk16:16
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