
=== kishor_ is now known as kishor
=== jml` is now known as jml
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javeI get memory problems merging a local branch from a remote12:33
javeis there some flag for bzr so I can trade memory for speed or something?12:34
jelmerjave: no12:35
jelmerjave: what version are you running though? newer versions are more efficient, memory-wise12:35
javeIve tried using 2.5 and the 2.6 beta12:47
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LarstiQjave: can you fish the corresponding backtrace from .bzr.log?14:43
crisbis there any hook where i can check/change a commit message if -m is specified on the commit?14:58
jelmercrisb: a pre_commit hook can do that15:00
crisbjelmer: ahhhh - including change?15:00
jelmercrisb: yeah, that hook should have access to the commit message15:01
crisbmwuhahahah, thanks jelmer15:01
jmldoes bzr support python 2.4 any more?15:16
jelmerjml: no15:17
jelmerjml: >= 2.615:17
jelmerIIRC 2.4 was the last bzr version that supported python 2.415:17
jmljelmer: thanks.15:18
jmljelmer: I'm going to drop Python 2.4 support from testtools after the next release.15:19
jelmerjml: okay15:19
jelmerjml: we'll probably stick to the next release of testtools in samba then, but that's not the end of the world15:20
jmljelmer: samba supports 2.4?15:20
jelmerjml: yep15:22
jmljelmer: wow.15:22
jmljelmer: why?15:22
jelmerjml: in practice, a lot of enterprisy people still use platforms with python2.415:23
crisbjelmer: argh, looks like it's still not possible (386161)15:24
jelmerbug 38616115:24
ubot5Launchpad bug 386161 in Bazaar "pre_commit hook should be able to modify the commit message" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/38616115:24
jelmercrisb: what about start_commit ?15:24
jelmerI know for sure that hooks can modify the commit message15:24
jmljelmer: pre-hardy is pretty ancient.15:24
jmljelmer: but sure, I can buy that.15:24
jelmerjml: the previous RHEL has python2.4, for example15:26
jelmerI had a very hard time even getting us to depend on Python; we still support autoconf for a subset of Samba (just the fileserver) since some people want to avoid the python dependency15:27
fullermdAncient.  Hah.15:27
jmlI guess 7.5 years isn't too bad.15:27
fullermdThere was a thread just earlier this week on the Postfix mailing list about some build problems on BSD/OS 4.x.15:27
fullermd(don't misplace those 3 letters.  I didn't say "FreeBSD"...)15:28
fullermdPlatforms running py2.4 look pretty new now, don't they   :p15:28
jelmerfullermd: :)15:30
jelmersome of the other samba developers still support installations on tru6415:31
fullermdWhat the DEC is wrong with them?   :p15:34
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maxbjubany importer stopped: quantal opening fallout. Nothing major, just needs the usual tweaks to lists of distros. I'll do it later if no-one beats me to it.21:41
maxbSee u-d-d@ for traceback21:41
maxbOK, what?23:01
maxbWho started the jubany importer again?23:02
maxbjames_w: Do you happen to be around?23:04
lifelessmaxb: probably someone in -ops ?23:07
lifelessspm: ^ ?23:07
spmmaxb: I presume you've stopped it again?23:09
maxbI've been sending updates to ubuntu-distributed-devel@lists.ubuntu.com, is there somewhere else I should cc?23:09
spmunsure. that service isn't something webops has access to control. so it's basically you guys or gsas atm23:11
maxbI'm going to restart it now anyway, having taught it what a Quantal Quetzal is23:12
spmmust. resist. making. (another). QQ. joke.23:13

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