
highvoltageCongratulations to everyone who worked on the 12.04 release! It's now officially released!12:06
=== ChanServ changed the topic of #edubuntu to: Edubuntu 12.04 is out! - http://www.edubuntu.org | When asking questions, hang around for a bit, we're not always at our computers :) | Try WebLive! http://edubuntu.org/weblive | Help out with bugs: http://tinyurl.com/EduBugs | LTSP questions? also try #ltsp
alkisgCongrats!!! :)12:08
highvoltageI took the orange home logo out of the secondary heading on the edubuntu.org page14:06
highvoltageit was just looking ugly anyway :)14:06
highvoltagealkisg: :)14:06
highvoltageand I'll probably update the release banner too after things settle down a bit, it could be a bit nicer14:06
=== sagaci_ is now known as sagaci
alkisghighvoltage: I like the bright edubuntu ltsp background: http://edubuntu.org/sites/default/files/docimages/apps-precise/precise-ltsp-live-full.png14:29
highvoltagealkisg: yes I agonised trying to find a nice background that has enough contrast so that you read the text and that looks simple and elegant14:31
highvoltagealkisg: but the plymouth screen looked good so I recycled the light grey colours for the ldm theme :)14:32
mhall119highvoltage: yoohoo15:03
mhall119highvoltage: you joined our hangout15:03
highvoltagemhall119: I'm typing in the chat box :)15:03
stgraberhighvoltage: almost 2000 edubuntu downloads from my server16:36
highvoltagestgraber: nice!16:45
highvoltagestgraber: I think we should add gnote in 12.10 (or tomboy, at least one good note taking app / desktop wiki)17:22
highvoltagestgraber: around?18:48
alkisg * A disk cloning/storage utility (ala Clonezilla, Fog, Ghost, etc)19:00
alkisg==> I was talking about that the other day, it's quite easy to do that with ltsp19:00
alkisgAnd clonezilla has too many shortcomings to be useful :(19:01
highvoltagealkisg: yeah that's what I thought too :D19:02
alkisg * Authentication server (basically, something that provides LDAP/AD functionality) => just as a small starting point, we could again use the ltsp server for standalone machines authentication - all that is needed is ltsp-client over existing local installations19:03
alkisgIn the future I want to have all the accounts in linux servers, and VM/rdesktop/winbindd for windows clients19:03
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
* highvoltage likes the way that alkisg thinks19:03
alkisgI think you write good roadmaps :D19:04
* alkisg is going to miss being at the UDS :-/19:06
ogra_how about BTS then ?19:09
ogra_(though i'm not yet sure i can come myself)19:10
alkisgMy leave of absense for phd comes to an end this summer, so it'll be difficult for me to leave in the middle of the school year19:12
alkisgWe should ask them to make it in europe once :)19:13
highvoltageogra_: oh no, even if they do it in europe?19:13
ogra_highvoltage, BTS in europe isnt BTS19:14
alkisgGreece has lots of seas :D19:14
ogra_yeah, but that would be BTG :)19:14
ogra_(by the greeks)19:14
alkisgWell what if I arranged some greek univ students to do bikini shows? :P19:15
ogra_or HLTSP19:15
ogra_(Hellas LTSP)19:15
ogra_(i wouldnt mind greece indeed :)  and would even less mind bikini shows )19:16
highvoltagealkisg: I'm interested in your ideas for disk cloning using ltsp stuff.19:24
highvoltagealkisg: what would you use for reading the disks? I know fog/clonezilla uses something else than dd (so that you don't read a whole disk just to get 4GB of data) but I haven't checked to see exactly what yet19:24
alkisghighvoltage: for edubuntu, i.e. ext/btrfs, I was thinking of cloning the fat chroot19:26
alkisgSo, mount with nbd, and rsync to local disk, and run dpkg-reconfigure grub-pc19:26
alkisgBut it's also possible to have SCREEN_07="clone-master" as well19:26
highvoltagealkisg: interesting19:26
alkisg...i.e. a script to select which partition to export with nbd, from a fat client itself19:26
alkisgclonezilla unfortunately has bad requirements19:27
alkisgFirst, it doesn't support cloning to smaller partition19:27
alkisgSo if my source partition is 50Gb, and only 5 are used, I can't clone it to a 40 Gb partition19:28

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