
SpamapSRichardRaseley: its possible MaaS can be coaxed to own nodes w/o PXE... but it definitely requires its own pre-seeded install to be in charge of the machine.00:00
RichardRaseleyCan you create classes of machines in MaaS, for example I might configure hardware in such a way that it is specifically for swift-storage00:01
RichardRaseleyor swift-proxy00:01
RichardRaseleyor nova, etc.00:01
SpamapSRichardRaseley: that is the plan, but IIRC, not in the current release. Right now the only constraint juju+maas suppors is (don't hit me) server name. :)00:02
SpamapSwhich, btw, I think is a huge mistake ;)00:02
SpamapSshould have been class, not name00:02
RichardRaseleyAgain, it is dissapointing because it takes Juju off the table for us in the foreseeable future. =[00:02
SpamapSbut, I think time ran short on dev and they wanted to get something out for Ubuntu 12.0400:02
RichardRaseleyAnyways - I have to go - time got away from me.00:02
RichardRaseleythanks for the conversation.00:02
SpamapSRichardRaseley: :) thanks for your interest!00:03
xmltokdo the juju charms for openstack build openstack quickly and easily on maas already? i have a few POC investigations into openstack and maas right now, juju was going to come later00:04
xmltokperhaps it should be maas, juju, then openstack.00:04
SpamapSxmltok: yes, there's a bit of polling/sequencing that needs to be refactored (juju grew some new things recently that alleviate the need to order the deployment) so it should get even better/faster soon.00:05
SpamapSxmltok: we had the deploy/destroy on a loop at ODS ... it would just bring up all 8 nodes w/ openstack, then tear them back down, over and over. I think it takes < 10 minutes on crap hardwware.00:06
SpamapSxmltok: (assuming a fast mirror :)00:06
SpamapSxmltok: I think the instructions to do it are hiding somewhere on wiki.ubuntu.com00:07
xmltoki have high hopes for juju. i would like to replace the lion's share of our app deployment with it00:07
SpamapSxmltok: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ServerTeam/MAAS/Juju00:07
SpamapSxmltok: \o/00:07
xmltokyep, seen that guy. are you very familiar with maas? I was wondering how it triggers builds, i didnt see ipmi hooks or anything like that00:08
SpamapSxmltok: it uses cobbler on the backend00:09
SpamapSxmltok: so, any power control that cobbler supports00:09
xmltokgot it00:09
SpamapSxmltok: though I think there is a strong desire to take cobbler out of the loop00:09
SpamapSsince it kind of complicates things00:09
SpamapSxmltok: so, IPMI is supported, WoL, a few other things00:09
SpamapSalright, I have to run00:10
xmltokwe have rackable/sgi blades, and none of them have ipmi or wol. garbage.. but we do have scripts to locate nodes and control the power00:10
xmltokthanks for clearing some things up00:10
SpamapSxmltok: good luck.. we're all counting on you. ;-)00:10
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hazmatjimbaker, that jitsu do thing needs a serious warning02:52
hazmatthat its executing locally without any access to the charm or remote unit02:53
hazmatie. its a remote hook context on a local script02:53
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bkerensaimbrandon: let me know what day is going to work best for the Cloudflare tour so I can set it up with their CEO07:08
imbrandonbkerensa: kk will do , i'm thinking probably monday late afternoon OR wed lunchish , but let me confirm that first and think a bit more07:10
imbrandonjust wakin up so not fully aware of my brain yet07:11
bkerensayeah just ping the others and see what works best and I will make it happen :P07:11
imbrandonkk, not 100% whom all besides me, gonna TRY and drag jcastro and marcoceppi at minimum maybe SpamapS if he wants to he would love it too but not sure what their schedules are gonna be like i know clints is booked and i bet jcastro;s is tooo07:20
imbrandonhell mine is for that matter07:21
imbrandonbut i'll make time07:21
imbrandonill try to find out from them sometime today if i can tho07:21
=== Daviey_ is now known as Daviey
gmbHi all. A quick question: I'm working on something for UDS and what I really need is a way of having Juju start up all the nodes for a particular charm using a specific AMI. Obviously I can't use default-image-id or default-ami in environments.yaml any more to do this. Is there a way I can do it with juju set-constraints, or when passing --constraints to juju deploy?12:57
gmbI can't find any reference to it in the constraints documentation.12:57
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SpamapSgmb: default-image-id still works, its just not recommended since you lose the ability to specify most of the other constraints since your image id might not boot on all instance types.14:20
SpamapSgmb: what exactly do you want on this image id though? As a potential judge for the charm contest, I'd dock points for needing a specific image.14:21
jcastroSpamapS: group hug bro14:27
gmbSpamapS, Here's the scenario:14:28
gmbWe're running Launchpad clinics at UDS14:28
gmbIt takes a long time to set up LP on you machine14:28
SpamapSjcastro: :)14:28
gmbInstead of requiring it for everyone who wants to take part we'll sping up EC2 instances with LP already set up (add keys and bzr whoami and Bob's your Auntie's live in lover)14:28
gmbIt's be lovely if I could just type juju delpoy ... and pass it some config options rather than having to spent time faffing around. Of course, I can script it myself, but Juju is nicer :).14:29
SpamapSgmb: there's an enormous advantage to using the charm's install hook rather than an image id.. mainly that you don't have to then duplicate your image id in ever region and architecture you want to use.14:29
SpamapSevery region, rather14:30
gmbSpamapS, In this instance, I'll take the advantage of not having the install hook take 40 minutes.14:30
SpamapSgmb: wtf!14:30
SpamapS40 minutes?!14:30
gmbI told you: LP takes a long time to set up.14:30
SpamapSgmb: I've thought long and hard about having juju take a system snapshot right after the 'install' hook runs, and then using that for subsequent add-unit's14:31
gmbSpamapS, So would I if I'd known that was an option... tell me more!14:32
SpamapSgmb: well its not14:32
SpamapSbut it might be doable with very little coding.14:32
SpamapSgmb: 40 minutes is indeed totally unacceptible for an install hook.14:33
SpamapSgmb: what in blazes is it doing for 40 minutes?14:33
gmbSpamapS, Installing builddeps, getting the source, building the source... 40 minutes is, I'll grant you, on the far edge of normal. On a good day, though, it's still in the tens of minutes.14:35
gmbYou could file this under "buildout is a bugger"14:35
gmbBUt that might be unfair.14:35
gmbSpamapS,  Anyway, my point is that I want to be able to spin up a new instance quickly, and Juju would let me do that. But I accept that I might not be doing things the right way (and I wouldn't do things this way for general usage).14:36
gmbAlso, default-image-id makes Juju shout at me and exit. How can I make it not?14:37
SpamapSgmb: there's still a way to use image ids, I just forget it now14:38
gmbSpamapS, Hum. Okay. If you remember it let me know. I'll investigate alternatives anyway, since I acknowledge that this way of doing things is a bit mucky.14:39
* gmb -> otp14:40
SpamapSis juju.ubuntu.com down?14:41
SpamapS<html><body><h1>It works!</h1></body></html>14:41
SpamapSOh, I didn't give a Host: header14:41
SpamapSnot down, but very slow14:43
SpamapSprobably related to the www.ubuntu.com problems -P14:44
SpamapShttp://www.ubuntu.com/ ... wtf? Why are there 18 miles of whitespace on each side of that page?14:44
marcoceppiSpamapS: I don't see much white space14:45
SpamapSmarcoceppi: how wide is your window?14:46
SpamapSmine is about 1440 pixels wide.. ;)14:46
marcoceppiwell 1920 x 214:47
SpamapSmaybe its a chrome thing..14:48
* marcoceppi is using chrome14:48
SpamapSah Ok for whatever reason I was zoomed out a bit14:48
SpamapSbut its still *a lot*14:49
marcoceppiyeah, the default ubuntu template has a bit of white space :)14:49
marcoceppisince it's only 980px wide14:50
marcoceppithat is a lot14:52
marcoceppiI feel like yours is more zoomed than mine14:53
SpamapSI went to Actual size14:55
SpamapSbut, yeah, I get that a lot14:55
gary_posterSpamapS, some installations take a long time--40 minutes or more might represent an outlier, but not a "wtf" outlier in my guess (just a guess).  examples include many packages needing to be installed (think fresh lxc download/configuration), many packages needing to be built/compiled (LP uses sdists and has a lot of them, and mailman takes a long time to build for some reason I don't know, and we build WADL and docs and...).15:04
gary_posterbac, mars posted something to cloud I thought you'd be able to reply to...looking for subject line...15:35
gary_posterbac, "Juju Charms: How Do I..."15:36
gary_posteryou've experimented with sending private information15:36
gary_posternot sure if you think it is worth sharing, but if so, wanted to call it out15:37
bacgary_poster: i'll look15:37
RichardRaseleySo Juju currently supports deployment against MaaS and EC2, but not Nova, correct?15:56
jamespageRichardRaseley, its possible to use with OpenStack using the ec2 provider - but you openstack deployment must support both the ec2 API and the s3 API16:08
RichardRaseleyjamespage: Thank you for that information. Is "native" OpenStack support on the roadmap?16:21
jamespageRichardRaseley, I don't think it is at the moment - this was discussed at the Openstack Design Summit last week - http://www.ubuntu.com/cloud/private-cloud/awsome16:22
SpamapSRichardRaseley: native OpenStack isn't really all that necessary. The needs that juju has from ec2 and s3 are very tiny, and openstack's compatibility layer supports them fully16:23
SpamapSRichardRaseley: That said, I'd like to see native support so that we can use OpenStack's ability to enumerate instance types to match the generic 'mem' and 'cpu' constraints.16:24
jamespagebut like SpamapS says thats prob overkill for juju requirements (unless the cloud you are trying to use does not expose the ec2 API).16:24
jamespageSpamapS, that would be nice.16:24
SpamapSSeems like a gaping hole in EC2's API that you can't programattically say "how much RAM does an m1.small have"16:25
SpamapSbut, it makes sense that they wouldn't focus on that, since its *always* the same number16:25
RichardRaseleyIs the EC2 & S3 compatibility layer built into OpenStack or is that something that has to be installed seperately.16:26
SpamapSbuilt in16:27
SpamapSRichardRaseley: its built in now. Note that it may be moved to a separate proxy, as some openstack based clouds don't want EC2 compatibility for political or even possibly technical reasons.16:28
SpamapSRichardRaseley: Canonical developed said proxy, its called AWSome16:28
RichardRaseleyOK, I can see the political or pride aspect. "OpenStack is awesome, and we are fully behind it, but you have to use this compatibility layer built to support a competing platform to use our automation software."16:29
RichardRaseleySeems a little weird from an outside perspective.16:29
imbrandonRichardRaseley: well its a stopgap, we dont want to keeop using it for openstackm maybe others but os will be fully native *sometime* its some man hrs etc etc16:38
RichardRaseleyI understand that.16:38
RichardRaseleyAnd am sympathetic.16:39
imbrandonand really its the storage bits on os16:39
imbrandonnot the compute16:39
imbrandonand SpamapS has a great idea to rid that need anyhow16:39
imbrandonand just store the nneded info on the bootstrap node16:39
imbrandonthen it woulent be needed for OS at all then, others yea16:40
SpamapSRichardRaseley: think of it another way. "AWS only does these 8 things. OpenStack intends to do 100 things that AWS will never do."16:55
SpamapSRichardRaseley: for that reason, separating the EC2 bits out into a separate proxy makes a lot of sense.16:55
RichardRaseleySpamapS: I was referring to "native" support for Nova, Swift, etc.16:56
RichardRaseleyI am not opposed to seeing the proxy functionality seperated out.16:56
RichardRaseleyI mean, that makes sense.16:57
SpamapSRichardRaseley: well I guess my point is, juju is intended to use *both*16:57
SpamapSSo if we wrote a native OpenStack provider, we'd not gain much, because all the clouds that juju supports need to support the same functionality (which is a very tiny footprint btw... start/stop/list machines is the krux of it)16:58
SpamapSWe only just now added the constraint ability.. which is where native support becomes more attractive because it enhances capabilities without needing anything fundamentally different.16:58
RichardRaseleyI suppose that is true from a technical point of view - but there is something that just seems "off" about having to proxy requests to OpenStack from Juju through an ec2, s3 proxy. :: shrugs ::16:59
SpamapSRichardRaseley: to be clear, right now, there is no proxy needed.16:59
SpamapSOpenStack's EC2 capabilities are built in17:00
RichardRaseleyIt is a compatibility layer though, correct?17:00
SpamapSSort of17:00
SpamapSEC2 is done at the same level as OSAPI17:00
RichardRaseleySo JuJu makes ec2 calls, that layer translates those to nova?17:00
SpamapSNova-API supports both EC2 and OSAPI17:00
SpamapSso.. the same thing that translates OSAPI to nova :)17:01
RichardRaseleyI am not familiar with OSAPI - I am just dipping my toes into OpenStack17:01
SpamapSIts just possible that the EC2 will be moved out of Nova API as OSAPI grows as the dominant use case.17:01
SpamapSOSAPI == Native OpenStack API17:01
hazmatRichardRaseley, the ec2 calls that juju makes to openstack are implemented at the same layer/level as the native openstack calls17:11
hazmatbut in the context of public clouds built on openstack, not all choose to expose those implementations17:12
hazmatthe proxy offers compatibility usage in that context, and going forward maybe adopted as a preferred mechanism by ostack for ec2 compat17:13
hazmatthat's tbd though17:13
bkerensajcastro: Why you offer XPS laptops at UDS?17:16
bkerensa>.< now you know I must write more charms17:17
jcastrobkerensa: why not?17:17
jcastroSpamapS: hah, nice hack (the subordinate ssh thing)17:17
jcastroyou know, why not have an "auth" subordinate that does just that?17:17
* SpamapS is good with the hatchet :)17:19
SpamapSjcastro: I am working on a pam-mysql subordinate actually :)17:19
SpamapSI'm telling you.. once subordinates are fully understood.. everybody's heads will explode with good ideas17:20
bkerensajcastro: So if we are attending UDS and we start pushing Charms this week will those count or do we actually have to write them at UDS?17:20
hazmatbcsaller, please do an ml announce of subs17:20
SpamapSYeah it would go well with the 12.04 release17:21
bcsallerhazmat: writing something up17:21
hazmatbcsaller, awesome17:21
SpamapSI think we have to accept any charm from now until judging.. otherwise people will cheat and bring pre-baked charms anyway. ;)17:21
bkerensaSpamapS: I cannot bring anything pre-baked because I need you to roll out my dough first before I put it in the oven17:23
RichardRaseleySo - this is a question from a non-developer and someone with no experience using charms - are most charms written in a specific language such as Python?17:26
hazmatRichardRaseley, no.. they can be written in any language and with any tooling.. that said.. most of the 'official' charms (ie been through a review process) are written in shell/bash with a handful in python.17:29
RichardRaseleyhazmat: Thanks for that information.17:30
jmlI'm getting lots of log-spam in /tmp/juju-local/jml-local/machine-agent.log18:24
jml2012-04-26 19:23:25,336:1064(0x7f845c6e3700):ZOO_WARN@zookeeper_interest@1461: Exceeded deadline by 486569ms18:24
jml2012-04-26 19:23:25,337:1064(0x7f845c6e3700):ZOO_WARN@zookeeper_interest@1461: Exceeded deadline by 486569ms18:24
jml2012-04-26 19:23:25,337:1064(0x7f845c6e3700):ZOO_ERROR@handle_socket_error_msg@1528: Socket [] zk retcode=-7, errno=110(Connection timed out): connection timed out (exceeded timeout by 0ms)18:24
jmlI suspect that it crashed my computer earlier (when it ran out of disk space)18:24
SpamapSjml: doh!18:24
SpamapSjml: more recent versions don't seem to do that as much18:24
jmlwell, this is whatever is in precise today18:24
SpamapSjml: there was a change in txzookeeper that made the client more robust18:24
SpamapSah ok18:24
SpamapShazmat: ^^18:25
SpamapSjml: the deadline stuff... makes me wonder if there was a time skew of some kind?18:25
jmlI guess there should probably also be a circuit breaker in the logging code to prevent killing computers18:25
jmlalthough maybe in the cloud it doesn't matter if computers die :\18:25
hazmatwe need to disable the log verbosity on zk log18:26
hazmatits bad18:26
jmlwhat do I do to stop the problem?18:26
jmlit's also chewing cpu18:26
hazmatjml, ? cpu logging is chewing up cpu?18:26
hazmater. logging is18:26
jmlhazmat: the process doing the logging is18:27
jmlthat's how I identified the issue18:27
jmlfwiw, it's spammed 3G+ while I've been talking here.18:27
hazmatjml this is the bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju/+bug/95831218:28
_mup_Bug #958312: Change zk logging configuration <juju:New> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/958312 >18:28
hazmatthe short answer is we can just disable the zk log18:28
hazmaton the clients18:28
hazmatthe long answer is a an os.pipe that filters the output of the log to just relay relevant things18:28
hazmateta 10m on the disable fix18:29
jmlsorry, what I meant was how can I save my computer? just kill the rogue process?18:30
jmlactually,  screw it, I just did that.18:30
hazmatjml, just delete the logs.. or data-dir18:30
jmlhazmat: I tried that first, still left me with something using approx 100% cpu18:31
hazmatjml, that sounds very odd, unless that's a cascading problem18:31
hazmatie. disk full triggers something else bad18:31
jmlhazmat: well, the earlier disk full was on a previous boot18:32
jmlbut I did have to hard kill18:32
_mup_juju/zk-log-client-disable r532 committed by kapil.thangavelu@canonical.com18:32
_mup_disable zk client log on agents18:32
jmlbecause it's running as root, it uses *all* the disk space18:32
jmlnot just almost all18:32
jmlso 'sudo reboot' wouldn't work18:32
hazmatjml, i've always just removed the offending log file first.. but yeah.. that's ugly18:35
hazmatthe one line fix  is https://code.launchpad.net/~hazmat/juju/zk-log-client-disable/+merge/10375318:35
jmlhazmat: cool.18:36
jmlhazmat: although I have to confess I'm not in a huge rush to switch away from using the package18:37
hazmatSpamapS, the zk server isn't up on local provider on reboot...18:37
hazmatie not upstartified18:37
SpamapShazmat: so perhaps we should back off logging/retries?18:38
hazmatSpamapS, its the c library logging, we have to do some magic to get it to do things sanely18:38
hazmatlike pass it an os.pipe we have a reader on that does something like a  ring buffer before it flushes to the log file18:39
SpamapShazmat: REST API to the rescue? ;)18:39
jmlanyway, I'm off. thanks guys.18:39
hazmatSpamapS, not really.. this an agent problem.18:39
jmlREST :(18:39
hazmatSpamapS, oh you mean rest EVERYWHERE ;-)18:39
hazmatrip ;-)18:39
SpamapShazmat: Yeah I think eventually that will happen18:39
hazmatthat one liner does the safe/simple thing of just disabling the c library logging.18:40
hazmatit does occassionally have useful info, but not at the cost/risk it has18:40
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jimbakerhazmat, +1 on that trivial re zk log, i think you made the right case20:38
hazmatjimbaker, thanks.. committing20:38
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cyberplopAlguien habla espa;ol?????21:33
* hazmat hits the road enroute to an openstack meetup21:46
jcastroSpamapS: all you bro: http://askubuntu.com/q/125640/23522:14
bobweaverYes there is a juju channel22:54
bobweaverhow do charms work in-comparison to .debs ? are there control files rules ect where can I find tutorials ? besides the ones in the topic. thanks for your time.22:56
bobweaversorry if I missed anything  router geeked out23:00
SpamapS7 minutes from "how does that work" to /part .. doh23:04
bobweaverdang sorry if I missed anything my router stoped working for a little bit.23:08
marsSpamapS, ^23:09
SpamapSbobweaver: welcome back :)23:13
bobweaverI am reading a bunch like the tutorials juju.ubuntu.com/docs/ I am also going to join the mailing list23:14
bobweaverThanks SpamapS23:14
SpamapSbobweaver: Charms define services, where as .debs define local, single machine program installations.23:14
bobweaversorry about the break in the tunnel23:14
SpamapSbobweaver: there is a metadata file, not unlike debian/control in a debian source package.. and hooks are somewhat like maintainer scripts (preinst, postrm, etc), though their purpose is quite different.23:16
bobweaverThe real reason that I would like to see more about juju is becasue I watched the keynote for last years UDS and there was something in there like getting away from packaging the way that it is. So I thought that now is the time as I was learing making .debs23:16
bobweaverI am going to fire up the virtual machine and install drupel and have a play23:17
bobweaverthanks for them tips.23:17
bobweaverIs it true that ubuntu is going to try to start usingt juju more and more ? like a re-placemesnt for apt? if too harsh sorry :)23:18
SpamapSbobweaver: Its not a replacement for apt at all.23:22
SpamapSbobweaver: packaging makes juju charms more robust and easier to write.23:22
SpamapSbobweaver: there are some things, however, that are really hard to package in a way that is generically useful.23:22
SpamapSbobweaver: for instance, if you have a web app that is changing rapidly, it may be better to deploy with juju and have users always get the latest release, rather than some frozen app from the archive 2 years ago.23:24
bobweaverI see so it is mainly for lamp and other fast pace stuff23:26
SpamapSnot really23:27
bobweaverI have been fighting packing this up https://launchpad.net/zpanelcp   may juju would be good ?23:27
SpamapSits for integrating that stuff, with the slow moving rock solid stuff23:27
SpamapSbobweaver: is it useful in a multi-node deployment?23:28
SpamapSbobweaver: it looks like a great candidate for juju integration actually23:29
bobweaverI am going to give it a shot but we will see. I like to play around with stuff23:29
SpamapSbobweaver: documentation is severely lacking on that project23:31
SpamapSor well hidden23:31
bobweaverI might be able to help I see that there is a juju charm school23:31
bkerensajcastro: You around23:33
* bkerensa wonders if Canonical (Juju) would like to sponsor the next shirt http://i.imgur.com/ZIzUO.png and get the Juju logo on the sleeve23:34
bkerensa:) Eucalyptus sponsored our last edition23:34
SpamapSbkerensa: that would be cool23:35
bobweaverbkerensa:1st wow & cool. do you know how there are the green love oregon stickers ? maybe make the ubuntu circle into heart. but I think that I would like one of them shirts. they look great.23:41
bkerensabobweaver: :D23:41
bkerensaSpamapS: It cost about $497 for us to have 30-40 shirts printed they come out real nice... I wear the Ubuntu Oregon/Eucalyptus shirts often23:42
bkerensaIs kind of sad we have to go to other companies to have them sponsor CD's/Banners etc for us though :P23:42
SpamapSbkerensa: if Canonical sponsored every Ubuntu user group we wouldn't have any money to make *Ubuntu*23:44
SpamapSIn a way, Canonical sponsors anything and everything that has the Ubuntu logo on it. :)23:44
bkerensaSpamapS: They give CD's, Banner and Table Cloth to all approved LoCo's23:46
bkerensa:P but we continue to be denied approval even though we exceed the criteria :)23:47
SpamapSbkerensa: oh, whats up with that?23:50
SpamapSbkerensa: IIRC, thats also how you get approval to use the Ubuntu Trademark.. so.. be careful about those t-shirts w/ Ubuntu logo :P23:50
bkerensaSpamapS: To be honest? I have no idea and our entire loco is pretty disappointed at it.... We escalated the issue to the CC because we felt we were treated unfairly.... If you look at loco.u.c. see how many U.S. approved LoCo's are having release parties? not many but we are and for three cycles in a row we have the largest release party in the U.S. :) also 20% of our members had commits in 12.0423:51
bkerensaso idk23:51
bkerensaWe have people who work for Canonical in the LoCo who were like "Why did we get declined?"23:52
bkerensaidk its a hot mess :P23:52
SpamapSbkerensa: but there must be a reason23:52
bkerensaSpamapS: I think it was because the LC did not throughly examine our application and had new members...23:53
bkerensathey ended up changing the approval criteria right after we were declined because they tried to make up criteria on the fly23:53
bkerensaThey didnt even bother creating minutes for the meeting23:54
bkerensaI had to add them myself23:54
SpamapSbkerensa: ouch23:54
SpamapSso, churn + ineptitude23:54
SpamapSbkerensa: perhaps things are better now then?23:54
bkerensayeah and someone from the LC actually told me later flat out we should have been approved23:54
bkerensaSpamapS: perhaps but we still have to wait a cycle I guess or response from the CC.... Either way it impacts us getting CD's into the hands of potential users23:55
bkerensaand everytime people ask us for printed CD's I have to explain why we don't have them23:55
SpamapSbkerensa: you guys going to put a booth up at OSCON?23:57
SpamapSThats been one of my favorite conferences for years23:57
SpamapSand its right there in Portland23:57
bkerensaSpamapS: yes of course.. We have had one every year23:57
bkerensaand we will be at OSBridge23:58
bkerensaand PuppetConf and pretty much everything in our region :)23:58
SpamapSbkerensa: if you can't get t-shirts w/ juju logos for your loco.. let us know.. we'll make sure you have a mountain of juju shwag23:58
SpamapSjcastro: ^^23:58

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