
Riddellproofreaders needed https://www-admin.kubuntu.org/news/12.04-release00:58
RiddellI can give access details to anyone who needs it00:58
ScottKRiddell: Comma between "friendly fast"01:18
ScottKRiddell: I don't think telepathy's on the DVD, I thought it went back to Universe?01:20
Riddellright enough01:21
ScottKRiddell: It needs the same "OMG, Kittens!" warning about backing up mail that we had for kmail for Oneiric since upgraders from Lucid will be doing the Akanadi transition.01:21
ScottKOther than that, I think it's good.01:22
RiddellScottK: is there a bug for that?01:23
Riddellprobably loads :(01:23
ScottKYeah.  Where to start.01:24
RiddellScottK: is there a 1 sentence way to say that?01:24
Riddell"backup mail" isn't too helpful without saying how01:24
ScottKNeeds some Oneiric/Precise, but it's pretty much there.01:25
Riddellhum, a job for tomorrow I think01:26
ScottKThe release note about Kontact 4.7 in http://www.kubuntu.org/news/11.10-release still applies pretty much verbatum.01:26
Riddelltime for me to snooze tonight01:26
ScottK4.7/4.8 and some noises about improved reliabliity from 4.7, but it should still be scary.01:26
ScottKOK.  Have a good sleep.01:26
phoenix_firebrdWill this bug be fixed https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/grub-installer/+bug/953559 before the release ?01:26
ubottuLaunchpad bug 953559 in grub-installer (Ubuntu) "12.04 install failed to install bootloader using btrfs for root file system" [Medium,New]01:26
phoenix_firebrdRiddell: really?01:26
ScottKphoenix_firebrd: It's not the default FS and it doesn't fail in all cases.01:27
ScottKDid you try it more than once?01:27
ScottK(I've done successful btrfs installs this week)01:27
phoenix_firebrdScottK: ya, but i tried btrfs before and like to try it now too. so i will try the workaround01:28
ScottKYou can also run a live session, manually partition the drive, and then install into the existing partition if the installer won't support it.01:31
ScottKI doubt you'll have to do that though.01:31
phoenix_firebrdScottK: ya thats the workaround. Have you tried any btrfs recovery tools01:34
ScottKI'm generally very conservative about file systems.01:35
ScottKI only installed it on a test install that didn't live more than 5 minutes after it was done.01:35
phoenix_firebrdScottK: can you give me any info about the state of wayland in 12.0401:39
ScottKWe have version 0.85.01:39
ScottKBeyond that, I don't know.01:39
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Riddellnearly there06:56
* Jacky waits.07:05
Riddellany day now infact07:22
jussibah, I got to try to get this kmix crash to happen reliably :/07:26
Riddelljussi: does it always happen on track change in amarok?07:27
jussiRiddell: no, when using skype07:28
jussiRiddell: if youve a min, and have skye, you could call to help test...07:28
RiddellI don't I'm afraid07:28
jussiIll see if i can get it to happen again and file a bug07:29
Riddelljussi: bug 963895 surely07:36
ubottuLaunchpad bug 963895 in kdemultimedia (Ubuntu) "kmix is crashing after multiple volume changes" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/96389507:36
Riddellkde bug 29074207:36
jussiRiddell: that does look like it07:36
ubottuKDE bug 290742 in general "kmix is crashing after multiple volume changes" [Crash,Assigned: ] http://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=29074207:36
RiddellI seem to remember kmix in 4.8.0 was fine so I'd like to look at reverting to that07:37
jussiits release day and we have a bug like this :/07:37
Riddellyeah, disappointing07:37
jussilet me try reproduce here07:37
Riddellbug 966913 is nasty too07:38
ubottuLaunchpad bug 966913 in kdepim (Ubuntu) "Akonadi contact resource wrong defaults" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/96691307:38
jussicant seem to get it to crash now :/07:39
Riddellthere's probably a reason why it hasn't been fixed upstream, it's a nasty bug07:40
Riddellnasty to pin down07:40
Riddellproofreaders needed https://wiki.kubuntu.org/PrecisePangolin/Final/Kubuntu/Kmail207:48
Riddellshadeslayer: any amd64+mac testing possible?07:50
micahgis Kubuntu still not tracking upstream bugs in LP (Project Timelord)?07:51
Riddellmicahg: right, unless we are especially concerned about them07:52
micahgok, thanks07:52
jussiRiddell: "migrated to the new system. This includes contacts from KAddressBook, events from"  could read "migrated to the new system, including contacts from KAddressBook, events from "07:52
jussistart 2 consecutive sentences with "this" sounds a little funny to my ear07:53
jussiother than that, looks good07:53
agateauRiddell: in Introduction "for uses upgrading" => "for *users* upgrading"08:08
agateauincludeing => including08:08
agateauperfomed => performed08:08
agateauRiddell: in "After Migrating", Update folder and *its* subfolders08:11
Riddellvotre grammaire est très bonne08:12
agateauRiddell: merci mon cher :)08:12
agateauRiddell: I believe the "its" vs "it's" mistake may actually be easier to spot for people whose primary language is not english, because the two translates to very different words08:14
agateauat least in french08:14
agateausame with "you're" vs "your"08:14
Riddelldoesn't make any sense thought, possessive words should have an apostrophie08:15
Riddellbut not my mistake, that page is copied from our previous release08:15
agateauRiddell: in "Importing Email Manually", I would remove the "and" from "and browse to where you saved ~/.kde/share/apps/kabc": there is another "and" after the next comma08:15
=== Jacky is now known as JackyAlcine
=== JackyAlcine is now known as Jacky
Riddellproofreaders needed for download page https://www-admin.kubuntu.org/content/qwer09:27
tazzRiddell, it asks for auth.09:29
Riddelldoods, nearly there!09:52
* Riddell holds breath10:05
Riddellmirrors syncing...10:15
Riddell(which isn't a fast operation)10:15
Hobbseego go mirrors!11:11
HobbseeRiddell: happy to proofread if you need another11:12
RiddellHobbsee: http://www.kubuntu.org/getkubuntu/download could do with an eye over and checking all the links11:13
Riddellthen https://www-admin.kubuntu.org/news/12.04-release (for which you'll need a password)11:13
Hobbseeyep..which is?11:14
=== jdrab is now known as cortex_sk
Riddellwhee! http://www.kubuntu.org/12:03
Riddellalthough some site mirrors are marked as down tsk12:03
yofel_Riddell: sorry for not being able to test software-properties-kde yesterday, fell asleep12:06
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
Riddellyofel: I think it's in oneiric-updates no?12:06
yofelit is - and works12:07
Riddellwell thanks a lot all12:07
Riddellstarbuck: used your artwork for the release :)12:07
RiddellI need to relax a bit before my head explodes, back later12:07
starbuckriddell: cool, but its not mine, but haris :)12:19
Riddellyay haris12:19
GirlyGirlHmm the Kubuntu site seems down from here12:28
Mamarokyep, down for me as well12:28
Mamarokworks again, seems some forwarding issue12:30
Mamarokcongratulations everyone!12:30
GirlyGirlIts very slow though12:32
Hobbseecdimage looks trashed, can't grab a torrent file12:35
Hobbseeoh, here we go12:35
GirlyGirlHmm all the Ubuntu sites seem problematic and more overloaded than they were for any other release12:36
* Hobbsee is about ot start torrenting!12:36
Hobbseehow fast can one run through 200gb?12:37
MamarokGirlyGirl: that's normal for LTS releases12:37
Mamarokwell, we seem to be slashdotted, no way to get that website: http://www.kubuntu.org/getkubuntu/download12:51
RiddellMamarok: keep pressing F5, some mirrors are working12:55
Riddellelsewhere: "showing a drupal branded error message on www.ubuntu.com is surely not intended" not just us12:55
Hobbseedid they always do that/12:56
Hobbseeor did we actually do a static page before?12:56
MamarokRiddell: yes, that's what I am doing12:56
Hobbseeseeding out of a machine in au at 65mbps at the moment12:56
RiddellHobbsee: I don't think we've had this problem before12:56
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ScottKRiddell: I read the backscroll on #ubuntu-release on the amd64+mac partitioner issue.  My recommendation is to release note the issue and release the image as it's just one piece of the functionality that doesn't work.  It won't hurt anything else.12:58
* Hobbsee waves to ScottK12:59
* ScottK waves to Hobbsee.12:59
ScottKNice to see you around.12:59
Hobbseeindeed, nice to be here12:59
Hobbseefun to smash the hell out of my vps :P12:59
BluesKajHiyas all13:02
Mamarokhm, I get "illegal token:60" messages for both the desktop-amd64.iso and the alternat-amd54.iso13:08
Mamarokbecause those links are wrong, the point to http://torrent.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/simple/precise/... instead of http://torrent.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/releases/precise/13:11
Mamarokcould somebody check with an editor?13:12
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ScottKWhoever was having the high CPU/crash problems with akonadi_mailfilter_agent, I now know how to fix it without having to delet all your mail.  See Bug #988866 13:55
ubottuLaunchpad bug 988866 in kdepim (Ubuntu) "akonadi_mailfilter_agent eats 100% CPU and RAM and then crashes" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/98886613:55
=== Mamarok_ is now known as Guest693
=== Guest80772 is now known as Mamarok
Darkwingbug 98890815:05
ubottuLaunchpad bug 988908 in Kubuntu Website "torrent links for precise go nowhere" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/98890815:05
micmordthank you for the 12.04 LTS15:05
DarkwingScottK: Who sets up the files and torrents?15:05
Darkwingy/w micmord15:06
Darkwing:) Thanks or using. :D15:06
micmordthis is the right link i suppose15:06
Darkwinggarg, where did Riddell take off to...15:08
Darkwingclaydoh: ping15:09
yofelDarkwing: need website help?15:32
Darkwingyofel: Aye, I'll PM you.15:32
DarkwingWe don't have a torrent setup for alt i*86?15:45
MamarokDarkwing: yes, but the links are wrong15:50
DarkwingMamarok: fixing.15:50
* Darkwing sighs15:51
Mamarokoh, there are only 64bit apparently15:52
DarkwingMamarok: can you refresh the download page and double check?15:57
DarkwingI think I got the torrent links fixed.15:57
ryanakcaCongrats folks :)15:58
DarkwingCan someone double check the torrent links on http://www.kubuntu.org/getkubuntu/download for me?15:58
micmordDarkwing: fixed15:59
Mamarokthere doesn't seem to be any seed on the alternat 64bit15:59
Mamarokand what is amd64+mac.iso?16:00
Mamarokthat one has seeders16:01
Darkwing64bit mac?16:01
DarkwingI always use the desktop dvd for my laptop16:01
DaskreechWho's responsible for the release announcement16:02
Mamarokwell, I download all 3 64bit ones, but I have no seeds on the alternate amd64.iso16:02
DaskreechCan they change the links to the torrents?16:02
Daskreechthey are 404's now16:03
MamarokDaskreech: Darkwing just did16:03
MamarokDaskreech: refresh your browser16:03
MamarokDarkwing: shouldn't that read torrent.ubuntu.com/.. instead of cdimage.ubuntu.com/.. ?16:04
DaskreechMamarok: it's torrent.ubuntu.com here but it's 40416:05
Mamarokyes, and the cdimage.ubuntu.com/.. has nothing to seed16:05
Daskreechas opposed to http://torrent.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/releases/precise/release/desktop/kubuntu-12.04-desktop-i386.iso.torrent16:05
MamarokI am talking about the alternate CD, I already am seeding the other 2 64bit ones16:06
Mamarokdesktop and dvd16:06
Mamarokthose torrents do work, provided you have the correct link, I edited those manually16:07
Mamarokit has to be http://torrent.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/releases/precise/release/desktop/kubuntu-12.04-desktop-amd64.iso.torrent16:07
Mamarokand the links on the website were totally wrong16:08
DaskreechThe links from the site are http://torrent.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/releases/precise/desktop/kubuntu-12.04-desktop-i386.iso.torrent16:08
Mamaroknow, yes16:08
Mamarokthere is a folder missing16:08
Mamarokcheck with mine above16:09
DaskreechI know i went manually and grabbed them16:09
Mamarokthat works16:09
Daskreech but that won't be the response of most people16:09
MamarokDarkwing: could you please correct those?16:09
Darkwingworking on it.16:09
MamarokDaskreech: we are currently working on putting the correct links16:09
Mamarokguess why I am talking about that16:09
DaskreechMamarok: Cool :) need a proof reader for the release ?16:10
MamarokDaskreech: well, the release is already out, no?16:10
MamarokI didn't write it16:10
Darkwingshould be.16:10
Daskreechok I'll look it over16:11
yofelI'll seed the isos in a bit, I've got desktop/alt/dvd lying around here16:11
Mamarokyofel: we need correct torrent links to start with16:12
Mamarokthe alternate amd64 has nothing to seed, 404 error16:12
MamarokI am already seeding the desktop-amd64 and dvd-amd6416:13
yofelI'll leave that to Darkwing16:13
Mamarokhow is it even possible to screw up the links that much? Why is there no consistency in the location and where is the iso for the alternate-amd64?16:14
DaskreechUbuntu's overall theme is inconsistency16:14
Daskreech~http://www.kubuntu.org/news/12.04-release has and error under Download A Dik Image16:15
Daskreech Disk16:15
MamarokDaskreech: then they should fire the sysadmins and hire people who know their job?16:15
Daskreech It has a visible anchor insteead of a link16:15
DaskreechMamarok: somehow it will be the community 16:15
Mamarokwell then congrats community on fucking up a release with wrong links ;)16:16
Mamarokso where is the alternate-amd64.iso?16:16
Mamaroknot where it should be16:17
arpanpateliaHere's more: http://www.kubuntu.org/getkubuntu/download --> torrent files link not working.16:17
Mamarokarpanpatelia: guess what we are talking about...16:18
yofelDarkwing: fixed thangks16:18
yofeler, Daskreech^16:18
DarkwingI just saved the get downloads page...16:18
yofelDarkwing: I only edited the announcement16:18
Mamarokin which folder is the alternate-amd64.iso? Not where it should be apparently16:18
Mamarokso someone who is responsible for the torrent server should hurry up to fix that16:19
DarkwingMamarok: That is Canonical sysadmin.16:19
MamarokDarkwing: that is what I said earlier, they should fire them for incompetence16:20
DarkwingI'm a volunteer lol16:20
MamarokDarkwing: to fire them? I would be very good in kicking asses16:20
Mamarokeven have very pointy shoes16:21
Mamarokdid somebody at least notify them?16:22
DarkwingOkay. I pulled the torrent links from http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/releases/precise/release/16:23
yofelthe links are ok now here16:23
Darkwingyofel: They work now?16:25
yofelfor me yes16:26
Mamarokstill nothing to seed for the alternate-amd64.iso16:26
DaskreechAnd now you have happy campers in the #kubuntu chan16:27
DarkwingWell, the link has been down...16:28
Mamarokwget on the .iso file directly works, the torrent doesn't seed though16:28
DaskreechAre there any peers?16:29
DaskreechYou should be able to wget the ISO and then seed from that if there are peers16:29
Daskreech oh 16:29
DaskreechThe tracker is messed up then?16:29
Mamarokyep, that is waht I am talking about the whole time :)16:30
Mamarokno peers, no seeds16:30
yofela peer showed up (I have dht on though)16:30
Daskreechwhats the tracker URL?16:30
Mamarokso do I, no peer16:30
Mamarokwhich gives an error, requested download not authorized for use with this tracker16:32
DaskreechThat should work. 16:32
DaskreechDarkwing: Any idea which chan would be in charge of that?16:32
Mamarokyofel: you don't get an error on that?16:32
MamarokI use dht as well16:33
yofelI do, but rtorrent then just switches to dht://16:33
yofelthis *always* happens on releases16:33
Mamarokwith wget this will take ages16:35
DarkwingDaskreech: No...16:36
DarkwingDaskreech: I'll work on it16:36
Mamarokyofel: so if I want to seed, how do I proceed then?16:36
yofeldo you have the image yet? if yes I would just wait, if not I would try zsync - that at least uses compression unlike wget16:37
Mamarokhm, let me check if that is faster...16:38
Darkwingthe path to the .torrents is working on the website right?16:38
yofelor if it's really not downloadable I'll symlink my images here16:39
yofelonce I'm done copying them16:39
tsimpsonwget (at least with the desktop-i386 torrent) seems to work for me16:39
tsimpsoneven if it's slow16:39
Mamaroktsimpson: yes, it works, but takes about 90 minutes or so16:40
nixternalCONGRATS EVERYONE! great job on yet another amazing release!16:42
Daskreechnixternal: I blame you!!!16:42
Daskreechnixternal: It does look good though :)16:43
Daskreechand more exciting things coming up16:43
tsimpsonMamarok: takes me around 30-40 seconds to download the .torrent16:43
nixternalyou can't blame me, I haven't touched a damn thing in probably 2 years16:43
Mamaroktsimpson: you talk about the alternate-amd64.iso I am talking about?16:44
Daskreechnixternal: And it's a great release!! :-D16:44
tsimpsonMamarok: i tried with the desktop-i386, but the alternate-amd64 one seems to download too16:45
Darkwingnixternal: They ar blaming me now instead of you... I want to know how that happened...16:45
nixternalthey can smell a sucker a mile away, that's how :p16:45
Mamaroktsimpson: the torrent? It doesn't have peers16:46
Darkwingnixternal: too true16:46
Darkwingnixternal: and it's all your fault.16:46
tsimpsonMamarok: I just mean the .torrent file, not the actual ISO over bittorrent16:46
Darkwingso, the paths to the .torrent files are fixed? 16:47
Mamaroknot for me16:47
Mamarokno peers, same tracker error as before16:48
yofeljust to clear up: tracker broken, links fixed16:49
tsimpsonI can wget kubuntu-12.04-{alternate,desktop}-{i386,amd64}.iso.torrent fine, just takes a age to connect to cdimage.u.c16:49
starbuckwhats the difference between dvd and cd?16:49
Mamaroktsimpson: I can wget the iso as well, but the torrent needs to work as this is what we link to from the download page16:50
Mamarokand it is the only torrent not working, the other 2 amd64 (desktop, dvd) work fine16:50
tsimpsonstarbuck: DVD has extra language packs and extra packages (installable from apt-get), but the installed system is the same16:50
starbucktsimpson: alright, what extra packages is that?16:51
tsimpsonstarbuck: there is a list of the DVD's content at http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/releases/precise/release/kubuntu-12.04-dvd-i386.list 16:52
DarkwingAFK for a bit. If there are any more issues with the website, PM me.17:01
voriancongrats peeps!17:08
ScottKDarkwing: Dunno.18:36
DarkwingScottK: I think I got it figured out. Thanks mate18:38
BluesKajanyone working on kmail segfaults18:44
ScottKBluesKaj: Segfaults should be reported upstream to bugs.kde.org.18:47
ScottKWhatever they get fixed we'll get with 4.8.3 when it comes.18:47
BluesKajScottK, i reported 3 so far in the last 2 weeks 18:54
BluesKajthese segfaults go back several months ...doesn't look to me like they are being taken very seriously or they bug reports have become overwhelming18:56
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macoso apparently it's release day19:11
maco10.10 is going EOL huh? crap. will have to reinstall.19:12
macobut that's effort, so maybe not19:12
ScottKmaco: Why have to re-install?19:16
maco16GB SSD19:16
ScottKShould be enough for an upgrade if you slim down first.19:17
maco4GB of it is swap19:18
macoif i remove dropbox i might get enough space19:18
macobut usually just installing security updates requires an "apt-get clean" first19:18
sreichwho uyses swap?19:18
ScottKmaco: How much RAM on the box?19:19
sreichyou poor thing :(19:19
macohmm? max the motherboard can handle19:20
maconow, if the motherboard could also handle STAYING POWERED ON....thatd be nice too!19:20
sreichpft, that's extra19:20
maco(that's the other thing, for all i know, the motherboard will jsut power off in the middle of upgrade. it powers off in the middle of plenty other things...)19:20
sreichsounds like time for an upgrade19:20
=== bulldog98_ is now known as bulldog98
macothat computer is 2 years old19:21
maconot quite19:21
macoit's been doing that since 3 months after i got it19:21
macoP.O.S. netbook cost $700 and does that19:21
macoit's the netbook though, so i just use vim as my editor (never lose state) and the SSD means it boots pretty quick, so i can get working again readily enough19:22
macoif i want a reliable laptop, i *downgrade* to my 2006 Gateway19:23
maconever turns off at random, still has 2 hr battery life just like when i bought it, suspends perfectly, can run on battery...19:23
macozareason doesn't make 'em like gateway used to19:23
sreichthat sucks19:24
ScottKmaco: You're unlikely to need more than 2GB swap.19:31
macoScottK: i didnt do the initial install, it's from a linux-preinstalling manufacturer19:31
ScottK(if you're going to reinstall, may as well get more space)19:31
macoit's also junk :)19:31
macopretty, but junk19:31
ScottKLast time I was looking for a laptop, I looked at Zareason, but they didn't have one quite with quite what I wanted.  Perhaps just as well.19:32
* bulldog98 does a crasy release dance :) (wasn’t around when release happend)19:34
macowe'll see in 6 months whether my friend still loves her ideapad. if so, i might go for them19:45
macowhen i looked at ideapads years ago, they were flimsy, poorly grounded...you could feel the current running through the lid of the laptop. hers seems pretty solid though19:46
ScottKThe Dell Latitude E series seem to be pretty solid (that's what I ended up with) and Dells always have good support in Ubuntu.19:53
ScottKWith Dell you do have to be careful as they are hit or miss in terms of robustness with their different lines.19:53
ScottKRiddell: While you weren't around, I added one more bug to the known problems as I finally learned enough about how to work around it to have some useful advice.20:17
ScottKRiddell: Did you see my earlier comment about the desktop amd64+mac image?20:17
Ezimhappy kubuntu 12.04 day all of you :).20:18
Riddellhi ScottK 20:34
ScottKHello Riddell.20:34
RiddellScottK: you think desktop amd64+mac is good enough?20:34
Riddellthanks Ezim 20:34
ScottKRiddell: Yes.  With a release note that says don't use the partitioner on that image.20:35
Riddelldo you know if skeat is still around to confer?20:35
ScottKSlangasek is around.20:35
EzimRiddell, thx you. is libreoffice toolbar thing fixed with 12.04? I did forgott to write bugreport about that.20:36
ScottKI think it's mostly our call anyway.20:36
ScottKEzim: You mean the thing where it's black text on black background?20:36
EzimScottK, exaclty.20:37
ScottKEzim: Fixed for me.20:37
RiddellScottK: did shadeslayer do any testing of it?20:37
ScottKI see two of the three tests marked pass in the tracker.20:37
Ezimschmidtm, nice nice. one more less thing to fix when I make clean installation of kubuntu 12.04.1 :).20:37
Ezimmean ScottK and not schmidtm. sorry.20:38
ScottKI tested the live session myself on my daughter's mac.20:38
ScottKEzim: You should be able to upgrade fine.20:38
EzimScottK, I have ppa and other things outside the repo.20:38
Ezimdo not really wanted to mess up my well running kubuntu 11.10/kubuntu-backports20:39
ScottKIf it's just that PPA, it should upgrade OK.20:39
EzimScottK, generally yes. but I prefer clean installation. 20:39
RiddellScottK: "Akonadi mail filter fails after configuration corrupted" was what you added?20:40
RiddellScottK: who added "KDM login manager" to release notes?20:41
ScottKNot me.20:41
ScottKRiddell: That's a carry forward from oneiric.  It's still valid.20:42
ScottK(so I actually did add it, just not for this release)20:42
Riddellit was apw, a kubuntu user I didn't know about20:42
Riddellbut it does mean the kubuntu.org announce and the release notes wiki page are out of sync20:43
* Riddell fixes20:43
RiddellScottK: waiting for slangasek to be free before I ask an opinion on the amd64+mac image20:56
ScottKOK.  Sounds good.20:57
Riddellhi grmls 21:24
grmlshi Riddell21:24
grmlsi found a bug in 12.0421:25
ubottuLaunchpad bug 989251 in kde-workspace (Ubuntu) "kde crashed after moving mouse pointer over the task bar" [Undecided,New]21:25
grmlsi hope you understand my english21:28
Riddellgrmls: got a backtrace?21:32
RiddellScottK: amd64+mac desktop image is out and sufficiently caveated I think21:33
RiddellScottK: thanks a lot for your help in the release, good job there21:33
grmlssry, no21:35
ScottKRiddell: Thanks and you're welcome.22:13
JontheEchidnayay, this time around they didn't re-direct #ubuntu+1 to the release party channel22:20
JontheEchidnathat was super annoying when they did that22:20
Riddellhi JontheEchidna, thanks for the last minute fix22:20
Riddellthanks to yofel too for similar22:20
JontheEchidnaRiddell: hi, sorry for the last minute heart-attacks22:20
JontheEchidnainteresting metric: my blog has received 140 hits from the 12.04 release announcement, with the top three visiting countries being Italy (29), Germany (26), and America (21)22:28
JontheEchidnathe conclusion is that Italians must love Kubuntu ;-)22:30
claydohDarkwing: pong22:33
Riddelldownload stats from my ec2 mirror http://paste.kde.org/464366/22:34
Riddelldesktop-i386 winning by a long way22:35
ScottKDo you not have the DVDs there or did no one download them?22:37
RiddellScottK: I didn't put them on that mirror22:49
Riddellhttp://www.davidrevoy.com/article116/kubuntu-12-04-install-notes  "My choice stopped again* on Kubuntu , for the 12.04 LTS . Faster, cleaner and polished, I get totally seduced by it."  his wife must be getting jelous of us :)22:52
nixternaldistro_info.DistroDataOutdated: Distribution data outdated   <- anyone with an idea of why I am getting that with pbuilder-precise let me know23:37
nixternalit worked a few days ago23:37
Riddellnixternal: something to do with the release I'd guess23:39
nixternalyeah, trying to trace where it is getting the distribution data and how to patch it so it isn't outdated23:40
nixternalyup. pbuilder --create precise works, but not -dist23:42
ScottKnixternal: Get the distro-info-data from -proposed23:43
ScottK(and see my rant earlier today on #ubuntu-motu if you want to know how I feel about this brain dead design)23:43
nixternalheh, thinking about sbuild? i used to use that years ago. are there any advantages to it these days?23:46
nixternaljeesh, alot of stuff in proposed already23:46
ScottKWe've been putting stuf in -proposed since ~Monday.23:47
ScottKThe launchpad buildd's us an sbuild variant so if you're using sbuild, it's closer to what'll happen after you upload.23:48
ScottKI didn't look much into it yet though.23:48
nixternaliirc i don't remember being able to ever tell a difference back then when i used it. i think then i was playing with the distributed building stuff, and maybe that is why i tried out sbuild23:50
nixternalcan't remember though23:50
nixternalman, i think deciding to do a 'sudo lb build' today was a bad idea23:51

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