
=== hacker is now known as Guest37447
xixorsup dawgs01:07
xixoryo, how do I run something from the keyboard?    windows key + R in windows, and just type the name of a program, and it will find it, and run it?  is that possible?01:20
oldos2erxixor: Alt-F201:20
xixorah, cool, thanks01:21
oldos2erxixor: welcome01:21
xixorwell, the kubuntu 12.04 beta installer was the smoothest and most refined linux installer I have ever seen01:21
phoenix_firebrdWill this bug be fixed https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/grub-installer/+bug/953559 before the release ?01:23
ubottuLaunchpad bug 953559 in grub-installer (Ubuntu) "12.04 install failed to install bootloader using btrfs for root file system" [Medium,New]01:23
juniorboa noite povo01:24
xixoroldos2er: I haven't run a linux on a desktop machine in a few years… headless servers only01:24
tbruff13congrats to the kubuntu team this is the first time i have had a apt-dist upgrade that did not break my system01:25
oldos2erphoenix_firebrd: you should probably ask in #ubuntu-devel01:25
phoenix_firebrdoldos2er: ya thats right01:26
oldos2erxixor: well, hope you enjoy kubuntu. i sure do01:26
xixoryeah… looks good so far01:26
tbruff13oldos2er, i already use it it was just an upgrade01:26
tbruff13oldos2er, i have a question about graphics drivers if you don't mind01:27
tbruff13when is jockey going to update their AMD drivers01:27
xixoroldos2er:  I haven't used  KDE that much since 2005… I've forgotten everything.  I feel a little naked not knowing all the keystrokes, configurations, etc01:27
oldos2ertbruff13: no idea. nvidia here01:27
oldos2eri'm not a dev01:27
oldos2erxixor: it's the same as kde 3.5x, but different.  :)01:28
oldos2ercheck out http://kubuntuforums.net/01:29
xixorI find KDE a little hard to get my head around to be honest01:31
oldos2erxixor: yeah, you can do as much or as little customization as you like01:32
oldos2erthere's a lot to learn01:32
xixorYou know, there is a lot there01:32
oldos2eri've been using kde 4.x for a couple years, feel like i've just scratched the surface01:33
xixoris there a windows+key + E? launch new explorer/nautilus/whatever keystroke that is default?01:34
xixorah, dolphin is what it's called, sorry, my bad01:34
oldos2eryou can configure any keyboard shortcuts you prefer01:35
oldos2ertry http://maketecheasier.com/configure-custom-shortcuts-in-kde/2009/09/2801:36
xixorso, I have a mouse, microsoft wireless mouse 5000, works ok.  Do you think getting the forward/back buttons on either side of the mouse is a fools errand?01:37
oldos2erxixor: you mean to go forward / back in dolphin?01:39
oldos2eri have a microsoft mouse too01:39
xixoryeah, that's exactly what I mean01:41
oldos2ertry http://forum.kde.org/viewtopic.php?f=66&t=9293001:41
oldos2erhaven't tried that myself though01:41
xixorsounds like you have to change code and recompile?01:42
xixorrekonq is following the forward/back buttons, but dolphin isn't01:42
oldos2ernot sure. don't think compiling anything is required....01:43
oldos2erif you check out http://techbase.kde.org/Schedules/KDE4/4.8_Feature_Plan it says that feature is planned for kde 4.901:44
xixoroh, the xbinkeys method?01:45
xixorooh, cool01:45
xixorso do most people end up installing aptitude?  or do most (k/u)buntuers use apt-get?  I have mainly been using debian the last … 15 years or so01:47
oldos2eri love aptitude, but it sux with multiarch01:48
oldos2errunning 32-bit apps on 64-bit OS01:49
xixorgahhh!!! kubuntu doesn't install vim by default????? the horrors01:49
oldos2eraptitude gets confused about dependencies01:49
xixor12.04 is still in beta right?01:51
oldos2eruntil tomorrow01:52
oldos2eror today, depending on your location01:52
xixoroh really?01:52
xixorcool… I get to experience the apt-get dist-upgrade in kubuntu01:53
* xixor pre-emptively prepares a rescue cd01:53
xixoris there a KDE for <insert OS here> users guide/tutorial?02:05
xixorah. great02:11
xixorI will read that all through tonight02:11
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Guest47627some know how to put a cd rom shortcut on dolphin?03:26
JackyLike into the panels on the left?03:34
Jacky(or right)03:34
JackyWell, navigating to that view in Dolphin, then right-clicking the panel and then selecting 'Add Entry..'03:40
Jackyshould do the trick.03:40
Guest47627and path?03:41
JackyShould be automatically filled with the current directory path.03:48
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nicon`Hello :-) Is there any informations when can I expect new Kubuntu 12.04 in download?08:22
Riddellnicon`: out today08:23
Riddellmore kubuntu presense needed in #ubuntu-release-party08:23
ikonianicon`: I'd already told you this in #ubuntu08:24
nicon`ikonia: :-)08:24
ikonianicon`: spamming channels with the same question after being told isn't nice08:24
ikonianicon`: I don't find it funny, I find it rude08:24
nicon`ikonia: on diffrent channels there's diffrent people.08:27
nicon`And now I'm asking about kubuntu, not ubuntu.08:27
ikoniabut you've already had the answer08:27
nicon`So please, stay calm :-)08:27
ikoniaI am calm,08:27
nicon`I don't see it :-)08:27
ikoniathen you are blind as well as rude08:27
nicon`Now this talk is more spamming, than one my question :-)08:27
Tm_Tnicon`: yes, when it's out (prolly within next 12 hours)08:28
ikoniayes, it is08:28
nicon`And this is answer I was looking for.08:28
nicon`Tm_T: thanks.08:28
Tm_Tno hard-set release time as far as I know08:28
nicon`On #ubuntu they couldn't answer :-)08:28
nicon`So there was a reason to ask it here.08:28
SunTsunicon`: you already git this answer on #ubuntu08:28
SunTsugot even08:28
Tm_Tnicon`: you can join us in #ubuntu-release-party if you like to share the waiting with other enthusiasts08:28
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georgelappieshi all, is it out yet?09:01
Unit193Ubuntu will be released by the end of 26th, UTC.09:01
* Jacky looks at the clock.09:02
* Jacky sets timer.09:02
georgelappieslol, me as well09:02
Tm_TI wonder how people assume they would miss the release09:02
JackyMark, I'm looking at you, lol.09:02
georgelappieshaven't been any large updates lately so the daily cureent of today should be identical to the final right?09:03
Tm_TI mean, the amount of fuss it triggers...09:03
Tm_Tgeorgelappies: hopefully, yes09:03
georgelappiesjust for info, what happens to the cdimage.ubuntu/daily-current/ iso for kubuntu once 12.04 is out? does it stay the same as the final iso i.e. no more change?09:06
Tm_Tgeorgelappies: daily is daily (:09:07
georgelappiesor is it rebuild daily still with only 12.04 fixes in? (now new stuff for 12.10)09:07
Tm_Tgeorgelappies: 12.10 development wont begin in few weeks anyway09:08
Tm_Tafter that, daily will be daily development I believe09:08
rethussome time ago there was a shortcut: CTRL+ALT+Backspace to kick the windowmanager... how can i reactivate this?09:24
Tm_Trethus: "alt"+"print screen"+"k" perhaps?09:25
rethuswhy that?09:25
rethushas the "kick wm" shortut switch to those strange shortcut?09:26
Tm_Tmy source is this: http://askubuntu.com/questions/1220/how-can-i-restart-x-server-from-the-command-line09:27
OxymoronWhat will 12.10 brings?09:31
Riddellthat's a question for 6 months time09:32
ct529hi everybody .... is there an interface in kubuntu to switch on and off all the services, and to decided which services should be run at boot time (mysql, http, and so on)?09:54
kalleguldanyone here want to take a bug report on the kubuntu.org website?10:12
Riddellkalleguld: maybe, what's up?10:16
kalleguldall the kubuntu download links points to 12.04, but I get a 404 error when downloading10:17
Riddellkalleguld: that's because we're in the process of releasing!10:17
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Riddellit's not a one step process, a bit of patience needed :)10:17
kalleguldah, ok. When can I expect it to work again?10:18
Riddellkalleguld: "today" is all we can say10:18
kalleguldok, 'll try in 24 hours time :)10:18
kalleguldthanks for the help, and good luck on the new release :)10:19
Riddellkalleguld: nah should be much sooner than that10:19
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ct529hi everybody .... is there an interface in kubuntu to switch on and off all the services, and to decided which services should be run at boot time (mysql, http, and so on)?10:30
hupwhen will 12.04 be out? will it be directly on kubuntu.org when it's out?10:42
ikoniahup: pretty much yes, the home pages will be updated10:43
hupok thanks10:43
Riddellikonia: thanks :)10:44
georgelappiesduring the last two weeks or so i downloaded ubuntu and xubuntu and tried the 12.04 releases out. Problem is once you used kubuntu KDE DE nothing else even comes close! The kubuntu and kde guys rock :D10:45
Riddellgeorgelappies: you can stay around :)10:46
georgelappiesubuntu unity is to slow still and pressing meta key to bring up Dash is very, very slow. Who wants to wait 10 seconds when pressing a button the first time after a boot to see possible apps if you don't know the name for them :(10:47
georgelappiesthanks Riddel, will surely do10:47
georgelappiesxfce is just to dated graphics wise, the top panel hurts my eyes when I look at it. My 12.04 kubuntu install doesn't use that much more ram and sure feels just as snappy but looks order of magnitude more beutifull10:49
Riddellgeorgelappies: we like to think of kubuntu as just that little bit better looking.  the software is pretty too10:51
georgelappiesRiddel: Qt is completely opensource now right? also will kde be ported to Qt5?10:55
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Riddellgeorgelappies: it's been completely free software for about a decade10:57
Riddellgeorgelappies: the development process is now also very open10:57
Riddellgeorgelappies: kdelibs will become KDE Frameworks 5 and use Qt 5, besides applications needing a recompile there won't be noteable change for users10:58
cindeI forgot my password, and tried to reset it from the prompt in the grub menu, by typing 'passwd cinde' It asks for the new password and to retype, but then it says password has not been changed. Any ideas why that is not working?11:01
georgelappiesRiddel: cool :) so are there plans for kde5?11:02
sjk_I have problem printing with 12.04 beta. Printer Configuration does not print test page11:06
vista_killernice work with kubuntu 12.0411:07
vista_killerthis release is perfect :)11:07
sjk_Is that a common problem or just me?11:07
cindesjk: I have a problem with my printers also. They'll work when I first add them, then a couple of days later they wont work11:10
georgelappiesmy bad, KDE Frameworks 5 is KDE5 :)11:10
sjk_I didn't succeed with printing at all11:10
sjk_with another computer and kubuntu 11.10 the same printer works11:11
cindesjk: did you try googling your printer with kubuntu 12.04?11:12
sjk_cinde: i am trying, but no success yet11:14
gribouillewhen will 12.04 be released?11:48
asfyxiagribouille: I guess somewhere in the evening, european time11:52
urlwolfwill kubuntu be released at the same time as ubuntu today?11:56
urlwolfThe iso beta 2 has been removed...11:56
artaotoday at some point I'll be recieving a new video card. moving from an ati x600 to a geforce gtx560 ti ... .... regarding installing the new card, all i have to do under linux is shut the machine down, install the new card, and reboot. right? linux will automagically take care of the hardware change?12:01
szalartao: if you didn't have proprietary drivers installed for the ATI card, that'll most likely do12:02
szalartao: if you did, however, you might first want to remove these12:02
artaoyeah. the x600 is legacy. unsupported by ati's linux driver.12:02
Riddellwhee! http://www.kubuntu.org/news/12.04-release12:03
=== Riddell changed the topic of #kubuntu to: Official Kubuntu support | FAQ: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/FAQ | Pastes: http://paste.kde.org | Chat in #kubuntu-offtopic | Guidelines: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/IRC/Guidelines | Kmail users read this before upgrading: http://bit.ly/o841iy | 12.04 LTS http://www.kubuntu.org/news/12.04-release
artaoi figured linux would do such =D thx .... i remember YEARS ago me and some buddies installed linux on one computer, took the hard drive out and put it in a COMPLETELY different computer, and tried booting ... linux was confused at first, and wanted to reboot a couple more times ... but then ran just fine12:04
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ct529hi everybody .... is there an interface in kubuntu to switch on and off all the services, and to decided which services should be run at boot time (mysql, http, and so on)?12:15
GirlyGirlct529: Statup settings or something in systemsettings12:16
GirlyGirlct529: Ah sorry that is for kde services only I think12:17
ct529GirlyGirl: indeed, I am talking about system services, like daemons and so on12:17
ct529GirlyGirl: but thanks all the same for the nice try :-)12:17
urlwolfI'm going to install kubuntu from http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/daily/12:18
Riddellurlwolf: eh?12:18
urlwolfis this a bad idea? if so, stop me.12:18
ikoniaurlwolf: you said that in #ubuntu12:18
Riddellurlwolf: follow links from http://www.kubuntu.org/news/12.04-release12:19
ikoniaurlwolf: can you please stop asking the same questions in multiple channels12:19
urlwolfyes, sorry, I mistook the chat win12:19
Riddellto e.g. http://www.stgraber.org/download/releases/kubuntu/12.04/12:19
urlwolfI realized my error, but it was too late12:19
asfyxiajoin #ubuntu12:19
asfyxiasorry... mistake12:20
urlwolfRiddell: thanks, thes link is then the release version. great!12:20
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vista_killertelepathy is not working i try to add gmail and msn account but it never connect12:37
vista_killerand the edit. remove account are not working at all12:38
dmattct529: if you are trying to avoid manual conf file editing, try rcconf, it is not kde based, but is easy enough and has no dependencies12:44
gribouillekubuntu keeps asking me if I want to upgrade to the new version. How can I disable this?12:54
dmattct529: aah, rcconf is probably limited to system 5services and not upstart, so it is not good solution12:54
antlarr"Site off-line" . Too much pressure? :)12:56
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dmattgribouille: muon/settings/remind me of distribution upgrade (might be slightly different words in your localisation)12:58
gribouilledmatt, ok, thanks12:59
ManDayWhen will Kubuntu probabaly be released?13:01
liquidatManDay: http://www.stgraber.org/download/releases/kubuntu/12.04/13:02
asfyxiaManday, it's already there, but the fire brigade is cooling the servers...13:02
ManDayYes, everything died13:02
ManDayI did not think Kubuntu would be released on the same days ubuntu13:02
drostiewhat's happened? :o13:02
BluesKajHiyas all13:02
ManDayUbuntu was release drostie13:03
ManDayThat happend.13:03
drostieI know that, but was there a capacity problem or something?13:03
ManDayThere always is13:03
imetallicaManDay, too many people are connecting to the servers. That's the problem.13:03
BluesKajnothing new in my repos , and I'm on 12.04 beta13:03
ManDayI think it was the same 2 cycles ago13:04
ManDayEveryone rushing to download the freshly realeased version13:04
ManDay"Available only for limited time and in limited amounts"13:04
gribouillewhat is apper?13:05
ManDay"paper", perhaps?13:06
drostieokay, hopping on the torrents to help seed them back to others. :D13:07
drostiewoo, already hit an upload speed of 1 MB/s. :D13:09
liquidatgribouille: Are you nuts?13:11
drostieby upgrading? :D13:11
gribouilleliquidat, no13:11
SunTsugribouille: by not yelling13:11
liquidatgribouille: I was about to answer the question what apper is, but since you started screaming: no way.13:12
gribouilleliquidat, fuck off13:12
drostieYes, tell the support staff to fuck off, that will surely get you an answer.13:12
SunTsugribouille: watch your language, else opers might decide that your time in this chanel is up13:12
drostieIt's not like we're volunteers in an open source project or anything.13:12
* liquidat likes ignore lists =)13:13
* SunTsu seconds that13:13
Tm_Teverybody, calm down and behave (:13:15
danieloI would like to ask You about torrent with kubuntu 12.04 64 bit???13:18
imetallicaquestion: kubuntu ships with calligra or with libreoffice?13:18
drostiei386 torrent ratio > 1.0 now. :D13:18
drostieand seeding amd64.13:18
danieloI was trying to het it from homepage13:19
drostieyay for large data transfers.13:19
drostietorrents are here, danielo: http://www.stgraber.org/download/releases/kubuntu/12.04/13:19
Tm_Timetallica: calligra I believe13:20
danielothe homepage is overloaded13:20
danieloI heard caligra13:20
drostiedanielo: see the file kubuntu-12.04-desktop-amd64.iso.torrent13:20
imetallicaCool, looking forward to try calligra... thanks Tm_T.13:21
=== GirlyGirl_ is now known as GirlyGirl
danieloI was trying caligra on my 11.1013:22
danielothere is a lot to do13:22
danielobut is is usable :P13:22
imetallicadanielo, yeh but calligra will be kinda promising when it's finished.13:23
imetallicaI remember using it once, it had poor compatibility with M$ files...13:23
danieloI was trying it. And the UI is really great13:24
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danieloit is stable to I think13:24
danielobut I had dificullty find some funcionality13:25
danielof.e. to set one background to the all in caligra stage13:25
danieloI mean here for all slides13:26
drostieyay, seeding i386 now too. :D13:26
danieloin spreed sheet caligra I couldnt deleta all cell. I had to do it one by one13:26
imetallicadrostie, poor download speed here :<13:27
drostiehaven't quite hit 2MiB/s upload, but I have come a little close occasionally.13:27
danieloand other thinks like that13:27
Ravage#/join #kubuntu-de13:27
danieloIt was hard to find some funcions in hole caligra13:27
imetallicadanielo, well I hope they fixed most of these things13:28
imetallicacus I really liked the new version...13:28
danieloI do to13:28
danieloand I have to admit that performance are better in libre office :D13:29
imetallicameh downloading at 150Kbps is soo sad :<13:29
danieloI am downloading throught http 475 KiB/s13:30
drostieSuch a shame I never wrote that script to make Deluge report its share ratios in decibels. :<13:30
danieloso with whole my internet speed :D13:30
drostiewoo! just hit 2 MiB/s upload, just for a short time. :D13:31
drostieand am sustaining it. :DD13:32
imetallicaand here I've got like 10Mbps of download13:32
drostieJust for kicks, my ratios when measured in decibels are now +1.4 dB, +0.8 dB on the two main deskto torrents. :D13:34
ManDayStill down13:35
Kalidarnhrm are the dvds out yet though13:38
drostieThe DVDs are out but I'm not helping with their torrents.13:39
sc077@ikonia are you active this morning?13:47
gribouilleapper still asks me to upgrade13:47
sc077I've got a leak on my SSD (seriously!) any ext4 gurus around?13:50
drostiegribouille: try opening Software Updates, go to Settings, uncheck "show notifications for distribution upgrades"?13:51
BluesKajso there are no upgrades from the beta on april 22....nothing new in the  repos here since then13:52
Kalidarni'm on the torrents13:52
Kalidarnit'll probably go a lot faster than cdimage.ubuntu.com13:53
Kalidarnthat's being thrashed13:53
Kalidarneither that or it's throttled im getting 10KB/s trying to download a zsync file lol13:53
gribouilledrostie, what is the name of the command?13:54
saidii want to upgrade from kubuntu 11.04 to 12.04 without Internet connection is it possible?13:54
Kalidarnyou'll need then some media13:54
drostiegribouille: for me? "muon".13:55
drostiesaidi: you can always download kubuntu 12.04 by some slow means and then burn it, or request a CD.13:56
gribouilledrostie, it was already unchecked13:56
saididrostie, i can download CD using other computer, i just don't which CD, the live or alternative?13:58
saidi*don't know*13:58
ManDayExcuse me, the kubuntu.com header looks ugly.13:59
GirlyGirlsaidi: You need the alternate image to do an offline upgrade14:00
ManDayThe one with the blue bubbles and a completely unaesthetic text glued onto it.14:00
drostiesaidi: get both.14:00
GirlyGirlManDay: kubuntu.org you mean14:00
ManDayGirlyGirl: Is there a difference?14:00
drostiesaidi: the alternative you need to do the upgrade, but you need a livecd to debug if anything goes horribly wrong.14:01
imetallicakubuntu.com redirects to .org14:01
BluesKajAnyone upgrading from beta this morning ? or is there an upgrade ?14:01
drostiesaidi: I mean, nothing should go horribly wrong. but I try to always be prepared.14:01
drostieyay, torrent ratios > 3 .14:02
imetallica24 minutes to start installation of Kubuntu 12.04 and hello long 5 years on my laptop14:02
GirlyGirlimetallica: With KDE sticking to an old release isn't always the best idea14:03
saididrostie, i really don't want that, what can i do if something wrong happen? clean re-install?14:03
imetallicaGirlyGirl, why not?14:03
drostiesaidi: that would also work. It helps to have /home on a separate partition for that, but yeah, you could always use your alternate CD to reinstall. But I use liveCDs more because I prefer to break into my own system. ^_^14:04
hueoi've just upgraded to kubuntu 12.04 but i'm now getting an error when wryting sudo apt-get install -f: http://paste.kde.org/464162/14:04
GirlyGirlimetallica: Lot of stablity and performance being added in the newer releases now as opposed to new features and bugs as with the early 4X releases14:04
Kalidarn:) queued my torrents14:05
Kalidarntime for sleep14:05
hueoi'm also getting an error when writing sudo dpkg --configure -a: http://paste.kde.org/464168/14:05
drostiesaidi: so for example at one point I accidentally clobbered my group flags, and lost permission to 'sudo' because of it. I had to use a liveCD to mount my drive and with some chroot magic I gave myself those permissions back.14:05
imetallicaGirlyGirl, it's just I've a bad memory doing an dist-upgrade on kubuntu from 11.04 -> 11.10... it broke all my system14:06
GirlyGirlhueo: Maybe try removing those packages then installing them?14:06
hueoGirlyGirl: they could not be found14:07
GirlyGirlimetallica: Best not to do upgrades if you have 3rd party ppas, also normally after a failed upgrade the system isn't necessary unfixable14:07
GirlyGirlhueo: Check if you have only precise repos in /etc/apt/sources.list14:07
imetallicaGirlyGirl, I did not use 3rd party ppas... only the official ones14:07
saididrostie, LiveCD is important, but i'm talking about the upgrade is it safe? or i might broke everything14:08
imetallicaof course I could have fixed it, but it was faster to reinstall it all from scratch anyway...14:08
GirlyGirlimetallica: If LTS works for you its fine of course especially if you cannot reinstall/upgrade every 6 months14:08
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hueoGirlyGirl: in sources.list yes but not in the folder sources.list.d :(14:09
drostiesaidi: upgrades are intended to be quite safe, and usually are. This one probably is too.14:09
drostiesaidi: with that said, they are a bit more unpredictable than normal software updates.14:09
imetallicabesides I was looking for this 5y LTS release, since I's asked to deploy Kubuntu on a lab from the school I work...14:09
GirlyGirlhueo: Remove all mention of oneiric and then do sudo apt-get update then try -f again14:10
GirlyGirlimetallica: The kmix bug in 12.04 is really anoying, might want to wait till its sorted then14:10
imetallicaGirlyGirl, what does it do? :D14:11
saididrostie, GirlyGirl : thank you, i will try14:11
GirlyGirlimetallica: http://launchpad.net/bugs/96389514:12
ubottuLaunchpad bug 963895 in kdemultimedia (Ubuntu) "kmix is crashing after multiple volume changes" [High,Confirmed]14:12
GirlyGirlimetallica: See the release notes on the announcement at kubuntu.org for all known issues14:12
BluesKajkmail is till segfaulting like crazy , here ...i thought i was being worked on14:13
imetallicaGirlyGirl, isn't the website still down?14:13
hueoGirlyGirl: still the same error :(14:14
GirlyGirlimetallica: no but it is slow and crashes every now and then14:14
george_Hello. Do I have to do something to update from 12.04 beta 2 to 12.04?14:14
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hueoi've removed everything which is not "precise"14:15
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george_Do I have to run any command or just procede to regular updates when they come?14:16
drostieyay, I got a copy of the site. Boo, no Kubuntu Active for amd64. D:14:16
BluesKajgeorge_, if you updated 12.04 4 days ago then you have it already , or so it seems ...nothing new in the repos , altho kmail is still broken here14:17
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george_BluesKaj: Ok. So, it seems that I alrealdy have 12.04. But I thought that 12.04 would come with telepathy and I still have kopete.14:18
drostieIs there a way to use the "new UIs" of Kubuntu Active in the normal Kubuntu, with a lot of work? Any links to the groups who worked on it?14:18
drostieI have a touchscreen convertible, so I might like it.14:19
imetallicaGirlyGirl, thanks for the advice, I'll try it now14:20
gribouilleI have finally defeated apper!14:20
GirlyGirlgribouille: It does not come with telepathy decision changed14:20
gribouilleGirlyGirl, what do you mean?14:21
GirlyGirlgribouille: Sorry wrong person14:22
GirlyGirlgeorge_: It does not come with telepathy decision changed14:23
hueoGirlyGirl: i was able to remove all the packages but dictionaries-common14:23
bigbrovarGirlyGirl: You mean the decision was changed to ship kubuntu 12.04 with kde telepathy? and it still comes with kopete by default?14:23
GirlyGirlhueo: Now try install -f command14:23
GirlyGirlbigbrovar: No to use kopete itself14:24
george_GirlyGirl: Thanks Girl.14:24
hueoGirlyGirl: http://paste.ubuntu.com/947405/14:24
bigbrovarGirlyGirl: yeah so 12.04 comes with kopete not kde telepapthy?14:24
GirlyGirlbigbrovar: yes it comes to kopete although I believe they wanted to use telepathy instead but the plan did not work out14:25
bigbrovarGirlyGirl: oh thats sad cus from what I heard kopete is nolonger maintained. But I guess they had to stick with that works.. Guess kde telepathy was not LTS ready14:26
bigbrovarfeel so bad for not finding time to test in the development releases. about to upgrade now though.14:27
GirlyGirlbigbrovar: Its definitely not lts ready its in precise repos if you want to use it14:27
bigbrovarGirlyGirl: yeah I use pidgin anyway which works well for my needs :)14:27
GirlyGirlhueo: see this seems similar http://www.excession.org.uk/blog/ubuntu-1110-released.html14:27
drostiehave uploaded 11.5 copies of Kubuntu via BitTorrent so far. :D :D :D14:27
GirlyGirlhueo: Fortunately I understand French considering your paste output14:28
zeroFantasiai cant download torrents of kubuntu cd 32/64 :|14:28
drostie4 amd64, 7 i38614:28
bigbrovarI just hope the network manager plasma  issue has been fixed. I found it very unstable with kubuntu 11.1014:28
drostiezeroFantasia: why not?14:28
GirlyGirlbigbrovar: Which issue?14:28
zeroFantasiai get a 404 error14:29
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drostiezeroFantasia: try the mirror at http://www.stgraber.org/download/releases/kubuntu/12.04/14:30
BlouBlouhow can I upgrade kubuntu to 12.04 by not using muon?14:30
anathema_hi guys I press alt+f2 and there is no launcher14:30
anathema_I have just upgraded to 12.04 :D14:30
zeroFantasiaok thanks! i just wanted to not stress the server :)14:30
anathema_any way to restore the alt+f2?14:31
lordievaderanathema_, als+f2 still works fine here...14:31
BlouBlounobody knows?14:31
drostiezeroFantasia: tell me about it. T_T14:31
BlouBloujust want to upgrade kubuntu by not using muon14:31
anathema_lordievader, do you know  where to find the settings?14:31
anathema_cause in the keyboard shortcuts I cant find the name of this shortcut14:31
drostie25 minutes until I've downloaded kubuntu active from the server and can seed it on BitTorrent.14:32
lordievaderBlouBlou, I did that not so long ago, let me look up how...14:32
lordievaderanathema_, no sorry...14:32
anathema_I thougtht that it was named14:32
BlouBloulordievader: would it work fine by using console?14:32
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lordievaderBlouBlou, sudo do-release-upgrade -d (to be specific, I aborted it, I wanted to do a fresh install not an upgrade, but it looked like it would work)14:33
lordievaderAh just tested my soundblaster audio card and it work again, yay :D14:34
drostieyay. with hacks, I am starting my upload of kubuntu-active now. :D14:36
huzi'm having a problem with kde after upgrading to kubuntu 12.04, nothing is bold in the scala syntax highlighting14:38
huzi'm no kate 3.8.2 kde 4.8.214:38
daniel____Is there anyone that runs 12.04 with kde?14:44
daniel____do You have icon only task manager?14:45
daniel____ok I found it :P14:46
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drostieyay, folks torrenting kubuntu-active are now finally able to get it at a decent rate. :D14:58
drostie(I am acting as a third seeder.)14:59
llnTorrents work? I get 404s.15:02
zeroFantasialln: me too15:03
drostietorrents at http://www.stgraber.org/download/releases/kubuntu/12.04/15:04
drostieexcept for kubuntu-active (our new tablet version) which is at http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu-active/releases/precise/release/15:04
BluesKajheh, downloading some dbug apps  and it's taking forever ...repos traffic must be real high atm.15:08
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natmancan i ask 12.04 question in here?15:14
drostieokay, back to pouring 2 MiB/s into the 12.04 liveCD torrents. :D15:15
llndrostie: stgraber works although I get "not authorized for use with this tracker" for some.15:21
llnStill 404 on the officials, though.15:21
drostielln. :< maybe Canonical is still being grumpy about the whole "KDE is still wiping the walls with Unity" state-of-affairs.15:22
llnmaybe. :-)15:22
llnAll the Lubuntus works ok from torrent.ubuntu.com.15:23
ntadej_Hi! Anybody else has problems with software-properties-kde after upgrading to Precise?15:23
GirlyGirlntadej_: No problems here15:26
ntadej_There seems a sip4 problem:15:26
ntadej_python: /build/buildd/sip4-4.13.2/siplib/siplib.c:10938: sipEnumType_alloc: Assertion `(((currentType)->td_flags & 0x0007) == 0x0003)' failed.15:26
drostienew upspeed record for the day, 2.6 MiB/s. I think after this the university is throttling me or so. ^_^15:27
drostiemight just be the fact that I'm on WiFi.15:27
AngelForgetvery very super Kubuntu 12.04 lts15:41
drostiesomeone else will have to take over spamming these torrent links because I have to go and be sportive sporty mcsporterson.15:42
drostiekubuntu torrents: http://www.stgraber.org/download/releases/kubuntu/12.04/ the new kubuntu-active touch torrent: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu-active/releases/precise/release/ , pass it on. See you guys later. ^_^15:44
JuJuBeeI use rhythmbox on kubuntu for music.  Anyone know why the repeat and shuffle icons are missing?  tried finding info online but nothing I found seemed to work.15:44
GirlyGirlJuJuBee: Possibly some missing icon theme, try installing the icon themes that come with gnome (ubuntu)15:46
JuJuBeeGirlyGirl: how do I know which ones to install?  I only use kubuntu15:48
GirlyGirlJuJuBee: Sorry I don't know either as I use Kubuntu, just search icon in muon .. I think its human icon theme or something15:49
JuJuBeeWhat is muon?15:56
macoit lets you install other software packages on your system15:56
DaskreechJuJuBee: Look for the Human icons15:56
Daskreech JuJuBee that should be the default theme I thnk15:57
JuJuBeeDaskreech: on my system?  System-settings-?Desktop Theme ?15:57
DaskreechJuJuBee: Muon is the Package manager15:58
DaskreechJuJuBee: /window 1415:59
Daskreech!info gnome-human-icon-theme | JuJuBee16:00
ubottuJuJuBee: gnome-human-icon-theme (source: gnome-colors): orange variation of the GNOME-Colors icon theme. In component universe, is optional. Version 5.5.1-1ubuntu1 (precise), package size 327 kB, installed size 1823 kB16:00
DaskreechJuJuBee: I thnk that's the package you need16:00
GirlyGirlJuJuBee: Search for muon in the menu16:00
JuJuBeeFound it16:02
JuJuBeeUpdating now, then will search for gnome-human-icon-theme16:03
JuJuBeeso is muon better than synaptic or apt-get ? or just different?16:07
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dpyhi guys16:09
dpyhow do I kill the apper upgrade popups16:09
dpyit pisses me off16:09
dpyit pops up every 5 minutes16:09
ntadejhi everyone16:09
GirlyGirldpy: Disable its service in startup ... systemsettings16:10
GirlyGirldpy: But muon is included by default not apper16:10
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ntadejhow can I fix sip4 crashes in precise?16:10
ntadejapport, software-properties-kde all segfault16:11
GirlyGirlJuJuBee: apt-get is CLI cannot compare ... I prefer it too synaptic although it needs some work so I guess its different, but its quite good16:11
dpyGirlyGirl: says apper here16:11
DaskreechJuJuBee: Umm different I thnk16:12
Daskreechdpy: Which release are you on?16:12
JuJuBeeThanks, I usually use cli vs gui for apps etc.16:13
dpyI just unticked a system notification: upgrade information16:13
dpyhope that's the one16:13
JuJuBeeFYI, needed gnome-icon-theme-full to correct the missing icons.  Fixed thanks to you both.  Appreciate the help.16:13
DaskreechJuJuBee: Whoohoo!16:14
JuJuBeeMy sentiments exactly :D16:14
dpynope, still pops up16:15
slughi, the bit torrent links for the desktop editions CD go nowhere16:16
deithrianWhich option to choose in the additional drivers for the most up to date drivers? The post release or current?16:18
ntadejanyone has an idea why would this occur?16:18
ntadej/build/buildd/sip4-4.13.2/siplib/siplib.c:10938: sipEnumType_alloc: Assertion `( ( ( currentType )->td_flags & 0x0007 ) == 0x0003 )' failed.16:18
ntadejAborted ( core dumped )16:18
slugJontheEchidna: hi, the bit torrent links for the desktop editions CD go nowhere16:20
tsimpsonslug: which link(s) are you following?16:20
slugtsimpson: http://www.kubuntu.org/getkubuntu/download Desktop CD, 32bit, 64bit (bittorrent)16:21
tsimpsonslug: ok, what do you mean by "go nowhere"? what exactly happens?16:22
deithrianhe means "not found"16:22
slugtsimpson: 40416:22
deithriani said that an hour ago16:22
tsimpsonreally? "wget http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/releases/precise/release/kubuntu-12.04-desktop-i386.iso.torrent" works for me16:23
tsimpsonslug: try again, it may have been fixed in the meantime16:24
Daskreechslug: fixed16:26
Daskreechntadej: Doing SIP?16:26
sluggreat, thanks!16:26
ntadeji get this when running software-properties-kde or apport-kde16:27
Daskreechdeithrian: also. Fixed16:27
Daskreechhi BluesKaj16:27
deithrianthanks Daskreech16:28
ntadejDaskreech: any ideas what could go wrong during the update?16:33
Daskreechntadej: this is happeneing during a package update?16:34
ntadejno, I just upgraded to 12.04, and when I want to re-enable PPAs, I can't start software-properties-kde16:35
ntadejapport-kde also crashes16:35
Daskreechntadej: ah16:35
Daskreechfrom the command line?16:35
ntadejor from muon16:36
DaskreechFrom the command line does it give an error?16:38
Daskreechcan you pastebin that?16:38
ntadejyes, just a minute16:41
BluesKajhey Daskreech16:41
deithrianGuys why does Chrome require Kwallet?16:44
deithrianWhat am i to do with it?16:44
deithrianWill it require a password every time i start Chrome?16:44
liudas_hello everyone, it's bug or what that i have make tricks via console to be able fully changemouse coursor theme. and it's already in third kubuntu distro16:45
liudas_reproduce: install dmz theme, slect and half of icons changes16:45
BluesKajwow kmail crashes are getting worse16:46
deithrianSomeone help please :/16:47
Daskreechdeithrian: No you can make the password blank and it wil just autofill in stuff for you after that16:47
deithrianDaskreech: kwallet will remember website passwords?16:47
DaskreechThird Kubuntu distro?16:47
Daskreechdeithrian: It will remember whatever you tell it ot remember. Passwords by default though16:48
deithrianjesus christ :O can i uninstall it?16:48
deithrianWill i break anything?16:48
GirlyGirldeithrian: When you login, you get a notification asking if you want to save the password or not, if you ignore the notification it is not saved ... do not unistall kwallet!16:50
GirlyGirldeithrian: I mean login to a site16:50
deithrianGirlyGirl: well i closed Kwallet and restarted Chrome and it popped up again :(16:50
deithrianDid Google did this? :(16:51
ntadejDaskreech: Is there a way to get some more output to debug?16:54
Daskreechdeithrian: Sure. You can just disable it as well16:55
Daskreechntadej: wht output do you have now?16:56
Daskreechit's a python application I thnk :-/16:56
deithrianDaskreech: untick the "Enable the KDE wallet subsystem" ?16:57
Daskreechdeithrian: correct16:57
deithrianDaskreech: thank you very much!16:57
Daskreechdeithrian: you are welcome16:57
yunoshgreat, i'd like to report a kded crash, but for the report wizard to complete (i.e. to login to LP), kded needs to be running :)16:58
ntadej___Daskreetch: python: /build/buildd/sip4-4.13.2/siplib/siplib.c:10938: sipEnumType_alloc: Assertion `(((currentType)->td_flags & 0x0007) == 0x0003)' failed.16:58
ntadej___Aborted (core dumped)16:58
ntadej___that's all I get16:59
Daskreechyunosh: :-) can  you save the crash dump?16:59
BluesKajwell, I'm convinced kdepim is too broken to be useful for most users , unless my case is an anomaly , kmail isn especially damaged here ..not a happy user afte being assyred it was very useful and stable , finally ...well not so16:59
ntadej___how? apport is also not working17:00
Daskreechntadej___: bleah can you try apt-get purge the package then reinstall ?17:00
DaskreechBluesKaj: what's happeneing?17:00
yunoshDaskreech: if you tell me how. or just the console output when trying to start kded manually? that doesn't look too helpful17:00
BluesKajjust crashes when trying click on mail, or changing folders , and on and17:00
georgelappiesjipee, it is out! :D17:01
DaskreechBluesKaj: wow. what are you coming from?17:01
Daskreech clean install or migrating data?17:01
yunoshDaskreech: ah, from the wizard. yes, i can save the kcrash file17:03
BluesKajit started with a clean install about 5 weeks ago, Daskreech , thatwhen I decided to install kmail  and it was fine at first , but gradually it's become almost unusable17:03
Daskreechyunosh: In deed :)17:04
Daskreechgeorgelappies_: :-)17:04
DaskreechBluesKaj: what connection are you using? IMAP or POP3 ?17:04
Daskreechon different accounts?17:05
BluesKajimap for gmail and pop foe my ISP email server17:05
DaskreechBluesKaj: tried disabling one resource to see if it's a major contributing factor?17:06
BluesKajalready tried that Daskreech , no difference17:06
DaskreechBluesKaj: hmm changing folders crashes for you?17:08
BluesKajyes Daskreech17:09
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DaskreechBluesKaj: OK I'll see if I can help any17:10
BluesKaj`anyone else aetting this error ,17:10
BluesKajGPG error: http://archive.canonical.com precise Release17:10
ntadejDaskreech: purge and reinstall didn't work but I apport-cli is working, I'll se if I can get more information17:14
ntadejDaskreech: http://pastebin.com/DtrweG4Y17:17
robertzaccourwhat is the kubuntu version of gksu?17:20
giantpunehi, i have just upgraded to 12.04and i have a little issue.  in all the previous version of kde and *buntu, i have been able to drag a file/folder from the file manager into the terminal and it will put the path of that file/folder in the terminal.  this is not working in 12.0417:20
giantpunehas anybody else tried it?17:20
robertzaccourtrying to input a command without having to install gksu. used to gnome sorry17:20
BluesKajapport upgrade is in the repos , just had it come down the pipe17:20
* BluesKaj hopes the new kernel version has some kdepim upgrades17:23
dmattrobertzaccour: use command kdesudo17:24
robertzaccourok thanks17:24
georgelappiescdimage.ubuntu is bogged down :)17:28
ntadejI'll try updating the kernel, but I don't think this will fix my issue17:29
slugis there a simple way of using do-release-upgrade with a different mirror, without the need of stopping it, edit sources.list and re-run it?17:34
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robertzaccourhow do you install fonts in kubuntu?17:37
ntadej_Daskreech: Updating apport and kernel didn't fix the issue, any ideas from pastbin output?17:38
robertzaccourhow do you view hiddedn folders?17:39
ntadej_robertzaccour: Alt+.17:40
robertzaccourntadej_: ok thanks. I'm trying to find the fonts folder not seeing it17:41
robertzaccourI see .fontconfig but I don't think thats it17:41
ntadej_You can install fonts from System settings17:42
robertzaccourntadej_: how?17:42
robertzaccouroh I found it thanks17:43
ntadej_Go to System settings and you can find fonts settings in the system category17:43
robertzaccourbetter than the gnome way imo17:45
nurupowhat I'm doing wrong?17:50
qbitjust checking, I guess in prep for upgrade to 12.04 I should probably turn of the backports PPA that I enable to get KDE 4.8.2?18:02
qbitor does it even matter....18:02
tsimpsonqbit: the update process should disable all the non-default sources by default18:08
qbittsimpson: thanks - didn't know that18:08
cr1tt0C'è nessuno?18:15
h2pHas anyone here ever done stuff with VOIP?  I am a computer science student looking for an internship, and got contacted by a company that says they are a VOIP company that makes configurations for phones, uses spreadsheets and visio to make designs, and talks to customers sets up phone systems forthem. Is this a good internship for a CS student or is it a waste of time?18:18
onetHi, how to upgrade 12.04 beta?18:20
qbitonet: 12.04 is released today - see http://www.kubuntu.org/news/12.04-release18:22
qbitthere are links to release notes and upgrade instructions18:22
onetYea, i know. I have installed beta2 about 4-5 days ago... should i do something more like apt-get update and upgrade?18:22
onetOk, will read it18:23
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qbitonet: I'm in RTFM mode right now myself   :-)18:23
tsimpson!final | onet18:23
ubottuonet: If you install a development version of Ubuntu Precise and keep up with package updates, then you will be upgraded to the official release of 12.04 when it comes out. To make sure, type « sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade » in a terminal.18:23
BluesKajh2p, why are you asking here ,we aren't a head hunter advice resource ...you'll have to18:23
BluesKajask elsewhaere18:24
tsimpsonthey did, in several channels in fact18:24
onetubottu: nothink installed after this command18:24
ubottuonet: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)18:24
onetoh :D18:24
tsimpsononet: then you are up to date18:24
onetIm not sure this...18:25
onetI have 3.2.0-23-generic, should be 3.3** ?18:25
tsimpson!info linux-image-generic18:25
ubottulinux-image-generic (source: linux-meta): Generic Linux kernel image. In component main, is optional. Version (precise), package size 2 kB, installed size 31 kB18:25
tsimpsonthat's what's in precise right now18:26
BluesKaj`kdepim is broken ...anyone else having problems ...seems to me they must frustingly difficult to fix from the reaction I'm getting about it ... like no response18:26
onetSo, there was no changes from beta2?18:27
tsimpsonsure there were, beta2 was release a while ago, many changes since then18:27
BluesKajtsimpson, only a few changes since apr22 , one kernel upgrade18:28
qbitBluesKaj: still on 11.10 here and my kdepim seems to work OK. First attempt way back when in the move from kmail to kmail2 the migrate tool botched everything18:29
qbitBluesKaj: so the next attempt I skipped trying to use the migrate tool and just set it all up from scratch manually, and it has been relatively OK ever since18:30
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tsimpsonBluesKaj: beta2 was released in march18:31
qbitBluesKaj: I also never had anything to do with the sqlite akonadi backend (e.g. switching back and forth), but rather was on the mysql backend the entire time18:31
tsimpsonfor reference: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/precise-changes/2012-April/thread.html18:31
HusarWhere can i find sorces.list from 12.04?18:31
HusarMaybe my sorces ar not ready sync with hub18:32
qbitBluesKaj: very soon I will try the update to 12.04 and I will see if my luck holds wrt kdepim18:33
tsimpsonHusar: see /usr/share/doc/apt/examples/sources.list and replace with "precise" where appropriate18:33
alesanwhre did muon go? how can I install packages????18:33
alesanI just did the upgrade and muon disappeared!!!!!18:33
BluesKajqbit, I did a clean install about 5 weeks ago and installed kmail . At first it worked well , no probs . but gradually after updates/upgrades since it started crashing , now i can barely open an email without it segfaulting18:33
alesanI want to install some packages, what is the GUI application to do so? where is muon or kpackagekit???18:34
BluesKajok BBL ...errands18:34
georgelappiesthis is one slick fast and stable release :)18:43
BluesKajgeorgelappies, yeah , in some installs it is18:44
qbitI bet the mirrors are getting hammered18:44
JMichaelXanyone know what to do about the 32-bit lib being held back? can that just be removed?18:46
tsimpsonJMichaelX: which library?19:02
lordievaderGood evening19:04
JMichaelXtsimpson: ia32-libs19:05
tsimpsonJMichaelX: can you pastebin the exact error?19:06
serge_hello i'am recently installed kubuntu 12.04 an i have no sound while see movie on youtube19:07
JMichaelXtsimpson: all that is said is that ia32-libs is being held back19:10
georgelappiesserge_ did you install the restricted extra plugins?19:10
serge_georgelappies yes19:10
serge_kubuntu-restricted-extras installed19:11
serge_<georgelappies i have no sound only in flash19:11
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georgelappiesserge: firefox | chrome | reqonk ?19:14
BluesKajserge_, do you have pulseaudio installed19:14
serge_georgelappies firefox and reqonk19:15
serge_BluesKaj yes pulseaudio installed and i've got sound in amarok19:15
BluesKajserge_, have you installed kubuntu-restricted-extras ?19:18
serge_BluesKaj  yes19:18
georgelappiesserge_ is all flash vids without sound?19:20
serge_georgelappies all video in internet19:20
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BluesKajserge_, look in /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins , make sure libflashplayer.so listed there ..most browsers are set to look in that file for flashplayer sound19:22
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serge_BluesKaj i have flashplugin-alternative.so19:23
BluesKajserge_, do you use a pci soundcard or onboard ?19:24
serge_BluesKaj yes19:24
lordievaderAnyone else having problems with clementine?19:28
BluesKajserge_, open a terminal ,  locate libflashplayer.so19:29
BluesKajok serge_  cp /usr/lib/flashplugin-installer/libflashplayer.so /usrlib/mozilla/plugins19:32
BluesKaj correction : cp /usr/lib/flashplugin-installer/libflashplayer.so /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins19:33
serge_BluesKaj ok but flash still no have sound(19:34
asfyxialordievader, what kind of problems do you have with clementine?19:35
lordievaderasfyxia, Global hotkeys that do not work19:35
asfyxiaHmm, I don't use that, I guess. Because I'm not sure I know what a global hotkey is...19:37
asfyxiaYou mean the 'super' key with another, for a shortcut?19:38
lordievaderasfyxia, for example I have media keys on my keyboard, and I want to be able to where ever I am be able to control my media player.19:38
lordievaderasfyxia, yes, but than global19:38
BluesKajserge_, restart your browser19:39
asfyxiaOk, I understand. But still I don't have such a configuration, so I'm not experiencing it... Maybe someone else19:39
lordievaderThe global hotkeys of clementine do work in ubuntu 12.04 though...19:40
serge_BluesKaj nothing working19:40
serge_BluesKaj i have alsa plugin [firefox]19:40
BluesKajok serge_ make sure libflashplyer.si is listed in /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins19:41
pider_cannot upgrade from 11.10 to 12.04, no new realease found, help!19:43
serge_BluesKaj yes i have libflashplyer.so19:43
BluesKajserge_, maybe a reboot..not sure why it'ws not working19:44
serge_BluesKaj ok thanks19:45
mr-richanyone upgrade yet?19:46
lordievadermr-rich, I did, fresh install19:47
mr-richlordievader: over an 11.10 install?19:47
mr-richI want to upgrade, not clean install ...19:47
lordievadermr-rich, indeed, took an daily-build. I was impatient.19:47
lordievadermr-rich, I upgraded another box too, from 11.04 to 11.10 to 12.04 (but that is a ubuntu box)19:48
mr-richto much lose on this computer to do a clean install ....19:48
georgelappiesdoes LTS release mean that all software is kept at this version number forever? Like kde will always only be 4.8.2 in this LTS?19:48
lordievadergeorgelappies, No it means the support is longer than on normal versions, now 5 years I believe.19:49
tsimpsongeorgelappies: no, it means the packages will receive security updates and bug fixes much longer than in the normal releases19:49
tsimpson3 years on the desktop, 5 years on the server19:50
lordievaderAh oke, thx tsimpson19:50
georgelappiesok cool, so the packages will be updated as well to latest versions of them19:50
tsimpsonnot "the latest version", just bug-fixes and security updates. no new features19:51
georgelappiestsimpson: so kde will stay 4.8.2? and only bugs fixed?19:52
georgelappieswhats the difference between new feature and new version of software?19:53
tsimpsonit will stay 4.8.x, the last number is a bug-fix release19:53
georgelappiestsimpson: ok, I see thanks :)19:53
georgelappiestsimpson: that then applies to firefox and all the others as well19:54
tsimpsonyes, everything in main or restricted (not universe or multiverse)19:55
=== kurumin is now known as kurumin_
darthanubisanyone with an acer aspire with elantech pad?20:06
lordievaderkurumin_, hey20:06
darthanubisclose lid to sleep,reopen to find pointer no longer works20:06
kurumin_hey,speeking portugues20:06
tsimpson!pt | kurumin_20:07
ubottukurumin_: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.20:07
llntsimpson: it's now 5 years for the Kubuntu desktop.20:08
lordievaderSo I was right after all :P20:09
drostiecontributions to the torrent scene in dB(ratio) terms: +11.4 dB for kubuntu-active,  +12.1 dB for desktop-amd64, and +13.7dB for desktop-i386. :D20:09
Ezimhappy kubuntu 12.04 day all of you :).20:18
lordievaderEzim, same to you :)20:18
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Ezimlordievader, running :) 11.10. but with kubuntu-backports. :)20:19
lordievaderEzim, no plans on upgrading?20:19
Ezimlordievader, when I have time I will upgrade.20:20
EzimI already run kde 4.8.2 :)20:20
lordievaderEzim, there is indeed not much difference between 11.10 with backports and 12.04.20:21
Ezimlordievader, :) exactly. only kernel and other goddies.20:21
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mr-richI think I'll wait for the point release ...20:45
phoenix_firebrd12.04 released?20:50
phoenix_firebrdyofel: nice20:51
phoenix_firebrdyofel: how to upgrade from 12.04 beta 2 to final20:51
yofel!final | phoenix_firebrd20:52
ubottuphoenix_firebrd: If you install a development version of Ubuntu Precise and keep up with package updates, then you will be upgraded to the official release of 12.04 when it comes out. To make sure, type « sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade » in a terminal.20:52
Farsaji have problem with flash no sound after fresh install 12.04/ can you help me?20:52
phoenix_firebrdyofel: so the beta ppas will be disabled right?20:52
yofelphoenix_firebrd: which ones? by default there shouldn't be any enabled. And just updating to final won't disable anything20:53
phoenix_firebrdyofel: checked it, you are right, everything is in defaults. going to update :)20:56
=== pangolin is now known as IdleOne
cubbybearHi all I did a upgrade from 11.10 to 12.4 this morning and I have found that kmail is broken. The password box is grayed out in the settings module and I am unable to entry them so I am unable to send or recieve mail. Can some one help. Thanks21:13
datruthHow can I destroy the kde wallet service? everytime I boot up it comes up in 12.04 kubuntu?21:14
slugcubbybear: see if there's a window that's being obscured, kwallet maybe21:16
datruthI've shrunk my hard-drive and created a new partition how do I add it to linux?21:17
cubbybearslug: No kwallet window. This is frustrating as I KDE 4.8.2 working in 11.10.21:18
slugcubbybear: i'm upgrading a machine from 11.10 (with kde 4.8.2), let's see when it's done if i get the same problem21:19
cubbybearslug: I even tried deleting a Incomeing pop server and adding it back, but the password box was grayed out.21:21
PooshhMaoi'm having problems getting 12.04 installed on an Asus 1215n EEE pc  netbook21:30
PooshhMaoit's a peculiar problem21:30
PooshhMaothe install starts, and gradually gets very slow21:31
PooshhMaothe fan is making a lot of noise and eventually the laptop powers down because of overheating problem21:31
PooshhMaoit had the same problem with 11.04, but not with 11.1021:32
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JMichael|workgoogle's dl.google.com repo seems largely dead21:48
FloridaGuyWhats the difference between kubuntu-desktop & kubuntu-netbook?22:01
tsimpsonFloridaGuy: nothing, the netbook edition was a separate package in lucid, but it's now incorporated into normal Kubuntu desktop. so that package is there just as a transitional package that depends on kubuntu-desktop22:04
nurupoinstalled ubuntu dvd desktop adm64 12.0422:08
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nurupoand get this http://img600.imageshack.us/img600/3448/41994876.png22:08
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JMichael|worki am uncertain about what to do about ia32-libs. google-earth depends on that package. has that been replaced by ia32-libs-multiarch?22:11
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JMichael|workok, i just read in the forums that ia32-libs is just broken for now.22:19
JMichael|workit will remain so, until all of its dependencies have multiarch versions... bummer22:19
JMichael|worki just reinstalled ia32-libs from oneiric. sucks to do it that way, but it works.22:26
arrrghhhhey all.  can i use muon or whatever to change sources?  i tried to do this, and it's still the default sources...23:08
arrrghhhi go to the "Download from" drop down, currently has the 'main server'.  i pick 'other...' and then whether i select best server or pick one at random, after hitting OK download from still says "main server"23:09
arrrghhhhello?  anyone know how to change software sources in kubuntu?23:13
kubuntuHello everyone, I just did a fresh install of kubuntu 12.04 on my laptop, but I'm having one problem with the capture device, my headphone mic works just fine but my built in mic doesn't seem to show up in the capture devices of the sound settings, is there a fix for this?23:19
GH0Is 12.04 officially released for Kubuntu yet? If so, how would I go about upgrading? I assume sudo apt-get dist-upgrade ?23:20
kubuntuGH0 Yes it's been released, but I'm not sure about the upgrade command, but that sounds about right23:22
RiddellGH0: yes, read the upgrade instructions, no don't use dist-upgrade23:22
Riddellarrrghhh: Muon -> Settings -> Configure Software Sources23:23
=== kubuntu is now known as clashingwave
RiddellGH0: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PreciseUpgrades/Kubuntu23:23
arrrghhhRiddell, yes that's what i'm doing.  but it's not working -_-23:23
arrrghhhRiddell, not sure if you read what i posted, but i go there, make my selection, and it always goes back to "Main Server"23:26
Riddellarrrghhh: dunno I'm afraid, maybe it's detecting whatever mirror you are selecting isn't working or up to date23:29
Riddellor maybe it's a bug, I hear they're not unknown23:29
arrrghhhthe main server just seems slammed23:29
arrrghhhwas hoping to switch to something different23:30
arrrghhhi've done this tons of times, never had an issue... i guess manually editing sources.list is my next step :/23:30
arrrghhhwell then, that blows.23:32
tbruff13I need some help does anyone know a good guide for reclaiming space on my machine that was taken up by other installations of Kubuntu 12.04 from now on I only need one23:37
tbruff13I would use gparted but I was wondering if there is a built in utility23:37
clashingwaveIs anyone else having a problem with the internal mic on hda1200 on 12.04? if you have a fix please let me know ><23:37
Riddelltbruff13: partitionmanager is the usual one for kubuntu23:38
tbruff13Riddell, okay thanks, and I am also working on that blog as we speak23:39
tbruff13also has anyone written a guide on programs that people use in Gnome and their KDE counterparts that is actually up to date I had issues when i switched from the mess that is gnome 323:39
xixoryo, so, I am installing 12.04-beta2 or something like that, it won't be a problem to dist-upgrade after I install the beta, right?23:40
arrrghhhxixor, shouldn't be.23:40
bazhang!final | xixor23:42
ubottuxixor: If you install a development version of Ubuntu Precise and keep up with package updates, then you will be upgraded to the official release of 12.04 when it comes out. To make sure, type « sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade » in a terminal.23:42
arrrghhhoops.  fancy.23:42
tbruff13Riddell, are external repositories automagiclly updated to precise when the dist upgrade happens or do we have to search and enter those custom repos23:44
Riddelltbruff13: actually I think they're disabled23:45
tbruff13Riddell, yeah i know but if i just re enable them will they be for precise now or will i have to go out and update them23:45
xixorok, thanks23:47
Riddelltbruff13: that I'm not sure of23:48
tbruff13also has anyone written a guide when switching to KDE from Gnome because I had issues when I was first starting out this year, and I would like to work on one if that is welcome23:48
Riddelltbruff13: it would be an idea but you'd get problems because it's hard to define what is Gnome often (e.g. firefox or unity are often thought of as gnome but they're not)23:53
tbruff13Riddell, I see your point, but what I mean is things like gparted an things that are gnome specific or come with gnome for example I was used to running gedit now i run kate23:55
Riddelltbruff13: the other point I'd make is that it's not always a good idea to divide the world into the gnome app and the kde app, it discourages gnome desktop users from using kde apps even when they fill a need that the gnome one misses23:56
Riddellbut other than that, sure, go ahead :)23:56
arrrghhhand visa-versa.  the apps should run on either DE, but we all know that doesn't always work out like it shoud...23:57
tbruff13Riddell, where the fourms I would also like to write a guide for teachers as a part of my senior project when switching from windows to kde23:57
tbruff13Riddell, i used KDE apps in gnome but when i first started using kde I was so used to my gnome apps i just ignored my kde apps until my system was Kubuntu with basiclly a gnome de installed as well23:58
arrrghhhwhich you *should* be able to do.23:59
Riddellit's why KDE is no longer a desktop, the desktop is Plasma and it's made by KDE (a community of lovely people)23:59

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