
gary_posterbac benji frankban gmb call in 1 or 2, depending on how soon people get there12:09
gary_posterbac please land your cards in qa landing12:13
frankbangmb: when you can, please let's talk about the scriptactivity_pkey bug12:29
gmbfrankban, Okay, give me 10 minutes or so and I'll be free.12:30
frankbangmb: cool thanks12:30
bacgmb: https://juju.ubuntu.com/docs/constraints.html12:31
bacinstance-id is not listed12:31
bacer, image-id12:32
bacit's not listed too12:32
gary_posterbac, gmb, that irc conversation I found was of someone asking for the feature, sorry.  It describes why we don't have it yet, and that there's some interest in getting it in the future. :-/12:41
gary_posterOf course, that's from March 1212:41
gary_posterBut...not a good sign12:42
gary_postergmb, default-image-id: in environments just breaks now?12:43
gmbgary_poster, It's just ignored.12:43
gmbgary_poster, per the doc bac pointed out12:43
gmbgary_poster, Well, actually, not that version of the doc. There's one in the juju tree, though, that says...12:44
gary_posterI also see on that doc on the web, "All commands valid before the client upgrade should continue to work as before, as will the EC2 default-image-id and default-instance-type environment settings."12:45
gmbAlso removed "default-instance-type" and "default-ami" from ec    2 environment config, and set bootstrap to provision a machine from juju defaults. Note: appears to actually work as expected.)12:45
gmbAh, hang on.12:45
gmbMaybe default-image-id is not what I'm using...12:45
gmbHah. Putting default-image-id in environments.yaml makes juju yell at me.12:47
bacyeah, it started yelling a few weeks ago12:48
gary_posteryell and then do something, or just yell?12:48
gmbJust yell.12:48
* gary_poster thinks talking on #juju sooner rather than later would be wise12:48
gmbI'll talk to frankban first though.12:49
gmbfrankban, Shall we hang out?12:49
frankbangmb, ok12:49
gmbfrankban, I'm in goldenhorde12:49
gary_posteroh right, we have calls with me today too12:51
* gary_poster is slow on the weekday uptake this week.12:52
gary_posterbac, you declined our 3:30-4:30 Thursday meeting from now till kingdom come, I think.  Was that your intent?12:55
* gmb -> lunch13:16
benjigary_poster: lp:~yellow/subunit/real-time and lp:~yellow/subunit/test-count are ready13:20
gary_posterbenji cool on it13:20
* benji start the slack-time task of "get coffee"13:20
bacbenji: join me in goldenhorde after being caffeinated13:21
benjibac: will do13:21
gary_posterbac, did you mean to decline our Thursday 3:30 calls?13:21
bacvia gcal?13:22
bacno, it's been on my calendar13:22
bacdid something just change?13:22
gary_posteryou declined it about an hour ago13:22
gary_posterbenji, for ~yellow/subunit/real-time, does testrepository then need a change to not look into _buffered_calls?13:26
gary_posterfrankban, hi13:30
gary_posterhttps://talkgadget.google.com/hangouts/_/extras/canonical.com/goldenhordeoneonone ?13:30
frankbangary_poster: joining13:31
benjigary_poster: correct; we changed ~/yellow/testrepository/latest so that instead of it's subclass of FilteredTestResult that had these two properties, it just uses subunit.FilteredTestResult13:32
gary_posterfrankban, #ubuntu-server13:33
gary_posterbenji, cool.  I'll assume I should make a branch/MP for that too unless you stop me.13:50
benjigary_poster: +1 it should just be the last revision (or two) from ~yellow/testrepository/latest13:51
gary_posterbenji, bac, I have MPs for the real-time subunit branch and the associated testrepository branch.  Please doublecheck what I wrote.  https://code.launchpad.net/~yellow/subunit/real-time/+merge/103701 & https://code.launchpad.net/~yellow/testrepository/bug988481/+merge/103704 .14:21
gary_posterbenji, is the other branch really associated with bug 988481, or is it a separate issue?14:22
* bac looks14:22
_mup_Bug #988481: Testr tests generate an AttributeError when run with latest testtools <Testrepository:In Progress by yellow> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/988481 >14:22
benjigary_poster: cool, will do14:22
benjigary_poster: if "other branch" the last revision(s) ~yellow/testrepository/latest, then yes; if fixes that error by depending on the two branches you just made14:23
gary_posterbenji, no sorry, I meant ~yellow/subunit/test-count14:23
gary_posteris that for a separate issue?14:23
gary_posterit looks like it14:23
gary_posterif so, I think the MP should describe the problem, and I don't know what it is14:24
gary_posterother than the fact that it fixes testrepository somehow14:24
benjiit /might/ be possible to seperate the two14:24
gary_posterif you don't include this change, you still get that AttributeError on _buffered_calls?14:25
benjiright, it moves the testr behavior into subunit, but as you say it might be possible to just move the time (_buffered_calls) fix into subunit and keep the testr FilteredTestResult class with just the test count code and removing the time bits14:26
* gary_poster should figure out how to set up a venv of the various dependencies14:26
benjiI think it should be possible to keep the time bits and still avoid the AttributeError14:26
gary_posterso, this test-count branch *plus* the real-time branch together make it possible to dump the testrepository version of TestResultFilter.  If you only want to do one or the other, you'll have to add testrepository's TestResultFilter subclass back and do surgery of one nature or the other.  The branches you are submitting seem like the cleanest approach, which is why you prefer it.14:29
gary_posterbenji, is that on the right track? ^^14:29
gary_posterthey say they don't want lock step releases14:29
benjigary_poster: exactly14:29
gary_posterok cool14:29
gary_posterthanks, will clarify testrepository MP14:29
* benji contemplates how to make this non-lockstep14:30
gary_postergmb, https://talkgadget.google.com/hangouts/_/extras/canonical.com/goldenhordeoneonone14:30
* benji realizes that the breakage was lockstep14:30
gmbgary_poster, Yep.14:31
gmbgary_poster, Okay, I'm free now :)14:41
gary_posterok gmb, rejoining :-)14:41
benjigary_poster: those MPs look good to me14:49
bacbenji: is the diff in the MP for subunit correct?  i thought more changes were made to subunit.14:57
benjibac: I think it's correct, he's doing two MPs, one for the time fowarding bits and one for the test count bit14:57
bacok.  2 for subunit and 1 for testrepository then?14:58
frankbangary_poster: it seems that serge didn't know about the missing sanity check in get_init_pid, see discussion in #ubuntu-server15:01
gary_posterfrankban, serge is awesome :-)15:01
gary_posterbenji, thanks for review of MPs.  One more simple one: https://code.launchpad.net/~yellow/subunit/test-count/+merge/10371715:21
benjik, looking15:21
benjigary_poster: it looks good, but the "We could instead continue to subclass in testrepository" might be better phrased as "We don't know how to continue to subclass in testrepository"15:22
gary_posterbenji, oh?  ok, don't understand why exactly but will go on faith.  will adjust.15:23
gary_posterfrankban approved https://code.launchpad.net/~frankban/launchpad/bug-987442-testSimpleScriptRun/+merge/10370615:23
frankbangary_poster: thanks15:23
benjiI can explain in a hangout in a few minutes if you want.15:23
gary_postercool benji sounds good thanks15:24
gary_posternot that important but would be nice to know15:24
benjiok, gary_poster, want to chat?15:35
gary_posterfrankban, am I correct in assuming that the proposed lxc-ip --search-interface option would ignore -s?15:36
gary_posterbenji yes thanks!  one more IRC message to write...15:36
frankbangary_poster: I was thinking about that...15:36
frankbangary_poster: it would ignore -i too...15:37
gary_posterbac, #juju comment was actually about canonical-tech list15:37
bacgary_poster: found it15:38
benjigary_poster: the horde awaits15:38
benjibac: building: http://ec2-23-22-36-49.compute-1.amazonaws.com:8010/builders/lucid_lp/builds/016:56
gary_posterbenji, I don't know if you saw, but somewhat as predicted, real-time was fine and has been merged, but jml has comments on https://code.launchpad.net/~yellow/subunit/test-count/+merge/103717 .  I'll be interested to see how you think you would like to reply17:27
benjigary_poster: yeah, I'm thinking about it now.  Right now I'm leaning toward your idea of how to keep the behavior isolated to testr17:28
gary_posterbenji, cool.  Re http://ec2-23-22-36-49.compute-1.amazonaws.com:8010/waterfall , I expected to see more output--more logs, yes?17:29
benjiI will probably begin working on a branch momentarily.17:29
gary_posterand status changes17:29
gary_posteris this a pre-run?17:29
gary_posterbranch: cool17:29
benjigary_poster: hmm, yeah I would have too17:30
gary_posterthe only change I see is that the output is now fully subunit17:30
benjigrr, firefox has frozen up on me17:30
gary_posterit looks like your changes are not actually hooked up or something17:30
benjithe subunit output suggests that at least the master.cfg changes are being used; let me log into the ec2 machines and poke around17:31
gary_posterDid everybody else already realize that --load-list apparently discards the requested ordering?17:48
gary_posterSo, we get the exact order of tests run now with our recent work17:48
gary_posterbut --load-list ignores that ordering17:49
gary_posterkinda sucks17:49
bacgary_poster: that's not good18:02
gary_posteryeah :-/18:02
gary_posterso, that calls into doubt all of my recent "not an isolation error" evaluations for cards on our board18:02
bacgary_poster: van hoof submitted his lp2kanban patch yesterday which i reviewed and merged a little while ago.  nice addition of 'addCard' to a lane object.  go community.18:03
gary_posteryay bac.  I wonder if we should make a package for the generic bits (which are in one file IIRC)18:04
bacactually a couple of file18:04
bacgary_poster: seems premature until there is more uptake, i think18:05
bacor maybe that's backwards thinking18:05
gary_posterit is advertised by lp2kanban18:05
gary_posterI mean18:05
gary_posteradvertised by the kanban people18:05
bacoh really?  did i know that?18:05
bacgary_poster: might be a fun test for pkgme18:05
gary_posterbac, http://blog.leankitkanban.com/2011/12/leankit-kanban-api-wrappers/ and http://support.leankitkanban.com/entries/20807108-leankit-api-wrappers-and-examples18:07
gary_posterbac, this was from benji's most recent run.  Didn't we have some sort of answer for this?18:10
* gary_poster has forgotten18:10
baci ran into that problem earlier in the week and it mysteriously went away18:10
bacbenji landed a branch a few weeks ago to address it18:11
bacthe bzrplugin throws away all of these messages until the correct sentinel is seen18:11
benjithat branch addressed somethign similar, I don't recall that particular error though18:11
bacso, i remain confused as to why this is cropping up now18:11
bacbenji: that specific error message  was in the bug your branch fixed i recall18:12
gary_postersounds like a bug to file...though I may wait till we have a pretty output.  I could make one from the subunit output...we'll see how excited I get.18:12
* gary_poster decides that it is a great time for a water break.18:12
bacbug 97245618:13
benjibac: right, but I seem to remember the test failures were of a different flavor; they were all concerned with starting the bzr server; I don't think that fix will help this test18:13
_mup_Bug #972456: Tests can fail when bzr emits an unexpected "unsupported locale setting" warning <paralleltest> <qa-untestable> <Launchpad itself:Fix Released by benji> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/972456 >18:13
bacbenji: o18:13
* bac is glad the shop owner downstairs is playing something good today -- arcade fire, atm18:14
bacso benji, those logs don't show up automagically?  (i'm watching you edit)18:27
benjibac: at this point I'm just trying to get any log to show up (other than stdio)18:28
benjiI can't for the life of me figure out why our logs aren't being displayed.18:28
benjigary_poster: one-on-one?18:30
gary_posterbenji, https://talkgadget.google.com/hangouts/_/extras/canonical.com/goldenhordeoneonone18:31
gary_postermy image is not moving in the hangout...oh there it goes18:31
bacbenji: so did it barf?18:39
benjibac: it's almost there: http://ec2-23-22-36-49.compute-1.amazonaws.com:8010/builders/lucid_lp/builds/518:39
gary_posterbac, more water, shoudld be ready in 219:28
bacgary_poster, ok19:32
bachangout url?19:32
gary_posterbac, sorry was 4 https://talkgadget.google.com/hangouts/_/extras/canonical.com/goldenhordeoneonone19:32
bacbenji, pair in horde?19:53
benjibac: sure19:53
bacwow, sometimes you can communicate with making no sense19:53
bacgary_poster, benji : when i run update-manager i still get the warning about packages being held back / partial upgrade.  i thought that would clear up when the release was out (wishful thinking).  y'all know anything about how to resolve it?20:58
gary_posterbac, well, I don't have that problem now, but when I did, I danced around between update manager, apt-get and aptitude.20:59
gary_posterThe three of them have different algorithms to determine how to clear things up20:59
bacgary_poster, apt-get shows the same set as being held back20:59
gary_posterat one point aptitude was the only one that could tell me what to do20:59
baci'll try aptitude20:59
gary_posterand I had to examine the options20:59
bacoh, ok20:59
baci think that 'partial upgrade' button is demonic.21:00
gary_posterit turned out that one of the options was to remove a set of packages that had become obsolete and replaced with another21:00
gary_posterthat was the right option21:00
gary_posterthat was really the worst I've had21:00
gary_postereverything else has been fine21:00
bacso is your install clean now?21:00
gary_posteraptitude is generally my go-to manager for this stuff, because of the ability to examine solutions, but even it sometimes is bettered by one of the other two.  I think it is bac; I'll check.  It was yesterday morning, I think.21:01
gary_posterThat was the last time I tried an update.21:01
gary_postertrying now21:02
gary_posterbac, I have 16 updates right now with a resolution problem; trying.21:08
gary_posterbac, aptitude seemed fine with it when I ran sudo aptitude; downloading updates now21:10
bacgreat.  i'm in the middle of 'apt-get install aptitude' so i'll know soon21:11
gary_posterbac, do you have a moment to look at https://code.launchpad.net/~gary/launchpad/bug988541/+merge/103778 and see if you think I'm right that ordering doesn't matter?  I figure two people saying "huh, I, uh, guess so" is probably better than one.21:17
gary_posterif not no biggie21:17
gary_posterthank you21:17
bacgary_poster, i think you could have used assertContentEqual21:18
gary_posterbac, oh, nice, ok21:19
baciirc it is an ordering agnostic list compararator21:19
gary_posterI'm trying to verify21:19
gary_poster    def assertContentEqual(self, iter1, iter2):21:21
gary_poster        """Assert that 'iter1' has the same content as 'iter2'."""21:21
gary_poster        self.assertThat(iter1, MatchesSetwise(*(map(Equals, iter2))))21:21
gary_posterSounds like it, I think.  Will switch.21:21
bacgary_poster, comparing sets is heckuva lot more understandable!21:25
gary_posterbac, I thought so too :-) but this is better21:26
gary_posterthank you21:26

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