
slick666Hey guys02:02
slick666I've been looking around and I can't seem to find this02:02
slick666github has a resume page02:02
slick666does launchpad have this or are people working on this?02:03
slick666anyone know?02:03
benjislick666: nope, there's no resume-like thing; you could build an app that would generate one using the web service API though, that would be cool (https://help.launchpad.net/API)02:05
slick666benji: thanks for the heads up02:08
slick666who would I need to talk to to help set this up?02:09
lifelessnoone, you should be able to do that entirely via the API02:10
* slick666 starts read the API02:12
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vibhavCan I upload to the quantal distroseries on my PPA now?13:31
wgrantvibhav: Not yet. quantal won't exist for another few hours, and won't open for PPA uploads for perhaps a couple of days.13:32
geservibhav: no hurry, you'll have more than enough time to contribute to quantal till October13:33
vibhavMy exams would start soon, SO I want to get it into fixing bugs for quantal soon13:35
vibhavnever mind then13:35
geservibhav: right now you can use precise for testing your quantal fixes as precise and quantal won't differ much for the next few days (till the auto-syncing starts)13:39
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awilkinsApologies for repeating what I've just asked in the dev channel ; is there a statechart diagram of the Launchpad bug statuses available?14:14
wgrantawilkins: Any transition is permitted, assuming you hold sufficient privileges. https://help.launchpad.net/Bugs/Statuses14:15
awilkinswgrant, Ah, thanks14:15
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flacostelifeless: are you available for a call?20:07
lifelessflacoste: otp just now sorry20:08
lifelessafter that though20:08
flacostelifeless: ok, let me know when you are free20:14
lifelessflacoste: hi22:13

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